,svWTH V V s. V 51 riPI-isiiKD nv Knintn u uinciiam. J The WrsTitf (Nueiiaua U published every Tues. dy, at TIIK KB DOLIAllS per annum, payable send annually in advance...... r---,-r-t.rfc" r tXj'-No paper will be discontinued until all arrearage! Whoever will become responsible for die payment of ine-papervshatt receive a tenth jraftr ""'" Ahvi.mtisexksts will be inserted on tlie customary tc-rni. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, of Its payment assumed byome person in this town, or "it vieinity. ' CjAH letter to the editors must be fHnt-pui!, or they will not be attended to. mri:.XTii losiiatut uruu ttiov -V SEX.ITE. TMcasasi, c. 7. The President communicated to the Senate a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, made in pursuance of a resolution of the Sen ate of the 3d of April last, stating the ex igences of holding Indian conferences and making treaties, the expences of Indian trade, Sec. he from the declaration of Indepen dence. The President also laid before the Senate a detailed report of the Secretary of War, of the amount of Indian annuities, Sec. rendered in obedience to a resolution of the Senate of - thel9th'Aprinast. " """"" Both reports were read and ordered to be ,. printed. MISSOURI. The Senate then resumed the considera tion of the resolution for the admission of Missouri into the Union; the question being on the following proviso, offered yesterday by Mr. Eaton : iStiifcrf, That nothing herein contained sliall be so construed as to give the assent of Conjrrcas to any pro. vision in the constitution of Missouri, if any such there be, which contravenes that clause in the constitution of the United States which declares that M the citizens of each state sliall be entitled to all pririleges and immuni ties of citizens in the several states." 'MrrtHliori, of New Jersey, offered the following substitute, by way of amendment to the, proposition of Mr. Eaton, which was lost, only nine voting in its favor. --TTiat : nothing' herein contained shall be Tons :nied as giving the assent of Congress to so much of the consti tution of the state of Missouri making it the duty of the legislature of said state to pass a law "to prevent free negroes and mulattoes from coming to, and settling in, said state, under any pretext wliatsoever," as may be re pugnant to that provision of the constitution of the Uni ted States which prescribes that Mtbc citizens of each tat shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens of the several states." Thequcstion was then taken on adopting Mr. Eaton's proviso, and was decided in the negative, by yeas aud nays, Yeas 21 Nays 24. The question being then stated on the res olution itself, after some debate, it was, on motion of Mr. Smith, postponed till to-morrow. decembkr 9. The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution declaring the consent of -Congress t0 the admission of the state of Missouri. .' - Mr. Holmes, of Maine, addressed the -Senate anhouriadda half . .ia ldefen.ee jofthe acceptance of the constitution of the state, -i u i t: anu oi us aurnission into uic union. , . JVIr. Otis, of Massachusetts, took the oth 1 "cr side; and spoke about :n hour against.ad- mlVtihlhe state with" the icostitution which i i t a. r1 ... u H it nau suomuicu io v"." ca"L v "v1 .... . Irarioaroll-Virginia presuming that : some other gentleman might desire to deliver -.l . : i i nis sentiments on uic qucauim, wuvcu au uu- journmcnt ; and Th& Senate adjourned dfx ember 11. Mr. Pinkncrj submitted the following resolution for consideration : Rrsok'at, That the committee on the Judiciary be in stmcted to inquire into the expediency of passing a. hw amending or explaining the judiciary laws in such jnan nep as to authorize, under, such restrictions as may be of judicature in a state m which any question has arisen under the const itiition or laws of the-Union, to the Su preme Court of the United States; and that the said i pmmiUee -report by out or otixerwise.jSj 3 THE MISSOURI CONSTlftJTION. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the resolution declaring the assent of Con gress to the admission of the state of Missouri t into the Union. . Mr. Eatony of Tennessee, said, before the Senate proceeded to a final vote upon the res olution, he would ask permission again to oner the" amendment which had, heretofore of the proviso being before the Senate, in committee of the whole, did not prevent it fromibcing considered. mow that tne resolu tton was. reported to the Senate. M rv then oflcreiTthe TjnowTnuKiTJitKnrioidlie lutjonf l. - - - ' " " PrnUfJ, That nothing herein contained shall be so cnnxtnied as to give the aiwent of Congn ni to any pjy. vision in the constitution of MiMiri, if any uch there oc, which contravenes that claue in the coMtitutjon ofthc United 8Utei which declares that "tlie citiens of each stale haU be entiUel to ail privilcgrt and immunities of citizen in the aevcral state. Mr. King of New-York, said, as the a mendment had ulrcady been considered, ?nd rejected by the Senate, he regretted that it had been deemed expedient to offer it again. I object now, said Mr. K. as I have b .'un done, to this amendment, because it dedans that, in the"adnission of Missouri, the Swn ate have not considered, nd do not pronounce any opinion, concerning the clause of the M -souri constitution which makes it lh duty of the legislature thereof to pass laws to exclude free negroes and mulattoes from coming to, and settling in, Missouri. This declaration ought not to be made, because it woukl ex hibit the Senate in this singulapituation, (if his construction of the constitution of .Mis souri were correct,) that, in passing tta act of admission, the Senate omits to consider and to alijw its clue weight to the. only pro vision in that constitution upon which the obligation to admit, or not admit, Missouri depends. Mr. K. said he cmsidrrrd this proposition of much more importance than the mover of it appeared to do ; and he was not willing to decide on it instanter at any rate. Mr. Eaton replied at some length. He said he certainly would be as unwilling as any one to press the consideration of wh.t he had submitted, before gentlemen had fully made Up their minds and were prepared to vote. He doubted not, however, but that upon this subject all were prepared. It would be borne in mind by the Senate, that this was not an original proposition, but one that had before been considered and voted upon. When he had first the honor of submitting it, the gen tleman from N. York (Mr. King) had urged his want of preparation, and on an applica tion of postponement by himself, the post ponement had been granted. Under this state of things, Mr. L. could not perceive any necessity for further procrastination, more especially when it seemed to be the wish of all to put an end, in some way, to this un pleasant question. Mr. E. said, as to the constitutionality of the subject, however oth- was oppose to the proviso be therefore proposed this mode of getting rid ' it. . The question on re-committing the resolu uon waa decided in-lhe negative by yeusjoid hay s V eas "1 rNiy " 1 7 The question was then taken on ordering the resolution, as amended, to be engrossed and read a third time, and was decided in the affirmative by yeas and njys -Yeas '2G, Nays 18. " ":- " " When the resolution for the admission of Mis souri into the Union Was under consideration on Monday, and after Mr. Harbour had declined en Rsglngiinhc debate, notj he uldf that he wis unwilling to meet the question, but wilh a hope and under the expectation that the question would be immediately taken Mr. Trimble, of Ohio, said it was not his wish to detain the Senate ; that if he had enicruincd a wish to engage in the discussion, the present slate of his health was such that he could not ex press himself so as to be heard by the Senate, nor could he peuk at all without great pain. He roue, he said, to slate an objection to the Consti tution of Missouri, which had not been alluded to in the debate on this resolution n objection of more force, and in his view, involving princi ples more important to the interests of the na tion, than the provision which had been so much discussed. The 8th article of the constitution of Missouri authorizes the establishment of a bank with, a-capilal nbt to exceed five millions of dol lars, at tt att one half J which thall be reierved fur the uic of the ttate. Mr. T. said he considered this provision a direct and palpable violation of that part of the I Oth section of the federal con stitution which provides that 44 no state shall coin money, emit bills of credit, orj make any thiniy but gold and bilver coin a lender in payment of debts." This important provision of the federal constitution, said Mr. T. was intended to guard against evils which might embarrass the federal government, and prove destructive to the test interests of the people of the U. States. An im material change in the form did not change the su'jstante. Whether a bill of credit is signed by an Auditor, a Treasurer, an officer of a State, or a President of a Hank created for that purpose the evils are the same. The power to coin mo