S7 r 0 YOL II. SAIASlMJAVt, 2. C. TVESnAX, YTilYRVSAlVL 5, 18ft jnrxT ami rrj:Msi!i;i!, r.vntY tuesdat, JJr i;;c;ifAM i-. white. Ti: ;:;. : The subscription to the Whtkiiv Caiiolixiix is Three Dollar.; per annum, payable half-yearly in advance. QCj No paper will be discontinued until al arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion o the Kditors- and any subscriber failing- to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a ear, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will he sent accordingly,. ."Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. AnvEiiTisEnnxTs will lie inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity'. CCjAll letters to the editors mu:;t be post-paid, or they will not be attended to. linking Wusifuiss. THE subscriber having employed a compe tent person, will keep on hand a constant supply of Bread and CracAers, and Cakes, of ev ery description, as well as the various articlc3 usually kept in a Confectionary Store, all of which he will dis pose of on very reasonable terms. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, Dec. 18, 1821. 80 ?ov Sale, The celebrated Horse .)POLKO.N. 171 Oil terms, apply to the ' subscriber. If not sold nrevious to the 15th of February next, he will again stand the ensuing Spring Season, in tins place. MICHAEL UKOWN. Salisbury, Dec. 3, 1821. 73tri5 lUHrtc-lVuvg Business. TT1HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi JL zens of the "Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the llook-llinding Jiusiness, in all cf its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. He has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood Si Kridcr, on Main-street, three doors north of the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will give general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have lllanh Hooks ruled and bound to any pattern, on short noti ce, as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the North. Old Books rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. ILL1A.M 11. Salisbury June 8, 1821. 53 j f nili; subscriber respectfully info p77'-';S Jt. the citizens of Salisbury and N'tiH adjacent country, that he has remo informs the removed from his late residence on the north side of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and lias taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. .la. Kridcr, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-House ; where he is prepared to keep a ILuse of Private P:iter!ai.:.aent for Travellers and citizens. He will at all times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Crain for Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury Sept. 25, 1821. 78 N. II. Eight or ten HOAKDEHS will be taken at the custon:ary prices in town. AN awuv from the subscriber, at CharioUe, tb Mecklenbunr count v. N. Carolina, a Negro Boy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, stout made, ami five feet seven or eight inches high. He speaks low when spoken to. It is supposed that he will make towards the county of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that county. I will give the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Isaac Wide, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in anv jail, and information given, so that I get him a: ain. EVAN W1EIE. l m W.irch 21, 1821. 5J subscriber, who is contractor for carrying States Mail between llalcigh and Salisbury, bv KJ' the ir. v.av of li.-.rulolph, Chatham, &c. respectfully in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAGE ; w hich, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSENGERS with as much comfort ami expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part cf the country. The sca rcity f t" money, the reduction in the price of produce, Tc. demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate cf passage from eight to s:.v cents per mile. Cientl men travelling from the West to ILdcigh, or by way of Iialeigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it only needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tue sday, ?, or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for Raleigh the same dav at 2 o'clock; it arrives in 11 leigh lVulav evening, and leaves there for Salisbury n Saturday at 2 o'clock. Mtv 221821. S'i JOHN LANE. last ot lieUevs Hemuii.iinr in the Post-Off ce at Chariot le, .V. C, on the 1st of January, 1822. JTjT A. Vincent Ivans &Jksi