'I !k r M t.y. r !n Mi- t.Hj.iri M ' l! lln- t I li.l xll.ull nllliifr....m fifT. " TIW .V:i77l,Tir . wo.wrr. " fclrike Uic tout! AtitJicm to hail fie bh-nt inominjf, ' i, . J tU kthii?tii inDnt apptiiMi 7, , fi! in tlif Ka?, a iifu' iUyringhnbwiiin Hark ! tin- lad tirllnjri which umukI in our errs ! Chi til huipicioiM morn, To un a c)iili N born, fjory t? (h1 i i the hifht he p .n ; . i tail our I!:-Jci mcrV birth ITT . (lood ill and Trace on earth'- . -- ilan uaiu have conjunction with lltau u." " Hurk ! 'tnaVth role c of a icruph that nouaJt d Slicplw rU of Jtuha uiuri wiUi imrpri! ; While, itlt a nulianru of glory wirrouitdctt, 'I roopn of hiijjlit unjfeU tkkcciMl from the !Jtr Now loud the t lmr.il traiu Hwi Hi nminl the happy plain, "Glory lo Ul in the hihcU be given i Hail our Kciliciticr hirtli will and I'eacc on earth 0 Man shall again have coi.jiiiM tion with Heaven." Hiil to the Huviotif, c!c icriuEft fmm Heaven, To huild him a kingdom hich n-r r hall rcae ; The child that in horn, and the Foil that is given, U V. rvcrl:iKtin, tli'.- jprat Prime of Peace. I'ruii? him with grateful lay l'ur forth the tortd in prais? i The government re-t on His shoulder, uh:vc : In M'.rTi the (.o-llicod dwill l hich 1m siilxluii! the helU : And (ied the Creator, in Jcwn is k:.o'. n. tub cam. nr WAI.I.Af;I.. H T 4. BMrOBII. 0 rP- from the valley, () come from tli' ; lain, And ai ise to the hilU of mr fathers :;fii't. Tor a rhieftain has placed his banner on hiji, And the scourge of hiscountrv hatli dared to iL IV. Our lands arc laid w aste, and our homes air ie.tr cJ, While the ravaging Saxon is dwelling in piijj ; O gather, e brave ones, in battle army, And l!n" ?torm of the carnage shall sweet) him swae. What ! jnll this Usurper he lord of our lar.d Nor the son; (,f its heroes appeal to the brand ? And it he su'nl that a Scot ever bore Ti t. i iiuins w hich his fathers had spurned before Then come from the vallcv, and come from the plain. And ariv to the hills of your fathers again ; We v. ,11 sweep like the whirlwind, or hurst like a Hood, And the v.'.n of a tyrant shall set in his blood. JJncJn Cdtllr, Juh 16, 1820. Variety 'i. the very spice of Lie, That gi es it all its navor. ATKUDKNT HINT TO YOUNG LADIES. When T was a young man, says Philip Thick noss, I often visited a distant relation, to whom 1 v.nd my family had been much obliged. This gcntlemun had nine agreeable, nay, beautiful daughters, who had often entertained me with the slipslop conversation of a rich,ut low, un bred woman, their neighbor, "whose husband be ing appointed high sheriff, occasioned her to talk much to these ladies about the grund sheriff 'dinner she was to give. . il I am determined, said she, to have no custards ; for if I have custards, I must have cheese-cakes ; and if I have cheese-cakes, 1 must "have jellies ; if jellies, fruits," &c. As I usually spent my Christmas at the country-seat of this, friend, with his lovely family, there sometimes arose a kind of merriment, cal led Christmas gambols, questions and commands, J fcc Kqw these Innocent sports led the: gentle, men sometimes to salute the young ladies all around ; a pleasure in which I alone, who perhaps loved them best, always declined partaking. This shyness in me seemed so unaccountable to them, that they one and all seized an occasion to rally Trre for possessing a mauva'a kont so contrary to the etiquette at that time of ihc year. I confes sed the force of the charge, and fully acknowl edged my guilt ; adding, that the only excuse J could offer was, that if I had custards, I must ; , , Jiave cheese-cakes; if cheese-cakes, jellies; i( jellievS, fruits ; and if iir short, before I had hall done with my ifiiy they all ran away, and left me in the field of battle, arid never rallied Id make an attack on me again. . rKOX THE X. V. COMMTIK I L AnVtltTISEn. " V.'ili ladles hence encourage lads of merit, , A id SjAii'.i' at fops with unbecoming spirit ih , How prevalent is the opinion among yotinr men, tnat tne jroppenes ol uresscan giw then. . i . . i . . . . vnr the (S tltO fun:i!e tr::, A n.urt 'K grading idea cl IVmlc di-f cinm nt could not bt cnuitaincil. ' To Mippoic tb.it tbe ,. u-rior'dccorationj of what . luav. or.tn.iv not be m hatuUome erionf are wciIkU !) tlicm ijjainftt pt(m breeding, evinced in a ronttant dckire to jdeatc, or the tit.lid arrjutMtioi) ,ol knowledge, U preposterous in the extreme. A ladv tl jeni3 would fctvnn the ntutrwho shaulJ vow uc!i icnti::cn'i ; and even li2 who h herself destitute of literary Require ments, holdi him cheap wlio'depthd Mtlrly on extrinsic qualifications for respectability. A coxcomb may mue in company tn:ty occasionally command a untie or a nmpli ment from a lady, but never personal regard. A graceful dancer will excite admiration ; a superior singer will gain ippbuse a humor ous punster wjll create a laugh but it is good sense only that can ensure etteeiu, or inspire flections with the amMbI(.orl(QQ.o.f jheJb- male sex.