AW. Yo. i.MM'o. at. PUBLISHED BY K RIDER U BINGHAM. - The Wimii Camuvia U published cirety Tues stay, at THREE DOLLARS per annum, payable semi, annua! in ad ranee. QNo paper will be discontinued until til arrearages are paid,' unlets at the discretion of the editors. Whoever will become rej)oniMeofjeijfmyt$j)f lune papers, shall receive a tenth gratii. ., AaTKaTisiwarrt .vUl .be inserted, on tLe. customary terms. No advertisement inserted until It has keen pawl for, or ha payment assumed by some person In this town, or Ha vicinity. - CAti letters to the editors must be pott-paid, or they wiU not be attended to. State of iX oxth-CaroVlna, IBXOKLL COVMTY I If EqVITT. Mill Gaither.. Petition for the sale uf land.' John Martin, John Price, Price, 8aUy Young, Charles C. Young, Le jnira Young, Adaline Young, Dorin daToung, William M. Young, Tbol mas Young, and Adelaide E. Young J TT annearinr to the satisfaction of the Court that the X defendants in this case are the Inhabitants of another state and government : Therefvre, ordered, That publica tion be made for six weeks in the Wettem Carolinian, unlet the aforesaid narties appear at the next Superior Court of Lav and Equit j to be held for the count) of Iredell, on the ruth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, and plead, answer, or demur to said petition, judgment will be taken pro eonfesso, and heard ex parte. 6w26 JOHN N, If ARTi .C. M. ?,.& State ot tXotih-CaroWna: Mecklenburg County November Se$u'oni, 1820. Joih lawia, ) AtUchlTientt Aa.E.MLf.5LeV,ed n artic,rt IT appearing to the Court that the defendant is not a residenter of this state.... Ortfcrvd, therefore, that pub Ecation be made three months in the Western Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the next Court to be held for said county, at the court-bouse in Charlotte, on fourth Monday in February next, and replevy and plead to is sue, or demur, otherwise Judgment final will be entered against turn. 3ouVr A cotr. JSAAC ALEXANDER, CM. C. :T8tate xst ? otth-CaToWna, . . VlfCOtW COUNTY - Coutt if Plea and Qnarter Seomont, r-irr.::Z:: OcfberSeidsni, A. D. 1820. 5 Thomas and John Tipps, "1 ' .x. . - ' t. I Petition for distributive Louisa and Conrad Tlpps, V shares of the estate of Mat aJminittratort of I thias Tipps, deceased. Matthias Tlpps, deceased. J TT appearing to the Court that Louisa Tipps is not an X Inhabitant of this state, it is therefore Ordered, by the court, that notice be published six weeks in the IVeitern Carolinian, requiring the said Louisa Tipps to appear at the next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for said county at the Court-House in Lincoln ton. on the third Monday in January next, then and there to answer or demur to the said petition j otherwise it vul be taken brs confetto, and judired accordingly as to the said Louisa Tint. Witness V. M'Bee. Clerk of said court, at Lincolnton, the third Monday of October, 1820. 6w36 VARDKY M'BEE, C. C. State of TCoTtk-CaToua , IREDELL COUNTY. Maxwell and Henry Chambers, and others, Petition for . the division James Irwin, Robert and Samuel Chambers, j of land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case are the inhabitants of other states. 71tVr, ordered. That publication be made for six weeks in the Wetter Carolinian, published in the town of Salisbury, that unless they appear at the next Court of - Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of - Iredell, on the third Monday jn February, 1821, and Plead, answer, or demur to said petition, judgment will be ta ken pre eonfesso, and heard exparte. 6w29 ; ... J. SIM0NT0N, Clerk.. - 4 State of XoTtti-GaTbittai Rowan County;...Court of Pleas and Quarter Sewions : November otonfl820 Vew Goods, THE subscriber Is now opening, at his Store in Salii. W a general and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, HardAVarc, and Metncineti; V Just received direct from New.York and Philadelphia, and laid in at prices that will enable him to sell remark ablv low. Mia customers, and the nuM'tr 'ire rnruri. (my invited to call and examine for, themselves. . All kinds of Country Produce "received in e xchange . Vet. 12, 1830. Ia27 , V MURPHY. - Vew Oooitft. HpHE subscriber respectfully informs the chitens of JL Cabarrus and the adjacent counties, that, in addition o ms former siocc, ne nas just received, ana now oners lor sale, at tut store in Concord, a great ancty or Choice and Fashionable GOODS, well adapted to the season i which he will sell on the most accommodating terms, and invites all those who wish to purchaac to call and examine for themselves. He would also beg leave herewith to tender his sin cere acknowledgments, and tp return his best thanks to those who have heretofore so liberally patronized him, and most respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage. He also most earnestly, but very respectfully, requests all those whose notes and accounts have become para ble, to call and make payment without delay, as that alone will enable him to meet his engagements, and af ford the proper and necessary scommodation. TOBIAS BROWN, Agent Jwr MICHAEL BROWN. Cncord, Dee. 12, 1820. 