V TOX.. XI. ,VO. 08. J' .It f B rnrsTED jutd rcnr-isiiED, evert tiisdai, Ur BINGHAM & WHITE. TEEMS : The subscription to the Westers Catiohxi is Three Dollars per annum, payable half-yen rly in advance. 07 No paper will be discontinued until ah arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors; and any subscriber failing- to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth pratis. Adyehtisexexts will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. CZjAll letters to the editors must be Jtost-pairf, or they will not be attended to. AGRICULTURAL. Hail! first of Artr., source of domestic ease ; Pride of the land, and patron of the seas. THE subscriber is now opening, at his Store in Salisbury, a general and well selected assortment ot DUY GOODS, IIAHD-WAUE, and MEDICINES, Just received direct from New-York and Phili XT.OM TUE A MET! I CAN FATtMEH. Concluded from our last. Sir Humphrey Davy informs us, that all vegetable and animal substances are consumed in vegetation, but they can only nouri ter solubl stances capable of being absorbed by the plants. This great principle ap pears to be confirmed by several of his experiments, and is probably as correct an account ot the food oi plants, as we another layer of them ; sprinkle this last laver with all the ashes and soot you can collect about the farm ; next go into your stable and cattle yard ; collect all the animal manure they con tain, and lay on another layer of this dung; over this spread a laver of bad fodder, waste straw, sweepings of your yard, particularly after ram, and any- kind of rubbish about your building. You will find that your compost heap will now be raised about five feet : but as this will probably settle, as decom position takes place, to about three feet, you must begin again with your layers, and proceed till your pit is filled up. Should your soil be very stiff, it will be advisable to sprinkle two or three in ches of sand ur gravel between each ish a plant by affording mt- .f hc Uexr.s' :s ?e SLreat "commen e in water, or gaseous sub- tion of this plan is, that you may suit unable of being absorbed by '.ur mun: ,to. the "ature ot Vl,r soil. Should it on the contrary be light, sandy and porous, a layer of loa my clay should be occasionally intro duced. This mode of making compost ma- are likelv to obtain. We know that all dead animal or vegetable matter, if nure, requires but one part out of five sufficiently divided, spontaneously un- of stable manure, to create a fermen- dergoes a process ; which brings it at tation through the whole mass. Should length to be a fat greasy earth, which it not speedily commence, you have we call rich loam, or garden mould. only to remove some of the boards dur- delphia, and laid in at prices that will enable him The woody fibre of vegetables is Ion- h.g the hrst rain, and the moisture and '-""" v XW . . v,' w" cer in unuerjroing tins process, out its i - n.. " piuuucu wc ucu V SSSSZ AuTuX Cof 'counm: texture is at last broken down, and it effect. All the materials for the com- Produce received in exchange. Iat78 J. MURPHY Ijoolv-ImiViig Business. finilE subscriber respectfully informs the citi- is resolved into new elements. Ani- Pst heap should be placed ready round mals matter, therefore, and the muci- your pit before you commence, as per- laginous parts of vegetables being more haps it may be advisable to mix the I .-'. w - w - If. 1 . 1 . liable to decompose than dry wnodv substances a little together, and not let er rebpccuujiv liuuriii' uic ciu-i . . - i .t 11.111 JL sens of the Western section of N. Carolina fibre, their mixture is evidently rcquir- "jein jav 111 sucn tietacnea layers and has of by north of the Court-IIouse. r .... . 