TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1821. The Sacrament was administered in the New Church in this place, for the first time, on last Sabbath, by the Rev. Mr. Freeman, assisted bv the Rev. Mr. Rob insox, pastor of I'oplar Tent congregation, Cabarrus county. The number of com municants was verv considerable ; and the congregation assembled to witness this interesting rite unusually large. WESTERN COLLEGE. The Trustees of the Western College tvill meet at Lincolntcn, on the 29th of this month, for the purpose of locating that important institution. We repeat this notice, that all who feel an inclination toattend, maybe duly apprized of the time. The following toast was drank at the late celebration of our Independence at Oxford, and published in the Raleigh Star of the 2 1 st ultimo : lly .If-. S. K. Sneed May the freemen of North Carolina not be led so far astray by the cries and threats of "Western Demagogues, as to vote for a Convention. Pitiful ebullition ! Bright specimen of intellect ! Thus, people of the West, are yen treated by the East ! by those who possess all the talents and all the refinement of the state, and who are, if the above be ta ken as evidence, in every sense of the term, Gentlemen I Rut be true to your selves, and the shafts of malice, and envy, and folly, will fall powerless at your feet. The time is not distant, when even the proudest of the eastern aristocracy will feel the necessity of laying aside thct sontemftt with which they now treat you ; when they will learn that they can no more successfully contend with you with moral and intellectual, than with physical force. The legislature of Connecticut (says a northern paper) has passed a law to pre vent the spreading of Canada thistle. The law requires every owner or posses sor of lands to cut down all the Canada thistle growing thereon, or in the high ways adjoining the same, so often as to prevent their going to seed, under penalty of five dollars for every neglect. Now we conceive the legislature had no more right to pass such a law, than it has to prescribe what kinds of grain a farmer shall iow, or to enact that he shall raise ruta baga instead of potatoes. The vb ject of the law is good ; but the method to attain it is not. It is another instance of over-nv.ich legislation added to the many others which we have witnessed in these times so prolific of strange events, of won derful discoveries, and of new inventions in legislation, law, religion, mechanics, Sec. he. to the end of the chapter. The farmers certainly will look to their own interests, and doubtless clear their farms of thistles, w ithout legal coercion ; and to keep the highways clear, would be, we should suppose, the duty of the overseers or surveyors. In this case, as well as in some others, the farmers would probably Ihank their legislators to " let tiiem aloxe." If legislation is to be employed upon objects so trifling, and so palpably out of its sphere, wc may next expect to hear of a law compelling farmers to raise a certain quantity of scull cap, to prevent people from running mad, and of some other medicinal herbs, such as mayweed, cammon.ilcjbalm, sage, Sec. to suard them against sickness, and thereby expose to starvation that very numerous and useful class of cur citizens styled Doctors. We adise one and all to look.about ; for there is no knowing where or in what this le gislating mania will end. It is likely to end in the ruin of some of the states ; and if our National Legislature, should legis late to the extent tequired by some of the legislating gentry, there is great fear it will end p the ruin of us all. The relieving copy of a bill for the division of liovati county came to us enclosed in a letter dated thy 8th, post-marked the 17th at Mock's Old Field, and handed to v.s h the postmaster in Salisbury on the 31st ultimo, the tlay on which far paner walsued, and of cciiriC too Ir.te fcr ircrticn Jar,t week. "When we commenced the publication of the Carolinian, we pledged ourselves that it should be devoted to the interests of the Wst : we avowed our determination cautiously to steer clear of county politics, and not to admit into our columns any communication that, from its local nature, could only be interesting to a very small portion of our subscribers. Every person, upon reflection, must feel the delicacy of our situation. At first