tcj-y a torupicucrj". place in the cnrul of Knfj JjikI; but it will owe ill prominence to its Mack rc. nd tkfbrrmtyv And the pJjjn of Mttorjr Vvhich clctuil M acts 4d conduct " till do lt rmljr for the purpose of ihowinj; how every way unworthy they were not only of a ling but of a rational and moral Uinjj i They detail hi " acts and conduct JH but imonp; them all will not - be found one Indicative of tiny of' those quulitici tf Inind of LcXrTwMch hand the"hanic oPan in tlmdual down to posterity honored ind revered. ' IITI1CT. ' "The Jlithof Cketter condemned tlie language which L had Lrd used, with regard to his msjesty, in the course of these proceeding. One noble lord ((m. venorhad-saJtlf thai, had Iwiten ArchbUltop, I would hare thrown tli pram-book in the king face i and a counsel si their lordhip's bar, had presumed -to liken the sovereign who now presided over this prat nation, to the most abominable and atrocious tyrant of ancient L. ' . . . 1 1 U k If- 111. I ll . -I... futiirt timet, Jul 9 et of vr Httory which detailed the actt and conduct of George IV, would bear a comparison with thote of the brightest period of the rtifnt lU most emi nent tovcrtigiu which had preceded him" . ' A DANDY LORD! If the following portrait of one of the heredi tary Peers of England, a member of that august jmembly, composed, if we may believe the Lon don Courier, of more collective wisdom and dig nity than can be found in any other body of men 01 me lite una on me uce 01 me giooe, io not make our readers nauseate, do not make them turn with pride and pleasure to our own Senate, composed of men whose titles to that distinction are not the adventitious circumstances of birth, but talents and merit, if it do not have this ef fect, vre shall be greatly mistaken. Here it is ! Extract of a letter from an American lady in Itndon It her friend in Xev-Yorl; dated Oct. 1820. M I was in Hyde-Park on .Sunday. It was crowded w ith fashion, fard Petcrshaw ia the blood of the tla. lie is the most complete show I ever saw. He wears large mustachios, a beard or tuft upon his chin, very biro collar to his shirt, a block cravat tied in a large bow where the ruffle should be, a white drejts resembling a carter's frock, and over that a block jemmy coat almost otf his shoulders, w ith his coat sleeves turned half way tip his arms his wristbands covering bis bands. He wears a very small hat, with a very low crown, and a small rim, just to cover the top of his head, and a boqnet before him completes this object! lie has a little footman, in white Tivery, by his aide. He bawl out " Row are you," so loud 4?hat you can hear him almost over the Park. His face is aiwllow as a pumpkin, lie attracts general attention 1 and whenever he stops, he U surrounded." On the morning of January 2d, the Mercury h stood fix degrees below zero, in Concord, Ca- 4- - . liar mi tvuintv. ... ... . . . i .... THE LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA Adjourned on Wednesday, the 20th ultimo ; previous to which the committee on Banks re ported and recommended resolutions, of which the following are the substance : The 6rst : That the exhibit made by the Stale Bank, of their affairs and standing, was satisfac tory, and that no fact came to their knowledge that ought to impair confidence in the solvency of that institution, or the management of its pres ident and directors. -- The second 1 Directing an annual exhibit from the president of the state banks located in Savan nah, Augusta, and Darien, of the standing and management of each of those institutions, and their branches, for the twelve months previous to the first Monday in Oct. in each year, show ing particularly the amount of "specie in their vaults, the amount of debts due them, the amount of t heir issues, the amount of their bills in circu lation, Jbe amount of deposits, and the largest amount due and owing by each of said banks. Tho law giving twenty-five per cent, damages where the bunks should refuse specie, as it re gards the United States Bank, has been repealed during-the) session f)vhich.js almost all that oukl be done without declaring open hostilities to the laws of the, general government. ..',. :-.l;:'-' Savannah Georgian. -The Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky it in -existence, and its President and .Directors have been chosen by theLegislature. John J. Crittcndcn?