f.,l frivauufcli tatlou cliicf and u.f.rcrs, din H and remained together ull d.iy yesterday unu iworc ftrnul fiicwUhip ai.d phibnlhropby. The dinner was given by the (Jcncr.il (Mo Mo and wuft toiiocbl and fivclrthat wc all seem rd like old ft icti Jh. Dvixvr tsanledncveral timet. fit ace and the valour qf the Generul in thief and hit urmtj. ucnerai iMoiiiio, in an inc uncerny of Ml heart and almost with teara In his cyci, jlftnk to concord and mutual friewUSip. All the chiefs and clIicxrareciprocalcd toasti iiYXhe same manner." '-.'' Holivar and Morillo mounted on the table to toast peace and the valiant toldieri of both ar mies, and afterwards shouted Fiyoj A mono mcni to" ciTeTaTeHft 'Teconcifia? uon, was d. termined on, and the Generals them selves immediately laid the first alone." DOITOK, JAK. 12. ;-:- The northeast storm of Sunday but commcn ced til Nen-VyVk on Saturday evening alwut eight o'clock; and,' by accounts from Philadelphia, it Appears to have began snowing in that city, full two hours earlier" than at NewYork.B We do not know the precise time at which the snow bc- jjan to fall mthii town, bur conclude it to have licen at least 7 or 8 hours after the commence rneiitofthe storm in Philadelphia. These facts furnish additional evidence of the correctness of the theory, that our most severe N. K. storms be rinat nearly opposite points of the compass, and make rapid piogressTn lace of the wind. Daily Adv. lis Baltimore at noon t in Wakhinton at 8 o'clock, .. n. auJ in t'barlc&Um on Friday evening. GHF.lXriF.I D, MASS. JAV. 9. The public will probably be surprUed to learnj . that the famous Springfield Ox, known by the name of "Maxiraus," must give place in the calcto another, heavier and nobler than he. Vc !l tide to the ox raided, fatted, and now owned, by Col. Asa Stcbbins, of Dccrficld. This ox is but six years old, and it is said by good judges will now weigh thirty-three hundred pound ; and is as remarkable for symmetry of form an he is for his surprising fatness and "weight. Maxtmus, if we recollect right, weighed (live wrightj but 2700. The Dccrficld ox is, probably, the heav iest ever raised, fatted, or exhibited in this coun try, and is well worth the attention of the curious. Col. S. is now on the way with him to Uoston, where, we understand, he will be exhibited. Cjrraw. -The Legislature of South-Carolina have passed an Act incorporating this Village, which has been heretofore known by the name of Chatham, and given it the name of C1IEKAW. This is the ancient Indian name of the place ,Whatmodvej,.if anyv operated to effect this change of name, is unknown here : no British . name could have been less exceptionable than that' of Chatham f that name was worn, adorned, and rendered sacred to freedom, by one of the greatest and best of Englishmen, and cannot be reiinouished bv those who know and feel its char acter in the history of civil liberty, without re gret. But the powers that be have enacted, that the j lace shall be known as Cherdiv let us with cheerfulness adopt the name : as Chrratv let it rise and prosper ; there is no magic in a name ; it is the local and geographical advantages winch nature has given to the place, and the civic vir tues of its inhabitants, that must render the name " which it bears, august and respectable. Pee Dee Gazette. ' IMPORTAXT. From the Southern Recorder. In our last paper, on information derived from a eentleman who had lately been at the Indian Springs', we stated, there was little probability of a treaty being conpluded with the Creek Indians. We are glad to learn the result has been more propitious than was anticipated. Runners hav- mg been despatched lor tne inuians, a urge num ber have assembled, antTtfie Chiefs of the Na lion, we understand, have agrce(LUh-lhe Com ihissioncrs oh "'the" bastipf la Treaty, by which t he C re e k Nation ' cedes to, the United States, for- the use of Georgia, a large xteni of terri tory, supposed to contain uve millions of acres, of which there is much valuable land.. The tract -ijpcou ht rypl Oposed torjbav ceded, by. the- Indians ( for the sum of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars, out of which an ample reservation is made for the