y) J runusiiKi) nv kiuder & hinciiam. V. ";, V ' U ' -J V 1 V i , i i li i : f i i i i i ) iM iii t 0 '. The Wmthi C.aotim It publislied every Ttica. thy, t TlIltliK D0LLAU9 per annum, payable acini. Annually in advance." j (Cj'Ntf paper will be discontinued until all arrearages fTpaTd7uidcT"artne discretion of lIicTrdHoriT" " VhovJJtJ(mertllponiblc for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis, ADTtaTiaixKXTa will be inserted on the'eustomary terms.- So advertisement iiwxrte.! until it lias been paid for. - r it payment assumed-by some person in this town, it vicinity. - ' ' ' ! -CT'All letters lo the editors must be, wf-yxM, or they v ijl not be attended to. TUP. mibncriber is now opening, 'at Ml FtoiT in S'alit bun', a general and well selected a-sortincnt of Dry Goods, Hard-Ware, and Medicines, Jiut received direct from New-York ami I'hiladrlphix, and lakfin at prices that will enable rim to m 1) renmrk ahlylow. His customer, and the public, arercspctt tullv invited to cull and examine for themselves. All kind of Country Produce received in exchange. Dec. 12, 1820. U27 J. Mt'KIMIY. Slate of tXorUi-ljiiroWiia: Metklekburg County November Scniiu, loJO. Jobs lawn, "),.. ... , . . ;d.9n.sundrx.waiclcs. LMtiM,tK(nr.-5LcWH,- IT appearing to the Court that the defendant in no, a residenter of this state.... Ordered, therefore, that pub lication.be made three months in the Western tankman, that flic defendant appear at the next Court to be held fur aid county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on fourth Monday in February next, and replevy and plead to is- sue, or demur, otherwise judgment final will be entered .ngsinst him. 3m29f a eorr. ISAAC ALEXANDKR, CM. C. vrStalc of .VoYft-t3avoYinu, IREDELL CQLWTY. talaxvcll and Henry Chambers, and other, Petition f ir .f vs. ' ': the hv uion James Irwin, Robert and Satnucj Chambers. 3 of Lath IT appearing-'M'the siitinfaetion of Ute Court, that the ' defendants "Iri this c are the inhubititntu of other States. Therrfort, trdereti. That publication be made for wl Weeks in tha ftntem Uaroumun, published in the town WIIF.Iir.AS the honorable the General Aswnlty, at their tist si ssion, nasst d an act to establish a Col- lefe in the Mestcni part of the fctate the Trusters of litis imenucu insuiuutwi oi txitnuiijf arc iitreoy rcqucs; U d to meet in I jncolnton, on the 14 Wednesday of Feb. ruary ncxt,..toficn.hoc measures w Inch msy appear calculated to promote the design, and to nscTiare,us fUr as possible, tint Tery important trust which their fellow, citizens have reposed in them t Ami as all is yet to be done, ami much depend on the (trot steps that mny be Ukeu m.jJI an; equally utUnsted in whatever may tend to the good of tlie present and future ' fenerations j 0lUri, from each county in the supposed district, beudei the Trustees, are invited also to attend, to give us their countenance and tlteir aid, in soggcst'iiiR. those means which they may deem most conducive to the prosperity of the Institution. Should it unfortunately happen that a failure in the attendance of the Trustee be experi enced at their first meeting, it may blight it in the bud, rool the fervor of its friends, and give occasion to those (if such there be) who are somewhat inimical, to say, in l riion, They began to build, but wen not able to li.iish." .1 AMKS M'RF.K, Chairman J lU t'om tnliuit ul Um button. Jmrv rT ft, IM21. sVoUce Til E subscriber is now finishing a I trgr ami rommo. dious house in tliis place, on the western side of the town, situate between the Male ami Female Academies, w hich he intends as a boarding-house for young ladies. He w ill furnish them with good board, w ashing, and tod irinsr. for seventv-five dollars, for this vear. He nlcdires himself that nothing shall be wanting, on his part, to ren der satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. As parents and eruardians are desirous that their chil dren's expenses' may be so managed,' as if the niOnoyiiid actually all passed through their ow n hand, he therefore considers the follow ing method of keeping their accounts will answer the purpose i Those who come to this place well provided with clothes, will not require any additional ones for some time. However, when they w rite home, it is very easy to let their parents know what they require, and an an swer to said letter w ill contain an order for said articles if '.heir parents think it Accessary. The next time they write home, they will mention whit such articles rot, which will enable their parents not only to know what articles their children get, but w'.tat thtxeost jJtem. It will, at the same time, with the distance of the Tutoresses, habituate the children to ticepint? their ow n accounts, which will be very essential to them during life, ami the improvement they may make j in this little business, will be very gratifying to their pa rents. , It is unnecessary for the young ladi'.