4 We hust I,i:!;r;'.octcrlofAtci lie nust ci!.ei-j a. lo the r.ctc:s!.y cxHtii;;- with the per pic o tial pni: t of the internal improvements oflhisl thii Stale of prr juii injj by road to compete will Mate tv exteiwiintr our view 10 tnene oiijctu ine northern immure, wuicn, mu(j the rtvrr that cun only be effected by the labor of f.uccce-1 tciewe tuttetd in &uti-CanMi(i, might be aold Oinjf aj;ci. The rpenin ti our rivers to their my low. .So that, in every point of new, exact sources, cannot be expected until a more dciine attention ii accessary tothts subject. population khail render latwr much cheaper than obtained to c fleet Rreat and arduous undertaking, gcit.ctcU frwn J(OIMi0 ' ' NVignil, aWMc , T . f.an Selwyn.bed-chamber.voman in w Rpnai.inai 11 N..1 i i-i .1 n-wj.u- wil reou.re to render the improvement f the (ttrerwarU( l)ish-p f VVaicr,) begin the aer. Lett o( our mm, approachi. the interior of k fc .j AmJ twMlpropei. fl. .he State, iu(T,cient for boat, carrying little more , Ma , Q fc d t than what waKKonnd team could haul over a fim'e cu(om wd once,ord?rinj? the door lobe After havinL-don thia, u i intended lo aubmit 1. -n.-r - t .1 .. it1!..-. Jew observat on addre.aedMmmedutely proVeedri!e replied he would not trA.fctbe to .those reader of the Western Carolinian, Urd of GckI through the 0 Jiffcctt (f Gucmading rertain newspaper in (Jlasgow, we have been told, has indulged so much in the habit of announcing, from day to day, the wonderful improvements in trade, and the l ite of wages, as to brin in numbers of wcav ers from the neighborhood, who complained that their employers did notpive them the same rate of wanes paid by others. The employers, again, demanded the authority on which these charges were made ; and when given, very properly sent me weavers 10 tne puousncr 01 me newspaper, whose oflice, it is said, was actually mobbed by v hose interests are intimately concerned in the discussion of this subject and its results. - Salisbury may be supposed to be ar point on rhich the commerce of a wealthy country turns. If we take the map and place one foot of our compasses on the town, the other, in the course of 200 miles, (on a hair line,) will reach Peters burg. Charleston in about the same distance. The Board of Works in South-Carolina are aware of the trade we have hitherto carried on, and think they can wrest it from us. However, if 're look to the season at which the imported tup- plies are necessary to that period of the year disappointed craftsmen, desiring to know, what when the farmers, along the fertile country from couW nol ,e told,the names of the manufacturers bence to I'ctersburg, can best supply the means wj,0 Kavc ,ucn niRn wages, of land transportation, we shall find that in the y,-fl,a Dud at Oiruer.ln consequence of a one instance we have at all times a safe approach, dispute which originated in a supposed claim to a while, in the other, we are forbidden even to look f..male. Mr. Foliiott. a pcnileman well known in towards that city (Charleston) which " is to ,ufiA rut,tr for hi amiability of risnoahion. on Mon- ZTffv what it now fiurcnaiea m Jialiimoreana rhtla- day morning received a challenge from Mr. 3. ,nr-...7..,, . - , , i)unuwci pciwiKuiiiiciiru w 1111 uic i.iw. 1 nc -verymomns me womns wncn mc loreign sup- circumstances haling: accidentally transpired in plies arc necessary. r pg family, means were u!.cn to prevent the Again: If we look to the price of northern meeting, which was to have be-n in t Ik- drop field, les were compelled to find sureties. petition that it will be difiicult to lace. J 1 1 Notwithstanding this, a subscaur nt communica- a rises from the cheapness of transportation by tion took place, and at 8 o'clock on Monday morn ea, as well as its celerity and certainty. Already ing, Mr. Foliiott and Mr. Burrow ts met on the have horses been brought down by water; and esplanade, fronting with the new burial ground, the closing o the West-India trade lo the mid- near the Infirmary. Mr. Pcmbcrton attended as die and eastern ports, will continue