II SOT ?j Sf"""".";V, I 1 1 UIW I I I I 1 1 I TOIi. II. S.IASIVYJV, JN; C. TU'ESUa.X, NOYEJIMa 3"l, 1831. V PRINTED XSD PUIILISHEP, EVERT TUESDAT, Br BINGHAM c WHITE. Trims ; The subscription to the Wjistkun Carolixian "is Three Dollars pr annum, payable half-yearly in advance. OCj No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing" to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. "Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. Advertisement.-; will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by seme person in this town, or its vicinity. CC'All letters to the editors must be post-paid, or they will not be attended to. ca GoovVs. THE subscriber is now opening, at his Store in Salisbury, a general and well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, HARD-WARE, and MEDICINES, Just received direct from New-York and Phila delphia, and laid in at prices that will enable him to sell remarkably low. His customers, and the public, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine for themselves. All kinds of Country Produce received in exchange. Iat78 J. MURPHY. Bo61c-Imiiig IVusliicss. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of the Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the Book-Binding Business, in all of its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. He has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood 8t Krider, on Main-street, three doors north of the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a. competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will give general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have Blank Books ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the North. Old Books rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisbury, June 8, 1821. 53 JCcvr Stages to TVacAg. HIE subscriber, who is contractor for earn ing he- IT. States Mail between -&t?fr?&Z Raleigh and Salisbury, by way of Randolph, Chatham, &c. respectfully in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAGE ; which, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSENGERS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part of the country. The scarcity of money, the reduction in the price of produce, &c. demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate of passage from eight to sijc cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the West to Raleigh, or by way of Raleigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it only needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, 8 or 9 o'clock, and departs thence tor Raleigh the same day at 2 o'clock; it arrives in Raleigh Friday evening, and haves there for Salisbury cn Saturday at 2 o'clock. Moy 22,lS:i. 50 JOHN LANE. iVYi'AYS vViAtYi. 1 AN away from tha subscriber, at Charlotte, f Mecklenburg c:ur.ty, N. Carolina, a Negro Boy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, stout made, and five feet seven or eight inches high. He speaks low when spoken to. It is supposed that he will make towards the county of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased ... . -11 . 1. 1 f an that county. w:i t,ive uu; auove rewaru n he said negro is delivered to Isaac Jt'ilic, Con-j rord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in j snv iu":l, a:id infcrmatio:i given, so that I get him SiCYm. EVAN W1LIE. ".March 2i, 1C21. 50 The Editors of the Richmond Enquirer are rn-tested to insert the above advertisement six ''-eeks, and send their account to tne omce ci N-.' Western Carolinian for payment. oYaUm WauteiV, the children of John Cunningham, de jL$ ceased, who departed this life in Greenville District, S. C. whose wife was named Jane.- Their youngest daughter, Jane Cunningham, is now residing in-lRoomfielJ, Nelson county, Ken. .m I is desirous of obtaining any information that v. ill open a correspondence between the widow of siid Cunningham, or John, James and George, children of the aforesaid John and Jane Cun-i-inHiam. The said Jane was bound or put un elerthe care of Mrs. Armstrong, of South-Carolina, who removed to Kentucky and brought the siid Jane with her. Any information relating to them will be thankfully received, by JANE CUNNINGHAM, llluonifebl, Ktrn. rr Editors of newspapers in Washington City, North and South-Carolina, Georgia, Alibaba, and Tennessee, will confer a particular obh-ation on an orphan child, by giving the above two or three insertions in their respective papers. , - 1 T the sign of the Eagle and Harp, XtTtC f2L we tit r.nmer of Broad and Kin ! I :2 streets, and one door north of the Court House, CAMDEN, South-Carolina. Having recently established himself in the above line, in that elegant house formerly occupied h Col. F. A. DeLesselinc, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. The house is ele gantly situated, large, airy and commodious, fit ted for the immediate reception of families and travellers who wish to be retired, particularly for families travelling for their health. His House, Bar and Stables, are always well sup plied with the necessary comforts and refresh ments for man and horse. Camden, July 26, 1821. 