1 1 ?....t a comnost hean. is nond or creek mud Having rVvntPrl rnnsulemhlr tmn in nrnmn IOrCgOing principle, WC learil lliai n lien- I 1. , r 1 - , - 7- u l"ri'.u r th' mmnorl of cnhstnnrM wncre xt can ue ooiainea, togeiner witn, the ad ioinin? districts of S.Carolina, that h -s ed hv their nature, and hence the on- ohould the heap become very hot, the established the Book-liiiulin? JJuuness. in all l . f T,c Innnlifv nf vnnr rnmnnct- ivilf h- ininr. its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, 1 J 11 I i t 1 .C. He has taken the store formerly occupied With regard to the fermentation of uu.u yuu uj.ca ui ma m ory ' Wood Sc Krider, on Main-street, three doors rnmnnct Unn? ittrnrrinfr f, f. Hcaincr. xV very valuable addition to supply their deficiencies ; and fearful I services to social order. The oromula- of exhausting a patience so largely tion of those codes by which we are clai med and so liberallv bestowed. In tllls aav governed, nouvithstandmc the nclusion, they will only permit them- F,tlccl,o,,s Gl the penal code, is M .1 1.1 A. A ajk. llft.Sll IV1.111.11 V k I 1 t I 1 1 J : wTT ' r fV T T e that . v r CO 1 scivcs iu cypress a iervent nop their labor may be useful, which will be their best reward, apd that their bro ther farmers will show-Torth their faith by their good works. tions to come ; a p u-i oi rurope is alrea dy in possession of it. We will not speak of that astonishing military glory which is admitted without dispute : the improvements in tiie internal Old Books rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Rinding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG Salisbury, June 8, 1821. 53 2Sew Stage to "Raleigh. nnilE subscriber, who is X most extensively useful. Your committee having often had contractor for carryinir occasion themselves, to complain of their, states Mail between the want of detailed, precise, and spe Raleigh and Salisbury, by'c ,r,Q.: n way of Randolph, Chatham, &c. respectfully in- "" J - V. uu forms Cie public, that he has fitted up an entire thors, will endeavor to avoid this re- new stage; which, added to other improve- proach while they proceed to recom- mentsthat have t been made, enable him to mend the best mcthod within their expedition as they can bp carried by any line of knowledge ot iorming this most essen statres in tliis part of the country. The scarcity tial requisite on cverv farm a coni- The principles have been stated ; the practice is founded has determined to reduce the rate of passage on them, and a small share of industry give The remaining subject oconsidera- administration, the miblick works, ih tion, that of fossil manures, together settlement of finances, present more dur- with the time and mode of applica- ablc titles to admiration and respect. In tion of all manures to the soil, must be ine Bonaparte is dead ; truth should sit the subject of a subsequent renort uPon llis tomb ; and let us not be diffident which your committee hope to have In.sayinS tht the prisoner of St. Helena the honor of presenting ' WlH bc recked amongst the great. All vhich is respectfully submitted. THOMAS PINCKXEY. Jr. GENERAL BERTRAND. Chairman of the Committee uf Manures. There is perhaps no person in the civ- . ilized world, that holds in his hand more DeStOYT moral power at the present moment than gen. Bertrand. He possessed the undi- ENGLISH 11ISHOPRICS. meu connaence oi isapoleon ; duriner his 1 r . tin ... . v Tim fntnl nf .imnlp wv-niiM nf ti cennnement in Lioa, ne solicited and ot- Knglish Bishoprics, exclusive of all sine- .tainetd lea,ve fto ttcnU Ills sovereign, dur cures, and places converted into sinecures Vt?. lhehoIe course of that confinement- for their benefit, has been estimated at LV, fl1naPariep fas incarcerated m bt- 172,000. and of the Irish bishopries 01 V I,c cn,naence Scn bertrand 1 53,OOCV. makin-a general total of 325,- remained unshaken, and he shared his 000. The property possessed by Deans """i "caui oi and Chapters, Sec of which in England h.e emperor. Now, whatever he says of and Wales there are between 30 and 40, us eceased patron will be believed, and (besides peculiars,) is equally magnificent he 15 nY Probab,y gone to Austria, to and mysterious 5 and it is asserted that one ?nSaSe the emperor of Germany, in the of the metropolitan chapters is in the an- 11 e OI mb aw, now oeceaseo. nual receipt of nearly 40,000. Dr. Heeke 1 he acoun st,ales: that h soiicited and (some years ago, and on a very moderate TaS J11,5 the liberty of taKin the calculation) estimated the neat income Jlf,3.11 of h's benefactr along with him. from tithes in South Britain at 200,000. 