WI311M YOTi. II. i PIIIJSTEB AXD PtJBLTSIIEn, EVZRT T!;SDAT, Br BINGHAM & WHITE. tkiims: The suhrrmtinn trtf li YVt rr.nv CAnnLlVTAr Three Dollars per annum, payable hal f-y early Tllfc SlWVeyOYs AwXlllOVy , in advance. GO No paper will be discontinued until all ARITHMETICAL TRIGONOMETRY; TO SURVEYORS, I .4JV.NU.4L REPORT Or Teachers of the Art of Surveying. Transmitted to the House of Representatives by the Secretary of the Treasury on the 10th ult. 1. Of the Revenue. The subscriber proposes publibhinqr a small book under the following- title : The nett revenue arising from imports and lonnage, internal duties, direct tax, public lands, postage, and other inciden arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion o Containing rules for solving all cases which may al receipts, during ie year 1 8 18, amount. the Editors; and any subscriber failing to give ",,p . Poetical Surveying by common A- e? , '"7 6 , . . . , 0 nthmetic; to which will bo added Tables of Viz: customs 21,828,451 48, arrears uotice of liis wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. "Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. Latitude and Departure. Salisbury, The terms W MOOKE Surveyor. direct tax 263,926 01, public la: ' S2pld clusiveof Mississippi stock 2,464, ns of subscription will be Sf tot a dividend on stock in the Bank of of internal duties 947,946 33, arrears of ands ex- 527 90, f 1, TT 1 .. 1 1 . 1 1 1,1 -' wl AlVWIV 111 litis AJAkit J ' lilt j . single copj, pawble on receiving the work; but! c.. r . anyone becoming responsible for six copies,.. ? ,u. 'w' postage anu otner in- shall receive a seventh trratis. Persons wishimr cuicmai receipts 0o,o48 JJ. Advertisements will be inserted on the cus-l to subscribe, may signify the same in a note, di- That which accrued from the same tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver- c-lcu l" i-jiiicc m sansjun, aim uiu suurtcs, uunng uie year IHPJ, amounted berof times thev ' . "L l 1 05l-wi;icc I,1UV to S2 1,435,700 69 tisements, must specify the numb wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and cluirged accordingly No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person j in this town, or its vicinity. CAll letters to the editors must be post-paid, mt they will not be attended to. require. 7Jt m r. IT t 1 r r r n r x' i 'im t 11 . i vuoiuuia i , i i vi IO ai i cars N. It. 1 he rule proposed has never vet an- r - . , , . ' ' ' ",4V-ai" . . . . M . A i ,-X-X-J? W ft , u t 1 La 1 a ui peared in anv svstcm of survevini with which the publisher has made himself is calculated to find the dill and departure without tables or instruments. BROKE JAIL on the night of the 17th in stant, a white man and two neirroes. The If "acquainted, and direct tax 80,850 61, public lands cxclll crence of latitude sive of Mississippi stock 3,278,422 78, lirst instalment from lie Bank of the U. States and dividend on stock in that bank 675,000 00, postage and other incidental receipts 61,280 33. White tn.v U In- nnmo nf .lnlm lrTnr ,Wt rV,lU WIUCI1 aCCrUeU IrOlll tile Same to have come from Gra son count v, Virginia, who sources, during the year 1820, amounted fllllE subscriber having employed a compe- was confined on a charge of count erfcitiner mon- to Rl5.2S4.546 29 JL tent person, will kecj on-hand a constant j ey ; he is about 35 years of age, dark complex- j Viz: Customs 12,449,556 15, arrears supply ot ion,aoouthveteetten,nclieslnp -t)ne otthe of interna, dmies i04,172 07, arrears of Bread and Crack Baking "Business. ers and Lakes- or ev- i ;. ! r " " " direct tax 31,236 82. rmblic lanrk vr!,, ... " i liiuu ins iui.iic is jtii, ill hi is a. nuiawav; ne is a i . r ' ZJ iniu uiiiii iciiuvi, ui a. untune ml: auu ajji, na.5 i -I'l' ' -'v-i - , various articles usually kept in a been cropped, or lost a piece of one ear, I think second and third instalments from the all of which he Anil dis- the right ear : The other is of a yellow com- bank of the U. States 1,000.000 00. nns. 7 t us well as the Confectionary Sfore, ; pose of on very reasonable terms. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, Dec. 18, 1821. 80 plexjon, heavy built, thick lips, and a small scar taj?e anj other incidental on his under lip, supposed to be about 35 years f. i i " O-i. receipts 63,659- l?or Sale, The celebrated Horso- of a""e, savs his name is Owen, and is a nuiawav trom tne state ot iieorsria. it is tlioutrlit bv T . ' A 1 I .1 It s thought bv 11 IS esuniaieu mai me eross amount some that Prince will pass for their master, and J of duties on merchandize and tonnage perhaps sell them. which accrued during the three first nuar- Any person that will apprehend them, and lcrs Qf the-present year, exceeds gl4, niinc them in anv jail, or bring them so that I I r.OQ rrn C1 tf mc orrTvT i i llirl rrr-t 4lim nffini rorf!i-r lli. ol.nrn wnnivl I 1 f ' V 1 LLI t 1-7, I I J 111. Ill Vll.l, Oliail 4 V V . 