thought, the following appeared to us to have so direct a bearing on the sectional inter ests of the county as to exclude its publication ; but upon further consideration, as it mentions no names, and as the bill, in itself, may probably be of interest to many of our subscribers, wc concluded to publish it agreeably to request ; and should have done so without a single re mark, but for a report that has reached us. Within a day or two we have been told it is cur rently reported that wc absolutely refused to publish the bill, either gratuitously or for pay ! We would charitably hope that the report is founded in mistake, rather than in malice and falsehood, the usual attendants of little minds. cOMirLXICATEn. A BILL, providing for the Division of Rowan County. Be it enacted by the General Assembly qf the State of 'urth-Carolina, and it is here by enacted by the authority of the same, That all that part of I'owan County lying north of a line beginning on the Randolph line at a point from which a due west course will pass north" of Salisbury ten miles, thence a due west course until it intersects the south fork of the Yadkin river, thence up the said south fork until it intersects the Iredell line, be, and the same is, hereby declared to be a separate and distinct County, under the name of Davidson. An abstract from the original rejected bill. Given 2d June, 1821. W. HILL; Secretary. SELECT TOASTS. At Jirattlcborough, fVt.J The American Soldier In "times that trv men's souls," his blanket is his mantle his tent his bed and tabernacle his knapsack his store house May his fortitude, with his rations, be ample, and liis reward, the sweets of liberty and safety. lly Stephen Crecnleaf, Esq. The American Parsers May they enjoy the rewards of their labor in abundant harvests flowing vintage, full granaries, crowded barns, large dairies, teeming herds, lusty bullocks, glutted stalls, stout horses, fine fleeces, fat hr?gs, threat potatoes, huge pump kins, a good market, fair prices, no cheating, no visits by the worm, the fly, the grasshopper, the mildew, by early frosts, bv direct taxes, by need less subscriptions, by sheriffs or constables and beware of being overreached by merchants, wheedled by lawyers, cajoled by butchers, swin dled by gamblers, beset by p'ek-pockets, dun ned by tavern keepers, coaxed by jilts, or de ceived bv one another. At Amenta, .V. Y. TJy Thomas Hitchcock, Esq. a Bachelor The Fair Sex We with pleasure anticipate a return, ere long, to their former charming simplicity of manners and dress ; for loveliness needs not the aid of foreitrn ornaments from England, France, and India, but 'is, when unadorned, adorned the most." By Mr. Hal!, in behalf cf the ladies May the Dandies and old Bachelors be carried off in the bcllman'i cait with the rest of the rubbish. rojl THE "WESTERN" CIUOLIMAX. Jiocl v Kivrr, Jidu 12, 1821. MESsn. Editors: The following report of the examination of the Bocky Bivcr Academy was hastily written, with no idea of publication ; but from the solicitation of a number of respectable , . I erentlemen, I am induced to send it to you. A. The examination was held on the 11th of July, in the presence cf a number of literary gentle men. Upon the 12th, the students entertained a very large audience by an interesting exhibi tion. 1st Class. J. E. Kerr was examined on Latin grammar; his examination approed. 2d Class. II. A. Springs, and L. C. Kilpatrick, were examined on Erasmus : these little boys sustained a good examination. 3d Class. C. Locke, W. S. Macay, and C. F. Harris, were examined on Nepos. Their exam ination is highly approved. 4th Class. E..Wilie and J. Wilie were exam ined on Virgil. Their examination is sustained. 5th Class. I. Coleman, C. Pearson, M. Moore, M. Locke, O. Wilie, J. Orr, W. Harris, I. Wilson, C. Harris and John Harris, were examined on Virgil, Greek testament, and Cicero. This class acquitted themselves remarkably w ell. fth Class. J. E. Morrison, .1. M. Wilson, II. Hall, C. Morrison, J. Alsobrook, W. E. White, J. II. Wilson, and T. Harris, were examined on Virgil, Horace, Cicero, Greek testament, and Lucian. This class sustained an excellent ex amination. 