VOX.. II. .0; 91. raiSTED ixd rciJLisHr.ii, i;vr.ur tuesdat, Br BINGHAM St WHITK. The subscription to the Westejiv Caiwliniax is Three Dollars per annum, payable half-yearly in advance. MOIU: JVRTV GOO OS. FB1UK subscriber is now opening-, at his Store JL ill Salisbury, a lanre anil choice selection cf Dry Goods and Groceries, Just received from Charleston, Philadelphia and - . i i i. i . r 0 m .,4- .... iev-iOrK: which m m, a.c iair ijricc and all kinds of country produce received it A LIST OF ISSUED to the President and Trustees of the University of North-Carolina, since the sitting of the last General Assembly. 0C5No paper will be discontinued until all exchange. His customers and the public arc arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of respectfully invited to call, examine , and Judge . .. c ... , . for themselves. J. MMJPIH. the Editors ; and any subscriber fading to give Brcemhtr, 1821. 3mt91 . . "1 . 1 A.' - 1 1.1' nonce or Ins wisn io mscoiiunue at me cnu oi a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. "Whoever will become responsible for the Waiting IVusiiiess. nniin subscriber havinr cmolovcd a roninc 5 tent person, will keep on hand a constant ;imnlv oi payment of nine papers, shall receive a BrcadaJC, Crackers, and Cales, of ev cry description, gratis. Adveiitisemexts will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. m Persons sending in Advcr tisemcnts, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. as well as the various articles usually kept in a Confectionary Store, all of which he will dis pose of on very reasonable terms. Tilt J.MAS HOLMES. Salisbury Dec. 18, 1S21. SO liawentey W& Academy. nrillE exercises of this Institution commenced JL on Monday, the 23th January, under the su- CCA11 letters to the editors must be post-paid, pcrintendancc of Mr. Robert 1!. Wood, late di- or they will not be attended to. Boole-Binding Business. MnilE subscriber respectfully informs the eiti- Jf zens of the Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that; he has jt.ihlUhfil the Hook-Hindi)!? Jiusiness.in all of its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. lie has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood Sc. Kridcr, on Main -street, three doors K.N. E. from the Court-ilousc. rector of the Back Creek Academy ; who has had not only the advantages of a classical edu cation, but an opportunity of increasing and im proving the same by the long and constant prac tice of teaching both the languages and those sciences which are common. With the above attainments arc :do combined those firm and moral principles, which arc re quisite for those who have the guardianship and instruction ot youth. .INO. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. February 4, 1822. 3 89 Having devoted considerable time to acquire c i t a competent knowledge of his business in the VUtmC fcflltt OV IVAlHlS. city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself f-jpin; following tracts of land, lying in differ that he will be able to execute every kind of j CMl SC:Ctions cf Hawaii County, will be sold work in his line, in a style and on terms that will at tjlc Court-I louse in Salisbury, on the second give general satisfaction. Monday in arch next, to satisfy arrears of tax Jierciiants ana otners, can nave jnanv .wv j.le on s;ijtj i,:uuis ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, J'o. of Warrant. Original Claimants. - Ve. of J Tarrant. Original Claimants. 665 James Ammins 666 Peter Uough 067 Jesse Howell 668 Jack Hock 673 Wm. Richards 674 Nathaniel Harris 677 William Logan 678 John Wonks 679 Mains White 6S0 Moses Steam 681 Michael Scantiin 682 John M'Kean 695 William Clifton 843 John Needham 844 Jesse Nettles 845 Abisha Oliver 846 Patrick O'KcIIy 847 Leonard Parker 843 Samuel Parker 849 Thomas Pcavey 850 Drury Pcrkinson S51 John Roberts 852 John Richardson 853 Wm. Rochester 854 Charles Stewart 855 Benj. Stedman 696 Sim. Christophers 856 James Scott as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the Nortli. Old Books rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Iinding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisbury, June 8, 1821. 