I J - il n 5 t C i K ! ,'5 4 V k v. L rf The Mi it ! wliiir'rr t!n Mit . i:iv r, i. ir .t r.tHonr. The foUawinjr, I'anza, ( pnrrxlv on prl rf f he Ire;, pir Petition.) wcrr picked up trtfenUy week on tin !orc icr Co en. The line tlut re lift. iniI tn iHcjpblepTmnwh' from the rnanovniitr which' m torn,uhjf been hnl in keeping a refractory pair of v uiskera in pood order. ... . -I'iyi.the 'rrow of a poor old num. plifc-d jm-nt hm Wnr him to jrour horc : Lei not Kti iff r!i.iititc ttm with her fan i Oh! give three cker, if you can give no more Thcie well-made clothe my w'nli to pKw b. p k, Thrw curling lock diiif my l.-nplhtnU ), rs And the bluff whiiker on each ample rhctk, Miyht itrike an Indian warrior with fear. The house which once 1 f.mdlv thought m own Bcene of my triumph has now f-aM o hhine ; For Justice there shall fix Iter jrol.lc n tlinmr, Ami tnith, and Lw, and liberty, rornhine. Hani ii the f.te of the infirm and weak ! Here, a I craved them-to dirace my wiiV, They laid another bride I mint not seek, And saucy Dcnman b:ulc me mend my life. Had fte reduced me, I should not repine ; My friendi have brought me to llic staff you ser, And your condition will be oon like mine They'll bring you too to want and misery. A h'lge Green Bug delighted they display ed)' us a Lrk I viewed the valued plie Hut O ! itk triakurf milt in ilirt away, Beneath the flash of llrougham'a inrjuiriii eye. My sprightly Canning, soother of my care, Keen a a Rat the coming storm to se c, Departed, w hen I tamper'd with the prars, And lift the It:i to Gilford and to me. Pity the mhtow- of a poor old nan, W ho? c gilded yacht has borne him to your shore . Let not bin wife chastise him with her fan ; Oli ! give three cheers, if you can give no more. tuiti. Ft should Ijfc i,. c :ry u.i.d aw i.I.s of the inw: of himself. There ii nomin;; ttilhin the reach of our stntcs so- indu ativc f the vnrioui changrs of animated iMturr, nj the vi rrctalile kingdom rxhibits to our view Kvcry'8C4nm of the year U depicted upon the countcnancei of the inhabitant! of thii lover Horldt ,Knowtug that iits urc thiis' Riding with 'an almost imperceptible velocity. upon trie. current of time, wc thnulil losfnot)npor tu'tity in making prcparati'm for the great and lait rhanre which awaits iih. Were we pom-iaed of the immense treasures of.41 Col conda," they would avail us nought in this 'Ill.lAlKAVlllnl A It H-ltta. . . . . wit-uiiiui lam uwui it vmi tiny iiiaiauics uuu titles vanish from our view. Nothing hut a consciousness of a virtuous and -well-spent life itflords consolation in -a dyine hour.' rirnH pressed whh i such feelings, we here dose the present number of the "Athenian Club" hut not without the hope that it may remind our readers of the shortness and uncertainty of human life. N. I). After the publication of this number of the 44 Athenian Club," vc will make our exit, in order to make room for the proceed ing of our State and National Legislatures Original. ( roa -rut wnrra riiouuii BT 0BAV1AU I.OS(,tAFF, ESQ. We Fperul our year la a Ulc that is told" aiai t. The four seasons of the year have been correctly compared to the gradations of hu man life. The vernal spring represents child hood and early youth ; the summer, mature age; the fall, declining years; and dreary w inter the frigidity of old age. Thus every season of the year reminds us of the contin ual change to which human nature is subject. The autumnal period has now arrived, and the vegetable kingdom has, in a great degree, been divested of its foliage and odoriferous flowrrs. The present aspect of the forest is calculated to awaken moral reflections in those who believe in a future state of rewards and punishments. The natural world exhibits, in glowing colors, the impress of a Deity. The great luminary of.heavm diffuses, by its ra diant beams, light and heat to every object disseminated upon this sublunary world. But the contratted mind of man is unable to explore whh certainty the many suns and worlds which may be situated in the immen sity of space; By the use of the Telescope, the science of astronomy has been enriched by the discovery of many planets, which, pre vious to that period, were-unknown to mortal man ; and had it not been for that noble in vention, lie would have remained in igno rance of these immense globes, which are situated at too great a distance to be viewed by the natedreyc. The names cf Newton and Ferguson have acquired immortality. . JVhelc.lux urianjt iniaginatiqns,T:andrEmrfi powers ot invention, have shed a lustre upon the heavenly science of astronomy, unknown to their predecessors. Mankind are, there fore, much indebted to those illustrious men for their almost super-human discoveries. Uut !h's 'digression .from tlixs original design of this essay. But the mind inadvcK tial objects, whkh the. nature of the present suecrimifie ' The pres.