- . It is remarked by-Miss-Kdeworth that " a woman may always judge of the estima tion in which she is held, by the conversation th.it is addressed to her." When balls, fash ionr, dresses, Sic. are the sole topics of con versation, a lady must naturally stippote either that a mean opinion is entertained of her un derstanding, or that the gentleman himself is destitute of the rich treasury of knowledge ; ut.acquainted with the refined pleasure cf a well stored mind ; unable to enjoy the 44 feast of reason and the flow of somV - - Though dress should not be esteemed our "8ummum honum," vet it must not be alio gether neglected. Let u man be neat fash ionable, if he pleases, in his appearance ; it is a respect he owes to his friends and to him crlf, but let dress be a secondary considera tion. All the useless accomplishments of fashionable life cannot compensate for the tvar.t of good sense. There are, indeed, few females in respectable society who cannot quickly discern and appreciate a vacant or 'vrll informed mind. A display of learning in female society shoud also be avoided. The pedint is as liI.tlv esteemed as the coxcomb. Conversa tion should in a great degree be suited to the company ; but whether grave or gay, should dways evince a reflecting mind, and be wor thy of a rational man. Independent of th im mediate pleasures we enjoy in the possession of knowledge, the advantages we derive from it are innumerable. It is this that commands the esteem of our acquaintances, an esteem las ting, because based upon solid acquirements, that when once attained arc ours through life ! TBOM Tilt WOODKTUCK 0BSSRTK3. Domestic scenes are the source of our most substantiaTenjoyments. Fatigued with busi ness, or dispirited wth vexation and disap pointment, we cast our thoughts to our lamilv circles. If all Ihere is harmony, peace and innocence, we are sure oi a relief from all our troubles. "The world and all its vanities shut out," it forms a little paradise. Such a family I knew. Harmony and love united the parents ; innocence, modesty and learning conspired to make the daughters interesting. Under these advantages they naturally at tracted attention. Yet with all these tempta tions, it may appear wonderful they, never caught the contagion of fashion, which is con lined to weak minds. No vanity diminished their charms. Though not servile imitators oi fashion, they were not superstitiously op posed to a due uniformity of existing customs: They were courteous and polite to all, with whom they fell in company, but never encou raged conversations respecting themselves, nor willingly received a fulsome compliment. They entertained company who were dispo sed to improvement, and could instruct them. by their conversation. The flatterer, the fop and the loiterer, never fund audiente noren xmriigcmentIhtigrcaUjrnamentof all the other accomplishments of these young ladies was the influence of practical religion. The fading nature of beauty, and the uncertainty of life seemed always strongly impressed on their minds. This, far from communicating a gloom infused aliappy serenity ; and while it was also a substantial ornament to beauty. No fearful terrors, no melancholy thoughts depressed them oh the approach of danger and disappointment, it was an interesting scene when one ofhem was called upon tp part with Her friends forever : "Time had hut touched her form to finer jrrace, " Years had but shed their favors on her face," when she wja& called 1 rom the "society of the living anaher body committed to the silent tW5;Wit'li'aln1hI elevated bj nature; an understanding cultivated and 'enlarged by study, a heart tender and "sympathetic ; be nevolent, amiable and modest, this young la dy drew to herself the affection, the esteem or respect of all who had the pleasure of her cquamtance, serious and discreet, her inti- rail.; d t'.'ir Imt. Pioudy re M.-nr .'I, .! w.n j p.uirnl under all the trial, u Hit whkh it pica sr J Providence lit afilict her, I sjw h-.r in her List Ulnm. Her drulgtnt'vyc wm "skklcd r with the pale cast of death," her lungs heaved with a violent hectic, and her cmac'u (cd. frame wai lotteiiug on the brink of the grave yet her soul wis calm and serene, look ing with epmpoaure ou the dissolution of na ture which the purity of her mind hud divested of its terrors. Tew of her hours had been ipent in frivolous and trifling amusements f fw of her days had pasted without lulding iomc thing to her store fr useful knowledge. She had . none p( , tlwt puduutic learning .which t disgusting in any one, and ridiculous in a fe male i but that practical philosophy which be longs to us all as active and rational beings, which teaches us to th'mk, to act, and to die, liberalized her mind, and while it raised the J'5aity-.