Tuesday last, about twenty of these des peradoes were apprehended and commit ted for trial, and previously about 20 oth ers had experienced the same fate. A mong these, we understand, is the ring- 1 I J 1 . leauer, wno uas rcbiueu in tne tamily 01 one of our families for four years. He has hitherto been considered as an honest and moral man, and was a preacher in the African church. He had recommended servants to different individuals, and it is presumed for the purpose of ascertaining the exact situation of the interior of the houses, that they might the more easily be robbed without disturbing the family. This is the man too who disposed of the articles stolen, a number of which were found concealed in the stable of the gen tleman with whom he lived Phil, fiafier. Extract of a letter from JWzv Orleans to a gentle man in ll'ashington City. new-orleans, jan. 12 The public feeling is much excited here on the sub ject of the piracies in the Gulf of Mexi co. A vessel has just arrived here, which fell in with an American schooner that had been robbed and plundered the day before. The Captain stripped him self and shewed how he was flogged from the neck to the heels. All the crew were inhumanly beat. Aboard the schooner "Were the mate and crew of an English brig, who were put there by these fellows, .who had first half hung , and then shot thu Captain, for no other offence but having his ship in ballast. The poor man, while they were snapping the musket at him, begged for his life on account of his ivife and children whom he had left at home. from a friend in Cincinnati, dated on Christmas day last : " Pork is now selling at 1 1-4 cents per lb; Flour, 1 1-2 brj. ; fine IJecf, hind quarter, 2 cents, Veal 2 cents ; Fowls, 6 1-4, Eggs, 8 per dozen ; Turkeys, very fine, 25 cents each ; Lard, 3 1-2; Hams, 5 as fine Cider as I ever drank, g2 in cluding barrel; Apples, Si ; Vegetables equally cheap Society excellent. The Ohio River has risen 10 feet within 3 days, and is at present, clear of ice, and several steam bouts arc ready to proceed to New-Orleans." "The first settlement was made in Cin cinnati about 30 years since it is now a beautiful town, and contains a population of 10,000 persons. Wimjuiv Intel. S.Vf.ffilZTfRV: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1822. THE FOREIG.Y .XEIVS, Received by the Lite arrivals, is replete with interest. The change of ministry in France may he productive of imnortaiit consemiences : but . i - - . it is at le ast as nrobablc that it mav not : that the river Tigri3. Such is represented to be the sit uation of Turkey, and such are the means which she possesses of repelling and punishing aggres sion. Russia, on the other hand, including her do minions in Europe and Asia, contains probably 50,000,000 inhabitants; and her regular military force amounts to 600,000 men, hardy, robust, and capable of enduring great fatigue, comman ded by officers well versed in the science of war, and experienced in all the modern improvements . in military tactics. Her sovereign is absolute and despotic, not depending on the caprice of a military guard, like the Ottoman Sultan, for the continuance of his power, or the safety of his head. In addition to all this, he will have, in the event cf a w ar with Turkey, a powerful and exasperated ally within her own territory : the revolted Greeks will divide the attention and strength of the Turks, and give a double facility to the success of Russia. From this brief view of the relative strength and situation of the two empires, it seems inevitable, in case of rupture, that Turkey, no matter how bravely and despe rately she may fight, and she will do both, must fall. After the division of the Roman Em pire into Eastern and Western, in 395, Constan tinople became the capital of the Greek Empe rors, and continued to be till 1453, when it was taken by Mahomet II. and made the seat of the Turkish Empire. Should it now pass into other builds ; should tlio mfimlfirriit t en taT,- rf It new ministers will tread very nearlv in the steps V . I O " J' J' v.t, uiiu -i V. Turkish mosques be converted into christian churches; should Jlfaanoud be driven into his FROM THE LOUISIANA HERALD. The following is an extract of a letter received at Nachitochcs, from Dr. Hewet son, dated " St. Antonio, .Yui. 4, 1821. " On the night of the 3d of October, General Long, with fifty men of all na tions, entered the town