7th Clas. J.'M. Davidson, L. Alscbrook, C. Harris, M. W. Morgan, and L. Harris, were ex amined on the languages in general, and geog raphy. These young gentlemen manifested a knowledge of their studies highly satisfactory. Mr. Davidson sustained a very good examination on Euclid A ' Ail the students of the Academy were ai,o J examined on the Scriptures, and acquitted them selves very satisfactorily. In some of the above classes, more honoris, no doubt, due to certain individuals than to oth ers; but from the difficulty cf placing1 a just es timate upon the comparative merit of every scholar, and from the accuracy of the students in general, the assurar.es is given to those who feel conscious of superior merit, that the distinc- I ticn they deserve is willingly ascribed to them. " It is stated, with pleasure, that there is no ne cessity of reprobating any student, cither for in attention to business or irregularity in conduct. But the vouncr erentlemen of the Academy are urged to remember, that 'tis not barely passing through the forms of schools or universities, that will give a taste for erudition, or command pub lic approbation. Habits of study must be form ed, and a taste for learning must be cherished. Science must be loved before it ever will be pos sessed ; and this attachment can be formed only by persevering attention and unbending resolu tion. A rare combination cf talents may raise their possessor even to the eminence, and carry him through all the eccentricities, of a Crich ton ; but 'tis the most undivided industry alone ' that can give the sway and overpowering excel lence of a Chatham, or a Mansfield, or insure the eminence of a Hale, a Kittcnhousc, or an Edwards. When the attainments of science are made with reluctance, and its difficulties viewed with hesi tation, the doubting vofary may give up the race, and despair of ever passing the goal of eminence. But the most powerful of all considerations should stimulate you in the arduous pursuit. Gratitude to parents, who have strewed your path-way with the dearest privileges, and whose solicitude is yet awake, and is yet hovering over your prospects, should kindle the flame of dar ing enterprizc. And the brightest prospects which a fine and generous country can open to her sons, are before you. Now it is you may take the incipient steps to distinction ; now the foundation of a literary mansion may be laid, and upon this foundation you may build a command ing, and lofty, and beautiful tdif.ee, or a totter ing, decaying, and despicable fabric. 'Tis now you may enter the opening flowers of literature, and extract from them sweet draughts, upon which you may feast in the cells of retirement, when the winter of old aire shall have driven you from the lively theatre of human activity. Now it is that you may lay up those sound treas ures which, when the clouds of adversity shall have arisen, and the storms of bereavement have burst upon 3 oe, will alleviate the heavy pressure, and point to a world of pcacei where stcrms of sorrow never blow, where the rapfe of enemies is never felt, and where adversity is unknown. Improve the privileges you now enjoy, and these attainments and their dear consequences may be realized ; but if neglected, they will give poignancy to the multiplying stings of disap pointment. It is with pleasure the statement is mace, upon facts which justify it, that the morality, brotherly concord and decency of deportment, which have ever characterized this Academy, mark the stu dents who new compose it. Beligion, with the solemnity of its truths, has often been presented to the attention of the young gentlemen, and 'tis hoped not without effect. 'Tis this, after all, to which every attainment should be subservient. Learning, with all its blandishments, must vanish away, and the arts and: the distinctions of life will be forgotten; but Beligion will remain for ever, and forever bloom. It is tliis that gives lustre to the acquisitions of the scholar; and without it, they only assimilate him to the prince of darkness, and fit him for deeds of atrccity.- " Learn this," savs Price, "and vou secure cverv thing : lose this, and all is lost.' Of the talents, and qualifications, and industry, of the Rev. Johx M. Wilsov, teacher of the Academy, the writer of this report need say but little. They are too well known to the public to be enhanced by any eulogy he can give. As , in every department of life this excellent man is an ornament to soc;eiy, so as a teacher he has rnven thr hifhrst rvnmnTe nnd rnmmnndrd imi- . . . . versal approbation. 