cojvGitnss. SEVENTEENTH COXfiTtESS FIHST SESSION. rao.n the xatioxal ixtellin excek. Abstract of the procecdinir of the House of Representatives, on Thursday, January 10. On the bill for making fiartial aiirofiria tions Jor the Military Service fur the year 1S22. Mr. Randolju'i remarked that, in oppo sing the appropriation now before the house, himself, and those who acted with iiim, had perhaps shewn more of gallant ry than discretion. It was, perhaps, prop er for him to vindicate the administration with which he had had the honor for an honor it was, not indeed in the sense in which that term is bandied about in this house to act. He regretted that so much personality had been introduced, not only in relation to the officers of the government, but to the members of this house. There were two questions which the committee had to decide, that, in his opinion, had not been met, probably be cause they had been misconceived. The first and most important question was, where does the supreme authority of this government rest ? Does it reside in agents or in sub-agents, or shall we find it in the subordinates of subordinates ? He would not consent to admit that the War De partment was a co-ordinate or correlative branch of this house. Should it be said that the Executive was such a branch, he would not deny it ; but when we approach the Executive or Senate for information, it is in the respectful terms of request ; when we speak to the subalterns of the Executive, we order and direct in lan guage civil, if you please, but mandatory. The doctrine of these departments being co-ordinate branches of the government was therefore unsound it would not hold water a moment. And who is to be the judge, and what the measure of judg ment ? What is their power ? It is de rivative ; they are the breath of the Exe cutive nostrils. Mr. H. here adverted to the situation and limitation of the powers of former Secretaries, and was disposed to do more justice to the present Screta ry cf War than his friends seemed to have done. The old Spanish proverb, u save me from my friends," &c. recurred to his mind ; and he would not take the Secretary where he had been placed, and for the reason that he had not placed him self there. The Committee of Ways and Means had hard measure dealt out to them on both sides. They had tried to husband the public resources, and for this they were entitled to credit. They had taken the only course that could effect that object ; and he could defy the inge nuity of gentlemen to limit the expendi ture of the Indian department in any oth er manner than by limiting the appropria tions. The same course was required as when you would teach frugality to a child at school. As you could not define every item of cxpeilse, the only and proper way would be. to limit by a precise sum the amount of his expenditure, beyond which he should not go. There was no other niode of retrenchment where the expenditure was contingent. This defi cit; said Mr. U. ccmes before us in a most questionable shape. Last year the Sec retary made his estimate at SI 70,000. Only S 100,000 were appropriated) and now he comes in for the exact balance. Instead, therefore, of an appropriation, the application should rather be for the passage of a bill of indemnity to protect him from the consequences of having transcended the powers confided to him by the representatives of the people. Such an act as was resorted to by Lord Chatham, in relation to his usurpations on the subject of the exportation of corn. Even that great man, who fills so large a space in the page of history, and whose name will be reverenced when those who now figure upon the scene of action shall be sunk, deeper than the plummet ever sounded, in the unfathomable abyss of ob livion, was obliged to seek shelter under a protecting act, for having been guilty of what he confessed to be a thirty day's tyr anny. The genteleman from Pennsylva nia (Mr. Buchanan) bad referred to the day, even the day when be (Mr. R.) was a "member of the Committee of Ways and Means, to shew from the history of that period, that then, even then, there was a necessity to supply the deficits of past appropriations. But, that gentleman would remember, it is one thing to know for what appropriations are made, and an other thing to grant them without knowl edge in the dark. There was but one unaccounted deficit supplied, within his reccollection, at the period alluded to, and that was for the naval expenditures, which, from the nature of the service, was most uncertain. But another prodigious dis covery had been made bv his colleague (Mr. Smyth) that 100,000 dollars had been granted for the civil list. But, though the appropriation was not specific on the face ol the act, yet it was necessarily so in the progress of the disbursement. -The salaries of the President, of the Judges, and of ihe various officers of the government, were limited and defined. There was no reason to fear that they would draw for larger amounts than they were entitled to. It was not like the In dian Department, where the disbursement was contingent, and undefined by law. Did any one ever hear of a nation being ruined by