-. to trouble their parents with the purchase of books, quills, ink, paper, i -4 6ir . sXexsTColkgiv mt anfiahsi r, that Ufllcua Uypp:t a Um imU Court uf , kc. ws what Jr Academy cxerdses require must be had Plea and (Juaiter Sessions to be held lor the county ot It is only necessarj- to include them w ith the cost of ' lrelVonethhMciTyiiTFcbniaiT; 1821, and plead, other articles, so that thtyisjsy be acquainted rith every answer or demur to said petition, judgment w ill be ta- ken pro confesso, ami heard exparte. r f K. SIMONTO.N, VLtL: STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, KOfrAs cousfr. Jesse A.Pearson and others,") t. W Equity, rti!T,-r ,1V:0. John Pickler and others M TN this case it' is OrdtmL that publication bo made for JL aixiweeks successively in the Western Carolinian, fori ATuiiSm Langhorn, one of the defendants, to appear sit tbe taext Court, and plead, answer, or demur, otherwise Hii frill W'Ql be taken pro confesso against him, and heard cxliarte. 6w3l GEORGE LOCKE, CM. E. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Rtvan Coimty.r..:.T......C9Wt of Ewtu, Fall 7 ,, 1820. James Ilrj'son Gc'onre Houser. Bill of revivor, and supplemental biU filed. ORDERED, that publication be made six weeks suc cessively in the Western Carolinian, for Alfred l)n -vard, Edward Brcfad, Sarah A. Brevard, and Eut g;ne Brevard, ihfants and heirs at law of Eli Kershaw, deceas ed i also, James Chesnut, Duncan M'Crac, John Taylor, and J antes S. Deas, executors of the last will of John Ciiesnut, deceased j also, James Chesnut, Duncan M'Crac ; ik1 Maijrbia vlfe;J 8. Deas and Margaret R. his wife, and Harriet Chesnut, heirs at law of John Chesnut, deceased to appear at the next term of this Court, and plead, answer, or demur ..to th bifl (Ucd lMliw case, or the billw;in.b.e,ta.an.jiCo confesso figalhst tlieni, and heard ex parte. ZT:si george-locke; C. m. e. TIIrTnbribtTakea-thisethwI-ofHntom friemls and tl public in general, tliat he has esta!- J shed himseit in this house formerly occupied by the l.cv. Peter Eaton, in the Town of Huntsville, Surry ounty, Nortli-Carolina j and has been at considerable expense in making his rooms commodious and comforta ble, for tlie reception of Travellers, and all who may fa vor him with their custom. His Sideboard is provided with Liquors of the best quality, and his Stables with . .v?rvlbin4:eqtujiite for JIors;, and hopes, by pai'tigu lar attention, to mem a s!iarc ot public patronage. MUMFOKD DEJOKNATT. runtwifle, .,,La..7',..'..5J,.''wwTbpr continues to carry on the Cab. x - r,nd despatehi'tbr cash credit,or country prodiice. M. J). FROM the suhtcriber, on tlie niglit of fli' '7tli instant, aNEGKQ BOY, by the name of eighlycars old, with the fliurul) On the rig'ht haiwi split open from -the cut of an axe. -It is supposed that he was stolen by : niun who calls himself Thomas Young, who says he lives .l:i the state of Tennessee. Y oung is a tall ntan ; wore a -white hat. The saiil Young has lost theuse of hiV right hand, and the thumb. is on" from it, occasioned from a i;oi ue ic;tn eu ta utai uanu.r exnense ' He recollects, sme yesrs ago, of having two young ladies at the Salem Academy ; at that time Mr. Kramet attended it ; he wrote to the subscriber frequently, and e;ich letter contained a statement of the young ladies' .-counts, with what additional articles they might have had since he wrote the hist: Therefore, by having refer-dir.