A1ASB5IV,.N. C. TVjESD.l, AUGUST 14, 1821. .NO. 02. " " ir Tim i it ir r miSTLlt AXD PUnLIS;iEI, EVEUV Tl'ESlJAT, Br EINGIIAM v W1IITK. The subscription to the "Wi-.steiiv (Jiutuixux is Three Dollars per annum, payable Iialf-ycarly in advance. GC No paper will be discontinued until al arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing" to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing1 to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. Auvi.UTisEMEXTS will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. I'crsons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by soaie person in tliis town, or its vicinity. CjrWll letters to the editors must be post-paid, or they will not be attended to. rrIIE subscriber is now opening, at his Store in Salisbury, a general and well selected assortment of DRV GOODS, II AHD-WAUi:, and MEDICINES, Just received direct from New-York and Phila delphia, and laid in at prices that will enable him to sell remarkably low. His customers, and the public, arc respectfully invited to call ami ex amine for themselves. All kinds of Country l'roduce received in exchange.- lat7S J. MURPHY. loolv-Iuig Business. rjlHE subscriber respectfully informs the citi JL zens of the Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining- districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the Booh-Binding Jiusiiex, in all ;f its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. He has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood Cc Kridsr, on Main-street, three doors north of the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute everv kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will give general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have Blank Books ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the North. Old Books rebound on the most reasonable Jcnns, and at short notice. ' Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faithfullv attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisbury, June 3, 1821. 53 ?ie Singe to viveig. THE subscriber, who is contractor for carrving D-m&9'-t2& the U. States Mad between T5itZ3l?Z5 and Salislmrv. bv way of Randolph, Chatham, &c. respectfully in ibr'ms the public, that he has fitted up an entire XIWV S TAGE; which, added to other improve incnts that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSENGERS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part of the country. The scarcity f money, the reduction in the price of produce, Ike. demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate of passage iiom ciqtt to m'jc cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the AVcst to Raleigh, or by way if Raleigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it only nee ds a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, M or J o'clock, and departs thence for Raleigh the same day at 2 o'clock:, it arrives in R.deigh IViuuv ccn"iug, and leaves there for Slibury on Saturdav at 2 o'clock. .ir-tv 22. '1821. a'J JOHN LANE. rSVtlE subscriber takes this method of inform -SL ing his friends, and the public in general, that he h:i.s established himself in the house for incrlv occupied by the Rev. Peter Eaton, in the Town of ll uitsvdle, Surry count)-, N. Carolina; ! and has been at considerable expense in making i his rooms commodious and cemiortablc, lor the reception ot Travellers, and all who may tavor him with their custom. H's Sideboard is pro- vided with Injuors of the best quality, and his Stables with every thing requisite for Horses; and hopes, by particular attention, to merit a toliare of nubile patronage. MUM PC ED DEJORNATT. IF:"' : n-r. ir. 1S20. N . B. The subscriber continues to carry on ibine: Business and will execute all or- ne tiers with neatness and despatch, for cash, credit, vv country produce. -1. P AN awav from the subscriber, at Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Negro Bov by the r.ame of SIMON i dark complexion, and five tec seven cr ciiit niches ! : era.'i. E AN WILIE. ".March 1S21. 50 The E.litors of the Rlchn.ond Enquirer arc recpic-ted to insert the above advertisement lis. v. eeks, and send their account to the office of ibe Western Carolinian fr payment. 