(Jhcrcharacicr$dctracted nothing from those delicate accomplishments of her sex.Thcre was a purity in her converationi and dignity in her manners, that overawed vice and gained the involuntary admiration of every beholder. llutfthciMgonc. Theclods of earth lie heavy on her bosom, and the un conscious storms bt-.it upon her gnve. W'c may pour our tears over the dust that was once moulded in so elegant a form, and ani mated by so ptlre a spirit, but her soul li;is re turned to Him who gave it, leaving her friends in tears, and casting a brisrht and shining light on the path that leads to heaven IKHJAIfTirs J.A9T PATNTtNV.. A few months before this ingenious artist was seized with the malady which deprived society of one of its most distinguished or naments, he proposed for his matchless pen cil the work he has entitled a tail piece the first idea of which is said to have been started in company, while the convivial glass was cir culating round his own table 14 My next un dertaking," SHid Hogarth, "shall be the end of all thing." . .. - "If that be the case," replied one of his friends, u iorr business will he frisked, for there will be an end to the painter" "there xv'i'.l so !" answered Hogarth, sighing heavily " and therefore the sooner my work is done, the better." Accordingly, he began the next day, and continued his design with a diligence that seemed to indicate an apprehension that he should not live till he had completed it. This, however, he did in the most ingenious manner, by grouping every thing which could denote the end of all things. A broken bot tle an old broom worn to the stump the butt end of an old musket a cracked bell abow unstrung a crown tumbled in pieces towers in ruins the sign post of a tavern, called the World's End, tumbling the moon in her wane the map of the globe burning a gibbet falling, the body gone, and thr chains which held it dropping down Phrebus and horses dead in clouds a vessel w ricked Time with his hour-glass and scythe broken. nnd a tobacco pipe in his mouth, the last whiff ot smoke going out a play book opened, with Exuent Games stamped in the corner an empty purse and a statute of "bankruptcy taken out against nature. " So far, so good," cried Hogarth, " nothing remains but this," taking his pencil in a sort of prophetic fury, and dashing off the similitude of a painter's pallet broken, " Finis !" exclaimed Hogarth, "rie deed is done! all is over!" It is re markable and little known, that he died about a month after finishing this tail piece, hav ing never again taken the pallet in his hand. AltiWgUms, FUR THE WKSTMK CABOLIXU. He tltat it not fur ww, it against me.. jtscs cunisT. lhese words were spoken by Him who knows the secrets nof every heart, and who will bring every work into judgment, whether it be good or bad. The. passage does not leaveHnchreutraihgrmm foot of any traveller. It decisively fixes every solitary individual as a friend or an enemy to the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. The Church of God, which has been bought by the precious blood of his Son, is the most in teretfWpolathTiunity ' on earth. With its prosperity and happiness, God has been pleas ed to connect his own honor and glory." A society so dear to God, and so intimately connected with the highest interests of our feUowrmen, cannot fall to command the best wishes, the most vigorous exertions, and fer vent prayers oLeyiry genuine friend to the Saviour and his kingdom in the world. In this momentous period, when the captain ol salvation is leading his armies forth to con quest and a crown rhen all christeftdOm seems to be awakening from the guilty slum bers of past ages ; when rich and poor, male ana remale, who feel an interest in, the pread of the.. Gospel, are lip and doing something to advance the cause and glory of Immnn- ei s Kingdom ; are there any still idh f ia tbU brt r.f wrifs and l.ir rf lor I rt-tiicr or my ilitcr, it i utterly vain for ),j to iny that you are a friend of ihc Lord 'c. ius, if you are not attcmjuing to promote 1 caUu-. Sclog ha h:i said, " He that gr.th?r. cth jot with me, scnttereth abroad." IU has poiitivtly decided, if you arc not endcav oring to build up, you ure, bv all that) 01 do, daily attempting to pull down his ting, dom. While