of La Balii i, pro ducing the greatest consternation by their horrid yells. (I happened to be there at the time.) They put to flight the centi nels, and took possession of the fort and artillery without opposition. As soon as intelligence of this reached St. Antonio, the governor dispatched Col. Ignatio Pa ris, with 150 men, with orders to retake the place, and make prisoners of Long and his party. He arrived near La Ba hia, and sent to Long, requesting to see him, to ascertain from him the cause of his unfriendly visit. Long met him, and stated his object was to establish the inde pendence of these provinces. Colonel Paris replied, that their independence was already achieved, and it was unnecessary for him to give himself any further trouble about it ; but, if he was an independent republican, as he stated, why not let such occupv the fort, for they were, the propei persons to hold it ? Long would not Rive it up. This interview was at 8 o'clock in the morning, and half after 1 1 Col. Paris made the attack. A warm firing was kept up for twenty-four hours. Long's artillery did no execution, and he finally surrendered at discretion. Kong and his party were brought prisoners to St. An tonio, and from thence were sent to SjI tillio to take their trial. It will be a hard one, being regarded as public robbers and pirates. " On the 17th of October the entry of Yturbide into Mexico was announced here, and the independence of the empire ratified. This news was received with trreat reioicincrs, and since, this city has been in a constant uproar by illuminations, tc dcums, and fandangoes THE SLAVE THATJE. The Boston Evening Gazette, in pub lishing the account brought by the U. S. schooner Shark, that there was reason to believe that no Americans were now en gaged in the Slave Trade, gives the fol lowing hypothesis in contradiction of it : l We have the best reasons for believ ing that the Slave Trade was never car ried on with more spirit and determina tion than it has been the present year, from the Havana ; and we fear (from too authentic intelligence to doubt the fact) that many of the vessels thus employed are owned by American citizens, who are concealed from our cruisers by the flimsy veil of the Spanish flag, and the mask of Spanish papers. When Slaves, upon the Coast, are reduced in price to 8 15 or 20 per head, and are sold in Cuba at SSOO, the temptation becomes too great for des perate men to resist, and operates as an inducement to unprincipled individuals to engage in the traffic at every hazard." The collections in Philadelphia for the Orphan Asylum, amount to near 23,000 dollars. Adding to this, the sum which was insured, 6000 dollars, and the dona tion of the State Legislature, 5000 dollars, they have a total of 33,800 dollars. It is said that the British Ambassador at Washington, Mr. Canning, transmitted one hundred dollars to the managers of the Institution, as a contribution from his own purse. 'I his liberality, says the Na tional Gazette, merits the applause of the American public. -Vaf. Intel. Cincinnati, (ohio.) As a proof of the abundance and cheapness of provisions in the state of Ohio, we give the following of their predecessors, and thnt the chantrc will i be merely a change of men, and be followed by events of no greater moment than a stormy de bate in the Chamber of Deputies, in which a great many brave things will be said, accompa nied with violent gesticulations; many high-sounding panegyrics delivered on the departed great ness of the Trench nation, ::p.y gloomy pic tures drawn of its present condition ; and then things will go on in their usual course, and France remain as sf is. Lo?is will continue to cat voraciously, until an apoplecC carries him to the tomb when Charles Philip, the amiable, moral, pious Count d'Artois vill peaceably suc ceed him. Spain is in a very unsettled state, and, from several accounts, would -ic.