0177 Swan Tttvuvn Coy Sav Iexii(rton, II wan Co. C. ? October 15, 1S21. S T WILL sell the Swan Tavern, in this place, JL and three-fourths of the square on which it stands 21G poles. It is a commodious, conven ient house, for an ordinary or private dwelling; has comfortable out-houses, good garden, and fruit trees. Twelve hundred and fil'ty dollars one-fourth down, balance, one, two and three years, with interest, (if indulgence is required,) will procure a fee simple and possession of this valuable nropertv in .January next. TO BENJ. 1). UOUNSAMLLE. - j f I HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Salisbury and the adjacent country, that he has removed from his late residence on the north side of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and has taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. Ja. Krider, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-House ; where he is prepared to keep a House of Private Entertainn.-'nt for Travellers and citizens. He will at all times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Grain for Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, Sept. 25, 1821. 78 N. II. Eight or ten HOARDERS will be taken, at the customary prices in town. "VTILL be s.)!i!, on the 21st of December next, V T the Plantation and Lands of the late Wrn. L. Alexander, hing on Rocky River, in the county of Cabarnu. containing about one thou sand acres. This land is well watered, in a healthy situation, and, in point of fertility, is not excelled by any land in the western part of the state. Upon the premises is a Urge and con venient Dwelling-House, two stories high; and about two hundred acres of cleared land, now in cultivation. The sale will take place at the dwelling-house, upon a credit of 1 year, 18 months, and 2 years the purchaser enteiing into bonds, with approved security. A. HENDERSON, Executor. . 0:t. 27, lfJ21. 5wt73 To UwaYvVVans. rpflE Act of the General Assembly of 1S20, JL chapter V. requires Guardians, heretofore appointed, to renew their bonds at the first County Court which shall happen alter the tirst day of January, 1822, and every three years thereafter; and in case of non-compliance with the requisitions of said act, the Clerks of the several County Courts are required to issue a process against all delinquents. I, Jofin Thavis, Clerk of the Court of lleas and Quarter Sessions of Cabarrus county, do hereby give notice to all whom it may concern, that a strict compliance with the said Act cf Assembly v. Ill be required in every instance. JOHN TRAVIS, ClcrL. A'ovenJer 3d, 1821. 3wt77 2V0 Bo Ways Itowivvil. IT!) AN away from the subscribers, five Negro JLIl men, viz. I'm is, Jacob, Charh-s, .Moses, and Cain. Paris left his owner the 10th of July last ; he is full six feet high, yellow complexion, large white eyes, stutters a little when spoken to, about thirty tars cf r.ge, has a scar over one of his eyes, and is a stout fellow. Jacob is about 45 or 50 years of age, middle size, gray headed, a phasing countenance, stoops in his shoulders, lias a black, smooth skin, with a yellow cast, is a shoemaker and fidler, and can read ami write. Charles is about 25 or ;0 years of age, five feet 0 or 10 inches high, very black, stutters when spoken to, has a piece out of one side of his nose, is uncommonly fond of spirits, and when intoxi cated is very forward ami saucy, is remarkably well made, and very straight. Moses is about 35 years of age, about five feet 8 inches high, vcllow complexion, bushy head and whiskers, a scar on his upper lip, and a tiown look. Cain is about 40 years of age, very black, a likely fel low, when he smiles the gums inside are black, is a shoemaker, and can read. The four last named negroes left their owners about the ICth instant. All of them absconded without the least provocation ; which induces us to think they will make their way to the North. The above reward will be given, it taken out ot tne state or g40 for either of them, if secured so that we get them again ; 100 dollars if taken in the state, or 20 dollars for either, so that we get them again. It is fondly hoped that every good citizen will use his best endeavors to apprehend the above negroes, and thereby aid in suppres sing one of the greatest evils that our land is threatened with. Letters on the subject direc ted to Daniel Gallent, White Hall post-office, Mecklenburg county, N. C. will be duly attended to. WM. U. TAYLOR, JAMES DINK1NS, DANL. GALLENT, JAMES M'lvNIGHT, ALEX. GREER. October 19, 1821. 