m ATMmrLJii WITT a w YOlu lAj SAlilSUIS'B.'X, 2. C. TU'ESB.l'X, S&XC&RT'L 33, 1833. '0. 85. rni.vrEn axd published, evetit tcesdat, Ur BINGHAM & WHITE. TEBMS: The subscription to the W-Kstjs.-V Cswmat; 5s Three Dollars per annum, payable half-yearly la advance. (H No paper 'will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing" to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. Advertisements will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. CCAll letters to the editors must be post-paid, or they will not be attended to. Raiding IVusiaess. THE subscriber having employed a compe tent person, will keep on hand a coiistant supply of Bread and Crackers, and Cakes, cf ev ery description, as well as the various articles usually kept in a Confectionary Store, all of which he will dis pose of on very reasonable terms. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, Dec. 18, 1821. 80 Toy Sale, The celebrated Horse J41OL,KOJS. lOIt terms, apply to the subscriber. If not sold previous to the 15th of February next, he will again stand the ensuing Spring Season, in this place. MICHAEL I1ROWN. Salisbury, Dec. 3, 1821. 78tF15 Woolc-Wmiliwg IYisiess. FT1HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi JL zens of the Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the Hook-Binding Business, in all of its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. He has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood 8c Krider, on Main-street, three doors Jiorth of the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will ive general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have Blank Books ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, us cheap anc brought from Old Books terms, and at shor: notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisbury, .f ine 8, 1821. 53 2 , f fflllE subscriber respectfully informs TTTk fi. the citizens of Salisbury and the adjacent country, that he has removed from his late residence on the north side cf the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and Las taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. Ja. Krider, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-House : where he is prepared I to keep a Jouse of Private Entertainment for j travellers and citizens, lie will at all times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Grain for Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, Sept. 25, 1821. 78 N. B. Eight or ten HOARDERS will bc taken at tlie customary prices in town. ) AN aw av from the subscriber, at Charlotte, f Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Negro Hoy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, ' stout made, ana live teet seven or eight inches j Inch, lie sneaks low when snoken to. It is supposed that he will make towards the county ?f Prince "William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that county. I will give the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Isaac IVilie, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him :t train. EVAN W1LIE. MtrcJi 24, 1S21. 50 rVew Stage, io lvacVg. THE subscriber, who is contractor for carrying the IT. States Mail between -5 Tffly Raleigh and Salisbury, bv way of Randolph, Chatham, &c. respectfully in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAKE; which, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carry l'ASSENOERS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part of the country. The scai-city cf money, the reduction in the price of produce, &.c. demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate of passage from eight to j.r cents per mile, Centleaien travelling fiom the West to Raleigh, or by way rf Raleierh to the North, are invited to try tjie I as well finished as any that can be & . .n ' roric r . orl. I rrnn,l rlinrrirtfr. fis nrmrrntires to tho Carnen- reboir.ul on the most reasonable . ,,. k''.,a r,t., ..f. oc subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured It only needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, 8 or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for ItaUjigh the same day at 2 o'clock; it arrives in Raleigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturday at 2 o'clock. J74t22,182J, 51 JOHN LANE. .iron is JKKJr goods. rilHE subscriber is now opening, at his Store A in Salisbury, a large and choice selection of JDry Goods and Groceries, Just received fron Charleston, Philadelphia and New-York; which will be sold at fair prices, and all kinds of country produce received in exchange. His customers and the public are respectfully invited to call, examine, and judge for themselves. J. MUKPIIY. December, 1821. 3mt91 TO SURVEYORS, Or Teachers of the Art vf Surveying. The subscriber proposes publishing a small book under the toIIowinr title : Tuk, Survey ov's duxVYivwy, on ARITHMETICAL TRIGONOMETRY; Containing rules for sohing all cases which may occur in practical surra ing, y cw i i,on .v- nthmetic; to which will bo added lables of Latitude and Departure. Salisbury, v. c. 82rid me lerms oi suoscnpuon win ue Qiiora cinirli tin i-.i I. In mm Thn wmr lint I anyone becoming responsible for six copies, shall receive a sex-enth gratis. Persons wishing to subscribe may signify the same in a note di- rected to the l'ost-Olhce m Salisbury, and tlie book will be sent to anv Post-Officc thev may require. N. 11. The ride proposed has never yet ap- peared in anv svstem of surveying with which the publisher has made himself aapiaintcd, and is calculated to find the difference of latitude and departure without tables or instruments. 