53 YtVvatc. "Eiitcirtaimweni. TTt.ii JL the citizens of Salisbury and the adiacent country, that he has removed from lus late residence on the nortli side ot the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and has taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. Ja. Kridcr, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-House ; w here he is prepared to keep a House of Private Entertainment for Travellers and citizens. He will at all times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Grain for Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury ; Sept. 25, 1821. 78 N. 15. Eight or ten BOARDERS w ill be taken at the customary prices in town. s unst Stugti to IValeigli. FTT1HE subscriber, who is k JL contractor for earn ing tlip IT. States Mail between .pwfr ..... ....... i -y-"? rrtTnrTrif RalcierU and Salisbury, rv way of Randolph, Chatham, Sec. respectfully in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAGE; which, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSENGERS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in tins part ot the country. 1 lie scarcity of money, the reduction in the price of produce, &.C demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate of passage from eight to .r cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the West to Raleigh, or by way of Raleigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it only needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, S or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for Raleigh the same day at 2 o'clock ; it arrives in Raleigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturday at 2 o'clock. May 221821. 50 JOHN LANE. Titty ToWsws lYfcwavA. T& AN away from the subscriber, at Charlotte, ito, Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Ncgixj Boy by the name of SIMON; dark complexion, s'out made, and five feet seven or eight inches high. He speaks low when spoken to. It is supposed that he will make towards the county of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased m that county. I will give the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Isaac M'iUe, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him aain. EVAN W1LIE. John Graham h'amuel Luckcy, sen. James Morrow James Speaks Peter Clodfelter Abraham Bunton Samuel Bennon Cafi!. A'ebkrk's Companr, 200 Acres, 81 do. 14'J 35-i 123 144 139 do. do. do. do. do. Acres;. Acres, do. Cuf't. Shu fang's Company. John Patterson, (Cabarrus,) 40 Capt. JnHiurutou's Company. Samuel Leu is 59 Lemuel Elliott, sen. 67 Cafit. Su-ink-'s Company. Michael II. Swink 150 Acres. Caft. Jiargrr's Company. Hugh Morgan 40 Acres. Ca;t. U'oods Company, (Town.) Benjamin P. Pearson, House and lots. Green II. Mus.s House and lots. Forks Section. The heirs of "Wm. Gaithcr, 40 Acres. JOHN BEARD, farmer Sheriff. Salisbury, Jan. 22, 1822. 7vt91 ia(V 1'oy Sae. THE subscriber offers 220 acres of Land for sale, lying in Wilkes county, immediately on both sides of Rede's River, about eight miles nortli of Wilkcsborough. There are about 50 jrrrs nf lml onened. and in tolerable renair. -i y ' i i wvy in:uii;i; ivvuii most superbly adapted to the culture ot corn and 76j Samuel Scott 697 William Barber 698 Hardy Cheshire 699 Arthur Arnold 700 John Brevard 701 Richard Ward 702 Knibb Wynn 703 Peter Duncan 704 Gilbert Miller 705 William Womack 706 Right Bass 707 William Wynn 703 Samuel M'Dowg 709 Thomas Ward 710 Thos. Warwick 711 Edward Fossett 712 Abiel Andrews 718 Randol Brvant 719 Benj. Bennett 720 Collin Brown 721 William Boling 722 John Booth 723 Thos. Blackleach 24 Jesse Benton 725 Job Butts 726 Christ. Brannon 727 William Conner 728 John Conley 729 Charles Connor 730 John Condon 731 John Darby 732 William Ford 857 Martin Slavers 853 William Shield 859 Jesse Siddle 860 Thomas Sillard 861 William Talton 862 Andrew Vanov 863 Joseph J. Wade 864 James Varkizc 865 Elisha White S66 Thomas Walker 867 John Burges 863 Lewis Weaver 881 Eli Ely 882 John Edwards 883 James Holden 884 Thomas Lovd 885 Thomas Tucker 8S6 William Douglas 887 George Harrison 888 David Jones SS9 Hardy Ridlev 890 Edmund Blount 831 Willis Davis 892 John Burrows 893 Job Mitchell 894 John Southerland 895 Isaac Roberts 896 Gabriel Terrell 897 Ethcldrcd Uosman 898 Allen Baggott 899 Henry Jason 733 Thomas Ilewincrs. 