v. ' J.. KAIisniltV, (N. I.'.) TLXSDAY, IM'.fi, 1S2X, iiiiiii mil wiiai u minMiii nfrr ' run jlulx. . Amorifjall the mWeiles to n-htcti' Printer arc subject, (and Heaven kitowi the jr art not i few,) ., ,.thefc not one peihaps which affect ihcMad more, and moke creator remiUltiom on the pj M tlencct Uun the failure the mailt,' 'Tbii Uevcn vexatious, where die mail arrives dulfy f when liut twice or thrice week, doubly ao but to hate mailt which arrive only once week,, i in ilccJ compelling the Printer to resort to detfer- . ,ute.Wtt. Our apof tlicrcfore,. to.ourrea clem, for not filing them this week a summary of the proceeding! of the Lcjhtoturtand of Con '"greu; it, that we had none ti give. The mails, by which we receive all our intelligence, failed. Under the present arrangements, the new mail route established last spring from Fredericks burg, Vo. lo Poweltoti, Ca. entirely fails of ac complishing Ibe objects intended, and is of very little, if any, public benefit. All our papers und letters from the north are still sent round by the way 01 Raleigh ; and lor their regular arrival tere, we bare to depend on the crazy vehicle that runs between that place and this, to atop which hardly any thing more is necessary than the bare appearance of a cloud above the horizon. 1 f Mr. Meigs cannot, either by making the Post-Office at Fredericksburg a distributing one, or in some other way, have the present evils remedied, the northern mail may as well be discontinued, as it is only subjecting the government to a heavy ex pense, without producing any equivalent advan tage to the public. !ad Times The cry of hard time$ has been ro long sounding in our ears, that we huve wor ked ourselves into the belief that we are, iu real ity, a dittret.cd people. But the fact is far oth- m m m a , crwise. We are rattier embarrassed, it is true ; but then our condition is perfect happiness, when compared with that of the people of some other nations ; when contrasted, for example, with the condition of the inhabitants of England. Were we, In addition to what we term our present dU- r- mm mmm . w a I In lit A I r irl . . Iha k. 1U ( yiU UM. 1411 "UllH VI tub '- Edinburgh Review) "upon every article which , enters into the mouth, or covers the back, or is " placed under the foot upon evry thing which Ss pleasant to see, hear, feel, smell or taste upon warmth, light, and locomotion taxes, on every thing on earth, and the waters under the earth on every thing that comes from abroad, or is grown at home taxes on the sauce which pam pers man's appetite, and the drug which restores . htm to health on the poor man s salt, and the rich: man's spice on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride," and on a hundred et cetera i were we subject to all this, well, in deed, miirht we err out hard times. But such is not our condition: We have every thing in abundance, except money ; and perhaps we have 'as much of thai, when we take into view its qual ity) as would.be beneficial to us to have. Tfft taslslal trn n tvKaf tar o ta c -xA ilrvj a w m will 11 HIUIllVII W TT lin TV W IIB1 V 9WU HIAVV1 TV V V l now add another little extract, for our readers to r "look upon,' whencrer they feel inclined to mag- . mfy their distresses, and to complain of the light ' trpullet which they experience: . . ...JU.- . Hot.TM PETElSBl'na ISTELMOKJCtl. . .... ..... -t ... -. iflinis'iwli.