r 2. Resolved, That so much of the President. Message as relates to the foreign and diplomatic affairs of the United States in their intercouse with all other nations, he referred to a select com mittee. 3. Jicsolved, That so rrntch of the President' Message as relates to the Florida, and the organ ization of a Territorial ovenm.ent for therr he referred to the committee on the Judiciary. 4. licsolved, That so much of the President's Message as concerns the revenue and finances of the United States he referred to the commit tee of Ways and Means. 5. He&olved, That so much of the President's Message as relates to Manufactures and the pro. motion of National Industry, be referred to tin; committee on Manufactures. 6. Resolved, That so much of the President's Message as concerns the military establishment and fortifications, be referred to a select commit tee. 7. Resolved, That so much of the President's Message as relates to the naval establishment; ; pre-vements be instructed to inquire into the ex its gradual increase; the repairs and construe- pediencv of discharging- the late Kngineer or tion of vessels of war ; the protection of our whether it will be profitable for the ate to con trade in the Mediterranean and on the high seas tinue hIm any lon in scrvice. Adopted. aerainst the IJarbary powers, and against an pi- ratical depredations, be referred to a select com pnrfilations. he rcterred to a acieci com- mittee. 8. Resolved, That so much of the President's Message as relates to the Slave Trade, be refer red to a select committee. 9. Resolved, That the said select committees have leave to report by bill or otherwise. The four first resolutions were succes sively adopted. The fifth being under consideration, Mr. JZdivards, of North Car olina, moved to amend the same bv strik ing therefrom the words " and the promo tion of national industry," which, after some discussion thereon, was lost, and the fifth and sixth resolutions were sever ally adopted. Mr. Sawyer moved to insert in the se venth resolution, after the word " jledi terranean," the words 44 Pacific Ocean," which was carried, and the resolution was adopted without further amendment. The eighth and ninth resolutions were also adopted, when the committee rose, reported progress, and obtained leave to sit again. In the House, Mr. Wright moved the same amendment of the fifth resoluion that had been proposed in the committee of the whole, which was negatived. Mr. Rich moved to insert the words "suppression of," before the words" slave trade," in the 8th resolution, which was agreed to, and the House concurred in the report of the committee of the whole "without further amendment. On motion, ordered that when this House do adjourn, it adjourn until Abn day next. The House then adjourned. NORTH-CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SENATE. Friday, dfx. 7 On motion of Mr. Boddie, the Judiciary Committee were instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing a law to prevent free negroes and mulattoes from coming to and seUle ing in this Slate. Saturday, dec. 8. A message was received from the Commons, proposing to ballot for Public Treasurer and Public Printer, nominating Jonn Haywood and Thomas Henderson for those officers. A ballot took place accordingly, and those gentlemen were elected. MONDAY, dec. 10. Mr. Spaight, from the judiciary committee, to whom was referred a resolution to inquire into the expediency of passing an act authorizing the judges to deputize persons to execute -writs, and reported a bill to provide for the execution of process when there shall be no proper officer to execute the same, which passed its first reading. The following bills were presented : Mr. Lamb, a bill to repeal an act pass ed at lest session, directing the manner in which property levied on by Sheriffs and Constables shall be sold hereafter. Mr. Williamson, a bill to alter the mode of removing suits from the courts of Equi ty to the Supreme court. Mr. Person, a bill to repeal an act pass ed last session, for the relief of honest debt ors. Which bills passed their first reading. On motion of Mr. Deberry, the judi ciary committee were instructed to in quire into the expediency of providing by law for the payment of witnesses, who may be compelled to attend trials in civil cases before justices of the peace out of court, and at an inconvenient distance from their residence. The bill to authorize the county courts of the several counties in the state to ap point committees of Finance, after under going considerable discussion and amend ment, passed its second reading. tuesdw, dec. 1 1.