I , tit jI " '" remit i he tKinn.inco t pu'db: Und." . Xr4' ft Vital pinch of the maf rf ihe )itiucnt of Uio Ui)il Sutrs rrlates to the !,( it"- tc it fared to ihe'cuniDiiuce on AnJ the Senile Adjourned. , . ' S Sfc I , ,V Rouse w mu-jiEscxrATivr.?.' .U. JLl'- ."L '.ir.Ti'riP4f aori The ilwrSe" tact -pursuant to iIjuum.neiit, at l! oM'fk nl prctfUcd forthwith to ballot a tjm fur a Kpeiker of the House, in tlyj plice ol lr. Clirs ieiii-d. And af.cr ballotinj iwth t tituftt 'without lwl',7 "uUe to cortje to i choice; iveral jn C1"'lUflnBpl naud-piciiouaJr, l-tu nude, motion was. finally earned to d- wws it, aor.' XlT "" The f fats f.airf been culled to order at 12 p'clock, primer (In! to ballot the twentieth lime U SjKulicr, in the phice of Mr.Clay,reiKnl, ,nd after three ballotiiiRS (makinq; in the whole tvtnty-ltvo,) Itici ff df d in electing Johm VTnf ioa a Bcprcaeiituiie? from the itaieof New Votk 2 hivln been conducted ,lo tile chair 11 Mr. Newton and Mr. Mostly. addiescdthe House us follow! i 4 ' , , . VtntUmn:, I approach t y aUtion to w hicli your favor .mwlrt ff Pad diitruaang riijr ability to fidTd your iuft executions,' Although the duties of the chair have Ivcnnio ks arduous by improvements in it practice 'fiuing tbo adininistiation of my dislingnikhcd prt deces t I should nut icnttire to anstiroc their responsibilities UVut a Cna reliance' on your indulgent support. ,Iu 12 deliberative ascn:bhVs, ilio prcatrratinn of order ruuit drprnd in greater degree upon the member at large I'.an upou any efforts oft presiding pffieer. "The for tttianre utd deronim which cWactcried tltit bouieln ki Hirmrr tetnim, t period of pecutiir eni'.cmcttt, f furd of their continued excrcUu bsippj ontie'ittiont fst the eonftdctvfc ith which you We how.n i me, b plnrd to accept my prt,founl aclnowIedkirn-yU. Iii my endearor to merit your apjtatjon, wliicji tlwll TytuiTefi?fitt&VTMifl igrnce, and a conttant aim at impartuStj. ( can hope Ct nolhiir Vreatcr tlin UuL,iIw emkavoia uuiw mqv altogetlier uoaradin,;,, .., ( On niouon ol Mr. kelson, ol Va. a committee V: iippoinited, iojnllf Vuh.iucb cpmnilUte tit T.. p. pJMi :.,'lhftr.,yVt Cf wLUh AJl.tll-'. nil .pi.,i.,n Coii;rm'ifjSbi !,,, to the tear lC'J', nj rriinrc c J jMi'tlic .(Okcrt, It. to lie ivruiiuou la hUf. they then UMJtU At tii ptcMMit jM-i;,;. however, wjt for hi'jiilrjr rtirrtly, not rcjuiunK Jtijr epreHi,ii of the opinion of the bouie, be Imped mi ijec'ion would Im m!e to it. Mr. Cobb, of (ie'oiM4. ! fev word ex preit'. hi opinion, tht if -a Tcductloti of pcndiiurrs, kc. wut ifiade. it uutbt t' he more rceiirnj than wai propoaed bjr tl.it mwiun to be indued Into. ,To auch i g tntrul reduction,, be wf fr.rPrMfi btit,irt opposed toapiece-meil Ir ;Utl(.n on luhjcct, which muM e parti.il, ixl niiifht be unjiitt in i yprw'wnt Thia w the nibusDM uftuC diawtaiiuMbQutrfe P?ihwMi Ho.fdK,-JI UIu;d m reaolauon ta; kpfy?' "I to,rokj it conipreeuaivrj, i in liia. opinion it outrlit to be. Mr. Smith, of Md. thought iHc o'.ect of tli motion did not properlr full wuhlu the duties of the comnutce of wMy and meant, and wiabed it referred to tdiiTcreiit committee. ' . Mr. Unn did not wish t t At the bui by urprie, ond contented to bit motion's Ivlnir on the table, that ptiitlemen m'mbilute an opot. tunity to