Alexaxiieu "William Jamison Maj. Tho. Alexander Samuel Johnston Wallace Alexander, sen. Cyrus Johnston Charles Alexander Mary Johnson James A. Alexander Andrew Jones Hczekiah Alexander K. James Alexander Marcus l. Kenr.idy Eemuel II. Alsobrook Thomas Kirkpatrick William Ainv.orth, jr. Sarah Kimbel Felkcrd Anton E. H. John Little, 3 And'n. S: Eliz'th. Eeaty S. W. Eia lsay St Co. 2 E. A. Eeaty Margaret A. Lawing Anderson lJcaty, 2 M. Isaac Ilryan " Alam M'Kavcn Kobert Euchanan John Morris Jo!m Uowden Thomas J. Mabry AVilliam Ela'.r liobert M'Enight John Iiarnett Job Mills Mary Eaklwiii Daniel M'Ecan C. Cvrus M'Clure 'ictor Crook, 2 Charles Mason Messrs. W. Sc J.Cook, 2 Himehus Mendenhall William A. Cannon Samuel M'Comb, 2 Dr. David T. Caldv.cll O. James Cathev Joseph E. Orr John Carclock 1. John Cuthbertson Joseph Purviancc Robert T. Cheek AVilliam Price Henjamin T. Curtis E Ecv. 1). F.Christenburv Francis Query William Clark ' li. Moses Christenbury James lloper D. John Kob'mson Mark Dcrden John Hitch William Doncll S. John Dulin David Smith, 2 William Duckworth Ellis Smith Walter Davis John Stilte F. . Ilvstaspas Steward John W. Frisbie tleorire Singleton David Foster Sheriff of Mecklenburg Eeuben Freeman John Stockinger James II. Eraser Eeroy Secns Frederick Festerman Martraret Springs C. Adam Springs James Gibson T. ltev. Isaac ireer David A. Thompson James Gillespie W. gness Galloway Eev. AVilham ilson Daniel Gallov.av Susana Ward H. Moses Wallace Robert Hcnegal Samuel Whiteside John Henderson Evdia Wallace Richard T. I lickson Joiin Wilson J I. '.. John IE Irwin D. fv. II. Zanty WILLIAM SMITH, Post-.Uaster. 3ouvencn TixUoys. THE subscriber wishes to employ, immedi ately, three or four sober and industrious Journeymen Tailors, to whom liberal wages and constant employ will be given. WILLIAM DICKSOA. Salisbury, January 1, 1822. 6 83 OTIC SI. 4 LL persons indebted to the subscribers, either by book account or note, are once more earnestly requested to call and make pay ment on or before the last day ot February next. I'hose who fail to attend to tins notice, may- expect to find their notes and accounts in the hands of an ofiicer for collection. COWAN Sc VAIL. Charlotte Jan. 7, 1822. - 4vt87 R O W AN COUNTY. rmiTIJT nf I'Iciu :md Otiartcr Sessions. No- vember sessions, 1821 : Martin Rendleman vs. Samuel Trott Original attachment, levied, &c. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is therct";rc Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks successively, in the ll'estera Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the defen dant appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quartei jssions to be held for the county of Rowan, ai the Court-IIov.sc in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February next, then and there to plead, or judgment will be entered according to the piaintiil 's i.emand. 6vt88 JNO. GILES, Clerk. MECIiLEN'BUHO COUNTY- I.i fsuit'?. If OIIN WILLIAMSON, j'oscph M'Connaugh c3 ey, vs. Ann Cowan, Stephen Cowan, David F. Cowan, and others In this case it is ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, that David F. Cowan and Stephen Cowan may nppear at the next Supe rior Court of Law and Equity, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, on the Gth Monday af ter the 4th Monday of March next, and plead, answer or demur, or the bill shall be taken pro confess'), and judgment be entered against them. 6 82 1). IE DEN LAP, C. M. C. SUvlu tL QYtti-CuYoVuui. JIF.CKLENIJURG COUNTY. SUPERIOR Court cf Lav, Fall Term, 1821.... Margaret Dullcy vs. Robert Dulley Peti tion for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfac tion of Court, that Robert Dufl'ey, the defendant in this case, is nov an inhabitant of this State : Ordered, that publication be made for three months, in tiic Ualeigh Star and Western Caro linian, that unless he appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Lav, to be held for thr county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, and answer said petition, it will be set for hearing ex parte, and a decree made in favour of the petitioner. Witness Ci oi-e Graham, C'erk of said Court, at Oi'Kcc, the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in Sep tember, A. D. 1821, and in the 45lh year cf American Independence. GEO. GRAHAM, Clerk S. C. J.. .V,,r. 24, 1821. 