The MrsE ! whate'er the Muse inspires, My soul the tuneful strain admires.. ..pcott. TO THE MOO.N', O maker of sweet poets ! dear delight Of this fair world, and all its gentle livers ; Spangler of clouds halo of chrystarrivers, stingier with leaves, and dew, and tumbling" streams, Closer of lovely eyes to lovely dreams, Lover of loneliness and wandering-, Of upcast and tender pondering ! Thee, must I praise, above all other glories That smilest us on to tell delightful storiei. There is a love tha lasts awhile, A one-day's flower, no more, Opes in the sunshine of a smile, And shuts when clouds come o'er. There is a love that ever lasts, A shrub that's always green ; Ijt flowers anv.d the bitter blast-, And decks a wint'ry scene. A check, an eye, a well turn'd foot May give the first its birth, The flow'ret has but little root. And asks but little earth ! No scanty soil true love must find ts Its vi-or to contrcl ; It roots itself upon the mind, And strikes into the soul ! Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it alt its flavor. EGYPTIAN TOMBS AND MUMMIES. Extracted from a review of "Bekoni's Oper ations and Discoveries in Egypt," in the last number of the Quarterly Review. The inconvenience, and, we may add, the hazard of visiting these sej -ulchres, can only be duly appreciated by ih -se who have made the experi ment ; r.nd nothing but an extraordina ry degree of enthusiasm for research es of ihis kind could have supported our traveller in the numerous descents which he made into the mummy pits of Eypt, and through the long nar ftjw subterraneous passages, particu larlv it convenient for a man of his size. His own account of these difficulties is extremely interesting. Of some of these tombs many per sons could not withstand the suffoca ting air, which often causes fainting. A vast quantity of dust rises, so fine that it enters the throat and nostrils, and chokes the nose and mouth to such a degree, that it requires great power of lungs to resist ii and the strong ef- J fluvia of the mummies. This is not: all; the entry or passage where the: bodies are is roughly cut in the rocks, and die falling of the sand from the up- . per pait or ceiling of the passage cau- t: ses it to be nearly filled up. In some ; places there is not more than the va- cancv of a loot left which ou must connive to pass through in a creeping position like a snail, on pointed and keen stones, that cut like glass. After gc. tting through these passages, some of them two or three hundred vards long, you generally find a more com modious place, perhaps high enough to sit. But what a place to rest! sui rounded by bodies, bv heaps of mum mies in all directions ; which, previous to my being "accustomed to the sight,! impressed me with horror. The black ness of the wall, the faint light given by the candles or torches for want of air, the different objects that surround ed me, seeming to converse with each other, and the Arabs with the candles or torches in their hands, naked and covered with dust, themselves resem bling living mummies, absolutely form ed a scene that cannot be described. In .such a situation I found mvself several times, and often returned exhausted and tainting, till at last 1 became mur- rd to it, and indifferent to what I suf fered, except from the dust, which nev r failed to choke my throat and nose ; aid though, fortunately, I am destitute of the sense of smelling, 1 could taste that the mummies were rather unpleas- ant to swallow.- After the exertion of ' entering into such a place, through a passage of fifty, a hundred, three hun- urea, or pernaps six nunarea yards, Nearly overcome, I sought a resting place, found one, and contrived to sit ; but wlwn my weight bore on the body fj of an Egyptian, it crushed it like a ) bd-box. I-naturally had recourse to m' nds to sustain my weight,, but. Lrne ovid no petter support I sun!: altogether among the broken A io activc llFe- JY obslerv?.tl0n mummies, with a crash of bones, raKS,i and -'flection upon others we begin an ami woodtfii cases, whirh ra5i eY acquaintance with human nature, dast, as kept me motionless for a quar-L'xtei,d our,V7s .e mu T, ter of an hour, waiting till it subside and are enabled to accll,ire such a habl again. I could not remove fror tne of discernment, and correctness of nlace. however, withnnf ;rrp-inc it, judgment, as. others obtain only by and every step I took I crusb-d a mum my in some part or otheri. Once I was conducted from such a place to another resembling it, through a passage of a bout twenty feet in length, and no wi der than that a body ould be forced through. It was choked with mum mies, and I could not ptss without put ting my lace in contact;vith that of some decayed Egyptian ; bat as the passage inclined downwards, my w" weight helped me on : hovevcr, I could not avoid being cove-ed wilh bones, legs, arms and heac" rolling from above. Thus I proceeded from one cave to an other, all fil of mummies piled up in various, some standing, some ly ing, anJ some on their heads. The purpose of my researches was to rob the Egyptians of theirpapyri ; of which I found a few hidden in their breasts, under their arms, in the tpace above the knees, or on the legs, and covered by the numerous folds of cloth, that en velop the mummy., The people of Gournou, who make a trade of antiqui ties