fifir irrCi iTc;;r.if:u for liiC Clime, of i Lifi.Wi;; , tnhciit mcr . rthctlMT they mil hold 4 sort ol civ il crimiiMUon, where the accused i entitled to the merttj 'an lnirqcfiMrmtf uhcthtr Ihcj II .!. .1..!. I.Mll.JM-l.l .... 4. It will y Willi incir tnntiwi ,mi.cioi c will not tamper with the laws of KiigbiJ." I appeal o Ac ermincd, indr;rnlsin jude whether life is lo be mode perpetual iiuliutuent whether two acquittal should not diuountc mnce third cpeimriit whe liter, f uiy sub- icct'sultor came to their tnbuiul thut unum ttanctd, claiming cither divorce or compensation, ,S. their would grant his suit and Invoke from ' them, by the eternal majesty of Iinti.h jumicc, -the tamo measure Tor Ibe peasant and the prince! I appeal to the 0MMont in parliament a7. ' Mr., representing. the fathers and the husbands tX the nation I beseech them by the outraged morals of the land ! by the overshadowed dignity ut the throne I by the holiest uud tendci eit fui mt of religion ; by the honor of the army, the unc tity of the church, the safety of the state, and the - - character of the country i by the solemn tirtuei ' 'which consecrate their heart! by those find en - -dearments-of-nature -tU-of-4abit-whkh.altach them to their ciici ifcd niivca and families. I im- pfore their tears, their prcrtecltbnranTtheir'pity upon the married widow and the childless mother. Co those high power and authorities I appeul with the firmest confidence in their honor, their integrity, and their, wisdom. May their conduct justify my faith, and raise no blush on the cheek of our posterity. ' , I have the honor to subscribe myself, sire, your majesty's most faithful subject, CIIAULE3 PHILLIPS. t bw-tobc, orr. 30. VERT I1TE FHOM EUROPE. Yesterday morning die brig White Oak, cant. Fouler, tain J from IJvcrpool, oAcr a paagc of 22 days, fur nihiii livcrpooj dates to the 4di of October. In the afternoon the regular trading ship Importer, capt. Lee, arrived from the aatnt port in 21 days. By tltii arrival the cditora of the Commercial Advertiser hare received from their correspondents the lodon Courier to the rtemng of the 4th October, inclusive i Lloyd's Iit to the 3d i Liverpool Trade Litt ami pap'rs to the Gth. The house of lords met on the 3d ot October, pursuant to adjournment. The London papen say that the inter mt excited on the trial of the Queen increases aa it pro presses. The crowd which filled the streets, and ho veru pressing towards the houiw of lord, was greater than on any former occasion. Between ten and eleven o'clock, it seemed "as if all the populace of London and the vicinity liad collected between Wack-Friart Bridge and Millbank, covering not only the Strand, and the spacu from Whitehall southward, but Black-Friar, Wa terloo, and Westminster Bridges, and every intermediate street from which s view of the river could be had-or V hoped for. At 11 o'clock, ahlKxigh a great part of the procession had pawed, it was impossible tp get nearer to Waterloo BnUgc than tnc houses on tne norm nuc oi tnc ' Ctrand opposite to it. The number of boats tar exceed ed thai collected by any of the annual shows on the wa ter. . Among these, tftree large ttcum veuttU, filled with passengers, made a conspicuous figure. A very large, arge, with flag and a band if music, contained the cjtiefsof the procession and many femalcs;.v ; ' Aftcraome preliminary business, the Queen' counsel yrtn called "InT'and Mr." Brongh am- commenced - hit speech, which was not concluded until the next day at fealf past twelve. ThU speech occupies fifteen columns of the Courier. At twenty minutes past one, Mr. Wih liatnS- adranecd to the bar, and was proceeding to ad 'dress the house, when the Lord Chancellor obseryed, 'that, as it appeared to be the intention of Mr. W. to . fuDow Mr.. Brougham in a second address, he must re mind their lordships, that it was at their discretion whe thcr to admit the course contemplated by the counsel for the defence t hot he was sure the house would akTce 1 with himy that in so important a case, it would be: bft exercised by permitting it." The 'suggestion was unnn iinously acceded to, and Mr. illiams comnienced. The speech of this gentleman is not contained in the London jrtperav ' . ; " .