1V4, s YentVttVuut Yiaomo , hlHi. He speaks low v. hen spoken to. It is others summoned as garnishees. It appear s mposed that he-will make towards the countv to the satisfaction cl the court that the de- ifPrir.ee William, Virginia., as he v, ;is purehaseci j ie-ndant is not an inhabitant ot th.s state, u is iu tint count v. I will give the above reward if therefore ordered, that publication be ma. to lor t!ie said negro is delivered to haac IVilie, Con- three months in the Western Carolinian, pnnteu r-ord.Cuharrus county, or '25 dollars if secured in mi Salisbury, that the defendant appear at the L . . . . - ' - IK' 1 T . T iTTTi:Li 1 .3 1 1 ! i II. rjO I LL I 1 ".'!' ' - - ' Tves lion As. rWIIIi subscriber is just opening, and offers JL for sale, at his store, opposite Mr. Slaugh ter's, Salisbury, a good assortment of J)ry CooJs, China in setts, and Queen's J G lass-1 fare, Jlard-tfare. Among his Dry Goods, are superfine black :md blue UroadrJ.oths, of a very superior quality ; common Cloths, of different colors; very fine and common Cassimercs; Canton Crapes", black and oilier colors; Silks; Sarcenets ; Yestings of different colors; Robes for Ladies' Dresses; Cambrics and Calicoes ; Ulankets, tec. t'ec. &.c. Also, Ladies Bonnets; a g'enerai assortment of Hats and Jockey Caps, and of gentlemen's and ladie Shoes, best and common quality; ladies' and mens Saddles ; Bridles and Saddle-Bags ; Cotton Cards ; Gun Powder and Shot, of the best quality; and a variety of oilier articles. He has, likewise, fresh Imperial Tea, cf the first qualitv ; as well as a good assortment of GROCERIES', in general. A he wishes to make quick sales, he will dispose of his Goods, for cash, at a very small advance from cost. 8wtf)l GEORGE MILLER. Xn Akin is ttv igni ion COMPANY. VfOTICE is hereby given, that thePrcside-.it and Directors of the Yadkin Navigation Company have required the payment of the sev enth, eighth and ninth instalments, of ten dollars each, upon every share subscribed, to be made to the Treasurer of the Company, cr to such Agents as they shall appoint to receive the same : And that payment of said instalments be made on. or before the 2fith day of August next, other wise the shares cf subscribers failing" to pay, will be sold at auction, at the town of Salisbury, North-Carolina, on Monday, the 10th clay of Sep tember next ; and on the same day, and at the same place, the shares cf subscribers who have failed, or shall fail by that day, to make payment of instalments heretofore required by the Pres ident and Directors to be paid, will be sold at auction. FREDERICK HANDLE, Treasurer of the said Cumpanu. July 14, 1S21. 55tSpiO Yiooi nuA Soe TvinkAni. fl7 BKNKZ Id I DICKSON begs leave to inform .iLl the inhabitants of Salisbury and its vicinity, J that he has commenced the Root and Shoe Making- Business, in all of its branches, on Main street, nearly opposite the new bank. As our provisions are much cheaper than they formerly were, it is no more than right that we should I reducf our nrices to suit the hard times . I have. therefore, come to the determination to charge, in future, the following low rates, to wit : Gentlemen's Bootees, first quality - g 6 50 Gentlemen s Shoes, Women's Shoes, Shoctces, best qualit uo. lo. 1 75 2 00 rooting Boots llottomintr Boots Although the price of work is reduced, the public need not be afraid that the quality of it is to be reduced also ; but on the contrary, I will warrant my work to be made of the very best materials, ami as fashionably and durably execu ted as any that can be done in this part of the country. The public ti'ill fdeasc call and try ; 2.7. if th-.'y djyJi like they necd'nt buy. Uoots and Shoes neatly repaired, at as low rates, in proportion, as the above prices for manufacturing. E. DICKSON. Salisbury, July 12, 1821. 53 MECKLEXBUKG COUNTY. MAY ficssions, 1821 : Andrew McBride, in right of his wife 1 larriet, is. George Hamp ton, administrator of Doct. Thomas Henderson : Petition for distributive share of the estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant, (Jcorgc Hampton, resides without the limits of this state, it is therefore Ordered by court, that publication be made six weeks in the Western Carolinian, that the said administrator appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Mecklen burg, at the Court-II'juse in Charlotte, on the fourth Mondav in August next, and plead, an swer, or demur to said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso against him. Witness Iaac Alexander, Clerk cf our said court, at Charlotte, the 4th Mondav of Mav, 1821. fnvUVJ ISAAC ALEXANDER, C.f. C. Slate o 2Soi!l-jaYoVna, MncKLES r. u r a c ovxt y "A ,TTAY Sessions 1821 : Petition for partition lv R- of the real estate : Ilcnrv Lewis . tlie Iuhs ;lt j.iw nf iVancis Lewi. It appearing t thc s.vticfJCtion of the court, that tome of th ,cjr3 at .u;. ()f iVancis Lewis reside without th to e the limits of this state, it is therefore Ordered bv the court, that publication be made for sin weeks in the Western Carolinian, for the said heirs to ap pear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held lor the counlv cf "-.Ieckh-n- hurg, at the Court-House, in Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in August next, and plead, an swer, or demur to said nctition. otherwise it will , j)C takcn pro CCIIfcsso a3 to them. W itness Isaac Alexander , Clerk of our said court, :it Charlotte, the -1th Mondav of Mav, 1S21. 6uto2 ISAAC ALEX ANDE. 1 1, C..V. C STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, 1 1 0 V.' AX CO U N T V . lOrilT cf Pleas and (iuartcr Sessions, Mav Term, 1S21. Henry Williams vs. William Butler: Oriirinal attachment, Jesse A. Pearson j held for the county of Rowan, at the Court-House ! in Salisbury, on the third Monday in August next, then ami then: to replevy, plead, or demur, or hnhnnent will be taken n-rainst him bv default. " UwtG.1 Test: JNO.' (dLI'.S, (. R. V. I OP the v at lb- 1" the vavir.us kinds v.ommonlv in use, ftr sale ' of th? ,A";'TK!!, CaJ'li VI.X". AGRICULTURAL. Hail ! first of Arts, source of domestic ease Pride of the land, and patron of the sens. inOM THE AMEKICAX FARMER. PETERSHAM, OCT. 2, 1820. ox Tim vreseuyatiox of fruit TREES. Sir. Should the following communi cation respecting the preservation of fruit trees from decay and premature old age, appear to be entitled to notice, you will oblige by presenting it to the Trustees of the Society Several years ago I owned a tanyard on the bank of a pond, raised by a dam across a small rivulet, which passes through my farm in Petersham. Some of the tan, af ter it was taken from the vats, was occa sionally thrown into the pond. I noticed from time to time, that the fish in the pond died. I was induced to believe, that some deleterious property in the tan pro duced the effect on the fish, and that it might be converted to some valuable use in agriculture. At that time, from various causes, ma ny of my fruit trees, and particularly my pear, peach, and plum trees, were in a state 3 11 ment, I applied a small quantity of tan to the roots of my decayed trees; the result exceeded my most sanguine expectations. The trees began to revive, vm the nc:;t season I made a similar and more exten sive use of my tan about my fruit trees ; and the result has been obvious in all, but more particularly in my pear, peach and plum trees, which arc the most liable to decay in this section of the country. Tan about the roots of trccc. loosens the earth, and prepares it to receive and communicate greater quantities of nutri ment to the trunk and branches. The tree is thereby invigorated, and acquires more strength to resist any disease, by which it may be attacked. But the most )eneficial effect of the use of tan is to pre vent the approach of all kinds of insects. which prey upon the very life of the tree. My fruit trees, which have been prepared with tan, have been wholly free from the ravages of caterpillars, canker-worms, grubs, and every hind of insects ; while others, which stand near by, and which have been neglected, have been more or less injured by these common nuisances, too common in fruit orchards, through the careless necrlcct of the husbandman. Tan also pi events the black gum from oozing from the trunks and branches of fruit trees ; which is more frequently the case in damson, plum, and peach trees, than in any other, arising from the constitutional weakness of the tree, or from some other cause, which is prevented by the appiica tion of tan. This was the state of my trees, and of those of my neighbours, be fore I made the experiment by using tan. The result is obvious and notorious to all, who examined the trees at the different periods. My trees arc healthy and Hour ishing and vigorous, while those of my neighbours, w ho have neglected the use of tan, are either dead or in the last sta ges of decay. Aly fruit has not only been greatly increased in size and quantity, but its flavour has been much improved and enriched. A