30 WAVcWS "lVtswttvA. OKK JAIL, on the night of the 17t tant. a white man and two neirrocs. "Wfc TiniT T' T IT 4l, i.l.rl.t lr 174li !n stnnt. a wlnte man nnd two iienroes. The white man is by tlie name of John l'rince, said to have come from Grayson county, Virginia, wlio was confined on a charge of counterfeiting mon-1 ey; he is about 35 years of age, dark complex- ion, about five feet ten inches high. One of the negroes says he came from Charleston, S.C. and that his name is Hill, and is a runaway ; he is a trim built fellow, of a middle size and age, has been cropped, or lost a piece of one ear, 1 think J some that Pnnce will pass for their master, and ... . - perhaps sell them. ... . Anv ncrson that will apprehend them, and confme tliem in any jail, or bring them so that I get them again, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable expenses; or 10 dollars for each or either of them. WM. ARMFIELD, Sheriff. Greensboro', Guilford Co. V. C. November 25, 121. omtllM rrmrc subscriber wishes to employ, immcdi- JL ate ly, two or tiiree Journeymen Carpenters, J are sober and industrious. JOH.V ALRUIGIIT. Salisbury, October 3, 1821. 69tf ROWAN COUNTY. OU11T of l'leas and Quarter Session?, rso- ember sessions, 1821 : Martin Kendleman x-s. Samuel Trott Original attachment, levied, fcc It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court nut xne ucicnuam is noi an liuiaoiiaui oi misi made for six weeks successively, in the Jl'vstein Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the defen- d.mt arnr.'ir nt our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of quarter csslons to ne nciu ior xne couiuy oi Rowan, at the Court-I louse in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February next, then and there to plead, or judgment will bc entered according to the plaintifi 's demand. 6vt88 JNO. GILES, Clerk. SVatc o'aVo'tA-CuYouu MECKLEN'DURG COUNTY. In Equittf. TOIIX WILLIAMSON, Joseph M'Connaugh ej ev. is. Ann Cowan, Stenhen Cowan. David y. Cowan, and others In this case it is ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, that David F. Cowan and Stephen Cowan may appoar at the next Supe rior Court of Law and Equity, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, on the 6th Monday af ter the 4th Monday of March next, and plead, answer or demur, or tiie bill shall be taken pro confesso, and judgment bc entered against them. 6 82 D. R. DUNLAR, C. Jf. C. TUECKLEN'BURG COUNTY. SUPERIOR Court of Lav, Fall Term, 1S21.... Margaret Dufley vs. Robert Dufi'ey Peti tion for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfac tion of Court, that Robert Dufley, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : Ordered, that publication be made for three months, in the Raleigh Star and Western Caro linian, that unless he appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, and answer said petition, it will be set for hearing ex parte, and a decree made in favour of the petitioner. Witness George Graham, Clerk of said Court, at Office, the Clh Monday after the 4th Monday In Sep tember, A. 1). 182J, and in the 46th year of American Independence. CEO. GRAHAM, Clerk S. C. L. JVev. 24, 1821. 78m3 lifctttiY Tress IVmUug, F every description, neatly and correct! executed at thi Office, on short notice. " j the right car: I he other is ot a yellow com. part ol the knee, and back part oi th nlexion. heavy built, thick hps, and a small scar ... 11 r.ui t 4 on his under lip, supposed to be about 35 years uiS "isc! X Cc,n SPC" of age, savs his name is Owen, and is a runaway C1CS Ot fly. L he fly IS called OestrQUS irom xne suuc oi ni-ureia. ia n"jn,u wj i cuiii x ucse ecirs or nits, necome ! t r wlinm rnrrl wfiov nml rrTiit:mt o mn nv will I ILI 9 JIUIIIVS, llUll U M' T WUU U.& J AGRICULTURAL. ' rsJ Hail ! first of Arts, source of domestic ease ; Pride of the land, and patron of the seas. IIIOM THE AMERICAN FAItMER. INTERESTING TO FAUMERS. It is now sufficiently certain that the Jriorse-botts, or grubs, by which so WW a - J many horses are annually destroyed, are produced irom eggs or nits, which .it r, t i are posited chiefly m the inside moist sunace oi xne tongue, and are irom thence conveved. with the food, into ,up ,tnmru Any person who chuses, may reduce it to experiment for himself. In the seaSon lor it, let a few hairs be clipped rr i .1 , " " aviS mtsc nits aciliering to them moisten the inside ot the hand by t he annlication of a little I ;. i . i is -m r i "lJ" c uu, auu ne wm nnu uicm iiaicnea in a lew seconds. It is therefore recommended, to be careful to remove these eggs by scrap ing them oft with a knile, or washing them OU With ail infusion Ot tobaCCO every third day, througllOht the sea- Qnn in wh:nh .U-xr oi- rr , . , . J . . . 11 thls bc there is no doubt but the destruction, which IS made by this hateful insect, may be .Completely nt 1 prev enteu. 