to Oiy 1 bISO !l -i--'. n, i VOX.. 11. J NO. 4?. PUIXTED AD PCnLISItKP, F.VMtr TI ISDAI, Ur bingham &, iirri:. TKIIMS : The subscription to the Wj.stkk v C 13 Three hilars per annum, payable half-yearly In advance. OCT No paper will he discontinued until all ftrrearag-es are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the 'payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth -gratis. AivriTisEMTs will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they Wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. djWll letters to the editors must be post-paid, or they will not be attended to. A LIST OF 2sllUavy liunA Wawants TSSUliD to the President and Trustees of the JL University of North-Carolina, since the sittin of the last General Assembly. A'o. of If 'arrant. Original Claimants. J"o. of Warrant. Original Claimant. 665 James Ammins 666 Peter Kough 667 Jesse Howell 668 Jack Hock 673 Wm. Hichards 674 Nathaniel Harris 677 William Logan 678 John Wonks 679 Hains White 68U Moses Stearn 681 Michael Scautlm 682 John M'Kcan 695 William Clifton 813 John Needham 811 Jesse Nettles 815 Abisha Oliver 846 Patrick O'Kelly 847 Leonard Parker 818 Samuel Parker 84-9 Thomas Pcavey 850 Drury Perkinson 851 John Roberts 852 John Richardson 853 Wm. Rochester 854 Charles Stewart 855 I.eni. Stedmari 696 Sim. Christophers 856 James Scott 697 William Harber 69ii Hardy Cheshire 699 Arthur Arnold 700 John Prcvard 701 Richard Ward 702 Knibb Wynn 703 Peter Duncan 704 Gilbert Miller 705 William Womack 706 Right Uass 707 William Wynn 703 Samuel M'Dowg 709 Thomas Ward 710 Thos. Warwick Boo"k.-IiiniVng lYasiwess. FTT1HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi 1 znns of the Western section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he 11 Edward Fossett hu nctiKli ioiI tti Iir.r.lJliii,Fiirr II, ,01 n ill 1 ' 1 IJlt-l .VIHIItHS of its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. lie has taken th z tore formerly occupied by Wood St Kridcr, on Main-street, three doors E. N. E. from the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will Cive general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have Blank Books ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the North. OKI Books rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every tlescription, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisbury, Jane 8, 1821. 53 YvYvate. l&vttitauvits.. THE subscriber respectfully informs 3 - rj lilt vi 'aiiiLfui aiiu miv iM. adjacent country, that he has removed irom his late residence on the north side of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and lias taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. Ja. Krider, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-House ; where he is prepared to keep a House of Private Entertainment for Travellers and citizens. He will at all times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Grain for Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, Sept. 25, 1821. 78 N. B. Eight or ten BOARDERS will be taken at the customary prices in town. X(iW Slwgli 0 IValfclgU. rjlHE subscriber, who is jrTSr JL contractor for carry ing SWS. the IT. States Mail between m Y. i35it'!2Ca Raleigh and Salisbury, by wav of Randolph, Chatham, Uc. respectfullv in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAGE; which, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSENGERS with as much comfort arid expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part of the country. The scarcity of money, the reduction in the price of produce, &c. demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rntc of passage from eight to si.r cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the West to Raleigh, or by way of Raleigh to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it only needs a trial to gain a preference.. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, 8 or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for Raleigh the same day at 2 o'clock; it arrives in Raleigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturdav at 2 o'clock. .11 w 22, "1821. 