to extend a second for Mr. F. and Mr. li. Hall for Mr. B. commerce necessary to the consumption of the Mr. Panton was the medical man agreed upon, extra produce of those countries. Supposing It should be observed that the parties have been the whole of this fine South-Carolina scheme acquainted with each other for a long series of wras efTected that for her & 1 00,000, erery im- years', and their families are united by distant ties pediment at Rocky Mount and below it were re- of consanguinity. moved, what is there we can send below the The combatants drew lots for the first fire, Santee by water, that we can transmit by land to which Mr. Burrowrs won; the distance fixed tW Middle Districts, which will fiod an Jtdvanta upon was twelve puces. Shots were exchanged ptous -market fff-Fory it tee mt the object of the without effect ; the pistoh were a second time Board it not io often any Road to thote tee l ion of loaded, and both fired together with the like re ccuntry where ottrtvaggont have Idthcrtojound to suit. An ineffectual attempt was made by Mr. ready 'and advantageout a taleor their mitceilane- P. to reconcile the parties, and the fatal weapons outloadt. Let us also ask what would be the were again discharged, which unhappily were too freight which our waggoners would charge to certain in their aim. A ball pierced the head bring goods from Petersburg and convey them of Mr. Foliiott, and considerably fractured his to the middle and northern towns of South-Car- skull ; Mr. Burrowes was killed on the spot. Mr. olina, say Lancaster, York, Chatham, Camden, F. has been trepanned, and grctt hopes are en and Columbia, if the Road t were o improved as tertaincd of his recovery ; but it i apprehended to enable five horsea to carry (as on the Turnpike the mental consequences mav be serious. Mr. Jtoads in Pennsylvania) 6 or TOOOlbs. ? Howcv- Burrowes had experienced throughout the last cr, let us be thankful that the tujbjcct of rojds is twenty years, the intimate friendship of Mr. Fol getting into discussion. The' good people of liott, and the grief of the last gc)ikn;n is cx- -Yirgima have been a long time speculating on cessivc. Mr. r. is a gentleman ot urge lortunc, the subject of uniting the James and the Kenha- and made himself commendubly .conspicuous in tra;for in a recent Richmond Enquirer, (that founding the Chester Lunatic Asylum, on the of the 30th Dec. 1820,) we find a decided proof plan of that in Spring Vale, Staffordshire that, for a given distance, land is cheaper than water carriage. One of the impediments o the latter is,$fated " to be the loss on coal brought .1 tr j.-nt.Arl l. iK (Viiint flltlf; Rutlior luvin- tpoit nun h l!mc In cl''' and I X hbiimil arpliot.on, ami Ineiirred heavy evpcfim i to rfmp!( U hit XIup of the t'uitid Htatct, Cr.ttcN h'r.imcU that h Ia hrrtt so ur wicccmTuI in in ( k to n ttc it well worthy the pjitmrmff if hit fcllow-citiena. Thii Han u drown on a larrt-r rie tluui any otlM-r of Uic. uniirn main iktviuiiu-v jiiiomiiru. irrni pjitu nrr been uken to (fire the not clear ana fatutm vry ni'r. rnstion cttuch Town. County, and State i atwl by a m i ,...' . i i ami peculiar mtrinrai, me ronmarutr popui uion i racn Town ran b rtslly diiilnpiilitd on tii! map. .The di vuiwi lines; rare and mam rum. i.r.r. mnms he, r all drEncated with care r and more of Uic itnprnvtiiirnt rt UUvc to the WVitcm SUtcs, arc detailed ia this tjnui aw to 1e found in anr oihcr own. I'urticuLr Mtvlwii ha been likewise pin J to Uc intcrtion oftli vrtMi torta, and purrs rcmltmt important durinfr the wtc evcnUiil war. Ily metnn, alio, ot n fntire ntan of north Amerka, which li Joined to the sbovr, all the pvat Weatern &wr ate tlfmTn Irwcd 13" trir souffe f j and a comet vicar is. given, jf ttc. oriLu recently rch't to our gmenunchU ahd ff f xmhi aiui, Iour, Alutmiha, ArkaiiMw, &c. kc, hut, bcauks tin liitniite iw! com. plcte rin-ey of the Vnitcd htatt-s, ijenend vie U' given of Ctnuds, Mexico, and the V nt-lrxlirs. All the; ad- vantr.ges, toretlicr with the neat style in which V man lias been