-i nA' & 'W Stf.X.; - 'n'ir" .at- ..tii.w.v' -"- ... nosedJiv ib.e.Bntlih' tfovemrr t;lnJ tlltt. for the k!nt:! ti tf lti.iini S tt' f:lJ.f)!i!. m hirr r l. fir pnfi' if tliC tUnK !mJi hU iim nt, iif Irr bt lnj r ianini tl hihI wmtI y rmiiittr- a 1 ( ! he liooki of the junk, 4 foufid to tt torn tt ml iwli- fa,'7' ... Iifl ev fiiii t4 1 li at day, llic Ihrrttors m t umI pro. erfli-l to the election of UV Dirrrton of ttic Kti rnI lrm l Ink. Hie oiily slurstl'MM Ukh wrre ttuwle were the fUo!, At SjIiHirv, Jnrr Martin, ir, and Ji mc llttnivr. were poiritcl Dirt-ctiT, in lla fUrc of Itranl nd 'Jcwte A. IVarsnn. At I'aT. lUcvillr. Diiiirsii )U tA.nn s ftMIutc!in the pbVe of o!in Dick riti. At M'ilinlnxtoit, Vl Hnu'Ui nut Airs- antler Arvkrn, in U10 piacri 01 iiiji rt ih-tr nl J horn' M C, Kcrtw. . At TuriMjrtHirfi, Fumotl Wrny, I'rtrr Sujfjf Ami ltolert A. Jonrn, la Uie placvf of lt)Jcrt Joy. ni-r, llirwlotph Cotton nfl 11nna Itirrow; an.l at Cdciitoi'JoiKrhXloint,ln t!ic 'iLctf of Tlio'wuu )l V. ' , ' ' JUd. 1 The Board of Public Improvement, on Satur day last, after a f esslon of ieventcen dajr 1, brought their business toVcfoseT 'Their annual He writ, which gives a sketch or the objects which have engaged their ttent ion during ihe-year, has been made to,the. Iej;islaturejndjjogether..with all the He ports made by Hamilton I ulion, Es(j. the Engineer of the State,has b tnlnted, in a pamphlctrand marue hitTatlhe Register OlTicc. puling the sitting of the Board, Instructions were given to Mr. Fulton and Mr. Bruzicr, to v'uit the Koanoke, and lay out the residue of the Canal at the Great Falls, and determine the site of the Locks; to determine the site of the first Dam and Iock on the Tar Hiitr below lewls burg, and draw a plan of a proper Lock for that purpose. Afterwards to viit Cape Fc.tr, and de termine the plan of improvement from Buck born to'Fayettevtlle then to go to the Yadkin Hiver, and give such aid und instruction to the Yadkin Company as might le necessary. The Engineers are now perfomitng this sen ice. The election of a new Board has been moved in the legislature t but tho motion has leen met with one to repeal the Act setting cpart a fund for Public Improvement, which has not yet been acted upon. r Jltlicwng the principal Engineer and his Asa sistant to be men every way qualified to perform the duties of their appointments, we are concern ed to state that we are likely to lose their ser vices (except the new Board shall make some fresh arrangement with these gentlemen,) the former having resigned, and the latter been noti fied that his contract will be considered at an end in February next. Hid. rs, Navy, Armjr, 8cc." amounted to 24 1 ,647, 1 64 dollars. Tha. article of salt, paid a tax of four dollura fier buaficlf r Domestic liquor a tax of one . dollar twenty centt per gallon ; and foreign li quora three dollar teverfty-Jive cents Every thing, in shbrt, for the comfort and sustenance of - .the. people of thut coutury, is assessed, and pays a dirty in proportion , to the articles enumerated. T he windows of. houses are not excepted. - Americans t What thinj ye of hard times' ?" BALt.ton, pfx. S.