900 Bartlet Moreland 734 James Milliard 735 Elisha Hubbart 901 Robert Palmer 902 William Shepard 736 Hardy Hines 903 William Hill 737 Malcom M'Danicl 904 Laric Linch 738 Matthew Newly 905 Charles Richards 739 Ed'wd Pendleton 906 James Chambers 740 James Kinjr, sen. 907 Ezekiel GrilTin 741 Hezekiah Rice 742 Anth'y. Simmons 743 Adam Sykes 744 Philip Thomas 745 William Townly 746 Jo! wi Tillcry 747 Matthew White 748 Henry Wiggins 749 Thomas Builock 750 Baxter Boland 908 Nichols Edmunds 909 Benjamin CaiTield 910 Howell Gee 911 Solomon Cooper 912 Thorn:. s Watson 913 George Close 914 Joseph Hodges 915 David Walden 916 Robert Williams 917 Benjamin Bird returned Sc filed. 918 Josiah Green 751 William Baker 752 Robert Brewer 753 Henry Coker 754 Dennis Dowling 755 James Gilliham 756 Thomas Grisurt 757 Jacob Moore 758 Matthew Warren 759 Hercules Ryan 760 Georire Rcdner wheat; and there arc also on it a most excellent Orchard and Mill-Scat. Any person wishing to become further acquainted with said premises, or bcin;r desirous of purchasing, will applv to H. B. Satterwhite, or Wcslev Reynolds, Esq Vs. in Wilkcsborough, or to mvselt m Salisbury. CHARLES L. BOWERS January 29, 1822. 6wt91 liooslvaielicy I rands "TT'OR SALE, in West Tennessee, near the 4. Chicasaw BlufF....Yiz : 3,660 acres, held by grant to John M'Knitt Alexander, dated 10th of July, 1788, No. 21 ; about eight miles east ot the Mississippi River, rmd twenty-five miles above the Bluff. This tract is divided into 4 sections. 800 acres, being a late entry on a warrant in the name or said Alexander ; I ing in 11th di trict, range 3d, section 7th ; about thirty miles nortli of east from the Blulf. Plats and descriptions of said Lands will be shown to those who wish to purchase. The lands are good, and well situated. Terms are, one-third to be paid on purchase, one-third in twelve months, and the balance in two years. No contract will be closed before the 1st day of Mav, 1822. For further particulars, apply to. JOSEPH M'KNITT, Fjrecuior of J no. JVXnitt llejrander, January 1, 1822. lamt23A .March 24, 1S21. 50 Stale ot io"i-Cnvoia. MECKLFA'BURG COUNTY. SUPERIOR Court of Law, Fall Term, 1821.... Margaret DuiTey vs. Robert DufTey Peti tion for Divorce, ft appearing to the satisfac tion of Court, that Robert Dudey, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : Ordered, that publication be made for three months, in the Raleigh Star and Western Caro linian, that unless he appear at the next term cf the Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, and answer said petition, it will be set for hearing ex parte, and a decree made in favour of the petitioner. Witness George Graham, Clerk of said Court, at OUicc, the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in Sep tember, A. D. 1821, and in the 46th year cf American Independence. GEO. GRAHAM, Clerk S. C. J.. Xuv. 24, 78m3 SO lUAVavs llcwai'u. -w-k ti i r i i if l I. C . : JLJ stant, a white man and two negroes. The white man is by the name of John Prince, said to have come from Grayson county, Virginia, who was confined on a charge of counterfeiting mon ey ; he is about 35 years of ajre, dark complex ion, about five feet ten inches high. One of the negroes says he came from Charleston, S. C. and that his name is Bill, and is a runaway ; he is a trim built fellow, of a middle size and age, has been cropped, or lost a piece of one ear, I think the right car : The other is cf a yellow com plexion, heavy built, thick lips, and a small. scar on his under lip, supposed to be about 35 years of age, says his name is Owen, and is a runaway from the state of Georgia. It is thought by some that Prince will pass for their master, and perhaps sell them. Any person that will apprehend them, and confine them in any jail or bring them so that I get them again, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable expenses ; or 10 dollars for each or either of them. WM. ARM n ELD, Sheriff. Greensboro, Guiffard Co. .A". C. J'vember 26, 1821. SmtllM 13ollsUbes, Tecwlions For sale at this Office. 