-auaiienatorJ)Lthe-JJnitC(LStatesi was chosen President of the Bank. The capital of the Bank is two millions, with the capacity of being enlarged to three millions. A branch is established in each District of the State. No loan can be made to any individual to an amount greater than two thousand dollars. Notwith- Mantling me parner againsi speculation wmc is interposed by this limitation, we yet apprehend Uiat he establishment of this Bank will be .to Kentucky the future source of deep but vain re- ... tret. ' ... . .r' .Mt..lnieL,.. Kentucky, as passed by the Senate, gives the In stitution the privilege of issuing notes for lett than one dollar . J here is a branch to be estab lished in each of the 12 judicial districts. -J&frAiWLXf:T.6 Po'sTJLlSTERSr : The Postmaster General issued, some two or t - - -v - w . inree years ago, 10 au ueputy fostmasjers, a standing order, to give notice to the Printer there of of any newspaper which should remain' in their offices, respectively , uncalled for, or not taken up, by the person to whom It should be addressed, and to state whether the person refused Uo re 'f.cive the paper, or was dead, had removed, and, icnerJly otkcrvcd by t!ic grntlcmcn tT uhomii was given, but, hating reason to believe that it was in some liiManccs neglected, we promised, in the course of the last summer, if any cte ol such neglect should come to our knowledge, to lay it before the Postmaster General, in orderf that the delinquent might be dealt with accord! ingly. Such an instance of neglect having oc curred tt a distant post office not long since, and the fact being established to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General, we have the pleasure to state, thatT)e immediately dlmltted the tJTtndtr ffcM bffleer We deem It proper to mention the fact, for the information of publishers as well as postmasters, and as an assurance that Informa tion of similar miscondiict,from any quarter, will be promptly attended to by the Postmaster ueneraTwvwrrrr. - cuk old nitVDi rui ska smriHf. Having within these few days, happily dispos ed of:ihrKrcar3Tate:trwl in: England, we .had just put on our considering cap, in order to study out something novel and stiiking wherewith to astonish the public ; when our eyes were greet ed with the following account, extracted from a Boston paper, of the return upon the Ncw-Kng-land coast of that strange monster, the great a riuatic Serpent. Hail sovereign of the vasty deep ! Thou object of wonder, admiration and terror to the hardy sons of ocean ! Pel. Intel. u Extract from the log book of the schr. Gen. Jackson, Capt. Thompson, arrived at Boston from the Grand (ianksat Marblehea'.' i Dec 10, 1820, lat. 5 1 20, long. 54 30, saw the Sea Serpent. A bout 11 P. M. it being calm, the watch on deck saw something in the water, making for the ves sel, supposed to be porpoises one of the people went on the bows with the harpoon to receive them. When within about 15 feet from the ves sel, found it to be a Snake called the Skipper up by this time he had come so as to touch the vessel forward and lay himself along side, mov ing slowly,' his head past the stern and his tail under the bowspriu .-.Supposed him to be About twenty feet longer than the vessel, which is eighty tons burthen. A light breeze coming up, left him astern -his head about three or four feet out of the water. One of the people says, " he ap peared as I have seen him described in the pa pers Marblchead, Dec. 28th, ;820." The F.xfiort of the United States, for the year ending the 30th September last, amount to $69, 691,669, of which 51,683,646 are of domestic, and g 18,008,029 of foreign products. Cumberland .Hood.