The Mrsr ! whateVr the Muse inspires, My soul the tuneful strain atlmircs....scoTT. roa THE WLSTEUV C.iR'JLlMi. On hearing the lively carol of a red bird, in a Por tico, adjoining the apartment in uhich the author slept. Time was, sweet bird, that dulcet lay With rapture I would rise to greet; And oft with heart as light and gay, In mimicry those notes repeat: "Whilst my heart's lord, in frolic mood, Has oft a sportive kiss imprcss'd, Thus playfully awhile subdued, Awhile my giddy mirth rcpressM. Hut ah ! those blissful hours are fled, Fled alas -forever That joyous laugh, that well known tread, Again shall cheer me never! Nor sportive kiss, nor fond caress, Shall e'er again this form impress : Nor more, in imitative glee, Shall I, sweet bird, respond to thee. 3IABEIXA. ing years, live almost always in the scribed by Cumberland in his memoirs, sun, or near the fire in a smoky hut, The following animated representation without anv purification of the skin ; of the famous Tiranna, not only illus and they are consequently coloured by trates the genius of this strange race, these practices. Their habits in re- but it forcibly reminds one of that cel spect to food, are more disgusting than ebrated ancient sorceress, Medea, those of anv savages ; for they subsist "That extraordinary woman, whose upon animals which have died of dis- origin is traced to the outcast race of ease, and upon the refuse of ordinary Gipsies, was not less formedto strike food. They dress in rags, being only beholders with the beauty and com- partially covered ; yet they display the manding majesty of her person, than love of finery in their very" tatters : but, to astonish all that heard her by the notwithstanding these unfavorable cir- powers which nature and art had com- cumstances, they generally live to a bined to give her. IVIy friend, Count considerable age, are remarkably free Pietra Santa, who had honorable ac from disease, and distinguished by cess to this great stage heroine, inti muscular strength, svmmctrical pro- mated to her the very high expectation portion, and animated countenances. I had formed of her performances, and pursuit, takes a separate road. The different colours, which suit different complexions, are not more various than the different pleasures appropriated to particular minds. The various sects who have pretended to give lessons to instruct men in happiness, have de scribed their own particular sensations, without considering ours ; have only loaded their disciples with constraint, without adding to their real felicity. - Every mind seems capable of enter taining a certain quantity of happiness, which no institutions can increase, no circumstances alter, and entirely de pendent on fortune. Let any man compare his present fortune with the past, and he will probably find himself, I hough tne greater part of the Gipsies the eager desire I had to see her in , Up0n the whole, neither better nor are wanderers, a few ot them are sta- one ot her capital characters; telling uvc SOXXET TO WINTER. Thou hast thy beauties, sterner ones, I own, Than those of thy precursors ; yet to thee Belong the charms of solemn majesty, And naked grandeur. Awful is the tone Of thy tempestuous nights, when clouds are blown By hurrying winds across the troubled sky ; Pensive, when softer breezes faintly sigh Through leafless boughs with Ivy overgrown. Thou hast thy decorations, too, although Thou art austere ; thy studded mantle, gay "With icy brilliants, which as proudly glow As erst Golconda's ; and thy pure array Of regal ermine, when the drifted snow Envelopes nature ; till her features seem Like pale, but lovely ones, seen when wc dream. tionary. borne of the latter are inn- her at the same time, that 1 had been keepers in Spain, mechanics and gold- a writer for the stage in my own coun washers in Hungary, and domestic try. In consequence of this intima slaves in Turkey : but the principal tion, she sent me word, that I should portion of these outlaws have no other have notice from her, when she wished habitations than tents and caves ; and me to come to the theatre ; till when, in summer they live chiefly in the open she desired I would not present my air. The picturesque effect of their self in my box-upon any night, though encampments has not escaped that fine her name might be in the bill ; for it observor, Cowper ; and he has given a was only when she liked her part, and poetical sketch of their economy, so was in the humour to play well, that true and particular, as almost to su- she wished me to be present. persede