-nt seast.n of the vearslumhl re mind every individual ql" the instability ol X-..' : ft ' i . ..' .. . y .. HKMIV niANCISCO THE I.ONT..L1VRL). Hit New-York jiapcrs announce to u the recent death of llrxat FmuiMd, at the astoninhing age of one hun dred sii. tliiny-four year. At thi moment Ui following cstrart fnm Trofcbsor Sillimau Tour between Hartford and 'iuebcr, will not be uninteresting :.. Intd. The old man of the age of Louis XIV. Two miles from Whitehall, on the Salem road to Albany, lives ilenry Francisco, ana- live of trance, and of a place which he nro. nounced W.v, but doubtless this is not the orthography, and the place was nrobablv some obscure village, which may not be noticed in nups ana uazetteers. Having a few hours to snare before die de parture of the steam boat for St. John's in L-ar.aua, we rode out to see (probably) the old est man in America. He believes himself to be one hundred and thirty-four years old, and the country around believe him to be of this great age. When we arrived at his residence, (a plain farmer's house, not painted, rather out of repair, and much open to the wind,) he was up stairs, at his daily work of spooling and wtndfcg yarn. This occupation is auxiliary to that of his wife, who is a weaver and, al though more than eighty years old, she weaves six yards a day, and the old man can supply her with more yarn than she can weave. Sup posing he must be very feeble, we offered to go up stairs to him, but he soon came down, walking somewhat stooping, and supported by a staff, but with less apparent inconvenience than most persons exhibit at eighty-five or ninety. His stature is of the middle size, and, although his person is rather delicate and slen der, he stoops but little, even when unsupport ed. His complexion is very fair and deli cate, and his expression bright, cheerful, and intelligent. His features are handsome, and, considering that they have endured through one third part of a second century, they a'reJ regular, comeiy, ana wonderfully undisfigur cd by the hand of time. His eyes are of a lively blue ; his profde is Grecian, and very fine ; his head is completely covered with the most beautiful and delicate white locks ima ginable j they are so long and abundant as to lall gracefully from the crown of his head, parting regularlylrom a central point, and reaching down to his shoulders his hair is perfectly white, except where it is thick in his neck when parted there, it shews some few dark shades, the remnants of a former century.--- . "- " - --- He still retains the front teeth of hU jaw ; his mouth is not fallen in, like that of icuTar- IV. n; ihct d;tri v. c n-e fr.abhd to fix thr old peordccgenerallynd ly, are like those of middle life ; hfs voice is strong anu sweet toned, although a little trem ' "; "dung very iime impaired, so that a voice of usual strength, with distinct articulation, enables htm to understand ; his eyesight b sufficient, for his work, and he distinguishes large print, such as the titlcpage of the Bible, without trlasse ; hit hUl . . . O r "vu"" ia idn:.ha una iiuw a cougn ana expectoration. He informed us; that his father, driven out of 1-ranee by religious . persecution, - fled to Amsterdam ; by hisxaccQunt irmyst have been on account of the persecutions of the French Protestants, or Hugohots, in the latter part of the reign of Loui XIV. At Amsterdam, lus rather married his mother, a Dutch wo- . ...v..... ujtu x- ruiicc. time of h: birth, pro idi d lie ib correct in tin mam luct j lur he tayi hi was preicnt at mirr n Annt'a toron.tiori,and was then sixteen years old, the 3 lit day of May, old stile. Jlisf.i tht r,(us heuMcrts.) after his return from I lot bnd, had ogain been driven from France, by persecution, and the second time took refuge in Holland, and afterwards in England, where he rrrided, with his family, at the time of the coronation of Queen Anne, in 1702, This m ikes Francisco to hare been horn In 1C351 to have been expelled from France in 1091, and therefore to have completed his hundred and thirtv. third vear on the 1 1 th of 1 Jit I une i .j j . - . - r of course he, i now more than three months advanced Jnhi -hundred year. It is notorious, that about this time multitudes of French nrotestatfts fled, on ac count of the persecutions of Louis XIV, re sulting fromthr revocation of the edict of Nantz,- which occurred -Uclobor-1 3, 1 08 J and. "notwithstanding the guards ' upon the frontiers, and other measures of precaution or rigor. to prevent emigration, it is h i ll known that, for years, multitudes continued to make .i j .i -i i . i . t tneir escape, ana iuat mus i.ouis tost six nun dred thousand of his best and most useful subjects. I asked Francinco if he taw Queen Anne ctowned I lie replied, with great an imation, and with an elevated voice, Ah ! dat I did. and a fine lookincr woman :lie was too, as any dat you will see now a day.'