- The Commissioner ap pointed by the government of the United States, Thomas M'Giffin, Esq. has been enguged for a week or two past in examining the United States Turnpike, made, under contract with the nov- eminent, bv James Kinkead k Co. Ietwccn this place and Washington, who has apprdved of it, and ordered the aame to be o-iven uo bv the con-1 o r tractors for public use. The National Turnpike is now completed and in the use of the public, from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to heeling, in the state of Virginia, distance of about 1 30 miles- Pennsylvania fiujicr. CESSATION OF AltMS In the neighboring fxirtt of South:imrrit u, i an Armistice for nix montht, between Holh ur arid toritlo. We do not know that, since the Tivaty of I'cace be tween the t'nited States and Great Bri'ain, wc have had as much satinfactioii in announcing any News from abroad, as that contained in the following' article. Ix:t us hope that it is the prelude to a permanent pacification. Enough of blood has flowed; enough of havoc has been made ; the humanities of life have been already too far violated in this conflict.. Humanity demanded a cessa tion of it, and Providence has ordained it. We trust the negotiations, w hich will follow this suspension of hostili ties, will, give liberation and repose to the people of Venezuela and their confederates. Jat. InUl. FROM L.1GUIR A..... IMPORTANT 7 MtW-TOrtR, JA. 5. Capt. Cravcroft, of the schooner Tom, who left Ia guira Dec. 2lst; informs, that on the 16th there was a general rejoicing at that place and Caraccas, on account of an urmiUce Laving been concluded fur six month, be tween Generals Bolivar and Morillo."' Two officers from Bolivar's army passed through 'Caraccas and Laguira on the 18th, on their w ay to .Margarita Island and Barcelona, to give information of the armistice.. Gen. Mojillo liaxl resigned the command of the Spanish army, and w as sue ceeded -by Gen. 1-a Torras. T he fonner had arrived at I'orto Cavello, and w as fitting out the schooner' Morillo to cany hun home to Spain; and a great number of officers had that plact tQ take. leave of Jjun. On the 20th December, a Spanish squadron of 3 frigates, 1 brig of 22 gur.-s, 1 ketch of 16 guns, 3 large transports; and 1 schooner, arrived at Laguira from Cadiz, with .15,000 stand of arms, and clothing and provisions for the army. Business was entirely suspended at Laguira. cr times. The icveral eUtdlitcs nre put on moveable sockets to be tct by the hand un derneath these, and covering the wheel-work, is a dial 14 inches in diameter, with two cir cles graduated into months and days, and signs and degrees, to point out the exact situation of the several planets as they pass over it So far the machine represents the revolutions of the primary planets, and constitutes what is called a Planetarium, There is another por tion w);uh can lc put on at pleasure represent ing the various motions of the earth and moon. This portion answers the purposes of the in struments, called the Tellurium and Ijtrtarittin. 'Hie globe representing the earth is about an inch and a half in diameter, and has a general " map orthTworlcfacltne revolves round the common centre, or gilt ball, representing the sun, performs the diurnal ro ution on .its nxis. which at the same time is properly Inclincdr and prcsefvts Us 'parallel ism. "The moon performs her periodical rev olutions, and has its orbit properly incline 4 Jo that of the earth. These several movements are very nearly in their proper times. With this instrument the various phenomena of the heavens, such as day and night, different sea sons, changes of the moon, eclipses, Stc are at once imitated and explained.' They are very beautifully exhibited in a darkened room, a small lamp being substituted for the gilt ball or sun. - Although this machine does not represent the elliptical and unequal movements of the planets, et it answers rvery purpose of com mtfmcating general ideasof Astronomy, which is, in fact, all that can be done by any machine. The purpose of accurate calculation in Astron omy can never be obtained by machinery ; but must be sought in the use of calculated ta bles. " The workmanship of this instrument will bear comparison with any English Orrery of the kind, and reflects great credit on the in genuity and skill of Mr. W. The price be ing only from 40 to 50 or 60 dollars, accord ing to the movements and stile of execution, puts the instrument within the reach of ordi nary schools and academies. We understand that Mr. Willard is about constructing for Dr. Locke a Cometarium, which will show the elliptic, eccentric, and unequal motions of the planets and comets. This, tngcthei with the portable Orrery just described, will constitute a very complete pparatus for illustrating astronomical movc- ments. sss MARRtEDr ll sn: Wn.Ni ta-v 1 tin nivl.r'ii J rnntll i Ammnn . iriLMRirS. PORTABLE ORRERY. rnOM THE BOSTON CKNTI5EI. An Orrery, calculated by Dr. Locke, has