WTH8 j m j I .NO. lOO. r- rni5TEI) A!l rCIiLIFHEn, KVEHT TCISP1T, Uv BINGHAM c WIIITK. The subscription to the Western Ciroliniax is Three Dollars per annum, payable half-yearlv in advance. CC No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. "Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth jratis. AiiVERTisF.ttEXTs will Lie inserted on the cus tomary terms. m m Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or the' will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it lias been paid for, or its payment assumed by seme person in this town, or its vicinity. fCC'All letters to the editors must be post-paid, Nor they will not be attended to. BUUKK County, is now open for the recep tion of Scholars, under the patronage of a respectable Hoard of Trustees. The mode of instruction pursued is the result of much atten tion and experience, and eminently calculated to fit young gentlemen and ladies lor the active duties of life, and to prepare students successful ly to pursue their collegiate studies. lectures in an easy, familiar style, are given three or four times a week, on Ian-uage, His tory, Rhetoric, or Moral, Intellectual, National, or Political Philosophy. Great attention is paid to reading, speaking, writing, and pronouncing the Kmrlisli language with correctness and elegance, ami to the man ners and morals of the pupils ; and every thing done to promote their happiness and improve ment. Tuition per annum, and board on the most reasonable terms. The village is pleas ant and healthy. Trench and Italian will be taught grammati cally, if requested. April 15, 1322. 3mtll0 YvvAYe, IanAs Toy Sati. TIIK subscriber, wishing to remove to the western country, will oiler furs:de, at pub lic vendue, on Tuesday, the 16th of July next, that valuable tract of land in Burke county, whereon he now lives, containing 1U0O acres, sit uated 12 miles from Morganton, on the main road leading from the latter place across the J.vnville and Yellow Mountains to Joncsboroucrh in E. Tennessee. There is a good dwelling house with an enclosed yard and garden, a oarn, stables, cribs, negro cabins, and other out-houses, all in good repair. This tract lying on Lynville river affords a large proportion of flat land, a sufficiency of which is cleared and under good fence ; the soil being fertile, will easily afford the means of still further improvement ; it is well adapted to the culture of wheat, rye, corn, bar ley, oats, he. This farm alo afford;, a good dis tillery, is well watered, and abounds with excel lent timber. As a stock farm, besides the abun dant products of food and forage, it has the ad vantage of lying convenient to an excellent sum mer range. In short, its local advantages are great. These, together with the uncommon sa lubrity of its situation, make it a most desirable scat for a country residence. The terms of sale Avill be made as easy as possible, by giving every .leasonable indulgence to the purchaser. The subsriber, as administrator, will also offer for sale, at the same time, at a credit of twelve months, all the lands lying in the cou aty of Burke belonging to the estate of Col. John M'Gimsey, deceased, viz : One tract of land, including sev eral surveys, lying on the waters oi" Paddy's Creek, and containing 1000 acres, more or less; whereon there is a good Grist Mill, well suppli ed with custom. It consists of uplands of a pretty good quality, is well timbered, and will admit of several settlements. It will be sold al together, or in parcels, as may best suit the pur chasers. Also, several other tracts, situated in different parts of the mountains, and valuable on recount ot the range. Bond, witn approvea se curity, will be required in all cases. The terms will be more fully made known cn the day of sale, w hen due attendance will be given on the premises, by the subscriber. WM. M'GIMSEV, Admr. M.rcfiu:!, April 13, 1S22. 12 w tlOO I'.Y IV VAC "intCYUUWAfcUt . iZT:? r gll Hi subscriber respectfully informs -rvT:q jl. the citizens of Salisbury and the adjacent country, that he has removed f iwif his late residence on the north side of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from Salera to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and has taken the house formerly occupied by Capt. Ja. Krider, in town, on Main street, a few doors north of the Court-Housc ; where he is prepared to keep a House of Private Entertainment for Travellers and citizens. He will at all times furnish Stabling. Fodder and Grain, for Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisburu, St. 25, 1821. 78 N". B. Eight or ten BOAUDEIlS will be taken at the customary prices in town. rlIIE subscriber has taken the House lately JL occupied by Mr. Thomas Helton, sign of the Eagle, cast cf the Court-House, Salisbury, N. C. where he has opened a lienor, nf Enter tainment, for the accommodation of travellers and citizens. The house is large and commodious ; the stables ?re convenient, anil will at all time be well supp!i-il with grain and loader. As tiie subscriber has taken pains to provide every tiling necessary for the comfort and ac commodation of all who may be pleased to visit his house, he hopes he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction. A few boarders, by the week, month, or year, will be taken on the usual terms. 8vtl03 April 4, 1822. JOHN HOLMES. lWik-TVniYs lousiness. npin: subscriber respectfully informs the citi- i. zens of the Western section of N.Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the Jiwh-liiniling liusineas,u all of its various branches, in the town of Salisbury, N. C. He has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood Krider, on Main-street, three doors K. N. 1. from the Court-House. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of Ids business, in the city of Baltimore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and en terms that will give general satisfaction. Merchants and others, can have Wank Hooks ruled and bound to any pattern, on short notice, as cheap and as well finished as any that can be brought from the North. Old Hooks rebound on the most reasonable terms, and at short notice. Orders from a distance, for Binding of every description, will be faithfully attended to. WILLIAM II. YOUNG. Salisljirr, June 8, 1S1. 53 AN away from the subscriber, on Monday, the 18th inst. John Donohooe, an indented apprentice to the shoemaking business ; about seventeen years old, swarthy complexion, light hair, and tolerably well grown. The above re ward, but r.o thanks, will be given to any person who will deliver said apprentice to me, living in Kov. an county, N. C All persons are forewarn ed from harbonng or employing said apprentice, as I will rigidly enforce the law against such of fenders. JAMES KLNSIIA W. .Match 2.7, 1822. SwtlOO mi T AN au ay from the subscriber, at Charlotte, 1L Mecklenburg cowi.ty. X. Carolina, a Negro Hoy by the name' of SJMON; dark complexion, stout made, an ! live ilvt seven or eight inches high. lie s;t aks low when spoken to. It is supposed that lie will make towards the county of l'rinco William, Virginia, as he was purchased in that county. I will give the above reward if the said negro is delivered to Isaac Wilic, Con cord, Cabarrus county, or 25 dollars if secured in any jail, and information given, so that I get him again. II VAN W1LIL. 50 March Z-U 1321. rglllE subscriber, who is M. contractor for carrying the U. States Mail between 5 Kalciirh and Salisbury, by way of Randolph, Chatham, uc. respectfully in forms the public, that he has fitted up an entire NEW STAGE ; w hich, added to other improve ments that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSEXGEUS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part of the country. The scarcity of money, the reduction in the price of produce, he. demand a correspondent reduction in every department of life : Therefore, the subscriber has determined to reduce the rate of passage from e'tyht to six cents per mile. Gentlemen travelling from the West to Balcigh, or by way of Baleigli to the North, are invited to try the subscriber's Stage, as he feels assured it only needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury every Tuesday, S or 9 o'clock, and departs thence for Baleigh the f ame day at 2 o'clock ; it arrives in Ualeigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Marj 22, 1821. 50 JOHN LANE. SUxvu oV VuYU-vvYoVma, r.UUKF. COUNTY. C10UIIT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March ; Term,.lP,22 John Thompson, vs. David Evans O. Att. It appearing to the satisfaction cf the court, that the defendant, David Evans, resides beyond the limits of this state ; it was therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for three months, that unless he, the said David Evans, makes his ap pearance at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said county, at Morgan ton, on the fourth Monday in July next, then and there to replevy or plead to issue, judgment will be taken for the plaintiff's demand against him. Attest, J. Lit WIN, Clerk. 3mtl 09 Price adv. 3 50. SUtti o .N)YttAjAYoYn, SUIl II Y COUNTY. SUPEIIIOK Court of Law, March term, 1S22. Amos Ladil, sen. rs. James II. Miller Bee. Fa. Locpielam. It appearing to the satis faction of the com;, that the defendant in this case resides without the limits of (he state ; it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for six weeks, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Surry, at the Court-Housc in Boekford, on the first Monday in September next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to the said suit, otherwise it will be heard cxpartc, ami judgment entered accor dingly. Test, J. WILLIAMS, Jr. C.S. C. Gwt 102 Price adv. SI 5. SURRY COUNTY. QUPF.IUOB Court of Law, March term, 1822. O William Burch, w. Nancy Burch Petition for divorce. It appearing to the satifaction of the court, that the defendant in this case resides without the limits of the state, it is therefore or dered, that publication be made in the Wolern Carolinian for three months, that the defendant -ppear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Surry, at the Court-House in I Jock ford, on the first Monday in September rext, and plead, answer or demur to said peti tion, oth' rvie the petition will be heard ex parte, and judgment awarded accordingly. Test, J. WILLIAMS, Jr. C. i C. ointlOO Price adv. 3 50 O F the various kinds commonly in use, for sale :d the Office cfth; WtsTiax Caroushs. VotAcc. THE Stock in trade of the concern of Jfinsloxv & Iluske, will be sold at Public Auction, without reserve, at their store in the town of Fayetteville. The sale will commence on Mon day, the 13th day of May next, and will so con tinue from day "to day, "until the whole of the property is disposed of. The Stock consists of a large and general as sortment of DRY GOODS, HARD-WARE and CUTLERY, an extensive assortment of GROCERIES, consisting of Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, Iron, a variety of