1 ' P, ,1 m'l.WftHi .', TJu t upgti iucIi Dthtnt ir Ihbfoii Uik'ciSh ttch P.ohd or Donds, it vh:iil be July of hk!i licnff, Dipul,. ui Ccnitablrs- ft the o'.e may be, to release Mm. ht r or them fiam cW.lnrmctU or custody, mi) ' .,. Hac or m.Uan Ij the'wMiwiy nomitli .Mauding. . ; - iltii farther finirtcJi That to enable ihc Hon cit D.btei tlis more easily to obtain the Sceutiu rcquli ( l In the Erst tccllnJI tM Act. U sb-li -. be hwftil forth ciU Scuiivy at the Coutt to rTilKc riuiwtIrEoumT to uppcsr, to snrmi- - der,iri open CoUt, the Vtd Piltuipal In discharge "of the hccUiity. And for the uid puiposeof ma Mnjft!ic sui render, the hrcuiity It hereby author a iteil to cxcieise all the pocr, which by Uw spc- (,! uil have over their principal.- - - r if further rnadai, That u;tt the appear ance of such Debtor or Debtors t the County I'ourt af.;icsald, it nhall be lawful for him, her ot TinctaltbTrTr pnnn - or-by' attorney to move the Court to be admitted to take the oath pic- l crlutd for tbV relief of lnsolvtui Debtois,"or to .wear to the Schedule previously filled with the Clerk of said Court, agreeably to the provisions of this Act hereinafter contained. And it shall le the duty of said Couit upon kuch Drhtor or Debtors making it appear to them that, at lc.v.t, ten day notice has been given in writing to hiv her or their Creditors of the intention to uvtil him, Iseror themselves of the benefit of this Art, to administer 'he oa'.h prescribe d lor the benefit of lnolvent Debtor, or to swe;r him, her or them to the6chcdulc, as aforesaid, (at the case tnav be,) und to direct the Clerk to make an cn: try of the same upon his minutes, which shall ex empt the body or bodies of such Debtor or Debt tits from impiiionment for debt, in all the cases where notice may have been given to the Cicdi loi h which notices shall be filed uith the Clerk of fcid Court. J'rciidrJ nrvrrticieit, That if any ' Creditor or Creditors shell suggest any fraud or concealment of hny pro;rty, money or effect, it shall be the duty of the Court to direct an Istuc to be made op und tried by the Jury at the first Term before s-uch Debtoi or Debtors arc sworn. ' h ciTfed further, '1'hat if either of the parlies shall be unprepared for the trial of such Issue, the (.'curt nuy continue the ;me under the same rules and i emulations by which suits at law arc i.ow continued ; and if the raid Jury shall find that there is any fraud or concealment, or if said Debtor or Debtors shall fail or refuse to answer upon oa'.h, or if said Debtor or Debtors shall fail totnuke it uppear to the Court that he, she or they have givtn the ntcc-aty notice to the Creditor or Creditors -t whose instance h, she or they may have been arrested, then and in that case the .said Debtor or Debtors. shall be deemed hi the custody of the Sheriff', and the Court shall ad-judge-tlut he, she or they be imprisoned until a lull ind fuir disclosure of H the property, mon ey or effects, be made hy sai l Debtor or Debtors, .nd until he, &he or they have c;iicn the neces sary notice as aforesaid, to be judged of by said Court. lit it further enacted, That when any debtor or iirbtors taken upon any capias ad satisfacien dum as aforesaid, shall be desirous to render a Juil and fur schedule of his her or their proper ty and effects, he she or they shall file the same with the Clerk of the County Court at least ten ilaxs before the sitting of the Court at which he proposes to avail himself of the benefit of this ct ; and that upon his being permitted to s we al io the said schedule, the same proceedings shall jc Jud thereon as may bfe now had on schedules Jih'! under the law now in force. Re it further enacted, That no person shall be imptisoned jor debt upon any capias ad satisfa ciendum who will comply with the requisites of this act, except in cases of fraud or concealment herein be tore mentioned, any law, usage or cus torn to the contrary notwithstanding. Be it further rnarirj, That all laws and clau ses of laws, coming within the meaning and pur view of this act; be and the same are hereby re cicd. . . . ii t.f IV, ra j M..I hto in. ii,'t '!, al'.v'a'i'ci '!'' I.) law uj Die iincicd mid cfln r ollU cti hi tt.:!i !' tl.i rk(iit'itc depart inenf j ir.d tlut thi.,nni....4t'. e have Urtu-to report Ly biU or otitvrwine. Mr. lUbertt ucinired a division of the cues' iioiii wild it bung btcuh!lfi'ly iickt t.iknt c n stiik1 ii.u' n't U was detei mtntu in the lCm u.