762 Nathaniel Wcat 765 Negro Brutus 766 Negro Frederick 767 John I lardy 768 Joel Martin 769 Josiah Miller 770 Thomas Hut son 771 Matthew Brickel 772 John Bagnall 773 Henry Brantley 774 David Burnett 775 Charles Crab en 776 Martin Cole . 777 Cubit 778 William Havgood 944 Joseph White 779 Jeremiah M'esscr 945 -William Elks 780 William Stemm 919 Gerrard Craig 920 William Groves 921 Richard Bradley 922 J no. Checsborough 923 Robert Duncan 924 Peter Kippev 925 William Hue'l 926 Robert Singleton 927 Jethro Lassiter 928 Levi West 929 Henry Blurton 930 William Roark 931 William Kennedy 932 Wm. Washington 933 Daniel Wade 934 Thomas Whitley 935 John Cottle 936 James Pincr 937 William Scantiin 938 William Turpin 939 William Yates 940 Joseph Hyman 941 Jsham Carns 912 Thomas Gofi 943 Lewis Outlaw 781 Henry Vize 782 Peter Brown 783 Christ. Barlow 784 Moses Byrd 785 James Balentine 786 Richard Cordlc 787 William Fox 783 Wm. Flemming 789 Black Garrick 790 Benjamin Patrick 791 John Fonev 792 Daniel Twicrg 794 John Atkinson 795 John Baker 796 Samuel Bradley 797 John Boon 946 John Arnold 947 Samuel Burrows 948 Richard Wheabcy 949 William Neil 950 Jacob Waddle 951 John Curtis 952 John Low 961 Matthias Brickie 962 Thomas Kent 963 James Kclton 964 Samuel W. Lewis 965 Jerome M'Mullcn 966 Joseph Miles 967 John Morning 963 Drury Chavous 969 John Cumminget 970 John Cook 793 Lewis Biddlehizrr 971 Jacob Hafner 799 Joseph Beaumont 972 Isaac Cornelius V(j I nomas Pierson 809 George Dixon 982 Robert Harper 810 Thomas Endless 933 Richard Martin 811 Thomas Eburn 984 Caleb Albertson 828 Thomas Hicks 1022 Charles Haslip S29 Littleton Johnston 1023 John Donnellv 830 James Jennings 1024 Benjamin Dorland 831 Thomas Jeffries 1025 Broton Jones 832 Elijah Jenkins 1026 Francis Jack 833 Jacob Kittle 1027 Brvan Montague 8o-l Arcmoaia Kennedy 10 Sam. Montague Sod joiin ieiium 836 John Liscombe 837 Willis Marshall 833 Charles Mixom 839 John Moore 810 Bryan Madrv 841 Samuel M'Elrov S42 Joseph M'Danicl 1029 Job Ward 1030 Timothv Plumnus 1031 Wm. Stewart 1032 Jacob Owens 10o3 Sam. Goodman 1034 Wm. Gregory 10J5 David Charney 3M87 Published by order of the General Assembly TRUST SALE. PURSUANT to a deed of trust, executed to the subscriber and others, by Thomas Ho'. ton, dated 26th of February, 1821, and recorded in the County Court of Rcwan, for the purpose of securing the payment of certain sums of mo ney due to 'Ihomas Mull and others, I y'hall pro ceed to sell, at public auction, on Tuesday, tne 19lh of March next, on the premises, for a cred it of three months, the property conveyed in said deed, that is to say : one gray horse, with saddle and bridle ; 5 milch cows and a calf ; 14 beds, bed-steads ami furniture ; 1 book-case and desk ; 1 bureau and book-case ; 2 side-boards ; bureau, 1 corner cupboard, and 4 dozen chairs ; 10 tumblers, 1 silver ladle, 18 silver tea spoons, 12 silver table spoons, and 1 pair of su gar tongs; one do?tn and a half cups and sau cers, 10 dishes, 4 dozen plates, 6 looking-glasses, and nine pictures; 5 iron pots, and 3 bake o vens; 1 cask of brandy; tubs, pails, and kitchen furniture ; forty hogs and pigs, and a quantity of pork ; 3 clocks ; 6 brass candlesticks ; 6 large decanters, 24 wine glasses, 2 plated casters, 24 tumblers, and 12 cruets; 2 candle stands, and a arge casv chair, &.c. Feb. 23, 1822. THOS. MULL, dieting Trusice. 3w90 Public ViAice. raHIE subscriber will receive proposals until JL the last Saturday in Marcli next, tor a per I son to superintend as steward for the poor at the t'oor-iiouse in nowan county, ior one year ire in that time. Sobriety, industry, and attention to the directions ot the Wardens, will be required. Those desirous of undertaking, will state their proposals in writing, and meet at the Poor-House on the day above mentioned. By order of the Managers, J. MURPHY, Treasurer. Salhlurv, 22d Fehv. 1822. 