n The Muse! whate'erthe Muse inspires;, My soul the tuneful strain admires.. ..scott. Three things a good wife should be like, vfdeh three tldnqrs she should not be like. A "wife domestic, good, and pure, Like sxail, should keep within her door ; But not like Sxail, in silverM track, Place all her wealth upon her back. A "wife should be like echo true, And speak, but when she's spoken too ; But not like Echo still be heard, Contending' for the final word. like a towx clock a wife should be Keep time and regularity ; 13ut not like Clocks harangue so clear, That ail the town her voice may hear. Young man ! if these illusions strike She whom as bride you'd hail, Must just be like, and just unlike An Echo, Clock, and Snail. vr. m. JBath, CBng.J Aug. 5, 1806. J'.liLV. FROM CAMOENS-. I saw the virtuous man contend "With life's unnumbered woes, And he was poor without a friend, PrcssM bv a thousand foes. I saw, too, Fassion's pliant slave, In gallant time and gay ; His course was pleasure's passive wave, Ilis life a summer's day. And I was caught in Folly's snare, And joined her giddy train ; But found her soon the nurse of care, And punishment and pain. There surely is some guiding power, "Which rightly suffers wrong, Gives Vice to bloom its little hour, But Virtue late and long. TAteTcaty "Extracts, &c Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. FOR THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN. GEVTLrttEX : The following " Thoughts m At inospheric Iutt" by C. S. RiFiNEsaric, Esq. Pro fessor of Botany and Natural History in the Tran sylvania University, Sec. are extracted from that estimable work, Silliman's Journal of Science. A subject so curious, and so well treated, can hardly fail to interest many of your speculative readers ; and there are few observers, I presume, however careless, whose attention has not been arrested by this phenomenon ; yet 1 do not recol lect any where before, to have met with a ra tional theory of it. To me, it appears in no res pect less plausible than Reynold's Theory of Jfe :eors, which supposes them to" be portions of earthy and metallic compounds volatilized by the absorption of heat, and thereby assuming the stale of elastic fluids, and expanding until they arrive at media of their own density : that they probably ascend at first in small daily detached portions of gaseous clouds, and are diffused over wide regions; but having no sensible resistance opposed to their mutual attraction, they will, by the laws of their affinities, congregate hito im mense volumes of highly elastic fluids, which, on exploding, will exhibit all the phenomena of bursting meteors. The earthy and metallic par ticles, on the escape of caloric, he says, will obey the laws of cohesive attraction, clash together, recover their gravity, and descend to the earth in masses and shattered fragments. V. V." will oblige us by forwarding to us Reynold's Theory of Meteors." Wc shall be will-ng, at all times, to devote a portion of our paper to scientifical subjects, either original or selected. " V." has our acknowledgments for his present favor. emtoks. thoughts o.v atmospheric jjust. BT C. S. RAFINESQ.UE, Efet. 1. c When we find the ruins of ancient cities buried under ground ; when the plough uncovers the front of palaces and the summit of old temples, we are aston ished : but we seldom reflect why they are hidden in the earth. A sort of im perceptible dust falls at all times from the atmosphere, and it has covered them dur ing ages." 2. ' These are the words of the worthy and eloquent philosopher Viuf.y, in his article Nature, Vol. XV. p. 373, of the French Dictionary of Natural History. Kven before reading them I had observed the same phenomenon, ind I have since studied their effects in various places. I could quote one thousand instances of the extensive and multifarious operations of this meteoric dust : but I mean to give the results merely of those that fall daily under notice, and are yet totally neglect ed ; wishing to draw on them the atten tion of chemists, philosophers and geolo gists. 3. Whenever the sun shines in a dark room, its beams display a crowd of lucid dusty molecules of various shapes, which were before invisible as the air in whish they swim, but did exist nevertheless. These form the atmospheric dust ; exist ing every where in the lower strata of our atmosphere. I have observed it on the top of the highest mountains, on Mount Ktna, in Sicily, on the Aips, on the Alle gany and Catskill mountains in America, Sec. and on the ocean. 4. It deserves to be considered under many views ; which are its invisibility, its shape and size, its formation and. origin, its motion, its deposition and accumula tion, its composition, its use, and its prop erties. 