'I lie V.1 ' ':i' V(t: i J M tin; tui f,il itl-MI S I 'rr. V " ( ' J r' t- '"T-tttt itt-ri- - imhi'ji .'. 1 . - . " 4 t r vuvnvn p.uMsnn. , :jcflc iit the fiwnf.Cod, I I...- ....,V.a at.. 1 l ....... r Tutu or ihiiit f rrjv troa," " 7 r ' Turt furtive tinblctt ItrctUnn, vlifirmirtlur buti . . ' -,0 receive to J out tttit ' r ' lxut-!y, I no lunger twin, '' ' '..-'v jikc tlitt rloiul, the iivt, tlicnraiV, Where j wi dwell khall he my bumf, ; AVijfre you i! iJiAil be rtiy jfrsct M ' Mjnp tlio ('! ltom yon adurr, ' "".."".Your ftedceoter shall le (tunc j , tartU ei fill my ml no mure i ", Efery l l4 Iredpii. " k:?-.. . ' - V Ttll me not of jin n J loiy . tc, twj)V)ymn, pH7p,'itHl power , Welcome portrtwiilerowi, , Min, rrprouch, nffllction'i luW. , ToIIo mc, I know thy oiwc ; elm, Lord, tby I cc, 'Now 1 Uke JJy yoke ty tlio'iot-, Uglit tlty burthen now on mcj ' t ; PRESIDENT'S JW LSSAGE.' iinifi'ctsed with thbc intimcnU. Ixaaaotrc-iaa juttxondjiiona,. aodin luaaunr equally. gar J the pressures to which I have verted , pincrwisc, maa in me ugni oi mua ana in fclructlveadmonitioo i? warning us of dangers to be shunned in future f tjeAhing us lessons :.o( economr, corresppndingith the slmpli- tUy and purity of Qur institutions, and best adapted to Uicirsrfpport J evincing Ihe con- iiexion and t dependence which the various nrrts of oar hannv Union have tn each bth- - y yr, thereby augmenting. dally our sociul in r'V - corporation, -and addingrby iti strong ties, .new irvigui una vigor loxne poiuicai r.open i . 1 j - . . i . t ' on lmr.Uur.-.U-i' kittjt tin nt. the ol.'tct fJI-nidJ, where tnerc vj iu II . I w coma lc .iniMiiMUriiC' u a rariy c r?;"inwJ..ti(i"o ofdilTfrtnn. ri'1 it ij Ik.J, 'jjrtvci.t ull luih Iraudnlitii uud p.-rniuoua juiiics, and htt tie rrUtions 6f -thr trf ouirfrjci on ttvtry, ar.iieuUc and pt-rniutu-nt Ukii. , . . . The commetical rrl.uionbter'n1h, Uni ted Srit? and xhv Uri'.hh t(ctemxi!"Ym Indies, and on lids continent, luvtf undergone no change the ltqtihli government utill pre ferring to leave that commerce under ihc re ttrictiun herttcforc iiuposnUm it on ea:li tide. UH suislactory to recoiln t,that tlte lesrrainjj. resorted to bv thtrXriutTirSratcs were defen sive onlv, intciidrd to prevent a monoixjiy un- llftiu Vn' likewise is to knotv'that'the'eX'" ptrimcnt is advancing in a spirit of amity be tween the parties. ' The question depending between the Uni ted States and Great Britain, respecting the construction of the first article of the treaty of Ghcrit, has been referred, by both govern ments, to the decision of the Emperor of Kus t'u, who has accepted the umpirage. , ' An attempt has been made, with thf gov ernment of Wancelo regulate, by treaty, the commerce, between the two countries, on the principle of reciprocity and equality. Dy the last communication from the Minister Plenipotentiary f the United. States, at Paris, to whom full power had been given, we learn that the negotiation had been commenced there; hut serious difficulties having occurred, the Trench government had resolved lo trans fer it to the United States,for which purpose, the Minister Plenipotentiary of France had bt4u ordered to repair to this city, and whose arrival might soon be expected. It is honed that this important interest may be arranged i '-aZ aw.'(?er faiSe and with new encourage i -rrwnfY to the industry -anti enterprize pf our . ' fellow citizens at home and abroad t and more i m especially, by the multiplied proofs wnich it rtas acwrnuiatru, o. ine greaipcricctron oj oar most excellent sj stcra"6f .gnyernmentj "the "jpbwtrTul jristrifrnent,' inthor hai3 of ia all- merciful Creator, in securing to. us tiiese bless- HuriPY is our situation is; it does not ex- tmpt'us from, solicitude, and care fothe fa--t- - v-"vMro;Oo the tontrarn as'thetilcsswjrs which i-nii tir. ' ntf 'nrnnnrtinn should be'ourvigilance, ical and activity to prccrvc inrm. 