HI- I YOIi. II. S.TLISlVirilX, . C. TYittSYjAX, SETTTIliETt 11, 1831. NO. 6'o. j-j rv mi rnisTEn au runLisiiEn, kveht tuxsdat, Iii KLNGIIA.M c WHITE. TEiirrs : The subscription to the Westerx Cauolimav 5s Three Dollars per annum, payable half-year!) in advance. No paper will be discontinued until al arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice cf his wish to discontinue at the end of a. year, will be considered as vvishiwr to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. "Whoever will become responsible for tin payment of nine papers, shall receive a tentl gratis. Awveutisemevts will be inserted on the cus tomary .Tms. Persons sending in Advcr tiscments, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. CjAU letters to the editors must be post-paid, cr they will not be attended to. iXew Goods. riHE subscriber is now opening, at his Store 1, in Salisbury a general and well selected assortment cf DRY GOODS, IIATID-WAUE, and MEDICINES, Just received direct from New-York and Phila , lelphia, and laid in at prices that will enable him :o sell remarkably low. His customers, and the , public, are respectfully invited to call and cx . amine for themselves. All kinds of Country Produce received in exchange. latrS J. MURPHY. Tooc-Bi&mg Business. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of the Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the Book-Binding Business, in all of its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. lie has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood U Krider, on Main-street, three uoors north of the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will give general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have Blank Books ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the North. Old Books rebound on the mcst reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM H. YOUNG. Salisbury, June 8, 1821. 53 iVcw Stage to RAeAg. subscriber, who is contractor for carrvinir VE&vAWiZO the 17. States Mail htu-t?eii mtia Raleigh and Salisbury, by M ay of Randolph, Chatham, &.c. respectfully in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAGE; which, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carrv PASSENGERS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by anv line of stages m this part of the country. The scarcity of money, the reduction in the price of produce, &.c. demand a correspondent reduction in cverv department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate of passage from eight to six cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the West to Raleigh, or by way of Raleigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it'onlv needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, 8 or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for lialcigh the same day. at 2 o'clock; it arrives in Raleigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturd:v at 2 o'clock. .If y 221831. 50 JOHN LANE. fitly BoU&Ys IvTOai'il. TTJ AN away from the subscriber, at Charlotte, .X Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Negro lioy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, stout made, and five feet seven or eight inches hi"-'i. ,- Ui?pn snoken to. It is stTposeddiXhc unmake towards the county of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that county. 1 w ill give the above Reward it the saiii negro is delivered to Jsaac Jl'ifie, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollar if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him a rain. EVAN W1LIE. March 21, 1821. 50 The Editors of the Richmond Enquirer arc requested to insert the above advertisement six weeks, and send tld-ir account to the office of the Western Carolinian for payment. TLiCoYniion WmiteiY, "jrY the children ;f John Cunningham, de- .O ceased, who defiarted this life in Greenville District, h. C wrioid wile wu s named Jane. Their oungest daughter, Jane Cunningham, i; now residinc: in Blooilfield, Nelson county, Ken is and is desirous of obtining any information that will open a corresponlor.ee bctwcc!. the widow of said Cunningham, oS.Iohn, .lames and George, children of the aforeid John ami Jane Cun ningham. The said .) Ae was bound or put un der the care of Mrs. Ainstrong, of South-Carolina, who removed to Kentucky and brought the said Jane with her. A ny information relating to h'jui will bjhankfiilly rCfived, bv - C CXXINGIIAil, Jilowflcld, JCen. CT" F.aircrs of ncwrparArsin Wasliington Citv, Corth and South-CarolinaAieorgia, Alabama, and Vennesee, will confer a pyticular obligation on :m orphan child, by givi .!r?e inse rtion's i:i t.'jejr r the above two or rclect;ve naper.. Select School. Mir. JAMES II. LINSLEV has removed his Select Hoarding School to Stratford, Fair field .countv, Connecticut, 13 