ivii .in J iyhJ u rJUAi v.VL)rt '.v.j i,uvuyj 11nj u jja i i jes v jjai r fc.UiISttUl, TUfiSDAi' G, 1821. PUBLISHED BY KBIDEK tt DINCIIAM. The Wmtsbv CiRAturuir U pubEkhed errry 1uci Jay, ?t Til It FX DOLLARS per annum, payable it mi, annually lu advanre. .dJNo pipcf will l disoontmue'd tintJl nil arrers: re paid, onlcss at the discretion of the editor. , Whoever will become responsible for the payment 'of e-papers, shall receive a tenth graiii AftTTitMET will be inserted on the customary terms; Persons sending in Advertisements, muvt .specify lhc.nundicr of ljmes.thcy wih them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged ac ' tordingly. No advertisement inserted until it baa been paid for, or its payment assumed, by tonic person in litis toivn, or its vicinity. C3A11 letters to the editors muat be poit-pait, or they will not b attended to. Yiiuciton. TflUE connexion formerly existing between the Tros 1. tecs of Stalcsvillc Academy and the subscriber as teacher heing dmolved, parents and guardians are hereby informed, tlut tlie different branches heretofore taught in this Academy, he will still continue to teach in a suitable house prepared for this purpose. The satis faction which the discharge of his office has piven dur ing Hie term of five years, and the respectable standing of bjs students in the different higher seminaries which ihir rwTccntartri, ffoA wll yranmh it hope that the libit! liberal support and encouragement will be Cumin ucd. Parents and (ruardians may rest au red, that cv try necessary attention will be paid to the deportment, tiie progress and accuracy of pupils. . The school commenced on the first of the present " month. -To; accommodate the people of South-Carolina, whoae patronage Iws been liberal, there will be but one vacation hi the year : the first vacation to commence the loth December, 1821. Hoarding can be had, as usual, at the houses of Messrs. Work, McKnight, and Hart, See. JOHN ML'SHAT. January 22, 1821. N..B. From the inesperience of youth, it often hap pen are too easily ltd into habit of extravagance. Itt theso they too successfully indulge, notwithstanding the care and vigilance of the teacher and trustees. The teacher, especially, suffers the blame, although errors of this kind are committed without his knowledge and per "minion. Aware of this, and at the same time desirous to afford every reasonable security to parents and guar dians, the following rules will be strictly Standi d to : Every student shall be confined to on4W: tpilar store for the purchase of those articles of whiouiie may stand in need bis account in said store to be carefully exami ned once; in eTery month, f- No student shall, La permitted . to, j)Uy at unlawful ' games, nor indulge in tie 'use of ardent spirit ; and to , ; prercuJ these exux. their accounts in Uvma aludl be ex- atnuitrd and a report obtained from the owners of- boar, ding houses respecting the conduct of their boarders, once in every month. ' " These and the other regulations of the school will be T carried into execution by the following gentlemen : Col. Richard Allison, Dr. Joseph Guy, Rev. Dr. Mcllee, Hob ert Worke.Esn. Wm. McMnight, Esq. Gen. George I.. Davidson, Johnlluggins, Esq. Capt. Alexander Dunlap, Thomas Allison. J. M. 1? rvv ate Enter tainmcnt. rpiIE subscriber takes tliis method of informing his M. friends, and the public in general, that he has estab lished himself -in the house formerly occupied by the Rev. Peter Eaton, in the Town of Huntsville, Surry county, North-Carolina ; jind has been at considerable expense in making his rooms commodious and comforta ble, for the reception of Travellers, and all w ho may fa vor him with their custom. His Sideboard is provided with Liquors of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing requisite for Horses; and hopes, by particu lar attention, to merit a share of public patronage. MUM FORD DEJORXATT. Ihntnilh, ZJee. 17, 1820. 30tf N B. The subscriber continues to carry on the Cab iii 't liiwHtsi, and will execute all orders with neatness and despatch, for cash, crVdltof country produce. Vw M.I). subscriber is now opening, at his Store in Sa!i ..L bury, a general and well selected assortment of DryGomr: ;Hy ' " I Medicines t?t,vf .MA rrreiycadircct from New.York ah4 Philadelphia, , and laid in at prievi that .V'illcjMatw la iplljrs'ni ably low. His customers, and the public, arc respuct- dlv invited to call and examine for themselves. All kinds of Country Produce received in exchange. Ia27 ... J. MURPHY. VTTICE. Will be sold, at the court-house In Salis- T bury, 6n the kist Thursday of March next a tract of L AND of 4 14 acres, lying on the Yadkin, and known , by the name of John 8. Loiiis Ferry. J Also, six Jikely :--'-J(iOKimmpf''--3Ain- -8. Long, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Alexander Long, senior, Michuel'Brwii;'and''dther8i't'Jbhn S: Long.-' v 1 --" JNO. BEARD, Sen. Sheriff. Jmnvj, 25, 182i:- 34ts 1 " ' " T AN away, on or about the 10th inst. a Negro Girt by .k the name of Sally, 18 or 20 years old, about 5 feet . or 31n'ka higlirqih.cc jii'cliuedjto be fat.. JTliejibuve reward will be given to-any person who will deliver the snl negro girl to me in Salisbury. . ELIZ. TORES. - Halihtr!;, Jr. C, Jan. 30, 1821.-; 34 EVOLVED, That the debtors to this Bank and its I -Branches, be rerfuired to rav instalments of one- tenth of their respecti ve debts on renewal, after the 2uth' lrttTlf ' II. I'.-.i .Jl . J .Y .1. II "Dissolution, THE co-partnership formerly existing under th firm of Wilkinson It liorahU this day disdved by m?. Hal p6nsentrThose taring ur.'ttlcd aecun! with the firm, arc requested to cud on the subivibcrs, at the dwelling-house of Mr. 1L llur&h, or the pursue of ad justing the same. WILKINSON U IIORAII. ' Safiihury, Feb. 5, 1821. --iv35-- N. B. The WATCH awl CLOCK REPAIRlNti, Sal vt minill.iug, (tiUliug, and Jewelrv MatiitfaCturiiig, will be hereafter cnndtfctcd by C. Wl! KtNbON, at or near the former place, as toon as a building shall be erected for the" purposcj"wh5ch" will be hr a frw wctksrand until that time, Watches, Clocks, and Jewtlrv, of every des cription, will be carefully ar l pt-edify repaired at a room In the dwclfmg-hoUc"cf 1lr:'IIoriIh',"iiesrlf "5'pykP site the new bank. The subscriber returns his t!iai.s to a generous pub lie for favors already received, and hopes, by assiduous attention, to merit the contiamiice of a share of their confidence. The mibscribcr has on hand a supply of WATCH EX, JEWELRY, and SILVER-WARE, warran ted good quality; which he will dispose of on moderate terms. CURTIS WILKINSON. Uock & AVutcAx aUrtuns, &c. THE public are respectfully informed, that '.. Euiorr ami E. B. Bi s'hm, Clock and Watch Makers, from New-York, have commenced the alove btminess, in various branches, a few doors' from the Court -House, Main-street, Salisbury i whi re all orders in the line of the) Kiiiu4 xvlU k tlMMtkfuIly rirct, n.t -i'(ff lllf H- sure attended to, witlmut delay. The subscriber! have for sale an assortment of Watches, Jewelry, and Silver-Ware ; Consisting of patent-lever and plain Watches, warranted first quality; gold and gilt Watch Chains, Seals ami Key i, ringer Rings, Ear Rings, and Nrcast Pins, of various pat terns; silver Spoons, Thimbl' s, Slcee Buttons, Steel Watch Chains, i.c. Lc. . ELLIOTT h BURN II AM. N. B. Clocks, Watches, and Timepieces, of every de scription, carefully repaired, and warranted to keep time. 30 t. & U. lTUTlf toHv.Hk....,:., -Ty-. -r - - - 1- -T.- - STtTM, ToiklWie. ON the night of the l;xh inst. I lost my hlnck .Vorocc Pocket-Book, with the strap torn off, either at Basil Gaither's Store, or on the road between there and home, containing the following papers, viz. One note of hand on James Renshaw, tor 5UU 4J, principal : one do. on Willson Niblack, for SK' 0,,e t- on A. Morrow, amount not recollected ; one Due Bill on D. M'Guirc, for g2J; a note on Thomas Morrow, for $34 ; 'ith other notes and valuable papers, among which are three notes of hand from myself and Capt. Arthur Morrow, for 5; -' There were $,5 70 in cash among the papers, I will give a reasonable reward for my boo and papers. ' .' EDWARD BOSWELL. liovan Ceimty, Feb. 20, 1820. 38 3 HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. ELICTIONOr fUKSlDKKT AK'D VjC K-rilEUDINT. . J . .-. ... v v ro r.jn t , r r n . 14 . ' - Mr. ('lay, from lite jciia coiniliittcc to whom (he subject had teen rtierrcd icpoitcd the fol lowing rcsolulfofts'i ILtnlvtik Tbit thctw.o llcniscs ahU .aucmblr.in'.the. Chamber of tlr Hout of lu nr v niatiu a, on t (lu day Uie 14th of Febnui'y, 11, and tl-e President of t'ie Setatrjseel on th rij'bt Wine prrvf th lion1, thall be the pu siding officer vf th: Senate, av.d t'ie Speaker shall be the prt-jidinj of;lrcr cf J:c Huv : tl.it two perwf.s Lc tppoi.-.ted TclUi on t!,e put cf tJ.t IlO'ne, tj ir.i-kefc W . l !. volts as thry shall be d clftrcd; t!,at .;, icult !i..il be deliveird to tiie Pi'-si-dent cf the Sei.fcU:, u!io sluil Minoiince tin' h- of tiie vote, ainl the peinons elected, to theto Hons! n semLlcd :.s nfortsaid, whith shall h? deemed a drt'Lr.t ticn cftli- r.eritihs elected rrcsidetit air! Vcv Pn sident cf the United State, and. tczcther with a lit ol t!..-l vctcs, Lc entered on the jomi la.'s of tin: two I.,uv Rciclitd, 1'haUif am o!):i;!ii hu msdv iili. s-s cf Mistoori, ur.a the couirii. r ociiutn to n.i u !, i shall not tvitrt'd:han',t! v r. . .ll oi the i U ' ti r. ; :,i that cae they shall be rtpoivd h die l'rvJk r.f r.i (!- St n fcllo:. ft. Were tin v'' Viicun ta be ui;ri. ta it .k. vould be, fur A. B. for Prei.'tt.t of the l:r i S,!l, votcsj ifnoti- couiac.i it-r r.. v.. at i rwtni.m oi uic unncu aiaics, Ndw-lfampaliiru MinchuetU fihodedand Connecticut Vermont... New.York NewJt-rvry Pennsylvania w . , ..... . iicuwaru Maryland irima North-Carolina South Cau hna (ieuria Kt-niuoky T.iiiu, i O!, ljtiisiiria M. . ; 'ij''k In. I ..ii i Jh".h..i I - V iVetVVJ. Ftrytctfrultltnt. Jms Uotuve. D. D. Tompkiu. - : ; . ' - , 7- , 7 1J .7 9 9 i 8 8 ..v 2J 2S m " f 15 ' u. 1 1 - 1 1 - ?"-' 1 H 8 12 U 7 7 8 8 T 3 3 ; 2 2 3 3 I 3 J 3 I 9 9 . . J J I t- v i tot ing: votes were as follows? for Pres t - .if .f e t " i m t, in m-w-namDsnirc, mere was tor jonu .iicy Adams, one vote. For Vice PretMent, 1 n WlM 'iiaflfliilalla . m Tj State tVrt-CaroVna : .Mecklenburg County .J"ntmber Hcmions, 1820. JoHalawi!, V original Attachment, . t'',, t Levied on sundrv articles. AD5FR M LtOD. j I T appearing to the Court that the defendant ib nnt a residenter of this state.-... OriU-ml, therefore, that pub lication be made three months in the IVentem Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the next Court to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on fourth Monday in Febniary nexf, and replevy and plead to is sue, or demur, otherwise judgment final w ill be entered against him. 3m29p a roir. ISAAC ALEXANDER, CM C. CI STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, HurHEHrriRn couurr: OURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the si cond Monday of January, A. D. lS21....Abel Mill r. Fred erick F. Alley Original attachment levied on a negro girl and other property. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, it is ordered that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for Three months, for the defendant to come in, answer, plead, or demur to this attachment, or judgment will be entered by default, and the prop erty levied on be condemned tor payment ot said debt. ISAAC C RATON, C. C. Tent. Roae, Attorney for Plaintiff. 3m36. : STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, CABAKRUS COUNtY : JANUARY Sessions, 1821. John Phifer v. the heirs at law of Martha Ross deceased ; petition for parti dbn of real estate, nlediZlLappea of the court that -some of the heirs at law of -Martha Ross reside without the limits of this state, it is therefore or dered by the court, that publication be made for sis weeks in the Western Caroliniant for the said heirs to appear at the" next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Cabarrus, at the court-house in Concord, on the third Monday in April next, and plead, answer, or demur to said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, as to them. Witness John Travis, Clerk of our said court, at Concord, the third Monday in January, Anno Domini 1821. and in the 45th year of our Independence. 6w37 ' JOHN TRAVIS, C. C. C. C. STATE OF NORTILCABOLINA, , WILKES COUNTY : GOURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January te,rm, 1321." "TTioi'nas W. : Wilson toTi'iS'no6tr;,-br1g;ihal attachment, summons William Vowel! as garnishee.- - It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that John Hoots is. not an .inhabitant gf :jl)j.sfrstate, it is ordercdf.that pub lication be made for three montlis in the VVestern Caro linianj for the defendant to come in at next court, to be held on the last Monday of. April forthis county, and plead, answer, or demur to said suit, or Judgrncnt by de fault . final will be entered against him,. Copy from" the minutes. pt46 ' A. 2, 1321. ' R. MARTIN, C. Tr. C. C. lUankft, r A. !: idc.s, bu: in ether even!, A. B. is elected President cf the tnitcd stales: and in lac same manner for Vice Prcu'Jit. Mi-.L'lity olTered some remarks explanatory of the ensidcrations which governed the commit tee in recommending the resolutions which had been itjKjrtccl. As convenience rendered it ne rcMs.ii J for the Senate to meet this House here, in its tivn hull, it was due to that body, by cour tesy aid propiicty, that the President should be invicd to preside, he being the officer desig nated y the Constitution to perform' a certain duty appertaining to the occasion which called the ty) Houses together. As to the second res olution, the state of the votes for President and Vice President was well known, though unoffi cially, and, as the votes of Missouri could not i affect the 'esult, it was considered by the com mittee, to obviate the unpleasant difficulty which would otherwise arise in the joint meeting, better to provide for the case in the manner proponed. This course was deemed by the committee the most expedient, under ail the circumstances, and he hoped the House would adopt it, the more especially as the Senate had already concurred in it. The question was then taken on the resolu tions, and agreed to. On motion of Mr. Clav, k was then ordered, that a message be sent to the Senate, informing ilidt body that this House, on its part, concurs in the report of the joint committee, and is now pic pared to proceed, with the Seriate, in the per formance of its constitutional duly. Messrs. Clay, Sergeant, and V;n Henseldcr, were the committee on the pan -of the House of Representatives, to act with the committee of the Senate, in considering the proper mode of pio cecdine in regard to counting out the Electoral Notes. On motion of Mr. Clay, and by general con sent, it was determined that the members f thb House should receive the Semite, on ihtir en trance into the House, standing and uncovered. In the same manner, it was determined that a sufficient number of the seats on the right hand of the chair should be set apart lor the Senators. Mr. Clay moved that a committee of two mem bers be appointed to Teceive. the Senate, and con duct the President of the Senate to thechair, and the. members to the seats asdM)cd to them. Mr-Nelson., of Virginia, declared bis oppo sition to this course. It had never heretofore been done. It had been usual for th Speaker of the House to recti vc the President of the Srn ateijndjnviie UiiiiTo a &cat bcs'ule hin. ; and he sTrneadont4niffier foFthe-projposcd ftr novationi Mr. Clay said it was true it never had been done before ; but having, whilst he bad the honor to preside over this'House, witnessed the embar rassment occasioned by the want of such a regu lation, he now thought it would be proper to adopt it. - ' The motion of Mr. Clay was then agreed to without a division, though not 'withcunicjanvei votes. ' M tcMkpirrtm arked-- in an. undr-one,4hat he wished he' had required the Yeas and Nays on it. Soon after, the Senate came into the Hall, preceded by 'its President, and attended by itstt Secretary and Sergeant at, Arms: and the Presi dent was conducted to the Speaker's Chair, the Speaker occupying achair at hi left haEd. -the Prehidem of the Senate then delivered tht vote of the states, in the following xrder, to the committee for counting the votes, (Mr. BarLour of tlie Senate, and Messrs. Smith ofMd.and Ser geant, of this House) and the official authenti cations, Sec', were each q them twice lead in an a.udible tonerahd the vbt6s recorded by- the Sec- .ji k .it ; in Mar sacnuvtts, lor iticnarn atoc. lc:. ci'ni votes: in Delaware, lor Daniel Hodnev our votes; in Maryland fnr Hooert Goodloc Harper one vote. The process of this ceremonr was very tedi ous, from the length of the verifications, procla mations, 8cc. and the house did'not arrive at this stage of it till after 4 o'clock. When the votes of the Electors for Miuwri were announced by the President of the Senate, and handed to the tellers, Mr. Livkrmouk, of New Hampshire, rose, and said Mr. President and Mr. Speaker, I ob ject to receiving any votes for President and Vice President from Missouri, because Missouri is not a state of this Union. This objection, he pre sumed, would bo recorded on the Journal of the House. On motion of a Senator, the Sickate withdrew to its apartment. Mr. Floyd, of Virginia, then rose and submit ted the following resolution Retohtd, That Missouri is one of the states of this Union, and her votes for President and Vice President of these United States ought to be received and counted. Mr. F. said, be believed, that gentlemen must now begin to see the precipice to which the de cisions of this house in respect to Missouri had brought them. He was, as every member must be, tired of the debate on this subject ; but he thought that no one could discharge his duty as, he ought without investigating the merits of the question which he had no v proposed. He thought it proper, also, that the Yeas and Nays should be recorded on every question connected with this subject. That the votes of states, whose ad mission into the Union hud not been declared pre ious to the votes being given in, had heretofore been received for President and Vice President, he believed the gentleman from N. Hampshire would not deny. If such a course had been right heittofore,hc did not see why an objection should now be made. If innovations on established usage were to be justified by their novelty, then indeed all disquisitions on the subject were vain. But the time was, when members from new states wci c admitted to their scats in this house, without the previous passage of a declaratory resolution. That there wits a law on the statute boqk that any territory having a population of sixty thou fftmd souls might form a constitution and state govct nmept, and be adhiitted into life Union, no enc would deny. Wherever wc turn our eyes, said Mr. V. and observe the progress of the go vernment, until the present time, the states have been admitted upon this principle, until in the present case ; and in this case, at the last session, compromise, as it was thought and called, was entered into. Air. r. hesitated to express in terms nil that he thought on thii subjeVt4ut:he---would say, if he had voted for that law at the last session, and opposed now those principles which would naturally giow oot of it, he should have said to himself, when he had done so, that he had done in his life one act which he thought dishon orable. Let us now, said he, have the question fairly at issue. Let us know whether Missouri . be a, stale in the Union or not. If not, let us send hw-ao-AmUassador, and treat for, her admission- into the Union. Sir, we cannot take another step, JAitboui. huiling. this gpyernraciit iBtoihe,;ujfQC. . destruction. For oae, I say, 1 have gone as far . , as I can go In the way of cpmpromise-and if r' 1 there is to be a compromise beyond that point, it must be at the edae of the sword, Mr. Archf.r,oV Md. said, that entertaining the same sentiments a the gentleman from Virgin ia wiihucKpcctto the refusal to 'admit Missouri . . into the L'riion,he yet felt himself bound to move, as he now did, to postpone the further censidera uon of this resolution indefinitely. He was oppo sed to this house undertaking to proceed in any manner as to the legality or illegality ol the Klcc- . ' toral votes. He could recognize no tvowern the . House of lkpfcscntativcs on this subject scpa--rate from the Senate, The expressions in the .1 (, . J" """j? i .1' t t! i ; u

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