Vvholcof "which, the Congreve Jiocket successfully used. One of the fish was upwards of 100 feet in length. After be ing struck by the rocket, the largest of them became an easy prey. In one case death was produced by a single rocket. Six out of the 9 died in 15 minutes, and 5 out of the number look out no line at all. Alderman jlagivy has been elected L.ord AUyor of Ko.idon. Aldermen Ga ratt and Vcnablcs are t lie sheriffs elect. George II. w.is the last sovereign who visited his Hanoverian dominions. His title was onlv Elector. George the IV. will be the first who entered it with the title of king. Five of the king's brothers and sisters arc now on the Continent, and were to meet him at Hanover. A great reduction is about to take place in the establishment of the bnk of ling Jand. The number of Clerks to be dis charged i stated to be 125. I lie cause assigned by the directors, is the geneial falling off of the business of the bank. SPAIN . Accounts from ..ulrid are to Sept. 20. In Saragossa, and other purt oi Spain, all apprehensions of a revolution had nearly su'.jsi ded. The fever prevailed at Barce lona and the neighborhood. General Jotiilo has been re-cstablish- cd in his functions of Superior Governor of .ljdrid, and Captain General ol New Castile. FRANCE. The papers state that a dreadful epi demic has broken out at ilarseilJes and Barcelona. live physicians had been sent by the French government to ascer tain the nature of the disease. In an extract of a letter from Havre, da ted Oct. 2, the writer expresses his re gret, that A the commercial difficulties between the United States and Trance will not be settled so easy as w;s first im agined, and, according to the present ap pearance, will continue much longer ; in consequence of which the American trade must be continued to be earned on by En glish vessels." Letters from Toulon mention that a second squadron of observation is prepar ing to sail for the coasts of Greece. Has the trident slipped from the hands of Bri tain into those of France ? The streets, bridges, and public scmares in Paris, are lighted by A.553 ..ri.irli ronmimt nnmiallv t75.- i 41111.1.1 IJO, 111' v,vv.-- i I 667 killograins of oil, (60tit8V7 lbs. j avoirdupois.) j TURKEY AND GREECE. The appearances of a war between Rus--.nrl thf Pnrte have subsided. The ac- counts from Frankfort mrmion, that i unicable underst inding exists between J M - - - those powers 'hp London nancis con- tain the correspondence - it i between the Porte and the Russian iUinister, Haion j StrogonofT. In introducing these docu- u a rlMin::l,:3i,;m. characteristic of re- mpnts. the Editor of the London Courier ; . . ments. tne JU" y 1 ..... publican tovcrnnients. It is the peculiar remarks, 44 We think there nas been too j . c r i Tittle of that conciliation, on the part of j prerogative of every citizen ol such gov StrogunofT, wi.ich would be inspited by a I ermnents. who is morally and intellectu sincere anxiety for the maintenance of j ajjv m, ..;jfie(, however humble his station, pacific lelations. ) to aspjre lo oflices of honor and emolu- A ietter irom Smyrna, dated the 29th , r . AusL Ls been rectiw-U, wnich mW.- And forlorn .n.Iccd must be the tion-. a fact of t;eat importance, ii its condition of a virtuous and Rood man who trmh can be relied on. It states, that the cannot find some friends to support him, amnestv of the I urkish sultan naa ocen 1 .1 f 11 , tit tlin ! c.nV.U;VC: "V J i" ' :., VA; I i c ii i pi-ja - 1 1 VJ ui"".' " " w j i li.ul determined to accept it, and to aban ,lmi the contest. 1 his information was rriven iit Smyrna by a small French vessel ; of war, the master of which declared that ; hf had met several Greek ships of war .. 1 rctu:ri:i: to their respective lsianus 10 disarm. Letters dated the 4th ult. have been received from Odessa, but sidl without ; fnv.dly determining the cp.estion of peace or W.M-. No doubt is, however, entertain-1 ? , ..r iio .;m irmiinaiiuii of the dif. ference between" lus-u and the Forte. ThP nnint merit of another ambassador CMIIJi U t illllH."".v. .v lo Constantinople, it is supposed, will be , the mode in v. n;cn u:c jMum, vic p,. Alexander will be mantles- l HO 4 i j ' v. tfdlo Kuropc. A letter iiijiii iegnoju 1 I I t- , of the ' 8lh Sept. states, umi men . .1... 