-m to be on the eve of a revolution. li;t du accounts are not to be implicitly relied on: the pxture is doubtless too highly eorcd. Ferdinand himself, howev er, appears to appr.hnd the worst; for in arc ply to h's ministers, who, on account of the pop ular clamor, tendered their resignation, which he rc f"ccd to receive, he concludes, in language bohl and dignified, as follows : " My revolted sub jects conspire against my life and like the un fortunate Louis XVI. I am destined to be the second victim of the revolutions in Kuropc ; but at least I will not perish as he did, who has justly been designated the Martyr King I will meet death, sword in hand, at the head of my guards." We feel no prrticular respect for Ferdinand, ci ther as a king or a man : as a king, he has wan. ted dignity ; and as a man, moral rectitude : Hut we cannot but give him credit for the spirit dis played in the above, and, being a sovereign, for acting, in one instance, at least, like a sovereign. The aspect of things in Portugal is likewise not very flattering: but whatever may be the result of the i evolution there, we have little hope that the condition of the people will be much ameli orated. "Whether king John be a constitutional king, or king without a constitution, it will be pretty much the same with the people in either Asiatic dominions, and the glory of Islamism set forever in Europe, he should not complain : he would only be despoiled of what his predeces sors had taken by violence from others, and what he now holds only by force. The conquest of Turkey by Russia is fraught with danger to Europe ; for it will give to her the exclusive navigation of the Black Sea, as well as possession of fine ports in the Mediter ranean, and enable her to create a powerful navy, a navy competent to cope with that of England, and to contend successfully for the sovereignty of the ocean. Being thus powerful on the water as she is on the land, she would give laws to all Eu rope ; and distribute crowns and dismemberking doms with greater facility than ever did Napoleon. Even now she hangs like a dark clould in the north, which the statesmen and the sovereigns of Eu rope watch with anxious eyes, as boding them no good : they see the danger at a distance, and dread its nearer approach. But however dangerous to the independent -MARRIED, In this town, on the 14th instant, Mr. JHchael JMurr, to Miss Julia Ami Sroie. On the 31st of January, Mr. Spencer Glascock, to Miss Elizabeth Chapman, of this county. On the 12th instant, by A. Swicegood, Esq. Mr. JMichael Everhard, to Miss .Mary JJvengood. On the 14th instant, Jacob Shuping, Esq. to Miss Catharine Setzer, eldest daughter of Mr. John Setzer, both of this county. In this county, on the 14th" instant, Robert Fleming, Esq. to Miss Elizabeth JVsely. In this county, on the 7th instant, by John March, Esq. Mr. Jacob Lopp, to Miss Plly .Mi chael. On the 7tU February, 1822, at Mount Pleas ant, near Morganton, at the resilience of Dr. Thomas Bouchelle, by the Hev. Itobert J. Miller, Capt. Jjhn Locke, of Oakland, Cabarrus Co. to Miss Eliza Rebecca lioucheUe, daughter of Dr. Thomas Bouchelle. By John F. Brevard, Esq. on the 14th inst. yir. Richmond Penny, to Miss QX via .Martin, Luth of Lincoln county. The lady thought upon a plan To catch a penny just to trv't, She laid her hand upon a man, And got a handsome Penny by't. COMMI'MOITOI. JJIEIi, At Sloansville, Mecklenburg county, on the 3d instant, .Margaret Caroline, infant daughter of Mr. James C. Sloan. Happy the babe, who privileged by fate, To shorter troubles and to lighter weight, Received but yesterday the gift of breath, Ordered to-morrow to return to death. A LIST OF SSUED to the President and Trustees of the University of North-Carolina, since the sitting of the last General Assemblv. I Ay. ijf Warrant.. Original Claimants. ."o. of ll'arrant. Original Claimants. 665 James Ammms 666 Peter Rough 667 Jesse Howell 663 Jack Hock 673 Wm. Richards 674 Nathaniel Harris t. c , . . 1 1677 William Logan nations of Europe may be the subjugation of Tur- ' j()jm -vonks key, to the Greeks it would be a deed of mercy For whether they shall be restored to their former independent rank among the nations of the earth, or be incorporated with the subjects of Russia, their condition will be infinitely im proved : the government even of Russia is mild and humane, is just and equitable, when com pared with the Ottoman. 