TtEsiur, juris, im. foreox xEirs. Late Lfailm J?P? ""'h ut HM'C i' ditional intcllijcocc, to what bad be;n received by previous ones ; yet that little is not without Us importance) or power to interest. In England) TnypcbVUideCvoYt'tiiA'Qaecn seems to be fast subsiding. She has consented to receive the 50,000 Voted her by Parliament for fier support and..ali'e appear iu to- have given up the contest, at a hopeless one, for the restoration of her name to the liturgy; Advices from the con tinent are still of a decidedly war character, and . there can be no doubt that hostilities have before this commenced between Austria and Naples. The Neapolitans appear to be enthusiastically determined to repel force by force, and to bare their breasts to the sorm which is gathering over tncm. ljic wisnes 01 every eooq nun, pi every lover of freedom, of every, friend . la national rights and independence, will be with them. There is strong hope, If they can prolong the contest (as we feci confident they can) for a little time, that they wilt find an ally in more than one nation on the continent, and perhaps in the Brit ish nation. Strange r.things.than this have hap pened within a few short years; and in this age m . Art t of revolutions, ana or events naming an caicuta tions, and setting at nought all experience, one may, without ihq imputation f extravagance, or folly, expect almost any thing. The Allied Tyrants have issued a lengthy De claration relative to the affairs of Naples, which is a full, and, we must do them the justice to say, an undisguised exposition of the infamous and detestable objects ami "views of the Jloty League. "The strength of their arguments to vindicate their interference in the internal affairs of other nations, lies only in the physical force which backs them : Their Jesuitical sophistry, to r -i .i. I. r t; jusiuy mc perjury oi me superannuated rcriu nand, might have purchased -for hs authors, in the.l20i century, a title to canonixation ; but it is too stale for these times. Tb'e Dccla ration will " damn to everlasting fame" this mod em triumvirate) this Ihly Jlliance of despots against the liberties of the world. M The invio lability say they, of all ettablithed right t, the independence of all legitimate governments, the integrity of all their possessions, thett are the bare from which their resolutions will never de viate!' And what did they say in 1816, when this famous League was formed ? Why, with all the cant and sanctity of hypocriteirthey'dccla- red (these arc their own words j H the religion of God their Saviour to be the future guide and di rectory of their conduct in the administration of their respective governments and that this re ligion, 4 far from being solely applicable to pri vate life ought, on the contrary, directly to in fluence the resolutions of Piinccs and to guide all their undertakings, as being the only meant (what a wonderful change the minds of these royal christians, Francis, Frederick, and Alexan- ler, have since undergone I) bjgiyingtobiHty to human institutions, and of remedying their imperfections !" Comment suchTglariiVg, ....... despicable hypocrisy, would be throwr) away POSTSCRIPT. v Important. .-.-News has reached this country, by an arriraL from Li verpool? of a severe engage ment having taken place between the Austrians and Neapolitans, in "which the former were de featcd with considerable loss. Wcshall be eble to give particulars in our next. This, welrust, is' but th'eiprecursor of more decisive victories, more glorious triumphs ; that it is only the opening.sccrie of a-drama, which r viU close, with the downfal of tyranny and leg.Lt- " irriate hypocrisy in Europe, and the establishment o of the rights of man on in immovable basis-- rf.Tbe Hon. Gideon Barstow Is elected .'member of Congress from Essex South District; Mass. The Hon. Timothy Pickering was the opposing candidate. , - . . , " nOiVti "Wotcorr ii preselected 'Governor, and Jonathan Ijcokksoll Lieutenant Cover nor of the State of Connecticut, without .oppo sition. r A meeting cf tl.a Inhabitants of Lincohlon wjts held on the 2d instant, for the purpose of consulting- on tho expediency of establishing a I'emahvAcademy In that place; the result of which was, that five trustees were appointed to superintend the affairs of the same, and two sub scriptions issued, the one for erecting a building for an academy, and tho other for subscribers to the same. commukicatid. ' A GOOD