executed, entitle it to he comidtrrd not only a a beautiful ai.d proper onum nt to' cmbctlith anj of fice, counting -toom, or purUxir, but al a the moat ccr- tain and com et index which can be obtained of the present Geography cif our country. For a review ot ih'w work, thr inquirer ia referred. to the Portico, a well known repository of aek-nce and lit. erature, publUhcd in this city. (Sec vol. 3d.) alany rertificattllkfuie. of tlic cliaractrr of this Map, n.lifM Iht invent btt the follow Alt' rone'nM reconuucubitiori, it U hopvl, will wifliee, witlKiut fatiguing the r a.lcr with manv uselesi eneoniitinw. " CflAHI.KS VABLR, Ueijrcfr. Iialti,ruret lit .IXurcA, IK I A cr.nTiFic.iTEs. Vfe, the KiWtiberi,liave introdtieed Mr. VaHr'a Map of the I'nited State into our flchooU. Hie tuny ami pmpicuoua method observed in its conftntction, ennblei the youth to understand it with little assistance from their teachers. We find it more full and comprehend. o than any other map of the United States. It afcoi ilij tJiictly each eottnty arvl it seat of Justice, which has been omitted in other man. TWcapitala of each state, ter ritory, &c. he. tlwir towns with their population, of course what rank they occupy in their respective stales, are ail distinctly exhibited. We very much approve, also, ofhi two Vertical Sec tions of this continent : they give a correct idea of the different degrees of temperature of tliis glJe, in pro portion to the elevation of its surfcee in the aimmphcrc a knowledge of great importance to Agriculture aud I'hilo&ophv ; besides, it furnishes a very appropriate method for impi t sung young minds with the f.giire of the sumce ot me eann. i ins is an improvemcni noi w be found, except in Mr. Varie's Map. From these considerations, we think it better rakiila ted to aid the student of Geography than any other map extant. Siwrrt Kox, President Baltimore Collie. W. SiCLi, Vice.Pitudent IMtimore Cottrfr. Sa'Nl. Rhow, Principal ll .1c uLmy, Churcti-ttrcct. Haxi.. Jknthvo, Prrtident tf Atberry Seminar, D(tit. Uto.Bucaaca, Pnfcuor Mathtmatit U PhilontfS- Juaui CfEBHT, Principal tf the Lancastrian Schl, jIuHiid-itrtcL. . ....... W. Kklkt, Teacher f MMtemdtict ana Geography, Sharp'trret. We have attentively examined a Map of the United States. reccnUv published by Mr. Charles arle. ot llm citv. and consiiler its style of execution very ne-1 and appropriate in every respect to a map of that size. Cotii & Fit i. kM ax, Enrravere, Etitt-ttreet. This Map is five feet in length, by three feet ten inches in brendth. (T"rhi' above Map is now for sale at Mr. William II Slaughter's, in Salisbury, where it may be viewed for a rew days. SaUtbury, JV. V. Jan. W, IH YidwcuWirti. 1 Entice, a i i'ni Ki' r T 1.11 i laic a roie ; i;.c.: tot Is iWk l ttler. fir t!ie mm if Unity iIuIIaml fur a cIhV lil tl.e mhI Willooli rrintrd to mo fur a k timr-piHie i ami pie n rM-pttcn on him h K if it Out not prm e poml, td tnte it back u x,tu 4 Vks M'Ntnntc uaipaytbh; the lAih far (fL),if ccin i-i.i. iif, if not, n or against lh 2iiU 4 Iki-eniher, R:o. da hereby frewarn all persons from trailint fr iM note. xt 1 am determined not to pay it. - - . . joa.v I'MfKF.i;. . January C7, 18C1. v!w34 . , " ; ' " m 1 " 9 1 1 i i i ' STATE .Or NOKTit-CAROMN'A, , , . , INKAKtl C0VHTT1 ' f CsOntT w rU-si al Quarter SeWonitNWnJKr terr, ) Wj ' i Uulert Simonton n. John Vamlercri oHri nal attachment, returned laticd on land. It appearing,. to tlte aaUauctun of this LHxirt,that the defendant, ohn Vandcvir, fa not an Inhabitant of this state, it is trrfired, that publication he nude In the Western Carolinian for., three months, tltat unless the, defendant appear srtho temr of the con rr to he-held tnr the connty aomaid,-at" Ktatrsville, on theithird MonIa in February next, anl' replevy' the propcrtr nd pirwli-the pLiiaitf will: Lo - permitted to entemp judgment sshst him jho efinfeao, , 3W3I " li. nIMONTUNi Cierlt, ( STATS OF NORTH CAHOUNA, IltCDF.LL COtfKTT . 