1 HIV A I ' W j 1 I 1 1 ' subscriber. If not sold and all reasonable expenses; or 10 dollars for 1 nc payments into the treasury, to the each or either of them. oOth ot September last, have amounted WM. ARM FIELD, Sheriff: Greensboro', Guilford Co. V. C. J 'ovember 26, 1821. omtllM previous to the 15th of February next, he will again stand the ensuing Spring Season, in this place. MICHAEL. IJIMJWiN. Salisbury, Dec. 3, 1821. 78tF15 Making the aggregate a- that source of revenue at only 800,000 mount of 91,225,560 77 dollars. It has been shown, however, that Which sum agrees with the amount the receipts to the 30th of September last stated in the last annual report as unre- have exceeded 9 10,000 dollars ; and those deemed on the 1st of Oct. 1S20, except- of the whole year are now estimated at ing the sum of S38 66, which was then 1,300,000 dollars.- short estimated, and which has been since This result in relation to the public corrected by actual settlement. lands, and the improvement which has In the fourth quarter of the year there taken place in the revenue arising from was added to the above the sum of imports and tonnage, indicate a favorable 457,747 95 change in the condition of the nation ; Viz: in 6 and 7 percent, stocks, for from which a progressive increase of the treasury notes brought into the treasury, public revenue maybe confidently antici- and cancelled 3,280 29, in 5 per cent, pated. stock under the act of May 15, 1820, Independently, however, of any such 454,567 66. increase, the facts disclosed by the fiscal Making 9 1, 683, SOS 72 operations of the year, some of which And there was paid in the fourth quar- have been enumerated, warrant the con- ter the sum of 388,892 21 elusion, Viz : deferred stock reimbursed 249,- That the receipts of the year 1822 may 401 58, payments on account of the Lou- be estimated at Si 6,1 i 0,000 00 isiana stock 139,490 63. Viz: Customs 14,000,000 00, public Making the public debt unredeemed on lands 1,600,000 00, bank dividends 350, the 1st. Jan. 1821 9I',294.416 5 1 000 00, arrears of direct tax and internal From the 1st of January to the 30th of duties 75,000 00, moneys recovered out September, inclusive, there has been ad- of advances made in the war department, ded the sum of 4,739,776 38 before the 1st of July, 1815, 60,000 00, Viz : three per cent stock for interest incidental receipts 25,000 00. on registered debt 26 01, treasury note 6 The expenditures of the year 1822 are and 7 percent stock 4,454 07, loan author- estimated at S 1 4,947,66 1 80 ized by the act of the 3d of March, 1821, Viz : Civil, diplomatic, and miscellane- 4,735,296 30. ous 1,664,297 00, public debt 5,722,857- Making 96,034,192 9 01, military service, including fortinca- 17 11 .. ,1.1.1 I- . J v riom wnicn is to oe cieaucieci tne sum tions, ordnance, Indian department, revo f . 2,348,097 15 lutionarv and military pensions, arming Viz : Reimbursement of deferred stock the militia, and arrearages nrinr tn th lf . . i i- - . - during the same period 276,737 15, pay ments on account of the Louisiana stock 2,071,360 00. Making the public debt which was un redeemed on the 1st of Oct. 1821, 93,686,095 74 To which will be added in the fourth quarter, treasury note six per cent, stock issued 390 40 ser- liool-lMndlnv; lousiness. To Unvnnte"S. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi- FTTHE subscriber wishes to employ, immedi zens of the Western section of N.Carolina JL ately, two or three Journeymen Carpenters, and the adioininer districts of S. Carolina, that he to whom good wages and constat;! employ will has established the liook-Bindinsr liusinesi in all 1 be eiven. He will also take two or three lads of to 216,219,197 70 Viz : Customs 10,068,394 85, public lands 940,980 35, arrears of internal du7 ties and direct tax 69,057 26, bank divi dends 105,000 00, incidental receipts 21, 581 51, repayments 13,373 73, loan 5, 000,000 00. And the payments into the treasury vice, including the gradual increase of the navy 2,452,410 27. The receipts of the year will therefore exceed the estimated expenditure, by SN162 ,33S 20 Which, after discharging the difference between the balance in the treasury on the first of January, 1822, and the bal ance of appropriations chargeable upon if, will leave in the treasury, on the fust of January, 1823, a balance estimated at S671,375 50. It is, however, proper to state, that in the estimate for the naval service, only ot its various branches, in the town ot Salisbury, good