21. LlrnitiT? tl.; t!m; with'n which j-vi'-roMi btforc . n Justice of the in ace may be revived. ithin 3)ear, 21. To repeal nu art passed in thryt-ar 7, entitled n net to punish persons for reniowng debtor out of one county to mother, or out of the State, and for other tmrposea. Where a debtor U removed bv a person with Intent to injure the creditor, he U Kill liable for all his debt,. 22. Concerning ilic clerks of tlie Court of pjcai and Quarter 8ciona. No clerk to retain hi ollice after tiding twelve itiontli out of the county. , 3.1. To amend the Militia I-awi of litis Pt.tr. Re. peals the flih section of the c of 1806, and direct the Adjutant-Gnneral in future to commence suits against the 'general and field officers in the Superior court of the counties u lit re they reside, and makes it the duty of the clrrki to account for the Unci a they do for other taxer received hy them. J . it tM "" 24." For the "ri-Tu f of fioncsT Jqfitors. No ik'.tor to b imprisoned, if ho will nuke a urrender of hi prop- rnyv or Cn conscientiously imkc uic wsoiTcm w oain.r : 1 25, Prohibiting wliitc men from cultivating the lands reserved for the Cherokee Indian. Penalty not cxccc ding500 dollars, at the discretion of the court. 26. To establish a College in the Western part of the State. I'llii is a mere act of incorporation, riving no fund.r It authorise tlicTrotecsto fix on the site of tlic buildings when they shall ha7c' sulHclcnt funds lo commence the work. 27. Further pointing out the duty of Guardian. Re quired to renew their bond ctery three year j on fail ure, the Clerk to issue ci. Cut. aga'mst them. 28. To amend the act laying duties on sale at auction of merchandise. The commissioners of Fayette illc, Wilmington, Ncwheni, Kdcnton, Elizabeth City, Halifax and Italcigh, to apoiiit not exceeding Uiree auctioneers, to require bond. 29. To amend an act panned in 1819, making profis ion for running the Itouudary line between the State of Tennessee and to repeal a part thereof. Make aomc alteration in tlic comjtensation allowed to tlte commis sioncrs. 3d. To clear out an 1 improve the navigation of Broad River, in the county of Rutherford. 3LKJ0 dollar arc appropriated for thin purpose from the fuitd set apart for Public Improvement. 31. To authorise commissioners to erect ahouc in Faycttcvillc for the afe keeping ff the public arm. I 'llif Governor is authorised to draw on tlic Treasury for 750 for this purpose. 32. Extr ndingfchc jurisdiction of justices of the peace. T suits not exceeding 100 dollars. air Compensating tlw commissioners appointed by vir- tue of -an act of 1819, for survejing and citing' the pub lie laiub adjoining the city of Raleigh. Allowing them three dollar a day, and tlte same for f very 30 mile trav riling. 34. To authorise and direct the publication of the Brit ish Statutes in force in this State. Judge Potter is autho rised to contract for the printing of" sucli statutes or parts of statutes as have been reported bv the commissioners appointed to revise the laws of this State, as in their opinion are in force. 35. To repeal an act of lost session, chap. 17, allowing compensation to jurors. 36. An act to r.vivc and continue in force an act enti tled an act concerning military land warrants, passed in tbc year 1819. 37. To amend the 44th section of an act passed in 1741, concerning servants. Two-thirds of the value of executed alatcs to be paid to the owner by the counts . 