HACKED WELOUV, it. ton, w, 6 "fl" Waft vmd tkt Truth, anH . Thou rt U tay and he Ho sihs Amid this starless tc of so, To find pathway to the skies, - - A light from lleavenVetcrjul rWsi fy tlitc must ceme, thou gat of love, ' ' Throujfh hich the ainU undoubtinjj trod i , till faith discover, like tl Jove,'- --- . ....An wk a rttinjc ph JC'w.., I!'ou thermthwhewo tteadydsy " slTncion through earthly blight ami flfoon;! 1 he jhut, the ererltinjr ray, r " The Ump lhnt ilnnes c n in the tomb : Tlic light tluit out of darkness spring, And gu'ulcth thoM that blindly go, . v '.'.'Slbe. wwd jHs.ireciou rle. flings Iti lustre ujwii) nil below; Thou art the Life the Mowed well, With living watrti gunliing o'er, Which those thnt drink slull ever dwell Where tin nd thirst are known no bioiv i Thou art the mvktic pillar given, ' Our Limp by night, our light by d;y j Thou art the sacred bread from hcav'n ; thou art the Life the Truth the Hoy. STJ.YZJS. . The dew-drop U never so clear A when morning first ray tees it glisten ; ' .And music U never ao dear, At when to it kit note we listen. Though bright may be rapture finrt mien And its parting adieu vcn tweeter ; The enjoyment existing between U a vision nd vanishes fleeter. We never know how we have Iw'd, Till what we most lov'd has depart l ; For the strength of affection it provM By the joyless" and desolate-hearted. Our pleasures arc born but to die t They are linkM to our hearts but to sever ; And, like stars shooting down a dark sky Shine loveliest when fading for ever! Original rom tat western ciioiiNiJ, phyed: In cloths were clisape'r tl-r. ai;; I.. town, Sic. The mind of our member ,wi then made up i hi concltmou w;n this A m'an must serve his time to every tnde i and that merchants had served theirs lUUlifully, and exercised it under an unrestrained li ccnae. But in order to get the beat cloth in the place, a tailor was sent for, who went with our friend to another storej where" the cloth was purchased Tpon" hisjadgnknOiol who, as it was afterwards ascertained, was- a particular favorite of the merchant, and had often recommended his goods in preference to trroscof the other dealcrsr wheii iti truth and.liliaCLlbjty.criui)udijdeareLandXnfc- nor iiiqiiality LJ&us .was. outmember, with all his precaution, deceived by this goose ! There are but few jjood judges of fijic cloths and, indeed, nothing is much more difficult to judge than articles of this kind. Hut for the futurey let every man judge' for himself"; and if he should be saddled with a hard bar gain, he must rest the blame upon his own head. There are some merchants, good souls, who are so hide-hound, that they will not take more than the good old fifty per cent advance on their merchandize; others, of more liberal consciences, will take'75 and 100 per cent, advance : and we know some, who cannot conscientiously take more than 12 und 25 per cent:! "Yet they will loan money, or shave a necessitous man's note, at the moderate discount of 25 or 23 per cent. ! ! And this they do without feeling the sling of conscience : ! Is this not a slur upon she un derstanding of mankind i A man must serve his time to every trade. ...ran. No class of citizens have been more se verely lashed by foreign writers than the American Merchants. Nor has their satire be"en""eohfined to Americans alooerEvery person of ordinary information will remember the language used in the British Parliament, a few years ago, by a distinguished member of that learned assembly : he did not hesitate to declare, that the merchant made his Ledg er his Bible, and Gold his God! Some of their writers have asserted,, that the Ameri can merchant does not understand his busi ness) neither can he hold a distinguished rank as such, unless he is a proficient in the art of lying. Similar remarks have been made bv the students of Oxford College, in their prologues,, which were- spoken in the presence, and under the direction, of the Right iteverenas or mac aisunguisnea university n . . . i . nxxi u is noi our present aesign 10 inquire in to the justice or injustice of the remarks of foreigners respecting our merchants: were we to do so, a great allowance would have to be made for prejudice, which has obscured their intellectual vision ever since the achieve ment of our independence. But it must be .admitted, that -many ; -of our merchants for u i . - - anup-K.ccpcrs excuse me expression j are chargeable with what the learned call poetic license . 