-mc -yes 2J. Mr. VurrVf movoa to MiiKf rtt M Ihe t-tntnrl- , That e.nii.'.Mrfl kfinointed to l.in.iirr iiu id so mueli as relates to thc'fc'Jaiie of theJwUn; nituution of tt.e sctthim nti unon the I'acific Utcan, ftiul the especu'ury 01 occupying tua LoLnnUa rivlr.' --r"-; r On motion of Mr. EJdijy it wai ' Jtetttvit, l1.at the Speaker cf the llouw b reqtiff i 1 lo inform the csceiitivc cf the te ff Kliod hUuid, J' the dvbtli ( I'N.itluiUtl IlAzard, one of the rcprccnto Cus Ircnn, ai. .uta, ... Mr. finJ submitted for convideration the fol- If 1 JutJj iM..ij'j;..!-.Vif t'tc; .r in t'.f.h year l.itli eh-nred betatc- tin; 0lh d.n i( b pUu.ber, mii.I tl,o e uluch At tlcuriJkincc tlut date. On ii.oi ion of Mr. ihrlji it wu Itriuh nt, 'I hut a roTuniittre e appointed in Inrcrtl ut? the l!u'ui.c.r tlifr lwt OlHe I)epuit;.ietp villi mjw er tu tend f ,r ptuoiu iv.J paper. On motion of Mr. irW, It was 1 rri'tt l"V' StXTECXTU C0NGRK4.''. .SECXD SESSION. 19. IX SC.V.iTE..:TvitxMj, pec " COXGEESSICNA L COMPEXSATJpN; i he benate, t;reci.iry to the order of the day, piofeeded to the consideration of thcfollnttinfir lesolution, introduced by Burrifl, of R. I. on "the I6U1 ult. Retohe( 1 hat the act, entitled " Ail aet allowing com pensiition tuUicncnth.-isof tiie Senate, members of the House of Representatives of tf; United States, and to the delegates of the ti-mtorics, and. repealing all other laws on tnc SUDjecv pnsscd at tlic first sessjon of the fiftseuth Confrcs3, oueat to he .; altered arict,amendtd Uit the eoapcnsatr.un to tlie n'tcinibers and deletyates aforesaid shall hereafter '.ye i dollars for each dav'a at- icnciawee, artu six -uonars ror.svery twenty miles travel. vresi: jr :.r HV1 '"TT"!' : . 1'. .. .' and: tteVit be. reftOTcd oitfortterififr:amcB) said act accbrd- Upon the merits of the proposition, and cf Ue '"''several ''iribio'iH made In Ithe -course of its ronsi- demtion, a spirited, good tempered,, und interest ing debute look place, occupying: more than three "u'j .ol w hich u is not possibly at present, to Rive even a SKetcti. Mr. D:itiay moved to amend the resoltrfibrt W .striking out all after , he word ?&.W,-and in: uniiijr the loJlowitisubstitute : '. Tlit a cc nin.ittce be apooiritcd to inauire into the nm . rriety edilcinff 4he allowanee'i-authdrIeJ: bv the aeij in icq act wiownijj compensation to the inembt vi u.e nenate, xnt : T.emijers ot . t cxeumve oiiaets, wishing, to ciuuihUr ncr thcrrlorc endangert the malnAolMeU'ttl lUltc x tKSl!)Ic. - 'J i.is motion, after consldcraoJe discussion Mas decided in the negative, by )cusund tfayiHat U N'nys22. T JiC.ipucstion being. taken on thr, anieiidiitcnt of M.. Dvuii it was arrced to; ami 'i he resolution, as amended, wai then uieed to by the following vote : r..Uar(Uf FJIiot, tUuilurd, IIuImicv, of ktuiiwy Jfhi l MuKMippi, HtMitrr, Jlitwfvof Kfcnlnekyj-.'uhtiion'M' litnmtfrt, IownY Meoiv Momlr, Tobte, fatnic r; rar rott, I'lelisaritu; Uutierti, Kuirjrtes, aifuff, hrbith'l'albdt,' I l'r, '! l.orna Tu hri.or, Triuihh, Walker, f Alabauu, Walker, of Geonria, Willian.s, of T uncwr,-.12 NAYS. Mcfi. Katon, Kinif, of Alabama, Kin, of New-York, Mill. 4. Mefcsi Dana, Ilurrid, Jtinton, of Kentucky Hcberti, unci 'imith, wcie apointed the commit tee ) and the Senate adjourned. Wfr.DNKSDAY, DrC 20. hank or tiii: imikd .states. Mr. SunfurJt from the committee on finance, to which was referred the petition of the Presi dent and Directors of the Hank of the United States, rc mi ted the following bill ; which receiv ed the lirst reading : Hr ii rnnrlril, ie, That it shall be lawful for th Di rector!, of (lie Hank of the Cnitrd Statu to appoint an Aernt ami a Keirttfter, and that all bills and note of the aid eorM)ratinn, imued after the first appointment of mien Aent and Kt Lnsttr, shall be aigTicd by titc Ajrent, and coontenijfned by the Itigister; Ut such bill and note shall have the like force ami effect ai the bills arid note of the naid corporation which are now signed S the President, and cAinteraijrned by the Cashier, thereof : and tlut, as often as an Agc-at or a- Register of the said corporation shall be appointed, no note of bill, sigiicd by an Agent, or countersigned by a Register, shall be issu ed, until puhlic notice of the appointment of such A. gent or Itegister shall luvc been previously given, for ten days, in Uo gazettes, printed at the city of Wash ington. Sec. 2. .Indbcit farmer enacted, That, if anv Presi dent, Director, Cashier, or other officer, or servant, of the Hank of the Umtcl States, or of any of its officers, shall fraudulently convert to his own use any money, bill, note, security for nione, evidence of debt, or other ef fect whatever, belonging to the said Bank, such person shall, upon due convieUon, be punished by imprison ment, not exceeding three years, and by standing in a pillorv not more than three times in open day, in some public place, during one hour at a time ; which standing in a pillory, when inflicted more than once, shall be on cult rent days. Mr. Holmes of Mississippi, irom the commit tee on that subject, reported a bill for the better regulation of the trade with the Indian tribes ; which was read the first time. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. tuksivay, dec. 19. The Speaker laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of the I reasury, transmitting an account of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the year 1819 ; und, also, a letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 12th inst.in formation m relation to the horses furnished by the mounted men engaged in the Seminole war : ako of the rule adopted for compensating said troops not applicable to all other troops of the same de scription. On motion of Mr. Code, certain statements presented at a former session, from the Third Auditor of the Treasury, respecting allowance to officers of the army for transportation, fccc. were ordered to be printed, as containing some lacts of particular interest at this moment. Mr. Cobb rose, and gave notice that, on account of the absence of some members, and, in compli ance with the wishes of others, he should- post pone his motion ior $oing into committee -of the whole on the subject of retrenchments until this dav fortnight. ty r.rJ'JJii submitted for consideration, the fol lowing resolution ; . - ' - , ,Reqhf(lt Aju the Senate end Haute o f Representative thcr-M-mtea-Atatn oj .liicr ih Uvngreaa-atnembled, and it is hereby declared, that.Jhc day of- next ensu ing; thcr statcvof Missouri shall beTdnutfed intolhe Union upon ao etpial footing with the original' states, in all re speets whatsoever : Provided, That so much of the 26th section of the 3d article in the constitution of said state. presented to Congress .at the present session, as makes id me ciury ot tiie Legislature to pass such laws as shall be necessary w to prevent free negroes and mulat toes from "coming to, and settling in, this state, under anv nretext 4i whatsoever," shall,Tnorbefore 'that dayihaVe. been ex- ptingeu incrtirom The resolution was read t.m$Cs'Jlnfljira&4bet on motion ot Mr.- Jmstis, ordered to Jie on the table for one day. - :';'""-" " " MrrffofV.- submitted fbf hsideltioh live following reolVitions, which, also, from their nature, lie on the. table one dajt. of . course ; Jtnohed, That the Seeretary of the Treasury be in struc'xd to state to this House, so far as he has informa tion, the number and tonnage of the French ship which h o e tirmed and were expected to arrive in the course cf the present year,' in the River St". Mary's, since the 1st July licst; whether their cargoes are intended for the TroftsHniptjcn of theelTnited States, and to be introduced Yuinifi u;e urntonesot the same, in evusion of the re venue laws, and what further provision he deems. neces sary to be nude by law tor the more effectual collection of 'the revenue ca the southern frontier. ' ' t Rrwlvcit, That the JkcreUry of the 'Treasury be in- j, mm uj uiiuic uus nouse a sta'e- of American and 8e'alMR y pafjes with brass helmets. ThU Cjrure. waj ollowel by large Jwrtyibeailhg Uautiful jlc'ctl lowing resolve, which, fiom its nature, lies on the table one dayof emirs?! . - Hhyrtr't' hat- "he-Scerrtarr of thq-Departme nt -of War, be ri:(juired to Ly before diU House a statement of the nurnWr and itiitTii f all the military posts in the Unitcl Mates at thin timf, togetlier whh the dintribut'tOti of the urmv, designating the number of men, also the number and rank of the officers at each place. On motion of Mr. MoneU, it was Rentved, Tliat the .Committee on the Public Lands be iiutructcd to inquire whether any, and if any, wlut regulations ran be adopted consistent with the interest of the government, whereby the soldiers of the late war, who have not received their bounty lands, can be better provided for than under existing laws. Wednesday, dkc. 20. Mr. Edward, of N. C. from the committee on Revolutionary Pensions, reported a bill in addition to the several acts