- He said he fought in all Queen Annt's wars, and was at many battles, and under ma- W J w ny commanders, but his memory fails, and he cannot remember their names, except the Duke of Marlborough, who was one of them. lie has been much cut up by wounds, wlrch te shewed us, but cannot always give a very distinct account of his warfare. He came out, with his father, from England, to New-York, probably early in the last cent ury, but cannot remember the date. Henry Francisco has been, all his life, a very active and energetic, although not a stout iramea man. lie was formerly lond ol spir its, and did. for a certain period, drink more than w as proper, but that habit appears to have been long abandoned. In other respects he has been remarkablv abstemious, eating but little, and particularly abstaining almost entirely from animal food, his favorite articles being tea, bread and but ter, and baked apples. His wife said that, af ter such a breaklast, he would go out and work till noon ; then dine upon the same, if he could get it, and then take the same at night, and par ticularly that he always drank tea, whenever he cotutt obtain it,tnree cups atatime,three times a dav. The eldest people in the vicinity remember Francisco, as being always, from their earl iest recollection, much older than themselves ; and a Mr. V tiller, who recently died here, be tween 80 and 90 years of age,' thought Fran cisco was one hundred and forty. On the whole, although the evidence rests, in a degree, on his own credibility, still, as many things corroborate it, and as his char acter appears remarkably sincere, guileless, and affectionate, I am inclined to believe that he is as old as he is stated to. be. He is real ly a most remarkable and interesting old mat ; there is nothing, either in his person or dress. of the negligence and squal'rdness of extreme age, especially when not in elevated circum stances ; on the contrary, he is agreeable and attractive, and were he diessed in a superior manner, ancl placed in a handsome and well furnished apartment, he would be a most beau tiful old man. . Little could I have expected to converse, and shake hands with a man who has been a soldier in most of the wars of this countrv for one hundred years who, more than a cCn- j' ... lury.ago, lougtit under Marlborough, in the wars of Queen Anne, and who. "fair-tad v grpwn up to manhood,) saw her crowned oV ill Ijrscl sli mid hear anJ d ar. The auster ity of the Mosaic dispensation lus, it is true, !rtn meliorated by the milder reign of the (luipel of Peace, but still ths whole artillery of Jehovah's wrath is arrayed against intern pcrar.ee It is not expected that nnv additional tcr- ron can he thrown ncross the path of those who are indulging in this detestable (vicef e. , pecially when they disregard the denuncia. dons of their Creator yet, tvhilc we daily witness, its deleterious effects on society, it seems to be the? duty of all to contribute their -mite towards arresting its protrreii Tha brightest laurels of the veteran soldier are of. ten tarnished by it the well earned reputa lion of the patf tot statesman is frequently ob Biuiiu iium n wain ui urmncss w resist mis evil ; and sometimes, even the elevated char actcr of the reverend divine is prostrated by a too rcadycquicsccn circtct7.:woteJiCGntiatid) peace of hundreds and those who were the most happy become the most miserable. Will my readers accompany nie to that wretched hovel, and view the emaciated be ings that inhabit it ? See the atronized moth. v ' . O ------- er bending with sorrow over her unfortunate offspring ; tears have robbed her eyes of their . it. lustre anu ner piteous aspect bespeaks inim itable woe j her prospects were once cheer- inc,and her animated countenance disclosed the calm serenity of her bosom. Little did t i t - sne tninr, when she gave her plighted hand at the altar, and when pure and unsullied af fection lit up the flame of her incense, that the object of her adoration would leave her to penury and want, but, alas ! in the flow er of her days, she has to pass through the furnace of affliction. He, who was bound