1 0UIlT of I'leai anl Quarter Scmiprta, Ko ember termi J 1820: James II. Ilonstnn rt William. Kerr, juniori original attachment, returned levied on land. It appear. nc tn the satanaetion ot Uic court, that the defendant. illiam Kerr, junior, is not an inlikbitant of thu state, it is tlierefore orderctl, Uiat publication Im- nialrt fur thrns months in tlie Wealeni Csrolinisn, that unh-s the said U'fvniLtnt appear at the term of the court to be held for the com.ty aloresald, at Statesville, on the third Monday n Trfbruarv next, and replevy tac property, awl plead. the plaintitr ill be permitted to enter up judgment against him, pro conlVkio. J W.I li. NHItMIIX, CLrt: 8TATK OF NOIlTII-OAItOUNA, inr.nr.Li. rotxTT t flOI'RT of Picas and Quarter Scsions, .'ovinler term, J 1 82 J t Smith Ityars h IU. vi. Wilh.im Kt rr, junior t original atlaclum'iit, reUirned levied on two hundred and thirty-aeven acres of land. It appearing to the fcitisfa. tion of the court, that the defendant, William Kerr, jup ior, is not an inhabitant of thi state, it is therefor.- or dered, that publication be made for three months in tho Western Carolinian, that iinlew the defendant Appear at the next court to be he LI for the county aforesaid, at FtatenilU, on the third Monday in February next, and replevy. tle property, and plead, the plaintiffs will bo permitted to take judgment against him, pro confc&jo. 3w34 M, HIJtONTO.V, Clerk: EXCQUR. I G fYG FOR THE MIMES. Mr. Allen, in the House of Delegates, Mary land, has obtained leave to brin in a bill to ..dim in- a!.&YtK mMrinntinn in the navigation of ish the tax on marriage lieeneet and Mr. Millard the rivcrwhich fien render it neeetsary for the likewise obtained leave to bring in a bill to impose Wnnn in lighten their loads. This obiection a tax on I'ac .clort . wt wmm '- " J one whiclv ha incaeased , j& inc reasingj but can not be diminished, in all the southern rivers ; and it aprings from the numented settlement of the country and the still augmenting powers of eva . uoration and absorption. Hence, allowing that ull cair be dono tn the rivers for which the most T5 ToriiiAm KEEPERS. ; TOR SALF., the premises situated on the corner of King and Market, and York and Market streets, Cam'den, S. Carolina, recently occupied by W. Vatighah, iri. V-i: vl ...:-, ..til ,,-,t mo., i ney are close xo me rtionc wmrcs, am wouia sanfiuinc wiwimwjvvs-w vMWy Private: HMelror. a Boarding " . ircOtnstance will prevent thai lrwf'v ?f0w- 1Iousc A franie is n0w fcady to be erected, so as t6 tti7ae(i?i, imperatively necessary to a bpncncial I afford even possible facility to a purchaKr who has ei- "intercourse. na mc-ppm cut cy t tie j ri t a t taught us nothing ? However, let us not des pair: wc, whose jobject is to favor the little hus bandman and foster his humble endeavors at the attainment of competence, have our advocates ; while those whose sole wish seems to be to ben efit the few at the expense of the many, are lo sihg fcrourtd. The -community 1&. geUu aware wtbat every farmer may have, and indeed hits.Ms waeeoion the road, but that few have boats on the river. It is, getting tired of those companies, thcr-of. .those obiccts nt view. The' whole T)roDcrti alio wi ngTTiree fi-ontsrwith every-necessary- Wt4niiWing, and among them an excellent brick Store-house, Smoke house, he. would be sold on favorable terms. Apply on the premises. Camden, S. C. Dec. 11, 1820. -6v.33 N. B. Good paper would be taken in payment. ALSO, A. tract of 250 arrcs of LAND, within three miles of Camden;' weH'cateuhted for any one- becoming ike ..pw eriasef 8f the "above property. Apply as abov(v. TAILOR,, T'lE connexion formerly existing between the Tnis-tc-s of Rtatesville Academy and the subscriber as Teacher being dissolved,- parents ;nl guardians are hereby informed, that the different branches heretofore taught in this Academy, he will still continue to t ;aeh in a suitable house prepared for this purpose. The satis faction which the discharge of his oflice has given dur ing the temi of five years, and the respectable standing of his students in the different higher seminaries which they have