--On Wdncdav last, the Electors of Preaulent and Vice-President of the UvUeil States con xvened tiA flu State House ngreably to law, and, after ma. kinjr Judijc Hall their Chairman, t cceded topve in their votes, w hich were unanimously for James Monroe a.,.Piewdntr avd Daniel ih Tompkins a Vice-PresU .dent. . . . . ' s .RegUttr,. "i ' ' ( - 'Hir.tr Rank. At the annual meeting of the Stockhold ers f tle.tte Bnk of North-Carolina, onr KoncUylast, the oUl Dirt-ttni' ..were rflf-ctil A btatomotit t. tt. Xitiur of'tHa ijank' was l:ud befom tlie Stotkholdei-s, in - "w au estimate, was nip.ie of alt the desperate anu CWHibtful il,.ht ri t!lf ln.tltlltio'11. 6Hil ai'irh a chit. iliiiVt. WRIT DIFFICULTIES WITH FIUWCX. We can scarcely credit the report, that the state of our relations with France is of the com plexion which the following extract has given them. A roost extraordinary demnnd, if we are to believe the Washington letter writer, is in em bryo, ready to be made upon our government at any time, as an off-set against any demands we may have, in the adjustment of our affairs with France. IVathivgton City Gazette. ro tui xew-tobk Aicaici. ' Extract from ll'mhington-" 1 hough the gov ernmcnt appears to be without infonna ion, there seems some reason to believe that the Florida question was referred by the king's ministers to the Cortes, a committee of which body has had the 6ame under consideration. It is lelicved that the French government required cf Mr. (Jul latin, aulhoiized on our part to treat on the sub ject of navigation und commerce, to allow the admission of French vessels into Louisiana on the same footing as those of England, grounding the claim on the article of the Louisiana treaty, by which it is stipulated that the vessels of France shall be adnitied into the (oits of Louisiana on the fooling ol the most favored nation. Mr. Gal latin answered, that he would not consent to such admission, unless France would, by udmiitingour vessels into her porta on the footing of I rcnch vessels, give us the equivalent compensation by which England obtained this pi iilegc. The an swer is said to have been, that the cession of Louis iana was the compensation, and that in virtue of the stipulation on our part, the vessels of France were entitled to be received in Louisiana on4hc most favoured footing allowed, whether gratui tously or for a compensation, to the vessels of any other foreign power. Not only is this un tenable claim jnade,''bii(''compesatiionT6VTKe suspension of the privilege s is required, and the negotiatiorr is transferred tcrWashingtonTw here the pica of the want of powers could not exist. It is possible that this unfounded demand,-for such it doubtless must be considered, the con struction of the terms granting the rights oT the most favoured nations so often and so univ ersally settled, aims at raising up acclaim, that may, to a certain degree, operate as an offset agaiiist the claims of compensation made on our parV: w 1 ' S 0 UTIt- CJIt OLLYJ '-COLLFJiE. -.At a meeting of the' Trustees of the South Carolina College, on Saturday evening last, Mr. Stephen Elliott !;Waj unanimously elected President of that Institution ; Dr. Coopfr was also unanimously re-elected Professor of Chem istry ; Mr. Wallace was elected Professor of Mathemaucs, and Mr-t jlowxie, Tutor. - : - State Gazette. - Schools, The school commissioners for Frederick coun - ty in the stare ol A ii ginia, in'contbrmity 'tp the act foregi11jtlngTtiie literary fund, rcj)ort, that there are about fifty-seven schools in said countv- The