6wt78 VLL persons are forbidden to trade for a note against me, in amount about S 10, held by JJen Crimes, as I have paid the fellow more thah the amount of said note. HENRY ALLEMONG. Salisbury, .Yuv. 10, 1S21, 3vt7S Tistatti of Csvt. 3iATVvA. ON the 8th of January will commence the sale of the real and personal estate of the late Capt John Rc-id, and continue from day to day, until the whole is sold. The real estate con sists of the well known establishment called the ' Catawba Springs, with the plantation and lands attached. The personal property consists of a number of very valuable Negroes, various kinds cf farm stock, household furniture, Sec. The terms, which will be accommodating, will be made known on the dav of sale. JOHN REII), I jr, ALEX. McCORKLE, C"J, November 19, 1821. 7wtS2 TAKEN UP, and committed to the jail of Itowan county, N. C. on the 8th instant, two negro men, Philip and Jack. Philip is about 23 years of age, of y yellow complexion, stout made, had on, when committed, no clothes but a pair of pantaloons ami a shirt; says he is under the care of Nathan Gist and Joseph Gist, who live on Tyger River, nine miles from Union Court House, So. Ca. Jack says he belongs to Miles Ferguson, in Lawrence District, S. C. on Dun can's Creek. He is about 18 years of age, has a large scar above the right knee, occasioned by a burn; had on a northern homespun coat, and check pantaloons. Jack says his master lives about 18 miles from Lawrence C. H. and about 20 from Union C. 1 1. 'I he owners of said negroes are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and receive their negroes. GwtBl WILLIAM HOWARD, Jailor, Jlo-ii'aiiy V. C. Salisbury, JVbv. 19, 1821. Committe A. to 3U, ON the 24th of September, a runaway negro man, who calls himself DICK, and says lie belongs to Haynes Morgan, who lives near the Shallow Ford "of the Yadkin. He appears to be about 25 years of age, 5 f eet 8 or 9 inches high, black complexion, and stammers some little when he talks, l he owner is requested to pay char ges and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with as the law directs. JOHN M'GUIRE, Jailor. JW'jrganton, Burke Co. V. C. October 23, 1821. S t77i' To CvY)etcYS. THE subscriber wishes to employ, immedi ately, two or three Journeymen Carpenters, to whom good wages and constant employ will be given. He will also take two or three lads of good character, as apprentices to the Carpen ter's Business. None need apply but such as arc sober and industrious. JOHN ALBRIGHT. Salisbury, October 3, 1821. 69tf State ot iVoYtv-tjivYonu, ROVANT COUNTY. Suierior Court of Lcztj October Term, 1821. Rctii HAnnis") vs. Petition for Divorce. John IlAitnisj IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this cause is not an inhabitant of the state, it is Ordered, that publi cation be made four w eeks in the Western Caro linian, that unless he appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Rowan, at the court-house in Salisbury, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday i in March next, and answer said petion, it will be ! set for hearing exparte. Witness, Alexander Frohock, Clerk ot said court, at omce, tne -na Monday after the 4th Monday in September, Anno Domini 1821. 4wt79 ALEX. FROHOCK, C. S. C. RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. Sept. 15, 1821. 5 STOLEN from my plantation in Rutherford county, on the 30th of last month, a negro boy named JACOB, belonging to the estate o James Rutherford, deceased. He is a chunky, well set boy, about 17 years of age, pretty black, about five feet eight inches high, walks a little awkward, his right eye turns a little up and to the right, his hip is pretty much projected, lie bends forward in the back, and has a scar on one of his legs, caused by the cut of an axe. Fifty dollars re waul v. ill be given if said negro is lodged in any jail in this state, so that the subscriber can get him. A handsome reward will be given for the apprehension of the person who committed the theft. 