01,1 A.. ....r- II ! left Constantinople on u.e un"n - . 1 ..nitc fi I .1 rnmn I' p victor havirvr been gmed by the Greeks oxer the combined 1 urkxsh and hgyptian ii.'ct. '1'hcrc ire reports through Frankfort, ll:-.t the Turkish fiect has sustained a new defeat. It is rd-. suivl that the Greek ..... tM,h'intc HMronof Salonica. ami nuny have been nvissacied uy ' , r A plural letter from the Patriarch of the Greek communion was. on the 191b cf Aa-ust, read i:. all the Greek church es of Constantinople, assuring the Gree community of the protection of the gov eminent; and, at the same time, recom mending peaceable conduct. The Greek fleet is said, in a continen tal paper, to consist of 150 vessels, carry 4. rm 15 to 40 tnins ; of a great . -i 1 .... i -1- number having feircr than lo ;aml ol 500 .vhicl. arc armed with Iron, 3 ? j K The larger class of vessels are divided in to four squadrons The first crui.es at the month of the Uarclane ! es ; the sec ood is stationed near the Cj clale. j; t he third protects the Isle of Hydra, Spczba and t'sara; and the fourth m the Ionwn Sea. Tuesday, dec. ii, i82i. TO COIUtESPOXDEXTS. A small error inadvertently occurred in the poetical communication of Mahella, (published in this day's paper,) which was not discovered until it was too late to correct it. In the second line of the poetry, it should read concentrating instead of contracting. Wc would remind our correspondents and friends, that marriages and deaths are published in our paper gratis, provided they come to us free. We received, a few weeks since, from tfurkc county, a small letter, which enveloped a marriage and 17 5-cents in money, with a laconic request for us to return tho change ! Xov? wc will inform the gentleman on the ! waters of I.accoon ranch, that we charge him nothing for publishing the marriage he sent us; but, as the postage ol his let ter (12 cents) was saddled upon us, we shall retain that amount so that there now remains in our hands, to be refunded, the sum of jive cents 1 Colonel Joseph II vw kins, of Warren county, was, on Thursday, the 2 9 tli ult. after two ballotings, elected by the General Assembly Comptroller of the Treasury, in place of Samuel Goodwin, Esq. dee'd. Seven candidates offered for the appoint ment ; and on the second balloting, Col. Hawkins had a majority of 20 votes over all the others. We have repeatedly been asked by our neighbors, Why, in these 44 piping times of peace,' when that memorable declara tion of President Jefferson, u We are all Republicans, all Federalists, " is nearly verified, there arc so many warmly ccn- tested elections. ...such repc-ted ballolings and rc-ballotings, for the most trivial of- ficcs? In answer to this query? wc can only say, m general terms, tnut the most ,,1,, wc iuvc hcai ?;c , sted, ural operations of ",v- our rul, re:jMc-eii?alive system of gov- CI nment. 1 he freedom of our elections jet jjim f)frer for whatever station he may. The Rrea, struRule for Speaker at the last session of Congress, was an ex ample from such hir;h authority, thnt its :nnucncc vas irresistible it caught and rnnt,(r;nI1, raniditv. From members of Congress to Militia subal terns, closely contested elections are now lifrnmino- more and more freciuent. In Vermont, after the seventh tiial for the . f mernj)er of Con-rcss from e,ccut ' . T one of the congressional districts in that w ------- . - - 4 state, Judge White had a majority of three Inral votes, and was accordingly elected : . ' Housc 0f Commons of our state, there wcre.ive ballotmgs beiorc a choice of Speaker could be made there were tivo trials bv our Legislature for the clcc- .. . . t,on Gf a Comptroller ; and numerous oai- Iotings, from day to day, for the choice of Clerks, Sec in the two Houses. Now, in our opinion, there is nothing to be feared from all this. It is