of this sort, arc very jealous of strangers, and keep them as secret as possible, deceiving travellers by pre tending, that they have arrived at the end of the pits, when they are scarcely at the entrance. I could never prevail on them to conduct me into these pla ces till this my second voyage, when I succeeded in obtaining admission into any cave where mummies were to be seen.' The tombs in the Beban el Molook were more capacious. The first that was opened had a staircase eight feet wide and ten feet high, at the foot of which were four mummies in their ca ses, flat on the ground, with their heads tow ards the stairs ; further on w ere four more in the same direction ; one of them had a covering thrown over it exactly like the pall on the coffins of the present day. 4 I went through the operation of ex amining all these mummies one by one. They were much alike in their foldings, except that which had the painted lin en over it. Among the others I found one, that had new linen, apparently, put over the old rags ; which proves, that the Egyptians took great care of their dead, even for many years after their decease. That which was distin guished from all the rest, I observed was dressed in finer linen, and more neatly wrapped up. It had garlands of flowers and leaves, and on the side over the heart I found a plate of the metal which I hrve already described, soft like lead, covered with another metal, not unlike silver leaf. It had the eyes of a cow, which so often rep resents Isis, engraved on it ; and in the centre of the breast was another plate, with the winged globe. Both plates were nearly six inches long. On un folding the linen, we still found it very fine, which was not the case with the t ur mummies ; for, after three or four loldings, it was generally of a coarser kind. At last we came to the body, of which nothing was to be seen but the bones, which had assumed a vellow tint. The case was in part painted : but the linen cloth covering it fell to pieces as soon as it was touched, I be lieve owing to the paint that was on it, which consisted of various devices and flowers.' ADVANTAGES OF A KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORY. selected. If we consider the knowledge of his tory with regard to its application, we shall find that it is eminently useful to us in three respects, viz. as it appears in a moral, a political, and a religious point of view. In a moral point of view, it is bene ficial to mankind at large, as the guide of their conduct. In a political as it suggests useful expedients to those who exercise the public offices of the state, whether they are kings, minis ters, or magistrates ; or as it enables us to form, by comparison with those who have gone before them, a just estimate of their merits. In a religious, as it teaches us to regard the Supreme Be ing as the governor of the universe, and the sovereign disposer of all events. The faculties of the soul are improv ed by exercise ; and nothing is more proper to enlarge, to quicken, and to refine them, than a survey of the con duct of mankind. History supplies us yjth--,-jxil-aCfac' nd submits them y.gL.r3ll-1 I J T I II VI V. I ' experiencer We thus by anticipation are conversant with the busy scenes of the world ; by revolving the lives of sages and heroes, we exercise our vir tues in a review, and prepare them for approaching action. We learn the motives, the opinions, and the passions of the men who have lived before us ; and the fruit of that studv is a more perfect knowledge of ourselves' and a correction of our failings by their ex- i amples. At the same time we form those general principles ot conduct, which must necessarily be true and commendable, because they are foun ded upon the immutable decrees of right reason, and are sanctioned by the uniform authority and practice" of the wise and good of all ages. Our own experience is imperfect, but the examples of ancient times are complete. Actual observation gives only a partial knowledge of mankind ; great events and important transactions open very slowly upon us ; and the shortness of human life enables us only to see detached parts of them. We are not placed at a proper distance to judge rightly of their real nature md magnitude. Heated by our passions, hurried on by precipitation, and imsitd by interest and prejudice, we view the affairs uf the present times through an obscure Si partial medium, &: frequent ly form very wrong opinions of them. On the contrary, the examples of his tory are distinct and clear, they are presented to us at full length, and we can contemplate them in their origin, progress, and termination. We consi- der them at our leisure, and decide up on the ac tions of those, who are remov ed by time to a great distance from us, with a cool and dispassionate judgment. Experience and the knowledge of history reflect mutual light, and afford mutual assistance. Without the for mer no one can act with address and dexterity. Without the latter no one can add to the natural resources of his own mind a knowledge of those pre cepts and examples, which have ten ded to form the character and promote the glory of eminent men. Scipio Af ricanus employed many of his leisure hours in a diligent perusal of the works of Xenophon ; and the Commentaries of Caesar improved the military talents of the illustrious