,1 tit 3; i'1 I It- 7 ' UTitTW f'tMfc ;.v 5v.rrL,...v.nt.siuT, J4t. ai. Mr. ij, fiom the selecrcoiumiitce appoint . d 10 inquire Into the propriety of rnlurjivg ilc "VompenVJiion of the members of Congrbs, ami also I ho sauries 01 tne pnwqui "w'iri viv.it,i f tlte llxetuttve departments, at the scat of gov ernment, stated, that the committee had made all the necessary inquiries, and collected all requisite information from the different departments, .cwra: prehended in the scope of their Inquiry, from tlw ' ..... I. ....... I 1fl tl. .1 llx nrtllrtlllun find duly deliberated on the whole mutter red to thenTTanfJatTiot bolng'abVlo ag m Xv ircc on ff . ' . - I ... eny peciucrf pun, cniurauug.uiiy.ay'Mciu.vj measure of reduction, partial cr general, tt only Tcitrtined to state tjd fact to the Scmtei - whi; I lie was instructed to do, and ask. to he discharged from the further consideration of the subject, that the Senate might he enabled thus early to take Mirh further order on u ui should to it appear ex pediert. A good deal of debate arose on the question of thus discharging the committee from the sub ject. It was opposed by Messrs. Roberta and Smith, chiefly on the ground tht, as a specific inquiry had been referred, a specific report, cither for or oj$aint the object, ought to be made ; that this mode of disposing of such an inquiry was an in nova' ion of legislative custom ; that, as the chair man had, with great Industry, collected a mass of information on the subject, it was proper to sub mit it to the Senate, with an opinion, no matter how concise, of the committee ; that, as the com mittee had come to a decision on thc subject mat ter referred tolhem,that derision ought to be re ported, fccc.'&c Mr. Macon thought the docu ments, at any rate, ought to be laid before the Senate, that it might have the same light on the 'j uficct us ihVcdnitniitec hac!." The motion to discharge the committee was nipnorted bv Messrs. Vana, Stoke; Oti, and JAnkon, of Ky. for the reasons, generally, that, as the committee could agree upon no plan of reduction, they could come to no practical con clusion, and therefore could make no pccihc re port or recommendation ; that the committee had tried the question on one salary and amount of compensation after another, but a majority C6ujd not unite on any one point ol rrduction ; that the information possessed by the committee would be and was after thc discussion commen ced laid before the Senate ; that the mode how proposed, of discharging a committee which could do nothing, was the most proper, under the circumstances, the most parliamentary and logi cal ; that there was an incongruity in ajommit teeS reporting It.exped'ient to do nothing f thai It would be competent still for any gentleman, who was dissatisfied with the result, to make any spe cific motion for reduction in any branch ot the government, kc. The question being taken on discharging the committee from the further consideration of the subject, it was decided in the negative, by yeas and nays; Yeas 14, Nays 31. Alter a short time, Mr! Dana delivered in the following report : The committee appointed to inquire Into t'ne propriety of reducing the allowances authorized lv law for the two houses of Conjjivss, and for the Executive departments, report :' TtiHt'lhcv have made inquiry according to the resolution for their appointment, and do not consider it advisable at the present time to propose any reduction f IcctI allowances in the cases to them referred. The following -resolution is accordingly submitted: llcnfwd, That it is not expedient at the present time to reduce the compensations allowed by law for the res pective house1; of Congress and tor the principal unt other officers in t'ue Executive departments. The report was read. The Senate then according to the order of the day took up the Bankrupt bill ; but before any progress was made in it, The Senate adjourned ('t-,i, it !o gr-ti'y :rAIcnicn who were cf J dif ferent opinion. , Mi. Sirtrtiint t.ionlrrd wliether it won! ! hi in order, lids proviso king stiickcn out, to mote to introduce a different one.