the necessity of any other his- 41 In obedience to her message, I waited several dars, and at last re ceived the looked-for summons. I had not been many minutes in the the atre, before she sent a mandate to me to go home ; for that she was in no disposition that evening, and should neither do justice to her own talents, nor to my expectations. I instantly obeyed this whimsical injunction, knowing it to be so perfectly in char acter with the capricious humour of her tribe. When something more than a week had passed, 1 was again invited to the theatre, and permitted to sit out the whole representation. I torian. I sec a column of slow rising smoke, O'ertop the lofty wood that skirts the wild. A vagabond and useless tribe there cat Thi ir miserable meal. A kettle, slung" Between two poles upon a stick transverse, Receives the morsel flesh obscene of dog, Or vermin, or, at best, of cock purloinM From his accustomM perch. Hard faring race ! They pick their fuel out of every hedge ; Which, kindled with dry leaves, just saves un quench'd The spark of life. The sporting wind blows wide Their fluttering rags, and shows a tawny skin, The vellum of the pedigree they claim. skill have they in palmistry, and more To conjure clean away the gold they touch, Convening worthless drops into its place : Tiiteiravy Extracts, &c. Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. Te Gipsies. rROM the ew-toiiic utehart ncrosiTonr. Continued from our last." By this it appears, that though the philanthropic spirit of the nation is hardly extended to them, these poor outcasts have caught something from that great impulse towards intelligence and virtue, which is operating, more or less powerfully and obviously, thro' the whole world of moral beings ; and which, it is surely the duty and the priv ilege of the most favored among men, to accelerate by all possible encourage ments. That the miserable condition of the Gipsies will be improved, is rendered probable by the suggestions of rational and philosophic Christians ; who begin to discover, that our anxiety to spread the gospel far and zvide is someu-hat premature ; and that much must be done at home, before it can be expedient to attempt any thing abroad. An evidence of this has lately appear ed in an Knglish publication. 'The Committee of the Home Missionary So ciety, feelii'g deeply for the condition of the neglected Gipsy race, of whom eighteen thousand are wandering through this country, earnestly entreat the Christian world to come forward in support of measures for the melioration of their condition. This people have been w onderfully preserved, a distinct people, for the space of four hundred years; have been expelled from j India about that space ot time, and scattered all over Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is ascertained by Oriental scholars, that they speak, not a cant language, but the same as that spoken by the Sutler caste of India, whom they resemble in person, manners, and habits. The circumstance of their speaking the same language amongst all their tribes in every country, as well as that of their aborigines in the East, may be most fa vorable for the circulation of the scriptures, and diffusion of oral instruction; and being so wide ly scattered among all nations, whose languages are spoken by their different tribes, they may ;Jso be the instruments of much good among others, and well repay the privilege of sojourn ing among them, by scattering among them that wealth w liich surpasses the riches of dolconda and Pent. It is proposed to form a Branch So ciety to that for Home Missions 'which will both leave the funds for village preaching untouched, and afford an opportunity to those persons to contribute, who may be favorable only to the promotion of morality and education.' ( Chris tian Herald, .Vo. 1T8.) The character and habits of the peo ple who stand in need of this instruc tion, are too extraordinarv to be unin terestinp; ; and their physical and in tellectual powers, strangely perverted as thev are, afford elements of eniov mrnt and usefulnrss which ouc;ht not to be neglected nor lost to sccietv. The peculiar hue of their complex ion, appears to be somewhat artificial ly induced and cultivated. In infan cv, they are smeared over with some black ointment, and in their succeed- Loud when they beg, dumb only when they steal, had not then enough of the language Strange ! that a creature rational, and cast tQ unclerstan(l much more than the in cidents and action of the play, which Jiy which the world might profit, and