miles from New Haven, and 65 from New-York; where he occu pies one of the most elegant and commodious houses in the State ; and the number of his pu pils is limited to 15 only. The principal design of the School is to pre pare young gentlemen for Vale College, or any other University in the U. States. Students de sirous of entering the Freshman Class in the College above named, will pursue the study of Arithmetic, .Adam's Latin Grammar, Prosody, Virgil, Cicero's Select Orations, Clark's Intro duction to the making of Latin, S,dh:st, Greek Testament, and Dalzel's Graxa Minora. These desirous of entering a more advanced ('lass, will be instructed in Geography, English Grammar, Adam's Roman Antiquities, Alq bra, Mensura tion of Superficies ami Solids, Heights and Dis tances, Plane ana fsphcr.c 1 ri'roiioinetrv and Geometry, Surveying, Navigation, Natural and .Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, Elements of His tory, Composition, Rhetoric and IJclIes-Lettre.s &c. with the Latin and Greek Languages contin ued through various authors. In addition to the above will be taught, if de sired, the French and Hebrew Lamruacres, and the study of Botany as an. amusement, during the floral season. The terms for Hoard, Tuition, bedding, wash ing, fuel, candles, and room, arc two hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum, payable half vear !-; the first halt year in advance. The discipline and government of this School will he addressed to the pride and honour of the student; and an appeal bv letter to the parent will in all cases precede in anv ultimate meas ure. It is believed this school will be equal to any of the kind in the United States ; as the num- er is more limited, the circle cf sciences ten dcrcd to the student more extensive, and the un divided attention of the preceptor insured to his pupils. Gentlemen desirous of more particular infor- mauon on tne suoject, are reierrca to tne lion. i t i . i. .i . Stephen JJliott, LL. D. 7 homas S. Grimkc, Esq. Joseph Bennett Esq. Benj. I Hunt, Esq. in Liarleston ; to the lion. James .. II cwne, lbm- ham BicharJs, Esq. Savannah ; John JJeT'ereiur, Esq. Newborn, N. C. ; the Hon. John C. Calhoun, Secretary ot War; the Hon. Henry Jl Edwards, Edmund Laiv, Esq. Washington city; William G-wynn, Esq. I'altiniore ; Jjhn Spangler, M. D. Vorktown, Penn. ; the Hon. Jangdon Chexes, Philadelphia; the Hon. JWr .7. Jay, Jl'tn. '. Jf'oolsey, Esq. J I'm. Silliman, Esq. New-York. And for general information, the subjoined Certificates arc respectfully submitted. Mr. Ja.mks H. Linsi.ev has received a regular education at this College, and sustained, while here, an excellent character, and a respectable standing in bis class. He b;is been employed for some years as a teacher of youth, with success and approbation ; and it is believed that he is qualified to g-ive instructions in the various branches specified above. JEREMIAH DAY, President of Yale College. Ae7-Ifaven, Oct. 23, 1S20. In the above recommendation, 1 fully and cor diallv concur. T EN J AM IN SILLIMAN, One of the J'rof-rsors of Yale College. AWj-Ifavm, Oct. 2 1, 1 820. Copy of a Idler from the Iiev. J. IUr, J). 1). LL. D. to the Hon. John- C. Cau'ouv, Secrctaru of il'ar, dtjd Yale C'Alege, Oct. 23, 1S20. DF.ri Sin, There may, pr rbps, be put into your hands. a copy of an advertisement ot Mr. .Iamks H. Ltnslet, of this St t'c, v ho proposes to estab lish a select School, for the accommodation of a small number of youths from the South. Considering him as a man of estimable char acter, of liberal attainments, and correct princi ples; I have taken the liberty of furnishing him with a certificate, for the purpose of encourag ing him in his proposed plan of Instruction. Should any of your friends think proper to af ford him their patronage, I trust they will not find their confidence misplaced. With the highest respect, Your obedient Servant, JEREMIAH DAY. The Hon. Jmiy C. Cat.hoit. Washington City. P. S. A similar letter was also written by Pres ident Dat to the Hon. Stephen Elliott, LL. D. Stratford, July 20th, 1821. GwtSG "7"'LIj " disposed of at Public Sale, onTues V f day and Wednesday, the 1 1th and 12th davs of September next, all the stock of the subscri ber, consisting of Milch Cow s, Calves, Horses, Hogs, Farming Utensils, Fodder, Hav, Uc. &x! ami likewise, some Household Furniture. Also" his Distillery, containing two Stills, one' of 110 gallons, of a superior qualitv, and one cf 60 gal Ions, with a complete set of hogsheads and troughs. Terms of purchase will be made known at the time of sale. At the same time, the subscriber will rent to the highest bidder, (unless previously rented by private contract,) for one year, thelhtation, with all its appurtenances, on which he now lives. TIIOS. HOLMES. .75:28,1821. SwGl ' OX the 4th day of October, at Mock's Old Field, there will be sold, on a credit of six months, several valuable young NEGIiO BOYS and tilltLS, belonging to the estate of the late Col. llichmond Pearson, deceased. J. A. PEAKSOX, Executor. E. PE AKS OX. llvecutrijc. August 21, 1821. 