33. Concerning the marriage of Infant females, shall ..not marry under the. age of fifteen, except by consent of "parents. V , 69. Directing the manner in which lands and negroes levied on by sheriffs and constables, .shall be hereafter aold.. Last Thursday in every month sale day, at the court-house. Washisbtox citt, ur.r. 14. The question on the naked proposition, for the admission of the state of Missouti into the Union, was yesterday settled by a vote in the house of representatives; on which occasion, it was deci ded that Missouri, as now constituted, should not be admitted into the Union.. Whether she would nTadnutted as dineltlynconstiTutedr is a ques tion to be decided when the resolution (contain ing an exception of any provision of the constitu tion of Missouri, if any auch there be, which con travenes a particular clause in the constitution of the United States) which has passed the Senate, and is now before the House of Representatives, hall be acted upon. We appretiend that the vote on that resolve will not widely differ from that which was yesterday taken. As many friends as will be gained by the exception in that feature, will probably be lost by it, some mem bers considering it as surplusage merely, neither adding or detracting from the force of the reso lution, and others viewing it as a concession of principle. On this subject, as it now presents itself, we wilt offer but a few remarks. The question which has been decided nega- llj??.!-;!!: If??:".!.!?!? c. C,.H!Ppltcsnjtis,is4iot-ia- -;imyWspec at the last session of Congress. It is a question admitting of a'ctiffcrence-otbpinionwhich, we have hierrauthontr Forsay mgr irnotin-alrrasc necessarily a difference of principle. We do not mean to say that the feelings which displayed . themselves at the last session, did not at all ope rate on this more recent decision. We belipve that they did operate, sensibly and insensibly, on ' the minds Of the members of both houses. But their influence has been felt without being avowed. We are induced to believe however, that, but for the clause inserted in the constitution of Mis souri resctms free-reeveesr t Ue constituiiun v ,vrbvild without division, at least without hesitation. The friends of Missouri had prevented her restriction :-atthe-last-'8eftionrlnth6';onlnicular-4n' which there wits any dispute respecting her; and it was due from the peoplcof Missouri to those wbo had stood by the ntbiWhour of trial, -that ihey' should forin a constitution against which no plea of exception could be taken.' If advisedly insertedythe provision respecting free "egrocs ought to have been admitted. -There ' "was the less reason for inserting it, inasmuch as the Jwwers rof t he state in 4 his respect, and its in sertion, could not tohfer them if not before in cully will -diUe, ctcn W.M the tc.!u:io: fion the Sen .tc not pusn In the hc of Hi ptrrnta tivcs. It could not have lrt n I l.c dcMn of Mi- souti to enter Into a conflict with the authonty of the Union. Finding that she has done so with out intending (t, -e cannot doubt she will ex pune from her ronthuiion the obnoxious clause especially as it it of no sort of consequence to her, neither conferring power by us presence nor taking power away by its absence and that fche nlll then be welcomed Into the Uidoifbjr lhc unanimous voice of the Congress. In what manner this question is to be propo sed to the people of Missouri, we do not think very material. Ifji thingjbejdetermined on, it iseaVy to find a way ofcJoing It. ATioNTn respect to this particular subject, we are cjtiitc sure that the gehefalTipitcurwill henhan he thmnt way best.' ..If it can be adjusted by a conditional act of admission, we hope that course will be taken. Aot.Inttt. M.I It II I tilt, - On the 31st ultimo, Mr. Jum Ilmao, to Miw Mabu Kkllv, lx)th of this town. In this county, a short lime since, Mr. Jous Vaittox, to Miss I.idu Luwav. DIED, At Halcirlt,ontlielstultimo, ALatinina l.rcis,Ksq. senior ctlitor of the Itakigh l7wnvi, ajf l 33. Qj'Srvrral cvmmumcutiuiu mini allvtv uvtiilt uimvoiila b!if nultlcd. rosatrTKn wr.tKLV ranM thr rvTTrnur. iat,,tts. JlEll L II. lYIJ IZ L. ru(td h v f) v lUcon ... - lo. KT Htef, mess ... 