5w27 Wilkinson & Woroh, Dirtttly tfpotite the State Bank, Mnin-Strett, SaKtbvry, BEG leave to inform their customers,. and the pubbc in general, that they have just received from New York a supply of irATCIIES AND JEWELRY t consisting of first rate warranted Enrlish Watches ; gold, gih, and steel Watch Chains; Seals, Keys, tic.; Stars and Eagles for Officers' coats and hats; ladies' hair Bracelets, gold mounted ; white and yellow Spangles ; fancy and mourning Rings, of different patterns ; Amu lets; Coral; Garnets, and rlass Beads; EarRinn; sil yer Thimbles, &c. fee. A supply of Silver Spoons, Soup Ladles, and Sugar Tongs, constantly kept on hand, and also manufactured to any pattern, at short notice. CLOCKS, WATCHES, U TIME-PIECES, of every description, carefully repaired, at short notice, and wasrantM to keep ume. The subscribers feel grateful to the public for favors i .-it . aireaay received ; ana nope, Dy caret ui attention, to mem At. 0 !? uie continuance or puouc patronage, CURTIS WILKINSON, HUGH HORAU. Sahtbvry, Dee. 12. 27 N. B. Human Hair, suitable for making watch chains, bracelets, &c. wanted, for which a liberal price, in cash, will be paid, on its delivery at our shop. W. & II. Petition for distribu tive share. Mumfbrd Dejoumett, John Dejoumett, aArinistrator of Christopher Dejoumett. XT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the X defendant, John Dejoumett, is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made three weeks successively, in the Western Caroli nian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendant appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the couitty ofRowan, at the courthouse in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February next, and plead, an ewer. or. demurer tliisnctition. -or indementill beta- .ken pro coii&saoratKisaid p rest. JOHN GILES. Clerk of Jio-wan Vountv. . w W 1 w State of NQYt-CaToina, Rowan County....Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions : Mvember Settiont, 1820. Jacob LoppO 1 Original Attachment.;..Xevied, kc. Jacob Sink. 5 "f T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the X defendant. Jacob Sink, ii not n inhabitant nf . TTiYate Entextatmnent. THE subscriber takes this method of informing his friends, and the public in general, that he has estab lished himself in the house formerly occupied by the Rev. Peter Eaton, in the Town of Huntsville, Surry county, North-Carolina j and has been at considerable expense in making his rooms commodious and comforta ble, for the reception of Travellers, and all who may fa vor him with their custom. His Sideboard is provided with Liquors of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing requisite for Horses ; and hopes, by particu lar attention, to merit a share of public patronage. MUMFORD DEJORNATT, Umtnille, Dee. 17, 1820 30tf N. B. The subscriber continues to carry on the Cat inet Burineni, and will execute all orders with neatness and despatch, for cash, credit, or country produce. M. D. liOWTenceyiWe Academy. nplHE Trustees of the Academy have the pleasure of JL informing the public, that the Academy will be opened on the first day of 'January; under the care of a Gentleman from the North, whose name we have not vet learned from our aeent. - Tuition will be at the rate of twenty dollars oer vcar. Thev have also the satisfaction of informing the public, that the Female Department of the Academy will be opened on the tameiiaynindeT the care of Mrs. Tsbhel, late of Connecticut English Grammar, Geography, Astronomy, Philosophy, use of the Globes, Needle-work, and Painting, will be taught at the low price of twenty dollars per year. Boarding may be had in the village for seventy-five dollars per year. By order of the President. JNO. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. Jjavrenceviue.JHoneomery Vo.Jv. C.7 JWJU December 14M, 1820. state, H is therefore ordered bv the Court, that nublica tion be made for three weeks successively, in the We ern Carolinian printed, in Salisbury, that the defendant fPP" at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 5 P,.nfw . the County of Rowan, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February net, re. . - plevy and plead to issue,;orJjulgmtitt b entered Education. HHHE connexion formerly exirtirier between the This dbfeteatatesv411e Academy' a Teacher having dissolved, Parents and Guardians are hereby informed, that the different branches heretofore taurht in this academy.' he' will still continue to teach in a suitable house prepared for this purpose. The satis faction which the discharge of his office has given during the term of five years, and the respectable standing of ..... j i vtp i r uii iuuenu in wc aincreiu nujncr seminaries wmcn they have entered, afford a well grounded hope that the usual liberal support and encouragement will be contin ued, parents and Guardians may rest assured, that ev this ery necessary attention shall be paid to the deportment, uib urugrcM ana accuruty ui jjupus. -M . The School will commence on the 1st of January next. To accommodate the people of South-Carolina there wilt be but one vacation in the year, to commence on the 10th of November, 1821. Boarding can be i- hacJUSvUSal, at the houscs of Messrs. NoTt-CaTona lieglalatuTe, .... . Fnm the RALEIGH STAttl In the House of Commons of N. C. oo ToridayrfihehaTrihrs'ciitdnMrr eron rciolutiom prcicnted on Saturday, were called up and read, at followa : 7?fi flv J, ThatlKe Solicitor General of this state, with such council as he shall, associate with himself, be, and is hereby authorised and required to commence and carry on a criminal proaecution against John Wright, of Halifax, the printer of a paper published there under the name and style of the "Halifax Compi ler, for a libel contained in his paper upon the committee of this house, appointed to in vestigate the conduct of John Haywood, Pub lie Treasurer ; and also against the author or authors of said libel, if he or they can be dis covered. ; Resolved. That the Speaker of this house be requested to transmit to the Solicitor General a copy of the above resolution, together with the original libel. Mr. Thomas W. Dlackledge moved to post pone the resolutions indefinitely in which motion he was supported by Mr. H. A. Jones, and perhaps others, on the ground that the publisher wa& a man whose standing in aocie ty was too contemptible to be noticed by the legislaturethat he was void of talents, prop erty or respectable standing, and that it would be undignified in the House of Commons to notice him. That the committee, against whom the libel was leveled, were gentlemen too well known for talents and integrity to be affected by a publication from such a source, etc. The indefinite postponement of the resolu tions was opposed by Messrs. Moore, Cam eron, Iredell, L. Martin, and perhaps others, on the ground that the insignificance of an of fender should not protect him from the pillo ry, or save his ears. That the house united In complimenting the committee for their tal ents, independence and patriotic investigation of the subject committed to them, and certain ly were bound to protect their characters a- gainst such vile and slanderous publications. The resolutions passed, by yeas 72, nays 25. The minority professed themselves to be in fluenced by the conviction that it would be undignified to notice an individual so contemptible. Mr. L. Martin then moved to amend the resolutions by requiring the Attorney General instead of the Solicitor General to prosecute stating that the Attorney General resided in sight of the accused, and the Solicitor 100 miles from him. This was objected, to, and an honorable gentleman was named by Mr. Moore who had heard the Attorney General acknowledge that he had the controul of the offensive press and a member being called on in his place, confirmed the statement, that he had also heard the Attorney General say that all pieces were submitted to his inspec tion to-be pruned, &c. before they were pub lished. It was therefore the intention of the house to punish those who had the direction of the press, rather than the poor insignificant printer. ' !... Mr. Martin then asked leavelo withdraw his amendment, which was granted. - - IN SENATE. -- ' Mr. Connor moved toakeupjheresolu-. ticn directing the Solicitor General to prose cute the printer and publisher of a libel in the Halifax Compiler on the committee of inves tigation into the official conduct of the Public Treasurer. There was some debate on the subject. That we might be able to state the reasons, which influenced the Senate on that occasion, (being absent ourselves,) we have applied to a'friend who furnished the following sketch.;. ., --tz :':Mr-;W$bom that any notice should be taken of the print er r it would bring him into notice ; and for his part .he thought it would be a prostitu tion ot the dignity ot the house. 