. l r.,. , , ,. I, 1 1 i V a in ft.lLISlWUX, X 0, TJUSU.V, JVJttl 5, '181. .o. r2. VOIi. I. t - f I i " J . a , - M , - . A - I - ' , - HtlTIB AID rCIUm, TT TKMOAT, Dr BINUIIAM - fc WHITE. - Tic aubacription price of the Wimu Ciaoimas is TlA Dollar, pa annum, payable half-yearly in advance. ONo paper will be discontinued until all arrearages .5L unlru at the discretion of the editors n - Whoever will become responsible for, the payment of fW ppera, shall receive tenth grutu - AoTiaTiiimiTs will be inserted on" Ue customary . . V.raona aendinirdn Advertisements, oit apecify the number of timea they wish them inserted, or they wUl be continued till ordered out, anu ciurgi-u cordingly. Noadvertiacmentinacrted until it lias been paulfor, or iti payment uturocd .by aome person in Uiistown, or jta vicinity. 4, t. C3-A11 lettera to tlu editor mnai Unpaid, or they will not be attended to. - New Ooodft. rnilE subscriber is now opening, at hit Store in Salii X burn, a general and well selected assortment of Dry Goods. Hard-Ware and. Medicines " Just received direct from New-York and Philadelphia . It I A ..-.II Bnm..als and hid in at pricien that will enoic mm m icm . ably low. Ilia customers, and the public, are respect fully invited to call' and examine for themselves. AH kipda of Country Produce received m exchange. - ia27 ' "'"" T r to ot& ifiulwluV mwe nt . THE subscriber'Takcs thfa method of informing his friends, and the public In general, that he has estab lished himself in the house formerly occupied by the ' Rev. Peter Eaton, in the. Town of Uuntsville, Surry ., vnVfKX!9Mi;na and fix been at considerable expense in making hia room commodious anJ comforta ble, for the reception, of Travellers, and all who may fa- vorlnm witn tneircusiom, im divu-... - y - ...:.k i nf fh heat n'ualitv. and his Stables with every thing requisite for Horses'; and hopes by particu lar attention, to merit a share of public patronage.i fr...fi n. ir iROn 10tf N B The aubacriber continuea to carry on the cw inet 'llu.inh and wiU execute all order with neatness i r,, rni crrtiit. or country niwuv-.. aN the 16th of April the exercice of the male d ftfiKT. InrtlhitTonVommeilCedinKlCTtlie care of the Rev. Dr. Freeman, who will also aupenntend the tducation or the femaica. uunng upwarus m wc,,l7 ycara Dr. Freeman haa preaided,. principally, over the v. . i i . r.l.4nn uul K. Km In tint nouriNiiing acaucmicB .iuur , . , . State from which institutions he received the most hon orable testimonies of hit superior talcnta ai a teacher nd his uncommon tuteess in U diflkult task of uniting gentleness with' due regard to discipline, In the gov. cnuncnt of.hia,pupna.xThc beat cridcmTCtnch can be given of the qualificaliona of Dr. Freeman, may be derifedfrom the facts, that during this whole period, ifc lirli hm Iiai nrefllilcd have flour- litu aiiW4tavawiw w . " , , . . . . . 1 t... at... uutlhr.fiinii wlied beyond anv lormcr example, rw uw ..r m.Ka maw nnt riialntcd with the character of Dr. Freeman, wc would aubjoin Uie following ex tracts, from a "voluntary tribute of thanks" commuiuca- K. k Tmtii NVwbern Academy, on Dis reur- ing from their aenice among whom we notice some or tlie most aisungniicu iiun vu . v . direction, has flourished be yond all former experience. In school discipline, in the varied qualifications of a teacher, in lucccss in advancing the progress of his pupils and in unwearied diligence and leal, Dr. Freeman has always been considered by rivitlriL mid entitled to their undivided .knnU'l...l.rnttiit aim! the Trustees would avail themselves of the opportunity to tender their testimony in the higlicHt conimcii Ja::'.)ii o: uis social, uwrsi, 1 he following hranrlics of education are tauglit i Eng. r. I. i i:. u ..'