rather an evidence th tt virtue and intelligence abound in our country ; for wc cannot believe that so many candidates would be supported by the people, were they not good citizens and virtuous men. GAMBLERS ! At a late sitting of the Grand Jury of the City Court of Cincinnati, upwards of fourscore per sons, embracing Sheriffs, Merchants, liankers, Rrokcrs, Lawyers, Dandies, and Gentlemen, were indicted for gambling, "contrary to the statute in such cases made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state of Ohio." This is a sweeping presentment, but it is one which every good citizen and every lover of social order will heartily applaud. Gambling is a bin of a prolific nature : it engenders every species of iniquity it viciatcs every virtuous principle, r.nd de- bases man beneath the dignity of his na ture. Theft, rapine, and murder, are its concomitants disgrace and the gallows are its rewards ! It is. strange that some men are so blinded, that, rather than be virtuous, they will die martyrs to vice and licentiousness and thus, by on act of suicide, they renounce the earth to forfeit heaven : or, that they should suffer more to be damned than to be saved ! Extract of a letter from an intelligent American in Jaris, to k' friend in AVitf-fbrA, dated July 26, 1821. u Of our country and government, the people here entertain strange notions ; the liberal ::dore us ; the vulgar consider us as an inferior race of beings, because we have no king, chuich or priviledged or ders ; and the ruling party regard us pret ty much as they do oiiginal sin, the causje of all the evils they have suffered in this world, for which we are finally to be pun ished here, and damned hereafter.' From Niles Register. Several corroborating accounts assure us of the fall of Lima, and with it the separation ol Peru from the royal author ity, i his rich and extensive country may very soon assume an important rank a niong nations, if the people have wisdom enough to uiscern, anu energy sufficient to pursue, their true interests. Under the direction of Chili, for a short time, wc may expect to see in 15 or 20 years, two pow erful nations on the shores of the Pacific, in tne enjoyment of liberty and in natural alliance wim us. MEXICO. NEW ORLEANS, NOV. 8. By the schr. Litiie Saily, which left Campcachy on the 22d ult. wc leai.i the fol towing particulars of the progress of the revolution in Jexico. It is stated, from the best authority, that the city of jlexico had fallen, four days previously, into the hands of the Revolutionists, with a loss to the Royalists of 5,000 men killed. Our informant states, that the Amciicans were treated in the most friendly manner, and that the people were enthusiastically re publican. 1 he Sally brought home about koO.OOO, which has been deposited in the State Bank. CHARLESTON, NOV. 19. From Havana. Ry the sloop General Wellington, Capt. Tidgc, in 9 days from Havana, we have received papers of the 6th and 7th inst. We have put them in- 6th and 7th inst. We have put them in- to the translator's hands. We learn from the Captain and Passengers of the Gene- ral Washington, th'at there had been a plot laid for the massacre of the whites by pro frrMi--.!rli7 the slaves, which lud been fortunately Ur,tr -.r,t, ;cvnt; w..v.i... m -..j ' ' forty-two ol the ring-ieiuJers were taken and imprisoned. City Gaz. GEORGETOWN, S. C. NOV. 21. The Northern M .il which arrived here on Saturday eveninir 1 t had been cut ' open 41 id several bags taken from it. The rnil l-ft Mat-inn t onrt-Hmisr hptivrpn 12 and 1 o'clock on the morning of that I cr been previously emploved: the rob - bery , it appears, was not discovered until the mail leached Godfrey's ferry on the Pee Dee, fortv mile, from this town, and alter the departure of the carrier whose route ended there. The situation of St. Augustine was gloomy indeed at the lasi accounts. Xo business was doing, and a severe fever ra ging among the inhabitants, which was hourly hurrying them to the tomb. eiv&crn Centincl. A few days since, forty armd men in Vermont, commenced