REGULATION. Upwards of two hundred centlemen, of the city of New-York, have subscribed to an agree- ment, "disapptoving of the custom which has so long prevailed," of giving wine at funerals ; and they promise to discountenance and abolish it, in case of death in their own fumilies, and in all others where their influence extends. Census of Utvwan. We have been obligingly furnished with a schedule of the Census of this county, just com pleted, which is given in full below. The in crease of our population is not so great as might have been expected, being, according to our cal culation, only 5,762, for the last ten years, which is but a trifle over 25 per cent. . At the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Ncuse Navigation Company, held In this city on the 24th intt. the lion. Henry Potter was elected President, end Joseph Giles, Thcophilus Hunter, and Thomas Cobb j, Eiqrs. Directors, for the present year. . Hot. Star. . French c ronni and 5 franc fiiecet are a legal tender by the laws of the United States, until the 29th of April, 1822, being continued as such by the act of;Marcb J, 1821. There is no provis ion for the fiartt of these coins. The crowns, if weighing 1 1- pwts-and 17- grs. are rated at 1 10 cents ; but, as In general, they are much worn, the banks take them only at 109 cents -Vet. In. ... .; NEWS FROM MISSOURI. .. . . , The St. Louis Enquirer, of March 34, trium phantly announces to its reader!, that Missouri has been .admitted .to her just rank in the confed eracy; a member of that Union which efery true American ardently hopes may be perpetual." It points out 44 the pitiable and mortifying' predica ment in which our late enemteS are placed for s there is no such clause in our constitution, (incompatible with the rights of citizens in other states,) the LegUtature can EAsnr enough declare theact." s4 a h M 5" 1 8 e 8 2 s to 2. E v Z. m cr e n H r, P n 2" 17 5 3 ST 9 t M n T C" l H o 9 2, rr I c i O rjir 41 O.I K)l Nl C While male under 10 years. Ql y' JC' White males of 10 and under 16. Ml Hi M ?l o' 0 gl Wliite mules between 16 and 18. like malts between 18 and 26, including head of families. lute males between 26 and 45, including heads of families. t vU-' K White males of 45 and upwards. under 10 vcars feSNESl ! w'hitc females un, oel wi ol e nI.cjI m' oH m at o, m w u U f5 a L 1 'c f a tfJ oi OjI - cot w (pi Ui I i White females at' lU and under 16 vears. I. ... i- i I i . ft 1 I 1 lit. IIHC lll!lIC3 Ul 1U UIIU UIIULT mI SI 41 fe'r6 including heads of families. JRDlTIUnr L.W. The Legislature of Kentucky have passed a law prohibiting printers of newspapers from re ceiving more than 3 for the insertion of an or der of Court, let it be long or short ! This kind of legislation is the wortt kind of drafiotiim. A law might be passed, with equal propriety, decla ring that no nun should receive more than a dol lar for a barrel of flour, or fifty cents for an acre of land. Motion (lazette. A vast number of adventurers are bound to Florida, to make, or try to make their fortunes. Pensacola, it is supposed, will become the most important harbor on the coast, both for the sa'le and shipment of American produce. It is more convenient than New-Orleans, for a number of reasons; and is, at the same time, one of the mOst healthy situations on the (iulf of Mexico. Com. Rogers, U is surmised, will be made the naval ccmmaiuler on that station, to reside at Pensacola.- ib. , H IMPROVEMENT OF SAVANNAH. The astonishing rapidity, and we may add, magnificence, with which Savannah is mine from her ruins, appear, as if the talitman of the fabled Aladdin, had commissioned the (Senii to extend the charm of immediate renovation over our city, rather than the effect ot humen industry, nroxm Iced by the perseverance of our artisan. A dai- Tl.. A ... 8 . . "It y n neurit improvement is pcrccpiioic in .! . l.f J. - . me creation anu completion o our new and va rious structures. Upon the buildings nearly fin ished, both public and private, the proverbial spir it of emulative taste is conferring a degree of external elegance that will compete with many of . ..i fi ... k grcairr magnitude, i ne ioijnaations ot some are suddenly starting upward in every street; others, half completed, arc ascending with sim ilar haste, and all tending to increase the re nut a tion of our city. There is somctlung peculiarly pleasurable in witnessing a revolution so remark able ; from a depopulated chaos of recking des olation, to the growing prosperity of commercial enterprise, and the beauty of architectural re finement, so distant from anticipation, in Us most sanguine form Georgian. ily were ncccttaribj absent, yufiiter, very properly, prrsidctl, attended by hi Satellites. The Congrcsi broke up on .thursday j and one of our bcst'AImanac makers predict! 