Common ('otinril of Savaimat) hare unan ln)f)ii.y vtcd thtir thanks to the Mayor of that itvtfurl,i nunly, lynquthrtic, and gff rou roudifctdutlngthe late maligmnt dlcac at thai pl.icf '. , M.tltltlKt), T7M Kor titovin,onl1iur4lty evening the 14tli hutant, Mr, Ohadiah f lamptoQ tu MIm filiy Iinnc, hHh f tlie county of Ilowan. . t roaxcitATtp. On tlie I8U1 ntntf at hit realdenee, a few mikf from tli town, ipitc 'MdJentyAftiM it, Itsq. In tltf 70h year of.hi ae. lie una a rctj.ecltMe atal eMn nvl ciiitcit,! uoit'iy nugUtratr, and an old inhabitant of Ito wan county. ;' . ffoJiancTtia wit kit raui thi vkttrtilli nxitm.1 lUcoit - . li o IUtf,incM ""-"' - " 10 12 fresh ... 43 nrrtwai - 25 3'J Itrandy, Coif. - - gal. J 23 3 IVncn ' . 7(1 'Applu - CO M Butter .... Ib. 'il Cofltc .... 00 32 Corn .... buih. 45 5J Cotton, I' pland - 10U It). U 2J Flour, wiperfine - - bid. 3 62 J fine 3 25 1 50 rUxared - - mb. I Gin, M.Jhnd . - gal. 1 1 25 Northern - 6.) 70 llilard - - U- 1 Iruti, 8rnli - 100 h. fi 6 5U f.njfliiili 1 - 3 6 Lead .... IK 10 1?J Molici ... jpd. 40 45 Outs .... hui.li. 30 4'J l'ork .... 100 ll. 4 5 Potatoes lrit.li - - hush. 75 1 Hum, JniN-, 4th proof gal. 25 1 J5 W. Inland, 4th do. . do. 3d do. - 90 1 New-England . . 50 G) Kice - - - 100 lb. 4 5 Salt.TiirU-Uland bush. 90 IAerpooI ground - 1 Steel, tlornian - lb. 15 Miirtrrrd Sugar, lluscov ado - - 100 lb. II 12 Iaf ... 1I. 25 27 Tea, Young IIvmni - 1 12 1 25 Hyson ' - - - 1 2t; 1 40 Imperial - 1 75 2 Gunpowder - - 1 50 1 73 Tobacco, lc:f - - 100 lb. 4 3 manufactured lb. 10 12 Tailor .... U 13 V'.-at .... bush. 6- Wl.iAcy ... 3'J 35 YiucnVitm, f IVlf. c rii.ft.,n fintiply rJving I.Hrcn t!. Tru- ' L trc fif f'UiU-iwIU" A'm!my mid llir Ml.wuf.i f t tmIur lulnf di.riW, I'urenti anl fiuurdlsrH are li. K by tiifi.nmJ, t!ut tlie d fit rtnt lrnln I.errtfXio t ti-lit h thli aruilcmy, us will till rondiniv to ti mIi In a suitable h'utc 'rrsn-il fi,r this rwr". 'H. tut',, faction u hich the lir'try. of j, fifou firt n durinx the urin of fite yean, tbr r pi.cab!.j auir,g iY, bis s'ulents iri tic di3'.rttit UgUt Kiiiiiuiio which,. , l..r fttlftvA- kfT.lllit a m ,. I .1 1..... ,1... . I. . uwiaj liberal support and ertcotin. uht ill tw emhi. urd. Tartnts and Curdiaus may rest aireil, tlut 'ih. cry M-retnary attention slialt be paid la the deport n.ejit. the projfrtM and accuracy of nipiV . , , . , ..ici.jK;beol.il roijfucnr e tn t)w of Jarjtyjt, To H coniinoitile ti e piu1: of 2ioiilh-('trt:na, th r. a ill be bi't uw rl;jt in the ) car, tu couimcnce on thr I6lb of NovniJier, ll . .' , . Iloapd'mif can be had- it unnid. a? the luuri of Ifrura. Work, Mart, and Mi Knight, Le. joiiN.iuaiiAT. i'.. jj..tr fitnt'rit, .Vt. 24, 1870.- .Itcop'M TUT mibcrib rTs now opeiirnpTol h" FWe TiTJC)?Jr bun', a general aiul well elected au4liU:iil of . j)rj C6oih"" ' j lhird-Wate.aml Mtdicincr J rrrcived direct from Kew-York imd Fbiliilrlpblj, mm uki iii si prices inai vtiu i'Imiih: mm 10 u n-in;irk-hIiIv low. ' It'm riiMoiiKra, oi.d the pnblir, are nM'i. fuliy invited to call and examine for iWimm lits. All kintl of Country Hnxbtt: received in x h.ujre. the. 12, 1820. Ia27 J. Ml'KPIIY. VTOTICT. is hereby iriven, that an order hath been ll made and signed by the ('residi-nt ami Dln-etoni of the Yadkin Na igntion Conipajiy.that a fifth iiutialiuent of ti n itoUar' on each klisre is required to w pawl by the subscribers, on or brforv the l'jth lay of January next. r Itr.IJr.KH'K KANUI t; Tietumrr. 