mmrnm if riTUSIIKO 11T KKlDRIt U. DLN'CIIAU. YiA. I. Xo. u4. 1 t - f . , : ,. 1 "lie Wintu CiBttvi4,Si published every Tutt. day, at TIIKKE DOLLAUS per annum, payable semi, annually in advance. flj-No paper trill be discontinued until all arrears jci are paid, unlcM at the discretion of the editor. Whyever will become repuiiible for the payment of AiviRTiiiatiT will Be inserted on tlic customary No advertisement Inserted until it has been paid for, or iu payment asjuincd by somc'person in this town, or it vicinity. 0All letter to the editor mut be it-pJd, or they villnotbe attended to."" - iVevi Hoods. TIIK. ubrriber i now opening, at hi Slnre in SuU$. bun; a general and well (elected assortment of Dry Goods, Jlurd-WarCy and Mcdklnesy .fust received direct from New-York ami Philadelphia, and laid in at price that will enaldo hint to ik-11 remark ubly low. IH ciwtomera, and the public, are rep ct ttdly invited to call ami examine fop themselves. AH kinds of Country l'rodie e received 0 exchange. Drc. 12, 1820.-127 J. ML'KPHY. Wilkinson & UoruU, Directly pfnritt the State flunk, Miin-Sirrrt, Salitbiiw, Tl EG leave to inform their customers, ami the public If in general, that they have just received from New- ' York a simply of H ATCHES A.YD JEirELRT, rtmifnting of first rate warranted English Watches ; gold, gilt, and aUrcl Watch Chains ; Seal, Keys, fee. j Star and Eagles for Officers' coats and hatst ladies' hair Rracelela, gold mounted ; white and yellow Spangles ; fancy and mourning Kings, of different pattern j Amu let i Coral; Garnets, and g!a Heads ; Ear Kings ; sil ecr Thimbles, fcc. &c. A supply of Silver Spoons, Soup J-adlcs, and Sugar Tongs constantly kept on hand, and alyo manufactured to any pattern, at short notice. CLOCKS, WATCHES, U TIMFPIECES, f every description, carefully repaired, at short notice, d warranted to keep time. The subscribers feel grateful to the public for favor Already received j and hope, by careful attention, to merit the continuance of public patronage. " CUKTIS WlLKIKSnx, HUGH IIOKAII. SalUlmry, Dec. 13. 27 J5P.',,.l?n,nw JlrSulkb1e fojnttkimr watch chains, - pfn'celet, &c wanteck fr which a liberal priced in rash, will be paid, on its delivery at our shop. W. & II. Staid Hank otoTUvXTuroliiux, : . ... -,r;: . IUieigb, 2d Jaxcarv, 1821. RESOLVED, That the debtors to this Rank and its Branches, be required to pay instalments of one tenth of their respective debt on renewal, after the 2lrth instant. PubUthed by trder tf the Board. 32tf W. II. HAYWOOD, Canhler. State of XoTt-t3aYona, IREDELL COUXTY. Maxwell and Henry Chambers, and others, Petition for f. 'the division James Irwin, Robert and Samuel Chambers, j of land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case arc the inhabitants of other states.... Therefore, ordered. That publication be made for kix weeks in the Western Carolinian, published in the town of Salisbury, that unless they appear at the next Court of Vlcas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of ." Iredell, on the third Monday in February, 1821, and plead, answer, or demur to said petition, judgment will be ta ken pro confesso, and heard exparte. 6w29 It. S1MONTOV, Clerk: State of tXoi'tU-tjaroVina : iHecklenburg Cettnty..'....M....,.J'ovember Session, 18.0. - JoHS ,B WIX - ? Original Attachment, rA11 sundr' artides' IT-appcaring to te Court t hat. the defendant - la hot a residentcrof this atateTOwfcrerf, therefore, tliat pub lication be made three months in the IFeiter'n Cantinian, tliat the Court "to be held for said county,- at the court-house m Chailotte, on fourth Monday in Febrnary next, and replevy and plead to is sue, or demur, otherwise judgment final will be entered against hurt." - 1 - -- 3m29P XqUlcaUon. ; . WHEREAS the honorable the Ceneral Assembly, at their last session, named an art to rstabliih a Col- lege In the Western part of the State the Trustees of iiii inicnuea inuiuion it ixanung arc ncn uv requr ted to meet in I Jncolnton, on the lt Wedru-nlay of Feb ruary next, to Kx on those measure which insy appear calculated ta prptiMte the design tndjldiijchaTfr. as far as jHsaible( that very important trust which their fellow