himself was of the deepest cast of tragedy ; Setfbvihh'diYom society, prefer for ;n the course of the plot, she lnur- Such squalid sloth to honorable toil ! , r i i i i i-i. Vet even these, though, feigning sickness, oft ucrcu ner miani cnnuren, ana exniou- They swathe the forehead, dra the limping limb, ed them dead on the Stage, lying on And vex their flesh with artificial sores, each side of her ; whilst she, sitting on Can change their whine into a mirthful note, u i i u ri. i When soft occasion offers ; and with dance, the. floo between them, (her attitude, And music of the bladder and the bag, action, features, tones, defying all de- IJegiiilc their woes, and make the woocLi resound, scription,) presented such a high- "ucu ucaiui ami gaeiy 01 ueari cnjuy The houseless rovers of the western world ; And breathing wholesome air, and wandering much, Need other nhvsic none, to heal the effects Of loathsome diet, penury, and coid.' wrought picture of hysteric phrenzy, 1 laughing' wild amidst severest no? as placed her, in my judgment, at the ve ry summit of her art : in fact, I have no concention that the nowers of act- t- a- . t r .1 . I i ne oipsies travel ior tne most part ,ng can bc carr,cti higher ; and such on foot ; but sometimes the aid of the was tle efrect upon the audience, that, ass, or a decayed horse and cart, relieve whilst the spectators in the pit, having them of the burthen of tools, furniture, caught a kind of svmpathctic nhrenzv and children, which constitute their from the scene, were rising up in a tu- wealth. Their manufactures are small . multuous manner, the word was given 1 T 1 il II O and rude works in wood or iron ; and the dexterity they exhibit in them, out by authority for letting fall the curtain : and a catastrophe, nrobablv makes up for the deficiency of the in- too stron for exhibition, was not al- struments they use, and snows what lowed to be completed, they might accomplish with suitable! " A few minutes had passed, when facilities. Beds and chairs make no this wonderful creature, led in by Pie part of their accommodations ; their tra Santa, entered my box. The arti furnkure consists of an iron pot and ficial paleness of her cheeks ; her eyes, pan, a jug, a spoon, ana a Knue, anu which she had dyed of a bright vermill- sometimes, a dish. 1 he only super fluity they ever have, is a silver cup, which is procured often by great pri vation, and seldom used when possess ed, being for the most part buried un der the hearth stone, or as effectually hidden somewhere else. Under these circumstances, begging, as well as steal ing, is a means of subsistence. Their excessive vivacity and impudence at tract the attention of people ; and they practice wild music, unseemly dancing, and grotesque grimace, so as some times to extort money, and sometimes to withdraw observers from the vigi lant care of their property, and thus expose it to their depredations. That some of them have very fascinating powers capable of high cultivation and producing great effect, is proved to a certainty, in the singular instance de- Mr. Cowper could not have considered the history of the Gipsies could not have estimated the influences of the laws and of public senti ment, at once powerful and hostile in respect to them, and believe that they were brutalized by choice, and self -banished from society. In relation to the character of the low Irish, Mr. Kdgeworth has made the following remarks : "Impute a peculiar, incurable mental disease to any people ; show that it incapacitates them from speaking and acting with common sense; expose their in firmities continually to public ridicule ; and in time, probably, this people, let their constitu tional boldness be ever so great, mav be subju gated to that sense of inferioritv, anil to that ac quiescence in a state of dependence, which is the necessary consequence of the conviction of im becility." What is here said of mental imbecil ity, is equally true of moral dcpraity. Unjust accusation, prejudice, and suspicion, attaching vice and meanness to the chs-actcr of any indi vidual or community, has a veiy strong tendency to engender and confirm the guilt it deprecates"; and at any rate, deprives the unhappy subjects of reproach, of the incentives and means to en courage and aid those virtues and abilities, by tvhich the -voi td n::?' ' .rcft. ion round the edges of the lids ; her fine arms, bare to the shoulders ; the wild magnificence of her attire, and the profusion of her dishevelled locks, glossy black as the plumage of the ra ven gave her the