tuesda1' 3l 1821 JianJt?h mintl'JulU 21, 1821. It is a singular fact,1 your papers, although printed within 30 mil f this office, arrive here four days later than3e printed in Baltimore. By this mail I rccvctl yours dated the 10th inst. and Baltimore)aPcls dated the 1 1th. It is a little surprising that the 1. M. at Salisbury sends your pape yia Raleigh to this office, by a circuitous rou5 f 200 miles, when the direct mail route by jexington is not more than thirty miles. The ialeigh Star is also forwarded to this office by Salisbury, and arrives one week Tater than the Register, which is printed in the sanTtcwn, and comes by the direct route via Cliapel-Hilir- A notice of these errors published ia your paper, nvght correct the evil, and have a tendency to gratify the wishes of subscribers to your paper, and also the Raleigh Star. I am, Gentlemen, yours respectfully, II. G. MURDOCH, P. Jf. Gray's Store. It is an unpleasant and unprofitable business to find fault ; nine times out often, it is attrib uted to fretfulness, without inquiring whether there is cause of complaint or not. We do not publish the above letter for the purpose of cen suring the P. M. in this town, but with the hope that it may elicit an inquiry on the subject, from an authority competent to correct these errors, as Mr. Murdoch calls'them. It is true we have received complaints before, from other quarters, without publishing them ; but there is a request in this. ...in the others there was none. Editor. Many persons who write for a newspa per, (as well as some pamphleteers,) think as little of "having their productions cor rect, either in their orthography or syn tax, as if it were a matter of not the smallest consequence; and as to making them Irgible, it is what they never think of. The printer, they seem to suppose, iscapable of ciccv pherini characters which are neit'ier Hebrew, nor deck, nor Ilo man, and which bear no resemblance to any tiling either in heaven :bovc, or the earth beneath : being thus put at a non plus, as the lawyers would say, be at tempts to guess, and, as it frequently bap pens, he guesses ivrong ; the consequence is, the epithets blundering, careless, and, perhaps, stupid, are applied to him, in the civilest manner possible, to be sure, but in such generous profusion, that he is fain to cry out, bold ! enough ! But this is treating a serious subject in an i?z-serious way. The fact is, there is too much sad reality in it, to permit of the least degree of levity ; for if we have escaped this rack ing and torturing of the feelings, a great proportron,of newspaper editors have not ; but we claim no exemption from the com vmon lot. Will Single may thank us (or not, just as be pleases) for the preceding remarks, as his piece called them forth. And will " he be pleased, in return, to inform us whether it was from, economy , or from what, that lie used seven separate scraps of paper on which to write his communi cation in this week's paper ? But what is more singular than all, and which came very near adding a new wrinkle to our foreheads,) is, that on neither of these pieces of paper is one side connected with the other ! Wc at firsti thought we had fot some cross readings; and that was what puzzled us. B it we at last luckily discovered they had flios; and these ser ved, like the thread of Ariadne, to extri cate us from o?ir difficulties. Will is . ... thanked, however, for Ins communication , and although this is really his first at tempt," wc would thank him next time to write as methodically as he did in the one previous to this his " first attempt ATr. 3"vir, Secretary Slanderer of - j ' the South, Sec. See. Sec. since his late base attack on thc character of our state, in consequence of the justifiable outlawry .of nero Cupid, for repeated attempts to Wilmington, has received frc 3CI ill b i." 1 ' qucnt potions from thc Cape Fear Recor der, difficult, we allow, to swallow, but cal culated to restore a healthful tone to his system. His disease, as our readers must, ere this, be sensible, is of a most malig nant type, and is seated (we judge from near the rctricn of J " " v J J " the heart ; the difficulty, therefore, of com ing at it. must be apparent : but while there is life, there is hope'. The editor of the Recorder certainly deserves credit for his benevolent and unremitting attentions to Mr. Divight ; whether they meet with a grateful reception, we cannot say, as we have no correspondence with the worthy Secretary. Wc hope he will not add to all his other sins, the sin of ingratitude. We extract the following from the last I'ccorder: the intention, doubtless, was good : but we arc fearful the sound of the latter article will not come like music upon the cars of Mr. JDivight : Highly Important! We forgot last week to inform Mr. D wight, that wc have received from the commercial Metropolis a cargo or two of " Indian corn," and a