78m3 Fvr sale: at this Oiiice. Valuable liawiVs uwvl iMAWs FOR SALE. THE subscribers will sell the following Valu able Lands, belonging to the estate of the late Lewis Ueard: That valuable plantation, commonly called " IJeard's Mills," situated on both sides of Swear ing Creek, near where it enters into the Yadkin river, and in that part of Rowan county called the Jersey Settlement,- the number of acres in the body is abc it 2500, but it will be divided, if required by purchasers. 1 he product ot cotton from this plantation, for several years past, has exceeded 110 bales, besides proportionate crops of corn and small grain. Attached to the prem ises is a valuable set of wheat and corn Mills, and a Saw-Mill ; one Cotton Gin, by water, and another excellent one by horse power, with a new and prime packing screw. Also, a good dwelling-house, with a store-room attached an extensive distillery, with all the necessary imple ments. In short, there is not a more complete and desirable establishment in the western part of Ihe state for a man of capital, who wishes to turn his attention to cotton and the other staples of the country. From its situation in a rich cotton-raising settlement, it is aljo known to be one of the best stands in the country for the mercantile business. It is deemed unnecessary to give any further description, as persons wish ing to purchase will view the premises and learn the terms. Another Tract, of about 150 acres, situated on both sides of the Yadkin River, on one of the main roads leading from Salisbury to Fayette ville. To this tract belongs the Ferry commonly called " Skeen's Ferry." Another parcel, of about 1200 acres, situated about four and five miles from Salisbury, inclu ding Dunn's Mountain. A small tract, of 75 or 80 acres, situated on the South River. About 900 acres, lying in Montgomery county, not far below Stokes's Ferry. Any part of about 7000 acres, commonly call ed the Flat Swamp lands. Surveys will be made out of this tract, to suit persons wishing to purchase. Another parcel, ot about 1000 acres, on the waters of Muddy Creek, in the county of Iiurke. On this land is situated one of the most eligible unoccupied seats for an Iron-Works in the state of North-Carolina. It has an abundance of wa ter that can be applied to machinery with a very small expense, owing to the fine fall of the creek. It is also within a reasonable distance ot a rich supply of Iron-Ore, that will be sold with the site. Persons disposed to purchase any o the fore going lands, may learn terms and particulars by applying, in person or bv letter, to either of the subscribers, which will be punctually attended to. MOSES A. LOCKE, CHARLES FISHER, JOHN BEARD, Jun. Salisbury Jan. 10, 1822. 84 Yvbvc Sale ot liavuls. THE following tracts of land, lying in differ ent sections of Rowan County, Aviil be sold at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the second Monday in March next, to satisfy arrears of tax due on said Lands. Capt. Jeb lack's Company. John Graham 200 Acres. Samuel Luckey, sen. 84 do. James Morrow 140 do. James Speaks 350 do. Peter Clodfelter 128 do. brah am Ronton 144 do. Samuel Bcnnon Vo9 do. Caht. Shaping's Company. John Patterson, (Cabarrus,) 40 Acres. Capt. M'illiamson's Company. Samuel Lewis' 59 Acres. Lemuel Elliott, sen. 67 do. Capt. Sivink's Company. Michael II. Swink 150 Acres. Capt. JJargcr's Company. Hugh Morgan 40 Acres. Capt. J food s Company, (Town.) Benjamin P. Pearson, House and lots. Green H. Moss, Douse and lots. Porks Sectioii. The heirs of Win. Gaither, 40 Acres. JOHN BEARD, former Sheriff. Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1822. 7vt91 SO DoWwys AVe,UY. "S HOKE JAIL on the night of the 17th in stant, a white man and two negroes. The white man is by the name of John Prince, said to have come from Grayson county, Virginia, who was confined on a charge of counterfeiting mon ey ; he is about 35 years of age, dark complex ion, about five feet ten inches high. One of the negroes says he came from Charleston, S. C. and that his name is Bill, and is a runaway; he is a trim built fellow, cf a middle size and age, has been cropped, or lost a piece of one ear, I think the right car : The other is of a yellow com plexion, heavy built, thick lips", and a small scar on his under lip, supposed to be about 35 years of age, says his name is Owen, and is a runaway from the state of Georgia. It is thought by some that Prince will pass for their master, and perhaps sell them. Any person that will apprehend them, and confine them in any jail, or bring them so that I get them again, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable expenses ; or 10 dollars for each or cither of them. WM. ABMFIELD, Sheriff. (Jreensboro1, Guilford Co. V. C. November 26, 1821. SmtUM NOTICE. WHEREAS my wife Nancy has acted in such manner as has compelled me to resolve upon a final separation from her, and has like wise shown a disposition to involve me as much as possible in debt, since our separation, I do therefore hereby forewarn all persons from trad ing with or trusting my wife Nancy on mv ac count or credit, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting, nor have, any thing to do wilh any of her engagements or concerns, further than what I cannot possibly avoid. EDMUND MAKREL. January 19, 1S22. 4v8(S T?AttY. 4 FEW reams of Foolscap Paper, at 3 25 2. per ream, for sale at this office. Uesv&UvYy. Wc copy the following just icproof from the National Gazette. It is the first time that this topic has been, in any shape, introduced into our columns, conceiving as we do, that the establishment of eti quette between the foreign ministers is a matter that wc have no right to interfere with : etiquette is a primary point in Eu ropean courts, and it is both unjust and unreasonable that we should, in our pub lic prints, ridicule the representatives of friendly foreign powers, sojourning at the seat of government, for the practice of it. On the score of courtesy alone wc ought to stand neuter. No one will deny that the republicans of the new world are as virtuous and as highminded as the roy alists of the old ; then there can be noth ing incompatible with our national char acter, in being equallyjof. 11 ash. (laz. " The most vulgar account which we have yet seen, of the feud alledgecl to have taken place between the French and English ministers at Washington, is contained in a letter to be found in the Richmond Knquirer of the 1st inst. The French minister is called Mon sieur Parezvous ; the English, IVIon sieur Goddam and J 'ohn Bull ; the Swe dish, Monsieur dc Swede, c. The whole narrative has a character accor dant with those choice and witty de signations, and must have been receiv ed with infinite glee in the night-cellars and stable-yards of V , for which, we presume, it was intended. The American Secretary of State is introduced into this most facetious " liroad Grin," with strokes about the cession of Texas, Sec. which shew the design of blending the grave with the gay, seria jocis of making him more than ridiculous. 44 The caricature is so coarse that the editor of the Enquirer appears to have felt some small degree of shame, in introducing it into his columns. He states that he himself certainly would not have selected in every case, the forms of expression which his corres pondent has used for conveying his ideas. But a man of any refinement of taste and habits, would have refus ed to convey to the public such forms of expression ; and would disdain waggery so forced and low as that, for example, which marks the following passage : ' J'uta Jiene. Etiquette this morning says the gentlemen cannot go out, until further advices ; but their attaches (which they tell me, means tails) may probably " take a bout." Did you ever know foreign ministers were like electric eels, to fight with their tails ? But that is the etiquette to-day, and whether it is anew edition cf the Secretary of State's work on that subject, I have not learned : when I Jo I will write to y ou again. Though the two ambassadors in question should have been betrayed by pique and misapprehension, into high words or menacing gestures in the hall of the President's mansion, the Ame rican writer or editor should not so forget his own pretensions to the cha racter of a gentleman, nor what would be still due to their quality of stran gers, and their official station, as to publish on tbi occasion pasquinades in a style of buffoonery which is no longer tolerated even in the farce of the .London stage, and has been for some time cast olf and consigned to the jack puddings of the country fairs. Some light and chastened pleasantry, some good natured raillery, in our newspapers, at the expense of foreign ministers, when they commit an open indiscretion of the kind alledged, might not be amiss, as it would serve to pun ish the irregularity in the adequate ex tent, and to render them more watch ful for the future. 