;;;; riOXil 10 AVI iiiUliUJ ikl I JaX'L JLAa,! v. . J ' ; rOlUSIIED !V KttlDER b BtNGHAit, f . - - "The VMTf Cium Is pi tllishd every Tut- A mil til f AllQ .4 ...i mi t ai.n.i. scnu. annually in advance. (jNo paper will be discontinued until til arre arsrs ire pail, unless at the discretion of the r djtors Whoever will become responsible" for the payment of nine paper, ehall receive a tenth jr.v AkTtaTita"T will be inerted,oa lh automary " 'tcrmai , ",, Pcmma tending IrT AdfcrViscawnts, muat apeciffhe number of Timet they wish; theiinrtul,jur they will be continued till ordered out ana chargca ac. ! I.. '7, -- .UrUtWiy - i from Til lii-" - ! ' No adrcrthtment inserted until U la Iwen paid for, nr its payment assumed by aomc person in thia town, or rlta vicinity. V J, 4.- A-)vf .m'. wti ..... .J C3"AU letter to the editor must be poit-paiJ, or they -will notbc attended to, - . ' 1 j X2 .. ft .V. TFIE subscriber U now opening, at hit Store in .V .'.'. Jury, a general and wMI sebcted assortment of ' ft . Dry Goods, Hard-Warty and- - Medic'tnrs, Jiut received direct from Ncw-York and Philadelphia, and lakl in at prices that will enable him to sell remark ably low. 'Ilia customer, and the public, arc respect -fulfy invited t call and caaminc for themsebci.. All Ciiiida of Country Produce received in exchange. I Ut U27 , J. McKI'IIV. TIP. aubirr.ber intend to remove imsclf and family to the State of Tcni.A.e, njinctime in tlir Ulft lU2, arul w'uht to make ah of .his o8M-ions prt vi. ou to tlut time he takes this nicitwd, thrt fitrj', togc nutint tliv publio tlut he nill Wd,.lur i Lh' prkf, the following tracts ami iLntations in Nonli-Twl juu Due tnrt on the t'ltarve, lUtidolhcounty, coutsimiig abiMit one thoisanl acrta, w ills three improvements on the samf. This is believed Ui be as rahikblc a tract as any in the county, hiving bout 3JU acra of first rtc mer ImAuq.- . . . ... ... , , One other tract, one mile and a half From fficTown of 8id'ifbury, conUin'uiK 5 ) acres, with a Saw and Grist Mill "on thesame, In 'mI repair, and atf haAlaonTS If tl "uatioti a any In the nL' i jf!ibriii6d j containing, tike wise, a nest, convenient farm, ith good buildings, !ic. Jtio, two small tructi of wool land, near to the mill tract, con tjuning ubout 4X) scrcsand (wo oilier smitll fitrins about hc nulea from, the, town of Salisbury', containing 2J0 acrt-s each. AUo. t!ie plantation on which the subscriber now lives, Willi coiuitierauie imprucmein on me mhh-, tuinaiim j about 6t atre, soinu of which is vcrj' valuable 1 md. II.' will alio s'll hi burv. viz. : the house cup'ics, with seven other uuiiiioroved lots in aaid town. Anv pervn winhingto purcli.sc any of the abovtinen tione(t j)osions is earnMtly im itrd to callMi the sub. acribtr, living 5 miles c;ist ofsulubury, Itowan Cwmty. 36S J . risiiKK. IN F.fll'ITV. ' rrbruflrji Term, 1831. $ lhAi'rt Cnnnlngt amf m'r 1 . Tuiley, th c aK-d, . - I'rter biuith, jtm. et al-rltiU for relief.- T!IK complainant having filed in thtl court his bill, aniontr other thing praying tliut t creditors o Ihnirl 8. Hjilevmar xomr in ani es3?jiin weir ue mandlt, anrl receive thir proper proportion of the ciym of the said estate, and that he might br d'.s"haf ' d fmm hit Ailmin.atnttfM mleF UtVstilHKVMMI 4i.UiacxutLi.aiul it appe aring, to the satisfaction of Uiis co;irt, that the inif t Mona, haviiiif iieuundt aiTAiJist ,.lbe,.,SAil l -. Itte,. reside out cf this state,, nt a J Hmith, Peter Smith, jnn, George Ih drick, Henry Vnu Icy, Pearson k Murphev, Jnc Sit.ith, Kattcrh'te U Trarift, Jacob Boe, Thomas Allison, Juhn I'mileyv -Tlinm-rs L. Cowan, Peter W. Smith, Mwes A. Ixn-ke, Alfnil 1. Kerr, ; Clary Ic lloherty, An-lrnon IUi.i, Gei. Peui-wm, James Cluv, Dr. I.'. Ferrand, Thoinui Keott, Ibt-it - - ' I S I aTM 40OB SK. ....... ixrtara .; , .- .-. .it. - n li kp.uakks or int. walker, or x. c. In the House of lleprtsentaiivnvort the liU for reducing the Military Peace Establihment. Mr. Walk, of North-Carolina, said, at the cmmnnrccriicn'lnitcrftl't ti had ho linen lion of taking any purt in the (fiscuaaion on thia njjeation :it wai hit i choice, and he would have been ccintrntlo have vcirehrr6tcrbuftho cpui'ao kind laken, and, the manner id which it had been aitatcd,iiad gircn it additional, impor tance, unci, like all other subjects of a national tharittcr, had a tendency to excite the inferewt I utid fcclin of mctnlers, and tlifluie its influence thumghout the nation, and, as iron sharpens iron lie leu a naiiicipuuon oi puunc leeung, itas.ir UoK(lcr,NiiniwTlixoii,lobtTtMcor-f t in tt.i rv 7V:,h,-( TToi alicPthc few, remarlTa he find to fore ontf red, that the f persons .above named do npirto mA ;,,W)UKh they mtcht not shed much light Hie said lull on or ociorc mc i.rntuyiii j.iim- ... i - . n . fj.u mtmif ... fir IIJt IIIUII JIHIUVIIVVJ lib IVH iltlUKVIi IfVUIIVt IV !. . .i . . ..t o.r:- mc said im i on or ucir v i , . i Ii tau t thereof, an ordir w :ll be nwde that Hie ku 1 bill ana iui ihcii .ir. aiiiwi irvw w , - , . . . . ,. , . DO isaen f.ro cuj mi, a io wir num ih.-.wihih".''. .hi in further ordered, that S;h :i!i Tt iili y, w ho resides out of this state, do apo-ar to the eud bill before the Jiet court. JOl'lX CAiri'Kl!, Cum. Dj. VuhuIm VUt. Much, 1821. tJel 41 Wmde EntcYlaimnent. THE subscriber takes tlus mcthol of . informing his friends, and the public in general, tlut he has eaub lishcd himself in the house formcrlv occupied by the Rct. Peter Katon, In the Town of Hnmiville, Surry county, North-Carolina ; and has been at considerable expense in making his rooms commodious and comforta ble, for Ue reception of Tnvellers and all who may fa vor him with their custom. His Sideboard in provided with Liquors ,of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing ffequMtf for Horses i and hopes, by particu lar attention, to rati V aharc of public patronage. .f ".VMUMFORD DEJOILNATT. lluntrxillr, Dec. 17, 1820.- Wtf N. B. The subscriber continues to earn- on the Cab inet Butintut, and will execute all orders with neatness and despatch, for cash, credit, or couutrv produce..:. ' M. D. Clock & mtcilakng, &c. THE public are respectfully Informed, that Z. F.luott and E. B. BiraaaiM, Clock and Watch Makeryfrom New. York, have commenced the above husineas, in its -various branches, a .fcw doors from the CourVl louse, Main street; SaTuibury t where all orders in ht line if their buiiheasi will b thankfully received, anL.wttJj ih- mre attended la," without Uey The subscribers lme pr sale an assortment ef " rrlrrr r Watchtu ytuxnq and Silver-Ware ; Consisting of patentJever and phuVWktches, warranted first qualityi gold and gilt Watctf Chains, Seals and Keys Finger Kings, Ear Rings, and Breast jPjns, of various pat. Urns; silver Spoons Thimbles Sleeve Buttons Steel Watch Chains &X. ttc. EIXTOTT 8t Bt'KNHAM. N. B. Clocks Watches ami Timepieces of t vt ry de scription, carefully repaired, and warranted to keep time. . r t : -Will Ihs sold, att the court-house in Salis bury, on the last Thursday of March next, a tract of LAM) of 444 acres lywiff on the Yadkin, ami known by the name of John 8..fconr,a FerryV'Also, six likely NEOUOE3, thr property CT JolittJng, Jo satjsty stindry executions in favor of Alesamler Ixing, senior, Michael Brown, and others John SMong. JNO. BEAKD, Sen. Sh January 25, 1821 . 3its . Thc elebrated NOwTn full healtli and viffor, will stand Uie ensuing season at mv stable, in Salisbury, ut the mo.lt rate price of twelve dollars the season ; seven dol lars the single leap, and twenty doUara :for .insurance ; -wliiclk will bti demanded as oon ...aalthe marc is discov ered to be with foal, or the property tifeiredrpriic season will commence the first day of March, and end the first of August. '" -T'- . rt Fifty cents to tlic groomj in every instance. . ... . MICHAEL BROWN. . February 9, 1821 13wS8 - " DESCRir i'ION. Napoleon is a beautiful sorrel, ten "vcars old this snrinKaixteen hands and one inch high, of most excellent symmetry, and possesses as much powejr. anil activity as any fiorsc on the continent ; and as a race CONFF.C'I IOXEK, BAKER, AND DISTlLLF.lt,. RETURN'S his most sincere and heartfelt thanks to the . inhabitant of Salibury, and its vicinity, for past fa. vors ami beg leave to inform them that he still contin ues in the above branches and that all kinds of " Glief, Candies Cordials, Syrups, fruits, ConfectionaritSy fc?r. Ami, also, CRACKERS and light BREAD, will alwaya be found in his shop. r.. . . w rinTi r n-nnflici lo teach mich oersons who u-ui. l. rn kU hu,rM. or some of its various Uhnim Walker ami Elizabeth hia wife, and J.ryb A branches, at a moderate price. He flatters himself that ! thony, reside beyond the hunts l tl.n 'af , wliercupon STATE OF NORTII-CROMNA, iwia.r. (tivntr. Caurt of Fleas and Quarter ?csi'.ons f r January Ses sion, 1821. William A. Erwin fc Co. v. fhris'un Ilortle sml Csth r''nc his wili , Felix Wilds ami Mary l.'s ife", Kphiaim a!kcr and Khabeth his lie, Jacob An'iion;, Molly ArtlM ny, F4h 1), Mircus and Catharine b'-s wife, Tho. mas Webb and Elizabeth his w ife, heirs at l nv of Phil ip Anthony deceased Scire facias to slicv: cause h the real estate of tht- said Philip Anthonv, decean.il, s'.ioul.l notbesoldtoaatisfv a iu.lLMient in tliiscaic. " - milK fuct hsvin of the court, that Felix Wild and Mary his wiJe, E partnU who wish to see their sons in a profitable line of j it was ordered by the Court, tbit publication be undo business will avail themselves of an op;ortunity of giv three m-.n.hs in the Western Carolinian, that unU, th. v ing them a good trade, without going through the tcli- appear at the court to or nt iu ior inv coiimj .uor.:sa,f., , j national policy ,InHml loss of time of coaiinan aDDruiUces'.ns. at the court-house in Morganton, on the tjurth .!i,.l;.y t . '. . oiler. hir, by the provision of thia bill, we are fbout to cnibuik in the important business of retrench' nient, and lie fondly hoped tlut the" rcpresenta. lives of the people on :Sis proposition, would prove themselves the guardians ol their interest ; it id, although he was disposed, U believe there were f.ioral)le symptoms, an impulse of public feeling in this House, to correspond with the principle in reducing; our national expenditures, within the provisions of our revenue ; yet, in the progress of this inquiry") our "prospects are not so pi omiiinj; as could be wished or expected ; as the dii ci oily of opinions which appears to be cn- ! iciUinedi relative to the measures (hat should be i,,nin,l K-mtnm i iKr finlv imrvHimrnt in rmr been made apn.ear.to tb- satisfretio i , J , :,rt..Ato.t ft!lKtacl which can nrcvtnt us IVom arii ing at the object we all wish to ac complish, il there is an inherent weakness, an inefficiency in republics, it must be in a division of their councils) in the want of unanimity in From the views taken on inL' them a pood trade, without going through the tcdi-1 appear at the court to Or lit iu ior ir.e coinuj iiior.:sai'i, piIllUllCl Ml C fallUUSt JMVlvfs vj i v v. vawi i j ui ava - icy are pointed out to arrive at the principle Some gentlemen have strong objections to a re duction of the army if t would leave our country defenceless, without physical streigth) . i i r . . .. "VrOTICEv 11 Sulitbun,. Feb. 26.-3w33 (Tj-Merchants from tlie country will be supplied with any of the above articles as cheap as they can be procur ed' in Charleston. Slate Bank of N'oYth-ttfttoYum. RiLtir.K, 2d Jt at, 1821. RKFOLTCD, That the debtors to this- Rank and its Branches be required to pay instalments of one tenth of their respective debts on renewal, alter: the 2irth insUnt, Pubiithrd by ortk-r of the Buanl. 52S W. II. HAYWOOD, Caihier, aVoticc. T7"iiKRKs on or hout t,,e n'?'lt of ,,lC 25th n't'" T T mo, my wife MAKY eloped from my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, mis is io iorcw am ull persons from harboring or trusting her on my ac count, as it is mv determination not to pay one cent of unv debt or debts that she may contract. I also fore warn aiw person from concealing or securing any prop- i i nv nf tnlno that the s.Lid Marv inav have in her posses sion, or the law will be put in "full force aain them. JXO. FAUST. .W.rfA 7, 1820. 4 40 ' . a t RAN awav, on or about the lUUi inst. a egro i.iri ry the name of Sally, 18 or 2J fears old, about 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, rather inclined to be fat. The above reward will be given to any peranr who ill deliver the said negro girl to me in Salisbury. ELIZ. TORES. SaLtbioi, .V C Jnn. oJ, lbl. mcnt by default final will be taken agaii-st them. Attest, J. KM WIN, Clnh. . STATE OF NOIU'II-CAROUXA, r . huiiKR rovurr. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions f r January Ses ' ' sion, 1821. William W. lwin, . Adm'r. of Joseph Vatton. dee'd. r. Christian IWrtlcs and Catharine h'.s wife, Felix Wilds and Mary fiis wife, Ephraun Walker and Eiiialtotli hi wife, Jacob Anthony, Molly Anthonv, Ellis 1). Marcus and Catharine his w ife, 'rhonias Webb and Elizabeth his wife, heirs of Philip Anthony, deceased Scire fa cias to shew cause why the? real estate of the fetid Philip Anthonv should not be aold' to satisfy a judgment in this case.' and liable to be assailed from every quarter. Other m zealously devoted to the establishment of the horse stands unrivaled. Ma MR. STATE OF NOUTH-CAROMNA, RUTMiRFONP CQL'STr: COURT -of Pleas and Quarter Sessions tor the second Monday of January, A. D. 1821.... Abel Hill w. Fred erick Y,' Alley Original attachment levied on a negro girl and other property, It appearing to the satisfaction of the coirt, that the defendant is not an inhabitant, of this state, it is ordered that publication be made, in the Western Carolinian for three months for the defendant to come hvnswer, plead, or demur 40 -fliis atueJimcut, or judgment w ill be entered by default, and the prop erty levied on be condemned for payment of aid debt. 1 ISAAC CRATt)N. C. C. navy. It musi svauu iiiiiuiwanvu, urn iw i uwi - id by unskilful hands. Not one ahip or vessel ought to be diminished or spared from die sef-. vice. Our flag roust float on the ocean, not a. sail to be taken down. A favorite system seems to prevail with all. We cannot unite in meas ures to effect a change of so much importance) of tins court, that Felix Mi Ids ami Miiy lus wif , 1 1 vnc",u. . , :L: ..kL7.... .. i ii . i .r i .1. ... r. l i ..i. . i inrum u:ni auu iiiui -i'v-ii jmyi, Epnraiin v aiacr ami r.uz.uM-ui ins wi.i, .v-"i. ( thoi.v, resi.Ic beyond the lirrits of this sutr, Ont,-,.'. M)mc tonocssions cl policy be made ; wmc rc tlwrrfirc. hv the co-irt. that publication be made for three I I'mriiiisliilit'llt of liolilical Oliinion on all Sides- .. .i . i .i .. . ..... i fplIE fact having been made appear, to tht sntistaction JL -Tent.. 3i;i36. montlis in the Western Carohn.an, thiit unless tlir ap pear at the next court to hi! held for the county aforesaid, I . . . .i r. i. if 1 . at the rourt-houso in .Morganion, on me nmiin .inmn.i; in April next, and answer, plead to issjie, r.r demur, j idg mei.t by default liual w ill be taken against t!itm. AtleM, .1. I'.ltWIN, CM: ' STATE OF NORTH t: A KOLINA, p.uhkk cousrr. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions fur January Scs - " sioir, 1321. John II. Stevelie v. Christian llorthwand Catharine his wife, Felix WihU and Mary his wife, Kphralm Walker and Elizabeth hia wife, Jneot Anthonv, Molly Anthony, Ellis 1). Marcus ami Ciitharuu: his wife, Thomas Webb and Elizabeth his wife, heirs of Philip Anthony, decea sed Scire facias to shew cause why the real estate- cl' l'hilip Anthony should not be sold to satisfy u judg ment m this case. HE fact having been m:me appear, to the siit.slart'on of this court, that Felix Y litis ami Mary ins w ne. Knhraim Walker and Elizabeth his wife, and Jacob An- thoiiY, reside beyond the ...limits of tliis si ;itet whereupon It "was ordered "by the C0urt, thr.t puhiicattnnr br nwde three montlis in the AVestcm. Carolinian, that unless t hey appear at the next court to be held for the county nfore-s.-i'kl. at the court-house in Murraiiton, on the fourth Mo'u- , dav in April nest, and answer, plcail M .issue'or demur,. a. . i.- 1. t i .. mi t . i..t. :.. .i ... T Roi xr, . ittnrnetjf-r PUuntif, . ATB OF myJT, C A 0 AU K US- C OU STY Johnt'hlfer r. PE1)IGREE.--Sky Scraper, the aireV Napoleon, was got by Col, Holmes's famous imported horse Dare Devil, who was bred by the Duke of Grafton, and got by Mag net, out of Hebe ? Hebe was got by Chrysolite, out of an own-sister to Eclipse. Sky-Scraper's dan) wits .the C.elr- nraicn running marc uracic, wnu wa ui uirai-umii his grandam b) Cclar ; liis grandam by the imported horse rartnerr " - ' --.- r Obscurity, Celar and Partner, were all fine, bred horses, descended from the best blood in England. Slow and ..Easy, the dam of Napoleon, . was got by the imported hse ilaronet V'heT dam, tailed Camilla, : was'gat hy Ce- phalus; her dam, who was sister to Brilliant and fturrel's Traveller, was got by Old Traveller'; her grandam by IVarnought, out of Col. Bird's famous imported -marc Ki Ulster. Thfe above pedigree, of Caniilla, was jfiven by tien. Wade Hampton, of S. Carolina, who bred her i"jr iltiK Ounn, of I'hilailelphia. Signed, JNO. AIXSTON;- P ERF0RM ANC E. I do hereby certify, that Napoleon has run four races, all of which he has beat, with threat ' -ase the last over the Salisbury turf, beating R ranch Sir Drtiid, Singleton's bay horse, and Jones's colt Branch's .and Singleton's horse hedfatancetL lie hastnvef been brought to the "turf siuoc'j and 1 do recoauuund hirn'as.a vsurc'foal-gcttet. ' . . .' . ' " " JOHN THOMPSON. 1 JTflsris.v I TANUARY Sessions 1821. John f hifer vt. the heirs fj at law or Martmt uoss, ueceasecu peuuon ior pani- tron of reaJ etate, fiIed. It appearing. tOf the satisfaction of the court that some of the heirs at law of Martha, Ross - . . . .i .1 t' ...... rUt 1 1e WftisilV.A ry. rt'SiUC nnoux uie uums oi uui oiw, ji ia n.iww dered by the court,, that publication be mado for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for1 the said, heirs to appear at the next Court of Pleasnf Quarter Sessions tbtaf the com iiliiCOncord'' on the third Monday m April -nei- anl plead, answer, or demur to said petition, otherwisejt will be taken pro confesso, as to them. Witness John Travis Clerk of oursaid court, at. Concord, the. third ; Monday in January, Anno Domini 1.821, and in the 45th year of our Indcpoiidcnci;.,. ... . . ' ... . ' GA37 ' JOHN TR VV1 S,? V. C. V, r . bTA'ITJ OF N()ltriI-CAI)LlNA, wilkks t ovs fx : ' OURT of Fleas -and Quarter :nsioii Januah' term, 1821. Tiiomiis W. Wilson , John Hoots; original atiar iiiiiMiL siiinnioiis v iUiani rowcii as iranusnee. u appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Jwhu Hoois is not an inhabitant of this state, il is ordered,, that p-ib-licution be ir.adc fcr three months in l!u- West, rn Caro linian, f'ir the defendant, te.conie in at next co..i' .to le tieldon the Hast Monday of Aoril for this county, and ple:.d, answer, or dctiiur to'said suit, or .judgment by de1 fuult tii.ul will b enU red against him. . . 0;iT)V fmntlie'miii'ites. ,- ' pt45 ... II: .1ARTES, C. W. C.C, STATE OF NOUTlf-CAIiOnxT budkk tounrr. Court of Pleas and Quarter Scs:aons Iwr jauuary aes slon, 1821. John II. Stevelie ri. Christian Borttes and wife Cathar- ine, Felix V ilds and Mary bis wife, Ephraim V alker aud Elizabeth his wife,' JaaibJlnthpny, Molly-Anthony, Ellis 1). Marcus and Catherine hia wife, Thomas U ebb ami Eliabetli '1i'is ifc-l3a3aPiAitf'fei(; deceased Scire f ias to shew.cause why the real es tate of l'hilip Anthony, deceased, should -.not be sold to satisfy a judgment this ease. T T having been made ap pear, t o the SatTsfiction uf.tWa court, that Felix Wilds and Mary hia wifeVEphralm Walker.and Eluabtth h' . wife, and Jacob Authoiy i side.beyomHhe liniits of tbs state, whereupon it wits or- dered bv I e court, tnat iiDiicaiion dc roaaeinrce niumni in the AVciiern' Carolinian, that unless they appear at the n..vt court "to be 'held for the county aforesaid, at the court-house in Morganton, on the fourth Moiidayjii. April next, and answer, plead to issue, or demur, judgment by default final will be taken against them. :- Attest, J. ERWIN, CLrk. -j.. . if' A N active and .intVl.ligcnt lad, H or 15 years of ag-. i as an uppitutice to tlie ri uifing B-isincss. 4in- oi correct moral nnd ind istilous habits and who c.n come well rec'omtiicftded, will .meet w ith suitable eiieouf ;g'- -Uivnt.by .applying at this office. : . ' " ' ; What is lcirisldtion but the surrender of private sentiment for public good ? It is peculiarly ne cessary ihat) in this redeeming . principle, wc make some sacrifice ; must part with our Delilahs, or we s h all -nolbe able to return to the narrow path of economy from which we have deviated, i or, unless this course be adopted, all our efforts will be unavailing. Sir, there are three alternatives presented tb our view which must be the result of our delib eration, and one of them wc must adopt to" rescue our country from the present state of cmbarrass mtnt. To borrow money, to tax our citizens, or" tetiench ; to borrow money in the sunshine of peace and tranquility) when the desert blossoms as the rose, no loreign wars 10 encounter) no en emy to contend with) is at variance, and almost it reconcilable' with wise and economical legisla tion. - l'u tax our citizens .Jit-Bucii a time, 'and under auspices W favorable,' is a measure- that would pi csent an odious and frightful prospcct thcpcoplc would not bear with it, nor with uslfi puritiinK such a policy They would hold ua accountable for our legislative conduct; our re sponsibiltiy plelgedV:-'-The3r'-h'HV'c"-''Conlided tJ li s their best interest? ami wemtm return ana auo- uiit to the tribunal of public opinion. Sir, we believe to r.cire.iKlt is pwcticablCi and within the reach of the present inquiry. The exhausted state of pur Treasury points out the necessity of a radical change in the system of our finance) to provide for the national exigen- (h j t .hpu tpppi c sstng ,SULcitizejis,a'ndde our .uiircittittngendeayora tne evil. But, sir, on this principle, I have no preposses sions to gratify, no personalities in view) no anx ious solicitude (or aivy depamncni in preference to another. .Let the denunciation be equal anU genucil. 1 f justice is to be the standard by Avmcft we arc to exercise our judgment in correcting the. excesses of government) let it bo adminis tered with cjiul hands. If your army istoplarge and exceed" the proper number necessary for the peace ctablishnient, reduce it'to such propor tion as may be adequate to the present day. If your navy be too extensive or expensive, lessen (t, leaving only so many vessels as are ncccssaTy for u.ir niarititne protection If there aic any or many stipe i iiumeraryflfice created for the pur noacvof eniolunieiit. abolishnhejxi .' take a skih j fwnve&ry canucnt, in ch;cler to attempttheprin- ; ' : . v'Vv"'. '.:"''. :. 'v...;' l:. ' ... -y ;., ;; ,''';" -";':- -.:'' ''" '"-'' '':'r'"' " : "'":.',"""' ' . ' .'.'.'"' ' v '',.'"'"' ' .' , ' "' ' ' ; . -J .'..,..' .,'' ' - '. , . ' ' ' ; ; ; ' ; "I ' ' ' . . . , .. -, . .... i. - ".',;-.' ... I . , . . . . r. v..t,.,. . '...A.u.. . " '. ' - ' ". ' , ' . . .(.. ' : , ,,..'..,.. : ' a . ' .:-:..r. . ; -