41 that lome rare and wonderful occurrr nee mau talc place among the empire, kingdoms, and republic!, of the earth.'' So look out, ' readers, for great news'. V i Aiimlinjr, to the extraordinary coniWtUm ofsii plan eti la no sign of the Zodiac. i ' . . - ' .BECIPEr0ttEUSBOFTIIE8KUUCA 4 Once more we renublith ihli rrrn.rA beg of all those who feel wish to preserve it, to cutjt out, of the paper, and plice it somewhere that they may easily find if if tieces'saryJ NotV" withstanding U bat already appeared more than once in this paper, applications are almost daily made to me from various parts of the United StatesTofHirmab'tfto IweonW quite burdensome to comply with the multiplied requests- -Take the dried plant as-much as will make A decoction of about the strength of common break- last tea, pour loihng water ot it and let it stand home time : lake or this tea a half a pint, on an empty stomach three limes a day, tint is, morn- ui)j hwii, miu iiiiii -t every mira ajy omuliio tea altogether, and instead thereof, take a teaspoon-full of pulverised brimstone in the samo manner, once Wore breakfast, and again before dinner. Abstain altogether from aH "kinds of spirits, (iiec as lor tne smaii-pox, and be careful not to wet the feet, nor expose yourself to take cold. Pursue this Course, in cases of the bite of dog, for 40 days. , In cases of tetantu, or lock- aw, and other spasmodic affections, the dose must be mot e or less strong, and exhibited more or less frequently, according to the nature of tho case and the advice of some respectable phy&i cian. fA. Y. Jive. Pott. PENALTIES OP FIJRTAHON. Two verdicts have recently been given for breach of promise of marriage, one in New-Jer sey of 5x) dollars, and the other in Poughkcrp sie of 800 dollars and to Our mortification, wo uve to announce that the delinquents, in both cases, were of the male sex. If the late fre quent occurrence of these cases proves the fick eness of the gentlemen, they may in return claim the merit of not enforcing the penalties of coquetry against the inconstant fair. Perhaps the ladies are not aware that they may incur the same premunire as ourselves, and are not at lib erty to break hearts and disappoint dreams of golden felicity with impunity. Let them, there- ore, take warning by the examples before them, est some rejected swain, with a Uulc delicacy Las the4 fair plaintiff In the abo , -unreil tho mystcriet of courtship before a court of justice, and rear! some solid consolalioii Tor the loss of-a rail heart or anticipated wealth.- A". Y. Amtr. White females of 26 and under nJ 2 1 g'M including heads of families. White tetnaics ot 45 ana up- !X wards ft. I t l Oi 0.1 (mI ba.1 pl N "-4 Oij tJ K Ml Kil iwl Oil o Foreigners not naturalized. si Number of persona engaged in .. agriculture. 1 , lNumber of persona engaged in J commerce. l IIINumbcrof persons engaged in manufactures. . cl U.I Ol rf K Of I o I tri to! - s Male "slat es Under 14 years-;" Male slaves of 14 and under 26 vears. ' m I U 0 w HO o o c o-i Ti . . r-r-. i Oil 03 I J c "S1 OJ Male-slave of 26 and under 45 vcars. Male slares of 45 and upward. S Clly 9 0" il oc Female slaves under 14 years. M I I Female slaves of 14 and under f 26 years. k:1 m Vf t have understood that Vro. Klutts7 Esq. of Concord, (formerly a memjtroQ'Legisla lut e,) will be a candidate for Congress auhe en suing election, to represent the district compo sing fhe i counties of Mecklenburg1, Cabarrus-and Lincoln- . .r . - . , At the Superior Court, held for Iredell county, week before last, the trial of William Millshap, :Tor-thTnufderdfh'ti'wiftttla6ij'ht of which" OCT Or 4k t- i- m UJ -Si 09 1 MO. ore- Female slaves of 26, and under 45 years. Ml to Female slaves of 45 and up; " " w'ardai" " . ' Free colored males under vears. 