'j k oreign wan may again ex pose us ',10 new. wrongs, which would impose oq us new1 duties, for which we ought to Be "prrpnT,Jl4itatc.5f Enrope is tincttled, sofa how Jong pea.ee may be preserved'isTili ' together uncertain In addition to which, we -have McrestsTjf otirown yi adjast;.hich wjll require. partiCuIarjitteDiion. A correct .view of. our u relations -with each power will enable you to form a just idea of existing difficulties, unu oi ine racasurt oi nrecauuon oestaaapt ed to them-. . . v v'f' , Respecting bur relations with Spain, noth ing expticu cn now dc communicated, un the adjouroment of Congress, in May last, the .Minister,. Plenipotentiary of the United -S?ate"Rt fi ftdri4 waf tmmnrwtharfnforrfr thei government oT Spain. thWlf his Catholic government would accept tae ratiucation so i - ''' 1 - w 1 . taras to submit to the decision of the Senate . 1 : the question, w tether such ratihcatiqn should - V- - lie received in exchange forthfft of theJUht- tea sxates nereioroTe Riven. 7 vv icuen irom -t"tarv-f-Stafv it nrinpnrs. tliat a .'jinmmuni. cation, in conformitv with -hi instructions, fwl been matle ta thVgQvenrmexit of 5p?jn,- and that the Cortes had the subject under con- ttderation. The result of the deliberaion of '. tbaf ,hody, "w -mncbknown to CongresrasBOttn a ;.lr1STPe- ceived. Ihe Iricnuly sentiment which was expressed on the paxt of the United States, jn tlvj,,message 01 the 9ihof-Ma last; is stil i tgret, however which arc inseparable from the delay attending this transaction, it is prop er to state, that satisfactory information has -been received that.jiieasuri.shave been rerent ly adopted, by designing persons, to convert ida satisfactory to both parties. It is submitted to Congress to'dide,linuLsuch arrangement is made, how far it may be proper,-on the principle of the act of the last session, which augmented the tonnage duty on Trench ves sels, to adopt other measures for carrying more completely inter effect the policy of that act.1 . i r. . The act referred to, which imposed new tonnage orf French vesstts, having been In force from add after the, first day of Juty, it has happened that several vessels of, that nan tion, which had been dispatched front France f '. . t '' . oeiore us existence was Known, nave entereo, the ports of the United States, and been sub ject to its operation without )hat previous no tice wnicn tne general spine or our tawa gives to individuals in similar cases, idc.oujcci of that hw haviogteen merely jacounterrail the. inequalities which existed,tq ;he disad vantage of theT-Upited States io their'epm- incrvw imcifcuuisc wiiu jrraDtr, 11 is suuuui- ted, also, 40 the consideration of Confess, whether tn the spiht pf amity.'and concilia- lion, wnicn 11 is no less tne ancunaiion man the policy of the United States to preserve, in their intercourse with other powers, it may not be proper to extendjelief to thcUndivid- uais inicrcsica in loose cases, oy exempting from the operadon pfitht law: all thoSjC-vcs sels-which. haycjentercd our portsf without having had the means of previously L no wing the'existettce of the additiOTalduty?4 v The coStest vbetween. Spain and the cblo hiesj according to the? most authentic Tnforma lion; is maintained bv thtf latter with improv? ed success. The unfortunate divisions wh:ch .1 . . ' . i were Known 10 exisc some lime since ax Due rios Ayrcsv it fs understood, siill prevail, j In