50 JOHN LANE. 718 Randol Brvant 719 Benj. Bennett 720 CoH'in Brown 721 William Boling 722 John Booth 723 Thos. Blackleacli 724 Jesse Benton 725 Job Butts 726 Christ. Brannon 727 William Conner 723 John Conley 729 Charles Connor 730 John Condon 731 John Darbv 732 William Ford 733 Thomas Hewings 734 James Milliard 735 Elisha Hubbart 736 Hardy Hines 737 Malcom M'Daniel 738 Matthew Newlv 739 EdVd Pendleton 740 James King, sen. 741 Hezekiah Rice 742 Anth'y. Simmon 743 Adam Sykes 744 Philip Thomas 745 William Townly 746 John Tillerv 747 Matthew White 748 Henrv Wiggins 749 Thomas Bullock 750 Baxter Boland 857 Martin Slavers 858 William Shield 859 Jesse Siddle 860 Thomas Sillard 861 William Talton 862 Andrew Yanoy 863 Joseph J. Wade 864 James Varkize 865 Elisha White 866 Thomas WaTker 867 John Burges 868 Lewis Weaver 881 Kli Elv 882 John Edwards 883 James Holden 884 Thomas Loyd 885 Thomas Tucker 886 William Douglas 837 George Harrison 888 David Jones 889 Hardv Ridlev 8.0 Edmund Blount 891 Willis Davis 892 John Burrows 893 Job Mitchell 894 John Southerland 895 Isaac Roberts 896 Gabriel Terrell iVJT Ethcldred Bosnian 898 Allen Baggott 899 Henry Jason 90 ) Hart let Moreland 901 Robert Palmer 902 William Shcpard 903 William Hill 904 Larie Linch 995 Charles Richards 906 James Chambers 907 Ezckiel Griffin 905 Nichols Edmunds 909 Benjamin. Calheld 910 Howell Gee 911 Solomon Cooper 912 Thomas Watson 913 George Close 914 Joseph Hodges 915 David Walden 916 Robert Williams 917 Benjamin Bird "returned 8c filed. 918 Josiah Green 751 William Baker 919 Gerrard Craig 752 Robert Brewer 753 Henry Coker 754 Dennis Dowling 75J James Gilliham 756 Thomas Grisurt 757 Jacob Moore 753 Matthew Warren 759 Hercules Ryan 760 George Redncr 761 Samuel Scott 762 Nathaniel Weat 765 Negro Brutus 766 Negro Frederick 767 John Hardy 768 Joel Martin 769 Josiah Miller 770 Thomas Hutson 771 Matthew Brickel 772 John Bagnall 773 Henry Brantley 774 David Burnett 775 Charles Craben 776 Martin Cole 777 Cubit 920 William Groves 921 Richard Bradley 922 Jno. Cheesborough 923 Robert Duncan 924 Peter Kippey 925 William Unci 926 Robert Singleton 927 Jethro Lassiter 928 Levi West 929 Henrv Blurton 930 William Hoark 931 William Kennedy 932 Wm. Washington 933 Daniel Wade 934 Thomas Whitley 935 John Cottle 936 James Pincr 937 William Scantlin 938 William Turpm 939 William Yates 940 Joseph llymari 941 Isham Cams 942 Thomas Golf 943 Lewis Outlaw 778 William Havgood 94 4 Joseph White 779 Jeremiah Mcsser 945 William Elks 780 William Stemrn THE subscriber having employed a compe tent person, will keep on hand a constant supply of Bread and Crackers, and Cakes cf ev ery description, as well as the various articles usually kept in a 'onfectionary Store, all of which he will dis DoaC of on very reasonable terms. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbury, D c. 18, 1821. 80 E ANA WAY from the subscriber, on the 9th of this instan, a negro man named JOE, and his wife named SINA, and two female chil dren, one of the children four, the other two rears old. Joe, the negro man, is twenty-five or six years old, five feet eight or nine inches 'high, stout built, very black, with uncommonly large feet ; had on when he left me, a coarse blue broad cloth coat and a black wool hat. His wife Hina is twenty-eight or thirty years old, middle size, has large eyes, high cheek bones, spare face, her dress not recollected, It is thought that a negro girl nam i d Silvia, the property of J. Purvines, my neighbour, who was mining on the same d?.v t'litr.iv negroes kft me, is in eorr pany with them. Said Silvia s fum-teen or fif teen years old, well grown of her age, dress not known. Any person who will apprehend said negroes, and lodge them in any Jail, so that 1 can tret them, or deliver them to me, shall he ' ' br his trouble, with all reasonable ex- JOHN GHIEH. , 7V9Q 2V 781 Henry Yie 782 Peter Brown 783 Christ. Barlow 784 Moses BVrd 785 James Balentine 786 Richard Cordle 787 William Fox 7SS Wm. Flemming 789 Black Garrick 790 Benjamin Patrick 791 John Poney 792 Daniel Twiirg 794 John Atkinson 795 John Baker 796 Samuel Bradley 797 John Boon 798 Lewis Biddlchizer 971 Jacob llafner 799 Joseph Beaumont 972 Isaac Cornelius &0O Joseph Cook 801 John Cook S02 John Campbell 946 John Arnold 947 Samuel Burrows 98 Richard Whcabey 949 William Neil 950 Jacob Waddle 951 John Curtis 952 John Low 961 Matthias Brickie 962 Thomas Kent 963 James Kelton 964 Samuel W. Lewis 965 Jerome M'Mullcn 966 Joseph Miles 967 John Morning 968 Drury Chavous 969 John'Cummingcr 970 John Cook 803 David Conn 804 Edward Cox 805 Charles Coleman 806 Thomas Cook 807 Aaron Davis 808 James Dupn e 809 George Dixon 810 Thomas Kndless 811 Thomas Ebum 812 David Easter 813 John Erwin 814 William Ewcll 815 Joshua Fenton 816 Robert Grifliu S17 J:mios Cunn 973 Thnmns Piersrm 974 Hichard D. Cook 975 Caleb Koen 976 Robert Calf 977 William Hurley 978 Josiah Daws 979 Sam. Norsworthy 9S0 George Nicholas 981 James Roper 982 Robert Harper 9S3 Richard Martin 984 Caleb Albertson 985 Ebcnezer Blarkley 9S6 David Broadwcll " 987 Burrcl Davis 98S Thomas Little 989 Jeremiah Modlin 990 Mich.tcl Leot.rv 818 Stephen Harris of 991 Richard Bond Darnall's companv. 