1 he eggs arc deposited Oh the lore e : c r., i I i niv. UUI O'O J iUUl Ui live via a Wl, ,K..D .:.i .u. -uu i ijjnv-u, mc aiiK.c&L uij- plication of warmth and moisture is suffient to bring forth, in an in . , . , . . the l"nt larva, that is, the inse stant, insect m the hrst form. At this time, if the tongue of the horse touch the eggs, its little door (opercurum) is thrown open, and a small active worm is produced, which readily adheres to the the stom- ach. PEACH TREES. INIake boxes around jour trees about one foot in height, and in capacity, ex elusive of the tree, to hold a peck, fill this iq with the bark taken from tan vats, pressing it a little together, and trnnr 1 e o will rr mom t vm f-vri it rt J . , . . , around the roots, Which are SO destruc- tive to trees, as it IS found that worms wUl nQt inhabit tnis bark if ever SO . . TIMBER. It has been long known in some u. nus uccii iuug kihjwu in bu parts of Europe, that taking off j , f , ;tpfinv rk as lamp the tree as It conv the en- jiently can he done, and letting them stand until the following autumn, or winter, before they are cut down, is a means of making the timber much stronger and more durable than it oth erwise would be. It is more suitable for all kinds of carriages and instru ments of husbandry, as well as for fen i ts. Its greater durability has not yet been ascertained by the writer, hut that it is otherwise improved, has been tested. It has been asserted by persons of credit, that in some parts of the Unit ed States, where Pine Timber abounds, the farmers are in the practice of bark ing the Pine as far up as is necessary loraience post in this state they are sufFercd to stand until dead. " The trees are then cut down, and the part which has been barked, will be found saturated with turpentine, and thereby rendered remarkably durable for posts or fences. rBOM THE HALTJGIT REGISTER. NORTH-CAROLINA AgYicwltuYol Society, The committee appointed to take into consideration the objects and duties of this Society, and the most eligible means to be pursued by it to promote the interests of Agriculture throughout the State, REPORT : That the obiects of this Socictv should be to encourage Agricultural Improve ment and Enterprisehroughoutthe State. 1st. By promoting the formation of Ag ricultural Societies in all the counties of this State, which should become Auxilia ry to this Society ; and at the annual meet ing of this Society, to take place during the sitting of the General Assembly, each county Society should be represented by one delegate, and if not represented, they should make a written communication. 2d. By offering premiums for practical and useful Essays on subjects connected with Agriculture and Rural Economy. 3d. By the publication (annually J of these Essays, together with an account of any useful discoveries that may bc collec ted from the Archives of the county So cieties or elsewhere, in a small volume. Your committee also recommend that at every annual meeting of this Society there shall be delivered a public Address by an Orator previously chosen for that purpose. They also recommend some amend ments to the constitution of this Society. That the officers be, a President, who shall be the Governor of this State for the time being; three Vice-Presidents, to be denominated 1st, 2d and 3d Vice-Presi dents ; a Secretary, who shall have the charge of the books and papers belonging to the Society ; a Treasurer to have charge of its fuuds ; a corresponding committee of five members, who shall open a corres pondence upon useful subjects with prac tical Agriculturists in different puts of our country and a committee of Selec tion and Publication, who shall select from the Archives of the State and County So cieties materials for an annual publication in a small volume or otherwise; and that this committee be composed of five mem bers residing in or near the city of Ra leigh. Thev further recommend, that a premi um of a Golden Medal or Silver Cup, of the value of ten dollars, be offered for the best Essay on the production and applica tion of manures, having reference to the materials within our own State, and suita ble to our species of crops. That a like premium be otlered lor the best method of reclaiming worn-out lands. Respectfully submitted, JAMES ME BANE, Chr'm. December 19, 1S21. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, for 1822. His Excellency Gov. Holmes, President. James Mebanc, Esq. 1st Vice-President. Dr. Helme, 2d do Dr. Calvin Jones, 3d do Wm. Boylan, Esq. Treasurer. J. Gales, Secretary. Geo. W. Jeffreys, Esq. D.. Jeremiah Battle, I Charles Fisher, Esq. Committee of Dr. Calvin Jones, j Correspondence " Committee of J Arrangement and Selection. j Professor Olmstead, Dr. Calvin Jones, Dr. Jeremiah Battle, Wm. Boylan, Esq. Gen. D. Barringer, J. Gales., PnOM THE CATS KILL RECORBEB. DREAMS. To dream and to remember your dream, is a sure forerunner that you were not a wake, nor very sound asleep, when you dreamed. To tell all your dreams, prognosticates that you might be better employed. For a young man to dream of the lass es, foretells that he thought of them be fore he went to sleep. For a young lady to dream very partic ularly of any certain young gentleman, foretells that she purchased her last hat to attract his attention. To dream of a person's nose, is the forerunner that you have