6-its Aiuiun i'oY ftale. "VTOTICE. For sale, a valuable Plantation, 12 il miles from Salisbury, on the Main Yadkin river. This plantation contains 360 acres of Hne I -.;id, attached to which is a very alnablc Ferry. Terms will be made convenient. For particular.-:, apply to Dr. Fcrrand, in Salisbury. I!j.ea:i Co. July 3, 1821. 57 ror so2s id this. Office, AGRICULTURAL. Hail! first of Arts, source of domestic ease Pride of the land, and patron of the seas. rHOM THE AME1UCA' FAWIEn. The committee on manures, in obedience to the direction cf the Pendleton Agricultural So ciety of South-Carolina, nt their last meeting, beg leave respectfully to submit the following REPORT: July 9th, 1813. Aware of the great importance of the subject, and of the difficulty of arranging a system, at once simple and efficient, your committee have felt themselves em barrassed by another consideration of a painful nature. A conviction that an in competent discharge of their duty may lead their fellow citizens into errors and losses, and endanger the reputation of a system on which all good farming is founded, and which, when judiciously prosecuted, has always been attended with the most beneficial effects. Your com mittee, however, have not suffered them selves to be deterred, even by this consid eration, from uniting their most zealous efTorts in so good a cause ; trusting to su perior wisdom for a happy issue, they will only add, that the subsequent recom mendations are founded either on their own knowledge and experience, or deriv ed from the best and latest authorities, to which they have had access. Before entering upon the subject of their immediate duty your committee would earnestly recommend to their bto thcr farmers to examine and ascertain precisely, the nature of the soil which is to be the subject of improvement. In the vegetable, as in the physical world, the nature of the defect should be com pletely understood, in order to adopt the appropriate remedy; and as our fields not only differ materially 9 but are even sonic times of an opposite quality, it is evident that a very judicious course of manage ment for one field, may be extremely pernicious for another. Believing this point to be of primary importance, your committee will endea vour to assist the judgment, by enumera ting the different soils of this district, as far as they arc acquainted with them ; for this purpose it will be sufficient at present to consider them under three divisions : First : Stiff clay soils, generally red, with more or less sandy vegetable earth on the surface. This soil is mostly sterile, after a few years of cultivation in the ordinary way ; but as one principal cause of its sterility is its adhesion, and as clay is known to contain a great portion of the food of plants, it follows that the first step to wards improvement, is to destroy its ad hesive quality, in order to enable its fer tile particles to act. To accomplish this object, clay soils should be mixed with sucli particles as tentl to open them and break the cohesion of their parts ; when this is accomplished, this land becomes highly valuable, retaining manures for a length of lime, and with good manage ment will never return to its former state. Among other substances proper to be mixed with this soil, may be enumerated sand or gravel, ashes, sawdust from mills, rubbish from old buildings or yards, straw, stubble, rotten wood, burnt clay, farm yard manure, and gypsum, or plaster of pai is. Tanner's bai k, and substances which promote a strong fermentation, arc peculiarly excellent, and it is believed j that a mixture ot any or ot all ot the a bove mentioned substances, in a compo sed heap, would triple the product of such land, if properly ploughed in and brought into good tilth by the plough and harrow. The second division may be called a loamy soil. This kind of earth is less cohesive and more fertile than the former, and is composed cf sand, clay, and an oi Iv vegetable substance, with a substratum of red clay at some depth, on uplands, and generally of bluish clay on river or creek bottoms. These latter are gene rally admitted to be so fertile as to re quire little aid from manures : but the up lands, after a few years cultivation, will re quire a compost of stable manure, sand and vegetable rubbish, to break the tena city, and recruit the poverty which suc cessive crops vwll pioducc. Loads of mud and deca) ing leaves, hauled from creeks and stagnant pools, are very high ly recommende d for this soil, and the pro portion of sand or gravel