5. This dust is invisible, owing to the tenuity of its particles, but they become visible in the following instances ; when the sun shines on them, since they reflect the light, when their size is increased, and when they arc accumulated any where. 6. The size of the particles is very un equal, and their shape dissimilar ; the greatest portion are exceedingly small, similar to a whitish or grayish spark, with out any determination or perceptible shape ; the larger particles are commonly lamellar or flattened, but with an irregu lar margin, and the largest appear to be lengthened or filiform ; the gr;y colour prevails. Other shapes arc now and then perceptible with the microscope. 7. Among the properties of atmospher ic dust are those of being soft, as light as atmospheric air, of reflecting the rays re ceived directly from the sun, of possess ing a kind of peculiar electricity, which gives it a tendency to accumulate on some bodies more readily than on some others, and of forming an earthy sediment, which does not become effervescent with acids. 8. This dust is cither constantly or pe riodically formed, but chemically in the atmosphere like snow, hail, meteoric stones, honey-dew, earthy rains, Sec by the combination of gaseous and elemen tary particles dissolved in the air. Its analysis has never been attempted by chemists ; but the earthy sediment which is the result of its accumulated deposition, proves that it is a compound of earthy particles in a peculiar state of aggregation, and in which aluminc appears to prepon derate, rather than calcareous or silicious earths or oxides. 9. Its motion in calm weather, or in a quiet room, is very slow ; the particles ap pear to float in the air in all directions, some rising, some falling, and many swim ming horizontally, or forming a variety of curved lines ; what is most singular, is that no two particles appear to have exact ly the same direction ; yet after awhile the greatest proportion fall down oblique ly, somewhat in the same manner as a light snow in a calm day. When a cur rent of air is created naturally or artifi cially in the open air or in a room, you perceive at once an increased velocity in their motion ; they move with rapidity in all directions ; but when a strong current or wind prevails, they are carried with it in a stream, preserving however, as yet, their irregular up and down motion. 10. Its formation is sometimes very rapid, and its accumulation very thick in the lower strata of our atmosphere, but the intensity is variable. Whenever rain or snow falls, this dust is precipitated on ! the ground by it, whence arises the puri ty of the air after rain and snow ; but a small share is still left, or soon after form ed. In common weather it deposits itself on the ground by slow degrees, and the same in closed rooms. It forms then the dust of our floors, the mould of our roofs, and ultimately the surface of our soil, un less driven by winds from one place to an other. 1 I. I have measured its accumulation in a quiet room, and have found it variable from one-fourth of an inch to one inch in the course of one year ; but it was then in a pulverulent fleecy state, and might be reduced by compression to one-third of its height, making the average of yearly deposit about one-sixth of an inch. In the open air this quantity must be still more variable, owing to the quantities carried by the winds and waters to the plains, valleys, rivers, the sea, Sec. or ac cumulated in closed places or against walls, houses, Sec. I calculate, however, that upon an average, from six to twelve inches are accumulated over the ground in one hundred years, where it mixes with the soil and organic exuviic, to form the common mould. 12. The uses of this chronic meteor are many and obvious. It serves to create mould over rocks, to increase their de composition, to add to our cultivable soil, to amalgamate the alluvial and' organic deposits, to fertilize sandy and unfruitful tracts in the course of time, to administer to vegetable life, Sec. It does not appear that it has any bad influence on men and animals breathing it along with the air, unless it should be accumulated in a very intense degree. 