enterrd, afford a well grounded hope -that the usual liberal Support and encouragement will be contin ued. Parents and guardians may rest assure), that ev ery neretsary attention will be paid to Uic deportment, the progress ami accuracy. of pupils. ... The school -commenced on the first of the present montJi. To accommodutethe people of iSonth-Ctrohrcr, whose patronage has been libera, there will be but one. vacation in the vear: the first vacation to commence the 16th Drcembtrj 1821. Boarding cart be had, as usual at the houses of Xb-rs. Work, McKnight, and Ilart, kc. JOHN MLSHAT. Junuurif22, 1821. v . . . N. B. From the inexperience of yotithj it often hap pens they are too easily led into habits, of CTrnyHg:'.nce. In these t!iey too siiocesfully indulge, notwitljstanding the carerand-nn'nce ot the tencher ami triiittts. I lie so welldescribed by MrMurpheyr (Memoirt p. 81-,) iand vvill discharge its schemers, before any TJ ESPF.CTFULI.Y iuformsthc pubtierThat.hc has re long period shall liave'elapseeir v- JWntW teturaci om , 1 . . . i-'uio. himself in business in this place, in the east corner of Mr. 8uch are the circumstances in which the State CowtnVrtw;, ne has brought on with him the newest of North -Carolina is now placet! ; and surely the fa?hionv and made arrangements to receive Uiem regu jjeople of Rowan and Mecklenburg, Iredell and larly hereafter from Charles C. and J. Wuvon, Philadel- Montgomery, nuke and -Rutherford, some of pbia, so that he w ill be enabled to do his work in the t he most wealth v and populous counties of a State, mfost approved and fashionable style, lie solicits a share rt- j ... ,:ti of public patronage : and hopes, by assiduity and atten- powerful in population and great in resource, will hi, businei to please ail who may fJov him with iiot withhold their exertions on this occasion. !..:. . tliis kiml are committed without his knowledge and per mission. Aware of this, and at the same time desirous to afford every reasonable security. to. parents and guar dians the following rules will be strictly attended to : Kvery student shall be confined to one particular store for the purchase of tlosc articles of which he rhav stand in t.needj m aocwmt in ;ud store tp .bjeCArefaH c.at;ii- ned once in every month. No student shall be permitted to play at unlawful games, nor indulge in the use of ardent spirits; and to prevent these evils, their accounts in taverns shall be ex amineH and'a fding houses respecting tiie conduct of tlieir boarders, 1 nilf. lli' 0i'..U 'tArmi'W' - .-'''. -:'.--::- .V..,.,;,-.. ' - . . . UltVV 11 V J IIIUIIIIM . .. 4. These and the oth-r regulations of the school will be carried into execution bynlie following gentlemen ; Col Kichard Allison, Dr.. Joseph Guy, Rev. hr. Mclieej Rob ert Worke, Fs. Wm. McMhigfit, Esq. Gen. George I.. Davidson, John fluggins, Esq. Capt. Alexander Dun'.ap, Thomas Allison. J. M. Common sense, common reason, and their com mon welfare, uni;c in forbideiina: it. So say , . MANY HUNDREDS. . P. S. Figures, it. is itaid, never err. .A com parison of the pt ices of .whisker, &d in the Del- aware and ChcsapeaKe, wun an estimate ot the Salisbury, Jan, 22, 1821. 33 STATE OF NOHTH-C A HOI.IN A, inrnr.Li. county : (Ot'lcT of Fleas ami Qunrter ftestiom, VoveinlHT term, J 1420 : James Kerr v. William Kerr, junior ; origi. ginal attachment, returned levied on two hundrrd and thirty-seven acres of bnd. It appearing to the satUftc. tion of the court, that the defendant, William Kerr, jun ior, is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore or dered, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that unless the defendant appear at the next court to be held for the county aforesaid, at Statesville, on the third Monday in February next, and replevy th property, and plead, the plaintiff will be peruiUted totalui ju.'nuut against Uim, pro rnuftiso. 