should be in creased as the land becomes more stiff. Ths third divhion wijl comprise Jight sandy soils, with an ash colored mould at top. This soil is more porous and open than those which we have considered. It receives moisture with great facility, but parts with it as easily. To improve this soil, clayey loamy earth must be spread over it, and composts of animal and veg etable substances ; but all light sandy par ticles must.be carefully avoided. This kind of earth is the only one in this dis trict, which will bear what " Arator" calls, 44 the American custom of pen ning," as the treading of animals imparts a firmness of the soil which in a great measure will prevent the continual evap oration of moisture, while it receives great benefit from their manure. Your committee having thus Lrieflv endeavored, (by the classification of the great bulk of the farms of this district,) to erect some standard by which an intel ligent farmer may correctly ascertain the nature of his soil, its defects, and their appropriate remedy, will proceed to the subject immediately committed to them ; the collection and application of manures. All the manures which can be used in this district, may be classed under four heads : animal, vegetable, compound, and fossil. Animal manure, by which we at pres ent mean, the dung ot horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs, with the refuse of the poultry yards, is one of the most power ful manures that can be applied to the soil, and the most approved modern wri ters strongly recommend that it be im mediately buried beneath the surface, there to undergo its putnficative process, that the earth above may be benefited by the ammoniacal gas which it evolves in its decomposition. The dung of horses, hogs, and poultry, on account of its great tendency to fermentation and putrefac- lion, is best adapted to cold, stitt, and clayey soils; while that of cattle may be most beneficially applied to warmer soils. On sandy porous soil, cattle may be con fined by a temporary fence, on a strip of land, which being removed at a given time, (according to the number confined thereon,) their dung should be immedi ately ploughed under, that it may not be exposed to the action of the sun, or of rain. But as nine tenths of the farms of this country would be materially injured by the poaching of the soil ; and as very few of our farmers keep a sufficient stock to improve any quantity of land, in any way, by animal manure alone, your com mittee will not detain you longer on this head, but will proceed to the considera tion of the second class? or vegetable ma nure. In this division, we comprehend either green plants turned under by the plough while growing, or parts of vegetables, af ter they have been decomposed or burnt, with their ashes, roots and fibres. The only experience your committee themselves have had of ploughing under any vegetable substance standing on the soil, is the case ol ploughing m stubble. This practice has for a number of years been performed on cold, stiff", blue clay river bottom land, from which a success ion of the same crops for perhaps seven ty years, had worn away all the top or vegetable earth. This practice has al ways been attended with beneficial re sults; for though the stubble is a long time in decomposing, and affords but lit tle soluble matter for the food of plants, yet the tenacity of the soil is always bro ken and a considerable degree of tilth produced, enabling the fibrous roots of the plants to penetrate in au directions m search of their food. But if dry stubble ploughed under, pro duces such happy results, how much greater would be the benefit, if a green crop, in full luxuriance, in the season of its blossoms, were treated in a similar manner? The interior woody fibre of the vegetable, taking a longer time to de compose, would have the same effect as the stubble, of opening the soil, while the iuicv bark and leaves, speedily undergo ing the putrificative process in the earth, would mipaii a. iiu-iiuci aim iciiuuy iu the soil, which would amply repay the lit tle labor and expense that would be incur red. Lord Kairnes objects to ploughing under grren vegetable crops, merely be cause the vegetables commonly used for this purpose, are proper food for animals, and he conceives that the best way of converting it into manure, is to pass it through the body of an animal, which will increase its value, while the dung and urine will enrich his soil more than ploughing under the green crop. Your committee will indulge themselves in two remarks on this objection. The first is, that so little labour and expense is requir ed in seeding and the two ploughings re quired by the vegetable system, that any common industrious farmer may sow one field for feeding and others for turning under, and if the green