1 3. At Segesta, in Sicily, are to be seen the ruins of an ancient temple ; the steps, which surround it on all sides below the pillars, arc built on a rock, on the top of a hill detached from any other higher ground. Yet now all the steps and the base of the pillars are under the ground, which has accumulated from this dust and the decay of plants (not trees) to which it has afforded food. There are from five to eight feet from the rock to the surface of this nevr soil, which has chemically combined in a variety of hardness. This has arisen there in about 2000 years, not withstanding the washings of rain. I quote this as a remarkable instance of the increase of soil by aerial deposits, among many which have fallen under my personal examination. 14. It is commonly believed that the dust of our rooms is produced by the frag ments of decomposed vestments, bed dings, furnitures, Sec. ; this cause increas es it, and produces a different dust, which mixes with the atmospheric dust ; but it is very far from producing it. 15. The dust of the open air is ascrib ed to that raised from roads and fields, by the pulverization of their surface ; but this secondary and visible dust is only a consequence of the first. From whence could arise the dust observed by the means of the sunbeams in a dark corner, in win ter, when the ground is frozen, or when it is wet and muddy, or at sea, or on the top of rocky mountains ? 16. It is therefore a matter of fact, worth taking into consideration by geologists, that the air still deposits a quantity of dust, which must have been much greater in former periods. Just the same as the sea deposits still a quantity of earthy and sa line particles dissolved in it, and which were superabundant at the period when the rocky strata were formed on its bot tom. Water being more compact, depos its rocks. Air, which is less dense, de posits a pulverulent matter ! Why the Negro bears heat better than a White man. This is a phenomenon which has giv en rise to considerable discussion. The fact is undoubted and what has made it more surprising is the fact, that black surfaces exposed to the sun's rays re flect more heat than white surfaces : as is evinced by Dr. Franklin's famous experiment of different coloured cloths being spread on the snow. The black would sink into the snow, while the white would scarcely dissolve any part of it. Sir Everard Home has presented a paper to the Royal Society of London, giving certain experiments upon the matter. Expose the back of your hand to the sun's rays if the hand be cov ered with thin white linen, it becomes irritated and inflamed freckles first appear, and these are followed by a vesicular separation of the cuticle. Cover the hand, however, with black crape, and though the temperature ex ceed that produced upon the bare skin, yet there is no scorching or blistering of the 'hand. It thus appears, says Sir Everard, that the deleterious effects of the sun's rays are prevented by an artificial blackening of the surface of the skin. The perspiration becomes more copious, as is especially remarked in the negro and in short, that the conversions of the radiant matter of the sun into sensible heat, which con version is effected by the black surface, tends to prevent the scorching effects, and to promote the cuticular secretion. It is, in fact, because a greater perspi ration is in some way or other produ ced by the influence of the black sub stance in the skin of the negro, and be cause, when this perspiration evapor ates, it carries with it, as in all other ca ses of evaporation, the caloric or heat, that the black man is so much better able to stand heat. This is also the principal cause of the strong effluvium which distinguishes the race. Richmond Compiler. From the Winchester Republican. EXTRACT FROM A JOURNAL. During the winter of 1820, I made one of a party in an excursion to Harpcr's-Fer-ry. It was an intensely cold and calm morning. The snow had previously fall en to a considerable depth, and only re fracted the borrowed light of the cloud less arch of heaven. My companions seemed wrapt in contemplation. The mind naturally accommodates itself to a frame which the situation of the surround ing objects is calculated to inspire ; and I could not refrain from surrendering my self up to the reflections which insensi bly crowded upon me. I continued in my reverie, until aroused by the driver's horn, which indicated our approach to a village. Wc soon found this to be the case ; for after ascending a little rising ground, we were almost literally over a few scattered houses that gradually de scended to the liver's edge. This was Harper's-Ferry. " The cock's shrill cla rion" had not yet proclaimed the ap proaching day. Not a sound disturbed the general silence, save that of the dri ver's bugle, reverberating from the sur rounding hills. The grand display of na ture's sublimest workmanship impressed my mind with sensations which I am un able to describe, but can never forget. The confluence