679 Ilains White 680 Moses Stcarn 681 Michael Scantlin 682 John M'Kean 695 William Clifton 843 John Needtiam 844 Jesse Nettles 845 Abisha Oliver 846 Patrick O'Kelly 847 Leonard Parker 843 Samuel Parker 849 Thomas Peavey 850 Drury Perkinson 851 John Roberts 852 John Richardson 853 Wm. Rochester 854 Charles Stewart 855 Benj. Stedmaiv 696 Sim. Christophers 856 James Scott 697 William Barber S57 Martin Slayers THE SECRETARIES of War and of the Treasury have heen indirectly censur ed, in the course of debate, in Congress, i and the charge is, that information is withheld by them. 1 he friends of these gentlemen have acted unwisely, in resist ing motions far inquiry, which they should 698 Hardy Cheshire 699 Arthur Arnold 700 John Brevard 701 Richard Ward 702 Knibb Wynn 703 Peter Duncan 704 Gilbert Miller 858 William Shield 859 Jesse Siddle SCO Thomas Sillard 861 William Talton 862 Andrew Vanoy 863 Joseph J. Wade 864 James Varkize 705 'William Womack 865 Elisha White the rather have proposed. Every man must, in this villanous world, lay himself case, they will be nothing more than the canaille, i out to be suspected. A pyramid is mcas But the transactions in Turkey, and the prob-. ured by the shade which it throws over able war between the cross and the crescent, more humble edifices ; but, in the moral promise events of more importance than any , world, if the sun shine upon a man, it thing else, and seem to occupy no small share of the attention of the European cabinets ; and well they may. The designs of the northern auto crat, which are fast developing, his immense power, and the p-ospect of a great accession to it, furnish real cause cf alarm ; and the time may arrive, when Francis and Frederic, and even Great-Britain, will wish, and vainly wish., for the genius of Napoleon, to protect them from the overwhelming force of the peaceable Alexander. It is evidently the determination of Alexander to take advantage of the present commotions in the Turkish empire, and, if not to overturn it, to take from it a decent slice. Moldavia and ' honorable and generous; to be outwitted, Wallachia, at least, must be dissevered ; and it is said he must likewise possess a fortress in the lights envy to assail, and slander to des troy him. Suspicion is the prima facie evidence of virtue. Ignorant men value themselves in depreciating talent bad men delight in reducing the good to their level weak men remember of Sampson only the loss of his hair and all men, mel ancholy to relate, love scandal. But, if a man's conscience upbraid him not, there is pleasure in being scandalized. To find one nibbling at your reputation, when you have enough to spare to cover him and his whole tribe, is grateful ; to turn your back and pretend net to see a" thief, is i f i i. i oi your own accoru, uy one wnose aim and pride it is to outwit you, is one of Morca, the ancient Peloponnessus, for the pur pose of protecting the Greeks against any fu ture outrages of the Turks. Nothing, it is sup posed, but a compliance with these terms on the part of Turkey, will save her from a war with Russia. If this, then, be the state ot atlairs, lit tle doubt can be entertained that war must en sue ; in which event, let us see what chance Tur key has of coping successfully with her ambi tious neighbor. Turkey in Europe, it issstimated, contains a bout 10,000,000 inhabitants ; Turkey in Asia, 10, 500,000, and Egypt, about 3,250,000 : the whole number, therefore, of the subjects of the Otto man Sultan is somewhere about 24,000,000. The whole force of Turkey, naval and military, docs not probably amount to more than 400,000 men ; of these, 100,000 are janissaries, the most effi cient, and more to be depended upon, perhaps, than all the rest. 400,000, then, are the whole regular force of Turkey; but after deducting the marines, the garrisons, Sec. who only march w hen the Grand Signor takes the field, there will not remain more than 200,000 effective men. But even all this force she cannot spare to f.ght against Russia; for while the latter power is a bout attacking her on the north, Persia has al readv attacked her on the cast, and has, accor ding to the late accounts, taken Bagdad, on the the most exhilarating circumstances in the life of genius. Charleston Courier. From the National Intelligencer. Two joint rules of proceeding have been adopted, for the regulation of the proceedings of the two Houses of Con gress, which promise to have an impor tant effect, for the future, on the closing scenes of the Sessions of Congress.