appearance of some thing so more than human such a Sybil, such an imaginary being, so awful, so impressive that my blood chilled as she approached me, not to ask, but to claim my applause ; de manding of me, if I had ever seen any actress, in my own or any other coun try, that could be compared with her ? I was determined,' she said, to exert myself for you this night ; and if the sensibility of the audience would Have suffered me to conclude the scene, I should have convinced you that I do not boast of my own performances without reason.' " (Memoirs of Rich ard Cumberland, J Grellman has described a Waywode (chief among the Gipsies) of Cour land, who was distinguished by ele gance of manners and richness of at tire, and who was received into the most polite circles of the countrv. And we are disposed to believe, from some recorded traits of the Gipsy character, that that wonderful creation of the Poet, Meg Merrilies, was not without a prototype among those tribes which Fletcher of Saltoun has descri bed as infesting Scotland in his time. to he continued. orse than formerly. Every wish, therefore, which leads us to expect happiness somewhere else but where we are, every institution which teach es us that we should be better, by be ing possessed of something new, which promises to lift us up a step higher than we are, only lays a foundation for uneasiness, because it contracts debts which it cannot repay : it calls that a good, which when wTe have found it, will in fact add nothing to our happi ness. A remembrance of what is past, and an anticipation of what is to come, seem to be the two faculties by which man differs from most other animals. Though brutes enjoy them in a limited J degree, yet their whole life seems ta- ken up in the present, regardless of the past and the future. Man, on the con trary, endeavors to derive his happi ness, and experiences most of his mis eries, from these two sources. Some twenty years ago, a New Eng land sea captain, having some business at the Marshal's office in this town which required him to sign his name, was rather tedious in performing the operation, which did not escape the observation of the deputy marshal, who was a little impatient at the delay, and curious withal to see what sort of a name it could be that required so long a time to spread it upon paper. Perhaps the captain had a long string of titles to grace it, such as honorable esquire Colonel of Militia Selectman of the toivn of , &c. which he chose to make an ostentatious parade of ; or perhaps it was his whim to Subscribe the place of his nativity and that of his residence, together with his age, height, and complexion. He was mistaken ; for the captain had subscribed nothing but simply his name, which, when he had done, the deputy marshal, after some trouble in decyphering, found to read thus : Through-Much-Tribulation-We-Entcr-Into- The-Kingdom-of Hea ven Clapf). " Will you please to tell me, Captain Clapp," said the Deputy, with as demure a face as his violent in clination to indulge in a hearty laugh would allow him to put on, " What might your mother have called you in your infancy, to save herself the trou ble of repeating a sermon whenever she had occasion to name her darling :" k? Why, sir, (replied Captain Clapp, with laughable simplicity,) when I was little they used to call me Tribby, for shortness." Norfolk Herald. TIIOM THE C ITIZEN" OF THE WOULD. It is impossible to form a philosoph ic system of happiness, which is adap ted to every condition in life, since ev ery person, who travels in this great FROI THE TERCY AX EC DOTES. FORTUNE WELL TOLD. A young lady, a native of Martin ique, and a Creole, was on her voyage to France, with design of being edu cated there, when the merchant vessel on board which she was a passenger, was captured by an Algerine cruiser, and taken into Algiers. The fair cap tive was at first overwhelmed with af fliction at the prospect of captivity be fore her ; but as passion gave way to meditation, it came to her recollection that an old negress had predicted that she would one day become one of the greatest princesses in the world ! u Ah !" exclaimed she, for superstition was in this instance but the hand-maid of inclination, 41 it is doubtless so, I am to be a princess. Well I must not quarrel with fortune. Who knows what may come out of this ?" So strong did this prepossession grow upon the young lady, that ere she reached the Barbary shore, she was as much a fa talist in point of resignation, as any devotee of Islamism could possibly be. The French