no part of South America Ttaj Spain niade any impression on the colonies, while, in ma ny parrt, particularly in Venezuela and New GrenatfatTuTcOT have gained strength, and acquired jfeputationto agementUlhkafmwUic successful, and for the order of the internal admioistratiomvTlie- late change in the cov ernment of Spain, by the re-establishment of the constitution of i812,7isan"c promises lo be;"iav6table JO Under the authority of the Cortes, ihq Con grestof Angostur a wasinvited.iQ aptt&M gotiation for the settlement of dilTeterices be certain parts of the province of Last Hor , iritaacportrtneireepwH onorrten gooif irom wiicnc.e 10 snjjuccic uraa into uic unuec States. By opentnjj a pnrt within tlie' lhiias c.ir.l,a.;ul,rv.;r...:: ft;ru:e;,i u. ne nii- al oij( cti, to v!uM, in ihe ui yr;;- " rtJI rTni il c'uii.t s,50ur' tuteution will be drawn. Among three, none hold a more important pi ice than tlie public revenue, from the di rect peratintt ot"tH- power,-by whiuh it is raised, 011 the' people, and by Us inflii'nce'in ;ivitg effect to t cry wJicr jkiw tr of the gov-rrnnn-nt. The revenue clrprnds on the rr wmef'HHefcnmtfyrnd iHfucrlity-by-which the ahioont required is raised,! a strong proof of the extent of tUt resources, and ol the. ehVicnry of the g ivernmrnu A few promiiirnt facts will p'.ac? thi gn at intrM S:ptcaljcr, 1815, the funded und lioaiiug Ucbt of the .-United States was estimated at one TuihVlrr-ahd lith'(cf oUnioSi;Ix.huaarcd' and Uilrty.fi ve ihdiisjind five hundred and fiX. ; tv-eight dollars. If to this sum be a3dcd, the amount or five in-r cent, stock, subscri bed to the Hack of the 'United States, the amount of Mississippi stock, and of the slock" which was. issued subsequently to that dale ; the balances ascertained jo be due to certain states for military services, and to individu als for supplies funrnhrd, and services ren dered, during the fate war, the public debt may be estimated as amounting, atihat date, and as afterwards liquidated, to one hundred and fifty-eight millions seven hundred and thirteen thousand and forty-nine dollars. Or. the 30th Srptember, 1820, it amounted to ninety-one millions nine hundred nod ninetv- three thousand ejght hundred and eighty-three dolIarsYhaviiiglKen reduced, in that interval,' by payments,' sixty-six millions eight hundred and seventy-nine thousnnd one hundred and sixty-five dollars. During this term, the ex penses'of the govrrnment of the U. States were likewise defrayed in even- branch of the civil, military, and naval establishments ; die publie edifices in this city-have Jecit .rebwi.lt, w tniconsideraTjTe addTonS f CXtcnsive forti. hcations have been commenced, and ate in a traU.oCccution ; permanent arselnali land magazines have been erected in various, parts of the Union; our navy has been considera bly augmented, and the ordnance,1 munitions J-of war, and stores,, of the army and navy, wincnLwere jnucn exnausteaxjuting tne war, tave been replenisled.r Dythe discharge ol o large a proportionftf the public debt, tn so jlwrt atimca jyst'etimate may be formed of the great extent of our national resources. X n ucm,onstration is tne more complete ana gTatifying.bcn: it t J recollected that the . di- rect tax and excise were repealed soon alter thetcrminaiion of the latewar.and that the revtnUcj applied to these purposes has been derived almost wholly. fromhejaources;V- rrt -.. . . 