- These rules provide that no bill shall ori ginate in cither house during the three last days of each session of Congress, and that no bill shall be presented to the Pres ident for his signature during the last day of any session. The intention is, to pic vent inconsiderate and hasty legislation, and to allow the President time to exam ine the bills presented to him, before he ratifies them by his signature, or returns them with objections, if he should think proper so to do, and to give time to the two houses to consider the bill thus re turned. We anticipate. fiom thee rules a beneficial effect. If they do no more, they will add to the dignity of the pro ceedings cf Congress. If in practice they are found prejudicial, it will be easy to abrogate them, and it is well worth the while to make the trial cf them- 706 Right Bass 707 William Wynn 708 Samuel M'Dowg 709 Thomas Ward 710 Thos. Warwick 711 Edward Fossett 712 Abiel Andrews 718 Randol Bryant 719 Benj. Bennett 720 Collin Brown 721 William Boling 722 John Booth 723 Thos. Blacklcach 724 Jesse Benton 725 Job Butts 726 Christ. Brannon 727 William Conner 728 John Conley 729 Charles Connor 730 John Condon 731 John Darby 732 William Ford 866 Thomas Walker 867 John Burges 868 Lewis Weaver 881 Eli Elv 882 John Edwards 883 James Holden 884 Thomas Loyd 885 Thomas Tucker 886 William Douglas 887 George Harrison 888 David Jones 889 Hardy Ridley 890 Edmund Blount 891 Willis Davis 892 John Burrows 893 Job Mitchell 894 John Southerland 895 Isaac Roberts 896 Gabriel Terrell S97 Etheldred Bosman 89S Allen Baggott S99 Henry Jason 733 Thomas Hewmgs vuu uaruet jiurciauu 734 James Hilliard 901 Robert Palmer 735 Elisha Hubbart 902 William Shepard 736 Hardy Hines 903 William Hill 737 Malcom M'Daniel 904 Earie Linch 738 Matthew Newly 905 Charles Richards 739 Ed'wd Pendleton 906 James Chambers 740 James King, sen. 907 Ezekiel urimn 741 Hezckiah Rice 742 Anth'y. Simmons 743 Adam Sykcs 744 Philip Thomas 745 William Townly 746 John Tillerv 747 Matthew White 748 Henry Wiggins 749 Thomas Bullock 759 Baxter Boland 908 Nichols Edmunds 909 Benjamin Caffield 910 Howell Gee 911 Solomon Cooper 912 Thomas Watson 913 George Close 914 Joseph Hodges 915 David Walden 916 Robert Williams 917 Benjamin Bird (returned & filed. 918 Josiah Green 751 William Baker 919 Gerrard Craig 752 Robert Brewer 753 Henry Coker 754 Dennis Dowling 755 James Gilliham 756 Thomas Grisurt 757 Jacob Moore 75S Matthew Warren 759 Hercules Ryan 760 George Redner 761 Samuel Scott 762 Nathaniel Weat 765 Negro Brutus 766 Negro Frederick 767 John Hardy 768 Joel Martin 769 Josiah Miller 770 Thomas Hutson 771 Matthew Brickel 772 John Bagnall 773 Henrv Brantley 774 David Burnett 775 Charles Craben 77" Martin Cole 920 William Groves 921 Richard Bradley 922 Jno. Cheesborough 923 Robert Duncan 924 Peter Kippey 925 William Huel 926 Robert Singleton 927 Jethro Lassiter 928 Levi West 929 Henry Blurton 930 William Roark 931 William Kennedy 932 Wm. 933 Daniel Wade 934 Thomas Whitley 935 John Cottle 936 James Piner 937 William Scantlin 938 William Turpin 939 William Yates 940 Joseph flyman 941 Kham Carns 942 Thomas GofF 943 Lewis Outlaw Washington 778 William Haygood 944 Joseph White 779 Jeremiah Messer 945 Wilham Elks 7S0 William S'.emm 915 John Arncjd. 7St Henry Vize 782 Peter Brown 783 Christ. Harlow 784 Moses Byrd 7S5 James llalentinc 7S5 Richard Cordle 787 William Fox 7S3 Wm. Flemming 789 Black Garrick 9 17 Samuel Burrows 948 Richard Whe&hey 9J9 William Neil 950 Jacob Wa ldlo 951 John Curtis 952 John Low 9S1 MattYias Brickie 962 Thomas Kent 953 James Kelton 790 Benjamin Patrick 964 Samuel W. Lewis 791 Joan Foncv 792 DanielTwi-g 794 John Atkinson 795 John Baker 796 Samuel Bradley 797 John Boon 965 Jerome M:.lu!lcn 955 Joseph Miles 967 John Morning 963 Drury Chavous 969 John Curaminger a U Joan Coot 79S Lewis Bidllehlzer 971 Jacob Hafner 799 Joseph Beaumai.t 9f2 Isaac Cornelius 800 Joseph Cook S01 John Cook 802 John Campbell 803 David Cmii 804 Edward Cox 805 Charles Coleman 812 David Easter 813 John Erwin 814 William Ewell 815 Joshua Fenton 816 Robert Griffin 817 James Gunn 9.3 Thomas Pierson 974 Richard D. Coolc 975 Caleb Kocn 976 Robert Calf 977 William Hurley 978 Josiah Daws 985 Ebenezer Blackley 9S5 David BroadwcU 9S7 Barrel Davis 98S Thomas Little 989 Jeremiah Mo.llin 990 Michael Leonev SIS Stephen Harris of 991 Richard Bond Darna!!'. company. 992 John Pilchard S19 P.uiTcll Hughes 993 James Fuddles 820 John Hart 994 Thomas Pvot 321 Stephen Harris of 995 William Ward Stedman's Comp'y. 996 Richard Lucas 822 Shadrach Homes 997 Joshua Stocks 823 Samuel Hollowcll 993 Willi., i Kinkaid 824 James Hall 825 Thomas Hill 826 George Hill 827 Thomas Hopkins 806 Thomas Cook 807 Aaron Davis 808 James D.ipree 809 George Dixon 810 Thomas Endless 811 Thomas Eburn 999 William Risk 1019 A:awell Ucrron 1&2J tk-orge 'licharda 1021 P. IIarr;:igton 979 Sam. Norsworthy OS George Nicholas 931 James Roper 932 Robert Harper 933 Richard Marti, t 984 Caleb Albert s.