fresh supply of 44 Cow- ins. Mr. Dwight says we feed ourslaveson Indian Com Ay ! and ourselves too, most noble Scc retarv. FOIl THE WESTEUV CAROLI5IAX. The Subject cf the u Western College" continued. In a preceding attempt to stimulate the friends of the intended institution to ex ertion, imd to awaken the attention of the public at large, several thoughts were ex hibited, as they occurred to the mind of the writer, of a general nature, without any advice, or directions as to the steps of procedure, to carry the design into execu tion. As to the manner in which matters should be conducted, at this very impor tant stage of the business, there may be a diversity of opinion in the minds of those who are equally interested in its welfare. A periect work, trom lmpcriect agents, cannot be rationally expected. There is no man,. or body of men, secure from er ror. All must pay, at some time, or in some shape or other, that tribute of im perfection, which is due to human nature. But w hen the mind is intent to obtain an object, it will commonly direct the most proper and successful means. The first consideration, and that of the highest magnitude, which presents itself, is, the realizing a fund, sufficient to give the institution a respectable and imposing commencement. On this subject the writer will venture a few suggestions. As the H't'stern College is intended for a public scat of learning, the public must build it, endow it, and finally perpetuate its existence. If this position be correct, it will follow, that a primary and essen tial step to be taken, will be to interest the minds of the people in the undertaking lo instruct them as to its necessity and probable advantages to themselves, to the rising generation and posterity, from age to age, to the most distant period of time. Soon after the commencement of the American revolution in the year 1774 177 5, Congress sent forth some known and influential characters lo travel into the various provinces, to inform, to excite, and to combine the minds of the people ; in tne cause oi liberty, something sim-: lioneu? that wjh be more popular in the ilar to this, it is thought, mtut now be done, ; cycs of thc community at large, than oth and soon done, to give animation and crs strength to the intended institution, j he seCond item mentioned, is that of Should th-c people be cold and indifferent, j Centralicy. This might be difficult to as you can do but little. Dut use the means rrtil:n nt n,.PS(,nt. inasmuch as our hound. to create in their hearts the fund of ap- probation, or good will, and the fund indis- ; penally iiccc&smy wmiiaiuiaw, ; t must rise bv public opinion, pumic imping, where the -indents generally remain, raise, auu puonc patronage, u u use at : 11 All 1 I Ml. All should be embodied in the dc- sign of creating funds; let no citizen, , ' i however poor, or obscure, escape youi no- . 1 , ticc. It will certainly be a part of the duties of thc Trustees, at their meeting, to con sider what extent of country, either in this, or in the State of South-Carolina, may probably unite in thc design. With a view to lead the wav to obtain a universal contribution, let that extent cf country' (be it more or less) be divided off into a certain number of districts ; say two coun ties composing one. Let a public char acter be appointed to travel into each of these districts, (and if convenient accom panied by a layman of respectable stand ing in society, to inform the people at large, as to the nature and objects of the institution, and interest them in its favour. This measure is not intended to supersede or check any other means, of a more lim ited nature, which may be thought advis able, to collect funds. The utmostpains should be taken to render subscriptions as universal as possi ble, that the burden may not be felt by any ; that all ranks and conditions in life may mingle in the same great cause ; that, by a general connexion in point of contribution, thc poor may indulge the pride and feel the pleasure of being do nors, rise lo a level with the rich, and re joice in that portion of property, liowev J i . . . i w .... cr small, wnicn nicy posses in me cm ern College. The smallest sum will be thankfully received the widow's mite, snd thc rich man's talent, are equally ac ceptable on the altar of charity or the pub lie erood. An experiment has 1 itely been made of an unlocuted cr general subscription, in a societv whose standing, whether as to number, or wealth, is no more than on an I equality vih many others in this section! of country. There is ho doubt of their I l .7 1 1 11 subscription, amounting 10 eigne nunureu dollars; and at this time, it is thought more. In the bounds of the Presbytery of Concord, there are, perhaps, more than forty congregations. Eight hundred dol lars, from each, would amount to S32,COO ; a larger sum than your building commit tee reported would be required