vou are thus employed, do tia forgdt thathe has sald,'it shall stand for ever, anXihat.you will be -found-fightmg-aga'mst -God,; alUough voir have never thought net intended your conduct to bear this coimrtte- tiorC Wnh what reiigious oiiety( havejou connected yourself I or are you living as in individual, or the head of a family,. nncon nected with any? Can you find no drnomina tion of Christians in this land of freedom and choice, whom you esteem worthy of your is sociation ? Or arc you afraid this plan inigru now and then cost you u dollar or two i - l)fr not be afraid of this ; for this best class dF friends to society are about to learn how tu iecu upon me winu, or, line tne graishoppcrr V to live upon the dew. In what biUc, or mis sionary, or tract, society, have you cast into the treasury of the Lord, to spread his gos-. pel and his glory throughout the world ? What college or pious young man is rccciv- , ing your friendly aid, that there may be a sufficient number of well qualified, ministers of the gospel, to supply the wants of six hun dred millions of-our fellow Tnottalsf'whu are s" yet in midnight darkness ? Is h nothing to you, who are called a christian, that thousands are perishing for lack of knowledge while you sleep and wake beside a Bible,; near a temple of God, where vou hare opportunity of attending the faithful ministry of some honest servant of the Lord Jesus? What religious paper clo you read, in this eventful period of- the church, to acquire the neces sary information relative to the sute of the; church.' O, I have lately heard you say that you arc not able to take one of these papers. It is, indeed, hard times. True : but not too hard to buy as much grog, and as many fine" clothes, as have brought a public officer to the houses of many in this county in the past year. I have never vet heard of one man in- this county being prosecuted for the debt of a religi ous or state paper. The stratagems of an ignorant and depraved heart are indeed astonishing. Do some who occupy even a Jiuimiut 111 liiv ItlUIWII, m til 3 Lit 1 iiiuac . around them, that our religious intelligence is fabricated stories, or Yankee tricks to make ? money ! ! (), " tell it not in Gath." Leave , this horrid deed to the infidel, fif there bo . any in these days of light,) or to the old wry faced professor, who have both ever been op ' posed to revivals of religion and the power of godliness. Keligion has enemies sufficient in every part of our country, ready and wil ling to detect any sophistical narrative in its favor. Professing brethren, of every name, let me beg you, on a review of past life, to determine on which side of this important and all-interesting business you are engaged.il Whether for or against Christ. The- issue -"-involves the future destinies of all living. 0, ye heralds of the Cross ! what arc you do- -1 ing, and w hat the influence you have on your dear charges, for this best of causes: lou, my brethren, who occupy the lower and more private walks of life, what are you doing for Christ? If you be poor, or in low circum stances, he asks you to do a little for him, 3. who died to save your wretched souls. See that that little be done in the sincerity of your hearts. If you are rich and increased ; in goods, he calls upon jou to do much ia these . days of wonders. Do not; hoard "up your gold and silver in your strong coffers, nor in the-bank, for your children. If the Lord has needpn yowP" coffers or yourchildren, though secured iy""t a thousand adamantine keys. Or should yM order it as a pillow. to your -stiffened neck, lie . ; can as easily call t.from under your head ia tne grave, as to comrpana tne hsn, witn a piece of sijVer in its mouth, to'come to Pe ter's hook to furnish the ; tribute money. What consolation can hoarded treasures af ford a man, jvho must know that he is living and likely to die under all the mass)' loadct his unpardoned iniquities?: Dear brethren, the Lord is mustering his armies on every side : he is on his way to conquer the wrld; nor; will he Tall to accomplish his piir)ose.-i We see the day of millenial glory breaking on our guiltv world ; soon shall it burst wit'1 a(l its splendor, and the glory of the Lord shall shine'frm the rising to the setting the sun. Efe long. iesus shall indeed receiv.1 the heathen for his inheritance, r.nd theutter mdst paTtfoT tHlWloThis"'pcssessic; O.brethren, let uS, seek to participate in thif: greatest of 'earthly glories promOtn'.g th.. kingdom of our exalted Redeemer 1'? UJ' see that we 'stand each in his own place, .m fill im our dav w ith usefulness in th: p'h she

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