of the Shenandoah and the Potomac the appearance of two large ridges of mountains verging to a point ; their rugged and nearly perpen dicular sides covered with snow and ice the immense rocks which jut out of the hills, and hang in awful grandeur immedi ately over the head of the traveller, who considers himself in danger of instant destruction the roaring of the angry wa ters, as they " Boil and wheel and foam, " And thunder through these things, together with the beautiful and extended valley which presents- it self immediately on crossing the river, and thro which the united waters form their meandering channel, conspired to form a more awfully grand and truly sub lime view than I had ever before beheld. There surely (I thought) can be no pla.ee better calculated to display the mighty power of that God who forms all things according to the counsels of his own will. From every appearance, a traveller is led to conclude that these mountains have been gradually worn away by the river to their present level. If this be the case, the whole country from Winchester to Harper's-Ferry must once have formed one immense body of fresh water, the whole of which was perhaps precipitated by one outlet over the Blue Ridge, thus forming a rival to the justly celebrated Fails of Niagara. Were a u warrior of the forest," who has now gone to the land of spirits, to arise, with what astonishment would he view those mountains, where he was wont to hunt, parted by that body of waters whose tremendous thunjler was calculated to fill the mind even of an un lettered savage with solemn awe, and to have impressed upon his soul an indelible knowledge of the Great Creator. And with what pleasing amazement would he behold the bottom of that lake, over the surface of which he had so frequently paddled his canoe, now filled with the hab itations of men. These are a few of the reflections, which a view of that great natural curiosity (the sight of which, says Mr. Jefferson, is worth a voyage across the Atlantic O cean) impressed upon the mind of A TRAVELLER. THE ALOE. Mr. Henry Pratt,. of Philadelphia, has presented to the Orphan Asylum of that city, the Grand American Aloe, which is expected to flower during the present summer. This plant is seldom exhibited in blossom two in Charleston and two in Philadelphia, are said to be the only in stances in this country. The American Aloe flowered in 1804, at Wm. Hamil ton's, near Philadelphia. The first flower appeared in August, and continued be tween five and six weeks. From the first appearance of the flower stem, till it be gan to branch, the stem was 8 feet 4 in ches ; from the stem, it shot out 2T lateral or side branches, each branch containing 116 flowers of a herbaceous colour; the circumference of the stem was 18 inches ; side branches 18 inches long from the base ; the plant 5 feet high to the top of the leaves; each leaf would bear a man s weight 12 inches from the base of the plant. It began to start its flower stem on the 28th of May, in the appearance of an asparagus shoot, and retained that like ness till in flower. It was procured as a young sucker from the Agave Americana, that flowered at Springberry, in 1777. From the 28th May to the 4th June, it grew 3 feet. It has grown 7 inches m 24 hours. It is generally believed that it takes a century to flower ; but this plant of Mr. Hamilton's was only 43 years old. When it is done flowering it dies. LOVE AND MARRIAGE. ' The pleasantest part of a man's life is that which passes in courtship L.ove, desire, hope, and all the pleas ing motions of the soul arise in the pursuit. An artful man is more like ly to succeed than the sincere lover. The lover hath ten thousand griefs, impertinences, and resentments, which render a man unamiable, and often ri diculous. Where the choice is left to friends, the chief point is an Estate: Where the persons choose for them selves, their thoughts turn upon the person. The first would provide for the conveniences of life ; the others are preparing for a perpetual feast. An agreeable woman is preferable to a perfect beauty. Good nature and e venness of temper will give you an ea sy companion for life ; virtue and good sense, an agreeable friend; Love and constancy, a good wife or husband. Of all disparities, that, in Humour makes the most unhappy marriages, yet scarce enters our thoughts in con tracting them. Before marriage, we cannot be too inquisitive and discerning in the faults of the person beloved, nor after it too dimsighted and superficial. Mar riage enlarges the scene of our happi ness or misery. A marriage of love is pleas a?it ; of interest, easy; and where both