vegetables are to be cut, and carried perhaps some dis tance, to the stalls and sheds, to prevent poaching, this continued daily labor will! make it the most expensive mode. The otlier and stronger objection to Lord Kaimes plan, is that few, if any of our farmers keep a stock sufficiently large to manure any quantity of land, by the dung of animals alone, while the vegetable sys tem manures the whole field at onrc,.aml equally. to isi: coxn:a,r,.a. AVIIIG DOCTRINES. HlOr THE N ASHVILLE WHIG.' " And presently the "Wolf came, sure enough , but the Shepherds, who had been so often de ceived, came not to his relief." u Take care of a consolidated govern ment ! Guard our rights i Your liber ties are in danger!" are ejaculations so often made by noisv politicians, and busv printers, that one just waking from dream might think w e were on the eve ot being made slaves of being compelled to do homage to some iietre lord. From Ohio we hear it echoed, that thcx ultima ratio regtini must be looked to, U guard the country from danger. The U nited States' Bank sent its money there: and kindly loaned it. Presently, howev er, they wanted it back ; and because they had the effrontery to say so, suddenly the institution became remarkably unpopular. The state laid a tax upon it ; and forcibly, by her authorities, entered the Bank and took away g 100,000. All this Ohio thought was very right ; and because the courts of the United States are likely to decide against this high stretch of power, the cry is raised that we arc about to have a consolidated form of government, and that the liberty of the people is endan gered. Kentucky goes a step or two farther : She is with Ohio on this bank subject ; but, stranger still, seems shrewdly to sus pect that revolution is wrapped in the lale decision of the Supreme Court on the oc cupant Ia.w of Kentucky. A candidate for the legislature of that state, in an ad dress to the people, lately published in the Reporter, remarks, that " the adjudication of the Supreme Court of the United States, on the occupant claim law, is a deadly stab at the sovereignty and indepen dence of Kentucky ; that the legislature ought therefore to ejciress her determina tion to aiieal to arms rather than s7tdmit to a decisiojz so adverse to her interest rights and dignity.' Virginia, too, is quite open mouthed in her complaints; and, like the other two, is of opinion, that the Supreme Court having lately determined or rather hinted, that Congress might possibly have power to authorize lottery tickets to be sold in that state, wras aiming a dangerous ulow at the happiness, prosperity, and liberty, ol tne American nation. Delaware has also lately imposed a tax upon every body travelling through that state in a public stage: With the same propriety, it is apprehended, she may tax people on foot or on horseback, or after any other manner travelling. Should some obstinate fellow question this right, and obtain a decision of the Supreme Coin tin his favor, another cause of alarm and apprehension for the liberty of the country will be forthwith added. Now, we know nothing to which all these sage apprehensions can be so well likened, as to a story we have somewhere heard, or perhaps read in some modern Almanac. A beautiful young 'ady was sitting by a heated oven, bathed in tears, when her mother entered : alarmed at the seeming distress, the old lady enquired the cause. " Oh dear," said she, " I was just thinking that suppose I had been mar ried, and had a beautiful little child, just beginning to run about ; and you and I being at the same time absent, the little darling should have crept into this heated oven and been burnt to death Surely I should never have survived it." The young lady was relieved though, by learn ing from her mother that, for the present, and perhaps for some time to come, her children would most likely be in no dan ger ; a circumstance which before had not occurred to her. These things serve but to prove the complaining nature of man. The slaves of continental Europe complain, and just ly too, of the despotism under which they groan ; and the people of the United States murmur because they are not only free but happy. If we are oppressed, who is it by ? Ourselves : and if we should really take up arms, and wage war for higher privileges, against whom shall we wage it ? Against ourselves, surely. It will be a contest, then, to ex cite the admiration of all time to come ; a contest by a people free and happy, that thev may obtain freedom and happiness ; a contest in which the wonderful specta cle shall e presented of a people warring; aq-Pinst themselves. We mean not, by our remarks, to insin uate that this complaining spirit should be Ye arc a convert to the oninion of a trr."-.

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