-Thqhonse of, Tonli assembled on the 3d. Apologies r ere made for the non-attendance of several peers. Among those absent were lord Sheffield, the bishop of Bangor, the earl of Chichester, and duke of Newcastle t , lords Gambicry Ibrwood, and H'.lLsboro, did not answer on the caD. The discussion commenced with some explanations on the affairs of tle Vlariettia, at Milan. Counsel wera then called in, and Mr. Brougham com menced an address about half past 10, and continued till one, when he was indulged three quarters of an hour; be then resumed, and continued his speech till 4, when tlie house adjourned. lie fihinhed on the following day, in the afternoon. .His remarks occupy 18juf the close columns of the limes. lie closed in a verysolcmn man- . jr, as foUowst i . .. r My Lords t;I implore and entreat of you to pause before rm pronounce ) (Mir best judgment on the evi dence that has'becn pnKluced. It you do not, it will be ..' ' tlift only judgment that will fail of producing the inten- r - ded effect, And return upon yoursclvea,-lttscue.your country from the impending danger. Uescuc the throne froraj&ajconardv in which it in ut present placed, lies- jMiethe ctiurch from the ruin which threatens itJtcs t.C4 num., iii v. iii (ut ijiif r ' i r' il.- i (f I'lruu r n ut tin ir f"r i inn! cue'the aristocTacy of England from thc""exccratlons; of that people, separated from whom, you can no more es cape than I the blosiom torn from the stem. The King and the Church have been pleased to exclude the Queen from the prayers of the nation s but the prayers of her people have been doubled and redoubled, and never shall I cease lo implore of the Throne of Mercy to show er down the treasure of its mercy on that generous peo ple wliictE thclJantltiCt of the rutawdoes not deserve." At the meeUBjy on the 28th at Freemason' Hall, Mr. Tlobhouse was cidled to thu cluiir. It was resolved, Tliat Mjmrfers have, wantonly and wickedly entrapped their SOTereij inla a despotic petwctttlb1i''efBeJ'tlacv1f' t which the laviYahd coh!Ututio;i W c i-c violated-and that the said mihistMSuicserve impeachment, Sic. Alderman ' Tood contTatuluted'he meutiug on tle evidence that : was to be produced ;v-hich, hesaid. he could assert, would eotne out like thunder upon all. It 'appears by the language of the Emperor Alexander, Jn his speech at the opening, of the Polish diet, on the 13th oi September, thai the recent changes in Spain, Na ples, and Portugal, ai1 fcditated at St. Petei-sburg with no fricodly eye. ; The progress of tlie revolution is as cribed to the snitit or v J," in one part of Europe, and the heaping .of crimes andconvulsions On each other.' t About 3v witnesses hadTprrivcd in fayor of the Queen, "f heir rceeption in Engbncniuite the reverse of those who landed at Dover, and whotaNrver in behalf of the Crown. The intelfiarehcd from Naoles is' tothe 12th of Sent. A letter of that date states, "that aecothts had been re - i m ;ind r IV iii !, nidi t!u Iliut f.ljh'l t;t(4 liucl rnter-d l'ul r.u. oi'il Urli. a 1'C hi ad if In uriii), 'lit': li.tllo i l h..i l t t lmc taken pl.uT ulcxit iiiili fnui Pub rii'ii.nii l i'ie utv to Luc hrcn r cHvid by tch-jfi ajb, and geii'Tal'y rrcdiUm." A paprr of October '2 , Siis that evtrul other icucm iuic uciu rcccivcu, Hiacu itintun uio sainc iiiici lijfrnce. Hie rrnperor of Auiiria has addressed a noto to the Gt-rumn court, resinctlng the tifliiirs o" Nnplcs. XV v rrgrrt otir limit j will not fuhu;; of iu iiutrtuii at Unjh, The emperor says t : ' M'i1c late events in the kingdom of Naples have pro vrl more clearly and impn ivcly than any other prece dm occum nces of this kind, that even in a rvifuhr and well-governed state, among a quiet, , temperate itopl, jVit'ulied with tluir government, the poisii'i;i influence cr revolutionary sects may,fatiy the nmst violent run. vuUioiw, and a aadden revolution. For it is clearly dun. onstrattd, that the intrigties of the CarlKinari alone, with it any external impulse witluxit any cvcM plausible pri tc xt, conned, those aedhious. motcnients wiiich indii. cvd his majesty, tlie king of Naples, in a oioim nt'of i m. barrasKmeutjo lay down the government to ditwolve all the existing authoritv, and to proclaim constitution ah solute ly foreign to his countr), ?nd as yet untried, evert in the cmntry "which gave it birth in other wtmls,' iy