3w90 NOTICE. A.NAWAY from the subscriber, on the 9th lL of this instant, a negro man named JOE, and his wife named SINA, and two female chil dren, one of the children four, the other two years old. Joe, the negro man, is twenty -five or six years old, five feet eight or nine inches high, stout built, very black, with uncommonly large feet ; had on when he left me, a coarse blue ! broad cloth coat and a black wool hat. His wife Sina is twenty-eight or thirty years old, middle size, has large eyes, high check bones, spare face, her dress not recollected. It is thought that a negro girl named Sihia, the property of J. Purvines, my neighbour, who was missing on the same day that my negroes left me, is in com pany with them. Said Silvia is fourteen or fif teen years old, well grown of her age, dress not known. Any person who will apprehend said negroes, and lodge them in any Jail, so that I can get them, or deliver them to me, shall be rewarded for his trouble, with all reasonable ex- MEDICAL. penses paid. .Mecklenburg Count i; Feb. 15, 1822. JOHN GRIER. 7w90 2p 800 Joseph Cook 801 John Cook 802 John Campbell S03 David Conn 804 Edward Cox 805 Charles Coleman 812 David Easter 813 John Erwin 814 William Ewcll 815 Joshua Fenton 816 Robert Griffin 817 James Gunn 974 Richard D. Cook 975 Caleb Koen 976 Robert Calf 977 William Hurlev 978 Josiah Daws 985 EbenezerBlacklev 986 David Broadwell " 987 Burrcl Davis 988 Thomas Little 989 Jeremiah Modlin 990 Michael Lconey 813 StepheuJIarris of 991 Richard Bond JJarnaU s company. 99J John Pilchard 819 Burrell Hughes 993 James Faddles 820 John Hart 994 Thomas Pvot 821 Stephen Harris of 995 William Ward Stedman s comp y. 9Do Richard Lucas 822 Shadiach Homes 997 Joshua Mocks 823 Samuel Holloweil 993 William Kinka'.d 824 James Hall 825 Thomas Hill 826 George 2 till 827 Thomas Hopkins 806 Thomas Cooh 807 Aaron Davis SOS .Vim's Durree 999 William Risk 1019 Armwcll Ilerron 1020 George Richards 1021 P. Harrington 979 Sam. Norsw orthy TS0 George Nicholas Jk;l James Roper c20 "Dollars RfcwaviY R ANA WAY from the subscriber in Union District, S. Carolina, a negro fellow named TOM, about twenty years of age, four feet 8 or 9 inches high, slim made and active. Had on when he went away, a dark home spun coat, white woollen pantaloons, and swansdown waist coat. He leit home in company with Jack and Peter, belonging to Miles FergusOn, also Phill, belonging to the subscriber. Jack and Phill have since been taken and committed to Salis bury Jail : Peter has also been got out of Char lotte Jail. Jack and Phill say they parted with Tom in a few days after Peter was taken, and one or two days before they were caught, on the hill, between Salisbury and Charlotte. Whoev er will deliver Tom to me, or take and lodge him in Jail, so that I can get him, shall receive the above reward. ' NATHL. GIST February, 1822. 4wt93p State, ot VoYtli-arolina, ROWAN COUNTY. Court of Kntiitv, Fall Term, 1821. XT 7" M. AVADS WORTH and wife, vs. George ? t Manlove and wife Bill to perpetuate testimony. It appearing to the court, that Geo. Manlove and Hannah his wife, the defendants, live beyond the limits of this state It is tnere fore Ordered, that publication be made for three weeks successively in the Jf'estern Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the said defendants appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, and answer, object to, or shew cause why said testimony should not be perpetuated, or the complainants will be at lib erty to take testimony. GEORGE LOCKE, C.