ney, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures, has been exclusively given to Congress. It was never contemplated or anticipated, that these im portant powers should be rendered nugatory by bank machinery, put in operation entirely by fed eral or state power. Mr. T. said it was also his opinion that banks, as established in the United States, arc ami republican institutions, which tend inevitably to aristocracy. Mr. Smith said he would refer the gentleman to the journals of the last session, to show that a resolution admitting Alabama into the Union had passed without opposition, and that the con stitution of Alabama contained a provision for the - Mr. Wilson submitted also the following rcio lutlort i .... Htioh', That th committee on the Jiiilictiry be iiu. .. .-j. :...? l -e . i . i tininco u ni'i'iirr w ncurjr why, an i. i: pnv. w ui unirnu- er gentlemen might be fully satisfif d, vet with him, and with others he believed, the fact establishment of a u.nli. was otherwise. He was not willing either to Tuesday, nr.c. 12. -iffirm or to deny, that the Constitution of Mr.-Wilson, or NewJersey, submitted the fol Missouri was in strict conformity to the Con- lowing resolution : stitution ot the United States; he should j ".. ""'c' r." uc V amendment aualifvint? the assent nf thf H ' Utnu-tcd in inn mre whether unv. aiuL it juiv. w i:it n.-nvi. i nl"ll"t"i, uuailiy mi? inc dSSCni OI tne aa- have doubts were he to be required aih. ma-1 ,flw art. 1lcceMlty or pri)IK.r to be made bv law to meet ! mission of the new State into the Union by lively iu voic ciiucr way. uuiui liiis nc uiu i coiuingtncios wiucn may arise imin uiuuw nu, uispuicu, not pretend to doubt, that, thus situated, thus ! or iMiltful votes, under that part of the 12tl article of j..k! t. -i.... t... .i l I amendments to the constitution of the United States, uuuuuiiK, u wo ui9 uuiy w icui w inc m yc ... , t counUnff the votes of lhe Eie..tors ioP lOt'lX'VlHl?1.1 P'rll? 5c mi le'jo die acU, entitled "An set relative tnthe t lection jf .s.JfiTJidtuL.-. nd Ytet.Prcsidcnf oflhe IfDifftd Sutrs, aiid'dccbrinjr ' the officer who shall art as President, in ce of vacancies In the offices both of I'residcnt and Ice-I'itsUcnt' pawed Hare!. J, 1792. Doth resolutions lie on the laWejonejlay of course "" J t,. ,VAKr,,,v..,..w.', --- ADMISSION Of IttSSOVM. The Senate having resumed the consl.lpration of legislative butine. the resolution detlsiir.g lhe consent of Congress to the admission of the stale of Missouri into the Union Was resdatldrd time, and the question staled, u Shall the resolu tion pass V The question being then put, the resolution was passed, and sent to the House of Jicpieitn tatives for concurrence ; and The Senate adjourned.. HOL'SK Or Ri:i'KLsENTA riKS. Thursday, dec. 7 Mr. Cobb gave notice of his intention, so soon as the question now under consideration in committee of the whole, should be finally disposed of, to call for the consideration of his propositions con templating a retrenchment of the expences of the government. MISSOURI. The House then resolyed itself into a conv. mfttee of the whole, Mr. Nelont of Virgin ia, in the chair, on the resolution declaring the admission of Missouri into the Union on an equal footing with the other States of the Union. And the question having been again Sergeant rose, and occupied the floor for two hours, when the house adjour ned. Monday, dec. 1 1. On motion of Mr. But- cr,of New Hampshire, it was Jtetolved, That the committee on the Pot OTice and Posrt-Roiul. be instructed to inquire into the expdieiw:y of providing1 by law for prohibiting printers and editors ot newspaper, and all other persons who are proprietor! bf.&ny sltch printing cstabliihmcnts, or in any way con cerned in the publication of newspapers, from being mail contractors or portmiuters ; and, also, prohibiting pot muters from being mail contractors, or being employed in conveyance of the mail. 'On motion of Mr. Baldwin, it was IteiolvtJ, That the Secretary of State be required to communicate to this House any information which may liave been received by that Department, touching any alterations in the commercial laws or regulations of any of Uie nations of Europe, which may have been made or adopted since die year 1817. The House then resumed the consideration of Jhcjresolution declaring the admissionof .... the State orMissouri into the Union. Mr. Archer, of Virginia, delivered at some length his views of this subject, and the reasons why he was in favor of the passage of the res olution. When he concluded Mr. of Massachusetts, moved an i ft a ot the constitution, and oy his vote to supp -i t that instrument which he and every member had sworn to maintain inviolate.