to erect the buildings which would be necessary at the commencement of the institution. And if the above named Presbytery, ac cording to the example stated, can do so much without pressure to any individual, what cannot the whole of our fellow citi zens do, who may unite in the design ? And from the above example, it is also evident, that it is unnecessary, to give ex istence to the College, to bring the site into market, by a confined located sub scription. The want of attention to a general mode of contribution, circulated throughout the state, was certainly one main cause of the indifference of the people towards our useful University. Let all do something ; let us act with concert, and energy ; and when the undertaking is completed, we shall be more surprised at the case with which it was performed, than at the mag nitude of the work. Having said something as the IIozv, next comes the Where. On what spot of earth, 44 somewhere to the south west of the Yadkin river," shall the Trustees fix the site of the intended edefice ? Ah ! 44 Now comes the tug of buttle I hope not. The public interest is at stake, and the term 4 Trustee" excludes the en trance of private views, party feelings, or prejudices. These may have no share in the decision, and yet there may be, and probably will be, an honest diversity of opinion. I o prescribe, is not intended. To present some materials for considera tion, is the sole design of the writer ; and some things intimately connected with the matter may escape his notice. The fol lowing particulars strike his mind as wor thy of consideration : 1st. Public opinion. 2d. Centrality. 3d. Healthiness ot situa tion. 4th. Fertility of soil. 5th. The state of society ; or, what now is, and will most probably in future be, the habits and morals of the people around it If those particulars should have weight, several sites may come under your view, which may seem to partake, in some de gree of them all, and render it difficult where to fix your choice. To consult public opinion, in fixing the site of the Western College, is certainly , emigrants are our brethren ; " the worl; . . -.'11111 .1 . a matter of the first importance. On this it must depend for an introduction into the world, until time shall mature and confirm its character. The people in this state, in that of South-Carolina, and in the counties in Vitginia north east of us, have a general acquaintance with this section of country, and the general character of its inhabitants. On this. subject I shall not enlarge ; it would lead on to compar isons, which are neither very polite, nor very agreeable. Hut the more carefully you investigate this matter, the more im portant will it appear in your views ; and . . Till Relieve it, there will be some sites men j undefined : neither is it a matter of 8n. reat importance. A few hundred rrtilcs distant Irom a public seat of learn from tic time thev enter, until they grad- Uatc is nol aI1 ohcct of weight. i A third item in thc enumeration, i r. ... .... ' IlraKh'nrss. I here are so many place s aces on an equality in this respect, that there is but little danger of erring. A fourth particular mentioned, to invite the- residence of thc College, is fertility of soil. . This is certainly a consideration that ought be attended to in fixing the site. But all the prowsions that will be soon needed, will bear but a small proportion, to the proceeds of our country, place it where you may. In this, as in the last mentioned particular, you cannot readily err. wc are not about to transport the cities of Philadelphia or New-York " south west of the Yadkin river." One thousand acres of land could be so culti vated, as to supply it for a century in thc wholesome, substantial necessaries of life. And if plainness and frugality, both as to diet and dress, be not introduced and con tinued, it is better to leave off before you begin. Thc fifth and last particular mentioned in the foregoing enumeration, is the state rif society ; what now are, and will most probably in future be, thc habits and mor- I . I 1 1 . T1 'a V ais oi tne people arounu it. . l nis neui demands your most serious and impartial examination, and ought to stand inthc front of your decision. As the College, and the inhabitants around it, will neces sarily come into contact, the question will at once occur, " Will the people give a tone to the morals and habits of thc Col lege ; or will the College give a tone to the morals and habits of the people The answer is so obvious, that it requires neither proof nor illustration. However deficient our country may be, in point of those acquirements-that tend to refine and exalt human nature, and which compose the blessings and comforts of sccbl life ; yet still there is a diversity. Diversity I of soil will always lead on to a proportional diversity in the condition ot the mhabi- . . f tants. 