1 he prosperous existence of the Academy for more than ten years, without the least jar or difficulty in the exercise of its discipline, without any discommodation to those who live around it, or without the slightest um brage to those who have been its patrons, are the best testimonials to the worth cf its superin tendent. There are other testimonials, no less numerous and no less precious : they exist in the hearts of those who have been his pupils. These speak but one language when they talk of his merit, and this is the language of grateful admi ration. Whether men cf so great worth, and of the profession of those who are engaged in teaching Academics in our country, should be thus occu pied, is not a question now to be determined but it is worthy of remark, that some of the most distinguished men, in different ages of the world, have been thus engaged, and some bright lumi naries in science have been thus educated. Follow some of the greatest men in the Grecian and Roman republics to the sources from which they received their education, and you will go with them to Academies. Men no less distin guished in heathen mythology than Pythagoras, I'lato and Socrates, taught Academies, and taught some distinguished men. Look at Europe, when that flood of light burst upon it which opened the eyes cf deluded thousands, and how was it ushered in ? It was principally by Academics. The Academy of Geneva educated, perhaps, as many great and good men as any seminary s'.nce the 16th century, for the length of time it 11 existed. Conducted by the learned Calvin, it sent forth bands of champions in the reformation of letters and religion. It was from the Acade mies of Germany that so many advocates for T.b ertv and religion arose in that nation, during the ICth and 17th centuries. The same may be j predicated of Poland, England'and France, for a length of time. In our own country, some of its brightest or naments in church and state have been educated exclusively in Academies. The distinguished Secretary of War, Mr. Calhoun, in conversation with a gentleman from the south, lately made the following observation : " In search of those men who will hereafter be the pillars of our government, I go to well organized Academies in religious neighborhoods. In our dissipated cities, every laudable eifort is generally parali zed by temptation, and every flattering prospect blighted by intemperance. But in the Acade mies to which I allude, order is preserved, mor ality is maintained, and systematic habits of study are formed. These- give to talents their proper direction, and call into action powers of mind which would otherwise lie dormant. And such are the temptations in most of our colleges, that it requires a course through such Academies to form in young men habks of sufficient strength to resist the enticements cf the profligate and the snares cf death." These facts show us the folly of those attempts which have been made, even in our own state, to wrest away from Academics their proper dig nity, and so contract their operations that hire lings alone will engage in conducting them. It is a blow made at the foundation of science ; made insidiously, it is confessed but made from interested and contracted designs. Give to Academies that extent of operation and that res pectability which they should claim, and which, in the best of countries, they do possess, and order, and stability, and commanding influence, will be given to our colleges. But wc close. . 'I hanks are returned to those families in which the students have been accommodated, for the attention and tenderness manifested to them. May the guardian hand of Jehovah guide the pupils, and reward the teacher. Remarkable fcci. A child of a me chanic of Cheltenham was lately vaccina ted, as a preventive of the small pox ; but the patient appears to have caught the infection previous to vaccination. What is very astonishing, both diseases maintain an equal ascendancy, and the child is likely to do well. London fuifter. The Bedford, Penn. Gazette, giving an account of a hail storm which recent ly did much damage in that town, men tions an affecting circumstance. A robin was found in its nest, dead ; the blood flowing from the mother upon her young, whom she guarded with her protecting wings even to death. A similar fact is stated to have taken place in Fairhill, Montgomery county, Md. Surely the rnn?.nrv and aliV?:.