1 he arti cle in the paper might be libellous, but he had his doubts, and he would be obliged if the gentleman from Rowan (Mr. Locke) would inform the house what was his opinion of the article. " Mr. Locke said that it was his opinion that it was clearly a libel ; but from the slight attentibn which he had had an opportunity of gi ving to the subject he might be mistaken. It itor of the Halifax Compiler was without tal ents, reputation or property,, ami it might bring him into noticeit might give him con scQuence"." ' Mr. Graf cs said for his part' he did not thlnarthcnrclflrionr should be adopted by the house He was ap prehensive that if the house should deter mine to order a prosecution to be commenced--- agawsi wis. puuui. printer, it wouia tcMho -means of bringing into some tort of conse quence a beinff who deserves the contempt of the world. He said he was not entirely clear that the libellous matter contained in the pub lication alluded to was such at would sustain a prosecution and upon cool reflection had determined in hit own mind to vote against the resolutions he said he was one of the committee of investigation, whose charactert and motives had been assailed by this pitiful printer ; that he had resolved to pay no sort of attention to the vile aspersions that might appear in this paper called the Halifax Com piler. That, as one of that committee, he could say he felt conscious of having dischar ged his duty to his country and to his God And, as for any thing this printer could say, he held it, and the printer, and his abettors in utter contempt, and beneath his notice and ' the notice of the legislature. .That he would - treat them as he would a puppy daring to bark at him, he would disdain to turn upon his heel to kick him. That he believed the disgrace intended to attach to others upon this occasion would finally recoil upon the heads of those who deserved it. Mr Daker said that he was surprised at the apathy of the Senate ; an attack has been made on a committee of the two houses be cause they, in the execution of their duty, had not pleased the editor of this libellous paper. Although he might agree with the gentleman from Surry una others in the way which would be best to treat the "puppy" yet there was another Important circumstance which could not escape the observation of the Senate. The Solicitor General was directed to prosecute a libeller, who lived in view of a legal officer of high station under the gov ernment of the state. He would not venture to point out the particular person who was evidently alluded to ; but no person can doubt that there is some one behind the curtain. For having expressed his opinions on this occasion, he might subject himself to attack 14 Tray, Blanch and Sweat-heart, little dogs and all," may bark at me, but I shall as little regard them as the gentleman from Surry AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF HONEST DEBTORS. Be it enacted by the General Anembly the State qf North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and af ter the first day of January next, when any Debt or or Debtors shall be taken upon any Capias ad Satisfaciendum, and shall be desirous of taking the benefit of the Oath prescribed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, or ofj rendering a full and fair Schedule of his property it shall and may be lawful for such Debtor pr Debtors to tender to the Sheriff of the County, his lawful Deputy, or ny : Constable by whom he she or they may ' have been taken a Bond or Bonds, payable to the party at whose instance the arrest was made with good and sufficient securities in twice the amount of the debt, conditioned for his appearance at the next County Courti then and there to stand to by such prweedingsjssjmaybehad by the Court, in relaUon to his, her or their taking the benefit of this Act ; and incase of failure to appear, Judgment shall be entered up instanter upon said Bond) against the . Principal and his Securities, to be discharged upon the payment . of the debt and costs ; and when an Execution issues thereon, neither of the Defendants shall be entitled to the benefit of this Act. ProwVlVt, that if either of the parties to the said Bond shall be desirous to have an issue made up and sub mitted to a Jy3srL be immecUately im-.. pannelled to try such issue, aod the. plea of Non est Factum shall only be received, upon the party making oath of its verity. And provided furlhcT, ; That if it shall be made to appear satis factorily to said Court, that said Debtor or Debt ors are prevented from attending Court by sick ness or other sufficient cause to be judged of by the Court, the case shall he continued over to the next Courti at which time the same proceedings shall be had as if he had appeared at the first -Term : And provided further, That if such . Debtor or Debtors shall diet in the mean time, it shall be an absolute discharge of said Bond or Bonds. Provided nevertheless, That when any debtor or debtors shall be taken as aforesaid with- cargtaammvuee Mr- sppcw;ari& r StUl v a