an attack upon the squirrels, and in 48 hours killed and hi ought to head-quarters, 49G1 of those animals. The next day a mammoth pot pic was made, 'and 275 persons partook of the repast, and not more than half the pic was consumed. FAYETTEV ILLE, NOV. 29. Charles S. ll'e&t, Esq. late Cashier of the 13ank of the United States in this place, has been unanimously appointed, by the parent Board at Philadelphia, Cashier of the Office at New-Orleans. Observer. Price cf Fun. At a Circuit Court held at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. a few days ago, Seneca Fowler and Benjamin Lewis were sentenced to one month's confinement in the county jail, for riding skimeiton at a wedding. ' Good name, in man or woman, ' Is the immediate jewel of their souls." At Jladison Circuit Court, in Illinois, recently held, Rowland P. Allen and wife obtained a verdict against Albert S. ait- by, for slanderous words spoken of Ars. Alleli) of three thousand dollars J In a late suit in Pennsylvania, respect ing two pigs? of the value of two dcHars, i he costs were thirteen dollars. These were fat pigs for the lawyers. The sale of 36 vacant pews in the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, on the 12lh inst. produced Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Dollars A few of them were sold at upwards of S800. Longevity in Georgia. Died on Eagle Neck, ilclntosh county, on the 29th ult. Jrs. Susannah Ford, aged one hundred and thirteen years. It is our painful duty to announce the death of the Rev. Samuel A'ezvell, Ameri can Jissionary at Bombay, in May last, after an illness of 12 hours, of cholera morbus -and also, ilrs. Susan Poor, wife of Rev. Daniel Poor, -Missionary at Jaffna, in Ceylon. The information, we learn, is received in a letter from Rev. Jlr. Bardwell, at Calcutta, to his friends in A n d o v c r . Z g . v h Recorder. j .17. Hill 1 ED, At Wadcsboroug!i,N. C. on the 2J instant, by the IJcv. l'lios. Wright, Mr. Orno Chamkeks, of 1 to wan count, to Miss Catiolise IIarrtngt'on, of the former place. Also, at the sume place and time, Mr. "William V. Hall, merchant, of Fayetteville, to Miss As.v Taov, of AVadesborough. h Moore county, on the 29th ult. Mr. JosEru i lu KETj. .Tun. oi" AV.dcsborouh, to Miss Mauai a Tis.o, of the former :)Iacc. t . .-3 w J; l lll-.l.l I lis .111 .1-.. I Vl IIH 1 li ll AII I Jl biy, passed in the year lc2'J, entitled "An act further pointing out the duty of Caiardians," makia. it the duty of all (iuanliansof evciy de scription, heretofore appointed, to renew their Uoncls at the fa-L.t court after the first day of Jan uary, 1 1522, and every three ears thereafter dur ing their respective guardianships: All Guar dians will do well to avail tllemselves of this no tification, as the law lias made it my duty to is sue scire facias against all delinquents. SvtSl ISAAC; ALnXAXl)Elt.,C.M.C. WlWivvm iuvtiws IDETUIIXS his most sincere and heartfelt thanks to the citizens of Salisbury, for the ; kindness and liherality tlie" liave evinced towards ' him, more particularly on an occasion v. henhim ! self and family va-re peculiarly afflicted. He J takes the liberty to inform the public, that prcs r sinir family coiuiderations induce him to return 1 lie sale, on Saturday the loth inst. his Confectionary, Household Furniture, c i 10 11. lw ftO UoW-VWft T&AfWlWI stock of cxC. ftO "UoWaWS T&AfWOVft. juoKE the fail of Orange county, on the t nijmt of the 30th November, 1S21, two i prisoners, Archibald JJron-n and .Meredith Cha- . 7W,V- ,aid Brown was cliarged with murder, an( vas scnt to sau jLi1 lrom Chatham county. : ," l lu""..u V.""1' He resided on Uocky Itiver, in Cliathrm county, . uh(rc ,,,s t.upi,y nQV llVeJ le 1S ab(JUt 5 teet 9 or 10 inches hirh, fair complexion, has pimples upon his face and nose, and is addicted to intox- ication Chavcrs is a iree mulatto, aoout o teet j high, and formerly live d on the waters of Hack Creek, in Orange county. The above reward will be paid to any person who will arrest the said Drown in this" state, so that I get him again ; ; an(l a reward of five dollars for the arrc and i ucmuJ U1 u,t; 34,u " 'tt .'V" '"1 JAMES CLANCY, Jailor. December Ut, 1821. 