prrpatc aniendmeiilt to it, if they thought proper. So the lewdution was ortlcred to lie on the table. Mr. (Tofke. of Ten. aufiniltted for considera tion the following reaolutioti j JijMnSxd. That the committee on tnittarr etu- lichipent be inilmctiHl to intfuire Into the cspcdie-f of rednring the miliUry prvt etl!i.Viict of UC I'mted Stutea. , . k r And the revdulion wa ogrttJ io, without de bate or divition. :, - . Mr. Smithi of N. C fliumitted for contsidera- tlon a joint resolution. In doinir io,-' be asprei ted hit earnest hope tlut, ak a t'unilr resolution had patsed the Senate at the U1 session but not 6een acted apon in'this'boute' for want i.f time, it would have an'eaiy conride ration at this ses sion, and receite that approbation from the bouse wbiiff TiZindught tncrttet he iott$ M rrf the tt itf ahkll, s.litrHi'?, I w'jijmilt l iwl no t'lli will le $HiHx t' f ullilfli the HitiU tf,Jltf tth pw on va 1tf;;irU:ir sutject, 'M"lf i Uifm tva to'.f l.le ktv of the U-pl uxtrpatimi ami f'nr.'n tq- t i a . i 0 a A , tier .uto ntr iav . i,.nir taincly tau.Vc T. ana to ln jiret3rm wtih a4t-Untiinedreottition tortiij4yeeri bonor-ibV and JaJ mcam whii'h tio.1 ainl iwtre ba'tt placed iit their na'tdt, tooWin wltat alone can rt tlreta their tirvancei, and restore harmony to U Sutea Tbo lu bare empl-ij e . ilteir pern in dt fen'linu the Intereita of the Wet, ill not, we tmt, Imi any f ttw-ir Jtal ia M gaidaiauaew-. Cotiitaat ifejtioii dl t-yvhiu tic iu a otait4irph'",,'','' ''''- - , T ail, w io bat coolfiltt rtxdjr lLcIrxo;nnJUf4cW0,J t4 ceapnrcoUtrniw atl Intparttrreat toth? pajxr, we tetwLr pur grateful arknowledTnent and atcit a continuance of .their favors. J '? , . Hie following gentlemen are agents fur the Wsrrtaa n.Muii, to atom uh of our patrona, as ran make it vonven'ent, are re'uiVcJ to make payuicntT' I). Ruaataar, !tmoitrr, IjttrolnUm. ' f A ,uld b appointed by the Senate, to wilt upon Jtlic Preaidcnt of the United States, and iiforni liytroflhe orgsnizauoh f the two bouses, and of the iireadineks io receive anr cotnmuuicauon he the unreadiness io receive anr i . - . may have to make to thein, . WJ. v- On motion of Mr. ?mith, of N. C the daily hour of meeting, until other aise directed, was fixed at I J o'clock, y -'j . . :. ; The committee appointed to wait on the Pres ident of the United States, reported that they hud performed that sen ice, and received for answer, tbt a message would be transmitted by the Pres ident initncdiatelyirl : Ajfordlnglfiabourio'clpckheT received, and read f aiui the House adjonrneu. f TircasoiT; xot, IC.-f-Thc House Tesolved it- stlflntb a conunlrtec of the whole on the state -tth-Untonj t hom-had-4een -referred the essaeor.tnePreside'nrbf the' United St at est Innsmitted yesterday Mr raon, of Vs-Scihg Icallcd to the chair;;. Mr. ,'CobS submitted sundry. resolutions, referring the various subjects, "em- traced in the message to different committees, -,hich were severally concurred Sa.