the expenses cf the civil list ? This was really saving at the spiggot, and letting out at the two great vortices the Army and the Navy. The gentleman from Va (Mr. Smyth) had said hard things of the former Secretary of War, (General Dearborn,) and that his only memorable act was ins sending the army to perish and die among the marshes o New-Orleans. Now he would say, and he would say it without fear, that the Se cretary of War was no more responsible for that act of the Commanding General, than tiic Head of Department in the late war was for any of the blunders of the Commanding Generals on the Niagara frontier. TMr. S. here called Mr. II. to order.J The Chairman having requested Mr. R. to proceed, he rose and observed that neither his health, nor his fondness for debate, or rather his aversion to it", would petmit him to extend his remarks to all the subjects that the question pre sented. But so long as his constituents looked to him with so much partiality as to send him here to espouse their rights, he should raise his voice without fear a- gainst any principle that compromitted those rights. The law, he said, had not authorized the expenditure, and he here read and commented upon the statute that authorizes the distribution of rations to the Indians. It was a guarded and quali fled permission not a peremptory re quirement. The law of the land, there fore, stood violated, and its supreme au thority was disregarded by an officer of the government. You may be Viceroys, it is true, IJut we'll be Viceroys over you Was now virtually the language held to this House. It could not excite surprise that he (Mr. II.) should enlist under the banner of the people. Although he had once a connexion with the court, it was not long enough to estrange his feelings from their interest. His bias leaned to the payers of taxes not to the consum ers. Much had been said of dignity but clicrmtv had its seat in the mind. It might be found as often under a patched coat, as under a flaunting robe, that might be borrowed or stolen. True dignity consists in acting well in that situation in which it has pleased God to place us ; and in a Secretary of War it consists in not exceeding his appropriations. The gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Buc hannan) had said that he did not believe a single cent was unnecessarily expended during the administration of Mr. Jeffer son, ile (Mr. It.) could not go so far. There were too many hungry mouths to bo filled under all administrations ; too many dogs that were ready to eat dirty bread and dirty pudding. But, in order to retain the confidence of the nation, a watchful guard should be placed over the people's money. Keep your money, and your money will keep you : but go to bed with confidence in your mouths, and you will awake with chains on your hands. We should not shun the law which re quires scrutiny in the disbursement of public moneys : nor, when we do guard the Treasury, should we be put on our deliverance. If we are to be thus put, said Mr. It. I will say with the gentle man over the way, (Mr. Floyd,) I am ready to go to Spain ! The honorable gentleman from Virginia, (Mr. Smyth,) under whose displeasure I have had the misfortune to fall, has spoken favorably of the employment of the troops in the pursuits of agriculture that their swords, or the use of them, were converted into ploughshares. But I can remember, said Mr. It. when that very preposition was hooted out of the House. The soldiers were likened to the barrow-men of Phila- delphia. Their stations and dignity were too high to be brought down to the busi ness of making roads, as were the Roman legions. Dealing in perfumery was re garded as a more suitable employment. But they were not confined to making roads they were sent up the Missouri as the bait to the trap for an Indian war. He had not seen an account of the miss ing in that war, nor the death-roll of the army sent to St. Augustine. Mr. It. ex pressed a hope that the dignity of the de bate had not been interrupted by him. His life was in that state of obscurity he would not say of proscription in which it began. He could now see only two members of the House (Messrs. Smith, of Md. and Newton) who belonged to it at the time he entered that body. In al luding to the events, quarum jiarsfui) he could not but be astonished that in so short a space of time principles were re ceived as matters of course, which tran cended, beyond measure, those for which ail administration of that day was put down, and as he then thought', put down forever. He feared, from the past, that whoever succeeds will find the Constitu tion, like the horizon from the traveller, fly from before him : that he would find it flying before expediency and confidence. However the republican party should bej divided or subdivided, it would settle down j into the paities of the court and country. For his part, the side of the people was his side. He was identified with them, and God forbid, said he, that we should causelessly thiow away that money which they are perhaps at this moment labour ing to earn. Mr. Baldwin was sorry the rang of debate had been so wide and excursive ; nor