WWiBWmi? gcmlcrhrn. or luvc sunk, or arc einkinr, to cut off, received ordcfi to abandon t!ic intrench the level of degraded votaries of intcmpcr- d camp of Magnado and the line of Cariglano, ruice, and altogether exhibiting but the wreck r.d to retire to Caput by thtt of Votturno. As of wealth, reputation and happiness, the cod .sequences of an erroneous education. P rents seem not to read, in the fate of these, that of their own offspring, whose education is the same, or differs only in proportion as the present is more dissipated than the preceding " f t. I I generation noon as the newt of the complete defeat of Ccn. I'cpe was received, the prince regent communt cited it to the parliament, who adopted the re so lutlon of sending an address to tho king. fourth Bulletin ef the Austrian jinny. Head-quarters at Tcano, March 20. " The grand armjr after passing the Url, fit How absurd, to expect to Secure Ceorano. advanced ranidlv to San C.ermano. io ennaren neaim anu nappiness, oy a course Uen. Csrascosa bad ullert back with his army of education the reverie of that vhich pro- into the intrenched position of Mlgnano, on the duced those blessings to their parents, and road to Capua. The same spirit which caused -r raited them-to.weaIthand,influcnc iaocie he dispersion of geriJYpc.'a aim yln the. Abruul ty1 Ilow-oophilosophical to nrgue,. that like mhifc.ted itself In a still more violent way In the causci will not be succeeded by similar ef- campoTMIgnano. Jhiroopjiiinwiirrngtofrght f fects ! Judging by their conduct, however, fo. !fhe "use, declared Against their it would teem as if parents were equally re- lhrcatcn . . , ',,owiL tho to dh. gardless of causes and consequences. INTELLIGENCE. taaa i. i i, , ! in i tie cornea, the herald or a noiny world, Newt from all nations lumb'rinff at ktn bark. Ha "T'atMtamiw- .... i threatened them by allowing the soldiers to dis perse; and return to their homes, after laying uwwii uiur armi. . " The Neapolitan army no longer exists. The royal guard alone, faithful to the sentiments which its name was calculated to produce, preserved or- dcr and discipline. . " 1 ho forts of San Germano on the Monte Caisino surrendered yesterday. The soldiers IMPOBTANT FROM EUROPE. KXW-TOnX, MtT II. guard will be at prove." C(KYI FTI(XY ' Between the AntrUns and Neapolitans. " The undersigned, furnished with full powers were compelled to surrender, with cries of Live .1. ! 4 Carina. nn nf (he tfYnn,f lnlarU nf the TL. 1 .ri i... .i ... . ti l.. v .... uc nVvn nacaei Enip Aui.iy, capi. .naxwcn, kingdom, opens its gates to-morrow, and the ship Hector, cpt.(;jllender, both arrived m To-morrow our advanced guard jcucraay aiicrnoon irom uvcrpooi, wnicn port Versa. l . - . a. . - a - a I' x .cy ie in company on ine MB oi April t anu Thc war gf Urm;nated. Our entrance into me eouors ot the Mercantile Advertiser have re- lh.c capital will be that of an allied army. itcu papen io insc date, with London papers u What has lccn done at Naples Was neither to the evening of thc 4th, and Lloyd s Lists to ,k u;a nr ,k. i, tk:. r.,... t h 1H rf lam niAnlk .11 I I ' . ...wiiiii, pii iiiviuniv c. The papers announce the important fact, that the Neapolitans have failed in ihtir attrtnit to et tablith a free government : They have signed a .1 - . : .1 ir . . ...... vuiiTcuuuii wiwi uic Austrian, anu me war in i lor tnst purpose, nave agreea upon the tollowing jiy wenoca. - . 1 articles i It appears that alter the alfjir at Ricti, thel I. There shall be a susoension of hosiilities Austrians advanced to Aquila. SuUeouentlvi a -on all the nointsof the kingdom. 3. Hostilities bulletin was issued, dated at CaVtel di Sangro, shall also cease by sea, with as little dejay as pon- ana signeo Djr general AVUIiam Pepc, of which Bible. Orders to this effect shall be immediately ne following is an extract t despatched by thc two armies. 3. The Austrian " Hie corps commanded by general Pcoc was army ha" occupy Capua. To-morrow, the 2 1 st, chiefly composed of. legionaries and provisional il post shtll occupy, but not pass, the town of militia, who were hastily assembled on thc first Averaa. 4. I he occupation of the town of Na announcement of the movements of the Austri-1 Plcs anu Us lorts sfta" lhc object ol a particu- an troops, and who never believed the war in ar convention. 