cnaractcr, as apprentices to the carpen- during the lourth quarter, arc estimated X. C. He has taken the store formerly occupied ter's Business. None need apply but such as at &3 595 278 14 by" Wood 8c Krider, on Main-street, three doors arc sober and industrious. Ar. rnc. c nnn nn ' n ' ... Pfi, rnnrt.iin,, .toiiv a T.Ttni r. i it. Vlz : Customs ,000,000 00, public Liking the amount of the public debt 200co of the annual appropriation of ;deenicd on the 1st January, 1822, as 500:00.0 r the gradual increase of the Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms tint will give general satisfaction. Merchants and others,, can have Wank Hooks ruled and bound to anv patt as cheap and as well finished brouerht from the North. Old Books rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faith fill by attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisbury. June 8, 1821. 53 Tl vlv vV e. Ya nlmnisnt . 3 j rjTlHK subscriber respectfully informs frrirj the citizens of Salisbury and the i-iISiliT ad jacent country, that he has removed trom his late residence on the north side of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and has taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. Ja. Krider, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-House ; where he ts prepared to keep a House of Private Entertainment for Travellers and citizens. He Will at all times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Grain for Horses THOMAS HOL.M115. Salisbury Sept. 25, 1821. 78 N. B. Eight or ten BOAKDF.rtS will be taken at the customary prices in town. Salisbury, October 3, 1821. 69tf SUlu ol" ?Covtl-linvolin, ROWAN COUNTY. "10URT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, No- account Ol surplus lund VU,178 14, direct vember sessions, 1821 em, on short notice, vs- Samuel Trott Original attachment, levied, ceipts 25, d as any that can be &c- U appearing to the satisfaction of the Court Makill that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this , . Martin Kendleman tax and internal duties and incidental re 000 00. g the total amount estimated to i. t .1 : n . u . i : .i State, it is therefore Ordered, that nublication be uc ,atncu iUC uu.mg mc made for six weeks successively, in the Western year 1821 Carolinian, printed in Salisbury', that the defen- Which: dant appear at our next Court of Pleas and treasury "on the first of January Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of i i ( th'irrl Mnndiv m Vrlinmrv n-'Vt. tlir-n nrul tlirv to plead, or judgment will be entered according Make the aggregate amount to the plaintiff's demand. 6vt88 of 21,012,937 05 JNO. GILES, Clerk. The aDnlication of this sum for the vear t k j Slile Ol- XoYllv-ClWOllna, l8. is estimated as follows : ' I V t tlif rnTYnnci to t ii r flaking 93,686,486 14 From which will be deducted, in the fourth quarter, the sum of 262, 88G 4 1 Viz: Reimbursement of deferred stock 257,322 26, residue of Louisiana stock 5,558 15. M unredeemed on tne 1st Januarv estimated 93,428,605 73 I,avy included; but that, of the amount The treasury notes yet outstanding are f stimated by the secretary of war, a sum estimated at 28,495 00 1?r-e.r Uan lhe balance of that appmpria The awards made by the commission- tlon .1S for arrearages for revolutionary ers, appointed under the several acts of pensions and the Indian department, which C ongress for the indemnification of cer- U not be embraced in the estimates for tain claimants of public lands in the Mis- tn year 1823. sissippi territory amount to 4,282,1 5 1 12. The expenditure of the two succeeding Of which there have been received at ,ears' iris believed, will not exceed that the General Land Office in stock 2,442,- f the Jcar 1822 unless a further exueu 535 39, and there have been paid at the dlt"re shall, in the intermediate time, f,.o.,.. i ri ion : be authorized bv law. But in the e?r- Q i 11 Q 1 1 A T Q 4 1 J 1 I ftiy,ai4,475 54. M.;n , .k a i?vrrz n a nenditure of the vear 1822. and aln nf Which, added to the balance in the & b ? ,S23 . ls2 f , , Iast'ro And leaving outstanding on propriation of 810,000,000 constituting J8,4bl l SQih Se 1S21 105,124 88 the sinking fund, is comprehended, ex- . . , ... , cept wnat is necessary to discharge the o. Estimates of the Public Re-venue and interest of the pubIic debt) and tne reim- Expenditures for the year 1822. bursement of the six per cent, defeired The diminution of the revenue from stock. On the 1st of January, 1825, and ; . i ...I. i- i ?. ... . . . imports anu loimage, which occurred in me mrec succeeding vears, the debt c lands 360,000 00, moneys recovered out of advances made in the war department before 1st July, 1815, 120,000 00, balances of military appropriations carried to the O' l" T?Vy DoWavs IVewavil. AN awav from the subscriber, at Charlotte, j Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Negro Boy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, stout made, and five feet seven or eight inches high. He speaks low when spoken to. It is supposed that he will make towards the conntv of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that count v. I will give the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Isaac ll'ilie, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him again. tVAiN WILIE. Kllarrh 2f, 1821. 