- , . I he Chairman decided that it would. The question was then taken on M:ikin7fM? the provi.so, and decided in the negative, 8-1 tu 54. So tlic proriso was retained. MrnVrrffft assigned the reasons hy-hc should vote against the resolution. ' , -, ; . Mr. oc moved to amend tlicf solution by ad ding to It another provKo,that it he taken as a fun ilamcnul condition on which saidatalc fcadmhed into the Union, that o much of the con,stitutin a requires the Legislature to pn hws to pie- I vent the mi ;ratiot) vfrcj;cyplc.af.cxIu.tUuUcx shall ie expunged noni tne constitution oi mc , c".'.'y V'if' r.r.c r. 1 c, lc i!oiild a.u,. :oIKctcd In the 1 wi end avenues !cadi:v fQ the House, dispersed. Tin: quLyi jmsmge to tjie house or COMMON'S. The following Is the message which Mr. Den- man was in the, tct of dcliteiing at the moment he was interrupted i . "damns R. t . 'I he Queen thinks it proper to Inform the House of Commons that she has reccired a com call up the kubjert to-morrow. Mr. l.iwndr wUhrd it deferred until FiiJay nes, to give more time. Mr. Clay i;.ld he would compromise wish, Ms fiiend for .Thursday, lie did not like the idea ol taking up this question on Friday. Mr. i'olb laid Jlhat he proposed, at a future day, to offer the following amendment, which he now read to follow the word " Union iV . . m 111 "That the UpnMw ,r t: state ot um imi munication from thc King't ministers plainly in. !si no law iinniuruur tut orndejri n and iiruiMinilics e. , , i. i! n 7 itd to xhc lu"LVJh sta.e. under the lint chose ilmun an intention to prorogue thc Parliament., of flu- S'-eoiiil setl ion ijunied bv an offer of mo. - IIOUSR OF HEFItESENTATlVl-iS. MISSOURI. Monday, Jan. 10 On motion of Mr. CI av thd Ifoiise resVrvetl it sv hole on the State of the Union, Mr. Smith, of Md. being called to the chair; and thfe resolution -from the- SenateT for'(lniittiig-Mi'iH(Mirt into the Union, with a caveat against thc provisional' there be any which conflicts with the constitution of thc U." States, wasjaken up. ..; Mr. itandolih moved to strike out the hrovho (or caveat) from the resolution, but waived his motion for thc present, to accommodate Mr. Cw, who wjshed to address the committee orvtlie whole Statej i!.hin lyyo y ears from .t!..liine.,tn ie mode prcscnbeil. for amending the constitution. I his would admit Missouri into the- Union forthwith, on the conditiuii stated. ' -Mr. liahhvin having expressed his intention to vote for this pmposition Mr. Clay moved to amend the nmrndmcnt by adding words to this effect : " so far as thc same (thc clause of the Missouri constitution) tends to deprive citizens of each si Ue of the privileges and immunities of tiiuens (if thc several etntes." Kids motion, however, he subsequently withdrew. It being suggested, that other gentlemen had amendments which they wished to propose, and that it would be well to have them all presented to-day, so as to be examined and compared Mr. Srrfiutit rose, as it might be "supposed, ' from the question he had put, that he had an a mendmcnt to oflVr, to say that he had not : that he should vote for every amendment which should bring the resolution nearer to what he wished, but with a clear determination, for which he would hereafter assign his reasons, to vole against thc resolution, however amended. Soon after this, thc committee rose, without coming to any decision ; and thc House adjourn ed. " ' ""' ' '" " ' ' ' Tuesday, jan. SO The House having then again resolved itself into a committee of tho whole on thc state of the Union, Mr. Smith, of Md. in the chair The resolution from thc Senate, for thc ad. mission of Missouri into the Union, was resum ed thc motion of Mr. Foot being under consid eration ; which motion is to strike out thc proviso to thc Senate's resolution, and in lieu thereof to insert thc following : Provided, That it shall he taken as a fundamental con dition, upon which Uie said state is incorporated in tlw t'nion, that so much of the 2fith section ol the 3 I article of the constitutioi which has been submitted to Congress, it declares it shall be the duty of the (General Assembly " to prevent free twpimn and mulatto? from coming t, or nettling in, tint ntatr, utuler uny pretex t whattwer, shall be exnunired. within two years from the nassaire of this resobjttcm, -by the Oncral Assembly Tjf ttssourV in th manner prescribed lor amending said constitution Mr. Butler, of