lately been made by Mr. Aaron vviixard, of this town, which w6 take the .liberty of no-ticing-especially. on. account of the impricity of its movements, the neatness of its work manship, and the moderate price at which it may be afforded. This is the third instru ment of the kind made by Mr. Willard,' and has been made more complete by having the diurnal rotation of the earth added to its move ments. The machinery is made of brass and steel wheel w ork. ,This instrument is of the portable kind, the most extreme revolution being in a circle of about two feet diameter. The six platiets, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, represented by ivory balls; are made to resolve horizontally At Concord, Cabarrua county, on Thursday, the UUi instant, by Tobias Brown, Esq. Dr, Tilman Davit, to Mrs. Martha Carton, all of that town. DIED, At Washington City, on the 5th instant, the Hon. Jon a Member of the House of Representatives from hc State of New-Jersey, aged about 57 years. On the 3th instant, at his seat near Petersburg, Va. Heist HtxALL, Esq. of the old established Arm of Wil liam and Henry lla.all, of that town. In Springfield, N. J. on the 24th ultimo, Mr. Walter Smith, aged 97; leaving behind him a numerous train of descendants to mourn bis loss, of winch there arc uow liv ing 8 children, 39 grand-children, "J. great -grand -children, 5 great-great-grand-childrcn total one hundred and forty of blood descendants; besides forty sons and daughters in law who have married into his family, and, what is more remarkable, within four years they have all, with the exception of two, lived within the souud of the church bell of the parish, lie could say, within three years past, what few could say, that he sat down at table with five generations around liini, including himself. 17OK SALE, the premises situated on King-and-M4rket and Vork and M: TW loai;iUv-UtMse mu Hotel KEEPERS. the corner of - imi n -mi fit jiirttKCi nun 7 Camden, S. Carolina, recently occupied by W. Vaughan, Esq. They are close; tl the rubhe tlmrcs, and would be well suited for either a 1'rlvate Hotel, or a Hoarding House. A frame is now ready to be erected, so' as to ttflord every potible facility -to a purchascr-uho has ei ther of those objects in view. The whole 'property, showing three fronts, with every necessary out-building, and among them an excellent brick Store-house, Smoke house, &c. would be sold on favorable terms. Apply on the premises. Camden, S. C. Dec. 1 1, 1820. 6v33 N. B. Good paper would be taken in payment., ' 'also, ' ""' -:-A tract of 250 acres of LAND, within three miles- of Camden, w ell calculated for any one becoming the pur chaser of the ubove property.' Apply as above. Thomas Ytiste TAlLfiWl RESPECTFULLY informs the public, 'that. he has re cently returned from Piiiladtlphia, ahd established himself in business in this place, in the east corner of Mr. Cowan's store. IJLe has brought on w ith him the newst fashions, and made arrangements to receive them regu larly "hereafter from Charles C. and J. Wutson, Philadel phia, no that, he will be enabled -to do his work in the most approved and fashionable style. He solicits a share of public patronage ; and hopes, by asiiduity and atten tion to his bqsiiiess, to please all w ho may favor him with their custom. , . Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1821. ' ' ,33 VntUvviUo Ltlf tft IjvirvcnU roRHLtrin tuit raov thi rt trrttiLif (iurrt MnncuAXbixn. 11'ianHty .rule J. Hacou , . Bi tf, men fresh Itrcfwax tr Hrandy, Cog;. - u, ' Peach , , .". ." 'Apple" w nutter' v.,-:. CoTee , ', - ' Corn (V it ton, I'pUnd t Flour, jperfiiie lu fine . . rhx.sccd -'ir, ,. - ,,,, Gilt, Holland Northern , Hog's lard . . -Iron, Swedish ' Kniflisli n . ... . Leaii . Molasses . - Oats .... Pork ; . -Potatoes, Iristt Rum, Jamaica, 4th proof V. Island, 4th do. -do. 3d do. New-England Iticc .... Suit, Turks-Island Ijverpool ground Steel, German blistered Sugar, Muscovado Ijnw . . - - i fca. Young Hyson fly son Imperial tiunnowdcT Tobacco, leaf - - manufactured Tallow .... Wheat Whiskey ... pi. p. v. 100 lb. bush. li. 100 lb. rJ. bush. 100 lb. bush. 100 lb. bush. 100 Yj. lb. lb. 103 lb. lb. bush. Ifal. it 8- - .1 2 J 2 2J f4 If i 3J 4 J u 3 C2J 3 25 110 tr 00 - H 5 75 ... 