992 John Pilchard 819 Burrcll Hughes " 993 James Faddh s 820 John Hart 994 Thomas Pvot 821 Stephen Harris of 995 William Ward Stedman's compy. 996 Richard Lucas 822 Shadrach Homes" 997 JosVia Stocks 823 Samuel Hollowell 998 Will:am Kintaid 821 James Hall 999 Willia n Risk 825 826 827 823 829 S3') 831 S3 2 8 u 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 S41 842 Thomas Hill 1019 George Hill 1020 Thomas Hopkins 1021 Thomas Hicks 1022 Littleton Johnston 1023 James Jennings 1024 Thomas Jeffries 1025 Elijah Jenkins 1026 Jacob Kittle 1027 Archibald Kennedy 1028 John Ledum 1029 John Liscombe 1030 Willis Marshall 1031 Charles Mixom 1032 John Moore Bryan Madrv Samuel M'Elroy Joseph M'Daniel ublished by order of the 1033 1034 1035 Armwcll Ilcrron George Hichards P. Harrington Charles Ilaslip John Donnelly Benjamin Borland Broton Jones Francis Jack Bryan Montague Sam. Montague Job Ward Timothy Plumpus Wm. Stewart Jacob Owens Sam. Goodman Wm. Gregory David Charncy 3M87 General Assembly. CaUvvrtm Vavigation COMPANY. "VfOTICE is hereby given, that the third in X stalment, of ten dollars on each and every share subscribed on the books of the Catawba Navigation Company, has been called for, and is hereby required to be paid to the Treasurer of the Company on or before the 27th day of May next. A positive sale of the stock of all delin quent stockholders will take place at the Court Housc in Lincolnton, on the said 27th day of May ; at which time and place a general meeting of the stockholders is requested, when a state ment of the affairs of the Company will be sub mitted to them, and certificates of stock will is sue to the stockholders. ISAAC T. AVERY, President. 5w92 niSSOL, UTIOJV. THE Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm of Samuel W, Lindsay Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. SAME. W. LINDSAY, ANDREW LINDSAY, JOHN LINnSAY. JL-cklenburg, Jan. 17, 1822. lw92r SVusviff's Sale. 1 SHALL proceed to sell the following tracts . of land, at the Court-House in Morganton, on Saturday, the 27th day of April next, to satis fy the taxes due on tlunn for 1820, viz : 250 acres, given in by Ephraim Evens, lying on a branch of the Catawba river, 6 miles cast of Morganton ; value 250. 150 acres Iving on the waters of Silver Creek, given in by John Reincls ; value SlO o0 acres on the waters of the south fork of Catawba river, given in b' Daniel Workman ; value '25 100 acres given m by Eh Hufman, on Hock Creek, a water of the south fork of Catawba, for 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820; valued at SlOOthe three first years ; at g0 for 1820. M. BR ITT A IN, Sheriff liurke Count vt J". C. February 20, 1822. 7w91 Sale, ol! "Laufts. THE following tracts of land will be sold, to satisfy the taxes due on them for 1820, on the third Monday of April next, at the Court- House in Salisbury, viz : 190 acres, belonging to Allen Cook : tax, SI 01. 161 do. belonging to Thomas Pollard : tax, S00 50. 196 do. belonging to Julius Daniel : tax, SI 05. JOHN BEARD, former Shcrijf. Salisbury, March 2, 1822. 6w91 Taken A ND committed to the jail in jt. Mecklenburg county, N. C. a negro fellow who calls himself GEORGE. He is of a yellow com plexion, 30 or 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, says he belongs to Dr. Thomas Briggs, Edgefield, S. C. and that he left his master towards the latter part of the sum mer, 1821. Also, one who calls himself PHIL, about 34 years of age, near 6 feet high; black complexion, and says he belongs to Thos. Key, of Albcrmarle county, Ya. Left his master some few miles north of Salisbury, in the summer di 1821. 3w92r ALLEN BALDWIN, Jailor. Yifly Dollars HerwariY. RAN away from the subscriber, at Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Negro Bov by the name of SIMON; dark complexion. stout made, and five feet seven or eight inches high. lie speaks low when spoken to. It is supposed that he will make towards the county of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that county. 