&JT.E. Counterfeit J'otes. The Branch Notes of the Fanner's Bank of Virginia are so well counter feited, that it requires the nicest scrutiny to de tect them. Several of the Banks have been de ceived by them. The paper of these notes is The following account of an extraordinary Medicine, says the National Intelligencer, ap pears in such a guis- as to entitle it to the re spect even of regularly bred practitioners : FROM THE MTIOV.U, GAZETTE. Although the science of medicine has arrived at such perfection as to en able its professors to decide regarding the nature of disease, and the most proper means for its removal, yet there are some cases, probably depending on constitutional idiosyncrasy, -which very frequently resist all the known remedies. Scrofula and Syphilis are among these ; they frequently take on peculiar and horrible forms in their latter stages, producing pains, ulcers, and a train of evils, which continue to increase in despite of all known-remedies. . The following facts, however, show that a remedy for those diseases, in their worst forms, is within the reach. of our practitioners. At the lecture delivered on the 14th inst. at the Uni versity of Professor Gibson, two pa tients were exhibited who had been afflicted with ulceration in its most frightful form for several years : the throat, lips, and nose, as well as the bones and soft parts of the face were partly destroyed in both patients ; and in one an eve vras entirely lost. The learned Professor, in the course of his lecture, stated the case of these pa tients ; that they had been treated in the usual way without success ; and that they were finally restored to per fect health by the use of a medicine recently introduced in this citv, known by the name of Swaim's Panacea. I deem this communication a just tribute to the virtues of a medicine which I think bids fair to be the means of relieving a great deal of human suf fering. That remedy which a learned and respectable Professor has thought worthy of a particular notice before a numerous class of students would seem to have claims to the attention of every professor of the healing art. A STUDENT. rather lighter than that ot the good notes, and the shading of the Vignette, particularly the un der part of it, is paler than the original ; and Liio.it nit; until what is most material, the dot under the No. in both ends of the note, is open, whereas in the counterfeit it is entirely black. The same plate has been used for the different Branches and for nvtes of SO, 50 and 100. The letters are A. 11. C. and D. JRaltigh Register. LAW INTELLIGENCE. It is apprehended the following cas es will settle the question as to the re ceipt of forged or altered notes from one Bank to another, where each are alike ignorant of the fraud : In 1814, a Bill of Exchange with a forged acceptance, purporting to be payable at the house of A. & Co. bank ers in London, with whom the suppos ed acceptor keeps cash, is endorsed to B. for a valuable consideration. B- endorses it to his agent in London, who presents it on the 23d of April at the house of A. Sc Co. for payment.- A. St Co. pay it, and on the 30th of April send it to the supposed acceptor, who disavows it. A. & Co. immedi ately give notice of the forgery to B. and demand payment, which B. refus es. All parties are ignorant of the fraud. Held that A. S: Co. by paying the bill without ascertaining that the acceptance was genuine, were preclud ed from recovering the amount from B. in an action for money had and re ceived. Smith vs. Mercer, 1 Marshal's Rep. 453. 1815. The defendant took a Bill of Exchange accepted payable at the plaintiffs', who were the drawer's bank er, and endorsed it to their, the defen dants' agents, to whom the plaintiffs paid it when due ; and seven days after sent it as their voucher to the drawer, who apprised them that the acceptance was forged. It was held that the plaintiffs could not recover from the defendants the amount which they had thus paid. 6 Taunton's Rep. 76. Savannah Gar. Russia has now 350 Iiing authors. Most of them are of the nobility. One eighth of the whole number are clergy men. Up to the year 1807, 4,000 works had appeared in the Russian language. In the year 1810, the Russian National Library was in possession of almost 3,000 volumes by native authors, among which there were 105 romances. There are al ready S,000 works in the Russian language. Moscow has 9 public libraries and 10 print ing offices ; Wilna, 1 public library and 5 printing offices ; Revel, Dorpat, Cracow, have each 1 library and 2 printing offices. In all Russia there are only 8 or 9 letter foundries. Lon. Lit, Gaz.

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