Wines and Spir its, and the various other articles usually sold as such in this market. A Boat, of 500 barrels burthen, and her ma terials. There trill also be Sold, One hundred and sixty shares of Cape-Fear Bank Stock. Fifteen shares of State Bank Stock. Two shares of Clarendon Bridge Stock, and forty-one shares of Cape-Fear Navigation Stock. A credit of from four to nine months will be given on the goods, and six months credit on the Bridge and Navigation Stock. The Bank Stock will be sold for cash. JOHN IIUSKE, Sitrvhincr Partner. Fayeltex-illc, March 20, 1822. CtlOO Dy' (ioovAs, Sec. THE subscribers have lately received and of fer for sale, at that eligible stand on Trion street, formerly occupied by Samuel M'Conib, Esq. a general assortment of DRY GOODS, among which are some of the best cloths and cassimeres, together with all other articles ap pertaining to gentlemen's wear, and with which they ill be accommodated on reasonable terms. Also, a v ery choice assortment of ladies' fancy goods, w hich will be sold at a short advance from cost. GUAIIAM & l'AUKS. Charlotte, April 8, 1822. Iw tlOO XwiYkAn Xtivg'w. imwymwy. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that the President and Directors of the Yadkin Navigation Company hav e ordered the payment of the tenth instalment of ten dollars on each share of the capital stock of said Company, to be made to the Treasurer or agents of the Company, on or be fore the 13th day of May next. Notice is also given to all those in arrears for all or any part of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, or ninth instalments, that they make pay ment to the 1 reasurer or agents on or before the 13th of May next. FREDERICK HANDLE, Sec'ry. April 1, 1822. 4vvtlOQ "VAS taken up and confined in the jail of T T this county on the 16th inst. who says that he belongs to John Woodward, in Fairfield dis trict, S. C. He says his name is DICK. He is stout made, yellow complected, about 35 yeais of age. Any person claiming said negro, is re quested to come and receive him, according to law. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Jailor. IJncobilon, April 20, 1822. 3v tl02 Gig Coy Snlii. rnHE subscribers have in their possession for JL sale, a new pannel Gig, made in New -York, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. R NDOLPH & YOUNG. Salisbury, March 18, 1822. 93 "Baking Business. npiIE subscriber having made the necessary JL arrangements for carrying on the Bakinsr Business, will keep on hand a constant supply of Br tad, Crackers, and Cakes, of every description, as well as the various articles usually kept in a Confectionary store ; all of which he will dispose of on very reasonable terms. THOMAS HOLMES. Salisbun, Dec. 18, 1821. 80 The High Bred and Celebrated Foal-Getter FL.ORIZEL.. K i FINE sorrel, upwards of wv'-y lb Imnds h,s 1,and- OT f-tfft somcly marked, of large bone '1 frrr. fttSJk-t and great muscular power, will stand the ensuing season at Salisbury every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday;" and at Concord every Wednesday and Thursday, ex cept when shewn at public places; unavoidable accidents excepted. He will be let to marcs at the moderate price of twelve dollars the season, which may be discharged by ten dollars, at any time within the season; six dollars the single leap, to be paid at the time of service ; and nfieen dollars to insure a mare to prove with foal, Sec. Florizcl, as a foal-getter, is equaled by few, and excelled by no horse ; which may be seen by reference to the hand bills, where the certifi cates are signed by a number of the most res pectable citizens of Halifax, relative to his colts, and the performance of his stock, and other par ticulars ; also his pedigree. The season to com mence the 20th of March, and end the 20th of July, 1322. "WILLIAM HOWARD, and 8;vtl01 ' LEWIS SHEliLEV. jWm?.Ycii:R. 48?krTIIIS thorough bred and ffWX rst lte hrsc will stand 3 rV" at Mock's ld Fielc!' in Kovvan -CLyJxVA. county, the present season, now commenced; and will be let to mares at sixteen dollars the season, payable with twelve dollars any time before the 1st of August, when the season will end ; and thirty dollars to insure a marc to be in foal, the insurance to be paid if tiie property is changed. Financier is a fine boy, upwards of sixteen hands high, and is one of the highest formed race horses in the United State;. His biocd, ar will be seen by reference to the Hand-Uills, is from the most choice race horses both of Eng land and America ; and his performance or. t!:t turf of the first order. lie was the horse select ed to run against Sir Archey in the famous stake which was to have been run at Camden, between the horses cf North end South-Carolina. Mr. Allt?n J. Davie was not willing to risk the rep utation of Sir Archey, and refused to run the race. A. NF.SBITT. April 8, 1322. 