3wS4 R.SlMtlNTON.riiT-. STATE OF NOKTII-fJAUOU.NA, tREDELL COUKTT ft OtJRT of Pleas and Quarter Session, November term, J 1320; James Campbell vt. Stephen Fittij original attachment, returned levied on land. It appearing to the' satisfaction of the court that the defendant, Stephen Pitts, is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore or- dered, that publication be made for three months in tho Western Carolinian, that unless the defendant appear at the next court to be held for tlie county aforesaid, at Statcsville, on the third Monday of February next, and replevy the projerty, and plead, the plaintiff will be pe minted to take judgment against him, pro confess. owJt K. SIMONTON, CArl; STATE OF NOIM ll-C.i;OLINA, 1REDKLI. COUKTY : COl'RT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions November term, 1820 : Gilhrcath Neill tertm William Kerr, junior ; original attuchineiit, returned levied on two hundred and thirty -'even acres of land. It appearing to the sathfar. titn of the court that the defendant, William- Kerr, jun ior, is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore' or dured, that publication be made for three, niontlu in tho Western Carolinian, that unless the defendant appear at the next court of said county, to be held at Stales ille, on the third Monday of February next, and replevy thn ... i a -i i "-it propertv, ana picaa, mc piainnn wm oe pcrmittcci to take judgment against him, pro confess. f -.1J - - n AIII1UITAW. ) I 'iwrtt -i- , - . .... . . jv. niiuiiix.voi, . v.!f?rrrt... tTATE OF NOltTH-CAUOJ.INA, iHr.nr.i.i. county : (1 Ol'RT of Plea-? and Quarter Seswun, November term, J 1320: Jane Cook Samuel Wilson ; original at tachment returned levied on negro girl Charity, It appearing to tin satisfaction of tlie court, that the de fendant, Samud Wilson, is nnt:aninhabH''lnt ?f this state-, it is therefore ordered, that unless the dtfyhdant appear at tVici nt xt term of the said court, and replevy the prop trhor wocliMv. imffrr tho hbrt... kklimifrl, trnwcf iV' I ' . . . I : rr judgment, pro confi sso ; and that this order be published three months in thu Western Carolinian. iw34 R. SIMONTON, C!erf. RAN away, on or about thelOth ir.sV a Negro Ctrl by the naniefjSally,. 1H or 20 years old, about 5 fal 2 or 3 incies hi ra'tuT incIinto be fat. Tlie above will r Minn trt nrtv norenn tvlin fa-ill rlr.livr tlw ..expense of tramportuttorr, and those of thesamelsat,PV;.itn.min&dJiiirv- vi vt rntfps r0TlCE. Will be sold, at the eourt-bouse in Sails' bun , oft tlie Lst Thursday of March next, a tract of LAND of 444 acres bng On the Yadkin, and know n by the name of John S. Long's Terry. Also, six likely NEGROES, theproperty of John' 8. Long,, to satisfy sundry executions in fivori of Alexander Long, senior, Micjuel Rixiwn, and 'oUiera, r. John S. Long. " ja-o nr.A'm "i rt-f. STATE OP NORTH-CAROLINA, 1 RF.DELL COUNTY t I OURT of Pirns and Quart er Sessions, November term. i82UJacob Kcbkr, .-jr. Robert ; JI(ntoii i .pvigtiut attachment,-levied on personal goods. It appearing to ' ' " the satisfaction of this court, that the defendant in this case is not a resident of this s'ate, it is therefore ordered, that .publication be made for three months in tho Western, af)pear at t)o next court to be held for the county afore- saia, at Rtatcsvjiic; on rne xmra incnaay :m entmwy' .tw next, and replevy the property, and plead, the plaintijf will be "toermilted to take judgment, pro confesso. " 5wS4 n,SlM0NTON?'CV. . STAtE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, " - inEDEI.L COUNTY: ClOURTofPlePS?nd Quarter Sewionu, November term, J 1820 : James p. M'Cte t, mchanl Mtree ; origi? rt:d attachmeut, returned, levied on personal gocjds. It is ordered, that, In this casfc, "jthe dtfendunt, Richard M'Crce, who, it appears,is not ah inhabitant of this stat e, appear at the next term of the cotiri to be held for ther -county aforesaid, at Statesyill?, on the third Monday in Fcbi-uan' nLvt,'nd replevy thcjift)eity. and plead to -this caus'e, otherwise the plaintiff will be permitted to pake tfiidgmPnt against '!iin pro confess. : , . - X Ti i ':: 1 (KV , f 4 : i, PiM'iywx, vt-rv: tttaiy it Vi.j.j m.,:

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