1 will give the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Isaac li'ilic, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him EVAN AVI LI P.. 50 airain. March 24, 1821. The Celebrated Horse x NOW in full health and k$$Tj$ vigor, will stand the ensuing sea rY son at my stable in Salisbury, at &Jjt2JZ the moderate price of twelve dol lars the season, which sum may be discharged bv the payment of ten dollars, if paid at anv time within the season ; six dollars the single leap, to be paid when tle mare is covered, with liberty of turning to the season afterwards ; and twenty dollars for insurance, which will be de manded as soon as tlie mare is discovered, to be w ith foal, or the property exchanged. The season will commence the 14th of March, and end the 1st of August. Mares sent from a distance will be kept on moderate terms. Prop er care and attention will be paid, but not liable for accidents or escapes of anv kind. MICHAEL BROWN. .March If, 1022. DESCIUPTIO.W NAPOLEON is a beautiful son-el, sixteen hands and one inch high, of most excellent sym metry, and possesses as much power and activi ty as any horse on the continent ; and as a Race Horse, stands unrivaledi 8vriQ9 M. B. Ijegislatwre s Carolina. FHOX THE RAI.E1CH llEf: ISTEH. DEBATE ON THE COjXVEjXTIOJS qjjestiojw HOUSE OF COMMONS dkc 1S21. IMr. Alston said, as no other gentle man seemed disposed, at this time, to occupy the floor, he begged leave to submit a few remarks for the consider ation of the committee upon this all important question. He said he had listened with attention to the observa tions of the gentleman from Salisbury ; but had not heard him state anyr griev ance which any portion of the citizens of the State experience under our pres ent Constitution. All that the gentle man complained ofj is inequality of representation. But he did not state that any thing like oppression was felt in any quarter of the State on this ac count. Nor was it likely that any re al ground of complaint on this head would ever exist ; as the large and small counties were so situated in re lation to each other, as to possess an unity of feeling with each other their wishes were the same on most subjects which come before the Legislature. For instance, Rowan and Orange are large counties ; but they have Iredell and Person adjoining to them, which are 6mall ones ; and so it is throughout the State ; wherever there is a large county, there is a small one near it, whose interests are the same. So that nothing like oppression could be ap prehended under the present system. Why, then, asked Mr. A. call a Con vention, and by doing so convulse the State from one extremity to the other? Connecticut, it was said, had amen ded her Constitution, and why not we do the same ? But what was the situ ation of things there ? Was it a mere inequality of representation that was complained of ? No, it was a contest between Church and State ; and the Church had been forced to the wall. The State of New-York, who has latelr revised her Constitution, had al so been referred to. There was there to complain of, a Council of Appoint ment, consisting of four Senators and the Governor, which disposed of eve ry office under government. But there is nothing of this kind in our govern ment ; no complaint known here on the subject of appointment to office. The gentleman from Salisbury com menced his observations by saying that our present Constitution was formed at an inauspicious period. For his part, if we were to have a Convention, he should be glad it could meet under as favorable circumstances as the fra mers of this instrument met. At that period, nothing was heard of Eastern or Western interests all were united as a band of patriots and brothers in the same cause. But were a Conven tion now to be held, the same union would not exist. Some would insist on being represented according to free population, others according to federal numbers, others according to the fer tility of our soil. And, after all, he doubted whether so good a Constitu tion would be produced as that which we now enjoy. This Constitution guards and protects the rights, tne pro perty, and the liberty of every citizen ; be he poor or rich, he is equally pro tected. The gentleman from Salisbury had made an exhibition of large counties and small ones, in order to shew the inequality of our present representa tion, lie would refer that gentleman to the Convention which sat at Halifax to form our present Constitution, and to that which convened in Philadelphia to form the Constitution of our Gener al Government. In neither of these bodies was the distinction made be tween large and small counties, or large and small states. Each county had an equal weight in the delibera tions at Halifax, as