could he see the necessity that the transactions, twenty years ago, should be drawn into discussion with more proprie ty, than the wise doublings of Wouter Van Twillcr, or the inflexible edicts of Peter the Headstrong. Mr. B. would ful ly concur with gentlemen in the proprie ty of making appropriations specific ; but it seemed to have been forgotten that the specification must be made in this house. The departments were not entitled to make it ; and no information until yester day had been asked of the Secretary of War. In 1820 there was laid upon our tables a detailed statement of the whole system of policy and expenditure in the Indian Department for a long series of nr.. r , vears. i nat lniormaiion was to ut; con sidered as before the house, and at the last Congress no objection was made to the system. I he appropriation ot the last year did not apply to the policy of the Indian Department. 1 he bill came in blank, and he did not remember to have heard even an intimation that it was intended to cut down any part of the In dian expenditure. (Mr. Smith explained, and said the estimate was SI 70,000, and he had moved to fill the blank with 8 100, 000 only.) This appropriation, said Mr. B. was passed in silence ; not so that which related to the fortifications. The extent and policy of that expenditure was tested by dnscussion and by vote. Mr. B. was as little disposed as others to grant away the public money. But what was more common than that committees should be mistaken in their estimates ? It hap pened almost every year but and. error of that kind had never before, as he be lieved, been construed into an indication that the source of expenditure was to be destroyed. Mr. B. thought the Secreta ry of War could not be said to have diso beyed the direction of the House. He had never been called upon to apportion the S 100,000. That would be an act which he had no right or power to assume. If Congress directs that presents shall cease, rations be discontinued, or the a gents, interpreters, Sec. remain unpaid, it would be the duty of the War Depart ment to obey the mandate ; but to limit and apportion to each, or to continue one and discontinue another, when the laws were in force that required them all, would certainly be a departure from his duty. By voting the sum now proposed, the Department would not be exonerated from responsibility of subsequently ac counting for it. The public would there fore be safe, and he thought it unwise to depart at this time from a practice which hacLnniformly obtained for 40 years, with out setting up a buoy, to warn the de partment of the course which was pre scribed for it to take. Mr. Stevenson' moved to rise and re port, and intimated his intention to make some remarks on the subject. Mr. Smith begged the indulgence of the House, to make a few observations in relation to some points of the debate. If any thing of a personal character, or de rogatory to the dignity of the House had occurred, the House would bear him wit ness, that it had not fallen from him. Mr. S. read a part of the rules of the House, that related to personal allusions, and remarked, that it was always unpleas ant to speak of one's self, and, more es pecially, under any degree of irritation : but he could not forbear to give a short answer to the law which had been refer red to by his colleague (Mr. Randolph,) as limiting the rations, such as could be siared. The extent of the rations to be dealt out, was, indeed, in some, degree, a matter of discretion unless usage had given it a measure but the obligation to lurnish them, was still in force and unre pealed. . The Secretary of War had no right to refuse them. The gentlemen says, the act of the sending the army to perish among the marshes that surround New Orleans, is to be ascribed to Presi dent Jefferson. If so, why should not the expenditure of the Indian Department, in like manner, be ascribed to the present Executive ? The fact is, that the Presi dent of the United States commits these things to the heads of the departments, and they are responsible for their own acts. Mr. S. could not believe, that his col league intended to apply that to him, in relation to the proceedings on the Niaga ra frontier, which he repelled as a calum- ny. isut this he wmiiu assure, both that gentleman and the House, that no reflec tion, however personal, should prevent him from the performance of his duty. It had been undertaken, and should be performed, whatever might be the conse quence. Mr. S. referred to two appro priations that were made to cover deficits at the time when his colleague contended that they were made upon account ren dered. One was made in December, and the other in the January following and both for the same object, which shewed that the accounts or estimates could not have been rendered when the first was made otherwise it would have been made sufficiently large to have prevented the necessity of the second. His col league had said, that he was of the party of the people. So, also, am I, said Mr. S. 1 belong not to the court ; and when will it be found that I was ever wanting in my duty to the cause of the people ? I have an interest in the people, and in posterity. there are those to whom my existence j is important but even that existence shall never stand in the way of my duty. The question was then taken on Mr. Stevenson's motion to rise and report, and carried. And the House adjourned. TUESDAY, XZ.V. 29, 1822. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Governoa Clinton, in his message to the Le gislature of New-York, now in session, speaks of the beneficial effects of Agricultural Societies in the following terms : 44 The labors of agriculture have for the last season been crowned with abundance, and the institutions which have been founded for the en couragement of this important pursuit, continue to produce the most beneficial effects. A great amelioration, within a few years, is observable in all the departments of rural economy. The rapid improvement of live stock, the judicious application of manures, the increased production of the various kinds of grain, and other vegeta bles, the introduction of new objects of cultiva tion, the invention and adoption of excellent im plements of husbandry, and a growing attention to the promotion of horticulture, have unques tionably originated in a great degree from insti tutions which concentrate the fruits of experi ence, which apply the discoveries of science and the inventions of art, and which excite into ac tivity all the generous principles of emulation, and all the latent powers of improvement." This is the language of experience from high authority ; and we hope it may tend to encour age the farmers of our own state to adopt the same means, if they desire the same results. Every county in the state of New-York has its Agricultural Society ; and the Legislature of that state, convinced of the good effects of these in stitutions, have appropriated $$20,000, to enable them to encourage agricultural enterprize and" industry, by the bestowment of prizes and pre miums. Such a measure need not soon be cx pected from our Legislature ; but the farmers themselves have it in their power to do much in the work of improvement, by forming Societies in the different counties. This we cannot for bear recommending in a spirit of great earnest ness. We have witnessed the wonderful effects of associations of this kind ; and none but those who have seen, can duly appreciate them. In the last Raleigh Register the publication of the debates on Mr. Fisher's resolutions respect ing a Convention, is commenced. We shall translate them into our columns as soon as prac ticable, so that the whole subject maybe fairly laid before the people. They will then decide for themselves ; and if their decision shall be in uni son with that of the Legislature, it will be final; the question will be settled : but if not, it rests with them to say what other mode shall be re sorted to, to obtain an equal representation and a just distribution of rights and privileges. Let them speak out. Vox pofndi vox Dei. A correspondent informs us, that about the first of October last, the wife of Jacob Iuinter, of Lincoln county, was delivered cf three fine children, all females. The mother and chil dren have all done well ; and at the last account of them, were in perfect health. Jacob Painter is a poor, hard-working man and fond of his bottle. Ile lives near the Little Mountain, about five miles from Gen. Graham's Furnace. His wife had twins tvice,'before this birth of three. They have now eleven children at seven births. Jacob is highly delighted with his patriotism, in furnishing, if not defenders of his country, yet the sweetest and best rewards of the soldier and the patriot, smiling and rosv faced damsels : for 44 Without the smile from partial beauty won, 44 O -what ii'ere man P....A world without a sun Moreover, Jacob says he will make ladies of all his daughters. The Southern Evangelical Intelligencer, prin ted in Charleston, S. C. has changed its name and form, as well as its plan ; although 44 its pri manj object will always be to promote the cause of evangelical religion." It is now published under tne title of the Southern Intelligencer, on a super royal sheet, folio. Its former editors are 44 to be joined by a number of gentlemen of pi ety and learning, who will use not only their in fluence, but their talents, for its circulation and improvement ; and its particular management will be under the control of an Editor of com petent talents, who will devote his labors in ma king it useful to the cause of relisnon, accepta ble to men of taste, and a faithful advocate of sound learning." It will be principally devoted to literature, morals, and religion ; but a part of it will no appropriated to important state pa pers, and to a condensed view of political intel ligence. We have received the first two num bers on the improved plan : they are handsomely executed, and interesting in their contents. The editors deserve, and will doubtless receive, a lib eral patronage. It i? calculated that the number of deaths In the U. S. produced directly by intemperance amounts to about 30,000 annually ; but the num ber whom it destroys, indirectly, is much greater. fob. iue wxsixns1 clbolijxas,- To ihe Board of