settlement of ---citizens1 claims) is comprise cd within the following limits Beginning on the st side of Flint river where Jackson's treaty line crosses the same, thence up said river to As most western source thence a line running a : "due west -course until it &hall intersect the Cha la'noochce therjee up said river to the fcltowa or Jlightower trail thence with said trail to where it crosses the Ulcofan-hat-chee -thence down .said stream. to its junction wjth frhe Qcmulgee ri ver thence down said liver to where Mitchell's treaty line-intersects the same thence with said line until it intersects Jackson's treaty line and thence with the latter line to the beginning. By an act of the general court of New-Hampshire, the riame of Je rVrw -Vrii-, "a very 'prosaic and creeping name, is metamorphosed into :(.V6rv It'ask'nztQn Orange a lizard into a green bay tree. This is an example of the great power of our Legislatures, which, it is said, can do al most 7an'y thing, except making a man a woman. . '.,'' ' Salem. Gazelle. , We cannot sr.v that the Pennsylvania Legislature could" piivke "a man a. woman," but we arc wclIiiRsured, that -S j.uv (DMimWlllMt t. i i m H tiiim .ii . 0 '- I 'I HALIHIJUHY, (.V. C.) TL'KSDAY, FED. (J, '1321. HBMaaiMMaauaBaauail r 7E 7 Hie chiiena of flaTiibury were aroucd from, their kluntbcrs about 13 o'clock on Wcdnrdy nigAt !a. by the appalling cry of whkh had broke out h the new hulMinjf occupied by Mftvi, Wllklnaim Jlowh, ailvcfc aniitlit, which wai totally coniumcJ Tthc mewt "valiuble part of It contents was saved. The fire had attained to tiuit height, before the engine arrived, that it wai jmpo. ilde to av the building by that alone j and other meant e had none ' The 'dwelCng-liouiw of Mr. Month, situa ted within a fc feci 1 the hop, frrouxl ik ptrwve, ring exertions of the citlxcna, aud the timely auuUuce of a heavy fall of rain, was preu rved. Great credit U due to the citizena of Salitbury fjr the ahicrity with which they repaired, at that iinv:ttoniible hour, to the ocne of alarm ; but every person present nvui be aen. nihle of 'the deplorable deficiency of mean which exists among m to arrtrt the progn wof fire, uliould it happen under ahnoit any other circuntittanci t thun the above, m alio of the' great want of avttcni to combine the exer tion of the citizen, and (rive them tlut force and efll cary an immctiaely important in tucli an event. Kut a "Citizen" below ha, called the attention of the public to thia subject; and it it most earnestly to be hoped that Mich measures will he taken, ami such means provided, as w ill rnalile us, in rate of anolhi r ihx, and under more unfavorable circumstAnces, to cope s jccessfully with tiie destructive clement, and stop iis ravages short oi" the entire destruction of the tou n. cold wr.Arnnit. A correspondent informs us tint, at Concord, (Cabar rus county,) on the morning of the 2jUi ultimo, the mer cur)" stood at 1 degrees below zero, in a close room, and did not, throughout tlic day, mr more Us an 2 de grees. Wind north. This is believed to he the coldest day that has been experienced in this part of the coun try for many years. COMMUIMCiTIO. The citizens of Salisbury have so long enjoyed fortune's lovors, as it respects fire, having never been severely visited by that di-tiessing calami ty, which has made such dreadful havoc and which has been attended with such fatal conse quences in all parts of the United States, that they appear disposed to fold their aims in ap parent safety, and trust to heaven for the result. It is true we have an engine ; but not one third of hc citizens would know where to find it. We have no such tilings as buckets, fire-hooka, lad ders, 8cc. whicB arc essentially necessary In case of fire. These reflections were suggested on witness ing the fire which broke out on last Wednesday night, which, at its commencement, bid fair to have involved the greater part of Salisbury in one wretched scene of cor.lbration ; and it is owing entirely to the heavy fall of rain, which enabled us more conveniently to supply the en gine with water, that its progress was arrested. It is time for us to arouse from our lethargy. Experience i sometimes a sad lesion, but it is