4v. t7T MAJOR ROSS ALEXANDER. PROPOSALS A RE issued for publishing, by subscription, a l. periodical work, to be entitled ' Selections from the Jiecords of the United Brethren's Church," commonly called Moravian Church. Since the commencement cf the year 1819, a periodical work, authorised by the German Synod of the United Brethren's Church, has been published in Germany, comprising biography, missionary intelligence, and other interesting matter, se lected from manuscript accounts, together with occasional gleanings from the early history ot that church. It is now proposed to translate into the English language, and to publish in this country, under the auspices of the Conference for Pennsylvania and the adjacent states, a select portion of the aforesaid work, under the above title ; and to insert, occasionally, such other recent and interesting matter as may come to hand, in manuscript accounts or private letters, relative to the United Brethren's Church and Missions, particularly in this country'. The members and friends of cur little Zion, and those who are interested in the general cause of the Gospel, are affectionately solicited to aid the undertaking by their patronage. The work is to appear in quarterly numbers of 48 pages, making a volume of four numbers even' year ; the annual subscription to be one dollar, payable on the delivery of the first num ber ; and the publication to commence as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers has been obtained to justify the undertaking. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the RevM. Jacob Van Vlcck, at Salem, Stokes county, N. C. and also by the United Brethren's ministers throughout the United States. J'ov. 5, 1821. 71 , ilium mm n n n i ..... . .n i 11 -------------- Writs V evVUo "F5vovvs For saJe at -lis Oi!lcrt-, AGRICULTURAL. Hail! first of Arts, source of domestic case ; Pride of the land, and patron of the se.s, 1ROM THE .OIEUICAX FAU.MER. ON RIPPLE GRASS. By Thomas Pinckney, Jr. July, 1819. Altamont, JifJy 7ih, 1819. Sir Permit me to recommend to the attention of the Society, a small grass growing spontaneously ail over our district, and which has the impor tant advantages of being a native of our clime and soil, and retaining its verdure and juices throughout the win ter. I allude to the narrow-leaved plantain, or ripple grass, (plantago ten nifolia.) ISIy sheep have never thriv en well in winter, notwithstanding they have a dry fold, a good shelttr, with racks and troughs, and are tolerably well supplied with dry food and pea hay ; but last winter they suffered so much from the want of pasture, and brought me so few lambs, that my at tention was naturally turned to the best mode of procuring them green lood, occasionally during the winter, and ve ry early in the spring. A visit which I paid to a neighbour, solved my diffi culty. His sheep were in fine order, and he had not lost a lamb. A small part cf his apple orchard, not half an acre, was tolerably well set with ripple grass, and the ewes and young lambs were turned on it. As I know that in all other respects, my Sock are at least as well treated as his, I could impute his success to no other cause than his ripple grass ; which his opinion al so. Thinking well of this grass, I had collected and sown a few seed near my house, mixed with orchard grass and red clover ; and I think it has always maintained a superiority over them, as a winter bite for sheep. The soil is exceedingly poor, a stiff red clay and very stony. I find this grass very fa vorably spoken of in Anderson's Es say on Agriculture, who says, that "it deserves the attention of the farmer, as a valuable pasture grass. It will thrive upon barren soils, where hardly any other plant could live. It may most easily be distinguished on poor clays, where it is frequently found with out the mixture of any other plant ; cattle, horses and sheep, cat the leaves greedily, especially sheep, which bite it verv close to the ground." This authority so strongly confirm ing my own observation, has induced me at this time, to trouble the Society with these remarks, as the seed of this grass is now ripe, and to recommend to my "brother farmers, to collect it care fully, and to sow it in September, on a piece of good land, well ploughed, and the seeds harrowed in. I would not advise the mixture of any other seed with it, unless they can procure that of the broad-leaved plantain, which also grows commonly about our fields ; but I would recommend them to give it a fair chance of success. Not to rely on its growing on poor land ; but to pre pare half an acre by deep ploughing, and manure, if the piece is not natural ly rich, to sow his seed thick enough, and harrow it in carefully. This little trouble will be nothing in comparison of its value to him next winter, and if he but performs his part well, I feel as sured he will soon extend his hall a cre to the quantitv his flock will re quire. I am, Sir, Your obedient humble servant, THOMAS PlNCKNllV, Jr. English Corn Lavj. The quarter of wheat in Kngland is eight Winchester bushels, of 32 quarts each, without any reference to weight. The price is re turned every week from the twelve mari time districts to London, and the opening of the ports depends upon the average price, founded upon these returns, for the 6 v. eeks or the 6 last averages, immedi ately preceding the 15th February, 15th May, 15th Aup;. and 13ih Nov. If the price is declared to be 80s. per quarter at either of