-,:. nf these m.M-tvrs to maternal love deserve the tribute oH an elegy from some of our poets. f Pillage Record. Maying. In Dunkin, Ireland, on the 1st of May last, the wife cf P. OTelan was delivered of four sons and a daughter, all in good health ; 16 months before, she had 3 children at a birth. RELIGIOUS WORKS. Qi TTP.SCKIPTIONS for the following Religious ky Publications will be received by the subscri ber, at the Post O if ice, Concord, N. C. to wit : 1. The Gospel Herald, a neatly printed weekly paper, price Q2 0 per annum, edited by the He v. Henry Fitz, New York. This paper gives the opinions of every denomination of christians. 2. The Christian Monitor, a monthly miscel lany, price SI $0 Pcr annum ; published at Bal timore. 3. The Boston Kecordcr, published at Eos ton, Massachusetts. 4. The New York Christian Herald, published monthly. Price Per annum. 5. The Christian Spectator, published by an association of gentlemen at New Haven. Price S3 per annum. This work is also published monthly. 6. The Religious Intelligencer, a weekly pa per, edited by Nathan Whiting, New Haven. Price 50 pcr annum, in advance. 7. The Missionary Herald, a monthly publica tion, price 1 5 Per annum. Printed by Sam uel T. Armstrong, Boston. This work contains an account cf nearly all the missionary transac tions. 8. The "Weekly Recorder, published by the Rev. John Andrews, Chillicothe, Ohio. Price g3 per annum. JOHN TRAVIS. July 30, 1S21. lw StYishYvy Wattle. THOSE persons who have business in the Rank are requested to take notice, that there must be two securities to their bonds, be sides the endorser. An erroneous opinion has gone abroad, that one name other than the prin cipal is sufficient. I hope attention will be paid to this notice. A. HENDERSON, IJ red dent of the Salisbury Hank. Julv 26, 1821. 3vl62 ON the Tuesday and Wednesday cf August Court, at the Court-IIouse in Salisbury, will be sold, on a credit of six months, several valua ble voung NEGBO Boys and Girls, belonging to the "estate of the late Col. Richmond Pearson, deceased. J. A. PEARSON, Executor. E. PEARSON, Executrix. July 31,IS21. 60ts t rRlIIE subscriber wishes to sell all those ?--s tjj M well known possessions in Salisbury "vJL7 V . on which he now lives : and also, an nA. joining new house, not quite finished, with two back Lets. There are on the premises large and convenient Buildings, suitable for tiny kind of public business. As the stand and property are gewerallv well known, it is not necessarv to give a minute description. It will be sold" in detached parts, or rdtog-ether, as may suit the purchaser. A short credit will be given. Any person wishing to purchase, will please call and view the premises. H. pPEARSOX. Silhl ;r i, Julv ! . 1 8?1 , 6wt64 1VTR. JAMES J I. 1,1 XS LEY h.is removed in 1tJ Select Hoarding School to Stratford, Fair field county, Connecticut, 13 ndhs from New Haven, and 63 from New-York; where he occu pies one of the most elegant and commodious houses in the State; and the number of his du pils is limited to 15 only. 4 The principal design of the School Is to pre pare young gentlemen for Yale College, or'ar.v other University in the U. States, students de sirous of entering the Freshman Class in the College above named, will pursue the studv of Arithmetic, Adam's Latin (Grammar, Prosodv, Virgil, Cicero's Select Oration?, Clark's Intro duction to the making ot I.utin, Sallus1, Cre-ek Testament, and D.d.ci C:, a Minora. 'i hose desirous of entering a more dv;mct-d Ok,w - be instructed in (itogr:;phy, s!i Grammar Adam's Roman Antiquities?, Ahrcb?-n, JK-nsu;a! tion of Superficies and Solids, He ights :in,I Dis tances, Plane and Sph r:c Trigor.on.etrv ami Geometry, Survejing, Nav-gat'on, N.ttur.d and Moral Philosophy", Astronomv, Eh-mints of His tory, Composition, Rhetoric and HelJess-Lettre, &c. with the Latin and Greek Languages contin ued through various authors. In addition to the above will be taught, if de sired, the French and Hebrew Language.?, and the study of Botany as an amusement, during the floral season. The terms for Board, Tuition, bedding,-v.