- to his last letter, a View' was had of their accounts t 'hat time. This led the subscriber to the above meth od, w ith what he considers a little uneinliiient. Those little attentions, although uppuren'-Iy of but lit tle importance, when careful!) ;a enuni u nun prove to be of considerable advantage to Vje nm ladies, and to the welfare of the Academy. The Trustees are nicely attentive to the choice of their Tutoresses, and as nicely aue.r.ivejo th;- care of the yMng ladies; and in order dial :ht: bu.siiVc.ss of tle Axul i inv max go on with success, tin must be as attentive to tlie young ladies' expenses,' whicli it is believed tin t.boxe method will regulate. J(J!LN FI'LTOX. Salisbury, January 1, 1 82 1 . w 3 j We'ltarcbcen favored with t cpn of the foil.. ng niSCOlTMK for pullication, delivered in I.iiicoluto August 2J," 1820,J to a numerous and rrspeclaM eonven tion fcf citizens from the atljaceiit counties, by Jnss Mcl.'it, p. v. ' We shall coTitinui it wreklyttH Knuhed." Hi publlcatJon lias been delayed until lit result ofour application .o the General Avcmb!y slioukl be know n. It is now made public, to excite the minds of those who may feel an Inclination to" favor," fy Uieirlnnu'cncc Jand liberality, the intended institution of learning in the wes tern part of the State of North-Carolina. Christ tun Iirethren, and FrHoir-Cithcn : It was deemed expedient that this meeting should be opened with an uddros, explanatory of the object ; to point out its importance, and in inspire us with zeal and unanimity in its prose cution : which, instead of retarding the business, might have a tendency to unite our judgments and our hearts, and hasten our progress to such mea sures and decisions, as may, in the issue, be hon oraUe lo ourselves and beneficial to the world. lie, who now addresses this intelligent assem bly, feels a pride and a pleasure to be honored by an audience of freemen and chrittiutiti whom the haiKTo? God has placed on higher ground, on a more' elevated situation, than has fallen lo the lot of any people upon earth, during the long lapse of six thousand years. As freemen, enjoying equal rights, you Itow to no authority but the constitution nnd laws or your couhlryT " As chrittlaitty you call no man rno ter you bow to no authority but the laws of Christ, the great King, and head of his church ; "who sittetb king? and shall forever the- scep tre of whose kingdom is u right sceptre." You also know and fctl that you stand lespoiis'ibre to Uod, to the Church, the State, and posterity, in exact means bring forward the ljc which this convention, whs invited to assemble on this day in this village, expressed in the follow ing words : u To establish in the western part ol the Stale of North-Carolina bfiublic Semiiiury if Lrartdrig, to prepare young men, by the knowl edge and influence of the christian religion, with untiNime shaH be iw more The-Uit-general don that shall be born, may " rise up and call , you hlcisfd." , . , . When preparing this tIUcoiirse,.four. distinct particulars presented themselves to vicw,as cou netted "n ithTlic r object of our present meeting t ccn of a kind and propitious Profdence sfanTl Indebted for t hat (Rati hlilshed Yank wo no w hold " among the nations of the earth. 2d. The nature of our rovernmcn? ; the exen. Vtb'n iT"our terrifory'J the rapid intreane of tir f imputation ; and, aljove ull, the state (f the Churth mperiouslv demand that every practicable mean used to dilTusc "knowledge throughout-our country. d. The smiles of divine Providence on many of those literary institutions which have been al ready established in the tinted States, and tho advantages that have arisen from them, may en courage us to follow their example. 4th. That the It'ettern District of the state of North-Carolina is a favorable situation, and con tains resources to accomplish the object for which we are assembled. To these four distinct propositions, we shall speak in the order in which they have been named- 1st. To Mciaice and the light and vfluence of the C h nation religion we are indebted, under tho propitious providence of Cod, fur that distin guished rank we now hold among the nations of the earth. Ilow Jong. nature had slum!ered in awful soli tude on the western side of the : AtTant!cOceari, until Jicr soil was first impressed with the foot of man ; and how, or from whence, it received its first human inhabitants, is covered with the veil of obtcuiity. Nature had sported in wild profu sion in this vast region, and that luminary now act proportion to your light,-privileges, and ' howtM had mca.ured 55 centuries', when cans of doing good. l,u nno wor wa opened to the astonished eyes It is now time tobrinjr forward the reject for I f Kuroe, by the bold and scientific Christopher Columbus,indcr