these ncriods, then the ports onvn far the admission of foreign jjrrain without restriction ;butif the price reaches only 6Ts. then the ports open for the ad mission of wheat in British ships from their own colonies only, free of duty. Ilickviond Adv. OPERATION FOR ARTIFICIAL NOSE. Operation de JiAi'zoplustiqtts par Professor Buen-t:-er de Jfarb-jurg cx-ec guelgues Observations par Br. Gonse. (Communicated by L. A. Gcsse, of Geneva.) From the .London Quarter! tt Journal of JForeigTi Jlediciue and Surgery, for 1SI9-20. X. aged 32, of a fair and delicate complexion, enjoyed a good state of health until her fifteenth. year, when some de rangement of the catamenia took place. About this period an erupt'on of small vesicles appeared on the left part of ihe upper iip, which the patient broke at dif ferent timcs. An herpetic eruption soon followed, which disappeared and sudden ly attacked the nice ?iasi. The patient still continued to irritate the parts with her fingers, the disease assumed a phagedenic character. . Several physicians were con sulted, and one considering the disease as carcinomatous, applied the arsenical pow der of Frere Cosme, which destroyed the whole of the cartilages of the anterior part of the nose. In the meantime the dis ease extended to the cheeks, especially the left, without, however, being attended with any pain In this state she was pla ced under the care of Dr. LSuenger, who pursued a different, plan of treatment. By a cooling regimen, antimonials, and a decoction of dulcamara, avoiding all ex ternal irritants? he succeeded in curing the sores on the cheeks, as well as thos& of the nose. The epidermis still remain ed red, tender, and very delicate, breaking; from time to time, according to the state of the weather, the winter season being; the worst. The deformity produced by the disease being so hideous, and the skin showing; no tendency to resume its natural condi tion, Dr. Buenger, on the 24th of April 1318, removed, by means of a cutting in strument, about an inch and a half of the diseased skin from the right cheek, and with a view to ascertain the state of the constitution. The wound was brought to gether by three sutures, and complete union took place at the end of the third day, the cicatrix consolidating, and rapid ly disappearing. Lncouragetl by this trial, Dr. Buenger, in fifteen days afterwards, operated on the left cheek, where the skin was diseased to the extent of a crown piece. The cure was equally speedy, but the cicatrix remained rather prominent. In about a month after this he under took the cure of the nose, and wishing to obviate all deformity? he resolved to re place the skin of the nose by a portion of thatcf the thigh. With this intention he began to separate the whole of the dis eased skin which covered the nose, taking; care to preserve the periosteum of the bones of the cssa nasi. 1 he wound was left exposed, and bled for four hours. Ho then cut an oval portion of skin from the outer part ot the thigh, measuring three inches. He placed this morsel on his hand? removed a certain quantity of fat, and with a pair of icissors modeled it into a convenient form ; this skin, while ex posed to the air for a quarter of an hour, became white, cold, and shrunk consider ably. The bleeding from the nose hav ing ceased, Dr. Buenger applied the por tion of detached skin to the wounded place, and secured it by eight sutures. Over these he applied adhesive straps, and a bandage to support the whole. The patient was placed on a proper diet, and desired to cover the nose frequently with her hands, with a view to warm the parts with her breath. At the end of three days, he removed the dressings. The middle portion of the grafted skin had assumed a redish color, but the edges near the sutures, were purple and gangre nous. She was ordered to apply warm, fomentations. The space between the sutures suppurated, but the lower part separated in a state of mortification. The cicatrization of the upper part advanced quickly. When examined on the 1 1th April, 1319, it presented the following appearances : The skin which covered the bones, was fine, shining, tender and whitish ; above and behind, it was united with the integuments of the face ; at the interior part, it was a little deficient un der the bones of the nose, and curved in wards, particularly on the right side, where it almost entirely formed the nostril. The cicatrices extended from the middle of the dorsum of the nose to the base of thtu alee, and resembled those which are pro duced by burns. The inferior septur,! the cJa exists in part, and the interior of the nostrils is apparently sound. The upper lip is still the seat cf s'ight morbid irritation, but in other respexts the patient is quite well. Dr. Buenger now prtoes to form thct c r