-ash-ingjfucl, candles, and room, are two hundred and t eut v-iive dollars pcr annum, payable half Year ly ; the first half year in advance. The discipline and government "of this School will be addressed to the pride and honour cf the student; and an appeal by letter to the parent will in all cases precede in any ultimate meas ure. -It is believed this school will be t-cpial to any of the kind in the United States ; as the num ber is more limited, the circle of sciences ten dered to the student more extensive, and the un divided attention of the receptor insured to Li.i pupils. Gentlemen desirous of more particular infor mation on the subject, are referred to the Hon. Stephen Kilioti, LA,. I). Thomas S. Griml-c, Ksq. Joseph Jijnnclt, Esq. Uenj. '. JI;i Esn. in Charlcrton ; to the Hon. James .1. Wayne, Abra ham JHchards, Esq. Savannah ; John Jh-z-ereu r Esq. Newberh, N. C. ; the Hon. John C. Calho"??, Secretary of War; the Hon. Henry W. Kd-::uird. Edmund Lav, E.;q. Washington V.y ; William G-uynn, Esq. Baltimore ; Jjfm Sjuin'h-r, M. D.. Yorktown, Penn.; the Hon. iJwzdvi VI, Philadelphia; the Hon. Peter A. Jay, J!'n. IV, IS'oolsey, Esq. Wm. SI'iiiuin, Esq. New-York. . And for general information, the sobjoined Certificates are respectfully submitted. Mr. Jamfs H. Linsley has received a regular education at this College, and sustained, while here, an excellent character, and a respectable standing in his class. He has been cmplovcd for some years as a teacher of outh, with success and approbation j and it is'belicved that he is quaimed to g.ve instructions in the branches specified above. a no us JEREMIAH HAY, President of Yale College. Get. 23, 1820. In the above recommendation, 1 fully dially concur. d cor BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, One of the Professors of Yal-j CslL-.-e. Se-r-Ifavetiy Oct. 24, 1S20. Copy of a lederfrom the I!ev. J. Dy, D. I). EL. D. to the Hon. Johx C. Caluoi-n-, Secreta:'-; cf War, dated Yale College, Oct. 23, 2S2 '. Dear Sir, There may, perhaps, be put into vcur lianas, a copy of an advertisement of Mr. H. Ltvsley, of this State, who proposes to estab lish a select School, for the accommodation cf a small number of youths from the South. Considering him as a man of estimable char acter, of liberal attainments, and cc-rreet princi ples; I have taken the liberty cf furnishing him with a certificate, for the purpose of encourag ing' him in his proposed plan of instruction. Should any cf your friends think proper to af ford him their patronage, I trust thev will not find their confidence misplaced. With the highest respect, Y'our obedient Servant, JEREMIAH DAY. The Hon. John- C. Calhoux, Washington City. P. S. A similar letter was also written bv Pres ident 1) ax to the Hon. Stem ex Elliott, LL. D. Stratford, July 20th, 1821. 6vt66 THE subscriber informs the citizens of Rowau and the adjoining counties, that he has a quantity of prime St. ""Domingo MAHOGANY, and other materials suitable for making goo j and substantial work. Persons who may want: Furniture of J&hogany, would do well to call and see a specimen, which the subscriber h.?1? now on hand, and judge whether they cannot be accommodated at home 0:1 more rea.ic;ublo terms than abroad. Also, Furniture of common wood, made on reasonable terms. J. CONRAD. Lexington, lloivan Count u, July 16, 1S21. " 3 6wtG4 "Plantation Toy Sal 1VTOTICE. For sale, a valuable Plantation, 12 Ifi miles from Salisbury, on the Main Yadkhv river. This plantation contains 360 acres of fino land, attached to which is a very valuable Ferry. Terms will be made convenient. For particu lars, apply to Dr. Ferrand, in Salisbury Po.van Co. July 3, 1821. " 5r . THE subscriber wishes to employ two or three journeymen Carpenters. And ho also would take two or three boys, of good families, ns Apprentices to the business, N. 15. None need applv but such as are sober and industrious. JOHN ALBRIGHT. Saltatory, .V. C. July 21, 1821. vtol Toke,n Uw 4 ND committed to the jail of Kowa:i cennty, J. on the 12th day cf this month, a NF.GIiO WOMAN by the name of Rcse ; says she i- the property of John Cobb, or Cox, a speculator, who purchased her on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, of John Eell, and was going toward the south. She says that her husband, by the name of Ned, and herself, got lost from their master in travelling, and she again from her hus band. She appears to be about 30 or o. yean old; about five feet high, dark complexion, thhi visage, and speaks cmlck. The owner is reques ted to come forward, according to ths act of the Assemblv, and receive her. WILLIAM H0WAK1), Sc'iuTf Jtdv ?2l. .m65