- On motion of Mr. Person, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, by the Senate and House of Com mons, that a select joint committee be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a new Hank, to belong- entire ly'to the State, with such provisions as may have a tendency to re lieve the pecuniary distresses of the people, and that they report by hill, &c. The Senate took up the bill to author ize the county courts in each of the coun ties to appoint a committee of Finance. After some debate, motion was made to postpone the bill indefinitely, which was neu:.tivct!-39 votes to 20? The bill then pasAe.d4 it s third reading 32 to 25. WEDNESDAY, DT C . 12. Mr. Puffin, from the committee appointed to superin tend the balloting for counsellors of State, reported, that Wm. tilackledge, Thomas Wynns, Gideon. Alston, David Gillespie, Theophilus Laccy, and Thomas Kenan were duly elected : One other counsel lor remained to be elected. The following bills passed their third and last readings in this House, and were ordered to be engrossed : The bill to provide for the execution of process when there shall be no proper of ficer in the county to execute the same. The bill to alter the mode of removing suits from the courts of Equity to the Su preme Court ; and The bill to extend the time for the reg istration of grants, Sic. Mr. Prink presented the following res olution : Resolved, that the mmniittrf rm Intrrn.il Im- - . , mjm. itions presented by Mr. Williamson, on the sub ject of calling a convention, were com mitted to the whole, and made the order j of the day for Tuesday next. Mr. Peebles presented a bill to compel Constables to pay over money by them collected on Judgments. Mr. M'Leary presented a bill better to regulate the County Court of Mecklen burg. Each read the first time. William Davidson, of Mecklenburg, was appointed the 7th counsellor of state. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, dec. 7. Mr. Graves, from the committee appointed to wait on Gov. Holmes, to inform him. of his election, reiortcd, That he would attend to be qualified this day at 12 o'clock. At which hour he attended in the Commons' H ill, and the usual oaths of office were administered to him by Chief Justice Taylor, in presence of the members of both Houses. Mr. M'Comb presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of the counties of Ire dell, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, praying for the discontinuance of the new road between Concord and Beatie's Ford.- On motion of Mr. Cowan, the commit tee appointed to inquire what alterations are necessary in the salary of the Secre tary of State, were instructed to inquire whether any, and what alterations are ne cessary in the fees of the Clerks of the Superior Courts. A message was received from Gover nor Franklin, inclosing an act of the legis lature of Tennessee, ratifving the boun dary between that state and this Refer'd. The bill to alter the method of proving book debts, was, on motion of Mr. Slade, indefinitely postponed, by 68 votes to 48. Saturday, dec 8. On motion of Mr. Alston, the Public Treasurer was direct ed to lay before this house a particular account and statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Board of Internal Improvements for the last two years, up to the 26th November, 1821, stating the amount advanced from the Public Treas ury, and the amount paid out of the funds for Internal Improvements. The following bills were introduced : By Mr. Fisher, a bill concerning the town of Salisbury. Mr. Collins, in pursuance of a petition, a bill to repeal part of an act passed last session, for the better regulation of the county courts of Rutherford, Burke and Lincoln. Mr. Hillman. from the committee to whom was referred the reports and reso lutions of Maryland and New-Hampshire, :c. on the object of appropriating public lands for the purpose of education among the several states, reported in favor of a concurrence with the proposition. The report was concurred with, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Stanly, from the judiciary com mittee, reported a bill to preserve the right of trial by jury in suits at common law, when the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, which passed its first reading. The Speaker laid before the House a CommunicaMon from the Public Treas urer, inclosing the following statement of the affairs of the State Bank, regretting that he had it not in his power, at present, to transmit a like statement in relation to the Bank of Newborn and Cape Fear ; but expected to hear shortly from them on the subject : General Statement of the State Rank of jXorth-Ccrolina, J"ov. 20, 1821. Specie, S533.25S 92 Foreign notes, 77,879 50 Hills of exchange, 28,279 57 Bonds discounted, 2,940,592 18 Due from other Banks, 669,513 66 Heal estate, includingbank buildings, 128,630 18 Due for stock, by the state and individuals, Bank stock, taken for debts, State currencv, m 9 i i 94,556 11 17,440 31,764 97 S4.521.P15 l; Stock subscribed, Notts in circulation, Subscription to new stock, 1,603,000 1,978,331 89 125 531,608 80 266,522 15 Due to other banks, Deposits, Dividends unpaid. General