Eugene. History contributes to divest us ot many unreasonable prejudices, by en larcrincr our acciuaintance with the world. It sets us at liberty from tha blind partiality to our native country, which is the sure mark of a contracted mind, when due merit is not allowed to any other. It may be serviceable ei ther as the assistant of Foreign Travel or as its substitute, by removing an aversion to nations and institution-. different from our own. It rectifies mm mt our opinions with respect to ancient and modern times, and thus enables us to form a just estimate of mankind in all countries as well as in all ages. This study likewise tends to strength en our abhorrence of vice ; and creates a relish for true greatness and solid glory. We see the hero and the phi losopher represented in their proper colours ; and as magnanimity, honour, integrity, andgenerosity,when display ed in illustrious instances, naturally make a favourable impression on our minds, our attachment to them is gra dually formed. The fire of enthusi asm and virtuous emulation is lighted, and we long to practise what we have been instructed to approve. History likewise is the foundation, upon which is built the true science of government. It is the proper school for princes, politicians, and legislators. They need not have recourse for in struction to the Republic of Plato, the Utopia of more, or the Oceana of riarnngton. in tneir deliberations upon state affairs they can form no safer plans for the guidance of their conduct, than from the contemplation of facts. In the records of various states they may observe by what means national happiness has been successful ly pursued, and public liberty has been firmly established: in what manner laws have answered the ends of their institution in. the reformation of man ners, and the promotion of the general good ; and thence they may draw such conclusions as may be most advanta geous in the regulation of the affairs of their own country. In the volumes of history likewise we see the most deceitful an LVL 9 men stripped of their disguise of arti- mi m . hce and dissimulation, their designs develoned, and their stratagems expo- sed. By thef all of the great and pow erful into a state of disgrace and indi- gence, as well as by the revolutions oi empires, we are not so liable to be astonished at the events which pass be fore our ovvn eyes. The reverses of fortune so Trequently recorded in the Daores of former times convince us ot the mutability of worldly a flairs, and m m the precariousness ot all human gran deur. The nortraits, busts, and statues of the hero, the legislator, the patriot, and the philosopher, form a most edi- tying school for the ingenious mmu. The Roman vouth, accustomed to view the imaces of their illustrious ancestors decorated with the emblems of the highest offices of the state, and crown ed with the wreaths of victory, were fired with the love of glory, and strove to emulate their exploits. History in a similar manner, by transmitting the spirit of excellence from one mind to another, excites a desire for what ever is fair and good, and engages even the passions on the side of the judg ment. It fixes the strongest and most lasting impressions upon the mind, sanctions the arguments of reason, and irives life to the lessons of morality How tame : spiritless are the precepts of wisdom, even when taught by a So crates or a Plato, if compared with the more animated oeauties ot virtues, ex emplified in the actions of an Aristides, or a Phocion ! I o the former wre on ly crive the cold assent of the iudtrment : of the latter we express our admiration with rapture ; they call forth our enco miums, thev excite a spirit of emula- m M. - tion, and we are eager to show by our conduct the great influence which the) have rrained over our hearts. But what is this homage, which is paid almost involuntarily to such geat and illustrious examples? It is un doubtedly the voice of nature, and the suggestion of reason pure and uncor runted bv the bad nractices of the w orld. It is the decision of a correct judgment, and the proof of a genuine taste tor true greatness ana soiia glory. In order therefore to form a virtuous character, and to be distinguished for the most laudable actions, it is an object of the first concern to be ever attentive to this voice, and to conform to its wise and friendly admonitions. to be COXTIXUED. A 7icxv Subject for Speculation. A gentleman, more remarkable for his pomposity, than for any other known possession, came into one of the news offices (not a hundred years ago) and after reading the bulletin and survey ing the by-standers with an air indica tive of his cum importance, marched out with his hands in his pockets, and, as the phrase is, with nothing in his pockets but his hands. 