citizens have reposed in them : And as all is yet to be done; and tmtch dqeiU-n t!w" first teis that iy- ! taken t s' all arc equally Intcrtsted lit whatever may lend lo the good of the present ami future generations'; then, from each county in the npxed diitrict, beside the Trustees, are invited alo to attrml, to give u their countenance and their aid, in snggrsting those mesns which they may deem most cutwlucivc to the prosperity of the Institution. Should it unfortunately happen that a failure in the attendance of the Truster be experi enced at their firt meeting, it may blight it iu the bud, cool the fervor of its friends, ami give occasion to those (if uch there he) whb are some hut inimical, to say, in derision, M 'lliey began to buiM, hut ere not able to finish." JAMES M'PEE, Clwirman Coitvmtl ut Jdnru't-m. Jiwcabt 8, 1821. To AVcnt. THE wihucribcr wishes to rent his farm, together v.:.;. a dwelling-house ami out-hoie, on the Yadkin V' ver, immediately at the Toll Britlge, six miles from bury, on the great road loading from Charleston and Au gusta to Kichmond, Baltimore, Sec. He will let the houses witli or w ithout the farm, and, if desired, will hire as many servant as the premises will require. Near the house is a spring of excellent water, which, with its" elevated kituation, renders it one of the most healthy scats in the county. The size and plan of the house and its local situation, are eminently calculated to please travellers, and, if well kept, cauuet fail to produce a handsome income to its occupant. As it is the object of the proprietor to hae genteel house of entertainment kept, none need applv h can not give a satisfactory assurance of their qualification. Terms may be known by applying lo Allemong k Locke, or to myself, in this town. JOHN HEARD, jr. Satiibnry, January 15, 1821. 32 6 Xj" The Editors of the HtiMh Star and Hirhmotul Enquirer, are requested to give the shove $ir insertions in their respective papers, and forward their account to this office for payment. Clock & WaeA tMaktafr &c f pilE public are respectfully informed, that '.. K:.uott JL aiuLE. lLlkasuax, Clock and Watch Maker from JVffw.Vorkj- have commeneed the above business, in its various branches, a few doors from the Court-Hoime. Main-street, Salisbury i where all orders in the line of .i. :n i... t.i ii.. i i ,: merr utinmesi win if iimiiinuiiv rcuiici uiu nn or sure attended to, without deby. Tlic subscribers have for sale an assortment of Watches, 'Jewelry, ami Silver -Wat e ; Consisting of patent-lever and plain Watches, w arranted lirst quality; gold and gilt Watch Chains, Seals and Keys Finger Kings, Ear Kings, and Hrrast l'ins, of various pat terns ; silver Spoons Thimbles Sleeve Muttons, Steel Watch Chains &c. Sc. ELLIOTT Si JH'KNHAM. N. It. Clocks Watches and Timepieces, f every de scription, carefullv repaired, and w uir.tntcd to keep time. 30 " E &. It. Tvivate-TinteTtttiiuwent. TME subscriber Uiks this method of informing his friends and the public in general, that he has estab lished himself iu the house formerly occupied by the Kev. Feter Eaton, in the Town of Huntsville, Surry county, North-Carolina ; sml has been ' at considerable, expense in making his rooms commodious and comforta ble, for the reception f Travellers ami all who in:iy fa vor him w ith their custom. His Sideboard ;s provided with Liquors of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing requisite for Horses; and hopes by particu lar attention, to merit a share of public patronage. MCMFOKD DLMOKNATT. Hnntnnlle, Dec. 17, 1820. 30tf N. It. The subscriber continues to carry on the Cab. inet Jiwrinex, and wilL execute all orders with neatness and despatch, for cash, credit, or country, produce. - - - --- M.-n.' Out J'evJ CoWegc. j?rr. nit. MetF.ra'MiDntiz r ... ..... A COPT. ISAAC ALEXANDER, CM C. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, JlOfTAN counrr. Jesse A.Pearson and others r. Eqtdty, Fall Term, 1820. ...J.9h!TkWer.n4;otbtrf.JWJ TNthis case it is Ordered, that publication; be made for six Weeks successiyrly in the Western Carolinian, for 'William Langhorn, one of the defendants to appear at the next Court, and plead, answer, or demur, otherw ise . . the bill will be taken pro confesso againsthim,aml heard ax parte. 