profit and loss, (out of which t?,437 the present dividend is tobe paid,) 137,015 29 S4,521,Q15 15 Due to stockholders who subscribed fyr more shares than they obtained. This report and statement were order ed to be printed. Monday, dec 10. Mr. Henry from the committee on that part of the Gover nor's message in relation to pecuniary embarrassments, reported a bill to amend an act passed last session, for the relief of honest debtors. The following bills were also introdu ced : Mr. M'Neill, a bill to repeal part of 1st section of an act passed in 1817, direct ing a road to be. laid out and opened from Fctyctteville to Morganton, and also, part of the 1st and 2d sections of an act pass ed in 1816 on the same subject. Mr. Hawks, a bill to amend the guar dian laws of this State. Mr. Blackledgc, a bill to alter the mode of electing Sheriffs, and to vest the right of election in the free people of the sev eral counties. The above bills passed their first read ing. Mr. Clement, from the committee to whom had been referred the bill to divide the county of Rowan, returned the bill without amendment. It passed its first reading. Mr. Hillman from the joint committee to whom was referred the resolution in structing them to inquire into the expe diency of amending the several laws es tablishing the Superior Courts, reported a bill to amend and extend an act passed in 1806, establishing the present court system, by providing relief for the coun ties in which the suits may so accumulate as they cannot be tried at the regular terms of those courts. The bill passed its first reading. Mr. Stanly, from the judiciary commit tee, reported a bill directing the time and place of sale of lands and slaves under execution; which passed its first reading. Tuesday, dec. 11 Mr. M'Comb, from the committee to whom was refer red the petition of sundry inhabitants of Iredell, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, re ported a bill to alter a part of the State road laid out according to the act of 1817. Mr. Barringer, from the Committee of Finance, reported a hill to provide a Rev enue for the year 1 822 ; also, a bill impos ing an annual tax on Stud Horses and Jack Asses. Mr. Henry presented the following res olution : "Whereas, the Navigation Act passed by the Congress of the United States on the 18th of April, 1818, countervailing- the operation of the Navigation Acts of Great Britain upon our trade with the West India Islands, has not produced the effect intended of compelling her to either relax or abandon her Colonial System ; but has, on the contrarv, had the effect of destroying an indispensable and lucrative trade theretofore ex isting between this State and the British West Indies : Whereupon, Resolved, That our Senators and Representa tives in Congress be instructed to use their en deavours to have the said act repealed. Ordered, that said resolution lie on the table till Mondav next. Mr. Fisher presented the following res olutions : 1. Resolved by the General Assembly of J.'orth Carolina, That the representation of the people of this State in both branches of the Legisla ture, under the present Constitution, is greatly . t , i - unequal, unjust, anci anti-Kepumican. 2. Resolved, That the Constitution outdit to be so amended as that each citizen of the State should have an equal share in the rights of rep resentation upon the principle of free white pop ulation and taxatio";, or of free white population, including three-fifths of all other persons. o. J lerrjore, Jiesolr-ed, that, at the next elec- tion for Members of Assembly, that the people drawn. Having secured Mr. Barrv and of this State, who are entitled to vote for Mem-J his wife, the villains commenced plunder hers of the House of Commons, be invited to f . , x , , 1 - vote at the said election, whether thev are in j ,n" the bouse, and took off about S60 in favor of a Convention, or not, by writing on I money, three silver watches, jewelry, See. their ticket, Convention or A o Convention. j It is hoped these fellows may be speedily 4. Resolved, that the Sheriff of each county in this State, or other returning officers, be and they are hereby directed immediately after the next election to ascertain the number of votes given for or against a Convention : and to make out a correct statement thereof, and transmit the same to the Governor, to be laid before the next Assembly. Ordered, that the above resolution be the or der of the day for Thursday next. Mr. Shaw presented the petition of James Clark and others, of Orange, on the subject of licensed Grog Shops. Re ferred to a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Shaw, Moore, M'Lean, J. L. Hill and Joiner. Mr. McDowell presented a bill to in corporate the Rutherford Agricultural Society. Mr. Shde, a bill to amend an act passed in 1817, to compel owners of water mills, on public roads, to keep in repair their bridges. Read the