5ih Dsctmler, JHJ0. 5 29 . ' State of odb-C arollnn. ' iredell vouwrr. Maiu ell and Ilcnn- Chambers, and others,') Petition for v. thc division James Irw in, Uobert and Samuel Chambers, j of UuhI. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this rase are the inhabitants of other statcs....7'ir'ri', rr-d. That publication be made for six weeks in tfie lVclevn CaruVu ion, published in the town or Salisbury, that unless they appear at the next Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Iredell, on the third Monday in February, 1821, and plead, answer, or demur to said petition, judgment will be ta ken pro confesso, and heard exparte. 6w2l K. IMONTl)N, CVrrZ. AVkYstm & tmV., Dirrrthf npfionitr the State Hunk, Jfiiiii-Snvf'; .Vi'M'f ", F.li leave to inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just received from Xtw- oik a supply of rijTCJUlS JWi JKIfEUtft consisting of first rate warrantetl Kngliaii Vatc!iei gold, gilt, and steel Watch Chains j Seals, Kejs, tic. -, S'ars and Figlea for Ofi'ieer' eoaU and h..ts ; ladies' hair Bracelets, gold mounted; white and yellow Spangles; fancy and nioc.rning Kings, of diH'cntit patterns; An.it Icts; Coral; (larnets, aad glass Heads ; Fur Rings ; mI ver Thimbles c. Sec. A supply of Silver Spoons, Soup f Adles, and Sugar Tung's constantly kept on hand, and also manufactured to any pattern, at abort notice. CLOCK'S, If. ITCHES, V TIME-PIECES, of every description, carefully repaired, at short notice, and warranted to keep 1'me. The subscribers Tetd grateful to the public for favors already received; and bop, by careful attention, to uicrit the continuance of public patronage. V Yi WUTIS YV1IKFNSOX, ' lictai HoitAif. :" N. H. Human Iluir, s'iitab' for making v:tch cliains, bracelets, L?. wanted, foi which a liberal price, In easii, will be paiil, on its delivery at our liop. W, h H. W)k Store Aiiei)nlt)U. T'tF. sibrribers have lately received a large supply .Of JWHiKs. r.tMl. in a.llition, will in a 6 days re. ccivc a large and valuable collection of Ijiw, TliefiloglcaT,' CbhsirMl, Il.ntorical, Medical and Miscellaneous Books, wi'b a grnend a-HortrtK-nt f the best and most approred ScbiMil l(Mik Hlank ami Account Itooks, S ritlng an Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Hoards, Ink and Ink I'owdcr, of the Usi kind, Slates !ead ami Slate Penrils, Hay wood's New Manual, Potter's Justice and Martin on the law of executor and vlministrators, scarce books in this end of the Slate i aitd s enl new agricultural works. Academics, scluMtls, public, private, ami social libraries supplied on the iimhM reasonable terms. Onlers for any lxK)ks w ill In. thankfully received ; an I any books in the Hiiladelphia, cw-Yort, or Charleston markets will be procured at short notice, and delivered here at the Philadelphia and N't w -York retail prices. MclIEK ti KPJMIAItDT, At the I'OHt.OHiee. IJclnion, W. C. Ay. 3, 1820. 327 ON Horvbiy the 1st of Jsmisry, 1S2I, at tlie house of W. Mrirhin, Tju). will h? ssw4. 