9 3 30 3 30 SO I 25 90 45 4 83 yo 1H 12 11 1 lij 1 2i 1 73 1 50 4 30 10 15 55 45 4 30 -63 31 30 H23 3 50 1 IS '70 -10- c 6 ... "10' 41 40 4 ... ... m 1 3J 50 5 90 1 2) 14 12 -2ft 1 23 1 40 1 t 73 5 i: ia u 9 To Utnt. THE subuchber wishes to rem. i.s farm, together with a dwelling-house and out-houses, on the Yadkin Ri ver, immediately at the Toll Bridge, six miles from Salis bury, on the great road leading from Charleston and Au gusta to Richmond, Baltimore, Lc. He will let the houses with or w ithout the farm, am!, if desired, will hire as many servants as the premise will require. . Nrar the bouse is a spring of excellent water, wliicb, with its elevated situation, renders it one of the most healthy seats in the county. The sir.e and plan of the house and its local situation, art eminently calculated to please travellers, and, if well kept, cannot fail to produce a handsome income to its occupant. As it is the object of the proprietor to hare a genteel house of entertainment kept, none we4 apply who can not give a satisfactory assurance of their qualifications. Terms may be know n by applying to Allcinong h Locke, or to my Klf, in this town. JOHN nEAHD.jr. &iLVrf, January 15, 1821. 33 6 (tj The Editors of the Raleirh Star and Richmond Enom'rrr, rt rrouesteil to rive the above tie insertions in their respective papers, tad forward thir accounts to this office lor payment. Ulock &; WatcAv Making, &c. THE public arc respectfully informed, that . Elliott and E. D. Bcanuw, Clock aitd Watch Makers, from New-York, have commenced the above business, in its various branches, a few dMrs from the Court-House, Main-street, Salisbury i where all orders in the line of their business will be thankfully received, and with plea sure attended to, without delay. The subscribers nave for sale an assortment of Watches, Jewelry i and Silver-Ware ; Consisting of patent-lever ami plain Watches, warranted first quality; gold and gilt Watch Chains, Seals and Keys Finger Rings Ear Rings, and Breast Pius, of various pot- cms j silver Spoons, Humbles, Sleeve Buttons, Steel Watch Chains, &c. !c. ELLIOTT & BURNHAM. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Timepieces, of everv de scription, carefully repaired, and warranted to keep time. 3U K K H. WtlkUiaon & Uorak, Hrrrtff oMionite the State. Bank, Main-Street, Siditbnri., .'. leave to inform their customers, and the public in general, that they have just received from New - York a supply of -- H ATCHES AYD JEWELRY i consisting of first rate warranted English Watches; gold. jfihy -ami stceLWatcli-ChaijiSi Seals, Kejs, &c. ; Stars and Fugles for Oflicers' coats and hats; ladies'" hair RractlctSv goUl mounted ; ,w hitc. and yellow Spangles ; fancy and mourning Rings, of different patterns; Amu- lets; Coral ; uarncU, and glass Beads tAt Rings; Sil ver Thimbles, kc. Ilc. A supply of Silver Spoons, Soup Ladles, nnd Sugar Tongs, constantly kept on hand, and Uo manufactured to any pattern, at short notice. Gg lor Bale. 1011 3AE, a new Stick GIGy with a sun w lllie sold low. Apply t the Pr' r ton ; r. hiclf CLOCKS, IV. i TCII ESM if TIME-PIE CES, of every description, carcfulty repaired, at short notice. and warranted to keep time.. The subscribers feci grateful to the public for fivors already receive I ; and hope, by careful attention, to merit the continuance ot public patrtmage. CURTIS WILKINSON, .'--n--.iiUGH HOUA11. -'.. .-. -.'.. SuHslmrv, Dr. 12. 17 N. B. ..Human ILur, suitable for making watch chair ." , bracelets, Sic. wr.iited, for which a liberal price, in casu, will be paitL; on its delivery at our ; shop".' V. &"IL XuAknv Xayigation iiomvftuy. NOTICE is hereby g-iven, that the fifth and sixth in stalments of !' dollar on each share subscribed to capital stock of the Yadkin Navigation Company, ar nircd, by an 'otxler of the President and. Directors o! the reou the smd company, to c paia ine nnn on or oeiore m 20th day of .fanuary next, and the sixth on or before the. IJth ky of Tebniarv next., - , .......... ' FREDERICK HANDLE, Tmfi;. r,: , 00r. .VwK 1820. 6w3l tvxte liftnk oi! XoTtl-t3aroti T1ES.0LVED, at the debtors to this Hank and ii W Branches, be required to pav instalments of one: tenth of thgir respective debts oni renewal, after the 2tJt1c instant. -.Pri'-rWr ".r.. urwr ot me jiomv. , VT H HAYW(niit,rj,-M' centre, nearly jn their rrort-1 jr., ij. ifl2 i,ar

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