'In order to provethis fact; it be- comes. necessary to state a circumstance whi;h - . occurred not long since, (and no doubt such occurrences are familiar to most of our read ers) it is this : One of our membersJiad occasion to purchase some broadcloth for a suit of clothes : he went first to the store of Mr. - ; as soon as he entered the door, " he saw the merchant behind the counter, who jooked very smiling, and accosted our mem ber in these words : Well, my kind sir, can Z sell you any goods this morning? .Yes, sir, . .replkd jmcj4liejri.vrov'rded you have such , . cloths as I want, and your prices suiti T will purchase some, of you. $uit you ! says the cioms, oi almost as many colors as the rain- w , and at the same time! asSertintriinon his honor, that he could afford to sell lower tht.n any other person in the village ! He :.: declared.. that. his cloths- had beet lately pur chased in Charleston at Auction, at least 25 - per cent, lower than they could be had of regular -iraut-M. .ne then expatiated on the fineness of the thread, the shortness of the wool, &cr until awx member's f at"i-n'ce va completely threadbare. WithvcorjdeiaJbit '''miE' ultyire; however, gJt'ou with the usual roa tit i wssTia.T caKolixu. tttssns. ZDiroKs : I am of the opinion that the female tex are, at the present day, far more zealous and unremitting in the cultivation and perfecting cf politeness, or the rules of et'rquette, than the male sex; and were it not for the ladies, I am really apprehensive that even civility itself would degenerate into rudeness, and barbarity among the gentlemen. It is the gentle influence of the female character that awes, by its presence, the harsh disposition of man into civility and propriety. I have frequently remarked, that the society of men who live as if they were the only beings wor thy of the appellation of man, who shut them-! selves up- from all intercourse and commun ion with the softer sex, is, at best, but rude and unpolished. " But, Messrs." Editors, therc are otner pas sions and principles, more noble and praise worthy, to which I believe our sex may lay the greatest claim ; in which sympathy and commiseration stand prominent, and to which our sex is, undoubtedly, almost exclusively addicted. What principle of action can be entitled to higher commendation,' than that which prompts a being of limited capacities to afford relief and protection in every emer gency, and under any circumstances. What ever may be the occasion or nature of the distress, the heart that conceives, the head that devises, and the hand that administers relief and consolation, merit that reward in variably attendant on meritorious deeds. Conscious of our superior claim to such feelings and sentiments as the foregoing, and deeply impressed with a sense of duty, I have resolved to take up my pen, and, though with a trembling hand, to communicate the neces sary information, and thereby to administer peace and consolation to the amiable, but romewftatunfomnate;-Mis' With your leave, then, Messrs. Editors, I will proceed, in a plain and simple manner, to. prescribe jor Miss -Kitty, the following rules, tor ner conduct upon entering the stage id which that, to her unaccountable: freak ot iortune appears recently to have destined ner. . : : thiir o .? ?v, jr. . " i.v , "v. wim many -L "t VMAVU nvv tUOAai .'H If ILfE-lTkU3nTlU lllUfl And first, Miss Kitty, when you first enter the circle of fashion and gaiety, immediately in prospect before you, you will find it neces sary, in order to be well received, to adopt some of the prevailing modes, which will en able you to set off your person to good ad vantage. But however indispensable exte rior accomplishments mav be deemed in a " county ViIWgernirey-wiH bear no compari son with a wise, head and a good hearu A woinan destitute, of gooxL sense- and "sound discretion, though possessed of the beauty of a y entis, nd -mi stress, ot all the flippant .par geantry of kingly courts or royal palaces, never can expect to receive, even from her own sex, and much less .from the other, that respect and assiduity of attention so indis pensable to the happiness of a Woman, and so gratciui to the tender sensibility of a female bosom. Among-the variegatea' objects and scenes which will, no tjpubt, present them selves to youf senses, after your transition iram-ojaeacenft t- another niore spleiidid and ww af bar.cfvd influenfce." Uut whntrver allurt mt nts my be held out to se duce you from the path of rectitude, be at all times armed against them, with the deter mined resolution of contj'iering him who would betray you into any irregularities, and thereby Impede your pfogrtss towards the temple of sanctity and honor. If your con duct wiU be such asjo m5L esteem of thTvtrtuouslind the wise, you Twill soon have acquired many friends, and some enemies, the portion of every distinguished female Immediately, after, your. Introduction, into this new sphere, and to the acquaintance'of LimUviduuUryouwiil, no doubt, find all cheer fulness and -complacency around youiyith many hearty congratulations and good natur ed wishes for your fortunate change of con dition, and for your prosperity and welfar?. All which cqmpliments", aswe call them, let mc entefcat you to receive with at least ap parent gratitude, from all, indiscriminately, and never forget to return the compliment by nn easy, graceful, but vexy respectful, inclina tion of the head and shoulders towards him or her who is complimenting you, accompa nied at the same time with a low, but dis tinct, articulation of words that have some thing of the appearance of gratitude expres sed. All of which apparently unimportant, but J c ally most essential, . evolutions of the lody and exercises of the mind, you may ac quire with facility by a little attention to the manner of others, joined to a little discretion, and aided by the natural docility and subtilty of our minds. Let me also caution ou against admitting any of your newly acquired associates into too close intimacy. But here you must lea.n by observation to make a ve ry nice distinction t some of our sex are en tirely above suspicion, and may be intrusted with secrets. But alas ! dear Kitty, that number is comparatively but small, And 0 were I but with you this moment; liowrl would vent my sighs and groans and mingle my sorrows and tears with yours, in lament ing over the follies of our gentle sex. , You, who have been accustomed to a country life from your earliest infancy to the present day, can probably form no idea of the pangs and agitations which convulse some of those ten der bosoms which were formed and designed by the hand of nature for the reception and seat of every gentle grace and virtue of which human, nature is susceptible ; and all this for U Kitty, what shall I say ? for jealousy ! That black demon from below is ever watch ing for an opportunity of planting a grain or two of that poisonous plant in some congenial spot where flowers might be raised. But I begin to think, my dearest Miss. that I am likely to protract my present M can ons" to such a length as to be troublesome to the Printers, and to weary your patience. I shall, therefore, close the present observa tions with a few particular rules, adapted to . . i .i present circumstances, noping mat an oppor- '. .'.!) :...ir i i tuutiy witt wuu uiicr uscii wnen i may again serve you. You say you have an invitation to " Mrs. Candour's opposition tea-party," and want to know how to conduct yourself when there. It you go there. I hope that the foregoing directions will, by close attention to them, prove of infinite service to you. But if you can make it consistent with-your engage ments, don't go there at all: these opposition parties are always calculated to sow the seeds of discord and disaffection, and are very dan- - a 1 i 1 ft m 5"r r4?. J"?- gj wno, . i me you, are liable to any. impressions that chance envy or malevo lence may make on the mind, and which, when once rooted in the tender mind, are like noxious weeds, hard to eradicate. ,: As respects your choice of a beau, by all means choose one whose "seat of learning" still remain in the head, as he who has " transferred no;hirhFels"ThusTbe addict- 'K vi VAjofi. ed to low pursuits ; and besides; his cogita uvc powers mignt sutler there lrom the in clemencies of the weather ; among which, the sharp bitings of frost might not prove the least dangerous. As to your fears and apprehensions of be ing addressed on the subject of marriage, they, are entirely unnecessary Should any one ever daire-o''srmhi'g,iever let an opportunity slip thatpromises happiness but 7uu v iijxujf gvc sucn evasive answers as will not lay you liable to the "charge of im- propnety, and which will keep him in sus pense until you may have an opportunity of a private interview, as to our town notions ?! 'IiaSej aiK? Abebpinions of your mother ana grana-mother on the subject, they are neimer me one nor the.other ; but wliat we intend it for, is merely to quiet discontent in the mind ; and, in case of emergency, to af. ford protection from insult and injurv. There are other notions, also," which we 'entertain Avith respect tonVarriag'e ; but. which, from the it. nature and their iefigth. il cannot now ' to tai groTC rutciu," twice hl tho siin gone down on ihe earth, nd alias yet was quiet at the sepulchre death held his sceptre over the Son of God J still tnd niletit the hour! passed on t the guarJs stood by their postlj the rays of the midnight moon gleam ed on their helmets, and on their apeurs i the eoV emiei of Christ exulted in their success j ths hearts of his fi lends were sunk In despondency and in sorrow ; the spirit of glory waited in snx ious aupene to behold the event, and. wondered. f the depth of the ways of tiod I At length, the morning aur, srisin In the eastf announced th' iODl Wch ol Itirhrrthcthlrd -dar ben.ri-iA dawn upon the world when on a sudden the earth trembled to its centre, and the powers of Ilekvtn were shaken an angel of God, descended, the guards sunk hack from the terror of his pretence) and fdl prostrate on. the ground I h$ c&unte-"r" nance was like lightning, and his raiment was ss white as snow t he rolled away the stone from the door of the sepulchre, and tat upon it Hut who is thi that comelh forth from the tomb, with dying garrrients from the bed of death f He that is glonous in appearance, walking In the great ness of his strength! It is thy Prince, OZion! Christian, It is your Loan ! He hath trodden the wine press alone he hath suined his raiment with blood ; but now, ss the first born from the womb of nature, he meets the morning of bis resurrection. He arises a conoueror from ill " grave ; he brings salvation to the sons of men. KT.w.m ?? .1 . l. . ... ! . t t . 4 i uiu mo rciunuii tun, uincr Ul a day SO glorious !.it was the jubilee of the universe. The morning stars sung together, and all the sons of Cod shouted aloud for joy ; the father of mercy looked down from his throne in the heav ens ; with comDlacencv be beheld Li world re. stored ; he saw his work that it was eood. Then did the desert rejoice, the face of nature was giaadcncd before turn j when toe blessings of tbe Kternal descended, as the dew "from heaven, for4" refreshing of the nations. l rom an American Periodic! Work. A TALL OF TllK TIMES OF OLD. I The shades of the hills fall deep o'er the val leys. The shades of the mountains are length ening towards the east : Their swarthy summits tower high orv-thc shining west) like dun-clad mourners reflected on a mirror of lighu Moixa sits alone 'neath the azure of efe'n. Pensive sitsv " Moiju by the wave of roaring Carton. Her long yellow locks come far over her bosom i lovely,- and fair they come, like sun-gildedstresms that wander K the. .hollows of x chalky, rock. Her .. blue eyes are sad; they roll not cheerful asTaf 7 the feast of mirth, when sparkling 'neath1 her " broad white forehead, they shine like twinkling T wstchfires kindled under a belf of snow The thoughts of the maid are deep. 'Tis not for her love of other years : Tis not for the vicUm ia the strife of heroes Yet sad is the soog of Moi- xa, by Carton dashing wave. u Stream of tiie distant mountain, what wouldst - thou tell to Moisa I What do thy roarings mean dark inhabitant of the stoney valley. Thou knowest thy courie to the ocean. Sweetly dost thou glide on thy way, Know'st thou the hom of the spint when the breast is cold? Shall Moina sit by thy stream in the land of shades? Alas ! thou speakest, but thy language is mystc rious. 'Tis like the babblings of infancy, eager' . but not understood ! " Soft breeze of evening ! thou that sweeDest " among the cairns of the dead canst thou answer the doubts of Moika r rCSnst thoii comfort her 1 soul ?...t.Thou sighest low like a keeper of se crets, soothing because thou raayest notdeclarej -1 nave siooa on me verge ot txiU Larmora, when the blue mantle of morning was "fringed: with goidv . Surely,said 4 the liroad-fronte Son of Heaven will showirie iTIie 'lntmev sengetfifayTwm-hinnfjffi he heeded not the quest of Moxx A --Hidden and silent are the realmsof those that hive been. There is no answer in the voice of other fears !" The priest of the hill heard the song of Moina. He heard it from his rocky cell. He came to meet the maid. Leaning on his staff came the aged Catela. - Time bad stolen "tfie youthful hairs froni t-his brow '4"bmhvhe"issiBJ'ftr'" Age hung from behind hisxrown r Lightly they rr liuaicu urwc mc iiuary iiuiiuurs oi inc willow, wip ing from its bended trunk. w Sweet was thy song, O MoiivA," said the placid son of truth " It came to my ear like the music of the pdrest zephyr. Yet, listen to the wisdom of many years, light-Tooted child of IdvViLeaVn froni the. wrin kled Catela, fair-haired daughter .of Carron 'Tis not for man to interpret the voice of Nature-' , The things to come are concealed from our eyes Yet hcreaireceiJts to guide thee. Here is iigiitnrom the fnnce of race nc gave ner the Testament of eternal jifev ( Pure pasved the ;lSteeaf4r

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