the patronage (lo the honor of the sex be it spoken) of Isabella, trbeen of Spain. The beginning, progress, and issue of this ad venture, form some of the most splendid and in teresting pages in the history of mankind. Sci ence made the discovety, and religion planted I Tl k 1 I 1 ..f... .1!. the aid of sound science, to act with honor and our "al'P' i0U- ADOlu JU a lcr .im.5 "" advantage in those which the church i mankind now oo, and will in future requi Which institution shall be founded on the broad and solid basis of christian and republican prin ciples, to the eh tire exclusion of all party names, se public departments of lifc,cd lvry, few emigrants, under the mflu the state, and the ..condition of, encc of llJe Christian religion and the love of Ub , and will in future require , erty, planted their standard in Plymouth, in New- Estate Vo Wusft, ftenY, "VfOTICE. Those persons who have lawful demand ; ll against the estate of John Koss, senior, deceased, are hereby requested to make them known to me on or before the 20th day of February next, so that I may pre pare for settlement, for 1 wish to make a final settlement of the estate at February Session, 18 .1. ' -'. : ' jacob drown; rar, ; January 10, 1821. :w32p THE CELF.HKArr.D HOUSE w;n i ,n,i ik,- at ff: stable lh.l?alisburj-'. The tfrtns will be wade kiiow n in due time. MICHAEL BROWN. Utifis'iirrh, .',:). 1 i.'loJl. 5w32 and distinctions, whether civil or religious. Should this detail be considered cither errone ous or wanting, your candor will overlook its er rors, and your wisdom in deliberation will sup ply its delects. Introductory to our discourse,, and in some measure connected, with the design of our meet ing, you will now lend your attention to the read ing of the last four verses of the 144th Psalm, the description which a wise a:id piuus prince has given-of a happy nation : "That our sons may be as plants, growing up in their ) outh: that our daughters ma be as corner stones, j'Klishcu alter tltc Similitude ot a palace. Kngland. Then and there however, unseen by the eye, or unconceived by the mind of man, was laid the foundation of American indepen dence. This handful of puritans (IOC in num ber) was the richest treasure that ever sailed the ocean. 1 ney, navmg ilea irom bondage, anew how to appreciate the blessings of civil and reli gious liberty ; and by education impressed the value of these blessings on the minds of their posterity. Had the latter been su He red to grow u,) in igtioiance, America would never have bctn free. I hey bowed the knee to the (lod of tho ocean and the land the ocean over which they had been safely carried; the land in which they then dwelt. They established schools for the education of their children; built churches for 1 ..a ' I. " J- a - V vi''jpr -"'',! .' . t. r- hub-.. . I IfcivuJ Wil)"n James WdS'on, William Walker.- "jyi wmcn, iu u nvyy cuecis may Lamyug.uit, uoiuinvi wv vat rXi.- "j, XlW?iSr - k. :L; ,1 ts-Mwmi, V. M Jvcrvd homage to age riown the; -.mtu n of "nu; low 'Jm th-ie. alsaie the means on which m j . . : J .HIS - ' JOSr.pn . y, i.'ooi'EU, Xa.Kh.ii.i!!- iii P .Office at Cliarhttr, .V. Carolina, 'fi tin; st of January, 1821. A jiVtnrLi Ai.kxamikb, 2, William Andrews, Myrick Allen, Kyan Alexander, Joel IJ. Alexander, Marga ret Alexander, Major Tliomns AJex-.-indcr, Col. Charles Alexander. 11 Samuel Ulack. inn. John Mack. Shadrick .llotullteja4Ucau,v.a Griffitlt Haker, William Barnes, Isaac llradwell, Nancy Uarr, W. Itibb. C Falcott Curtis, Jan Caldwell, Thomas Cashon, Wil liam Cai-son, 2, Daniel Caldwell.. JJol in Davis, 2, Street Dutton, John It. Davidson,-Margaret Duck. F -Tbos. Fields Messrs. Fkining "James & Co. -t-s(Jeorge (Iraham, Davil If, Greeny -Martha (iTav Mary (iingle,s. II Jeremiah II:Kd, Cecilia C Harris, Samuel Hemic, Kcuben Hill, Thomas Hunter. J Andrew Jones, 2, Iteuhen Johnston, Jacob Julin. K Thos. Kirkpatrick, Samuel Knox John Knov. L Samuel W. Lindsay, Robert. LindsaV, James Latta. M Henry M'Bride, Al exander M'Cray, 2, Hiillimoh Morris, John Montgomery liev. Samuel MathiS," Joseph' M'Cullah, jun.' Alexander M'Kibben, James Maxwell, , Abner M'Leod. I' James Porter, Isaac V. Pelt, Aaron Perrv. Q William C. Quer-. H John Kca, .losejdi "W. Koss, Robert Rogers, Edward Itodgcrs, Williuin Reee, William Roberts. S William Scott, Arthur Smith, Catharine Shinn,. John Swanii, Seth Sexton, 