each State had in the Convention at Philadelphia. In the Senate of the United States, the little States of Delaware and Rhode-Island have an equal voice with the large States of New-York and Vir ginia ; and in case of no election being made by the people, of the President of the U. States, the choice is left to the House of Representatives, who vote, not according to their numbers, but by States ; so that the smallest States have as much weight in that important election, as the largest. He believed the principle contended for by the gentleman was new, and yet had to be tried, that is, of being entirely represented by numbers. The gentleman from Salisbury has undertaken to class the several coun tiesi according to their eastern or wes tern location, stating that one-third of the population of the State, in one section, has more weight in the gov ernment of the State than two-thirds in the other. Mr. A. could not ac cede to the gentleman's plan of divid ing the State into eastern and western sections. He denied the existence of ah eastern and western division Once let us progress in the work of in ternal improvement, and if any sec tional division existed, it would be found very different from that sugges ted by the gentleman. If he were to divide the State into sections, he should class them into four sections, as fol lows, viz: Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, Stokes, Rockingham, Caswell, Person, Granville, Warren, Halifax, Martin, Washington, Tyrrell, Northampton, Bertie, Hertford, Gates, Chowan, Per quimons, Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck, on the Northern boundary. He said he hoped to live to see the day when the produce of each of these counties would find the way to market through the same channel. v There you find large and small counties complete ly intermixed, all possessing the same interest, and having the same object in view. A large county has nothing to fear from a small county, having an equal weight in the Legislature. He there fore thought it unwise now to disturb the right so long enjored, of counties, being equally represented, when noth ing like oppression had ever been ex perienced under the system. Wake, Franklin, Johnston, Nash, Edgecombe, Pitt, Beaufort, Hyde, Duplin, Wayne, Onslow, Greene, Lenoir, Craven. Jones and Carteret, he considered con nected together in their views and in terests. Orange, Guilford, Randolph, Chatham, Moore, Cumberland, Bla den, Sampson, New-Hanover and Brunswick, he classed as a third divis ion, possessing the same interests ; and Buncombe, Haywood, Burke, Ruther ford, Lincoln, Iredell, Rowan, Meck lenburg, Cabarrus, Montgomery, Rich mond, Robeson, Anson and Columbus, as a fourth division. Each of which divisions he viewed as closely connec ted in interest, and in the various plans of public improvement which had been contemplated in the State. Dividing the State in this manner, which he thought was a natural and proper division, there would be no dan ger of small counties oppressing lnrgc ones, and it was unnecessary, therefore, to provide against so imaginary an evil. The remark of the gentleman, that the poor man's fifty acres of barren land, gave him a privilege equal to the rich man's fifty acres of the most fer tile soil, he did not consider as a defect, but an excellence in our Constitution. Mr. A. did not wish to live under a government where the rich and the poor did not enjoy equal privileges. In conclusion, Mr. A. considered our present Constitution as a rich treasure, bequeathed to us by our an cestors, and he was desirous of hand ing it down to our children unimpaired. Mr. J. Hill observed, that the Res olutions before the committee, simply recommending to the people the pro priety of calling a Convention, for the purpose of amending our present State Constitution, were such as he most willingly and heartily concurred in : Resolutions well worthy the attention and deliberation of the Legislature, and of vast importance to the welfare and prosperity of North-Carolina. That objections (said he) should be urged against an undertaking of this kind is not much to be wondered at, particularly, when we take into consid-, eration the situation of our State, and the great diversity of interest which unluckily pervades it. But a more fa vorable opportunity for effecting an a mendment to our Constitution, he be lieved, never had, and, perhaps never would occur. And if gentlemen were now disposed to view the subject witk coldness and indifference, we might