universally acknowledged to be the best teacher ; and I fear nothing else will awaken us to our state of danger. We have seen some of the ci ties of the north almost entirely consumed by fire ; wc have seen Wilmington and Faycttcviile fall victims to this devouring clement we hae hud warnings time afcr time at our own doors ; stiil we neglect to provide against such an emer gency. It imperiously demands the attention of the commissioners. Something should be done. Let them levy a tax for the purpose of procuring buckets, fire-hooks, ladders, kc. There should be a house built in the'strcct for the,pur pose of keeping the engine secure, and where it may be bad conveniently, and a company formed for keepiug it in order. Unless some-, thing of the kind is attended to, we must ere longexpect to sec Salisbury in flames. It is hoped the commissioned side ration, and that we shall be enabled, for the future, more effectually to arrest the progress of fire- It is with pleasure I have seen that the citi zens have subscribed liberally to indemnify the late sufferers ; sympathy is ?lways commenda ble ; but only !ci viceable when she lends a fyelp inj hand. ........ a citizen. , WASHINGTON, JA1CCAKY 22. . THE SOVTUEKX ARMlS't lCK, Which we have with so much pleasure pre-' 6ented to our readers, was followed by a treaty for the regulation of war, a copy of which has levelled' this Co Dec. 6, from which it is translated into the Na tional Gazette. The first article is as follows : 1st. The war bctweenHipain and Columbia " hall be prosecuted henceforward as war is car " ried on by civilized natic""?, iriall cases in which " the practices of the lalter do not clash with any "l.. the articles of the present treaty, which is to "serve, a the primary and inviolable rule for " both governments." The whole treaty is in the spirit of the first article, and announces the progress. of civiliza tion and inti 'Mcncc ' A doubt is eN pressed, bv the Natignel Gazette i.o doubt of it. Crrtain it Is, that, if it le itatcM it becomes by thit nrt outlawed iio lunger cm kens of any country, but rtrutes, enrmtes to all. Aatiunul IztclUsenctr, The proceeding! which occupied the House of Hepresentativrs this day were of an unusual na ture, and the sitting was protected beyond the uiual Itour. - It is not practicable to give, at no late an hour, any intelligible itccouut. cfv,what passed atnlr Iivdted, were the proceeding accu rately reported, they were so complicated, that few bu veteran legislator! would under it and tlicro.-.Our readers must peed be contend for this time with t he-following plaiu account of hc lobjccnitbc houtr rlebif eT ancrVotUtltne, V and Kayt being called several timei." , Orf )' Journal of the preceding day being read, wlijdt ii always preliminary to proceeding to butioeii, a mcmlcr remarked on the phrase ology of a part of it. That part atates the pre sentations of three memorial. -from 4ha. legUl tureof Missouri, revpectmg public lands' and other masters. It was rcmarhed, that it .had been heretofore, the uniform practice, in an nouncing a Memorial from n State Legislature, to state it on the Journal us being from the l.e gislature cf the Slu'te of Maryland, VlrKiMTfcT. and, such being the caption of these Memorials from the Legislature of Missouri, it was sugges ted that the Journal ought to have conformed t it ; and a motion was made to insert the words the State of" Iniforc the word Missouri. And out of this motion grew the Debate and subse quent proceedings which consumed the day . . The reader will be able to comprehend, that this motion allow ed of allusions to the present condition of Missouri, and for the display of the feelings of members on that subject, which gave to the business an interest whith does not belong to mere questions of order. It is necessary to stale another circumstance which had a bearing on the whole day's business. It appeared that the Clerk, who makes up the Journal, had originally written in the Journal the words now proposed to be inserted. Ily the rules of the house it is made the duty of the Speaker to revise and correct the Journal of each day's proceedings, previously to its being read in the House. In the performance cf that