50 Xcw 8tnfc tn Valelgl. HIE subscriber, who is contractor for carrvinir the IJ. States Mad between "- tT Haleigli and'Salisbun", by way of Randolph, Chatham, See. respectfully- in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire JCilW STACK; which, added to other improve ments that have been made, will eilable Inn to tarry PASSENGERS with as much comfort and expedition as thev can be carried bv any line of stages in tins part ot tne country, i he scarcuy of money, the reduction in the price of produce, &c. demand a correspondent reduction in everv department of life : Therefore, the subscriber lias determineu to rcauce me iate ot passage from eight to six cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the West to Italeigh, or by way of llaleigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, a.3 he feels assured it only needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, 3 or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for IfalcIgU the same dav at 2 o'clock; it arrives in Raleigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturday at 2 o'clock, May 22, 1821. 50 JOHN LANE. meckienburg county viz'- the payments to the 30th Sept. 1819, advanced with progressive force traded during the years 1812, 18 13, 18 l !, "rnVnuitu ' ' have amounted to g ! 5,655,288 47 through 1820, and reached its lowest point and 18 15, becomes redeemable at the will JOHN "WILLIAMSON, Joseph M'Connaugh- v 12 : lvll diplomatic ana miscellanc- of depression in the first quarter of the of the government. Those sums greatly ey, vs. Ann Cowan, Stephen Cowan, David ous 1 772,7 1 7 30, military service, inclu- present year. The duties secured in that exceed the amount of the sinking fund I. I'nil'in in, nHirnv T 1 1 a rn o n 1 1 I -. I If I I II CT 1 C T T 1 tl r i T 1 OT1 C . nrflninrp nHlin r . T 4 ? ffr ,1 I I I . . . I I " 11 .1 . I 1 . vna.i,ainiutin.i3 m im.Tv..i. ii uuiuviui, i urn;, . . w. "nui'i-i, , muiau u& "iiiiiarier wciu i i juuu UUJIU13 itsb uiaii i aDDiicaDie in tnoso years ro tne rcu 1 "X " . . ' , .7 iu paruiieiu, icvuiuuonary auu mnuary pen- those ot the corresponding quarter ot tion of the public debt. As the cu extern f::irnlini5in that- lVivnl V Cnwrni ami ? ; .1 - 1 I ... . . . . I Stephen Cowan may an 'near at the next lune! ."s' a"? : miiiua, ana arrearages 1820; whilst the amount secured in the value of the five percent stock, c rinr rnMrtnfi-i Vmnt,. f Ue iir-iri rntii ' prior 10 inc 1st oi January, its i , 4,az',- second and third quarters exceeded that dunnc the last and present years, e county of Mecklenburg, on the 6th Monday af ter the 4th jlonday of March next, and plead, answer or demur, or the bill shall be taken pro confesso, and judgment be entered against them. 6 82 D. P.. DUN LAP, C. .11 C. Stale of oYilv-Covolliux. MF.CKLEKBURG COUNTY. SUPERIOR Court of Law, Fall Tenr., 1821.... Margaret Dutfey vs. Robert Dufley Peti tion for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfac tion of Court, that Robert Dufl ey, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : Ordered, that publication be made for three months, in the Raleigh Strr and Western Caro linian, that unless he appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Mondav in March next, and answer said petition, it will be set for hearing cx parte, and a decree made in favour of the petitioner. Witness treorq-e (,raham. Clerk ot said Court, at Office, the 6th Mondav after the 4th Mondav in Sep tember, A. D. 1821, and in the 46th year of American Independence. CEO. GRAHAM, Clerk S. C. L. Xov. 24, 1821. 