8 fresh ... '34 Beeswax - . .25 M . Brandy, Cog. - - gal. 2 25 3 Peach - - 65 Apple - 60 65 Butter .... lb. 20 Coffee .... 30 32 Corn .... bush. 45 5'J ! Cotton, Upland - 100 lb. 14 25 Flour, superfine bbl. 3 62 j fine ... 3 25 3 50 Flax seed ... bush. 1 10 1 20 Gin, Holland - gal. 1 1 25 Northern - 60 70 Hojr'slard - - - 11). 8 10 Iron, Swtdkh - . 100 lb. 6 6 50 F.uglish ... 56 Lead .... lb. - 10 12 Molasses - - al. 40 45 Oiits .... bush. 30 40 I'ork .... 100 lb. 4 5 Potatoes, Irish ... bush. 75 I Ituni, Jamaica, 4th proof - gul. i 1 25 1 35 W.'lslaml,4th do. - . do. 3d do 90 Ncw-Engtind - ' 51) 60 ltice .... 100 lb. 4 5 Salt, Turks-Island - - bush. 90 Liverpool ground. - 1 Steel, German - - lb. 20 25 blistered - Sugar, Muscovado - - 100 lb. 11 12 Loaf ... lb. , 25 27 Tea, Young Hvson - 1 12J 1 25 Hi son ' . - - 1 2- 1 40 Imperial - 1 "5 2 Gunpowder - 1 5u 1 75 Tohacco, h-nf " - 100 lb. ' 4 5 "manufactured - 11). 10 12 Tallow .... 14 15 Wheat - - - - bush. 6') Whiskey - - gal. : 50 55 I, diotis In TUB subscriber takes this metltod of informing his friends and the public in (renehd, that he lias estab lished himself in the house formerly occupied by the Kcv. Peter Katon, in the Town of" Huntsville, Sum' county, orth-(.:in))ina; ami has been at considerable expense in makme his rooms commothous and eomforta- ble, for the reception of Travellers, and all who mav fa vor him with their custom. His Sideboard is provided with I.i(piors of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing1 requisite for Horses; ami hopes, by particu lar attention, to merit a share of public patronatre. : - MUMFtlKU DEJOILXATT. JImiUvilh; Dec. 17, 1820. 30tf N. B. The subscriber continues to carry on the Cab- itiet iijttiMWJt, aiiAwill. execute all orders:idinej4ts ami despatcln for cash, -creditor country produce. "Vr "liKmici5vfreis:demy7 r1IIK Trustees of the Academy have the pleasure of .1. -mtormuig the public, that tlte Academy will be o)cned on the first day of January, under the care of a Gcntlcnan from the North, whose name we have not yet learned front our agent. Tuition will be at the rate of twenty, dollars per year. They have also the satisfaction of informing the public, tlia the Female Department of tlte Academy will be opencirpn the same day, underthc care of Mrs. Tkiihei., late of Connecticut. English Gramma r, Geogfap iy7 A stroiYomyr I'll i losophy, ise-of the Globes, Acedle-work, and Fainting, will be taught at the" low price of twer t'v dollars per vear. Hoarding may i5'ad,TCth?Tilg By Order of the President. JXO. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. Ltvxrencevitte, Mongomery Co. A. C. I 3w30 DctemberUth, 1820. , $ --- -- aiku VftigilMn Company. NOTICE is hereby give rij' that an order hath been made and swied bv the President and Directors of the Yadkiii Navigation Company, that a fifth instalment of. ten dillars on each share Jt required, to be paid hy the subscribers on or .before the 15th duv of -January next. TltEDKRlCK HANDLE, Trtmiotf, Sth December, 1820.- -529- . . tifeUeT I'vcss 1VuVVu2, m :. . , .O ' .Of, evert description, neatly nd con-etrti ccuU'd at tiike. tr..cr is now fnii!iit ir a ut9 &n l corr.mo hhiim in this pLcr, o i the i stern side of the town, B'toatc between the Male and Ft male Academics, which he Intends at a TiOvnl.iix-hoote fr wu!g uIn. He will fumioh tlu tn with good board, waslViie1, and lod- fpng, for stventv4vc dollars, for this yrnr. He pledges timself that iMjthiug ahall be wanting,' ui hit part, to rt ti de r satisfaction to those nl.o cuyfaor him with tUir custom. , As parents n l guardians arc drsirout Uiat the'r chil dren's expends mT be so managed, as if tlurlmmry hal actually alt passed tltrougli tlicir own hands, he therefore considers the follow ing