-i. i - On motiqp of Mr. tmvell, it was4' ? '' : '. lUmlsiJ, l1mt tL iVooihiittc'e on otibllc land be 4- I ; atnteted to trnjihre int tl-ejjUitincy of roviJiiig Jby -,llt.sorac ftlie to the purcliasura' oTutiCe' Luidi'In TCjo 1 viuyru gra;cs, previous 10 uioi iaiu. . ; " " At the hour of one, tfc7 House ;procee"ded to hsIlot for a Chaplain on the paitjof the llouet when the Rev. Mir.' "Cnmft'StU vii cltoseDon th third trial. . And the llouse adjourned.'' yatfi.if V var: 1 7. Mr. CVom, of N. Y, ofTcred fur consideration, the following resolve - Jfr.W, That the Committee of Waya and Mean be instructed to prepare and report to this House, at soon i may be, alitt of all the expenditures, hader their pro- ' per heads, anthoriaed by ths'e slating kwa of the United. Ta(c wluTsTopIiiion ivapTcling flie"fe'3ucuVn7c3ftf' pronoSmf to tlt Uif'uJU.iv of tha atvcral ath wuU, when ratified by the ItgUIaturet W thrte-fuurtha of the Ktatea, jtliaQ be vatitl, to all intents ami purpoat , as, part of tlu aid'conatiUitiOiti. ,) iJ.v-i 4i.f v,! " That, for tlif piwpoac orchooaing Rlprctwrnfitives la the Conjxn of the I'niU d Kttf ear b' aliull, by iti legiidttturt be divided jjato a n'imber of districts, etjtml to thtf number of IVir(sen'ativta.to which aoch aae may he entitled) tle districts ah ol be formed jf Contig uoua territory, anil. conudn, aa'Deirly jit may br, an tpal number of puitona entitled bv tho constitution to be rep reaented, or of pcnni qvialifitd to vote fcf Biember of tlienK" nomeroua brm:l-f the-tateJegilaturo. In each Jintrict tho TNrtwtnt oualifWd to ota shall clnwae one Tf preaentativev That, for the Tor(Sie f ebooauir Wcctorsof Prciidcnt snd.Viee f rtiib-nt f-tho t iiitod States, tmj-perrma mahhcd tormc vt ewnMivmi nt cscn distna sriaTlrnfwsetmereJertorr I he two a.ic uorua eicciora w. wit auui usis.it cnuueu,oau appointed in wich wtunner as the legislature thereof ma direct.' The electors w"hen convened it the time and place preicriber IVTiv, Tof lli'e purrtoSo t TOtln"Tor Prei'deat an J Vice "Prewdf nt'of tLa raifed Stales, !ia"l have power, in case aiiy'of them atiall fall Wattmd, tp elioosc an elector or electors in place of him or them ao failing to'attcndr.' TbV division of atatcs into districts,' as b ereby provided for, shall take yce immediately, after everv'fututv cenatta -id at)toninient.f-JeprescnU- tirea under the aamei and u:h tlbtricta'itball not bo al- tered unt.l antibaeiuent crnsni iball hav been taken. and an apoi'tioninciit of nepreautualivfcs'jiu ikr U aball t. . 1 . . - I - M . . . f . .'' ""The resolution was twice rcaoVanlf cfHrcfao aromnuuee of ibe, wbole.bn th stae of the Union, vr -yty 1 - :t Qtisl rin.rnprorrani enront'iiwM ill h mnnm y rnl. aiiJ KimffitW 'mat rSf lAitAJt' wjcm - cry M-r-cat .atUtJj.'Pl.Sltall be mirto tU drportinen!,. Iz. llie thtrrri ail aitnrary piiiilC " 1 , . r " -T' The S. I.U..I III r rnnmenea tn Ihe1mia1m'irr tegr"1?'''1 ,V. 8it, do. 3. Tsatls,-Concord. r t roNTLvravs.' - - v The Del-ptcs Ut' ly elected in lUaiuatbiiuUS, I tf-r pnrpoae of rvi'.ng and auscnliria the constitution f ttiat Slate, at4ciitldt.il in Convention at lloaton. (in nwmoar nearly 4'JQ,) on the tJih ultimo. ,Tle Hon. Jwiiir As ia, the venerable patritA and profound staUantain, tvat cltoten Preatdtiit abr.oat unanimoualy, but declined the honor conferred on ftim, on aroount of hit alvaiKed age, (being now 93.) wluch'rendercd the tlutinlf dot office too arduous to be perfortned by him. The floft. Chief justice I'aaata wu tUen elcCcu. ' t lac bUte of New-Tork Is tn the'pofnt of altering her conrtitution, and bill is before the' Legislature