remarkable instance of the wonder ful effect of tan in restoring decayed fruit trees to health and vigour is observable in a pear tree, which stands in my garden. Six cr seven years ago it was almost life less. It had but one or two small green branches on it ; the rest were entirely dead and dry. I was induced to try the effect of tan upon it, but with little hope of success. In the course of two or three years I was astonished to see new branch es shoot out from its trunk ; and it is now the most flourishing fruit tree on my farm. This fact can he attested by hundreds. It has generally been my practice to re new the tan about the roots of my trees once in two years. It may possibly be expedient to renew it annually, as soon as the snow has been dissolved from the roots. I have usually appropriated from half a bushel to two bushels to each tree, according to its size. It may be carelessly placed around the trunk of a tree ; and it will soon spread itself at a proper distance over the roots. I feel the most perfect conviction of the sure and certai.i effect of tan in restoring decayed fruit trees to health and preserv ing them to vigour. Should any one, however, entertain doubts, the ex peri nent may be easily made, with trifling expense, particularly by those who live in the neigh bourhood of tan yards. Tan has been es teemed useless, after it has been thrown aside by the tanner. Any one, who will ask, mav rcccl. without fee or reward. JOHN GATES. Betersharn, Oct. 2, 1820. We have seen and examined tiie fr uit trees of Mr. Gates, a respectable farmer of this town. We arc satisfied that his statement respecting the effect of tan, in restoring decayed fruit trees to health, and preserving them in a flourishing stale, is correct. Mr. Gates has paid ri eat atten tion, in improving his fruit trees, and we have no hesitation in saying, that we have no doubt that his discovery of the good effects of tan, will be most valuable to the communitv. HUTCIIINS HAPGOOD. JARED WE EE. rnoji the americax faiimeii.. Extract from Editorial Notes on the Agriculture of certain counties in Virginia. j Leaving Winchester for Staunton, a kind letter from Judge H. introduced me the same evening to the civilities of Major 11. whose spacious mansion of more than lOO feet in length attracts the notice and admiration of the trav eller soon after passing Middletown. It serves to adorn a lertne farm of six thousand acres, and is built of a kind of stone which abounds in that coun try, and which is beautifully' adapted to the purposes of building and fenc ing. On learning the extent of his es tate, I could not help reflecting on the vast difference that exists in the rural and social economy, habits and circum stances of sister states ; living, never theless, in the greatest harmony under the same general government. How wonderful is the political structure which binds together parts apparently so heterogeneous ! How much to be admired is the patience and wisdom of the fathers who devised and established it ! South cf the Chesapeake, it is not uncommon to find from one to ten thou sand acres of land occupied by a single proprietor, whereas to the question put by the Massachusetts Agricultural So ciety to one of the County Societies, 41 of what quantity of land do the farms in vour vicinity generally consist ?" The answer was, " irom fifty to two hundred ; generally about one hundred acres." Fifty acres is there consider- ect adequate tu iubiciiain.c ui a large family, nor will this appear at all incredible to he Southern farmer, when he considers the immensely productive capacity of the earth, if pushed to its greatest yield by the skilful application of labor and manure. In proof of her amazing fruitfulness when properly en gaged to display it, I will here intro duce for the notice cf the large land holder of the South, one cr two exam ples. In 1S14- the Andrcssan Farmers' Society offered a silver medal for the best and heaviest crop of turnips in the parish of Dundonald, situated in the west of Scotland ; and appointed two judges to inspect the different fields, cultivated within the bounds. They proceeded in the execution of their duty, r.nd in compliance with the requisitions of the society, by weigh ing a square rod taken from the aver age of the fields in different parts the result of their investigation was, that on one farm, a Scotch acre, which is short of an acre and a