.iim. vll'.nu- rli lime tie. Mathemat ics, Gcojrraphy. and use of th- l.lobes, Natural and Moral ... . ' - . .n,l 1 nits AG1UGULTURAL. 4, Columbia's sons spurn not the rugged toil ; our nation'slory is a cultur'd soil. without nccdinor itielf a touch of the blwrh ww aT than, leaving attripof thcoldriuijft M"nar-; row, maia urge iruwci-iiuc'jjiuuu wim iw , mould boards, may split it.And-thua three' lurrowi reverse riugct 01 live ana a nan icci wide The old water .lurrow enables tne I iilnuffhW to he done deeher than could other wise be effected, as it is a receptacle for the two slices by which it is filled j and these leave, . - . . .., , . t- ! . wide and dtep lurrowi, 10 recrtvc cacn moi.: cty of the residue of the old ridges. The deep ploughing and complete subversion of the aod, produced by the strengtn oi tnree nor "I,T?.l.t!,!!S?.VJia. r''i tiv anoN ses. with the advantage of the water furrow to Or imiiai wuiui. receive uic butts, uuiy u duw', vt XT. CLlnn.r ' Vnn kivp rrfrretted to mc Lnnmi.rr tti tfriimrnt. which CTtatlv facil- that you did not receive more communica- jtatcs thc culture of the corn crop. If the tions from North Carolina, a state from which ploughing has been well executed according you numbered so many respectable patrons to t0 the mode just described, it will be found by 1. !. ... Iw. I .nt jtnli.rl ih lf llirri- ! - m.'.jV Irttex tm rmiTf ff flip flPW your pajiJcr.- n w uv ' vv running suv iuw nv w. . is not more interest felt and displayed in this ridge, that it will penetrate a mass of loosen state on the important suject of agricultural e j carth ten or twelve inches deep, before if improvement ; more especially so, when it is rcaqhcs the hard pan below, and precisely too considered that North Carolina U almost en- m ti,e placc where the Indian com is to stand tircly agricultural, as thc number of those aml giow, which gives fine scope for Us roots engaged in other pursuits, can be said to bear l0 pUh forth deep and vigorously in every il lmulfl thr.re have been turned .1 In l. - ..ltii"t'mn n( the earth. Whvlnn.lr i rrnni I rnnt of recretable matter, it is ics, lje()irrapny, ana use oi in' ooc, i'ibiui-i i gaijtu iu iuim - - i uuu. - -o - w . . rii.iosopiiv, luicionc, l.ogic, uuui;i"ivi does not tnis siaic crauiaic mc nuv i a-ih- i ounco so iuw uy means wi viv. . itahne and Jugurtha, Horace Uirough- energy to agricultural improvement, tcd, and to sprout in a bed of clean carth a- WenhaJTs Grammar, Creek and what is not to be disregarded, added high bove it. By the advantages of high ridges elists and Acts of thc Ajxwtles, Grxca j.. jn ne pUblic eye to its importance and res- and deep furrows you not only gain a much aiora, Xcnophon, Homer, Neilson's rf i,,r .u. fact tiiat their most distin- deener tilth, but vou do the work in less time uwlv Ir . . . c I . r l - Llf f. .1,1 r'"'"'V:i' . n, r.,m,n win be as- iruishcd citizens were tne mosi .orwaru iu my reversing r.vc anu a iu i.ub . .isted by Miss siateV; in the library and clW.cal Jrornotc so laudable an object. II there is a hree slices) than the same ground could be .ranches, while Miss Mitchell will continue to conduct 8Utc .n jjnion where agriculture eminent- ploughed by flushing it into a flat surface. ornamental. Of the talents and qualifications of rl nntrnni7ed. I PKnt'inn rnmmrnrn hv onenin? a furrOW .k. mL W.,it .nnmhation. r u.. , K'ifrhlv diversified, but cene- nlnncrh havintr two mould boarus, ana l en- out, M-uYs Introduction, Prosody In Greek Valpy's c Testament, Evangelists Minora, Grxca Majors, am S Exercises anrt rrowMiy mpiccxpcnciicc, r )3 Jn una, hhuv- novuiv. "v w... "-o- . can give the most decided approbation. 