first time and passed. Mr. Fisher, from the committee on the subject, reported a bill in favor of increas ing the salary of the Secretary of State S200. Read the first time. The bill authorizing the County Courts to grant licenses to erect gates across pub lic roads, passed its third reading, and was ordered to be engrossed. Received from the Senate a resolution proposing to appoint a select joint com mittee to inquire into the expediency of establishing a new Bank, to belong en tirely to the State. The house concur red, and, on their part, appointed ilessrs. Alston, Brickcll, Spencer, Baningcr and M'Comb. The house resolved itself into a com mittee of the whole, Mr. Alston in the chair, on the Revenue Bill, and spent the remainder of the day in its discussion. At 3 o'clock the committee rose, report ed progress, and asked leave to sit again. THURSDAY, dec. 13.: Mr. W. D. Smith presented a bill to keep open Ivcy river, in the county of Buncombe, as far as Carter river. Mr. Beard presented a bill to repeal part of the act of 1820, respecting the sale of certain lots in iVorganton. Mr. Rhea presented a bill to compel the Register of Afccklenburg to keep his office at the Court House. Each read the first time. . . Several other private bills and petitions were read, when, on motion of Mr. Fish er, the convention resolutions were post poned till another day, and the house re solved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Alston in the chair, on the Revenue Bill. After spending much time in its discussion and filling up the blanks, the taxes fixed nearly as last year, the com mittee rose, and the house adjourned- Gleanings. Extract of a letter from a person in St. Clalrs ville, Ohio, to a friend in Baltimore, dated the 26th of October last. " I w ill now inform you of a most shock ing occurrence that took place in this neighborhood yesterday morning, (or the night preceding.) S. H. put a period io his wife's existence, by heating her to death. Her remains were interred this day, and he is in jail. He was intoxicated with liquor ; and has been in the practice, for some time past, of abusing her most unmercifully when so. His relations have done all they could to persuade her to leave him; she would, for a time but, poor woman, she had an attachment for him, bad as he was. A girl going in yes terday morning to wash for them, on en tering the house spoke to N. perceiving she was in bed, but received no answer ; she then spoke to S. who lay on the foot of the bed. ...he was either asleep, or pre tended to be. On perceiving the floor was bloody, she called out, H. what have you been doing ? Nothing, he said. She then went to the bed, and beholding the horrid scene, she exclaimed, H. you have killed N. ! He replied, he hoped not told her to feel her breast, if she was not warm ? She said, you have killed her. He asked what he should do ? She said she knew what she would do she would go to C. (they lived on his place,) which she did. He picked up his jug of liquor, and went off into the woods, where he was soon taktn, and broucrht home. He went up to the corpse, and kissed it ; and then took his pipe and sat down to smoke, still beintr much in liquor. She was much bruised all over, especially on her head ; ner wmupipe was DroKe. i ne coroner s inquest brought in "a verdict of wilful rm murder.' They say he appears wretch ed awfully so. It is expected he will have his trial at the supreme court, which begins next week.' A postscript to the same letter, under date November the 5th, states that he had his trial, and was sentenced to the peni tentiary during life. Daring Robbery. One of the most daring robberies was committed yester day, in broad day light, that we ever heard of. One Collins, a recent tenant of the state prison, a man well known, with two companions, entered the house of' Mr. Barry, four miles from the city, about 12 o'clock, seized and confined him, and threatened to take his life, with knives brought to justice; and. we think, from the description of Collins, that he at least cannot remain long at large. 'AWy-VorA- Gazette. Martin, who committed the highway robbery of Maj. Bray, last summer, and is ordered for execution on the 20th inst. we understand, proves upon investigation, to nave been one or the most notorious characters in his line, in Great Britain. The life and confes sions of this daring offender, we hear, is to be published as an appendix to his trial and "will contain some of the most remarkable incidents in the rec ords of criminality. Boston Intel. m m Anthony Field, a black man, has been indicted and convicted in Bucks county. Pa. of an assault and battery, with an intent to commit a rape, and for this atrocious crime, he has only been fined five dollars, costs of prosecution, and ordered to be imprisoned in the county jail nine months. Dem. Press. DISSIPATION EXTRAORDINARY. A few days since, a snrichtlv mon