duty, the Speaker had erased the words now proposed to be inserted, with a view, as he stated from the chair, to prevent the entry on the Journal from being such as to be capable of being construed us either assuming for granted, or denying, what has been the subject of great difference of opin ion in the House, that Missouri is now a state. The Journal, however, as he added, was subject to the pleasure of the House, und open to any al teration it should think proper to nuke. 1 he question on the motion lor amending the Journal, as above stated, was taken by Yeas and Nays 1 and there were Yeas 76, Nays 76. The Hou being equally divided, the Speaker voted in the negative j and the motion to amend the Journal was thus rejected. Another motion was made to amend the Jour nal, by inserting, before the word " Missouri," rthe words "the territory of." This motion was negatived, by Yeas and Nays, 150 votes to 4. Other motions succeeded, and numerous ques tions; of order ; motions to adjourn were repeat edly negatived ; but, at length, the contention re specting the journal was ended by an adjourn ment, which, it is understood, prevents a renewal of the controversy, as the Journal can only be amended on the duy on which it is read, unless a proposition for its amendment shall lc actually under consideration at the time of adjournment on that day, which was not the case when the House adjourned this day. it). MILITARY ACADEMY. From official documents elicited by a call from the House of Representatives, it appears, that the number of' the Cadets who huve been educa ted at the Miliary Academy, from its first estab lishment, is 261 ; of whom there are now in the army no fewer than 161 leaving one .hundred for deaths and resignations. The total number of the "Cadets now at the Academy is 233 ; ol whom the following States allordv in ihe-order'm which they stand, the, largest proportion's, h. New-York . ... .......... . 31 - - -"- Pennsylvania - -,.... V) . . ; Virginia ... 26 Massachusetts (and Maine) .... 24 Of the ot h er-fctatesr no-staic-aflordi .morcthari twelve Cadets. P.iPTn TltAVELLIXG. The New-York and Philadelphia papers exult verjTmuch, that th'e coach travels between each city (a distance near 100 miles) ir. 8 hours and 20 minutes. We will acknowledge this is. great speed and w'prthy ".'of :mqiJ". uoretew- stance which ur outdoes this, t our young gen tlemen? belonging to Boston, the last week, trav elled on skates from Woburn to Uoston, a elis tatrcietf nme,miles'tn 27'niHutcs4.btiaft'aithe rate of twenty mils in un h,ur ! Let any one in the world beat this, if he can. Boat, Vent. ' IVH.iLEMEX; . The Netrport-Ui-i'-) Mercury, "of December 30th, contains air account of the i rriyal at Tar paulmXWfof the' WevmotUh, Capt. Chadwick, from the coast of Peru, with two thousand and I fifty barrtlH of Oil. The same vessel spoke, on the South-American coast, in'the Pacific Ocean, twenty-eigtit " other American Whalemen, .whose joint collection! amoiuitcd to eighteen thousand and twenty baTel. gtif ".a hate dciivrd from tI."Jr political rcger.cr. aiioii, the exeuisc Cf The liberty of the l'ret otaiidt re eminent, and it already working wot dcrs, J houibtlic etcnt m to leant, Utiles a vaibty of minor publication, and the usual Gj actte under an Improved form, ths Portuaiez Constitutbnal, O Pa' i lota, () Liberal, O Mac Observator Constitutional, pi Utted In Lisbon, trn gether lth others, from the Oporto press, hvo already rcAchcd.us, and we Confess we Imve hoi llccd their contents with; attonlthmcnt a;d de light. Such' Js the prlroary advantage that'JiM followed the u strong ail hcaltljul coinmutU.n" on which the Tr(ugue$c. resolved in order in raurinemseirer from airraaaTwn tDcTxooift no longer CJiuuir, una jruioe cucrar rxioni io the whole of their national coiicerni.