is law. , a-u , """ His majesty, tlie emperor, is sonvinced that thisun. expected event wdl have made the moat lively impres sion on all die (ernian courts. It teache,hy aTnc7iH)t ruble example, how dangerous it is to contemplate with contemptuous indifierencc the operations of secret ao. ciationa, and of conspiracies skulking hi the dark, and how wiiy the German princes have acted in opposing vigilance and vigor to tlie fint symptoms of those dan gerous attempts." Ttt"jri, strr. 16. Tlie army which is In fall march for Nsplt, ami which conaixted at first of only twcnty-on regiments of infiuit ry, eiglit n gimenti of cavalry, and a corps of artillery proportioned to these forces, das been increased to forty two regi:ncnts of infante and eighteen regiments of cavahy, with the nece ssary artillery . Tliis army wa to be aitaemhled near Trtviao, on the 15th inst. The offi cers of the regiments which proceed to Italy, and of those which form the garrison of this capital, have re ceived a gratuity equal to two months' pay. It is said that general Count de Frimout will liave the command in chief of tlie troops collected in Lombardy. Prince Philip, of Hesse Hamburg, and Count Walmoden, who are to command under i.iui, are about to set out for the arrow The Prince of Monfort. (Jerome Bonaparte,) has received permission to reside at Trieste, coufonuably to the u iiJies of his wife. FROM ST. DOMINGO. LMrOUT.tXT. 51W-T9BK. vor. 4. CapL Mason, of the schr. Wey- moutli, in 22 days from Port au Prince, has furnished some particulars of the disasters by the gale at that place on tlie 29th Sept Three American Teasels were entire ly lost outside the harbor, and great damage was done to the coffee plantations in the neighborhood. . .1- 1 - ' f A L A. A. W 1 r. t. - J1J lie auo uuonns, uiai .uis i.Dipcror vunsiopuc ujcuuu the 5di July last, and that the circumstance had been kept icret till this time, by lus family, with a view, it w sHid, of placing his son on the throne. A revolt, how. ever, had taken place among the troops, and the" secret was let out. A bodr of 6,000 troops at St. Marks had sent a deputation to Port an Prince, asking protection of ine rrcsuieiii inner, wuo was anonisuca a. ui luieui gence, and would pot believe it till he had sent one of r- a . r ih to, . i .:.u nu auis xo asccnain xnc incr. i ira ouiccr nuvncu tui a full confirmation of the news,-and Boyer immediately si;t tfft put himself at the Jjead of thereroUed troops. aad enicrrd'M; Uwkst Oe nead 6f 18,000 mei tn trl. nmph. Active measures were taking to lit out all the aniK-d vessels at Port au Prince, and it was believed the President would subjugate the territory of his old enemy without any difficulty. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. . s AtTfMORK, kov. 7. By the schooner Barracoa, capt Raymond, arrived at this port yesterday from Gonaives, we learn that King Henry 1st. (Christophe) committed suicide by blowing out his brains, about ten days before tlie sailing of the Barracoa., He had been struck with a paralytic in July-4lie Irmy taking1 advantage of his in capacity to act, revolted, first, at St. Marks herethey killed the governor five regiments at the Cape were then ordered by Christophe to march against the insur gents; rhen assembled they refused, and turned their arms against him. - ......... I 8ALISBUKV, (N. C.) TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 1820. TO coBtitirosinfcST. "J..t't." communication is laid by till our next: it shall then appear.' " Pubucs" is on file. i- :: : : siwd.ii' school. ? a We take great pleasure in being enabled to mention tlie organization of a Sunday School Institution in this place, both, on account. of its importance to tire community, and as'reflecfing honor on the ladies of Salisbury, through wlmse instrumentality it has been put in operation, and to whose benevolence and disinterested exertions K must look for perpetuity and usefulness. This institution can not be viewed in the light of a theoretical experiment! for its usefulness has had a practical demonstration in Great Brftain, and in almost every part of our ow.n country ; its beneficial consequences to the world are-tested by the thousands who have been rescued by its means from vice and infamy and its reward is fbmid In the