14 Free colored males of 14 and . under 26. T . . . m Lu, a Free colored .males of 26 arid k' S under 45. Free colored 'males of 45 and 'upwards. oo Free colored females- under 10 vcars. eLo. 0 mJ m Oij OiJ ' Free colored females "of-10 wmI under 26. . Free colored females of 26 and under 45. Free colored females pf .45 -and - upwards. ; SOUTH-CJItOUXJ. Since it has become fashionable to scandalize our state, we must look around for consoling top ics, which shall sustain us in something like con tent among ourselves. Nor need we to look far We venture to enumerate some of them, at the risk of being deemed Pharisaical in our compari SOUS. - --z:::t:::::zz:: " alleviating law" ever defeated the administra tion of justice- where no mutinous spirit ever raised the standard of rebellion where no facil ities of divorce ever, loosened the bands of so ciety -where, no sectarian spirit .ever thwarted the path of philanthropy where no false econo my ever retarded the march of letters where ho state ambition ever shookTihe nationarfabric where no conscientious scruples ever relaxed the sinews of patriotism where no villanous sym pathies ever gave life and vigor to pirates and murderers where no bank speculations ever in volved character in the mazes of fraud where religion was never the. stepping-stone of ambi Uon nor. corruption the means of power r Let the galled jade go wince, , . Our withers are unwrj," .. Charleston Courier. it " ""From tlie K'ew-HampsWfe Sentinel.' ; Sicce ;4he Congress, oi the Piquets assejn bled, on Monday, we have experienced noth ing.but coltlKE. (snow-storms, AndN..W, piercing blasts. The proteedings of this au- gust assembly have nots officially transpired Georg'mm Sidusy we learn, did not attend, but sent a messenger (ih.Q last cornet) with his ex cuse, that being r.ither heavy .$rwulded,:-and at this time in a remote partof his very ex tensive dominions, which, by his Coronation oath, he Ls obliged to visit once in about 83 year, and . finding that;it Vonld be a journey THE semi-annual EXAMINATION of the pupils of this institution will commence on the 5th of June. and close on the 8th. Parents and guardians are re spectfully invited to attend. The next session begins on the tint Monday m July next. Dy order. Mi'j,n. T. I COWAN. &e. THE well known Manl in Lexington, N. C. known bv the name of the .S'W'JJV TJVKR.Y. with one anil a half Town Lots, with good Stables, a Kitchen, and all necessary Out-l!ouses. The Dwelling-house is roomv, and well furnished with furniture, which may be had fiy the purchaser. Also, 130 acres of good LAND, ioinintr town. Th plantation is in a high state of cultivation. I will mako the payments easy, a times are havJ. For terms, annlv to the subscriber in Ixington. MICHAEL BEARD. May 7th, 1821. 10w49 UommiUed to JaU, IN Montgomery county, North-Carolina, on the 18th of April, a NEGRO fellow, who says he belongs to Jacob H)1cs of Lincoln county, N. (X- Said negro is of darlc cpmplejuoiit jshout 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, about 30 or 35 years of age, anrsaj siTiiS name j-TOM.The owner- is requested to come forward, pay. charges, and take away bis property, otherwise the law will be strictly aU tended to. P. KIRK, Sherif. JprU29t 1821. 4w49 . . is ED MONT). He is about 25 or 30 vears of are. about 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complected, has a sear 4 lu left foot, says he is a carpenter 1iy trade, and says- he he- longs to Hubert I). Wade, in f erson county. - Any per son claiming said negro, is requested to come and prove property, pay charges, Sec. ' JOHN ZIMMERMAN, vatfbr. lJnrlnton,N. C. Mutj 5, 1821. 3w49 Catifc'wha -jNttgftt ion- u omauy . NOTICE is hereby given, that the President and Directors' of the Catawba" Navigation Company have required the payment of the third instalment, of Ten Dollars, Upon each and every share subscribed, to be made to the Treasurer of the Company, or to such agent a he ahaU apr shares of subscribers, fairing to make such payment, will be sold at Auction, in the town of Uncolnton, on the 18th day of June nextr and if the stock shoQUl jiot' selV for the amount due, with uiterest from the time it was Call ed for, , and' expenses of sale,, the ,stekboldcM wil) be inuncdiktcly proceeded against foif the balance, accord ing to the, terms of the charter. t v By order of the Board, ' May 8," 1821.- 1SAAC T. AVERT. Prudent. RANaway fromtbe subscriber, Bring in Lincoln county, seyen miles above Lincolnton, on the South Forlc On the 31 instant, a Nf gro man named TOM WAS taken up and committed to the jail of Lincoln county, on the 9th of April lastTlfe says his aame r n takatw 1 A tJ . t m. ju ib os yrar yi age, r ty ae:elbtnl ve, reei eig ui lueitei mgn, fire . ; ;x1nd. 'lel;whUe. spysvi;., ifbni - JAtB irovLE