a nose of your own, if you have never lost it. To dream of trouble, is a harbinger of your having trouble while you are dream- incr. To dream of happiness, shows that you will probably be disappointed when you awake. SIGNS. To hear a death-watch, denotes that there is a little insect near you. To hear a dog howl, is a sure sign that he has lungs, and that you have ears. To see strange lights, is a sign that there is something to cause them, or that your head is disordered, and that some body will surely die after it. To see an apparition, or to be bewitch ed, is an incontestible evidence that you are lacking common sense. GOODNESS REWARDED. We observe in Saturday's Centinel, some extraordinary accounts which happened about TO years ago, of some young men, in the humble walks of life, rising to great eminence and all, no doubt, in consequence of behaving as young men ought, to behave pure, correct, moral, and honest in all their transactions. One, was a young 13os tonian, who behaved so well, that his master, (a merchant of this town,) sent him on an important agency before he was of age ratterwards gave him one of his daughters in marriage, when ho proceeded to London, and -was settled there as the agent of his fat!ier-in-lav and such was his eminence, that he ac- cumulated a large fortune in less than 20 years, was chosen a member of Parliament, and Lord jMayor of Lon don, -Another young man named Hope, bora at Quincy, came to Bos ton to live with his uncle-and at the age of 17, he went, to London, and from thence to Amsterdam, where ho became the greatest merchant and banker ever known before or since. There is no person who does business in any part of Europe, but what the name of Hope is familiar to, as a great banker. Another young Bostonian was employed in the humble capacity of a sailor boy, and in a voyage to the West Indies, had the misfortune to have his leg bit off by a shark. He recovered his health, and finally set tled in London, and became Lord Mayor of that city. At the time of his death he was Commissar" General of the whole British army, with a sal ary of 5000. per annum. We men tion these things as a stimulus for young men to behave well, as there is no knowing how our lot may be cast in our journeys through life, Bos, Gaz:, POLICY OF CANALS. A recent publication, relating to tha commencement and progress of the New York Canals, contains some interesting calculations with respect to the state rev enue and the saving of expense in trans portation, which these works must in time produce. Admit the trade between Buf falo and Albany to be equal to that be tween Albany and New-York a circum stance which must at no distant period, if not immediately, occur the annual reve nue derived to the state from tolls would be six millions three hundred thousand dollars. This is more than six times enough to defray the expenses of govern ment for all the states composing the Un ion. But this is not all. The expense saved on transportation would be more than ten millions annually. It has been proposed in the New-York Convention to make some permanent pro vision in the Constitution respecting the canal tolls. This is wise. In a few years, the revenue derived from the canals will be too great to be trusted to any legisla ture. Hampshire Gazette THE BRITISH EMPIRE. We inserted a paragraph yesterday, estimating the population of the British Empire (including under that name its colonies and possessions in America, tho West Indies, the East Indies, on the coast of Africa, Sec.) at 95,220,000 souls. The Russian, the next highest in the scale of civilized nations, contains 50,000,000 ; France, about 30,000,000 ; and Austria an equal number. The Roman Empire, i in all its crlory, containeu 120,000,000, one half of whom were slaves. When we compare its situation with that of the British Empire, in wealth, resources, and industry, the arts, sciences, commerce, and agriculture, the preponderance of the latter in the scale of nations and empires, is great and most remarkable. The ton nage employed in the merchant service is about 2,640,000 tons for Great Britain ; the exports, 51,000,000. (including 11, 000,000. foreign and colonial) : and im ports 36,600,000. The navy during the last war consisted of one thousand ships of war ; the seamen at present in the merchant service are about 174,000; the gross revenue of the state 57000,000. The capital of the empire contains 1,200,- 000 ner&ons, the same number which Rome contained in the days of her great est strength. The value of hxed or land ed property in Great Britain, as calculated by Mr. Pitt, in 1797, was 1,600,000,000. ; and it may now be fairly taken at 2,000, 000,000. The cotton manufactures of the country are immense, and reach, in the exports, to 20,000,000, nearly one half of the whole. In short, taking every thing into consideration, the British em pire, in power and strength, may be staled as the greatest that ever existed on earth, as it far surpasses them all, in knowledge, moral character and worth. On her do minions the sun never sets ; before his evening rays leave the spires of Quebeck, his morning beams have shone three hours on Port Jackson ; and while sinking rom the waters ot Lake bupenour, his eye opens upon those of the Ganges. EondoTi fiater.