gratifudfe an4 benedictions of those who have felt its healing influences! and whose path has been radiated with its life-giving light. But at. is not our intention to pronounce a eulogy on Sabbath Schools, nor to administer the unction of flat tery to the ladies of Salisbury; for one is as. unnecessary as the other would be unacceptable .:..hut we merely wish to exprcssjour grajtifipftion at witnessing this establish ment, and our hope that the results may be equal to the maghitude of tlie object.. We are likewise assured that the gentlemen are bt iixlifiercnt spectators of tliese laii dablc exertions of the ladies, but that they feel a lively interest in th'cit-'successful isiue.-; ' CKEXT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. At tKe CVtre hdw and Fair held at Utica, N. Y. for mo at res (T corn, j'u Min;; I ' ini'r.'in In liu.'. . Fit 3 IimhIii-I pi-r ftfre fur :o do. )i Idinjf 1-1 biiihrN 2J'ji'uii vwh for 0 am prodiiL-iii f ;it !i J I "J bu..!ir-U ijuailj and fr due tc the product tf hi;h was I.s0 hiislwh Cd qiuilu. To the sjilrit cf ii.ijirovrim nt and emulation, awalrnid bik! nourikhed hy Agricultural bocittiis, mnit he attributed (hi astonishing incrcav: in the protluctious of the S iil; snd let a Eke spirit but once he euitcd among oir lar int ra, and we should ve our laiuU im n c in ulic and our statu in lOipeeUbiKly cquulr uitli our sister states. There la another subject, although not directly, )et collaterally eonncned with this, 1. c, thelnipmvrnicnt of our 1s antlthu jcon4ructioo of bridges, It is a notorf. ous fart, t!ud o ir nmds in general are very 1 Unit we are lamentably deficient in bridges. Of the truth of tlie latter we luve frequent and vexatious convictions, in tlic'failure'of our most import int mail on every liilkt rVcuhetr This state of tilings houtd not continue. Iflhe wcahh tf a state consists in the excellence pf its roads tlie number of its bridgcsaiid canals, where, than, ith wealth of North-Carolina ) Sun ly it U time for men of enterprise, iiittlligcjicc, and weajtlu io rotnhine their re- sources to impruvc DurJulcrnalxouditiou and .to ;h'at e the character of the statc4 .And.tfc trust that in this pa. triotie undertaking even our eaitern brethren would join, without being disturbed by the fear of inno: uU.;.( on the customs and opinions of their faUicrs. IMPOSTORS. W'c took occasion, a few weeks ago, to put the public on their guard against impostors, uho arc strolling thro' the country, and under various false pretences, picking the pockets of our citizens of tlie avails of their indus try, to pamper and feed these bloated excrescences on the public body ; and we learn from the following letter that they are still practising their hnpmitions among us, nd adding insult and injury to hypocrisy. We again ad vise the people to keep their money in their jiockcts, and to lash these miscreants from their houHen. Kx raacT or a letter to the editors. " A few days ago a man purporting hitmelf to he a foreigner, and pretending to collect money for the unfortunate inhabitants of an Italian city, which, it would seem from his papers, had been destroyed by some. mighty. convulsion, in nature, on his vitit at tvo bouses in this county, (CaUr- rus,) solicited money, but it so happened that there was none at that time in the ponession of the persons from whom he asked it. tie then abused the persons belonging to those houses in a most shameful manner. At one house there were no persons present but an old man and his wife, who were unablejto strike TnTs impostor out of existence ; and at the other house there -was a woman with some young children, whn met the same ill treatment. This villain is about 2 3 y ears of sge perhaps 5 feet 8 inches high, and has sandy hair. There are many such characters now in the United States, and it behoves the people to be on their guard against them' -James Farewell, who now fives in Lincoln county, for. merry of the Pennsylvania line, Geo. Wagner's brigade. crippled by a wound received in the revolutionary war, and placed on the pension . Est last winter, on receiving his certificate from the IVar Department entitling him to a pension, inquired of a gentleman of his acquaintance if it was sufficient, and hat course to pursue ; who, af ter giving James the