1 hls ould we presume, have been giv snd Mr. Colquhoun estimates the total n to the son ot the ex-emperor, accom professional income obtained by the es- Panied the d'inS junctions of his tablished clerirv in England and Ireland, Pare1' iAe goes nome, we inay reiy up inc!cpcr.dentlv"bf that Veceiyed from the on U'.f5omrn friendly moUves to the universities, at nearly five millions per1 4U y uiope. in papers anu annum. The whole influence created bv manuscripts of Bonaparte, if taken pos- he direction of such enormous property, sessl" ot, ll?e 1?mis.11 Sovement, (the sum of which is immense and un- c . Puu"sea auuienuc, wouiu weign mown,) is retained with jealousy in only n . s m Vnf.SCalc J uc sol"arr ider the name of oat- Ui C"CA . . yaau. mom. L.iron. i curious il- asserted in a I GREECE. that three Russia dissembles no longer. The sh family. Muscovite marches on the Mussulman. fices there The Eagle pounces on the Pigeon of J - -- -- ima '1 I WMI1 I II U 1 r gz r r 1 T 1 Tl V r'lV'fc u l ,l,i It is nrpsumpfl n5 n mnttpy nf rnurcn l :kk:. - ' '""" 4V- wujhvjh wi vaiu- aUtll llJttlll ilvJUlV.i III ilUULU till 111 I - r ......w. . vuuiov i t 3 llvi lllllaUllilllls CACI LIjC UllV eieCllVc I r-it 4 j r that cverv one who calk himsrlf n fr. , ThP fnllnxvin,. tIr,, a"nc ai v'ncrson' MS sne passes oy9 J J e- . 1 . ..' . xbaucasus shudders- find Kjj'zimithi.n seems like spirit of kMAvA ! -w-. w -v r c m nr . t i v mil iiui i iii.. .11111 iiic Mil n I n I i . I 1 l , rronaire, becomes a most formidable en- that he will be able to execute every kind of . ,orcr,c ,.ori, "c found in lacroons ; and your committee of political power. As a work in his line, in a style and on terms that will b b b " . 4 b ennmente ;nmf nf the- mnternU lustration of this evil, it was give general satisfaction. lermentation or putreiactum suouia ue within thf re.rS nf P"blic journal, some time aSo, Merchants and others, can have Ulank Book, prevented as much as possible: and most oi "ch are w itinn the reacn of L.Jfrr Jv.r rrtn:nrfl nnj V; mh-d -ind hnnnd tn nnv naltm. nn hnrt nnllr 1 ,f r US n . whirh thv rprnmrnn to murcS cre retained in 011C 1 H vT i , V i I i on tne contrarw wnen tnev consist on ' . " j Out of upwards of u,ooobene as cheap and as well finished as any that can be . - . . , . , - , I collected and nrenared for comnons I " , , ' . : r woodv fibre, and insoluble substances, tollcl-lcu preparcu ior compoas. . about fortv ovcr ,vhiCti & v.c aw & vyiA4 liiv A.vwa.v w ' 1 oi money, tne reduction in tne price ot produce, post heap. department of life : Therefore- the subseribpr already irom eigni w six cents per mue. uenticmen anci judgment is alone requisite to cf Raleijrh to the North, are invhed to tfy the U the moSt heneficial results. snbscriher's Stajrc, as he feels assured it onlrf A Bountiful Providence has tarc, as lie teels assured it onlr needs a trial to g"ain a preference. The Stride arrives in Salisbiiry every Tuesday, 8 or 9 o'clock-, and departs thence for Ralelg-h the same day at 2 o'clock ; it arrives in Raleigh Friday cvci.inj, and leaves there for Sslhbury tn Satiiruav :t 2 o clock:. May 2?, "1821. 50 JO I IX L.AN7'. RAN awaj- from the subscriber, at Charlotte, Mecklenburg count', N. Carolini, a Necjt) Boy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, stoat made, and five feet seven or eight inches liig-Ii. lie sneaks low wlien spoken to. It is supposed thut he will make towards the ccuntv of Trincc William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that county. I vill five the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Tsaac Jf'ilie, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him again. II VAN AVILIE. March 2 1, 1821. 