5. I be Austrian army shall re which we were engaged was serious. Pect persons and property, whatever may be the ' With this lorps, general Pepe had to guard particular circumstances of each individual. 6. the valley of Rovelo, Tatrliacozzo. Andraduco. All royal property and property of the state ex- T .1 !-.! .L ? .. . woiicm, ana me i ronto. 1 he enemy appeared ,s"g me provinces occupieu oy tne Austrian in force in the neighborhood of Civita Ducale. army,br which itmay occupy ; all arsenals, mag- Among the courses of which general Pepe had Mines, parks, dock yards, manufactories of arms, . . " ii,a u m nis power to lollow, the most prudent was c- oeiong oi ngni io me amg, and snail oe re to debouche from his poVuion and to attemDt f'pected a such. 7. Id all the places' and forts an extensive rtconnoissance. On the morning loccxipied bytVw AmuVn army -tKrhidl be, s. a L & ' Ik t.. . a l. J .1 . . linffnatifjin' f f iKa A if cf flnn AMfMBnfii a w vi me i in iic auacKcu xjie enemv near iiciii,,m,'i,vi,uv"fc ,v twiiunanuvi) a kv- and at the same time directed an attack to le vernor in ine name oi me King, aii tne mate- made near Leonessi bv three battalions. Thc L"al5 of war as far as respects the administrative national troops, and particularly those of the line, Part' 8ha bc "der the royal admmistrative di drove back the enemy with the greatest bravery, rectors. 8. The present convention shall be rat A demi-battalion of the CaDitanata distinguished fied by the prince regent and by the baron Fri itself in the first line, as did a dc mi-battalion of mont thc general commanding the Austrian ar the 3d light infantrv. my. " In vain did the'enemy deploy all his cavalry in 44 Signed at the grand priory of Naples, before the plain of Kieti, our sharp shooters handled the aP"a ;iarcn u, i i . forded further caurs for the hatred and the en-l geance of tho-c whom she darei Is not by soldiers that the ideas of men can bo extirpated t ant taught by the events of the last year, that even afraid bis friend bed form, ami ln .C.l.t , a' soldiers have their periods of re flection j that life he roiled himself up ln his Buffaloe rX5 d tjtii mcig wen pracmru matninca ui war iaay i my uuwu . iia wai Clgnt dayl without an II A soracumes assert meir snaro oi Humanity anu oi iooa, anu was so exhausted tw .k.n 7. may turn their weapons to other purposes than stared him in the face, be was not able to tnk that of defending the thrones of despots, or that I any exertion, or noise to drive Kim iJ " oi executing the santminarr behests ol frreedvl i?6t him safe Into Hemntftnrl ' i ...v . . and ambitious tyrants, , ; Spain and Portugal still would lose his feet, but Dr. L y tohj me I remain in mo enjoyment oi meir ne wiy acquir- wouw noi even lose a toe l this not a wondr r . Art llk..tl.l . aMl.l. I mm. il.la .1... I m .Kill 1 . 1 1 1.1. ..... ... t. . 1 Ta . . . vu tiwvuiti I Mm IV la llllAsaluiv uiai I auic anu iui iai, uuk iiTCrillCICBS 11 IS StHCtly tlUe I jnjlaiid.calUong,contiaucJO beboldLwltKJddif- wentlo e?Wmij(y bc,Z)octot' in thla placed ferencc,thc westward progress of. that oriental did not hear all the particulars from hlm..ir . despotism which, while it pretends to preach the he?, ft. jn.nuch pain when 1 saw him, but I had safety of thrones, it manifestly aiming at the de it from the best authority. 1 He tcknowledires the struction of all the commerce, all the power, and hand of God in his wonderful preservation i. .11 L. t J J r.L . .? . TL .It -! I I Tl. . ... - IC ii ma mucuciiucnce di mo wcsicm nauuiii. i iioi is nuraic ne l a 81 lime 1 taw th nvfA. despotic spirit must be driven beyond the Wolga, he told me ho would soon be well t that he tvm.u or Europe will be toWtlli,hat' Egypf and Per? I6ie parr orithe WiiKot h'u great toet b?t . pccieu ii wouia oe replaced. ,J.et no one in the mpst trying circumstancei despair of the mercy of Cod." . , - lia were, in ancient davst to Assyria raais, apxil 1. A telegraphic dispatch an nounces that the Austrians entered Naples on the 2ith. -1- BOStOX, MAY 1 from India . We have received Calcutta pa- hiiizars severely, and killed a great number of them, including some superior