quarter Kng- ! lish measure, produced in turnips tons. civt. lbs. Of bulbs, without leaves 76 0 0 Of leave?, bv themselves 14 0 0 VO 0 o Forty bushels of turnips are about equal to a ton; and the quantity per acre, therefore, in bulbs alone, arises to the enormous amount of SO-iO bush els, besides fourteen tons of leaves, ot highly nutritive quality. Rstimatim - the bulbs at 33 cents per bushel. acre 7viII fetch vjnvarJ.s cf cue i sand dollars, a sum sufficient to awaken the utmost agricultural industry. On another farm the same judges found toji-i. Ids. The bulbs weighed The leaves 49 X t 11 5 ir 51 G5 16 On another they found that the bulbs vveitrhed The leaves 43 r it o o 7 16 Another impressive example v. orthy of being mentioned, is that of the Alms House farm in Salem, Ms. which consists of about thirty-five acres. In 1816 it is represented to have been in a rough uncultivated state, and in 1818 it pro duced Of pork killed, 7960 pounds 12 live pigs sold for 42 dollars On hand 57 live pigs Corn, 400 bushels Potatoes, 2250 bushels Turnips, 900 bushels 3 tons squashes 5d tons pumpkins and all the common f-ummcr vegetables for the vise of the Alms Houe. Let these examples serve to demon strate what may be done by labor ju diciously exercised, and determine the farmer to concentrate his manure and his toils that he may apply them with much more effect on a smaller surface ; extending gradually the sphere of his operations as fast only as he can do it with profitable effect. It were uselt-ss here to speculate on the moral and po litical causes which have and will con tinue to retard the progress of this great; state in fertility and population ; or to calculate her amazing physical strength when, if ever, a happier order of things shall have drawn her immense resour ces into fair and full operation, It has'heen estimated that in Massachusetts proper, on an area of G,000 square miles, there is at this moment a population of half a million, or eighty to the square mile and that in a gen eral survey, their climate and soil may be consid ered as of a medium character. An equal dense ncss cf population, would give Virginia tin wards of 5,000,000. TIIE PRINTER. rilOM THE WEST JEHSET CAZETTi:. ' I pity I pity the printer,' said my un cle Toby. ' He is a poor devil, rejoined I. ' How so ?' said ray uncle Toby. i In the first place he must endeavor to please every body? and ten to one if he pleases any body : In the negligence of the mo ment, perhaps, a small paragraph pops upon him ; he hastily throws it to the com positor it is inserted and he is d d to all intents and purposes !' ' Too much the case,' said my uncle with a si.qdi, 6 too much the case. Nor is that all, contin ued I, he sometimes hits on a piece that pleases him. mightily, and he thinks it cannot but cro down with his subscribers ; but alas I who can calculate ? he inserts it, and all is over with him. They may forgive others, but they can't forgive a printer. He has a host to print for ; he has fools, and he has wise men ; and eve ry dunce that knows B from a bull's foot, sets up for a critic. The pretty miss ex claims, why don't he give us more poetry and , bon mots ? away with these stale: pieces. The politician claps his specks on his nose, and runs it over in search of violent invective ; he finds none ; he takes his specks off, folds them, claps them in his pocket, declaring the paper good for nothing but to burn. So it goes. Every one thinks it ought to be printed express ly to please himself, as he is a subscriber and thus, weekly, it is brought to the grand orded.' Trim could no lonecr contain himself; but rising, and making a sti ide to the mid dle of the floor, with his arms a-kim-bo, and his head upright, exclaimed, with a loud voice, ' If I was a printer, an't please your honor, I'd please myself. i d never give up the ground to any one or renounce one sentiment. I would not be swayed by the whim, caprice or folly of every one, but would mark out a straight line, and pursue it.' (Here Trim traced with the point of his stick a right line from my stool.) 4 If I could not succeed in a plain independent course, I'd freely kick the beam. in the couneii. Tiiiies of general calamity and confusion have ever been productive of the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thnr.derbcit is elici ted from the darkest storm. i

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