ma king provision for certain persons engaged in the (ami and naval service of the United States during the Revolutionary war ; which was twice read. The object of the bill is to provide for the case of persons who, owing to disability, cannot appear in open court to take the necessary oaths. I he bill was laid on the table, for the purpose of being printed for better examination before it should be ordered to a third reading. Mr. Ron, of Ohio, submitted for consideration the following resolution; -which, from Its nature, lies on the table one day of course Reiolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before this house the names of all persons who have been prosecuted and convicted. ia the courts of the I'nited States, under the art of Con gress, passed the 14th July, 1798, entitled M An act in addition to the kct, entitled An act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States" particularly designating in'w hat Htate, and before hat court convict ed j the amount of the fine, together with the term of imprisonment inflicted on each defendant; and also the amount of fines paid into the Treasury of the United States, and by whom the amount of audi fines as mav have beci collected by the officers of government, and which have not yet been paid into the Treasury of Uie United States ; the time when collected j also, by whom, and from whom, collected. The House proceeded to consider tHe resolu tion yesterday moved by Mr. loyd, calling for certain information from the War Department ; and, on motion, the resolve was amended, by ad ding thereto the following: " and mhether any of the officers of the army hold any other office or employment under the government, and if so, with what salary or emoluments. md it was pi .in, 'that tespcel fur Jtsr raajcLly, and confidence In hrr innocence, was the general feeling. The Youths of the Mctrcpolis conaU. ltd of lads from the oge of 12 (o II j they had while tllk flagsfr with appropriate mottos. The most fcplt ndidcxhibition was that' of the bran founders t This procession was headed by V man dressed in i tun of burnished fL(e armour cf brass, inomitcu rn a handsome black horse, led I cf fancy work In bruss. In the course of the day, upwards of three hundred carriages drove up to the house ; some of the prucctU.n were very Elegantly arranged. . , LiVkltfOOL, OCT-31. In Spain, the wheels of the new government scent to revolve with much freedom, and to th j;lJre.jutisfaciton of Uth -the sovereign" and Ms " LyubieavXhe. official jtnnunciatina.of lh surA-- render of the Hondas to the United States; ia ' conformity to tho Treaty insde during; thcJaj; : year with the Spanish negotu'tor, Om'is, has not yet reached the counfry ; but it is generally un derstood that the fact is indiputaWeand that the surrender will extend to both Last and West Florida. l-'iom Portugal the ad ices appear to be favor able ; and the progress towards a representative form of government is made with all the despatch mid with the tranquility that the most ardent friends to public order und popular rights could with. . The foreign newt , of the past week is within, a very narrow compass. The approaching meet ing ot the allied tovereigns at Troppan, it looked forward to on the continent with a lively solici tude ; and it is expected that the decision will there be taken how far it will be expedient to compel Naples to re-establish her ancient Insti tutions, for the present, the Austrian troops in Italy have gone into cantonment, and no decisive step will be taken till the system of foreign in- tctlercnce in the concerns of independent states has been concocted by the sovereigns and minis ters-; who, for the rood of the world, no doubt. have been pleased to take upon their shoulders the weighty affairs, not only of their own coun tries, but also of every other state in the great Lu rope an commonwealth. Yovcign uuA Domestic. NEV-YOHK, DC 14. The regular and fast sailing packet snip Jas. Monroe, Capt. Rogers, arrived off Sandy Hook on Wednesday aftsrnoon, and came up yesterday morning, from Liverpool, whence she sailed on the 4th of November. It is hardly possible to describe the enthusias tic feeling which seems to pervade all ranks in England in favor of the Queen. Addresses con tinue to pour in from all quarters ; her majesty daily receives the visits of the nobles, nmonjj whom we perceive the names of tlie Prince Leo pold, and of the Duke of Sussex, the brother of the King. 1 he corporation of the city of Lon don have likewise given an additional proof of their attachment and conviction Of her innocence, by inviting the Queen to rime InThe Guild Hall, on the approaching Lord Mayor's day. The following is from the London Morning Post. Proper way of-dealiso with thr rab l le.