nou- In Ksaion, for calling a Cenvcndon, the Delegate- ti he chosen in February, ami to nect if June nest. , Tu bill tuts passed the House of Assembly, and sA ill no doubt m e H' iViancrtofl cf Tlie jrrtntrr Cdpyftbefeaolve rowed by Mr.b adk.ran any honest, mtcCJrent man, la? hi. " Prmh to (hi Seiuttanf Jlonte fHefrtKnUilixn l liand oh bis heart ami say. tliat be believes North-Csro- tk$ lWv.MaCVr.i arrf'' 'Ib ooaKsacs a moral iftabiCiy Uidtr Vr coi'nOlution I tliu-da of ImIi hooat s concymnr, Ibat the.fuUoaing . , , . . ' , amendm. nftd the ConatitutJon of the UaHed' Sues of rt,,er "" thl th of P9pi ....... - ' 1 . ... .1.' itl i e i ... f ! u, tf vs jifcumM uic i'pe in wnj gnou rywuuny icom an attempt of tliat kind ' We bel'ievt not. 'fjucb as sertions bav been made i but he ttarter from which they epianated renders them unvorthy of notice1, ' " An attempt sill be made at the prcacnt aesaion of our Lcgiklaturr, t3 obtain a Convention for tlio purpoW of .... . .. . . . ... antenumg our coiwuuiuoni out Uie tresrnirnt wui re ceivo from tLa east may be pretty weU adtftTtdfrjalbe silence of Hot. Baivra oh the subject, In hirmeawge to the Leg'sture. Astlencen a ribjecf ao biportant to a large -owfonty of his ebttitnents,and4w-wldek they have'd;plyed 'so much feelingjcertaiidy indicates "an aiiwtrrauiablo eonteropt or bhliflerenoa on bis part, and U U2 to ad-cffiisMercd byTbeefyepe'-j 0;' SAUsnCRf, (N. C.) TIT.SDAT, liLCi 5, Isl-O. at jr. .u A prospectus baa been iaatxii at Lei wTctonTv Lrh pulilctttio-of a ,W5iCCc ajuli-'lcrarv Workv enitlcd tiaa : " Westcr: 'Mlnerri,'" cr Amcricin Anna! of KnowT- edge and 14tewtue;" tobi' ptibltieqtiaHciitffn tftuiT bcrs of 80 Jj.'ijct, at two d..iLtrS per annum. 1 Jte edi tors ciprcsa a confidence, iVoin the"ppkl improvement the Wyem Statci have made' Srid'are already iiinking in mondimprorcmeht," that a work. of the above na! ura will mectwith a liberal and adetmate suppoVti. 't'hera U'norpubllshcd lir tnlrgtorTJt btcory-ymk, tbe W UrnKfUiv, which is said to be conducted wfch nuic'i ability, and to$o honor tb-ths talenta jnd.lltcrarj'jlka' ff hc Western Statj: I'.iy vf ''V- ' i if..-, and a trs s;i.m f .11 of rotnr-n ta ble Hii,! (Iifiu wtli top 'lifri boUl tli rnl in tba Mi-iih,,fit it can tnurth ravHy or Im.Iuiw in th tixilhl it M giv hli.a.t iittta iU.u oo ixlkf, it',id wt ' I I I " Vinftloiu TIFi annnci'irfi f mrrly eiiing hMaren tbe Trtts- tfrs of sttaiei!te Arad. nif and tbe atibribrr as " Tvacbt:r, listing d'J'e-l, l'uiis auJ tioanbait aa.,,,, hrfrby tnriraH'd, that tit d ir.-nnt lnn. br hcrttofi.ro tstytt lg itils eurmf, l. oil) ij)ritimi loUath in '; ' .suitable liousa prepared for this itirpir.- Tim astia-" fnj-tton wlitcn tlit luactiavire M tusamce has givrmtttfln lie rm of llvy vrars, ami t!iu svaprrtaHU iftit 3t liNtjulr.il in t!i d d. n ot lilithrr vn.'narv t wliisii tbrv have rn'rrt'd, afford s wt lirmtithlt d hr tbut tint-.' a. 1stTXa1tnf fte'slT To acronuiMkUle tho popU of SmtU-Curot&a, tbrrw ill be hot one vacation in tlieytaif 10 comoteiRa on tie ', loth of NovcmW, 1821. Hoarding Can b IhmI, U usiial, at t!ie bouses of Meaart, Work, llart, snd McKiiight, fcc." , . . JOHN lll'hn vr, 4'. D. Af. ' HutuiOr, A'-ss 54, 1 8JJ. ' - ' -s t' 1 9 I have been frequently aoTM-hcd dirottgh 'lho Jtir. l mtt ami aitutnn toeommpnce.scain the liOtineaa of truJ.'