50 The Editors cf the Richmond Enquirer arc requested to insert the above advertisement six .weeks, ana send their account to the office of the Western Carolinian lor payment. XioYation Wanlevl, "IT&Y the children of John Cunningham, de JLJ ceased, who departed this life in Greenville )):strict, S. C. whose wife was named Jane. Their youngest daughter, Jane Cunningham, is i.ow residing in HloomfieH, Kelson county, Ken. and is'dcsirous of obtaining any information that will open a correspondence between the widow of said Cunningham, or John, James and George, children cf the aforesaid John and Jane Cun ningham. The said Jane was bound cr put un der the care of Sirs. Armstrong, of South-Carolina, who removed to Kentucky and brought the said Jane with her. Any information relating to them will be thankfully 'received, by JANE CUNNINGHAM, Jilocrrfeld, Ken. CC Editors of newspapers in "Washington City, North and Scuth-Carolina, Georia, Alabama, and Tennessee, will confer a particular obligation on un orphan child, by giving, the above two or thre insertions in their respective paper, yards of your cattle and sheep, should and servc to cxPose nature of th be kept constantly littered with cither '7 princess tuiH-auiKs, iciu:c snaw ur louuer, The Archbishops and Bishops 1835 dneu leaves or shavincrs. Xhis will The Deans, Chapters, &c. 1091 hoth inrrenp nnrl nresmt vnnr ctohl The Universities and Coileres 653 4 j manure. The materials for the com post heap, may bc sand or gaavel ; sods ol top earth from lanes and hollows ; green weeds of all kinds ; (and rag or hog weed is excellent) dried weeds and leaves ; ashes and soot ; sweeping of yards, and all kinds ol rubbish ; saw dust from mi.ls ; creek mud and prophecy. Constantine with his Greek cadets, pants for the sceptre which his ancestor designed him, and the lapse of fifteen hundred years may restore the name and the religion of its found er to the capital of the Greek Empire. The revival of the Greek Republics is an episode in the Russian drama The f'eath of a man who has exercised a popular accompaniment of the Czar's a gren influence on the destiny of the ambition. 1 hat the 1 artar and the people, is an event which gives birth to Cossac should redeem the land of A numerous recollections, and may furnish polio and the .Muses, and unenlighten materials for important reflections. Few td hordes revive the sonjr of L,ibertv FRENCH VIEW OF NAPOLEON. From the Paris Constitutional, July 11 placed every where, substances which form a manure for the soil ; but man must not expect to sit still, and that manna will drop into his mouth. His faculties and reason were given him for exer- j tion, and materials are placed within his reach, to enable him by their exer cise, to improve his condition. In the first place, then, let every farmer marl; out a small spot, from twenty to "forty feet square, according to the size of his farm ; this spot should bc dug down from two to four feet deep, and the earth should form a bank round it ; a few stout oak posts with crotches should bc planted in a line along the middle of this pit, and shorter ones should be placed at the sides, toN receive strong poles, on which to erect a shed of common clap-boards. HaTing thus cheaply made a shelter for your ma nure, which at once secures it from the sun, from rain, and from water running into it, while by removing a few of the boards, you can admit them when ne cessary ; the next step is to bring to it a quantity of top earth or sods, and if vur soil be stilf, a quantity of sand. These substances should be mixed, and a laver of one foot in thickness should be spread over the bottom of the pit ; then cut down and collect all the weeds (before thev seed) about your fence and farm, and spread ano ther layer of them, of the same thick ness, over the former one ; then col lect dead leaves, by scraping the sur face cf the adjacent woods, and spread ..iu hum ii iiiii in. i z i i f i k. nun i ;i i i i i , , ' conquerors nave nau a lame so extendec on the he chts of Olvmnus. on the nnnd tmsh rotten wnorl nnrl hnrt- tin- . x ,.n f. ULIiuia U1 v-fiymjjust un uic 1 , , , ' , , ; asiMapoieonuonaparie. i ne noise oi his banks of the Peneus. in the vallev of n7 f iiT-n i ' 6 n,amC f,Hed rT' 23 i ard ,t0 TemPe To rescue that classic e'arth offal of all kinds. the extremities of Asia. Placed by the frorthe degrading tyranny of the Let not the farmer be misled by the force of e!ents at the head of a Sreat na- Mahometan sunerstition is an effort opinion that these necessary