3wt81 j lO llAUYS "YVcWlwiV. ' T AN ; fc AX aw av from the subscriber, living in I air- ld District, S. C. in August last, a Negro i y tne na:Tie or i.alv.- . a. , u . Man bv ' vt-ars old, of a middle size, and is quite black ; plavs prettv well on the hddle, and is rather an impudent fellow. lie was raised in Stokes Co. N. C. by Mr. IJann, and may possibly be lurking about that quarter now. The above reward will be given, it the negro is delivered to Mr. Ma thieu, in Salisbury, or the subscriber in Fairfield District, S. C. or secured in any ja:l, ami notice ! olvcn tbiit he niav be had ajrain. THOMAS CUSJ ACK November 22, 1S21 -3wt81 MECKLENBURG COUNTY : 10T;IM" of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, No ventber Term, 1821 James M. Hutchison versus onrau riuti . wiiguiui .iLt.v.nim., le vied on defendant's lands. It appearing- to the at the defendant in this case resides out j Court that the of the State, it is Ord rrd. that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for three weeks, for the defendant, Conrad I'lyler, to appear at our next Court to be held for said county, on the fourth Monday in January next, and replevy, plead to issue", or demur, "otherwise judgement will he entered against him. SwtSl Test, ISAAC ALEXANDER. C. M. C. 3ft BoWovs- "RevrOTft. ""JROKE JAIL on the night of the ITth in JL5 stant, a white man and two negroes. The white man is by the name of John Prince, s:dd to have come from Grayson count-, Virginia, who was confined on a charge of counterfeiting mon ey ; he is about 35 vears of age, dark complex ion, about five feet ten inches high. One of the negroes says he came from Charleston, S. C. and that his name is Dill, and is a runaway ; he is a trim built fellow, of a middle size and age, has been cropped, or lost a piece cf one ear, I think the right ear : The other is of a yellow com plexion, heavy built, thick lips, and a small scar on his under lip, supposed to be about 5 j years of age, says his name is Owen, and is a runaway from the state of Georgia. It is thought by some that Prince will pass for their master, and nerhaps sell them. Any person that will apprehend them, and confine them in any jail, cr bring them so that I get thern rgain, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable expenses ; or 10 dollars for each or either of them. YVM. ADMFIELD, Sberif. Greensboro, Gvilfurd Co. V. C. November 26, 1S21, Sir.tUM An ov IAVILL give liberal wages the ensuing" year, to an Overseer of sober and industrious hab its, and good character. JOHN liEAUD, Jr. December 10, 13J1. 4vt83 W n wis a Silwwliow. YOUNG lady, qualified to teach Reading, Writing, English (Iramniar, Geography, History, the rudiments of the French language, Needle Work, fxc. Wishes to obtain a situation in the neighborhood cf Salisbury, in the capaci ty of Private Tutoress, she would take charge of the females of one, or at most two fan.ii-es, at a moderate salary. Satisfactory references can be made for character and abilities, on ap plication (bv letter) to A. i. .l;7o;, N. C. y rgilE subscriber Is now opening, at his Store JL in Salisbury, a large and choice selection of JDrif Gocds and Groceries, Just received from Charleston, Philadelphia and New -York; which will be sold at fair prices, and all kinds of country produce received in exchange. I Pis customers and the public are respectfullv invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. J. MUKPHY. 7.ceK?cr, 1821. Smt9l T uto N ol c c . National Vaccine Institution. lj OIIN TRAVIS and Dr.CHAUI.ES HARRIS TV have been appointed Auxiliary Agents of this Institution for Cabarrus Count) j in the state of North-Carolina. JAMES SMITH, United' States' Agent of Vaccination. A'ov. 1st, 1821. . 