N. H. delivered the reasons why ic could not vote for the resolution from the Sen ate. Jie suggested the course which he would consent to take, which he presented to the House in tnc snape oi a wrmcn arnennmeni, 10 oe pro posed hereafter. I he object of it was, after de claring a particular clause in thc Constitution of Missouri to he repugnant fo that of the Unite( States, to provide, that the People of Missouri be, and they are hereby, authorized to form a new Constitution, or amend that already formed in order to their being admitted into the Union Some conversation - passed between -M Lowndes and Mr. Foot, as to the mode of pro ceeding Mr. Storri, after a few introductory remarks moved an amendment to Mr. root amendment which was, to strike out all of the latter, after the word M Union," in the 3d line, and in lieu there of to insert the following : And to be of perpetual obligation on thc said state (in faith whereof this resolution is passed by Congress,) that no lav. shall ever be enacted oy saul state, intpninn; r contraveninir thc riirhts. privileires, or immunities, sc cured to citizens of other states, ty the constitution of t he h nited States i Jajl ftnyitlfd. further, Vm the le pskiturc acting luuler Missoiu-i as a state, shall, as a convention (for w hich pur post; the consent -of Congress is herebv granted,) declare their assent by a public act to the srmI condition beforu the nest session of Conifi esvand transmit to Congress an attested copy of such actyby the first dayef the second SCSSIOll. .-r;-"f- - Mr. Floyd entered his protest, in decided terms, againstbothramendments: of the fourth article of the coiuti. immedi itely, ntid af ompji tuttmi of the VnJted 5tatc:r " uev for her support, ud mr provioihg her villi a This amendment wus ordered to be printed, as residence until new rcsiion may be held. Xhit well as the others. , dTer the Qyccnhailiaduahcviiaikm in rcfusiog,- wtDF.tDAT, Jx. 3 1 . Un motion Ol Air. wuue mc laic cxiraoruinary procccaings were Flher It wis pending, it might be fit for her to accept the ad. -Jlwhrf. That tTIF ?omm:((er"on rTfrr venres made for her temporary accommodation' rcctcdjto.inqi!traiitttJ!n; .prd-nrjrjpr atitjiorjuii; bv put she natuially.expecteq that the Tailure ol thit , . law the execntow of Jm H. leiM',4utm.kpuiv uV unparalleled attempt to dcgrachMhe royal family; Icetw if internal duties and ;d;ri tivi in Nonh-Caro. wouj hniiietUately f.dlowed by stibmiturnr " Jjna, t collect whatever arr. aras ,, y, I U doe hm, p(.pma,1(.t IncaS(irc t0 thc wWom 0f from Hxl vuliiuU and fr which he has iucouii'J with thc principal colUxtir. V. ' lili:ST t'HOM ILWlLIXlt. KKW'TOr.K, JAXL'ARY 10. ILmerit; ami she has felt that she could no lon ger with propriety receive from the ministers what she is well assured the liberality of tho House of Commons would have granted, as alike essential to thc dignity of the throne, and deman ded by the plainest principles of justice. If the Queen is to understand that new proceedings are The December Packet ship Amity, Captain meditated against her, she throws herself, with MjxwcII, arrived in thc bay yesterday from I. i- unabated confidence, on thc representatives of rpool, whence she sailed on the hist ol tnc in; people, lullv relying on their justice and wis month. Capt. M. and the passengers got tip to dorm to take effectual steps to protect her from- own last evening, withth letter bag. I he cd- the farther vexation of unnecessary delay, and to ors of the Mercantile Advertiser have received provide that those unexampled persecutions mar Amuon wncrs to thc evening ot tnc ww io-it length be biout;ht to a close it Mr. Crtw t hen delivered his sentiments at large on thc present state of the question. He was in "Jiivbr of tlic resolution from the Senate, and should vnte for the resolutionveven "though "Wore' "emphat rkally -restricdiiMKimv nance of one f rty provisions to a pro of the constitution of .the United States, the exist encc of which, however, he did not by any means aumit. . When Mr. Clay concluded Mr: Latuldih renewed his motion to strike out the firjvis and spoke for about 15 rninutes in sujjri oi l". Mr. LnvjuUt deprecated the motion, as going -to 'present to the house the naked question, which . had jalready . d-eidel . in--. th6 netfailvk'and as Mr. Cohb also assigned the reasons -why her could vote for neither of them. Mr. Jiona stated the reasons of his opposition to the resolution from the Senate in any shape it was likely to assume. Mr. Hardin, in an earnest desire to sec the question . settled, was willing to agree to both the . Mr- ifavafter making some remarks, moved the com .mittc.e should i ise,wiih a vievv.to,deroand- ing the previous juestion, which would preclude "lli!Jm uuusc udKcu aiiq cui eci question on tne resoiu tion from the Senate. Mr. Clay earnestly opposed this course, as going tc close the door on the spirit of accommo di.tion. T he motion for the committee to rise was nega men, nv a large majonty. P ember. I hev uirntsh considerable interesting It is thc more extraordinary that this message intf lligenre, but we have only time to give the was not received, as Mr. Brougham had apprised extracts which follow. both the Speaker and Lord Castlereagh that such lohdom, kov. 23. a message was to le brought down. The House of Lords met this day, pursuant to Though the House of Commons, as is well adjournment, and thc commission for proroguing known, usually meets about a quarter before four, 1'aniament to the . ia., January was. men reau.i yci me oour nxcu in very aujournmem m ten. The commissioners were the Cord Chancellor iovdoh. nov. 29. and the Lu is Halburst and Liverpool. Minittcr$. Lord Grenville has declared to the house or commons. In consequente of the Kine, that he could form no Dartr of friends in order for a call of the house this day, and of the either House, that could strengthen the remnant interest excited by the expected communication of the present administration, if left by the Earl rom her Majesty, the members began ft an early of Liverjiool, the harl of Harrowby, and Mr. lour to assemble in considerable numbers. Canning, who have all tendered their resigns At one o'clock, the whole of her majesty s tions. It is said the King has sent for lord counsel, who are members, except Mr. Broug- Spencer, to consult with him on the formation ham, who was detained professionally, in the I ot a new administration. court of King's Bench, were in their places, be- Foreign Intelligence The Brussels papers side nearly one hundred other members, chiefly contain some communications from Vienna, res- of the opposition partv. peeling continental affairs. It is not pretended Ihe Speaker was, however, looked for in vain, that the precis determinations of the Allied It was understood that Lord Castlereagh had been Powers, as settled in the Congress of Troppau, closeted with him for a considerable part of the are yet known. It is, however, acknowledged forenoon. that Austria, in coniunction with Russia and MrDcnraan rose t.two oclotk, . and said,-) Prussia, will occupy the fcinonTtf Naplejrwith Ir. Speaker, I hold in my hand a message, I a military lorce. . ihe immeciate co-operation which I am commanded by her majesty the qtieen of England in this nefarious scheme Unot anti- to present to this House." ( Loud cries of hear !) cipated. The English fleet in the Gulf-of-.-Na- At this moment (a minute past 1 o clock! Air. pics is stationed there for observation, and for Quarmc, the deputy-usher of the Black Rod, the purpose of protecting the Royal Family, in tapped at thc door, and immediately entered, case of need. . i i .1 t i j i . f. i ms interruption causcu great uproar, vuuuii i nc commuea aosence oi tne King oi opain fifty members rose in their seats, and the general from his capital, and some unconstitutional ap cry was, " Mr. Denman, Mr. Denman !" " With- ointments, by the sign manual only, gave rise draw, withdraw !" but the noise was so gret,that to a very general suspicion that some treachery mat gentleman in vain atiempica io uc nearo ; was meoiiaieo oy rcrainana against me peopic. and, in thc midst of the tumult, Mr. Quarme An address of the municipal authorities was proceeded thus, although it was impossible for therefore published on the 18th ultimo, which him to be heard by the chair: 44 Mr. Speaker, I has determined the monarch to return to Madrid. the Lords Commissioners, appointed by virtue of The alarm spread through the provinces, and the his majesty's commission, command