-iVf. . ORtcix.iL .Jvvi x.mrr, gemus The r'uir.rns of the District, ajid strangers, ire resjeciiuuy inueutoexanune,ai wr.crawwru Assembly Iloom, (where they will remain for day or two,) the p.iintingsof a youth of George town. Original recently from Home will he exhibited also. No charge U required for admin silMlr ' The youth who has dared to attempt an Imi tation of these paintings, the works of masters of the art, ii in his 13th year, in self-taught, and commenced his career of genius in May last; and yet, nurprizing as it, may seem, he has measured excellence wi'h hi great oiimals ! The fame of West ia held a the common prop erty of his country ; and Americans may well be proud of hit genius. Hut it is questionable wheth er the more ripened genius of thi wonderful nun was more rerfect than arc the first designs of this little son of Columbia. Is this child not the property of the nation i la h less ho, in the. art of painting, than our great captains in the art of war i If not, then let him be fostered inert the fame which he appears destined to acquire, may with propriety be sharcd-if leant bifkl roMi. Auf. Inttl. mom mi 4i.timobi mumiiii caaoNiriR. The tax on Old Bachelors, that has been pro posed ou the fiKr of our legislature, has excited more alarm tlun we can readily account for. What measitirn it would be the most advisable to irdpt as a substitute, we arc not at present fully prepar ed to say. Those parties inclinable to matrimo ny, are compelled to take out a license for that purpose. We would barely suggest, whether it might not be proper for those disposed to live a life oi celibacy, to take out a license for that pm pose likewise. Another plan may be proposed, and pcrhapi not aitrndcd with so many embar rassments, and that is, to set up our old Hachc lors at public auction, none to be allowed to bid who do not belong to the respectable order of Old Miid The auctioneer would then proceed in this manner, Mr.--is now exposed Tor'aale ; who bids ? -once -twice thrice just a going gone. As our legislature propose to make their fellow rljizcns marry by compulsion, pcrha s lhi3 will be the most eligible mode. () During the bustle and confusion attendant pn the btc fire, a small SILK UMBWUJ.A vasminlai.l, or ta ken by some one through mi .take. Whoever may have it, and will return it to Mr. lirrah, or leave it at this of fice, will confer a favor on the owner. $Vx..UeiYla IWwiATtA. DRSERTKD my service on the 3lht Dec. 1320, an apprentice, by name THOMAS HAKVIIJ about 1 J years of ugv, 5 feet 3 inch hijfh, has stoppage in his speech, and is very fond of spirits. Ho took with h'ua a good many clothes, of different kinds. I hereby forcMr. all persons from harborinjy said bov, or credi ting him on my account, us I atn det-r:Qin-f not to pay any percon that may credit him. The above revrard will be' given, and no thanks, for de liverinjr said boy to me. ,103. W. MCUbOCH. January TAILOR, RESPf.CTFUUV informs the public, that.he has rc- cirntlr -returned from " Wiita4erpru"ahd tsTabirshcd Jiiins-lf in btisincus in this plaei-, in the east corner of Mr, Cowan s iitore. lie hfu brong'ht on with him the newest tashion.v:aiid tnatarrangeniejita to receive them regu. krlv hensafter from.Cbarlea.r4.Hi(d J. Watson. 1'biliSdcl- phia, so that -he will he enabled to do his work in tho most approved and fashionanjc style, . He . solicits a share of public patronage ; end hopes, by assujuity and atten- TioirTfTli1)ii)stnK!naT'fray(rnll whff rear favor htm wit - thur cn-siom. . . , Suiiht.,,t Jon. 22, V2. Z1 "VTOTICK . Will be sold, at the court-hoiisf in Salls- bury, on the last Thursday of March next, a tract 6.; LAND of 444 acres, lying on the Yadkin, und k"hown by the name of John S. IoueV Ferry. Also, Via likely NiXiUOriS,- the Trootrty if Jolm Ixmt to- Satisfy sundry executions m favor of-Alexander Longr senior, Michuel brown, and others, vh. John. Ixng. Jewry Q$, m. 1 SO. HKAU I. Sen -Slttriff. XMUiuNuvvalVtm Company, r0TJCE U hereby piven, llsat the fifth and sixth in J3l stalinents of ten liuHcrs on e:ich share subscribed to the, capital stock of the Yadkin .Kavi&aAion Cotnnany, arc rtquii-etl, by order of ihe Presklent and Directors oC tit sakl company, to be pmiJU the fifth on or bctcrc tho 2oth day of Jamiary nxt, and Uiesixth on or before tin: 15th day of February next. - tucrvDutoir nivni r t r iIji-juiii.oi. n,-uiULi l rnrrir-r- . 20.'A Xoivmber, 1320.---6w3l . . ' . .. -I, - - The Celebrate.? i Will stand the en3uine Sprinjr 8easof; at ni stable in Salisbury. The terms will be made know , iiwluetime. ' WCHAXL rU0W . I Kl a n w lit WS.A