officers. " After a warm fire had continued for seven hours, the enemy brought up reinforcements. His numbers soon became very superior to ours. The general ordered a retreat, whicli was c fleet ed without any of our troops receiving either a musket shot or a sabre cut. But the enemy ad vanced ; the fire of his artillery threw into disor der the second line of our militia ; who, perceiv ing that the troops composing the first line were retreating, believed thc corps defeated whkh they had so bravely sustained for seven hours under the hottest fire. Many of the battalions of. znuuu oispersed.' " The enemy, surprised at the " courage our troops had opposed to them,. did not venture to advance on any point but having learned from spies the disorders which had taken '.place, he seized the propitious momenr, and tried - with ; large; masses to force the passage orAntroduco." This defile was defended with extreme valor by ibfcxbrave geiuzJlussorwhoser:troops;rXoughi well but our troops were overcome by numbers, and the defile was carried. . Gen. Pepe then moved his head quarters to Sulmona, and on the iitn to Lastel di Sangro, where he intended to recompose his corps, and to present to the ene my that resistance which he ought to expect from Neapolitan soldiers when recovered from a first surprise. This corps will be recoenised. and will be rendered weH .worthy of. the esteem oi tne enemy and ot the nation. t This intelligence, is contained in a Neapolitan journal ( 1 4th ult.) which adds, gen. Pepe was ex- : " petted iii". Oirfapltalffid 4haT lie was' to be re phced by gen. Filanefi; . Marshal Verdinost whose column had sustained.no iOsslwas .also stated to be in the province of ChiettK embar rassing the enemy by manoeuvring qV his flanks, At Cap'ia a council of war was held, b the prince " regetit,"and on the breaking up of the council, lt.en. Fardella was despatched to Pl6rcncc on i JMnission to the king. " .( : , , A private letter from Naples, of the same date', declares, r that even thr defiles"of AntrtidiicO, . where a few men would "have sufficed .-In. arw;t the progress ofa whole coip of the enemy, were! B!,ScPc,P,Iely?,1anl that the fyfeWyts Raron AMBROSIO. Count FRYNELMONT." Sardinia.- A private letter from Paris, dated March 2 1, says : 4 A courier, who has arrived this day from Italy, states that thc affairs of Pied mont are not in that situation which has been re ported ; that the Provisionally junta have declar ed the prince of Carignano, and all other mem bers of the royal family, incapable of reigning. It is added, that they are making great prepara tions for marching on Milan, where they have been invited. The public are in the greatest anxiety to hear the news of this intended move ment.' " tp,:: tar3?eo5a,:riuchMn4jteJ The other accounts from that country, which have arrived by express, are as follows t - ruRiy, march 23. Tranquility and order prevail in this capital. If disorders and misfor tunes have occurred in the province, as welt as at Genoa, to the inconceivable conduct of the prince regentalc4iethcr-'must-4)e'attributed.The stre6tr6CTun'arcwfinH merous-jontingents -are arriving from all the provinces oflhe kingdom ; Count San Rosa, Minister of war and marine, has addressed an order of the day to them.' The Russian Minis ter, has taken his departure. It is to be hoped that the great powers will pot consent to any at tempt of Austria, to occupy Piedmont as well as Naples, a that-would be to .give up to her the whole of Italy. ' Iaxommeni intelligence, the .Liverpool Mercury of March 6th, (which contains President Monroe's Inaugural speech,) remarks as follows : . Tlie failure of- the Neapolitans to establish their, freedom, will be seriously lamented by all men of . Liberal sentiments, particularly at a mo ment when, as a confirmation of the beautiful theory of liberty .we present them with the in augural speech Of the president of a great nation, which-show? now-benefiriahto ihe human race tnose theories may be rendered practical. The Holjr Alliance may triumph over Naples, but A mtnc remains, a great and inextinguishable bea con to, direct our hopes and bur endeavors to the safij harborof constitutional government VV hile America remains frtei fand what ndwer