3vt79 CC In order to aid the Managers of the "Na tional Vaccine Institution" to cany into effect their benevolent designs, which are no less than a desire to a! ford a certain security to the human race against the natural Small I'oj which is one of the greatest destroyers of mankind, we have agreed to act as Auxiliary Agents of said insti tution for the County of Cabarrus. Wc have received a supply of the genuine A7 I'och J fatter, and offer it to all those who are disposed to receive it. JOHN TRAVIS, ? , Nov. 22, 1821. SltiX OF THK RISING SUN, CORNER OF KING AND SOClETr SfJiEETSr CHARLESTON, S. C. H i rjnili: subscriber respectfully informs fenifj jL his accpiaintances, and die public -ilj Q- generally, that the above well known establishment, formerly kept by Mr. HOB FRY JIOYCE, has recently been considerably enlar ged, and is furnished in the most comfortable manner for the accommodation of BOARDERS. It contains upwards of sixty rooms. Families? can be furnished with private apartments. The Columbia and Augusta Stage-Office is kept at this house. CCjNew Stahlf.s have been built for the user of the house, which will be provided with trusty and attentive Ostlers. 6wt79 CHARLES H. MIOT. Charleston, S. C. Oct. 1st, 1821. THE subscriber offers for sale the following property,' viz: a Store and Dwelling-house, situated at the north corner of the court-house - nouse is large, ana wen calculated both- tor 1. 1 1 l t 1 -m - a gtore and Tavcrn TwQ lots adjaccnt to t Dank ; on the front lot there is a tolerably cood dwelling-house with these I would dispose. of three or four lots, quite convenient, which, to a perim disposed to keep a Public House, would render it one of the most eligible situations in town. 500 acres of Land, part of" w hich is with in one mile south of the court-house ; I am dis posed to divide this land (w hich can conveniently be done) to suit purchasers. 152J acres, two miles north of Salisbury, called Yarhro's Mead ows. 202 acres, about four miles north of tow n ; this tract is all woodland, and well timbered. Also, my plantation, called MerrelPs Place, ad joining the Bridge, on the north side, consisting; ot one tract oi bo!i acres ; one do. 229 one do. 270 S29 acres. The whole or any part of the above proper! r I will dispose of for approved notes, at nine and twelve months, negotiable at the Dank, if appli cation be made bv the 1st of January next. MOSES A." LOCKE. November 12, 1S21. 6wtSl Tsvatfc Cayi. 3ou "ileul. ON the 8th cf January will commence the sale of the real and personal estate of the late Capt John Peid, and contuse from dav to day, until the whole is sold. TVie real estate con sists of the well known establishment called the Cata-wba Springs, with the plantation and lands attached. The personal Property cons;sts of a number of very valuable Keeroes. various kinds of farm stock, household furniture, &c. The tcrrns, which will be accommodating, will be nuuIe known on tho day of sale. JOHN If EH), ? ALEX. McCORKLE, C November 19, 1021. 7wt82 CCUtOl'S. RUTHERFORD COUNTY : COURT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Octo ber Sessions, 1821 William Arthur Ransom Powell : Original attachment levied on land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is without the limits of this State, Ordered, therefore, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at our next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be holden for the County of Ruther ford, :.t the Court House in Rutherferdton, on the second Monday in January next, then and there to plead, or demur, or judgment final will be entered up against him. 5wt84 Witness ISAAC C RATON, C. C. FJIHE subscriber having this day obtained let g ters of administration on the estate of Rob ert ."..".-, deceased, v ill sell to the highest bid. uer, on the premises, all the persona! estate of the a"d ch ceased, at a lawful creuit, lure out th. negrots for one year, and rent cut the plantation for one year. The sale will begin on Monday, 10th December, 1S21, and continue from davit day t';!I all shall be sold. The conditions of sale and term of credit will be made known on the dav of sale. AMELIA M HARDER, A:!i".r. IWet'tr 19, 182i. o77

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