6w51 ' GEOUCC LOCKE. C. M E. . r - A T T l)Y NORTH-C AHOLTN A, Jtovan Cwinly..., Court of Equity, Fall Term, 1820. James Itrvson...") nn. - . ' , , ' , V9 ' f Bill df revivor, and supplemental , Geotre Houser.5 ' U1 filed. ? ORDERED, that publication e made six weeks suc cessively in" the Western Carolinian, for Alfred Bre vard,. Ed ward BrcvarcC Sarah A. Brevard, and Euegene Brevard, infants and heirs at law of Eli Kershaw, deceas ed.; also, James Chesnut,. l)uncan M'Crae, John Tavior, and James S. Deas, executors of the tast will of John CUesnut, deceased; also, James Chesnut, Duncan M'Crse nl Mary his w ife, John Tavior and Sarah .his wife, James Deas and Margaret It, his Wife, and Irarriet Clieshut. Uirs t law of John Chesnut, deceasedto appear at the .next term of this Court, and plead, answer, or demur to jhe lullftled in this easiyor the bill will be taken pr axaiusi Miem.siMt uem ex nartp cist mmmtmmmttB aikn Navigation Company . XTOTICE is hereby riven, that the fifth and sixth in 1Y stalntents of. tea dollurt on each share subscribed to the capital stock of the Yadkin Navigation Company, are required,-by an order f the- Presilent and Directors of the said company, to be paid the htth on or before the 20th day of January next, and the sixth on or before the 15th day of February next. JPKEDEIUCK HANDLE, Treasurer. 20A November, 1820. w31 . Iil2 1'OV ae. FOR SAE, a new Stick CIO, with a ? will be sold low. 'Apply to the Prin January 14, 1821 I sun top ; nnter. which -Estate of Ji on Iloss , JSeu!r.. "VTOTICE. Those persons who have lawful demands lt " against the estate of John Ros seniori deceased, are hereby requested to, make them known to me on or before the 20th day of February next, so that I may pre. pare for settlement, for I w ish to make a final settlement of the estate at February Session, 1821 . , . JACOB BROWN, Executoi. January 10, 1821. 3w32p . " ,The Celebrated" lloTfte sVapoleon, Will stand the ensuing. Spring Season, at ni v. stable In gfdjsjnirv. 'The' term's will be made known in due time. ' . . -. '. MICHAEL BROWN. 'SaUgbvry,Jan.l5, 1821.- -5w32 lilawks , 'V.f-'.y 'iT-V' v.--.-'it''..1, '.'ff..i i-i."'-; r v.... .nMt? Vou nay say, " we vill obtain t supply from the northern colleges nd (heolocal icmina Xi1 . We. wUh prQSpcihj, lo.ilicm.ftll ubut mosT IfEely" "olilP'tle pmdc nor tm them- ivced not be great they can find room and employment In'iheltovftDaOTryrrorrifthejrinclinrtoxmi irrate, it h not likely they mill top with uiV for half a century past, ho have the l'resuyterun churches been supplied ? Krom the natives of our coumfy, with i very few exception!. TIicmJwo southern bynodsj consisting .f A ffty ii.ra beri, are chiefly natives of our own couiilry And if a succession should be kept t:p, tl.cie is no rational ground to believe that it will oni niue from any other source. It is ccruinly our dutv to lend our aid to relieve the destitute ihuichrt abroad; but all will acknowledge, that n:: first and immediate duty is to provide for cur (.lurches at home. Thus tho nature of our government, cr.xion of our territory, the rapid increase of our 1'MpuUlion, and, above all, tmd mont to he dc U' d, the gueat inequality of gospel mtnutcrs lo ('isttibute, compared with the number of iiu W irtal souls to receive, the bread of life, loudly cult for our exertion. J hat Cod bath appointed a j public ministry ; thai the preaching of the word is an appointed means of salvation ; that, under God, the ambassadors of Christ. arc the great pillars on which the building of Zion rests ; that, without these ambassadors, the chariot of the everlasting gospel, and the whole machinery that is now in motion, to convert the world unto Ciod, must stop, no intelligent, sober-minded Christian will deny. And the order, in all the dispensa tions of the providence of God is, that the means must precede the end the cause must produce the effect. 