key, belonging to a gentleman of this city, was accidentally left alone in a room where a pitcher of choice whis key punch was brewing by the fire. Master Jack, after tasting the bever age, found it so delicious that he was tempted to repeat his draught until he became half seas over. He then, bv way of a joke, caught a Parrot, which was also a member of the family, and slily taking poor Poll to a retired clos et, divested her of her plumage, and then let her go. The next morning. Jack suffered severely for his debauch he would swallow nothing but cold water, of which hi drank large quanti ties, and, with mst dejected physiog nomy, sat for hours applying both hands to his throbbing temples. A7. T. Com. Adv. EXPENSES OF ROYALTY. The following sums of money have been from time to time voted by the, En glish parliament, for the personal expen ses of that Alrror of Kings, George the Fourth. In 1783 when he became of age, 60,000. outfit, and 50,000. a year to sup port a separate establishment. This how ever, was not enough for the munificence of this scion of royalty. He was soon found to be involved in debt ; and in 1787, four years afterwards, parliament voted 730,000. to pay off incumbrances. In 1795, he was married to his late affection ate Queen, on which joyful occasion the parliament settled on him 125,000., be sides the revenue of the Duchy of Corn wals, worth 13,000. more. But it was now found that the Prince was not fit to be trusted with the management of his private concerns, he was therefore put un der a sort of guardianship, and 73,000, out of this 138.000. was placed under the management of parliamentary commis sioners, and appropriated to the payment of his debts. But notwithstanding all this care, in 1 308 the Pt ince was again in trou ble, and 210,000. more was voted to pay new debts, In IS 12 he became Regent, and 100,000. was granted to defray the charges of the change, besides 70,000. a year to meet the additional expenses of the royal household. In 1821, 150,000. was appropriated for the coronation. The whole amount expended by the people of England on this single individual, is Jive millions Jive hundred and JJteen thousand pounds, equal to S24,486,600, or S644,226 a year. Eastern Argus. A letter from Oswrego, N. Y. dated Nov. 28th, says 44 The snow fell in this village, two weeks since, at least three feet on a level. The sleighing is now good the weather cold." The Providence Gazette mentions, that a person appeared in the market place in that town on Thursday, who measured six feet eight inches in height, and that he stated that he was the smallest of six brothers. The Journal de Lyons, relates that a young lady of Marseilles, between 40 and 50, had terminated her life in a veryT tragical manner. A certain gen tleman, nearly her own age, having re fused to marry her according to his promise, she w ent to his country house, and hung herself at his gate with his bell-rope. " T"he lenth Have.91 A writer from Cambridge, Mass. Oct. 22, under the sig nature of " Canute" says : 44 A hundred times have I stood at the beautiful beach of Rhode Island to watch the Tenth Wave, which is always larger than the preceding nine. Let any one try it at Nahant beach, and he will find, that in an hundred of billows that come tumbling in, and breaking in foam at his feet, there will be ten in a hundred larger than the rest. This is itaturins mean ing of the 4 tenth wave' of human suffer ing. Justice tempered ivith Mercy. A Mr. Stirling, who was minister of the Barony Church of Glasgow, during the war which Ensrland and her allies wa- ged against the insatiable ambition of Lou is XIV, in that part of his prayer which related to public affairs used to beseech the Lord that he would take the haughty tyrant of France, and shake him over the mouth of hell ; " but, good Lord," ad ded the worthy man, 44 dinna let him fa in.' This curious nraver beinc: men tioned to Louis, he laughed heartily at this ... i ; .i i r . i new umi ingenious metnoa oi punisnmg ambition, and frequently crave as a toast. u the good Scotch parson." An Englishman who. attracted bv the amenity of the climate, wished to fix his residence in Naples, desired his banker to look out for a villa for him, which was done, and the gentleman rerrularlv installed in his purchase ; the next dav. however, he came, in much j T - , hurry and alarm, to his banker, to say he was determined to be oft', for a fel low had assailed him with a claim for 12,000 crowns, which he swore had been lent half a dozen years ago, though the poor Englishman was scarcely a month old in Italy. How many witnesses has he got to prove it ? said the banker. No less than ten. What is to be done? Acknowledge having received the money. Acknowl edge the debt ? Certainly, and we will get twenty witnesses to swear they saw you repay it. This was decisive ; for

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