meet, happy, but happy on ly to those who tread the paths of 'life together in a constant uniform course of virtue. EPIGIlA3r. For lightness, what with feathers can compare ? The dust is lighter lighter still the air ; Than air more light the female, race we find, Whose levity doth leave all else behind. TRACT. There is mv illusion in that appa rent glory wK Wealth and honour seem to throround the sinner. None but a nde will estimate man's happinessVy the extent of his possessions. Sofluon'is'iiot the only one who has seenrid kept for the own ers thereof to tKrurt. What were crowns and kineloris worth, if they must be held by ch a tenure ? And yet by such a tenW, many an envied profligate holds atever of wealth and honour he possSes. In vain he strives to conceal is misery. He smiles and smiles, bu'fis still accursed. This is one of thevays in which God in his inscrutable providence, and notwithstanding , appearvnees to the contrary, distinguishes te righteous from the wicked. To the former, though he gives sparingly, he gives mv mercy, and it becomes a double ,bVcrss ing. To the latter he gives bbuntiful ly, but he gives in wrath, and it proves, a curse. Hence the favourites of the world are forever repining at their lot And well they may repine at it. For every addition to unsanctified wealth only corrodes the heart with new cares and agitates the bosom with new de sires. This is not exaggeration. I appeal to fact. Long and often has the experiment been tried. Among those prayerless sinners whom so ma ny have accounted happy, wealth has been distributed. But with what ef fect Has ambition any where been satisfied? or has avarice ever beer; heard to say it is enough ? Io : never. On the contrary, bothf hungry as the grave, cry give give: And God does give. But still the cry is repea ted, and wrill continue to be repeated, till death stifles it ; for it is prompted by an appetite that is never satiated, and by a thirst that is never quenched. Selfishnes-s may possess the world, ; but benei-olence only can enjoy it. Better is a dry morsel with contentment I than a house full of sacrifices zvith strife. It is not the flocks that a man i numbers ; the slaves he commands, or tne domains which he calls his own : It is not the palace he inhabits, the crown on his head or the sceptre in his hand ; but the amount of blessedness he derives from them, that is to be ta ken into the account, in ascertaining whether mercy or vengeance be the predominant feature of his lot. The devout eye, that only glances, in pass ing over the fields, and groves, and gardens, which display so many and such enticing beauties around some li centious court or inhospitable mansion house, often derives more happiness from the scene, than is ever derived from it by the graceless and haughty owner. There is a beclouding and a benumb ing influence in sin. It destroys the sensibility ; it perverts the "taste, and sheds over the intellectual and moral eve a sombrous and a sickly light, in which heaven, and earth, and nature, and art, appear alike dim and gloryless No providence is seen ; no parent's love is recognized ; no pulse of joy ; no throb of gratitude is felt. A dis mal ennui consumes the solitary hour, and even the social revel is but heart less affectation and mimic mirth. O God ! it is by prosperity that thou dost inflict upon the wicked thy strange vengeance. Their bane is the mercies which they receive but acknowledge not and not acknowledging them, they cease to be mercies. It was ordained of old that it should be so, and so it is, That virtue enjoys mora even of this world in rags and cotta ges, than vice dees in robes and courts ; and it wrere better, hell and heaven out of the question, to subsist like Lazarus oit crumbs sweetened by submission, than to revel at luxurious banquets with Dives and his faithless guests. DR. NOTT. The Rev. Mr. Thompson, a Mission ary at Madras, after giving a very favora ble report ot the state ot Missions to South India, concludes a letter thus : v " The mountains are sensibly melting before us, casts and separating prejudices are Riving way on all sides, Christians and Heathens meet as they never did be fore, and what shall prevent the full en joyment of the blessed hope, that if only we yet persevere in faith and patience, the day is not very distant when all these nations, these myriads of Indians, shall flow together to the house of our God ?" The sun should not set upon our anger, neither should he rise upon our confidence. We should forgive freely, but forget rarely. I will not be revenged, and this I owe to my enemy ; bv.t I will remember, and this I owe to myself.