0f her gifts-.a highly diversified, but gene- plough having two mould boards, and l en iTi1p uch ausniccs. tlie Trustees feel assured this , i;-,-,,. nffr tn the cul- Ll.ovnr tn hav the furrow as deeD as nractl InstituUon must flourish. To render it a nursery of all . t - r h. ,.khr. at Charlotte, Mcckl I I Ail ! ' . ' , Jl burg w4nty,N.Carolina,aNcgroBoy by thq name of SIMON, dark complexion, stoat made, and five feet seven or eiirht inchea hU. 1 le speaka low whe n spoken to. It ia supposed thathe will make towas mc cot mj of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased m that county. I wiU give the above reward if the aid negro i, delfvered to W JITO, Concord, Cabarma count;-, or 2 doUar. if -cured a any jail, and Womtf mn given, w that I get him again. EVAN H J March 24, 1821. 50 ; The Editors of thc Richmond Enquircrare requested to insert the above advertisement aix vaeks and semi their account to the office of the Astern Carolinian tor payment. N- THE wibscriber Ukei this method to Inform the pub v. intnda carnintr onthc JuLLIM.n BUSINESS, in all its various branches.7....viz : Mai.in Ladies' Dresses, Head Dresses, Bonnets, &c. &c Having procured aome of die newest Northern and Southern fashions, she flatters herself with the ; hope of being able to suit the taste of the ladies of Salisbury, and those ot the adjacent country. She will alter and clean Straw Bonnets. Merchants wishing to have goods worked up, can procure them done at short notice; andon reasonable terms, by applvihg to the subscriber atMr.Wm.- Rough-, nexUooVto Mr. John Beard's, Man street; Salisbury. Order from tually attended to. ELLEN IL'i . - Salisbury, Mas 18,-1821. .. . 50 -, , ;;;; . " NORTH CAROLINA, eo.orr...ofpieM 1821: Stephen Herring, assignee, ..7amW Bolt hcrCharlcsBoltTaenTT-Orlginal attachment;: levied n four negroes, &c. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendants are inhabitant of another state, it is therefore Ordered, that publication i be made in the Western Carolinian for three months, that unless the defendanta appear at the nexi Court of Pleas and id for the cohntvof Surry, at the court-house in Rockford, on tlte second Monday ot August next, and thfcn and Uiere replevy, ami pica.. iue. judgment final wiU be entered up agmcrA accorngto the plaintiffs demand. Witness Joseph Williams, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 2d Monday U'May, A.I). 1821. . wri , i3wt62 J. WITXIAMS, Ckrh. IVI 11V1 K"" o V ' w , II o t . . .i a ...mA riimim nffer tn the cul-1 ,i.ovnr trt hvr the. furrow as deeD as nractl' render it a nursery of all , ..L.. j: .mK rnvrr t e nolite and useful branches of education, aa well as of Uvator, US a ricn rewaru lor nis ions, : u.v caoic, wuiioui u.atu. u.6 i..v , vb uic ; :i. .,! forlmtr. will L.i 1 l....'.M. nltfr fnr austetiance. turned tinder below, in Order that the COTO. ""v. o . I ValUCvl UlVUUkliUii't . . , .v.. . ul tkv fprl confidence in I r f. ,U nimi. I 1 ,rl l..n Mv rrstnnii fnr rleen ivinn-. tVirno similar inUtuUon in me nmc tu ww nr.nmifi .u... . ,k i . t '..I. ! n e tn t a nr an m 1 . I J..it. ... ili.i ivdm WM nrt CflfflmraCfd iiDerior atlvantarcs. roUS rivers vriuvii unci tv mv v.... jWuuujj t w mwv. - lim...PT ..i". j kv.. ",im-1 .. f:r..:- lUlr novirritinn wai Kkilfullv lUn .vttm rf ridcrinir in this section of the ding, Writing, Spelling, English Grammar, Pikes :mDrovcj for conveying those products to rea- state, we committed the error of not opening thmc, ,ir1.t.. Let the motto of every Caroli- the ridtre deen enouch, and of planting the Read or rV k V xvhiXv', .nd Tvfcis i stories, Blair's Uheto- dy markets. Let the motto ot every uarou- lhe ridge ueep enougn, anu oi pMnuuS Globes, Whelpley s and Ijlerjii ,st0"cVl, u:i" ... it .u m..k on,l U n dn. .Z, ,nU . th rmurnnmrc was that the a: a.iniiiM I'm nannnv miimi r iiimimi i nnn 1 1 - iiniiiiiii l ic auua' u mssv wt v i in is iiiii iiil.ii aa" - - - phy, Astronomy, Andrew's Logic, chemistry, Euclid, . appreciate the great natural advantages we corn did not take good root, that when it grew Composite and, if reimi, Aigeora, a..u - improve them, and we large, it fell down by its own weight, ana mat guages. ,. ' P(.onthf rich harvest of Individual Lverv trust of wind prostrated it injuriously. As it 18 WC nauirai luspi-'ssiwii vi juumm - 1 yo . .. - ..