44 The accounts which have been printed of the altercation are, no doubt, overcharged, and in some particulars fictitious, and at all events there is no thing very extraordinary or grievous in the circumstance, of two representa tivesof rival and monarchical countries, jealous of the dignity of their princi pals, and of their personal considera tion, misconceiving each other, and be ing surprised into a momentary resent ment and expostulation, in a juncture of peculiar ceremony. Both, in this instance, are men whose general de portment and private character entitle them to the highest respect. The am bassador of France, Mr. de Neuville, is a most estimable person, ot a gener ous and manly temper, for whom all who know him well must, we think, entertain a lively regard, it is not certainly from Washington that he ought to be held up to ridicule ; and it is still less at Richmond, the scene of the recent most scandalous contention between the Governor and Council, in which the lie was directly and furious ly given in print that the dispute or discomposure of the ambassadors should be treated as a subject of so much wonder and derision." actttc Among the visitors recently at Wash ington were a party of Indians, from the remote regions of the Upper Missouri country, under the direction and care of Major O'Fallon. They are fine, stout looking men ; but at the same time have more striking features of the savage about them, than any I have ever seen. I un derstand they represent several tribes ; none of which have ever before had an opportunity to witness the fruits of civil ization. They visited Congress hall while the house w as in session ; and al though they disdained to betray any emo tion, they afterwards acknowledged they were astonished at the interior of that spacious and splendid apartment. They say, if they were to live thirty years after their return, they could not relate to their countrymen all the wonders they have seen. They have not yet, however, seen all. The secretary of war has sent them on to visit the cities of Baltimore, Phila delphia, and New-York ; at. which last place it is intended to send them on bourd one of our seventy-fours, where they will be received with a national salute.- Such a visit, and such a reception, must make a lasting impression on those sim ple sons of the forest; and dispose them to entertain a profound respect for their great Father, the President. ylmer. Republican. Professional Anecdote of Dr. Fra?dclin. When he came to Philadelphia in 1713, he was first employed by one Keimer, a printer, a visionary whose mind was frequently elevated above the little concerns of life, and conse quently veryr s abject to mistakes, which he seldom took the pains to correct. Franklin had frequently reasoned with him upon the importance of accuracy in his profession, but in vain. His fertile head, however, soon furnished him with an opportunity to second his arguments by proof. They soon after undertook the impression of a primer, which had lately' been published in New England. Franklin looked over the piece, and when his master had set the following couplet "When the last trumpet soundeth, We shall not all die ; But we shall all be changed In the twinkling of an eye. IJe privately removed the letter c, and it was worked off "When the last trumpet soundeth, We shall not all die ; But we shall all be hanged In the twinkling of an eye. Cross your tys, though ijgu spell ivrong. Some years ago, Capt. of schr. while at one of the West India Islands, received the following order among others, from his owner : 44 I want you to git me too monkeys for a particular purpose Don't fail." In consequence of the word being mispel led, and the r not being crossed, the captain put himself to great expense, and considerably prolonged the voyage to accomplish the order in the sense he gave it. 44 Where have you been so long ?" said the anxious owner, on his return. 44 Looking for your d n'd monkeys," said the enraged captain, 4t and with ali my pains, I have been able to get but sixty out of the 100." Sixty Monkeys ! exclaimed the owner, why I only sent for tivo." 44 Here is your order for them, sir," replied the captain, coolly pulling out the let ter. It is a fact known to but few, that celery seed in the quantity of a dessert spoonful to a gallon, ooiled in soup of any kind, gives to it a richness of flavor that is no other way to be had, and has this advantage over the celery itself, that it is to be had at all seasons and at a much less price.

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