.M, Uye takc,n thia ntrthod to p PubUe notice.. that I tlcaign't'i commence with the ftf of the ehsuing yesrjif the number of fn leitts win ofl'rr will justify thv atUinp'f It if not my yl to a'tt nj utmn a large num. ber.' lucent bntUlg can be bad in tlie iieiabttprhjMid for i or f,70 per atiniin..' Tuition, 16; I dnalgn to take a frw fu mv awn fauiifv. ft is my wiab that tbosa who detign Spidying or ar (idinr their ms, w OulJ" cow- numcat auch'iiiU ntkn or w ia.i prevums to the 30th of Deecmber. ' J. PRlLTAl WCK. tt:rlllt,x,c..vrt2o,im: . .'. ; ..a . t C 'Bltyit tjC X.CaxoVnfta , int-DliL xot'ft...tir,y.qUtTt. . , ..II- --. -.1 ' "' r r iiny taniier waoasiaiafaawajfcaAaaa j U . r Jolm Martin, John tnce, lt.Ily Price, .j . B f . K.i1y VeMiCWbj. C loung, UV X KHi?, lV 1 a.ira Towng. Adaline Vounp, Dorin. f .lie.OT ,a- . da Tnfe W-dliant , M. ,Ve,.n4 ..Tbo- U mastoung, and AoVuide Utoung.J t v ... . .. IT appearing ta the aat'ufaction of the Court that lhv -defendant in this cats are tlie inhabitants of another ' state snd gmemtnentf Thrr,brtfrdTttft ; Tit poblica." liw "be stuile for six wreck i tn the ITtttcn Cartiian uidisa tho aforesaid parties appear st the nrxt D.ttpenoe f Court of Law and Ktiity to be bld fr the eotin'vof ', . fredcll, on the fifdt Monday sfter tha fourth Monday br Uttdtnestandtilcad,answer,nrdcnwrto nid petition, - r judgment a ill 4 taJUntra coitfsa, ami heard tt parte. , . -6a SI - JOHN K. If A1JT. C. .If. C. . - -s OSTHondsy the 1st of January, 131, at the I'.mnse vf , Wm. IFarbln, Kaq,, will he sold, on a rrrdit of I'i,S month, twentytwoir three l'.Vcly NF.r.TtOF.3, bchmg Jie t state prvt m.3Tan m, ocf'Mi. .; .. j r i AI FKF.I tAITItEP.V .V . si . rm aistA t i.j . .,-.-.. --- a Injlo tlie t state .' P V st 1 s?.v-.,.v:i"-i-. .mh. of Jjwtnjpe.fiiieiXLjc. --Thejesolution wai ordered to lie on tbet'ddei t.1(r. EddTf of Rhode Island, offered for con alderattion. trict follow ing nesolution t . ' -f : Wjsefw, That the act entitled "An act allowing com- tensation to th members of the Senate, members of the "ItaliWof Kiijprcscntatrrea '.of tlie t'nited- States, ami to r. tiiff JJclcsates of me teniteriev snd:.rrp-3i!ing all other nas oiKcne S'lDjec, pastca ie nrsi session 01 me ni Irinih CpnTesft.oueht to ! be 'ao altered and amended that Jfis-' compensation to the members and delegates afoi e. .Iibnp. n.l ir fnllor far ertrv twenty niiler tr.ivcl. in- I'eatl of the comnensation widw allowe'd by said act, and ftwt it be, inferred to a committee to prepare and report kiifondterin thetrratjpn-b-puVwMut.uetat . Jwill the hoiuo nois proceed to the considcralion .toihi4res'dutim it iss dccde(j tbuss ."; rj'or. coiiM.ler.ation, f 5 53 . x .Ai'itinit lr.' ' ' "-':" ftl . . :ttthfl?houe refused to.pro'tothft'Ce4tsH t..tsQttuc resolution at this time, v Mr.' Ivttin, of New-Jersey, submiucd for con- 'Werl";tfi'e'To ' '"tSi-ertcit ta 6j1ikM fetfflfayediewey 'tifTathintiy thq im-,rn--stjph s'lottfi toraembem in, tongrew to sis i jfer H i ul a proportiorittl rc!u'c!tioa for trsrel ' rid fi'm the ieat ff government nd also of re ( t'Vky 'pf all the oflicera of gwernment that ha ..icra (1 sidetheyea? liHJ,a wjbat. it was at or ' t'lUt pciioi-L'''--- ' ','' ' ; Mr. jf