1 hat section oi country einoraceu by the noble streams of the Yadkin and Catawba, which, ere long, will torm a sate and easy passage to the ocean, the Crea tor of the world seems to have signalized as a lanu oi equality m tne conuuion oi i i c .-. .1 . i . r: i inhabitants. From its natural situation, it is not in the power ot many to be very rich, but in the power of all to possess and enjoy an ample portion of the neces sary conveniences and comforts of this life. Not an acre of land, so rich by na ture, as may be found else where ; but not one, but is of value, either as a forest, or for cultivation. Craggy mountains, lakes, impenetrable lagoons, or the dominion of useless waters, have not been suffered to enter into its happy formation. The pres ent population of that tract of country whicli lies between the above named ri vers, as to light and information, decency and urbanity cf manners, sameness of an cestors, industry and morality, and, lastly, union of mind, both in civil and religious opinions, cannot be considered inferior to any other where the Western College can possibly be fixed. Nature has said, and posterity will verify the assertion, that it will, in a future day, be as fair and as pleasant a portion of territory as will be found in the United States. Givincr the above mentioned section of country its due, takes nothing from the merit or advantages of any other. It is the wish of the writer, that when all the sites that may be offered, shall come before the view of the Trustees, that each one may have, without favour or partiality, its de served weight in the scale of decision. Where is the spot that would most likely and most speedily, u gather into one' the various grammar schools now estab lished in those parts of our country ? And now let the Presbytery of Concord, and the clergy of all denominations ; pro fessional characters, who owe their all to education ; wealthy laymen, whose fathers came poor to this country, and they now rich ; emigrants from Europe, who have found liberty and plenty here, with all the inhabitants of our country, in whatever station or condition in life unite in the great design. Wc need it at home, and in its effects, it will be needed abroad. 1 he tide of population is now rapidly rolling to the West and to the South ; and it is our duty to do all we can to promote i tneir present and tuture happiness. 1 hese is all before them, where lo choose their place of rest, and Providence their guide." May the kind Providence of God shed his richest blessings on them, while they pacs through the wilderness to the prom ised land, and u make the desert before them like Eden, and their future resi dence like the garden of the Lord." Finally, to succeed in the object, much, indeed almost every thing, must ultimate ly depend on the individual exertions of the Trustees. They are particularly called upon to satisfy the expectations of thc people, by devoting themselves se riously to the purposes of their appoint ment. Let them correspond individual ly, with the most liberal and influential men in the Western parts of this state, and in the state of South-Carolina. They are earnestly entreated to divest them selves of all local interests and prejudices, and to pursue, with a single eye, thc gen eral good. In this, as in all undertakings, " united WE STAND ; DIVIDED WE FALL." July 19, 1821. COMMUNICATEE, MOCK'S OLD FIELD. A number of the citizens of the Forks cele brated the Fourth of July at this place. Among the Toasts drank on the occasion, the following are selected for publication : 1st. The Day Can our fellow-citizens in the East have forgotten that their brethren in the West are the descendants of the men of '76 ? 2d. A Convention of the People of VorA Carolina "Peaceably if we cow.... forcibly if wc must i 3d. The Old Battalion -May wc part friends : Your children are of full age, and. wish to set up for themselves ; the' have built you good houses, and will leave you in affluence. 4th. The Forks of the Yadkin Wc have planted the Olive ; may its branches wave across both the Yadkins, and continue to flourish till our breth ren learn to prefer right to power. 5th. The Iexington side of the River May a community of interest and of suffering, produce a unity ofeniiment and of action. Cth. The Long -S ar are Tlie tliinsr is too lon?r and slender.... And thereby hangs a tale. 7th. ArcJiibald J). Jlfurphy, and the Internal Improvements of C'orth- Carolina May posterity cherish thc fame cf this man, until the waters cease to flow. CASUAZ.T1 "Was drowned, in this town, by falling into a well, on Thursday last, Maria, infant daughter of Dr. Long. Ji sirs Sn-lep, Ksq. of the vicinity of Raleigh, has been appointed Cashier ct' the Salisbury Branch of tlie State Bank of North-Carolina, vice Moses A. I.ccke, Ksf. resigned. James F. Taylor has been elected one of thc Directors of the Principal Bank at Raleigh, in i the