44 Begar !" said . waggish Frenchman who was pres ent, " I tink dat von ver fine subject for de speculation, dat leet gentiman jus gon out suppose I shall buy him pour vat he be worth, and sell him pour vat he thik himself ivorth, parblieu I I vill make too much de l'argent. N. T. paper The reason -wliy -women have no beard. Nature adapting- all thing's in their place, Planted no beard upon a woman's face ; Not Packwood's razors, tho' the very best, Could shave a chin that never is at rest. ?HOM THE RUOUE-ISI.AXD AMEHICA3T. The following eloquent and impressive article is taken from a popular French Essay on indif ference in matters of Itelis?ion, bv the Abbe de la Mcnnais. u In the history of Christianity, nations commence and end :they pass with their customs, their laws, their opinions, their science ; one only doctrine remains always believed) notwithstanding the interest which the passions have not to believe it ; always immovable in the midst of this ra pid and perpetual movement ; always at tacked and always justified, always shel tered from the changes which centuries bring upon the most solid institutions the- most accredited systems ; always the more astonishing and the more admired in proportion as it is the more examined ; the consolation of the ppori and the sweet est hope of the rich ; the seiiis of the peo- V ! pie, and the restraint of Kings; the rule of the power which it moderates, and of the obedience which it sanctifies; the great charter of humanity, where eternal justice, not willing that even crime should Jinjvilhout hope and v.ilhout protection stipulates for mercy in favour ot reper tance ; a doctrine as humble as it is pro found, as simple as it is high and magnifi" cent ; a doctrine which subjugates the most powerful genius by its. sublimity, and proportions itself by the clearness of its light to the most feeble intellect m fine, an indistructible doctrine, whhh re sists every thing, triumphs over every thing over violence and contempt, over sophisms and scaffolds, and powerlul in hi antiquity, its victorious evidences and itr? benefits, seem to reign over the human mind by right of birth, oi conquest, and of love. " Such is the religion, which sonic men have chosen to make the object of their indifference. What Bossuet, Pas cal, Fenelon, Ddscarter, Newton, Leib nitz, Euler believed after the most atten tive examination, what was the continual subject of their meditations is net judged worthy of a moment's thought. In des pising Christianity without understanding it, they think to n.ise themselves above all the genius and virtue, which has ap peared on earth, during eighteen centu ries, and absurdly proud of a careless dis dain for the truth, whatever it be, they arc inflated because they keep up a neutrality of ignorance between the doctrine which produced Vincent de Paul and that which produced Marat. " Whether God exists or not, whether to this short life succeeds a life that is last ing, whether the only duty is to follow our wishes, or whether we ought to reg ulate them bv a fixed and divine law : we wish to know every thing, these things excepted. Men are agreed that every thing interests them except their etern?! fate. They have not, say they, time to think of it ; but they have abundance of leisure when the question is about satis fying the most frivolous fantasy. They have time for business time for plea sures and they have no time to examine whether there be a heaven or a hell. They have time to instruct themselves in I the most vain trifles of this world, when? 1 they only pass a day ; and they have not time enough to assure themselves wheth er there exist another world, which they must, whether happy or miserable, inher it eternally. They have time to take caro of a body, which is about to dissolve, and none to inform themselves, whether it en closes an immortal soul They have time to go far to convince their eyes of the existence of a rare animal, a curious plant, and they have none to convince their reason of the existence of God. Inconceivable blindness ! And who will not exclaim with Bousset : u What ! is the charm of sense so strong that we can foi u - see nothing V 41 We have seen convicts laugh, dance upon the scaffold, but the death which they braved was inevitable, nothing could save them from it. In the invincible ne cessity of dying, they strove against na ture, and found a sort of brutal consola tion in astonishing the eyes of the people by the sight of a gaieiy more frightful than the anguish of fear and the agony of despair. But that a man, uncertain whether his head is not about to fall in a few hours under the axe of the execution er, and certain of saving it, if he will only convince himself of the reality of the dan ger which menaces him, should remain in repose in the terrific doubt, and pre fer before life, some moments of pleasure, or even unlistlessness, which a shocking and disgraceful punishment is to termi nate ; this is what we have never seeni this is what we can never see. " Whatever contempt we affect for an existence, brief and burthened with so many pains, we are not so easily detached from it ; there is no apathy so profound, that the announcing of it, the idea alone of approaching death, does not awaken. What do I say ? Every thing, which touch es us, whether in our health or goods, er enjoyments, or opinions, or habits, sxar tles, alarms, transports us cut of our selves, inspires us with an indefatigable activity and we are indifferent about no thing but heaven, hell, and eternity." REFLECTION'. Gentleness of manners, and softness of heart,. are the most amiable charac teristics of a woman. Let maji, like the strong oak, breye the stoc and, stand unmoved amftl its. rayVfin o man, like the weeping J,v yield to ,veryblast; or, like tp-tivc plant, shrink from every p f - v-v

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