on earth can ensaave ner f) kurope.cartrrot be wholly en i slaveO. "rilo wclhiak tlia the friends of freJ AXOTIIEll THEATRE BURNT. mm. , . . ymUDELFHIA, MAT 9. This morninr about 3 o'clock mus it;,n. pers to Jan,9, brought by the Indus. The latest again roused brSh'e crV of fire, a Th- a papers contain a variety of details of the proceed- were first discovered bursting Trom the roof nf w. an miujr uuuer vw. oiaiuiuc, 111 mo jiiw mc via i ncairc, situate in aouth street. The vince of Okamandel, and the reduction of the building had not been open for the preceding Fortress of Dwarka. The troops disembarked twentvfour hours. " Ahnuf in Tri- kr...i . b m -vwvbbbi i -mar m . 111 Nov. 24, at Kutch Cud. Vervalla and the tower the immediate neiphborhnnd. k..Mi j t r raa t . a I - " vav vuinif U1IU f 1 II Vark II IIMIM MAMaS. mKaM .1 Ku lL a,a.a.a I . - . t m 1 f I . k ... w. iiuH iiuiiuci auauuuiicu uj mo cnciii j. some oi me lamiues mat occupied them were The army immediately advanced and attacked unable to save an article of their furniture. Mr ajwarw, wnicn mey oouineu possession oi, alter John Diamond, dim er. whmu Hw.ii;nn. ,i a:.. a vigorous resistance on the part of thc garrison, tillery were near the theatre, has suffered a con- wi jwui wnuiii were awtm. sioeraoie joss, ine hrst notice he haH nf tU- A violent shock of an earthquake was felt in fire was from the scratchinff .and hnwiin nf various parts of India on the night of Dec. 31. dog at the door of his bed room. A Ball was held T a a a a . a I a . m. m VIA rersons walking were compeuea to stop, and in the theatre on Monday evening. Whether stand like one in a small boat, or a wagon in ra- the fire could have proceeded from this source, nr pid motion. There was nothing remarkable jq wa the work qf an incendiary, remains to be ie- me appearance oi mc nearens, unless u was me I termineu. unusual clearness of the atmosphere, and bnl- i! r . . . 'I he following is from the India Ca2ctte of Commolore Barron left this on Saturd. i,.,. Jan. 8 : I In the narlcrt nrhnnnrr Alarlr.TiTw. Cm 1 I - - VI IWI It appears that a war with Siam has beense- York, to attend the Court of Inouirr erder-ri ..." ' . . w . w v. . k . rinillw if.t.rmin.fl r . t fA.... f A mm ..Jl L!. . a .L. . !...., .? . r . .. uviiiiiiuu un me vuun ui ra, aiiuinis icjucai, jor mc iiiTcsuiriuuil OI cenain alle. great exertions have been set in progress for com- gations against him, to convene in that dtv on the mencing it with effect. I-arge supplies of money 1 10th inst. The Courtis to corislst of three cap- hsifl Kan mrill I tmA Cmrmm .11 . I. . mwm.mwmmm mm. A Sk l.tM. ...... . C ... L. . -. . if 1 . . I C. . . "vm ivwuiim aiuin mi tub iji VTiu,c, autu, ui I lams, in u ui wiiuiii a la WinniOUOrC OlCWan and consequence of the operation of this measure,! Captain Morris. Commodore Murray is not a money nas Decome very scarce at Kaneoon, and member, as has been stated. tne markets were of necessity very doll. - A body r ... ...' oi men was expcciea mere, amounting, wun ioi-l chaslxstox. mat 15. lowers, to ten thousand, under the command of fraud in Cotton Another instance of the de an officer of high rank. This was to be the mi- testable practice of fraud in the packing of cotton, cleus of a great rmy,ince it was to be augment- was detected lit vhia city on Friday ImT A lot d brtt.-fromcferT family in Peiru, and to conslstlne of fourteen bales at Ufcinftfhrlwl.. be afterwards increased further,in the same man- at 12f cent per lb. was purchased by a merchant -ner, as it passed through other provinces to the in King-street, pn examining which it appeared ciiciiijf iiuimcr. ncro u was impracucaDioi mat seven-oaies oi-tne iormerrano one of the to give a man, the family was to pay a sum of latter, consisted of terv inferior omlitv. 'inenl. from 80 to 100 ticals, and by this and other ex- ously plated on the outside, to the thickness of .uwua j m ccpiux u,c ruy I irom io j incnes, wun prime cotton. 