phec cf Therms Henderson, Esq, ERRATA In publishing- the conclusion of Mr. Fisher, s address, several errors, m the hurry of getting the paper to press, escaped our notice ; they are as follows : Page 2d, third paragraph, 1st column, after the sentence ending 'with shearing, tlie following should have been inserted: Hire, iie do 7i oi rjr- erage more than 2 lbs. the head. Same column, " 24th ,lne from bottom, for dreat'fuL read fid revolution. Second column, 9ih line from top, instead of 10,000, read 70,000. "We are requested to state, that Juux Lind. sf.t, Esq. is a candidate lo represent the county cf Rowan in' the Ser.atj oi the next Gen oral As semblv; and that B. Sukuwooi, Esq. declines holding a poll in his faro.". Col. IlExar Hatts, wc are authorized to state, is a candidate to represent the county of Hawaii in the House of Commons of the next General Assembly. Maj. P. II. S wink, we are requested to state, declines being a candidate for Commoner in the; next General Assembly. .nu:n, At tho house of Mr. Win. Chambers, near this town, on the 23d inst. Mr. James Robins-'t;i, aged about 60 3 ears. He was a native of Argyle, in Scotland, but has been a resident of this state tbr thirty years. THOSE persons who have business in the Bank are requested to take notice, that there must be two securities to their bonds, be sides the endorser. An erroneous opinion has gone abroad, that one name other than the prin cipal is sufficient, I hope attention will be paid to this notice. A. HENDERSON, President of the Salisbury Bank. JuK- 26, 1821. 3wt62 iVegroes oy Sale. ON" the Tuesday and Wednesday of August Court, at the Court-House in Salisbury, will be sold, on a credit of six months, several vulua- de young NEGllO Boys and Girls, belonging to the estate of the late Col. Richmond Pearson, deceased. J. A. PEARSON, Ejcecntor. E. PEARSON, Executrix. T .7. . ? 1 t OI 1 60tS Taken AND committed to the jail of Rowan countv, on the 12th day of this month, a NEGRO WOMAN by the name of Rose ; says she :s ' lie property of John Cobb, or Cox, a sjjeciil.it or, who purchased her on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, of John Bell, and was eoing towards the south. She says that her husband, bv the name of Ned, and herself, g-ot lost from their master in travelling-, and she ajrain from .her hus band. She appears to be about o J or o.5 vcars old ; about five feet hig-h, dark complexion, thin visage, and speaks quick. The owner is reques ted to come forward, according-to the act oi tho Assembly, and receive her. WILLIAM HOWARD, Jaiiar. Salisbury, July 30, 1S21. 6wt6o TiahoYfcYS Wanted. I will give a liberal price for twenty or thlrtv hands to assist rile in getting timber and rock to repair my dam. A. MAC AY. Salisbury, July 23, 1S21. 59 To CvY)CitfcYS. r?TIlE subscriber wishes to employ two or JL three iournevmen Carpenters. And he also would take two or three hoys, of is- z-t amines, as Apprentices to tlie business. N. B. None need apply but such as are s :bc and industrious. JOHN ALBRIGHT. Salisbury, J C. July 21, 1821. a f iiilE suDscnoer wisnes to sen all tu. T well known possessions in Sahsb. 11 on which he now lives : and nn joining new house, not quite finished, with t back Lots. There are on tlie premises lurre and convenient Buildings, suitable for any kind of public business. As thc stand and propeity are generally well known, it is not necessary to give a minute description. It will be so 1 in detached parts, or altogether, as may suit the purchaser. A short credit will be given. Any person wishing to purchase, will please call and view the premises. B. P. PEARSON. Salisbury, July 4, 1821. 6wtG4 NLuliogsvivsr YwYiiiUwe, See . THE subscriber informs the citizens of Rowan and the adjoining counties, that he has a quantity of prime St. Domingo MAIIOGAN V, and other materials suitable for making good and substantial work. Persons who mav wan" Furniture of Mahoan-", would do well to caU and see a specimen, which thc subscriber h:i- now on hand, and judge whether they canno. be accommodated at home on more reasonable terms than abroad. Also, Furniture of common wood, mude oa reasonable terms. J. CONRAD. Lexington, Rowan County, July 16, 1821. 5 6wtS4 lYavt allow 1oy Salvi. IWT OTIC E. For sale, a valuable Plantation, 12 J3i miles from Salisbury, on the Main Yadkin liver. This plantation contains 360 acres of fine land, attached to which is a very valuable Fern'. Terms will be made convenient. . For particu lars, applv to Dr. Ferrand, in Salisbury. Itoiva: Co. July 3, 1321. T FOREWARN all persons from trading for a Note jriven bv me to John G. Lintile, for 50 dollars, dated February the 27th, 1821 ; which note, or bond, I am determined not to pay, as tlie said Lintile is indebted to me to nearly the amount of said bond. AUSBORNE WILKINSON Cxtbarrits, July 2, 132! , t69r: A

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