consul at Algiers immedi ately' offered to ransom his country- i r i r re i" men; but no : sne ieareu ui ouenumg fortune, by resorting to so vulgar a way of recovering her liberty. So to the Seraglio of the Dey of Algiers the la dy went ; and strange indeed to tell, from his highness's seraglio, she was sent as a present to the Grand Seignor, who was so struck with her beauty and manners, (for in both she was excel ling,) that he elevated her to the dig nity of his favorite Sultana ! Such was the singular rise of the late Sultana Valide, who died in 1818, and was the mother of the present Grand Seignor. CURIOUS DEFINITION OF A KISS. Extract of a love letter, written in the vear 1679, translated from the German. u What is a kiss ? A kiss, as it were, is a seal of expressing our sincere at tachment, the pledge of our future union ; a dumb, but at the same time audible, language of a living heart ; a present which at the same time that it is given, is taken from us, the impres sion of an ardent attachment' on an ivory coral press: the striking of two flints against one another a crimson balsam for a love-wounded heart a sweet bite of the lip an affectionate pinching of the mouth a delicious dish which is eaten with scarlet spoons ; a sweetmeat which does not satisfy our hunger a fruit which is planted and gathered at the same time -the quick est exchange of questions and answers of two lovers : the fourth degree of love." JtfEBIC-lL. From the Democratic Press. Is it known in the United States, that oil of turpentine is a specific for milk or purple fever, for dysentery, for diseases of the bowels in general ? and that the phy sician who discovered the merits of the medicine is claiming compensation from the British Parliament, and it is thought will get 50,000 dollars, as it is considered the next discovery after vaccination ; that it is much more gentle in its operation, when united with castor oil, than castor oil is by itself that a few hours is suffi cient for recovery, even in the worst ca ses. The writer has seen more than one thousand cases, some from the very point of mortification, and never knew one to fail. A dose for adults, one table spoon ful oil of turpentine, one table spoonf-1 castor oil in general one dose is suffi cient ; if not, repeat the dose. Religion seems exactly fitted to the wants of man. He is here, in a world of sin and sorrow, surrounded by ten thousand evils, from which he cannot extricate himself. The wind blows, the storm rages, the heavens gather blackness, the elements vie with each other for dominion, and feeble man finds himself Just like a feather On the whirlwind's wing". Pestilence and death are around him he sees the grim monster approach his limbs are unnerved he cannot fly he is sinking in despair, when re ligion appears, and by her light and presence dispels his fears and reani mates his frame. She has a power to charm, and while she charms, she in structs. Her votaries are happy, for she constantly points them to a haven of rest, in a world where No scorching' rays by day, No fatal damps of night, Shall ever find their wa', To weaken their delight "Where God himself gives Zion resl, And makes her habitation blest. They who have known the sweets of her society, pity those whose highest ambition is " to shed lustre over a few years -to live in remembrance a cen tury or two, and then be forgotten." Yet, even for this the scholar labours, and the hero endures hardship this is the summit of human ambition, and the boundary of its most sanguine ex pectation. Religion tells her children, and she tells them truly, it is of little conse quence to shine in the road of science to pluck honors which fade like the flowers of the field, while you gather them to sparkle among the favorites of fortune to wield the sceptre of Alex ander, of Csesar, or of Bonaparte to possess the riches of Cresus, or to wear crowns set with, the diamonds of Golconda. She provides for them no bler, more enduring honours, more abid-substance. She teaches them heavenly wisdom, and provides for them a crown of glory. She teaches them what Socrates, what Plato, what Cicero, what Confucius, what Seneca could never teach. Though they have been called religionists, and moralists, vet I know them not as such. I mean by religion, what the Bible teaches- Their light falls as far short of this, as does the light of midnight, that of meridian day. Farmer's Cabinet "Whatever you do, let it be done well. Nona will ask how long it has been doing

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