7t .1 -'-r - - ine receipts into ine reasury. irom every source, to tne . autn oeptemoer last, nave a? mounted to "sixtecnTmilirbris "seiren hundred an sev WW.Ohcpart,reO that they would willingly open the negotia tion provided independence Iwas madea btherwjteiiv; !'Of "liurther proceedings between them, we- are uniniormedi No facts re known to this government to warrant the be lief that any of the powers of Europe will take parrirr thc feelnfeF red, considering all circumstance's which mttst have 'weight ip. producing the result, that an adjustment will Anally take place, on the basis proposerl-by the-.tolonte. To promotfthat result, by friendly rouniitls with other pow ers,' including Spain herself, has been the uni- 4 ioriw-polwry pi -tht-governmenU In locking to the internal concerns of our country, you will,. I. am persiradedA derive ind ninety-four thousand one hundred and leven dollars. sixt'yVix centswhile the pub- lie expendi turesvto-rhe -eame period amoun- ICO to sixteen minions eigne nunurea ana seventy-one thousand1 fivelnundred and tnirtv- four dollars seventy-two cents. Icavinpr in the Tre'a9ury3)o "that ' day, 4i aum'estimated at one million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars.:For the probable receipts of the fo) lowintr vear;u. reier tou to tne statement which willncirapsmitted from the Treasury) The sum of three milliona of dollaTs.-axi"' thortsed to beTaiscd by loan, by an act of the last ession-pt Cbngressrhas beei obtafned upon terms advantageous to the government, indicating not only an Increased confidence in the faith of the nation, but the existence of a large amount of capital seeking that mode of invesimeni, ac a rate ct taierest not exceed ing five per cenUpcf annum. . ; It is proper to add, that there is now due to""tlie3lreasury, Tor the sale of put lie lands, twentyrtwo millions nine. hundred and ninety six thousand five hundred and forty-five dol lars. In bringmo. this subject to view, libi sidcrritrmy: duty to submit to Congress, wKetKer it may hot be radvisable to extend to- the purchasers of these lands, in consideration nPtnrirayora red since the sales, a reasonable indulgence. It isjkho wu that :the purchase? were- itrade wTicn the prjeef c vera had risen" to it greatest-height,-and -that' the instalments are bectmmrdue-ar a-penod of Treat deiires sion. It is presumed that some plan maybe ble with the public interest, which would af ford great relief to these purchasers. -Considerable progress has been made, du- rmg.the. Resent seas coasf and its various baya, and other inlets j in the collection of materials, and in the con struction of. fortifications for the defci&c of the Union, at several of the positions at which it has'been decided to- erect suc"h works.' At Mobile Point," and Dauphin Island, and .at the Rigolets, leading to Lake Pontchartrain, :mateoalitft.a:.ctfrisiUerable-.amoant have beep collected, and all the necessary preparations made fop the. C'-mmence,m5:nt of the works. A I Old rinlComf ii t.a. th; mr.;urt'cf j ,, . 1 llivtr, ami ot the Hip Hat, oil thi f(. p thoicVw t!ic Chesapeake II iy, m .Ucr'ulug1 ait aipount hpve been tolls ctcij Rn4 at .j Old Point some progress- 1ms been ,naje the coutructiouof th lhfication. ,:,t : on cation. !.;rt a'ven extensive scale. 'lle ,u In)rt Washington, on this'river, will Le fCaj pitted early' in the nrxt "spring. 8nJili;itv' lire Pea Ptcm,iath' Delaware: lit the" if,.,,.! of , the next season. 'For Diamond, u Narrows, in the harlof of New-Yoik, u fimshrd this year. Iim woiks St. lloitoi New-York, Ualiimore, Norfolk, 'Cltarlcstoa' and .Niag.'ra.haJlC.bj.cn io. pariv rrwtrKfr md tlie coilt of Nonh-Carpltna, exteadl.