necessary directions, observed M Well, James, it is now near 40 years since you have re ceived any thing Xor your public services ; you must tiy to live as long as you can to draw for the time past. James answered in the tniQ soldier style Yes, s'r, I intend to do so ; but when general orders come from above, I miiMt nuirch then. You know, sir, that general orders must be obeyed." A very good hint to each of us, ss we are all as subject to the general orders referred to as the old soldier. ar.e anj res:, t roLttJ hun the tvc li'.vc t rol. anuvMi Socraiic lcson first, to lave thread to fuic thcr.i a nji)f this vf4 country, contain- ' inj; within the limits of lite unutii Ucniy-!iir in dependent states all having a luicc in this elec tion fctioitd!y to have foimd the state of Penn sylvania tlditlly, the city of Philadelphia ; and then lo have set about counting up their certain pjrUjru iiilialiiun tliis tnli speck ujkjii tho map I ' 'What a deal of trotiblo I hey tnij;hl have Saved thcnuelvesln thUaindr of the anti-slavrry ticiet and in modestly rctitin frnm the battle, where the odds were somewhere aUmt a million' to one, tlu ir conduct would never Inve been lu (dc(o (ha lidicufaand contempt of their ouo frytfcn.- . , t - "' 'V:,,-V;"' - . Hut to leave tliese ultra pat i lots to their mor-. lificarfon. Wc nuy safely congratulate the coun try upon the re -election of Jamct Monroe, by tho unanjinous vote of tho atates.-ThisisatriuinDh hicli miWlu gratify tTieTroinhttkirrbfeTerr thr proudest heart hitherto it has been the lot of iio man in this country, save the great and good Washington, to receive such m one ; it. uss de r nied to-all iho other predecessors of JameVIon- , ttier Snrcly-this rmtleman mtit have displayed - , in the preceding frnir years of his administration, ull the virtues of ancient patriotism, together with all the experience in the ort of government uf modern times, so to have united in his favor the vu lions conflicting interests and once violent and bitterly opposed parties, o( this extensive un i'm. Come from what cause it may, we hail thU unanimity in the choice of chief magistrate, o un omen of many happy days for our country, ond us holding up to the admiration of foreign eountiicH a beautiful illustration of popular gov ernment in the practice. Ptt. Intelligencer. REPORTI.W. OX. 1'GRAYD 8C.1I.E. In the British house of lords, observes die N. York Evv. iiing Post, is a space allotted to the gentlemen connected with the public papers, who daily attend to take notes. The number eiigMgetl in this employment, amounts to 100, including the morning and evening journals. Itc sides the, there arc other gentlemen connected with the weekly joumali, and widi papers published cither twice or thrics a week. A tickot as insued for the ad miWion of oiic gentleman connected with eat h paper : so that there were generally 20 or 30 reporters in the house at one time.- Tliese were relieved hy their coadjutors, at Jhc end of cv-ry hour. The greatest exertions were iiide in this way by the evening Papers, which general ly published from three to four columns of the proceed iiig at four o'clock in th; afternoon of the same day j aitd in second, third, and fourth editions gave sketches of die business to the adjournment. It may not be unin teresting to state, that the estimated sum annually re ceived by the literary gentlemen connected with the Lum don journals alone exceed I 45,000. Dhtreuing On Friday last, a fire broke out in Clin ton, which, before its destructive progress could be ar rested, 'destroyed one-third of the town ! thai 'Is, the grand cast square ! ! It was truly a melunclndy sight i but, thanks to the foresight of the people in not building there, no Atii, but a great many $tumpt fell victims to the all devouring element ! trm. Exertions are making to establish a Peniten tiary in the District of Columbia, and a memo rial will be presented to Congress, the present session, to have a law passed for that purpose, and also to sbficirc6htiib treasury, or the public property in the District, " equal t& the benefit which the proposed iosiitu tion wUrdirectly confcTwthe nation." ' THE scim-annual cxaiuination of the pupils will com. mrnc? on MomLy, the 4tb, and cltme on Thursday, the 7th of December next. Parents