- The pro viso ventured an opinion neither way ; it was a protestando in the true signification of the term the exclusion of.a conclusion ; a waiv er on the. part of Congress to give an opinion either one way or the other. This being the object which be wished to attain, he trusted ther Senate-would excuse hisTigainpressirig on their consideration, that which had been before acted and voted upon. Encouraged by the information that some gentlemen who had before ..voted agiinst the proviso had changed their opinions, and were now dispo sed to vote for it, was with him the induce ment for again venturing to offer it. Time had been afforded to think fully on it, and further delay he thought ougbrntlo"bVre- qucsieu. . - The'SertaTevibehvlividHn' the" amend ment, and there rose in its favor 23 members, and it was agreed to. The question then -being on ordering the resolution to a third reading, as amended, Mr. Morrily of New Hampshire, rose and delivered a speech of nearly two hours' length, against the resolution. . Mr, Macon followed thjs speech , with a motion to re-commit thejresolution to the se lect .committee which"" reported it, with ili- struc tiprjrs to at t fice out the provho adopted to-day on the motion of. ISIrrKaton. Mr. l'rcsiacnt anu ice-i rcsiucm oi iuc Liiiicu amies. Mr. Wilson said it would be found, on refer ring to the article of the constitution alluded to in this resolution, that the provision in relation to counting the votes for President and Vice Proident is very general. The words are," the President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate antf House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votea thall then becoun- Led!lLis.iiotsaid'Aoshall-counuthe votes, nor a-Ao, shall decide what votes shall be counted. Ia consequence of this defect, as. the Senate would well remember, some difficulty occurred four years ago, in relation to the votes lrom In diana Objections were made to rtcciving these votes ; the counting was interrupted ; the two Houses separated ; and although on that occasion they again came together, and proceeded on, and completed trjc business before them, so happy a result might not -always be produced. Cases might oectrr-w here-st ronger doubts-mtght'txist, or jiiore ex. iteraencpre vail "r- debates be protrac ted, and decision deferred, and serious inconven iences or evils follow. Was it not probable such a case would occur during the present session ? Would it not at feast be prudent to guard against danger from such "a contingency ? Congress had unquestionably the power, under the last clause of the 8th section of the first article of the con stitution, and he thought they ought to exercise it, by vesting the authority to decide upon doubt ful, disputed, or. unlawful "votes, 'either in the President of the Senate, the Senate itself, the Uqube pf Representatives, or in the two Houses, conjointly or separately. At least, Mr. W. an exception of a particular clause of the Con stitution. This motion, however, was with drawn by Mr. Hill for the present, on the representation of Mr. Lowndes, that it would embarrass the main debate, by bringing on an accidental one. aod would deprive nim of the opportunity of replying to some objections he had not anticipated, and to others arising from a misapprehensiorr-or evasion of his first ar guments in support of the resolii tion. Mr. Baldwin then moved to strike out the rreamldiQ. thc-Resolve. Mr. Lowndes assigned briefly the reasons why, on more mature reflection, he should assent to this course, though he had at first preferred the other. The question being taken on striking out the Preamble, was decided in the affirmative, 87 to 6J r Mr. IlemphiXU of Pennsylvania, delivered at considerable length, his sentiments in hos- ti lity to the- Resolatioirfor theraidmisstdff bf"""' Missxurijisnttw.eoristittedt-- And the House adjourned. , " TUESDAY, DEC. 12. The .Speaker laid be fore the house a letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, transmit ting from the 4th Auditor a list of balances char ged in that office, and duo more than three ycarg prior to September ! 82Q i and a i?t of persons, (only five in number,) who have failed to tender . their accounts to that office. ' The Speaker also laid before the house a re port of the Secretary of War of a. plan on ivhich ; , uic army may oe reduced to 6000 men ; made in obedience to a resolution of the house of the .J Jt I 1

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