1 he whole n Print atrl in mf&mlmwmm. m.m. ... I.. J.J tl I f . I . ? L .. . . .. . m - t on foot and in efficiency were to be provided." DOMESTIC. EXTRAORDINARY PRESERVATION. pa am, (it.) APaiL 7. Extract of a letter from a Lady in Franklin, Missouri, of unquestionable veracity, to another in this neighbor noou, oateu ua bruary, vau " Mr. Benjamin Fl Rogers, a native of Fayette county, Ky. and half brother to Dr. James Moss, late of Maysville, Ky. and his friend Mr. Carr, also from Fayette county, were on their re of the eight bales were adjudged, by four respec table merchants who called to examine the same, to be worth not more than 7 cents per lb. with the expense of mending and repacking, charged theteon It appears from the certificate of the persons who brought the cotton to town, and sold it. that it was owned and packed bv Cleuik M'Gauritti living on Sugar Creek, in Union District. Courier. WAsniSGTOir, h.cmat II. Corn This indispensable article has nearly- disappeared there is at this- time but little turn from Council Bluffs, as the cold weather 'm market for tale, and Is now selling at three dol- commenced. Rogers was sick and weak ; their ar barrel, and going off quick at that price, progress was slow, and a fall of snow exhausted v their horsesf and thejrhad to abandonrthmr I "tmtnfji was told the snow was three r feet deepriTheir - wiorfan;.fofan'nrT-An: gentleman who next attempt was to proceed by water, and they Wl" ca at Mr. Knapp s to-morrow in the fore went down the river until Mr. Rogers weak noon, may see an experiment made with a very state of health; and the accumulating ice, deter- simple apparatus, which goes to prove, that a i yes mined them to land and decile on Mr. R's. re- st i "ea may be imperceptibly drawn broad-side-maining until Mr. Carr would proceed to the set- wc out of -its course, by the attractive power of tlemchtrahd procure lieto UkTfiiin ihTTfie electricity ih 'a thunder cloud ; arid by that means, J scuicmem, or lnnaoitea part oi tne country, was I u,c OC8t manner aeceivea in nis caicuiauons, - liyLmwesuwant, anaiheJearecUcatmerweath? ildL er was cold, they might both perish, as Mr. Rog- been qst by this electrical phenomenon, ers was too weak to proceed. The snow was - " ' K raked off by his faithful friend, leaves gathered We understand that on Tuesday, the first of tor a nea, wood to last to his return, a fire kindled, May, about lour o'clock in the afternoon, two powder left him to kindle his fire in case it should white men, a Mr. Bishop and Mr. Garrett, and go out, a iiutialoe robe and a horse blanket left three negroes, were instantly killed by lightning, him, and all the provisions They had, a quart of "ear Mr. Trottfs, in. Barnwell Dlltntt, S. Li- corn. I he lriend took his leave, with nrnmUn I and hve others near them were at the same time , i - - . io return as soon-as a man and. horse could be severely injured Jlugunta sidvertttcr. procured. I he first night lie (Carr) stopped, he attempted to Kindle a nre, but his powder was Miss Wheaton r. Tompkins. Thisase was wet and he did not succeed ; he had to beat about tried at Albany, ;N. T. before chief justice a tree all night tor kee himself from freezing; SpelicdK It was in uus manner ne reacnen tne settlement, and as ae-e. The fofcnAznt nmved tn lie worth soon as he could, with the necessary help, return- g400, and the jucy took the whole of it for the ed to his friend. In the mean time a fall of snow poor girl, who had been so shamefully deserted, Piwucu.. ims-auuca io me aitticuity ot hnd- after two years courtship. o piav.c nucic uc jiaa icii nis tiienth lie t it was near Cow Island, and SDent manv : 9ovfal oM,nt.rf:. Tniin nte! 'nnrobrt- days exploring that quarter fearing Rogers had ing to be on the Principal of the State Bank of moyeq nis ground. Ndrth CaYolina, have iStelv been presented. jot succeeding in i bis search as he left him on The two we have? seen were made payable to iLB u uuniMoun, ne wa determined to pro- M. Stokesf nd badly txeeuied; The smaliesi cced higher un. and nn rh it av t. i.r I j ,. , . . uiii ,im CiV Hiicnuon wiuuciccJt tne spurious nuics. him, he tound him 40 or 50 miles from his search. ' - Rnlneh 'Star. but where he had actually left him. He observ. The V the 12th a gm ,1 W mm, w a. a. M Vl WIMV XrfVUl ( u a rise- oi snow. aMrmi a palpitatinIearf he :wiht W 1 "i'ranfi saw a piece ot miiialoc . . tope- sucking out and ( burg Merchants and the V; SrBraiKhtok 3'3 .1..,:,

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