ra4dd'a;feV.:'remark$ enin'roducing "S!tTnontbt!raynowekpsod-siiK-tiitt rstfuuabexot "tho Cxiioui ijiSf. s Issued and, agrreably toonr teruia, the paymt-ut of one -year's "aubseription tow becomes due. Our diaBurftemeuls fc? tb last 'aia "months have b.CaeV.Purec!siptcj)niparativi .is hoped, thercf we, tliat suh of our patrons a, commcn ctd with the firsi'nuiidierTw'ul per iclve tlufnecesjityof fbrTngrpf ojrsxl 'Mlh'cjtSyhWT '"Vteleel grarcluTro"tiwntiiiued'"SM toqrra&ng pa tronagc our paprj ''as reenved,' amlfor the spprbbatiort wliicii. dm gcamiiy Jec hart pill wttd (Mir objatii ha boai .'to. jdaaia all as far. as possible, onUtciitly wjth the duty we owe to Our selvea and to this public at large ; but we never erjiected tonwcelre-the"com tnde-Wevtwwhd4tJtt affortling anwsement and iiiatruction to most of our rea ders, our endiia answered j if we have lost the patronage and support of a few, two it ia nothing more tiian we expected. ' But it is gratifying to nato'sfate, that the Hpportof Se that the reason of their "not being wJbngto contribute ta the circulation" of our MSth !l.?V!J!?aled as it uht to. bc. . It is for the public to -jutlgej whether a little yy.y vw-i'jiotit tbe fcuat lincture of personafi, nltho' to bis govermnent. Seyural columns of Jtoyerls troops are advancing into this part of the country in variooa di-rcctitm-v and the strength, if correctly report-dj will be sufficient to carry the views into execution against the diaaileetcd tWit'of the lite Chrir.tophc-AS much re- 1 jeiced a ntovniT -tbe tef4 in tbia futrtoJUlve . Waml wavas..nMt stfrmiaaiatn,,'. wjirwuijiiie i vninnj , at.iu nunr of them do not atinesr very cordially disnoaed to be governed 1y'Boyer, They witih to have a clilcf of ibt flwn, anj th t late pnnce of Jjuibc, fCen. Kouv) iiiaid tt tors .teiaJa? it ri$LSP!r1G PWluee tliat iseltcmeitt m tiie breast of any Jf iitlcman,' which a certain p'tlij; note w e have in our poaaussioa would aeem ton:'.jcat? tliat t did . ' . ' ' ' v : fVe siiall cotltinue to use every seftion which the jpport re receive will ctrable U3 to d to vender Ihcff 1UOM 8T. M'a4tava hern politelv ftvOfud with tho folloalna es tract of letter received per the abm'Amdl S. iKjtl son, arrjved here on SaturJay.i4 12 day from Gouives ' ft-, .-. j " otnrs,'aKT. J5.l82t.; "'All business habccn suspemled in Consequence of iiieciurvor rresiueni itover. ne ioir nosic&iiMi os uie place on thcStnJl, with a force that defied opposition, and none was marie -his flag ia now.fhiiK'- on toe forts, &.C. l!alanigjt started for the cape w itli the determination t f 'taking oawcaaion tXaKMultEngall' tbatpift tf ti6 FJaVutf TH ttdvancrgn t;ttndei rei.c! aoout jtignt Tmiea trom tins ptace anai pre. ndlne tlitre will be fghUnz beltire the norm will submit iwvw iiiii(wnwiuiiii..,ii(w ii'LWr,'iBBI 'W(S.SWCSIIiSWlo-r',W,v'irt.-"m' "ftf""! -m ," f- 7"SS'- udices between bluck and niulattnea are reviving ane w, and it is not unlikely but that the old scenes of bloodshed and massacre are agidri to be acted. In this place the paradox of var and ametnen is realized. Since the Fres- lidenl'itroopseiime in, there baa been no disturbance or vioiai oa os gooa oraer. i in.nionv i pouring- in iirtaun dance, and is begioniilg to pass tolerably cantiit.'' rpr .We rtnd from an o(ci:d statemenV tlist the exports from Massaciiuaetts, tor tne precerting rear, New-Vork, '."T'';'"-' - ?. "- " - t&Sr&8' 9,763,733 . 