7Sm3 ernp- rrent reated xceeds 865 78, naval service including the gradual of the same period of the preceding year that of the seven per cent, stock, and of increase oi tne navy J,tOo,5y-i d, public by 1,172,000 dollars: thus presenting, on the six per cent, stock of 1812 and 1813, debt including S59 1,61 1 30 of Mississippi the 30th September last, an aggregate ex- it is presumed that the holders of those stock 6,406,1 12 64. ccss Gf 445,000 dollars, for the three first stocks will be disposed to exchange them During the fourth quarter it is cstima- quarters of 1 82 1, which sum there is just for an equal amount of five per cent, ted that the payments will amount to reason to believe, will be considerably stock, redeemable at such periods as to S3, 580,000 00 augmented at the end of the year. give full operation to the sinking fund, as Viz : Civil, diplomatic, and miscellane- Whilst the duties have progressively at present constituted. According to this ous 690,000 00, military service 290;000- increased, the debentures chargeable view of the subject, 224,000,000 of the 00, naval service 700,000 00, public debt v,p0n them have considerably diminished ; stocks which will be redeemable in the 1,900,000 00. the amount of debentures issued from the years 1825 and 1826, may be exchanged Making the aggregate amount of first of January to the 30th of September for 5 per cent, stock, redeemable one 19,235,288 47 last, being 952,000 less than was issued third on the 1st January, 1831, and one Which, being deducted trom the above during the same period ot the preced- third on the same days of 1832 and 1833 . sum ot b2 1,0 12,937 05 will leave in the ino-vpar. ..... - - i - j I'his exchange of six per cent, stock, if treasury, on the 1st day of Jan. next a bal- The same causes which, in 1819 and effected on the 1st of January, 1823, will ance estimated at 1,777,648 5S 1S20, effected so great a reduction of the (produce an annual reduction of the inter- Cut, of the balances of appropriations revenue arising from imports and tonnage, est of the public debt, from that time to for the service of the year 1821, necessa- were felt in an equal degree in the sale of the first mentioned period, of S240,000, ry to effect the object of those appropria- the public lands. Those who, from an and an aggregate saving, through the tions, exclusive of balances, which will anticipation of their resources previously whole period, of g2,160,000. If the not be required, and which have been de- to those years, were unable to purchase whole of the seven per cent, stock should ducted from the estimates of the year foreign merchandize, were equally in- be exchanged, the saving will be consider- 1822, or will be carried to the account of capable of purchasing public lands, or of ably increased. the surplus fund, there remains the sum discharging debts contracted with the If such an exchange of stock should of S2,2f8,61 1 23, which is an existing government by purchases antecedently be deemed inexpedient or impracticable, charge upon the revenue of 1821, and ex- niade. a saving of equal, if not greater extent, ceeds the balance estimated to be in the jn the annual report of the treasury at may be effected in the years 1825, 1826, ber Sessions, 1821 William Arthur x-ersm treasury on the 1st day of January next, the commencement of the last session of 1827, and 1828, by borrowing, at the rate j by b490,962 70. congress, the receipts from the public of five per cent, in the first and each suc- 2. Of the Public Dvbt. lands for the year 1821 were estimated cessive year, a sum equal to the difference The funded debt which was contracted at 1,600,000 dollars, if no change should between the amount redeemable, and that before the year 1812, ?nd which was un- be made by law affecting the obligations portion ot the sinking fund, applicable to redeemed -on the 30ih of Sept. 1820, a- which tho purchasers were then under to its redemption; the five percent, stock, mounted to -0,570,627 12 be punctual in their payments. Hut, at And that contracted subsequently to the the close of that session, an act was pass- HUTHEIIFOUD COUNTY : ""10URT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Octo Ransom Powell : Original attachment levied on land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is without the limits of this State, Ordered, therefore, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at our next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be holden for the County of RuUicr- ord, at the Court House in Ruthcrfordton, on IS Syv 'S'M ' t'8'2' ad "-l.ned on the ed for the relief of the .purchasers ,of pub- there to plead, or demur, or judgment final will :,0th eP1' 18'0' amunted to lie lands, which so far impaired that obli- bc entered up against him. 5wt84 70,654,933 65 gation as to induce the committee of ways Wiuic ISAAC C RATON, C. C. and ineans to estimate tha proceeds of so created, to be redeemable at such pe riods as to give full operation to the sink ing fund, until the whole of the public debt shall be redeemed. If the five per cent, stock shall, during those years, be above par a saving beyond that proposed

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