3d. The smiles of divine Providence on a num ber of those literary institutions which have been already established in the United Slates, and the advantages which have resulted from them, may encourage us to engage in the same cause. In general, it may be said that all have been useful, in a less or greater degree. In the New England states, their private schools and public i seats of. learning have always been In proportion to the number of inhabitants, making provision ! I.. L.Mt iknl It a as)iisoi in tf" i sv Ann Knit 14 lA UJ laiv IJIUl liiV VUUVKIIVH w Hv V'lV IIIVHIM W neglected. Thus it has been, that they have al ways had a sufficient aupply of public characters, both in the state and in the church. They have exhibited an example well worthy of our imita tion, by transferring to their children, from one generation to another, that knowledge of religion and love of liberty w hich their forefathers brought with them from their native country. Tor your encouragement to prosecute the in tended object, you will now attend to a short his tory or the College of New-Jersey. This col lege was situated in the village of Princeton, in the year of our Lord 1746. Jonathan Jielchcr was then governor of the ptovince, urd obtained its charter from George II. king of G. Britain. Its first commencement con-isitd of no more than six graduates. But now, iu the space of 74 years, alout 1600 young men have received a liberal education in that seminary. And without partiality, there is no danger in asserting, that, numbers compared, the College of Ncw-Jcisey has sent forth as many great and good men as any insutuuon oi learning upon caitn. rroui the Presidential chair, there is not a station in our government hut has been filled by the stu dents of Nassau Hall. From the first session of Congress jn the year 74,.t.hey have bccn and now are, members of that honorable body ; they have been sent,' in the splendid and important character of ambassadors, to all the courts of Eu rope : they how preside on tlic bench of the su preme court of the nation ; in many also, of the supremeourts jiLlbc8eeraljfate.sAhieLma gistrates in our own, and nearly in all other states : at the bar they have shone with a brilliancy of talent ami eloquence inferior to none: in the medical department, the College of New.Jersey can boast of a Shippcn, a Rush, and a Ramsay. An example of real patriotism, especially for the benefif - of e this assembly, in a son of Nassau Hall, I take the lib erty of relating : Colonel Allen, being offered a large reward to leave the American and go over to the British camp, nobly replied, l am not worth much ; but, low as my priced may be, the King of Great-Britain is not able to make the purchase !" What hath been said as to the many great and useful men that have been educated in the Col-legeofiNew-Jersey, might very justly excite us, as "the friends and lovers of our common coun try, to follow the example of its founders'.- But half hath'not been said ; and the main ob ject of the history of that . institution, on this oc casion! hath not yet been brought Jbrward. In dulge the prolixity attached to old age, and suffer me to proceed. ' The principal design of-the pious founders of the College of New-Jersey, vas to raise up and vation to a needy sinful world. They saw an increasing population u perishing through lack knowlr fg0 1 thejr cste emed erooleni above their thief joy I the proipeiltf cf ZIontVaa the crown of tlicir ceHrti. W ben tha corner-ston; of thai inagnifircnt edifice was laid, it was conse crated to the service ofColLTheyJboved the kurw andjiftcdup the hand and heart to 'thu'thfone of the great Lord oTTTic fiatveWMhat hr wonld send fcmli Uborera into his harvest that there on llut con-fcccratcd-i66tra' ftftintaln ihouU pen,the streams thereof would make glad the city of God." The mot hiirh God heard, and favored that inMituiion. Its Presidents vrere great men of Cod champions for the Cross of Christ. . Under God, in the hands of an lid wards, a Davis, a Witherspoon, &c. it must prosper ; and its pi ous trustees were nien df the same miud. Three hundred ministers of our holy religion, have been educated in that seminary. J hetc have sown tho seeds oflearning and religion in the various dis ttitt of our extensive country, where God in hi providence called them to reside. It Is not lo our