and guardians are rrftetfully requested to attend. The exerciics will recommence on the. first Monday of January wat. ,. ... .. In the femaleqepartment are taught reading, writing, English Grammar, srit lime tic, geography, Hk? use of the globes, belles lett res, history, drawing, painting, music, and nectllc-work. In the male department are taught tlie usual branches of literature. f'22tf) TUO. L. COWAN, S-rrftarif. WcvtVesboro (alusim) Actucny. TilK semi-annual Examination of the Pupils in both Departments of this Seminary, will commence on Monday the 4th December, and terminate on the Satur day following.' Parents and guardians of pupils, and tlie. public generally, are respectfully invited to attend. Kv order of the Board. Air. ith, 1820. W. F. 8MITII, &rrrtary. N. B. Tlie Cxercises of tliis Seminary will neommence on Oifl second Monday m January, 1821. - 5w2a C. W. Campbcll, Esq. late Arr&assador from the United States to tlie court of Russia, has ar rived, with his family, tit -New-York. ltm PRESipjri.iL ELE CTIOJV. The iniportanu:rcction of President of the U nited States passes over without noise and with out bustle. ; Such are the claims of JameJWo?i- roe u pbn t he con fidence of "the ASmtricin yto pie, resulting from" the wise and patriotic tenor of his administration, that scarcely a thinking man in the country has at any period contempla ted serious opposition to his re-elevation to that high office.! And although it is true, that certain discontented characters in the city of Philadel phia, who profess to be the partisans of ukwit Cli kton, madome fttr a few.dajs previous to the election, with the view of starting what they called un 44 Anti-Slavery Ticket i' yet it was only a solitary ripple on the smooth and' majestic stream of the popular will the vote even in that city furnishes a silent but pointed comment upon the folly of the attempt. How strange and in consistent is the conduct of some men ! Why Statu ttank ot sVoYtU-CuToWna, Jialrrgh, 311 Otttber, 1820. TT will be recollected, that owners of Shares in this Dank, subscribed December 1818, will be entitled to profit after the dividend to be declared next December, agreeably to the terms of the subscription. To the end that Uic names of the subscribers for this New Stock, or their assignees, may be ascertained and entered on the books of this bank, the receipts of full payments of said shares should be forwarded to this office immediately after the 15th of December next, when such receipts will hi; cnncfL'd, and evidwet of stock issued ili'tbw names of the real owners thereof. None but those who may lavi fully paid for the stock on the 15th December next, will be entitled to share the profits of the institution,! or considered as stockholders. Published by order of the Board of Directors. """ "1523 wilrBOYLANri'rwf,- SttaveA or Stolen, tSemghrof th20th instantrsrflA V-HORSE,-14- hands higli small starin the forehead, Swabby mane, one of his hind legs whHe racks at the rate of 12 milt an hour, and throws his feet an unusual distance apart. A suitable reward wilWse given bv the subscriber, living" near Charlotte, for the delivery of the horse, or informa tion where he may be found. 4w21 Oct. 31. . IVUXlAM .J. POLK. State of oTtl-Catota, -. Ltscowf jpoy ntt :- fh tober Session, Jl. J). 1820, - Thomas and John . Sinn. 1 ' r. PctHicn for distributive Inijsa and , Conrad Sipps, shares of the estate -of Mat- - tulminittratori of ""' tliias'Sipps, .deceased.' Matthias Sipps, deceased, j . - JT appearing to the Court that Louisa Sipps is not an . X. inhabitant of this sUte, it is therefore Ordered, by the court, tliat notice" be published sisf week irt the Hettcrn -Curolin'aii, requiring tlie said Louisa Sipps to appear at the next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to beheld .for said county at theCourt'-House in Lincoln ton, on the third Monday in January next, then and there to answer or demur to the said petition , otherwise it , will be taken r tmfeuo. and Jutland accordingly as to ; the said Louisa gippar Witness V. M'Bee, Clerk of saitl court, at Lbculitlon ih third Monday of October, 1820. iSpfiilli premiums wcx cj twild not those anti-slarary gentlemen. Cd. Du-' ;C3 VAItDKV C. C. v.

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