metltod of keeping their accounts will antwvr the purpose t lltoic who rome to this tlace well - ttrofldcd kh clothes, will not tt quire any aMitionAl ones f)ir vnw I timer' llowetcryirbtn they write horiit-, it i ery I to kt their parents know whit ms require, and an an ii iituir narems utinc u necessary. The next time they write horn", thrr w ill mention what such articles cost, which will enable their parents not only to know what articles their children get, but what Um-V cost Uem. Jt tttu, at the umv Ume, u tut the assistance of the Tutoresses, IwUtuato ttu: children to kechihg their ow n account huh' will be ery essential to them during life, and the injrovi ni nt they may nuke in this little business, will be vuy gr.itif)ing lo their pa rents. It is unnecessary for the young lad'.ci to trouble their parents with the purchase of book, quills, ink, paper, &.C as w hat the Academy exercise rt quire must be hul. It is only nccesetry to include them with the eoit of other articles, so that they may be acquainted with evi ry expense. lie recollects, some years ago, of having two younjr ladies at the Salem Academy i at that time Mr. Kranu:t attended it ;' he w nte to the wibseriber frequentlv, and each letter contained a statement of tlic ouiif ladies' accounts, with what additional articles they might have had since he wrote the last: Then fore, by having refer ence to his last letter, a view was had of their accounts to that time, litis led the subscriber to the abut e meth od, with what he considers a little amendment. Those little attentions, although apparently of hut lit tle importance, when carefully attended to may prove to be of considerable advantage to life young ladies, ami to the welfare of the Academy. Ile Trustees are nicelv attentive to the clioicc of their Tutoresses, and ai nicelv attentive to the care of ttu: '9tt.5K..kyllyiL&n4Jin order tftat the business of the Acad emy may go on witn success, uiey must be as attentive to the young ladies' expenses, wluch it is believed the above method will regulate. JOHN FULTON. Salisbury, January 1, 1821. 4w30 THE iMiblic are respectfully informed, tltat '. Elliott ami E. It. HcasHAM, Clock and Watch Makers from New-York, have commenced the above business, in its varims branches, a few doors from the Court-IIousc, Miin-strctt, Salisbury i where all orders in the line of their business will be thankfully received, and with plea sure attended o, without delay. The subscribers have for sole an assortment of Watches, Jewelry and Silver-Ware ; Consisting of patcnt-lcvtr and plain Watches, warranted first quality ; gold and gilt Watch Chains, Seals and Kc S Finirer Itiiiirs, EarKiusrs and Breast Fins, of various pat terns! silver Spoons, Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons, Stctl atch Chains, fcc. &c. ELLIOTT h DUILVtJsWrrf N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Timepieces, of every de scription, carefully repaired, and warranted to keen time. 30 , . . . E k II. V- VfcAN Gotus. FI1IIE siibhcriber respectfully informs tlie citizens of A ('aliarrus and tlic adjacent counties, that, in addition to his former Stock, he has just received, and now ofkrs for sale, at his Store in Concord, a great ,'ariety of Choice and TasniondbleJjOODSy well adapted to the season ; which he will sell on the most accommodating terms, ami invites all those who wish to purchase to call and examine 'for themselves': He would also beg leave herewith to tender hk Sin cere ackno.ledjrmciits, and to return his best thanks, to those who have heretofore so liberally patronized him, and most respectfully solicits a cominuatirc of their patronage. He also most earnestly, but very n-spectiully, requests all those whose notes and accounts li:i- become paya ble, to call and make payment without delay, as that alone will enable him to meet his engagements, and af t rd the proper and necessary arcommodntion. TOBIAS 15UOWN, Jjnit fur MICHAEL KUOW N. CmicorJ, Der. 12, 1820. 