2, John C. Stockinger, Robert Silli nian, Linas Sandfirrd; , TJamts (i. Twrefcee, J pteC'A . Iliornhdl. Joseph ernar, -W--Jostinh W ilson, the worship of God ; and infused into the minds l Lit our gainers uuv be full, affording all manner of ; of their youth the principles of civil and religious s'ttre : that our sheep may bring thousands, and ten ; ii,crlv. These, descending from father to son, moil anus n o r s.reeis: i , our oxen may ue .iron- , f me encra(ir,n t0 anotier, fur i)e 8paCC of to l:,lliir tliul hi' nit hr, fit mir in iw.r inniir mi - 1 " . that there be no eon.olaininir in the streets.6 ("c bund, cd and idly years, gathering strength " Happ) is that people that is in sue h a case . i :i, happy is that pcopk, whose Cod is the Lord." In this description of a. prosperous nation, the Psalrnisi places in front of the items, and with great propriety a rising generation of. piomiic, coming forward on the theatre ol life, preparing to act the parts assigned them with honor to them selves and advantage lo the woild. " That our sons," &c Is there a parent in this asscmblv is there a friend of man, a lover onViseouiVtryrorJaIriend of ion, but would wish that all the youth, both of the present-antLfuture. .4;encralio.nsi wouldJuU fil this description ? " Our sons" growing up as plants in a fruitful soil, in vigor, courage, knowl edge, and piety: the pillars of the Church ; the future defence of their country and the state: Our -"daughters" prudent, industrious virtuous, healthful, and amiable; qualified to fill the im portant relations into which they may enter; con he ctifijf- r milies 4og it Ivc r iai "Z piitKlieXlxo i;n c r " stones connect, beau ily, and strengthen the walls of a magnificent building. "Happy the city where their sons, 'like pi Ihirs round a-1 palace set, -; - -.; " And daughters brigtrt w tttt,'-? "Give strength and beauty to the state.' The 12th Verse of the U"4th Psalm, on which you have received a short comment, designed l ather as a motio than a tex't on this" occasion sug gests tliat a well educated, virtuous youth, the stafility, "ill-fence, an I gtiry of a naticn" From whkh it is fairly dcducible and perfectly con nected with the design of our meeting that -wee who are now on the stage of action, intrusted with the invaluable legacy of civil and religious' liberty, are the guardians and trustees-of pontic tit v and" rha'y ' establish a public Seminary of Learning, which in its happy effectsi may de- iii their progress, when oppression was threat ened, and our rights invaded, burst forb in the no1t!e and patriotic breasts of Samuel Adams and John Hancock ; and a spirit of resistance, " quick 'A the light rcfiectcd from a glass," from M ainc to Georgia, preal itstlf over thirteen provinces. An ignorant people would have submitted, without resistance, to the chains of oppression : an irreligious people, without priucipls, would never have concerted a system of defence. Per "haps ,'np warwas ever com mcncel under tircunvr stances apparently more.. inauspicious: but a good caiiic fears not danger.' All that made life uoithy ol contendiiTglorv'asat stake; Th c y loved life, but feared not death ; they loved lib erty, but hated bondage. Their patriotism, and the hope of success, were founded on their reli gion. -They knew that " verily there was a God . who rulcth in, the earth :" They knew " that tho race was not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." In the name of the Lord of Hosts did they set up their banners ; and his right hand and his holy arm, crowned the contest with vic tory and independence. ' The Lord is a man of war j 4hcXt)rd.j " At thy retmkef O Cod of Jac army sunk like lead in the mighty waters." It 'might also be stated, without a dread of contra diction, that, in no age nor country, was there ever a body ol men collected, ,whoj for imfornia--lion, eloquence and irtue for true dignity and grandeur of souI,' could bear a comparison with tlie first American Congress. In that council ot. saes, the least was greaU . , Tims, as we are indebted, under the auspices of the, kind providence of Cod, to science and the light and Ui.luence of the Ciiiristian religion, for . that high and distinguished rank we now"." tu.hl ..... . i . . . r . i . - . I. .;. .. .11 iK... J. among me nauons 01 me eurui u win u m iw.-

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