Internal Improvement Gentlemen : This number, designed as the precursor of a series, if the occu pations of life shall leave tr.e leisure to complete my design, will embrace such preliminary observations as may occur to me. You are called from the body of the state, selected for your superior knowl edge and integrity, by an enlightened legislature, and are entrusted with impor tant interests. This state possesses many advantages and many inconveniences. For the greater part it is as healthy as any part of the Union. There is a great variety of soil adapted to the culture of almost every article of use or of convenience ; and no part of this world abounds more with that necessary article, water. But the mouths of all our rivers are choked with sand bars ; and numerous obstruc tions, more or less serious, impede their navigation, so that however much our waters may conduce-to the health and cleanliness of the inhabitants, they are very illy adapted to the purposes of com merce. Our surplus produce is obliged to seek a market in some of the neigh boring states, and we draw from thence those articles cf necessity, of convenience, or of luxury, that the wants or the fan cies of our citizens may demand. From, so much as I have been able in my retire ment to learn of the matter, you have been instituted for the purpose of coun teracting this state of things, and by giv ing a more proper direction to the trade, of the state, to divert our trade, which now goes to enrich the merchants of Pe tersburg, and New-York, and Charleston, to some place or places within North-Carolina itself. This is certainly an object worthy of you and of those who appoint ee you. Another great desideratum is so to improve the rivers and roads in the state, that the transportation of produce to Piarket may cost less labour, which, if practicable, would act as a bounty on agri culture, and of course as a stimulus to S industry. Before I venture to suggest any thing that may seem to me advisable for the furtherance of those objects, of confess edly high importance, permit me to make a few observations on the course that has hitherto been pursued, and which the le gislature, by publishing your last report, has placed in the power of every man to examine for himself. I am glad to find you honestly declaring in the report, (page 25) that there has been an-" improvident expenditure of money in many instances.' I anticipate from this declaration that the board will apply a suitable corrective to abuses so detrimental to the public inter est, and endeavor to remove from com mon people, who, like me, have but little opportunity of informing themselves, the opinion that the whole mass of stock holders, and contractors, and agents, with a few honourable exceptions, are siecula io7Sj much more concerned for their pri vate emolument than for the public bene fit. This is an opinion which, whether it be well founded or ill founded, is cal culated to do immense injury to the cause of internal improvement, as it operates so as to prevent honest undesigning men from venturing their money in schemes conducted by sharpers. Another impor tant advantage that we seriously hope to reap from the appointment of the board and the employment of a Civil Engineev and an assistant, at great public expense is, that money will no longer be expend ed on visionary schemes of improvement. We hope you will effectually discounte nance cmixotic experiments, the making embankments of tree tops and meed to be swept away by freshets, and the rais ing of logs long imbodied in sand, and permitting them to sink and imbed them selves anew, and bv that means making the navigation much more uncertain and dangerous after their operations are per formed than before they began. And last ly, permit me to hope, that you will ex ercise a correcting influence on the tolls imposed by Navigation Companies, You speak of the funds of the state in the Cape Fear Company yielding a dividend of 8 per cent, per annum ; and I am in formed that the Treasurer, in his report to the late session of the General Assem bly, informed that body that such a divi dend had been declared and paid for the last year. All this sounds very well. But, gentlemen, give me leave to say; that you ought to be well convinced that the Company deserve as well as receive the tolls upon which those dividends are declared. If, indeed, the navigation of the Cape Fear is rendered so much more safe and expeditious than formerly, as to compensate the community for the pay ment of tolls to the amount'of S 10,000 cr S 12,000 per annum, then, indeed, has a great public benefit been achieved. But if this sum has been collected, and is ex pected hereafter to be annually collected from tolls imposed on the navigation of a river, navigable as high before the com pany commenced its operations as it is ai this day, notwithstanding the immense sums that have been expended in digging a canal to breed musquetoes and endan ger the health of the town, then it will ollow that this company draws this im mense profit without any public benefit. And on this supposition, these tolls be-

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