527 )'rtfi!, .6 V State Hank; Man-Xirert, .V..Vd.r;, 1 1 I'M lenrc to inform their cmtomen, and tho pubU . 1 9 in general, t!iit tli. y hare Just Tcr c ei rVoaj Nc Vuik a sujiply of rcnslsthgof first rate warranted F-nllish Watt ken r.J.L gill, am uteri Watch Cmdmt, Kesls, Kc)l, 6Ai Stars , ami t'dglc for Or.crrs' coats ami hut ( luWtt' hair Bracelet, trold mouidedi white and Velluw hnaii rL't i fancy -Jitul mounting Itings, of iLn'cnni pstwri irAtou letsi Corah Garnets, and glasllrsd F.irlLiiTS n1 vrrTliimhles, Le. he" A supply of 8iler Ppoons, Himt' f julles, ati'l Httgar Tontrs. eonslntV krut on han.L anil alao mamttketurfd to any patlrrn, at si tort notice. - - v .oca's, irjraiEx, if tuuupf.cm, of rrrry drvrlj.fion, "rare-full rcpiircd.'at ihort' notlcrT" ami wat raiiled to keep time. rirmscrtoro M'tfmtetul ta thr nnhKa fjf faVor" .already received i and hrmrvbv Careful attention. to nwriL , the continuance of public patronagt. . , CUKI W WI14ilXSO 1ILCI1 IIOU.ILv- Sulithury, At. 127 , , N. B. Human Hair, suitable for making watch chains' bracelets, he. wanted, for which a Literal pric, in eah w ill be damI, tin it deliver) at our shop. W. kr II. Stni, ut ?(wU-UuraYin, Bow an County....Coirt of h as ami quarter Sessions i .Ytnrmhrr .SV , 18J0. 'Jacob Sink, j Original Attachment Leicd, i.c. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tltat tho difrtidun, .lacob Siuk, is-not an inhabitant of this state, it is wit r fore ordere by tin- Coir, that pubhea. tion be made for three wet ks success! vi y, in the Weat rrn Curoliiiian, printed in Saliaburj-, that the defendant appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of llisn, at the Court-llonso in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February next, re piety and plead to issue, or judgment will be entered according to tlie pLiutifl ' demand. 3w30 Test. JOM GILES. " Bo wan Countyr.T.t'oart ofPtea indtjuarter Session s r- t'urmtn:r Xt Mtiont, 1820. Muniford Dejournett, "j if. I Petition for distribu- John Dejournett, administrator of tive slure. (Christopher Dejournett. - J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, John Dejournett, is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, tltat publication be made three weeks successively, in the Western Caroli nian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendant appear at the next, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Kowan, at the court-house in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February next, ami plea I, an swer, or demur to this petition, or judgment will be ta ken pro coufesso, ami said petition heard ex parte. t32 Test. JOHN GILES, Ck'rk of Huvan County. IREDELL COUJWr. Maxwell And Henry Chambers, and othcrO Petition for ' J-the division James Irwin, Bobcrt and Samuel Chambers. of land. TT appearing to the satisfaction of thr Court,' that the Jl defendants in this case arc the inhabitants of other states.... 'I 'hervfure, unlrred. That publication be made for six weeks in the fVeHerh CuroUman, published in tin- town of Salisbury, that unless they appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Serious to be held for the county nf Iredell, on the third Monday in February, 1821, and plead, answer, or demur to said petition, judgment w ill be ta ken pro confesso, and heard cxpurte. 