-..-...i .n'.ntnTtravairance. thc trustees earnestly fn Prmnrritv ami State ImDor- But amce it ha been planted deeper, mucn ta- deaire that parents or guardians bringing scholars to this is saved in putting dirtf to the corn, for 1 J 1 1 ..1 .m.l.r tlio cnpnal care oflWllCC. . . . . , .1 i acwiemj, s muiu , . I , fo ...1, ert nf this com- f there is a mass ot looseneu earin arouna, some udicious person, witli insirucuonn 10 , u i '"r. ! ' " . 1 1 ul.i their wants, and regulate their purchases of ncccs3a7 munication, which is to oiler some remarks the roots will lane a wiuc anu sure uuiu u.. u .rt.rlr nut of the stores. The importance of this requi- 1 tliA riihivntion of Unil nnd will stand up well. I nave a ma- H. .... - - - a 1 1 111 1 1 r. r. r r i.uu j n i p i w - - sition must be apparent to every person ot .reneciion ,.,.,1 f Vnnr Intr n.imhfrs rhine fnr roverincr the seed com which effects i ! . tuf nn ntnnr lnieresi in i muidu vvji h. --'-'" 7 " - t .. i laoour v nn u juu iuuju corn per day, if drawn by a irse as ten hands can drop : it pvneiisc ill erecting lo larije anu couiiiiuuiw"--"'"---i irionu yuui iuu",Hlu -m a . - - . . expenst. muuvi j, j, o.u ,;if.c fOP J , r - i i... : l I Knv K fnr nart eonsistincr in procuring maps, unci ouier hhhi:i..-u. offer VOU mine, sanciioueu . uy 'cikhu. niuuacu y r - 0 the schools. Besides these disbursements, the current nn;n tA . att tulril to of teeth knocks off all the clods that may be .a -au :n.i;nnC,KU that narents and sruardians . i .t. . r f ll rKrr nner.mons de vera the com With tne lOOSenea C.arin. anu U luinriurei"''-i'" . " WlllCll II1C aui-Ltj j - i , e t f should be punctual in paying the tuition barges s and plouchinc. The Maize is a all done at one stroke of the machine. It is to avoW the u.uxrUinty and trouble of after collection pends, is deep p oug e , f tft well a(lantetl t0 cover all Other drilled a.! :.:..i.r .nIN thnt iivn -tuition monevvm-au i uttie tree, anu hm iw" vn.v r- " I'l:. T. when the certificate of admission is m filrite Ueeii rin the earth for crops, such as peas, cottonseed, sweet ana I. ' ... r.. n-n.nf nrMrti. 1 r As soon as the -corn is- Kt ii wi. "j wu . . T c. i- Unetpnnnrc antl iiciicc rebuilt .-. w oi.ivu i .v.v.., .... to l.'pn I filrlv nn the cultivator is intioduced, an im- rWSOdoltotl.eyc,, H'l-r..t..innrfrinri.ge, .hose who r.i. drillcrop,. i..- -- - -- - - -- . -v . i. h :.i r .uc Wa orn rn. hnr. nenetrates to the acptn oi aixin- XI uirecwn w --"-"";,-;--. v o , o-l- : A I UA nrth J.-.trnvfrt-ass and WltnOUt eXpOS- have renuired tne paymeni oi uiu mint nav........, Siij-lace, anu in less tunc ivu ! : . u . f , . evprv. share subscribed, to . ,, :- f -wl rl I ntr itif nil to the sun. -Alter tne cultivators be sold at Auction, in the town of i.incolnton, o the 18th tthat was the first and. .cardinal troduccd,e-hoe.tollowjlg. dav of June next; and if thc stock should not srn ur " -v-- . . hoe wbrk is lieht, as the hoers have th; amoimt due, with int.reat from t - Ume i jas ca , 4hftllt fou, inches alonC the line cirrofTand expenses ot sale, tne siocKiioyien. m Umprovement OI , Joiiu, aui;o v...;'; . " . , a J .J,"T?y-, knva'Vtf '1 9 immediately proceeded against for die balance, acconl- . 