the imme- militia is every where organizing to protect the diale attention oi this honorable house in the constitution. house of Peers." The Hamburg papers mention an attempt to Mr. Tierney rose, and observed, that not one revolutionize the Danish monarchy. It is said word of what bad fallen from the deputy-usher that it had been long in preparation, but was frus- nmi uccii ncaici ; ana now, uien, uui me pcaKcri leu on me eve Ol lis execuuou, oy inc viguaii know what was the message, or whether he was of the police. wanted at all in the other house ? (Loud cheer- titbon. It is stated in letters which hate arri ing, intermingled with cries of order, from- the ved through France, thit Capt. Watkjns, of. (he I reasury Bench. ) Brazil packet, was arrested on his arrival at Us The Speaker then rose, , the unroar siill coiv- U)ou,and his '.'jnaila- seized and searched. No con-! tinning, and Mr. liennet exclaiming, with a loud traband articles being" fotmcrnhencapratn was re voire, 'v 1 his is a scandal to the country " I leased- . I he packet was again to. sail on the bt.i 4 Cries of " Shame : Shame I were" reiterated Nov. with the Conde de Palmella ; but no privsw on all sides, and the utmost indignation was man- letters, would ht suffered tdu go .with hec JlM. ifestcd by a number !oC members, who found ler ejections for the -Cartes of PortuVaLwere tibnclv.- majesty s message thus treated. ded in the same manner as in Snain, and the dep i he Speaker instantly quitted his thair, fol- nties are to meet in Ja'noarv. Tlieloan oF 4,00Q lowed by Lord Castlereagh and thc Chancellor 1000 is nearly completed. "UpyrardiT of $00 of the Lxchequef, to obey the summons of the troops afequartered .'upon live inhabltaiJtsrwl reers I causes much comnlumt. Hnbberiea are frcauen The utmost confusion "prevailed at this mo- and'tHe'miBliclnindTs itiiFvefy -unaettledr ment ; and it would be vain to attemnt to describe paris. nov. 22. .A letter from Bavonnc, da- the tumult which took place in the body of the ted the Uthinst.rsays, "The English have takc'i house. The loudest and most indignant cries of possession of two Portiiguese'vessels at the Shame" wete reite ine speaker, tollowed by his majesty s nun- and Lngland may be daily. expected. iciiinu , a iiLLiuii upon the .proposition as it now siauciA., isters and several other members,: advanced to- UvanLthe door-on his way to the Lortlsf in lhe midst ol the most disconcerting uproar. .MrDeninant duiiiigihisconfusiont remained on his legs, holding in his hand her.majcsty's message. lie was surrounded by the most dis tinguished members of the opposition, who, as well as many independent members -who gener ally vote on the other; side, seemed utterly aston ished at what had "occurred."" ' - - At 5 minutes past 2 o'clock, the Speaker rea- the House-of Peers. absent about ten minutes the d. :iprrtmiisiiiifd hv llm few ,nm. nixe, anu lorever settle this Ii,tiactinc ouestion bers with.whnm U to niujualifction, aml expressing his desire deTby the members present, lie lam;mfnjcatcd myic luii iu ermine mr. -oiorr nronosition. to to tnerti that thr II see- wneincr ne coma bring his mind to assent to Mr. Clay, then, after an earnest appeal to ajl ched the lobby of tl parts ofthrHouse to bring to the future discus-j After being abs Moit of this subject minds prepared, to" hafmo-i Speaker returned, ouse ha'd been to the Hous.e of rc?a zeitt dt Frante Letters from Madrid of the- Hth, announce . that new troubles had broken - out in Valencia.- liift pUlar of the cMJstituUom and subsequently a popular movement took plafc against tne. Archbishop, and the troops were ea led out to protect hmi from the fury of the nw tiiude. The head of-General Llio was deman ded, , and betmild with dUTiculty succeed in caloi Tng the cbmmoTionV- Courier Francois? V1RNNA, NOV. 12. IMic political, tbennometer now decidedly indicates war against Naples. he military council of state yesterday despatch orders to several regiments of infantry in gaf"' son at diiTeretit places,' to march for I taly rLinforcemeits of the army of Ittdy, sent o- within these few days amount io 20,000 men Peers, w hem t'bn. 1 ir! t ! i h t- nr m ol artificers 111 iSlrilim A .;& WU4l

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