6,jIU,434 ..r .6,293,783 7-5,926,216 AH '.he other States arc con'rabty lcsT'than -tiiea- bore. lialUnwre Jlbrrunr XlsQtucle. Louisiana, SoutbsCarolina,,.,, (Borgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, 7 " Jlfr. Gvt'i infamtte ww Ar i Tc(h Jcht.-U To a tabkspcoa full of afey kind tt' trita, add the same qBan- ' "-f -liJtcout cocKrtrs - t . '- . t Thomar and John TippV - .4a -.t ; Louisa and Conrad Tipps, c4: a6nimrtrtirt . . 1 MatUuaS Tipps, deceased. ' '.M V ' ' . PelltUkibr-2trUiutivi.. r shares of the estate of Matv tli:as lions, deceased. IT sppenriiig ta the Court that Louiia Tipps is not in 'Jnhabltant of thisj ita'c.itis thtryfore OrimAby tho .;.T.a:' court, that notlco Je published aix weeks in the I em "t Cursft'nfin rrrpiiring the said Louia Tipps to appear at - ilte 7ivi CtH.iirVC.Hirt oTTIeai and Qiu'r'5t.ai0a V - .' be held for aaid county at the Coiutrllou in Lincoln-" " X ton, on thetliird Monday in January next, then and thcror M annWerjor demur to the said jioition j otherwise' it ' will be taken r ftcM, and jadircd accon'mly as to '""1 ; .the' ld Louisa ITppsrWrtneas V, Jl'Ilecj Clerk of awirt' " 'H' tmw at Lincolntoiu thtlul ITomtav 4r October, 13-!J. B3fiV...A .i:,..:..S'(AlU)llk"..il,litE,. ClC-Lii ' I . : " x ' . . ' m - - - ' " 'I"'1 ' 1 i. ' '" r y . .a i . , r 'j, f- ' -' 31rt Octohrr, 1830.. .Ki "WT fll 'k.N...rsTt..AJ U.,t u...m' T tli.vi in 4 lii t . ...i,.....:...,i v,.n lam u ill h fiiltl,l t,. - ,W prolit after the dividend to be declared next Decembers agreeably to the terti.s of the aubscription. . To the end tiist the psmes of the jubscrilterj f'j,r this New Stork, pr rbth' BSs'cTOcS.aniartji! jtsctTtaiacdand enteretl en- !W ImmiI tXa kti.k. tlia recuihts df full raiments of said shares should be fora allar th 15th of December next. lien such receipts will f .... - l ( ... - 1 !l .L. " lie canceled, ana trnJmret ot r;ock iwuqii in uie names of tlie real owner thereof. None fcut tliose who may hare fiilfr naid (or tbeitoclt cu tbc15th Decenibct ncxt,- -will be entitled to share the protitf of tiicinstitution, or couiudered aro;ktuWera. . ; ..,-. ' ... . i- i . I I i . L r. I P r' ... IP ;. .ruwww:.i JUTvoruc r oi yie iioaxu tn vurcvw ra. - a - ; - tr..i "i-t.r..": ' 1 1'iiitt'vimuiutMit . .'iii. FflTlK suWribrJwsJakenjdie stand lattlv" fternpicd by X John llolmevw'b erelie wtH kerp'eerTaTmnelif lor- travellers, lie aoficits a ibare of public patronage snd will use yery exertion to aatiafy au whomay call on him, loth a7toacc(MnmotlatIbiMforUieDiaelves, and keeping for their horse. ..,GAL0 SMOOf;,.. -j?ww;tWi JltJtOatJSr, 1823 J (3a 25. I r Six Ccni HtVfarA. 71 AN AWAYfroln the subscriber,on the Jlth Instant, a 1 hum FiitW, an indented apprentice to me, IS years bT wwrmlc si.all re ceive the a6ovc reward, but no chargei. 4 . . - A Z ARIA II PACK, ?2stmrAW 83; 182Q,-.3w&r , a 'f."' a,' c TTniO can come well rccommendecVfto ta.ke clisrge orTiIanTiaTdnsnft''tbf Apply to Moses A- Locke, or the Prifttef." - 3w24 BLANKS, OF VARIOVS 'KINDS, , Tor sale," at the OOct of tha CiaoVa'' , L'Z' '''iii'-" l-t: ..-.'.1-. w-'-i'

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