purpose, nor is it my wish, to take away from any Christian denomination what ever. As to the Church universal, " peace bo within her walls, and prosperity within her pala ces." The Presbyterian Church In the United States of America, now consists of one General Assembly, eleven Synods, fifty-four Presbyteries, more than six hundred learned Preachers, and nearly twelve hundred Congregations. Traco the matter back t examine it minutely ; gQ from... the distant streams, up to the fountain ; and you will find that all proceeded from the College of New-Jeisey, as the source. No more shall be said on this subject, and it may be said, without exaggeration or dread of contradiction, that, from the northern extremi ties of New-York, to the Alabama, south from the Atlantic ocean to the Missouri, west, a great share of that political, moral, and religious light which hath been diffused throughout this vast region, hath been derived, either immediately or ultimately, from the College of New-Jersey. This ' handful of corn in the top of the moun tains, haih shaken like the fruit of Lebanon and may, in less than one hundred years, send its fruits, the blessingi of civil and religioua knowledge, to the Pacific ocean, Lord hasten it in thy timpr- Much hath been done for us by our fathera and predecessors : we cannot reouile them i they rest from their labors, and are. followed by their works : but we can do for our posterity what they haverdone for theirs. We are drged on by duty and necessity, and encouraged by example. We now proceed to show, in the 4th and last place, that the Western part of the State of North-Carolina is a favorable situation for a pub lie Seminary of Learning and that it contains re sources to can y it into effect. I. This is a favorable situation for a public seminary of learning. We are a people substan tially united in civil and religious sentiments; as yet of frugal, though decent habits in life ; more on un equality than any other section of the Un ion on this side the states of New-hngland ( none very rich, fewery poor: the people in privato life are not inferior to any of their fellow-citizens :h to general information; few more desirous, were they possessed of the means, to educato their sons : a country not yet led far astray by the jontp and glitter of high life and fashion t where it i thought more economical habits may be observed than are in most of our public seats of learning abroad, or in some not far distant, prohibiting those that arc in moderate circum stances from a liberal education altogether, who J generally make the best scholars and the most useful men ; and poison the minds of some of those whose parents at e wealthy and able to bear the expense : a siifTiciently fertile, " bearing all manner of store and, iinallyj i climate which, in point of health) little if any inferior to anypartoLlhciwhoIej favorable, and, . r t - quality uauuui ministers ot toe rtiew i eumeni, oegminng.. 2. It contains resources to carry the intended institution into effect. The country which it is expected will co-operate in the design, grew daiy, both in wealth and population. In point of agricultural improvement only, in its infancy and situated, as to distance, from seaport towns that the substantial supports of life will never command an immoderate price ; which will fix and continue the rates of boarding at a reasona ble standard, if frugality and economy be intro. dured into the system. . . Wehavlui;lf the twenty counties which may unite in the de sign, contain 200,C00 souls; but it is thought, were the inhabitants carefully numbered, the amount would be nearly, or altogether, 300,000. Allowing a householder, or head of a'family, for every ten souls, the number , would be 30,000 i then, one single dollar from each householder would just make up the $ame sum of 0,000 do! lurs. 'Many you may aay, will give nothings granted; but many will give from 5, say, to 2rt dollars or more and wiU not thjs make up tb.a deficiency ? : This sum, "30,000 dollars, would, perhaps erect all needful buildings, to make a It wpuld pot be as much as the tax - ' ' 'Sir- ,vi.;-.

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