1, on a credit if 12 months, twentywo or three likely NF.tKtF, belong iug to the istatc of Win. Martin, deceased. AI.FKKI) "(JAlTHKIt, ) 4 . . A. F. 1'ALDWEI.I, 5wwr' Imtrll, AVf. 27, 1820. l26r Stivtc of VoTl-C!ttrunt1 IREDELL COUNTY IN F.qt'ITT. Milly (Either.. tw. Petlt'ofi for tlie sale ol land. John. Martin, John Price,. Milly Price, y ounjc, t.'harles C, Youngs 1 nwra Voting, Adaline Young, Ilorin da Young, Willisim M. Yoting, Tho mas Young, and Adelaide F.. Young.. IT appearing to the aativfaction of the Cotirt that the dii'endnnts in tls case are the inhnbitants of another state and government : TUf-fn, tr, That pnblien tion be made for six wetks in the H'etttrn CanHiaan, uiih ss the u foresaid parlies apfiear at the next Superior C fMirt of Law and Kjuity to be hekl for the county of lr'lell, on the fifth Monday after fourth Momlay in March next, and plead, answer, or demur to said petition. juilju nt w ill be .taken pro coufusso, awl heard ex parte. JOHN N. HART, CM. C.E. of VoTUv-GaToWna: Msiklriifmi County ...Wwembtr Stiiioni, 1820, Jou. lawix, V r C I Ahrkr M'Lkor. j Original-Attachment, o:vied on stindiy articles. iYcNV (looAs., fllllK snbscribt r respectfully informs the citizens of . J. Cabarrus and the adjacent coiinties, lludr in. addition. to his former stock, he hits just received, and now cjiefs for sale, at his Store lit Concord, a grjeatvariety of ' . Vnbke and fashionablrSfjBDS, well adapted to the season ; which-be -will sell cn the Tjiost accommo'dating terms, and invites all tliose who" wish to pitrchose to call and examihe Tor themselves. He would also beg leave -herewith to teiulcrjua sifi cere ack now lodgments, and to return his best thanks, to those w ho have heretofore so liberally patronized him, and most respectfully solicit a continnance of their patronage. - , He also most earnestly, but very respectfully, requests all tliose hos" notes and Jivy2t bave bpeoinc rva- , . fyf.&& blc, to call and make" payn cnCwTtbout delav, as tliat K t4.,- s.r" i i mi iii . . , 1 i . . v c Ion, on Uie tlunl alone will enable h:m to rnct his engagements, and at- ' ... meet ins engagements. ford the proper and necessary accommodation;.. v - TDIilAH HKOYVN, vent or MICHAFJ. BUOWX' Cmconl, Dec. 12, 1820. 5w27 7 : r . 07 IT appearing to the ourtthat the defendant "la. hot a residenter .of thin atate..prTcJ, thcreforcthat pub lication be itiade. thjxc hioutlia kl)l,ll.rtr9.,(VA!ta that Uie defendant appear at the next Court to-be hekl tir Bnid crntthcTTonrtihmis(rin CharlottcTon fourth- Monday in February next, and replevy and plead to is sue, or d-mur, otherwise judgment linal will be entered agiinst him. 3m29r a coir. ISAAC ALEXANDER, C.M. C. ...I ' Ti "i . i - Lincoln cocm,. Cowrr of Plra und Qwirter-Seintnf ? - -October fr-nium, .L D. 1201 $ Thomas indJohn Tip ps." , t. , .. J..... Petit ton fat., distributive.-,. T r.. 1 ' iuuis:i a?Mi jLonrau i ipos,, administrators of Matthias Tipps, deceased. sharcn of the estate of Mat lluas Tipps, deceased.' "I T ftppearing to the Court that Louisa Tipps 14 not a&j lnlialiit.mt of this state, it is tiicrciore jmwiiDy tne court, that i toi ire be published si weeks in the Jl entern Catpliniiin, requiring the said iWisaTipps to appear it tlie next County Court of Picas and Quarter Session to cmintv at'tne-lrt-lloustnLincplit"-- Monday in January next, then and lliere to answer or demur to the said petition r 'otherwise it will be t:.ken pro confettn, and judged accofilingljff as to the said LouiaaVipps. VvitnesH V. JPBee, Clerk ybf siid eMirt, at Lincfolnwn, ihe third Mondav cf tUctolw, 182J. 6w26 VAUORVM'llKJVC. Ia(klllvBv riot: