I Illi , . V I i : - SATul 'My JC. 0. ,'EUE8.Y1 'MAX' 16, ABfci. VOI. I. NO. 40. f lli ." I WJ vs. ' f . 4 .... ........ "mIITI AM Vrl8An, mT TOliB!; TIBI - The lufiicnpiloft price, of IU W4t Cauuk is Mfun per annum, paytJlcTlf-ycarly In advance. C3No paper will be diconUnOd until all arrearages 74. nilL unlTTt tKe f the ifdiiora. TivhoveTi?ri bwwna rcwlle for the payment of nine paper, sliull receive ft tenw :gratit. ATTitMwrr will be; inserted on the customary Venon wndimr ia Advertisement, must pecify the numlxr of time tbey wUU them inserted, or they will be continued tdl ordered out, sou nurgeu ..l-rrtoiMiri.lnMrtfl until it ha been paid for, or it na roen wsuneVl bysome person in this town, or iUvianityS. Vv' r. M . .. . TV"! .? 11?. . (-, .. nr thev Gj All itijcni lauic cuiwiti ui,uv i jr-,r - will not be fttftridedto. .,, t. Iluiae,! J). l U rit, vntv fC.11 WftMiVnd virror. will ...... I,. .n.;MlMfflllt mttiMc. in Salisbury, at the modern price yf twelve dollar the season seven dol l.,n the .ingle leap, U ntydllar, for insurance i " w HT iTill te (!cjudcd ar, aoonr uHliemaro 4i ' wco rrtd to be with foa'or tli property traiuferrtd. The ."i.i w Ul commtnee the, first day of March, and end tl'C nis: ci a -gum. . - , , , . Filtv ctnfj to thcrroom, in every instance. i'f MICHAEL BROWN 9. 182i33tiOJt, L'LSCKlP'i'iOV-Napoleon U a beautiful, aom l, tco o'J tMa liprii,,', sixteen IkuhU ud one inch hijrli, r , - .-xct 'lent ivniuictr)', and po(rVcc ai much pou tr i rivity a am horse on the couuneni; nu ra.c ":.. ,-nd unrivaWd. r.DK.Rr.E Sky Scraper, tlic kiro of N'inoleoti, was , j jv fol, fli'lnvs'.i famous imported hone I)are Devil, vra.s rt d ly the Duke of Grafton, and pot by Muff lie. "t r IU! c ( Hebe u got by chr. ohte, out ol t wi H;tc- o E bpo. Fitv-wap r's clm was the cele- j b-ut. u r'in.i-.jf uirc Orncle, w ho got by Obscurity ; i.i'thui) ! Cclar ; hs gran Jam by the imported horse j ' . )scnr;tv , Cclar and Partner, were all Hue bred horses, ac;. inJi .i'from Um best blood ih Engliind. Sbo'tand r ,. , f-i? dam of Napoleon, was jrot by the- imported h. hnro-ict her dstn, cullfd Camilla, wt ffot Dluts t Jiw dam, who uaa sis'ej Brillmnt and IJurrcl ? ,i .ILr, was Jot hy OH TrawUcn her ' uToujf'it, out Of Col. HirdN ou-Ijf sicr. .i .';,r-r.rt nt rnmilla. w as snvenDV III' BUUIt WfcUit,i--v r - o: . ... , I I . l.nml Tiki fid. Gcu.-Wuik Hampton. " Carolina, . f l,r 'ttif'- - JNOrXti-STOS. l'FUFOKM VNCE. I do hereby rtrrtifrithat Napoleon has run ftnr -aces, Ml of which lie ha VJCSi eia the ht.ver the Salisbury turf, beaUng Branch s Sir L .'l s'-nirlotoM's buy horse, and Jones' colt ; branch's a s iii-Meton' uorsc he distanced. He ha never been b- t "Lrt'i 1'ie tarf since ; and 1 do recommend turn a a 5 , ' ll pctter. JOHN THOMPSON. Wan M..t-W "S 17ROX1 my stable in atanu county, on tKakhof rebmarv last, a 'V dark chtsnut sorrel MAKE, having :i white , A hind foot, and a blaze in h-r forehead ; she Cahuut fiHccn hands higii, six or sereri years old, anl .f iie- i'".f I wnmu trv. Anv person taking up said mare, ' r'tt know:, so that 1 can jet her ag-un, shall U , oil .cwarded. by MOSES A. SHELBY, -.?.r.7 18, 1821. 3w47 t?, IN EQUITY. CAMDEX D1ST1CT, feJnwrif Tctw, 1821. 5 Robert Cunningham, Adm'r D.8.1Uilcyf deceased, w. um'.th ;.in ior relief ' THE complainant having filed in this cpurt hW bill, among other things, prayingf that the creditors vt tal1ih their e- Xiantcr o. naiicv imir-wmH manilii, and receive their proper proportion of the assetts of the aid iaatate, andJthat he might be discharged from tis administration under the direction of this ceurt and it appearing, to the, satisfaction of this court, that Uic following persons, naving aemanos againv uic ou tate, reside out of this state, viz. : Jane Troy, Pctei Smith, Peter Smith, jun. George lledrick, HenryTnu ley, Pearson t-Murphey, Jame Smith, Satterwhite & Travis, Jacob Doe, Thomas Allison, Joh Frailey, Thomas L. Cow an, Peter W. Smith, Mose A. Locke, Alfred 1). Kerr, Clarv & Dohertv, Anderson4. Elhv" Geo. Pearson, . 1 James Clav, Dr. S. L. Ferrand, Thomai Scott, Robert n-oodi Cn JcrrWilliam Dixon, KohertMopre :.lt is there. ,1 tint th nmnnn above named do airear to the said bill on or before the first day Of June next, or in ON U.e ICth of April Ue exercice of the male de , partment of thi Institution commenced, under the care of the Hcv, Dr. Freeman, who will alio superintend )he education of the females. During upward of twenty year Dr. .Vrecman b prrmdcdj'priiiclpaJlyjbver.the ..t . fivnn rdU'h institution he received the mot lion orable testimonlei of hi wpcrtoftalfnt u I tcadier I 1 ' - . ... - t if. A IC.lt tatlr t.t .initintV UUl nil vuvvtmovn inmn pi . w y iuw. gCiluCncss wiui a UUC rcpani w uiv-iimnc, hi uic jj"" ernment of his pupils. The best evidence which can be riven of the qualifications of Dr. Freeman, may be OCnVCU lnni Wir,IVlJ, Vlia uunnjj i m"o " ,vr") thr fniiitiitiona ovf r which he ha presided have flour. islied beyond nv former example. For the satisfaction ol tlioM-, who may not ie ariuainicd wiui ue cnaracicr . .. ' ..il '.it..:.. r..n.u n Of Lir. r rcrinan, wc wuuhj .uujuih mi; iuuuu5 tractii, fnMii a voluntary tribute of thanks" communica tori l.v 11. Tnuteei of .New her il Acauemv. Oil ins rciir ing from Uieir service among whom we notice some of the most distinguished names our state can boast : Tlii Seminary, under lui dirccuon, nas liuuruueu uc yond alLfcimxxxperienrc. In scnooi uistipnne, in mc . . . . t . I riiiiitirHionoi a tear it-r. in mkccm hi acn sncinir the progress tf his pupiU uml in unwearied diligence .n.l .oT Dr. freeman has alwavs been considered 1V the Trusti es as unrivaled, and entitled to their undivided acknowledgments: and the Trustee would avail themselves of the opportunity to tender their testimony in the highest commendation of his social, moral, and re. L'gious deportment." , "v ' 1 ha lollow uitf hranc lies oi etiucanon arc uukiu lish Reading, Writing, Siielling, Arithmetir, MatliemaU ics, Geopraphv, anJ use ottlie Globes,' Nafiihll and Moral Philnpby, Rhetoric, L)ic, Composition and Declama- tion. . , . In Latin Ruddiman's and Adam's Crammar, t.orde rix. Historix Sacr;c, Viri Horn, -6 book of Ca-sar, Ovid ExpurgaU, Virgil, Cicero's Select Oration, Sal but' uars with Cataline and Jugurtha, ljoracethrougli out, Mair'i. lntrtxluction, Prosody. In Greek Valpy's or Wcttenhall' Grammar, Greek Testament, Evangelist ami Act of the Apostles Grace Minora, Grea Majora, Xcnophon, Homer, Ncilson's Exercises and Proswly. la the Female Department, Dr. Freeman will be as slated by Mi-s Slater, in the literary and classical Mitrhell will continue to conduct tiie ornamental. Of the talents and qualifications of these Ladies, to improve the minds, ana poiisu tne man ners of their pupils, the Trustees from ample experience, :... mriat i I.t'i. 1 finiiroliition. UH "- -l l . I'nder such auspices the Trustees feel assured thi i:.,.:..ii miiwt flourish. To render it a nurserv of all llmlll" ...-..-v - . the oolite and useful branches of education, as well as ol correct moral and religious principles and feelings lc their 'i.ircmittinj? aim ; and they feel confidence in mr'tngt that no wmilar iiiHtiltrtMin m uie aixic rap w Claim superior auvamages. . ... "l i. thin denartment the studies, and hooks us:l, will 'be Reading, Writing, Spelling, English Grammar, Pike's or - Walsh's Arithmetic, Geography and the use r .1. r-iKaa uh.i.li Vi' and T!cr's Histories Blair's Rhetoric, Conversations on Natural Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, Andrew s Logic, i,i.emiiry, Euclid, Composition ; aijU, Il requireii, Aigeur, aiiu w. Languages. . " . li r .1. ....At. ti npn .. thi natnt-ii iiiannsiuoii ui xmwi. wiitii umv. ..: l ,. w,n iatn tra Hfrances. t he trustcss earnestly .i...... ti,f nowntt fT miardians bnntnmr scliolars to tins arademv, should place them under the special care of mime iiidiiious Derson, wiui i"."v "v....- their wants and regulate their purchases of necessary .:!.. .,t r.f tK titorpa. The inmortance of this reciui- U v.. i . I - sitionmust be apparent to ever) person of reflection and experience f The trustees have no oilier interest in the success of these Institutions than to furnish to the ,nAmtirin nnnnrtunitics of education. To UC- conipl'h thi object, they have devoted much of their .:., . .t -ttAnf'.on. and have rone to verv consider.dde expense in erecting two large and commodious cdiliccs in nrocuring maps and other indispensable articles for I . . , ? ;.-. i .i:l.....n.nt. V . fiirront lll ai.iiu.. - $ t I exDcnsi of the Institution, for salaries to the teachers ! and otlier purpose amoum w wwu. jj tt'iitherefore' indispensable, that parents and guar dians should be punctual in paying the tuition charges ; and to avoid the uncertainty and trouble of after collcc : u ;a noutivelv reauired. that the tuition money in all Ciises, sliall be paid when the certificate ol admission ktlkcrtoui. - By -ortlerjof. the Board, , .j- THOS. L. COWAN, Secretary. , Stditburv. Moil 1, 1821. (Tr Hoarding may oc nau in respwutuic miuusa i 73 to 80 dolfars the ycxt. IieauVtor. vaox TR axtiieAV rnvia. TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE POTATO. HR. ixixNEit I had heard many reaN back that the beat way to improve thepofato, waa from the wedof Its own apnler:: Abotjt Gtc or aix years past, I made the trial I gathered a handful of the applet of the Hue potato when fully ripe I mashed thcniV and washed out the seed and dried them In the spring I sowed them in drills they came up very thick, having the appear ance of some small weeds In two or three weeks they put out leaves, having the appear ance of potatoes I then thinned them, and worked them as 1 thought right In thcffall I had seed of many kinds, white, blue and red, of va rioira: shapes and complexions I -selected four or five kinds in the spring, and planted each scp arate and found I had improved my potatoes very much as to flavour and also, some of the kinds selected were very productirc, so much so that I planted no more of tny old wed, and do still consider the change advantageous. 1 - ABEL SEYM01U. KtN'r: OF NAPLES. After noticincr the departure from Naples, u of the king of the two Sicilies, for Lybach, . ra . 1 1 I tt the editor oi the lioston Lcnlmel adds tne lot lowincr note: Kinz Ferdinand of the Two Sicilies, is now in the 71st year of his age. - r 9T One ol the cmnresses ot the emperor rrancis, was the daughter of this king ; and the king's two sons married Austrian archduchesses. This monarch has not been celebrated for much talent ; and the principal part of his ... . a t A life has been spent in hunting, nsmng, c. He was considered one of the best shots and exnertest fishermen in his kinjrdom : and trav ellers say. that he contributed vcryimuch oy . ... ... t. .. . x... u..t.t. e u-:u"-. OjcigVnd; tea tii wiiTta' camuiiav. " i ' MP4IR. rtiiTOti i Deenlv intfretirf a an individual and aso chiien of the wcatcm section of the sute of NorthCaroUnj.i, I havt since the commencement of the. publication of. your very useful- and highly .respectable paper, .oecn a stieni uui anxious speciaior oi passing events; and the pleasure which 1 have derived irpm the indepcnaence anu 2eal manifested throughout its course, In the vindi- cation of our rights as citizens, has excited in me a desire to contribute as much as possible to perpetuate and extend its usefulness to its ut most limits. Manv and som verV well written essays have already found their war to the public. and have made their appearance amidst a people, oppressed Jy the. despotic sway of Lifrrri tvnnni'. whrnri we are ta etrneet laws and regulations to govern' us not adapted ta the exigencies ol the country, out iraraea and constituted by the whim and caprice of a few designing men, whose private .interest is probably the governing principle Some of these essays had for.their object the laudable and very fruitful subject oh a Convention, to revise and amend the present constitution and form of government ol the state X..wortn Carolina, whereby and by which alone equal rights and immunities can be restored and secured to the people ot a state, in point oi nonulation and Dhvsical importance, certainly not the least in this gigantic confederacy. Through the medium of your paper many other subjects also, of no small importance. have been qiscussru, wnicn were t,.ui.ui".e to open the eyes of the understanding of thei people whose welfare appears to. have been the basis. Previous to the late session of the legislature of North-Carolina, the subject of . . c t :. !. .v... .. .m .. an institution oi icanuuK i "wv tion of the state received tnat attenuon amu wna urrd with that and olicifude which ua ai f ifcK t4(trAa'thvfKf'HiW nf hrinfT- jj AUV9 V ,a - -'we w r trVn& UigwU wr mwmm rwaaBv w ine to market in Naples, to keep down the the imnortance of the subject demanded; and price of that necessary article of food. They wjiaj Was the result ? The legislature, actua add, that the following epitaph on a brother te( by motives of patriotism and benevolence, Ol tne King, win iiuv us uimuiuiuib iui ino uOUOi, grauicu a niaiici w uic iuihvuuvu . I 1 . . U 1 . A..m.nr I ' 1 J . ..!.--. m .li A -KM nfl Ml ' I "Vl I Cf so anxiousiy auiu vciiciuiiny u.iuiivtvu tablet on his decease : " Here lies a glorious king of Spain, Whose, praises ever poet pipes, Renowned for many a pig campaign, And dealing death among the snipes ; Rut laugh not, living 1 ings 1 pray, llccftusejhis planets so 1k- iii'd him, This king of Spain, I dar to say, Ixaves many a fool with crowns behind him." THE SHI SERPEXT AU.UX. jnf,,.u'thr.rpor n orrlor will be made that the said bill - i.o..ul-in.iiiii j'iinino: uln the said defendants. Ami it is further ohlered, that larl.ii Balleyr ho resides out .of . .. !! I -f vl ft. -A tliis atste', ile ajpe4o;e satt dui oeiore me near cwi. JOHN CARTEli, Cfl'"-CaniciiDtit' March 3, 1821. tJel Al . ' TvWiate EnUrtamment. rnilK subscriber takes this method of informing his . JL friends, and. the public in general, mat ne nas eao .Vshed himself in the hbuse formerly occupied by the Rev. Peter Eaton, in the Town of Hunsville, Surry county- Norlh-CarQlina,"' and has been at considerahie expense in making his rooms commodious and comforta ble, for the reception of Travellers, and. all w ho may fa. vor him with their custom. Ills Sideboahl is provided . with Liquors of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing requisite for Horses ; a'nd'hopes,1y particu, , lar attention," to merit a share of public patronage. MU MFrtRD DEJORN ATT. ' - - ,....... .(. n. IT 189fl . llbf . TimKnbWnepcmngf-aX iii Store In MUs iuri'$ a. general and well selected assortment of Hard-Ware, and Medicines. Just received direct from New-York and Philadelphia, .nil Pt,l in of nricies that will enable him to sell remark- (tllU - Y , ! ably low. His customers and the public, are respect- fully invited' -to. calL nn i.,exanune ior uienisewcs. .m KintlS OI UOUJliry rruuuei; rn.iiitu.in i.v.iiii,v Ia27 J. MURPHY. iWilrrtr trim -himbseKbfm-th 1 12 1 st of inrii: a HOttSlS abbuV six yeftfir nlrL nf a dantile irrav color, aoout uve icei twn mVhrs "'liiirlu ;artd lcm iil flcsli. his horse has been lately cut for the Aoofrs,' his hoofs are vnewrhit hroken and uneven, and his mane and tail are: almost black. A reward of five dollars w ill be given, if the horse is brought to. . , ' . n 9 . 1 ( rw W T . ... Salisbury, .1 8, 1821. 48 act of the legislature, I hope, will, from the beneficial effects anticipated, and which will, no doubt be realized, stand as a monument of liberality for ages yet unknown, and may be the theme of admiration and praise for gene rations yet unborcu J But has the legislature of North-Carolina, at its session for 1820, uniformly distinguish ed itself, by its legislative acts, for .wisdom r.r.,1 kun.lirfnrr urh a that evinced on thi 5 , , muvuvvu.. - - ----- The captain of a West Indiaroao, who arrived occa5'lori j A copy of the acts passed by that at a port at the eastward a few days since, states, bcftrc they show for that on Friday, the 30th of March, between 5 and . 8 them dccidc Dcliffhtful L ; would be the task of contemplating the act, ry St breeze, he saw, ?ery distinctly, the sea of any sessn -of -rf "v.0 ' " . r ...i. r k. ..... n.i nn,i invanthitr ilmt in(niished lor wisdom, ln- SERPENT, at aDOlll lony yuiua iium mc 6msm auv ; o " 'T " . steering south. His description of the Serpent tegrity, and patriotism ; but, alas ! ante dit- . ..... r --.. U.. I I r r e i- .L. m.. .m .- n trl ir corresponds witn tne lormer accounts, uc "jaiierem, i icar, i wic piuaJtuw u a if i .U-A-.-.i.lri--. rC tKio fnMl . I ........ y . - -m , neretoiore msoeiicvcu uiw ca""v. v. jaWa are enacted ana executes ior uic iter, but bis doubts are now entirely eradicated. nu s r ;ntroducint)eace and, order into "the imiTnt tradeT Lciety,S . ir.i. ...Mr Uk rnndition or man : and the only oDiect 1 lie INeW- lOri VtUACl,c vuiiiatua an imiv-i v. - ..... . I 1 a letter from Liverpool, the that should beheld steadily in View, by a leg- te wAiirhAri "fAr Uv the editors of that Daner, which islative bodv. should be that which promises states ithat arranKcments are nearly cbmpieted for (the most beneficial effects. In speaking ol linUing the" :Hqdson:sJtay-anuioiin;-tye3L j.ur the transactions i xne: iatc sessioo oi nc icg--Companies, under the name orthTIItidsons Bay isiaturej I do hot wish to be undentoocPas Company. castinc any undue reflections on any mem- ber or members of that body ; nay, I do not T fifiprii V.vtrdf) r dinar u for the ericoutesfe Vm wish to be understood "as charging the ment ofs domestic industry. We are in- legislature, as a body, with fraud and corrup r , rnmhinv nf lnrliet have nro- . nA ltbnno-h I Hri not anorove of some jected a Lottery for the above purpose, in 0f the acts passed tyf yet Jave wnicn ev erj' uauuviui. muunn f no u,uuu. ujf vnv.v -j - r chases a ticket, will be entitled to a valuable motives. Unfortunately, however, they were x ....- I -. . !M4'Mi rx Sk1 M Drize.w;i9ut? any deaucrton. ; ,:r: rr.3r I irrossiy mttttxenjn.winc ,iuiuv., ,y 1 if mm f ... , er... l -...... W.,v Qllll a: v --s-- --.-falW"4nstMce-anDears to have been the. case. Train OW, Barrels of Train Oil for sale, low for cash; Apply ...rrw"'-r.j ' ,l 'liVX I tlw AdTi'Bar il to the 'Ualijispat!Jh for Icain ''L"'kiV-Fffi'ih6;,'I e, j...l j ;J,b.JJi(. WWj. u ill iii4; Hit llli 1 s rrp rvtr mini f rm inu aim' numkm vM. vi.- . r- ! liberal tetftsml W'iufefeiit U-eatmeiit.. Kjyj I f uviiij. ,"ui-- v inwi v ,. -- - - the deaths of the male se" there were 679 above 100 years of age ; ? 19 above 105 ; 1 16 above 1 10 ; 60 above 123 ; 5 above 130 ; one attained the age of 140; and one even that of 145 vears. The number of marria.ijes was 333, 339,'bcing 3.670 fewer than in 181 7. , . -The UvStatcs' Bank, Stock, has riscti in New- with far more Dronrietv.be called the dishon- est debtors', act, inasmuch as they and they r.vVlxr derive much benefit from it in'lrtsentfo'rm , Mtith pratse is cer tainly 'due' thatiegislartire for haying imed imprisoning persons, without distinction, for deotv must, ana iof cvc m wv.; wM-.y rr: jkpe u ...piaics AaMww-.M.n debt must and for ever- wui pe, consiaerea . i9tll f.

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