0rj(. $oi, J would; rather com, onhe centre of theJldgC, boys OI 1- ine to the terms of the charter. I6,.'- ,',,, Km dppn nlnnphini?. I ' " . . .. SURRY county: COURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, for May, A, 1). 1821 : President and Directors of the State Bank Orifrin.'il attachment levied on land. It appearing to the satisfaction, of court, that the deTendant is an inhabitant of anothgrstate, it is therefore f )..,"...... lv Vniirt' that nnhVif-itTfin he made irt the Al-.xt'vn n.iroluiifin fnp.tliree months, that UlllCSS the defendant appear at the next Court.of Pleas and Quarter Vienna tn he hnld fnv ihn e.oillltv of SuiTV. at the, COUrt . house in Ubckford, on the- '2d Monday 'of August vrxt, ... . . . 1 1 I 1 "...IMmAmff- mid then and there replevy ana picaaio issue, jou'"'1 - r,. .l . ; l'v nfpfil iih fin-ninnt 4iim. areordinif 4P the pl:untitt's demaml. uuness. joscpn nuaniis iciiw.. liv order of die Boartl, ISAAC T. VM:'Presitli:nt. C-,MM.-V.rr 0 db. with 56W-S8S hf.J2S . . ra rnii iii'ii w .1 m i i i i in 11:1 iimi t w . . i. as., aii nnn tnw iiiinnir aa atom -"rit: ThiaDractice ' ' . -, V t u: 1 : mov ncalanre conical hill immediately a- (however exnausteuoy uccp 1nuuH-6v-- and chanee Of crops without the aid of animal Siaee of two or three feet circumference a- Dnose a held in the posi- L,, . the -talk t which was m fact taking the curt trom . , . . . . . . i - . .. . r m. Apni, a iE. . "o . I . c- -i j r. rill. live I tt nlace where there was me greaicnno vi ww,- Hvlcs of Lincoln county; N.C. Saul negro is of a dark tion of ridges and lurrows the ridges live to PfJ"n . injury by stifling those Mnn-kv-i a vtnn i ni it i i t i ii-iii j 1 1 iv i iv 3 niL.iii .w-.- - - n r s i rB n'lii ifr-a :iimi i. uuiu vaaKsw i . i- i i. & 1 1 miia wrxww ra ar iiip hi n.ai r. ui bItIllLlVillilI "Vav - - " ' - " ' I aiJU 4 I V V, 1 mumtuiiici? wuiu;,." -. maniirp ' I .et US SUDDOSe a UCIU ill wuoi- a :i .BMw:nn fallow, who savs he bclontrs to Jacob manure. uius uuv i TN Montgomery county, North-Larolina, on tne 10111 oi J. j centre, P Zu:;,t " .f,Uh' at' the .Saceof 35 years of age, and says his name is TOM. 1 hc-owner - vewateyTurrow:;6elween he' und to support'it agaiW winds. 1 In deep and pul i, reouested to coe forwarc W JSJ. 2" 1? Lt it is to be broken Up for Indian SVoumUe greaSt ramification of corn roo away ...s property, ouicrw.,. y ' r the will be found at some stance rom , tne ataia, ---- tended-to. r. j- corn. I wouui mvv v, T - ncegaitv Under such circumsUnces, to aiu uic jAn7 29ii82t. .. 4W4J .:.1A .a'.ntr tli4 ntW ridne over the OlU . .. r j:-!mmi,1,at.1ir arniindit. as ltTSlll in sucn iiuuia mill iiiumiiK, o . uv a iiiu ui.uni iuiiux"""- . ... s - . l .un,i. ., . -r i. .1 .. f itscii. see uns - - - , , ., . r . , . -(j,;- mater lurrow : in uointr anis, mutu "la.prenamtaoii, -i" "k'-vv . 11 A V Hv from the anbrtther, living -wOincoln I WAlCf Uij m n , ,, vrrr-; - -iKSrTh'tl pluntiA'ademami: W.tne Joseph Williams, Clerk of H countyseven miles above Lirolnton, on tl South saved in ploughing, because mc uH - Agriculturc aaid court, at dfficc, thc 2d Monday of May, 1821. Fork, on thc 3d instant, , a Ncgrp toan lmcd TOM - furrow enables the plough to cut ol a WIQC , ; . Mt62 1 J. WILLIAMS', Or.- Tom is 35 1 tar or age, ,ic fMtt vxM .tche,f iU?'i -4icT- -each kli: df it 1V hichlt 13 filled, - Ut furrow b apppopriatsd to the W'nwl " ' : 'l illaUKiS . Anrpewmrifftfhiminittv il, orbingm V-'jJri.p caVh roV't J turic.t.ftf by ibe tween thc Jwtftwoeii! v - Officerfthe ttmoumv, .?tMKl821. U.r JAV" a r. . ( " 4 I ' - , - r A k ; - . . . . s -" , 1 N - - - i "

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