by all the sacred ties of love and honor, to nourish and support the tender plant consigned to his care,leavcs it to'perish for want of his fostering attention. She pines away her days in secret anguish, and bathes her nightly couch in tears while he is wasting his days and nights in a.. i l T-i uiasijjuuuu uiiu ucuauencry. a nc time was when he would zealously have reprobated such ingratitude in others but the svren voice of - - ' pleasure enticed him from his wife and his home, to court his own destruction- Con- 2 science, at first, was reproachful, and caused some slight repugnance ; he has now been so long a votary to his wine, that this silent but . faithful monitor is totally disregarded ; and -1 hundred and t wen tVeight vtars atro. and in Uke century before the last, was driven from r ranee oy me proud, magnificent; and intol erant Louis XIV, and who has lived 11 fort Um fourth part ofalithe time that the human race nave occupied this globe ! What an interview ! It is like seeing one come back from the dead, to relate the vmt of centuries, now swaJlowed,uji k,thc abyss of time! . yr ' 1 -llellguma. 4 j m the tears of a weeping wife have long since been unavailing. At his death, (which, from V lien t. w.ic fit-r. 1.1 l; r 1 . n - v udis.uiu, nis ntner again fled on account of de religion," as'he ex piessed it, flor his lancnuo-e. alil.mK ....... Jglble .hng.ishns marked by French pe- iiiiiiu everv iniiviriiini n ,t u. i nMmu uv t.r(,,,fh n. . .m iL ,L; ,, . , . i - ' ; r 01 cuiiariries.v. . He. savs. he .; -LLL "r"" inc ee-tm ol: the aii nio.-i -niF.,rHAntr.sTn coiKiLn. BKWATtE'OF 1MEMPKKAM:f "c is a glutton and u drtinkanl ; end ell the mm V the j muw swite mm.vui troiiex teutiie the. n . ' " ' DEtT.xi: 2D, 21. I nis was a part of that awful law. nrnmnl. gated in thunderings from Mount Si nai. for the government of tho Israelites. If there was stubborn and rebellious son, who was a t v his trembling limbs and bloated countenance i t a v . appears nign at hand,; he can bequeath noth ing to his children but beggary and distress they cannot even boast of that 'poor inherit ancea father's good name. His helpless and innocent partuer too, with broken heart, is f ist verging towards the tomb ; her pain ful conflicts will soon be over. Peace to her bosom as she heaves her last swelling sighs. May she enjoy that happiness in another and a better world, which her virtues entitled her to in this. . TT " a a a . uthout that widowed mother, reclining with maternal sorrow over 'the last; earthly -remains of her only son. Had he fallen bv the casual diseases incident to our nature, or been cut down by the cruel hand of nestilence. her anguish might admit of some alleviation, and her tears be sweetened by the recollec tion of his many virtues but this soothincr palliative is taken from her. In the morning of his life, disregarding her advice and en treaties, he became a companion of the devo tees ot intemperance and rushed into the vortex of dissipation; which soon erased all the tender admonitions of her who-was-wrap-,. ped up in his welfare. He was hurried on by the seductive voice of the sons of wicked ness, until he became too deeply involved in tnmWtirlo m.l ,nfB.l,L,l l,.i:.,.A T y ' w 1 aaa v J l Jbngi V 'V aM his former purity and fell a victim to his otvn imhrnrlin.. o.il T..!!.. 'Tl !l tlmsm when a mother's: soothing voicezeold calm the agitated sensibilities of youth, and when it was his hiirhest hanniness to trntitv her and c 11 j - relieve her of her cares when hfrproudly and generously anticipated the period that he could repay her for all her maternal solicitude' That time has 1 passed "a way. He is ncw Insensible to her warning voice and histoid clay can make no retribution for the-trrorsof his life. The "grave' admiti of ho aTonerient. - ' Would that such exampleSjAviich are con tinnally before our eyes? mint dency to arrest the prowess of some amia ble; youth, as he standvdn the threshold ..oT this pernicious practice. Let him pause and reflect, ere reflection be too l;te, that, by pur- fsuing his course, he'maT brinirthe erev half . C L ! . I I ' . 1 . - L. m. 01 nis veneraoie' parents in sorrow 10 '. grave and iavolveihlmself in irretrievable ruin and disgrace. "t hi A n iTf-tiiftT. 1 . ' . . . . ' ' " Hie VOICe 01 h S .1 her nr in mntk... f,. . i- . . .-V' . ' . . i V v4s ot tne DOOt TSt rrmenlrnnrc. .F ee lrom trace thy steps anxl may, m kindness, ciF and b ot It the urinffrtforthe sKirer and sedulously A zs,?.. .t: uf if m -iici -i . . v i rri M;a.r w nt. iiv -i 1 1- 111 .111 wvv Jt - x'. I.

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