- south to C ipe Fear,' has been examined, u ward oj lltpn.i- lreat txertioni lm1ti made to push forward these works wiili ij. iitmost'dt'8p.itth possible j but when their ex ten is considered, with the important pu. fioses fyr. which tlxey are intended .the de ence of the whole coast, and, in eonnrtjuenef. of the whole interior, and that they ar tolj for ages it will be manifest, that a weH di gested plan, founded on military principles, connecting the whole together, combining curity with economy, could not be. prep iinuuuv i tit va . Btk4isasiviis U IUC litOH exposed and diificult parts, and thatit woi also take considrrablc time to. collect the ma. teri ds at the -'different 4 points where they would bur required. From- all the light ih has been shed on this Subject, I am satisfied that every favorable anticipation which h been formed of this great undertaking, irHl be verified and that, when completed. it ifl afford Verv great, if not complete protectios to oWrjAtlantie frontier, in the event of ia other4 war: a protection sufficient to couo- terbalance, in a single campaign, with in tot. my powerful atjura, the expensejpf jU tbes. wonts, wunoiH raKiog into tne estimate wt saving of (betivfs.tf so many of our citizen, die protection of ouf towns, and other rrop erty,orthe tendency of such works loft yc.HW.ir. , 2. Vt , Ourmilitary positions hare .been raamt;.! rt at Uclle Point on theiArkansSs, at Coi ,1 1 m,.ir nn ,k s.t:. c.'.ti....t. .il Mississippi, and at Ureen'Bay on" the Upper Lakes. Commodious barracks have afreadv been erected at most of these posts, with tuck works as were necessary for .their uefenct Progress has also been made in opening com? munications between them, and in raiting supplies at each for the support of the troopi by their own Iaborf -particularly those mo remote. With the Indians ipeace: hat ben preserved, and aprogress made trarryinj" mto effect the actof Congress" making an 17 propriation for-their: civilization; with the prospect bf favorable resalts. As connecttJ I equally with both these objectsour tn-t with those" tribes is thbughtto merit the st-' tention of Congress. - In their original ttstf. game is mcir susicnance, and war tneir occb patioii Tahd, )f theyfindno employment froa civilized powers; they destroy each other. Left to themselves, tneir extirpation is iner itable. . By a judicious regulation of our tradc-ivith ihemwe supply their wants, d minister. to their comforts, and gradually, a the game retires, draw them to us. By tnain taimngposts far in the interior, we acquire I more thorough and direct control over them, without which;il is confidently. beltevei jhat a complete change in their manners can never be accomplished. By such posts, aided by ' proper regulation of our trade with them,Bl a judicious civil administration over thejn, be provided for by law, we shall, it is pre sumed, be enabled not only to protect our own settlements from their savage incurs'. and preserve peace among the several truKi but accomplish, alsq the great purpose of their civilization.-1 - '.ll..lZI:f. ' ij;aConM'cjeratilc 'jplogwslrasjr WinacV.-' in the construction of ships of war," spmrof .whkh,Jbave been;laumhedria th-course 4 the presen t .year, v ' V -'-' i5cri5Jei.plj;t f Barbary has beenpreserf ed, but we. ove it' altogether to 'vtheTprmtt'cerof oar sqaadfon iB th eJH Pflifrrrarira l.necclSatyt6"''cvm forirtTcprottonojar. j cUarTsca,the Pacific,; anialdne A'-1 coast Their4ertsta" ifig in those quarters, whicrT have been muca improved of iatc, are bt great extent, and of high importance to the nation, as well as t thepart,ies con ly' suffer if such protection wras not 3i! to them." .. In execution bf the lavv-of the h tewign' for jhe suppressiph of the slarr't &et some of our publy: ships have al't liu " ployed on the coast of A ffita, t . iere $ captures have already bi-en r ! oft engagtd m that disgracefultti V.