-n 823 Thomas Hicks 1022 Charles Has':-; 829 Littleton Johnston 1023 John Donn -. i! - 830 James Jennings 1024 Benjamin 1: ' v.- 831 Thomas Jeffries 1025 B to ton Jones 832 Elijah Jenkins 1026 Fra-i-'s Jack 833 Jacob Kittle 1027 Bin :i Montague S34 Archibald Kenned v 102S Sam lontague 835 John Iedum 836 John Liscombe 837 Willis Marshall 838 Charles Mixom S39 John Moore 840 Brvan Madry 841 Samuel M'EIrov 812 Joseph M'Daniel 1029 Job -V;trd 1030 Tinu-lhy Plumpus 1C31 Win. Stewart 1032 Jacib Owens 1033 Sa.ii. Goodman 1034 Wm. Gregorv 1035 David Charney 5 T y Published by order of the General Assembly. . ;ed to maa Hoi i recorded PURSUANT to a deed of trust, e the subscriber and others, by ton, dated 26th of Februarv, 1821, a in the County Court of Row an, for the purpose of securing the payment of cert i n sums of mo ney due to Thorns i Mull and others, I shall pro ceed to sell, at public auction, o; Tuesday, th? 19th of March next, on the premises, for ; cred it of three months, the property convf.-ed i. said deed, that is to say : one gray ! . :e, wi-' saddle and bridle ; 5 milch cows and a calfi beds, bed-steads and furniture ; 1 book-case : I desk; 1 bureau and book-case; 2 side-bca: ;; 1 bureau, 1 corner cupboard, and 4 do." cm. chairs; 10 tumblers, 1 silver ladle, 18 sil-'er . spoons, 12 silver table spoons, and 1 p .n c gar tongs; one dozen and a half c-;rs cers, 10 dishes, 4 dozen plates, 6 looking : vs. v , and nine pictures; 5 iron pots, and 3 . 1 c vens; 1 cask of brandy; tubs, pails, and ki.e :en furniture; forty hogs and pigs, and a quantify o. pork ; 3 clocks ; 6 brass candlesticks ; 6 larg decanters, 24 wine glasses, 2 plated casters, 24 tumblers, and 12 cruets; 2 candle stands, and a large easy chair, fkc. THOS. MULL, Aciirg Trustee. Feb. 28, 1822. 390 R ANA WAY from the subscriber, on the 9th of this instant, a negro man named JOE, and his wife named SINA, and two female ciiil dren, one of the children four, the other two years old. Joe, the negro man, is twenty -five or six years old, five feet eight or nine inches high, stout built, very black, with iiiicommonly large feet ; had on when he left me, a coar blue broad cloth coat and a black wool hat. !!":s wife Sina is twenty-eight or thirty years old, i .iddle size, has large eyes, high cheek bones, spare face, her dress not recollected. It is thought that a negro girl named Silvia, the property of J. Purvines, my neighbour, who was missing on the same day that my negroes left me, is in com pany with them. Said Silvia is fourteen or fif teen years old, well grown of her age, dress lu-t known- Any person who will apprehend s negroes, and lodge them in any Jail, so that I can get them, or deliver them to me, shall be rewarded for his trouble, with all reasonable ex penses paid. JOHN GR1ER. Mecklenburg Conntv, VV. C. Feb. 15, 1822. 7w90 2r RANAWAY from the subscriber in Union District, S. Carolina, a negro fellow named TOM, about twenty years of age, four feet 8 or 9 inches high, slim made and active. Had on when lie went aw ay, a dark heme spun coat, white woollen pantaloons, and swansdown waist coat. He left home in company with Jack and Peter, belonging to Miles Ferguson, also Thill, belonging to the subscriber. Jack and Phill have since been taken and committed to Salis bury Jail : Peter has aso been got out of Char lotte Jail. Jack and PhiTl pay they parted with Tom in a few davs after Peter was taken, and. one or two davs before they were caught, on the hill, between "Salisbury and Charlotte. Whoev er will deliver Tom to me, or take and lodge him in Jail, so that I can get him, shall receive the above reward. NATHL. GIST February, 1822. 4wt93? PulAic Police. THE subscriber will receive proposals until the last Saturday in 5iarch next, for a per son to superintend as steward for the poor at the Poor-House in Rowan county, for one year from that time. Sobriety, industry, and attention to the directions cf the Wardens, will be required. Those desirous of undertaking, will state their proposals in writing, and meet at the Poor-House on the day above mentioned. Bv order of the Managers, ' J. MURPHY, Treasurer. Salisbury, 22 J Feby. 1S22. 3w90 For sale at this OfKce.

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