0wi9 H. SI MOXTONT Ctertrr New liooiAs. THE .jubscribei bury, a general and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, x::::-.y,- Medicines, -Just received direct from New-York and Philadelphia, and laid in at prices that will enable liini to sell remark ably loWr Jlis-ctistonterS, -aml-tlMf -jmbl'Mv-ar respect fully invited to call and examine for themselves. All kinds of Country Produce received in exchange. Dec. 12, 1820. Ia27 .1. Ml KPHY, 'LETTERS REMAINING in the Post-)fiice afConconl, North Carolina, January 1, 1821 ; w hich, if not taken out previous to the 1st of April, they will oe .sent to the General Post-Office, as dead letters. .. . -r" : A. Alexander Abijah. B. Baker Sarah, Basingcr Matluasi Burris Sbldniom C.-Culp TPi3cr?!fai)Vi Mob ert, Coleman William, 2. p.-Downtim Speakman, JWiff John. G. Ganfner James, Gibson John, Gilmer Josjah, iteirafiwfnMitr'W liam, Harris Hector K., Harris Elam, Harris James S. J. Jamison John C. K.-King Patrick. L.-p-Lamra James jr. M. McCachroh Peter. H., McKin Andrew, Means John,- McGraw Susana,- Morrison- Flam J;' O.- Oit Isabella. P. Pickens Alexander, Propes John, Propes Henry. B. Bidinhow'er Nicholas. S. -Sear-brougli Silas, Sims Nathaniel,. Stafford James I!., Smith Hugh, 2. : T. Tucker George, U. Udy JaCoh.- W'. West Dorothy C Walter Martin; Wood Alexander, Wi lie Isaac . DAVID STORKE, A. P.M. flfj1 Subscriptions will be received at .this office for the following Literary Publications, 8c. viz : The Edinburgh Hevifcw, London Quarterly do. North-American do. Am alcctic Magazine, Port Folio, Christiaij Spectator, Mis sionary Herald, &e. tic. - 3v30 .. Uxle Norik-CaroVinw, lin'coi.m county: Court ' Plrai and Quarter Senimn, October A'tirt . 1. D. 1 8 M. Thomas and John Tipps, I n .... m f. . I . rt. i I'ciuion lor nisrriouuve iatuisa and Conrad Tipps, sl.aresof tlte estate of Mat- uilnihimtraiurM uf J thias Tipps, deceased. Matthias Tipps, deceased. J IT appealing to the tlourt that Imisa Tipps is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore (trd-ret, by tlic co'irt, that notice be published six weeks in the ll'ettern Curit'iuinn, requiring the said Louisa Tipps to appear at the next County Cmirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Uf be held for said county at the Coiirt-Hotisc in Lincoln ton, on the third Monday in January next, then and there lo. ana w cr. nr demur . lo , Uvc . said petition -othe r wise - it will be taken pro r vnfcttn, ami julged accordingly aS to the said Louisa Tipps. Witness V. M'Be'e, Clerk of said court, at Lincoluton, the third Monday of Dctober, 1K20. 6w25 ' .1 .1 ; ; ; ; . VAttDUV Jl'BEli C. L JbckhvhcrjrXmity.... Original Attachment, ' levied on sundry articles. Joh Irwix, rt. Abseh M'l.r.on. TT appearing to the Court .that, tlic defendant is not a residenter of this state...-. Or-Ji-m, tlierefore, that pub liration be niade three mouths in the,IFrrt'n Carolinian, that the defendant appear at tlic iCXt Court to be hell for sr.id county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on fourth Monday in February, next, and replevy ami plead to is sue, or demur, otherwise judgment final will be entel'fcd agaiifsThirhT- ; - 3m29r a corr. ISAAC ALEXANDER, CM. C; IREDELL COUKTy.-IN EQUITY. Milly Gaithcr...............-.". Vt. TfW.ftn tin, tti. sale of land. John Martin, John Price, Milly Price, Sally Young, Charles C. Young, I.e mini Young, Adaline Young, I)orin da Yminjr, William M. Young, Tho mas Yoijng, and Adelaide 1. YoungJ IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Curt that the . defendants in this case arc thfeinhabitants of another' state and government : Tltertfwe, ordered. That publica tion; be made for six" wetk m the ll'ettt'rn '.Carolinian, unless the aforesaid parties appear at .the next Superior Court of '-taV and I Fxiwtv q,het liejcj for the county yt" Iredell, oithe fifth. Monday' after the fourth Monday iu March next, and plead, answer. 6r demur to said pHitjon, '.jVte wci $ tokt prflf so hetjrt t; , -hns, -nxiir;'M;liyT .vi.A.tninratter war stund we 'iti&ffiipdffl" I oai j hC thLuiTtit Caaou5(i,N ; . i