- 7 era bile, ivk eti r it 6 p e r i. Y dealt with, Are not dangerous. -The inhabitants of great cities arc always facticti and cowardly 1 Louis XYL allowed his-subject-to-be-threatened, but-not struck : Napoleon fired grate among them, and secured their afifilauae and gratitude. addresses to the queen. T"' On Monday last her majesty received nume rous addresses at Brandenburg House. It had been announced by her chamberlains, as the last occasion of the kind. The deputations were re ceived by her majesty in the usual state, in the Wn Iiallr Khewas attended by niime7ffii the place of Mr-Alderman Wood, who is s?cri. busTy ' indisposed,) and a oumber of foreiifn gen tlemen, besides Lieuts. Hownam and Mynn, Mr. Austin, Lady Anne Hamilton, und the Countess of Oldi. The following is a general list 'of the different addresses presented : t Margate, New Mills; r Islington, Weavers of Newbury, Coopertj, I)itchling, Sussex, Youths the Metropolis Lawyers' Clerks, Leather Dresiers, Odd Fellow a, 'Brass Founders, . ;f "Sidmoutli, v Oakingham, . ' v';vf VAmidel, Silver Trade; . v' 1'ontipoof, Taper tlangera, ' Chichester, .. . Lncklayers, Cabinet Maktr, West and East Coke r Lymingtcn, . Mdnmputh, ; Maidstone. LATEST FR Oil EJYGL.LVD. savakkah, dic. SO. The ship Leda, Capt. Meades, arrived at this port last evening from Falmouth, which placft she left on the 9th November, and brings Lon- tlon dates to the 6th. - We have notet been ablo to procure any papers by. ner, but learn verbally, that the Queen s trial had closed and that the Hill of Pains and Penalties had been rejected. i nit was me report ai raimoutn me, nay op which Cpu Mr mIM' - - Reftuttica. FROM ' LOXDOX. Capt. Meades, of the ship Leda, who arrivfd at this port last evening from London, having left there oh the 7th of November, informs that the Hill of Pains and Penalties against the Queen bad passed the second reading, and wis laid on the table. ; Mutatm. circlf.ville, (ohio,) DKC. 8. In our last we briefly noticed the trial, convic tion and sentence of John Duncan for horse steal ing. On Sunday morning last, the mother of the convict came to town to vish her sooi previous to " his departure for his lodgingt in Columbus and by the indulgence of the gaoler, was admitted into the dreary cell' of the prison, where the bosom of the fond mother was filled with horror at be holding the darling of her declining years fetter ed and chained to the floor ! After this heart rending interview was closed, and the parcntwas. about to iake 'along farewell of.tbe child, the gaoler was summoned to release the sorrow stricken dame from the cold damp of te dun geon. His sympathetic heart was moved with pityi whateart of Jie"sh" w thus moved ? for the grief of the disconsolate, mother on returning from the prison, some re freshments were, kindly offered to the. sorrowful visitant, w ho declined accepting- them nd de parted from the house with tears and loud lamen-tationsv:.;..-1 . .- . day morning, whenthe gaoler, on visiting the prison, was informed, with an air of cxultatioh, that " there had been a change e prisoner there on the night before !" When, on more strict examinationvhe found, to his great surprise and extreme chagrin, that he had the mother of Dun can safely secured, but that the culprit John had deliberately .gTwr his way, in her. habiliments . Tl.ic ic ta earnhil tP- litllin a VW W.eCkS that this malefactor has effected his escape from this juilt which is consitlered inferior to oqne iiv tUe .state,-M It maynot beamisSiibr person .pwy.v, ning horses to keep a good look out. - HEAVY BALES. " AVGUSTAf DEC On Monday evening last 5 round bales of Cot ton, were brought-to town in a waggon and sold, by Mr. Micajah . Ford, of C lumbia County, to a merchant, in this place. After being purchased it was sent to Mr. Burton's warehouse to be weigh ed, and stored. The weight of two of the bales induced Mr. Burton to suspect some unfairness in packing, and he deemed it his duty' to exam ine them. On being opened, in a bale.weiglm5 4 1 0 was found .a, rock ueighing 86 tbs, and m a ile Weihm-4 tSealui of rcckJo Ithlw wmmimmmmmmmmm 1017,1318.

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