operations b' "chy, the heir C.t Z fDl ; . i r i of a revolution which had excited pirru u nicn "iJgnt awake ana rain tne sieep- in rnnsnmp rnn mnrn rT 11 1 c rimx i ...v vttiv.i . : y . inrr snirifc m ihp mmhtv riPiH hp let him seriously set himself to work much hy the c of uu own wiJ as Genius of place re-embodies the souls in hauling materials to his manure pit, the fecbicness of parties, to the supreme of the departed in the scenes of their and he will himsell be surprised to find power, placed France in a state of perma- celebrity. On the top of Mount Oeta how easily and how soon compost is nent war, substituted the illusion of glory the shade of Hercules, and the shade made when he has a little stable ma- for tlve real benefits of liberty, and Icjen- of L,eonidas at its base inspire strength nure before hand. tifying himself with the national indencn- nml mnfirW- qjii It is believed that one man and one dence, drew irom the apprehensions of a Lar;SSa conquer, which was the land boy, with a horse and cart, will in less ?"S". ' "V ''um:nt of of Achilles-dwells not the spirit of thin n.nr tvL rrpnti i tii'icc Sf mm I J 7" 1 x- i r.M, : r u.w.uimiuuu.ii un ma viuuriuus rac post sufficient for five acres of land It waJ his belief tiiat an insurmountable shall Thebes forget the martial sum and how many idle weews do we all rnt?li:fv o-nvrnPfl hi ritinv. ThUmr, mons of Cadmus, and Philippi learn spend. It will be recollected also, that has been common to several eminent per- no rom Brutus to die or to be free ? the greater part of this work can be sons, and almost all those who have parti- Has Mycene lost Agamemnon, and performed at leisure times ; the most cipstccl in it have experienced, after the Cephalonia Ulysses I Where is Ar- proper and convenient for us, appears most signal success, the greatest reverse, chimedes with his consuming glass to be immediately after layincr bv our They left not "sufficient scope to the coun- where Harmodius and Aristoniton, drill crops, as the vegetables will then cils ot wisdom ; tne iruits oi mty victories their swordsred with blood and green be in full luxuriance, and we have some were destroyed, perhaps, in one unfortu- with amarantn ? Shall Ida, the birth weeks of leisure. In forming your nate day ; of this Pultowa and Waterloo plaCe of Jupiter, and Delos of Latona, compost the manure from your sheep a'nd ParnasLs the mountain of poet, yard and poultry houses must not be wt,k nil ry, be unmindful of their ancient forgotten, and as these are of a hot and tC( am0n us. He was no longer con- tars an inspired votaries ? Shall not fermenting nature, they should be cerned in military conquests, but for thn the ramcs be revived at Olympia, and spread over those layers least likely to establisment of constitutional liberty, the the mysteries of Ceres be renewed at decompose without their aid. From most glorious conquest of civilization Eleusis ? Shall not .Marathon again six to ten or twelve weeks is sufficient, Xapojeon necessarily made a strong im- behold an Athenian triumph, and thn with proper management, to reduce the pression on the minds and imaginations shining sea of Marmora the wrcrk of comnost heaD to a condition fit for aD- of mankind. A soldier, who, by the force fT,P inv-der Shall thf mnnr.t Tr!- . . I r :. ..1 r , . ,r I plication, and on emptying your rr.a- Cl . mmseu oove con- posscss foreVer Smyrna, where Hornet nure piles, care should be taken to turn b;" and mix the heap as much as possible, disturoed so.etr, and dictates h:s laWS to . ' . tfivprr-iJ-n?. nrin,'5rc in flip wnt-iil n vrnr1r Your committee could add many ful personage, and the earth is silent be- .i i i . uiiiers to incsc i ccuiiiuiciiuauuns ; out for him. they forbear, relying both on the good History, an impartial judge, will con sense and judgment of the Society toifes that Napoleon hv? rrndered singular was born, and Chrcronea, wiiich gav birth to Plutarch ? Vill not the b?.iu tiful forms of heathen mythology cxT pel from the classic groves and vaK and gardens of Greece the foul s !.re5 of Turkish s,jncrct!Ton

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