6,vtlC2 Tiegislatwire X. Carolina. mOM THE 11ALLIGU UEGISTEIt. DEBATE ON THE C OjXVEjXTIOjX q ues tiojs HOUSE OF COMMONS) DEC. 1821. Mr. Hillmam was unwilling to con sume much of the time of the commit tee, but he owed it to himself and his constituents, on so important a subject, to assign some of the motives which would govern his vote, and to reply to some ot the arguments which had been tillered in favor of the resolutions on the table. The gentleman from Salisbury had said, that our present Constitution was imperfect, and that considering the in auspicious circumstances under which it was framed, and the unfavorable pe riod for deliberations of that kind, it was a wonder it waj not more so. lie thought differently. It was framed by patriots who had just broken the yoke of despotism, who were pure from the revolutionary struggle which ushered in the independence ol tiie country ; and who, therefore, knew well how to val ue the principles of civil liberty. Ev ery memorial presented to the British Throne or Parliament, about that time, shewed how well thc were acquaint- ed vrith their noliticai rights. How could it have been otherwise, asked Mr. II. when the vcrv cause in which I they were engaged, had for its object the .establishment or the independence of a people, the acknowledgment of the rights of a nation ? A struggle, which, if it had proved unsuccessful, would have rendered all who had em barked in it rebels, and exposed them to the penalties of the law. Nothing but the most perfect knowledge of their rights, the most thorough convic tion of the injuries they had sustained, could have induced them to throw off the yoke and incur such dangers. Na poleon was not more anxious to make his army familiar with military tactics and the art of war, than the people of this country were, at that time, to be come acquainted with the principles of civil liberty and the unalienable rights of man. One of the most distinguish ed members of the British Parliament, at that time, did not hesitate to say, diat there were no people in any part of the world, who understood their rights as well as the people of Ameri ta. There were, then, no parties; there was no such thing as sectional feeling familiar with the repeated and continued encroachments of pow er, and having suffered much and suf fered long in the struggle, they knew well how to guard their rights and pro tect the liberties of the citizen. But the gentleman from Salisbury has intimated, that the patriots who framed our constitution still felt an at tachment to the old government ; and to prove this position, he has read us an extract from the minutes of their proceedings at Halifax. It will be re collected by tne committee, that the contest, even at that time, was some what doubtful. Consideringthe doubt fulness of the contest, and the many delicate and tender ties which existed between the people of this and the mo ther country, it is not a matter of ve ry great surprize that the people of this country should have been satisfied, with a recognition of their rights by Great Britain, to have remained at tached to that country. It was, how ever, an attachment to the people to whom they were connected by the ties of fteling, of affinity and blood, rath er than any attachment for the govern ment, which they felt. Does the gen tleman mean by such an insinuation to raise a prejudice against the Constitu tion ? Where is the feature in it which will warrant such a charge ? Our bill of rights, to be sure, is nearly a copy from the Declaration of Rights of Great Britain and where is a better ? But is there any thing in cur govern ment which savours cf British attach ment? Have we, as in England, an hereditary executive and peerage? On the contrary, our Governors are elec ted annually ; our Senators are chosen for the same period by freeholders ; and our Commoners by every man who is subject to pay taxes ; and the ses sions of our Legislatures are held an- puiauy. rvo people couia nave Decn , 1 111 t I placed in more independent circum- stances than were our loretatners at the formation of the Constitution. Having thrown oil the British yoke, they were at lull liberty to form a new system of government on correct prin ciples. This Constitution has another recommendation It has the test of forty years experience, daring whicn time, the State has flourished and been happy without altering it m a single feature. How is it with regard to our laws? Is it not the business ot our session to repeal what a former one has enacted, and for the nent succeeding one to re-enact what the preceding one iias repealed ? If so, what evidence have we that our Convention would not be composed of materials similar to those which compose our General Assemblies. I should tremble for the State, if its Constitution was to be new moulded by the present General As sembly. It would partake of all the imperfection of our legislation, and ev ery few years a Convention would be necessary for the purpose cf amending these modern improvements. He would, therefore, prefer not to meddle with the Constitution. It might hive its imperfections, but he kfc would r th er bear the ills we now endure, than rush to others which we know not ol.n The gentleman from Kockirghar. (Mr. Morehead) tells us there '.5r. vast cliifcience between the large a: i small States under the Constitution v. the United States, and the large small counties under the Constuu? i of this State that the same re .s -does not apply to the counties as o ii States, because the latter are sove reign, the former are not. Mr. thought differently. Both were gov erned by the same motives, to v;r? self-preservation and self-defence. Previous to the Revolution under hc old colonial government, the represen tations were according to court: 1 he Constitution being a matter mutual conciliation and of comprorr, the smaller counties were as .n:;5 to preserve their integrity and the fluence in the State as the States were to preserve their reignty and their weight am United States. He thought t tleman had furnished the ans -own argument, when he told the Legislature had power to ' mould, to lop off, and to annihila.; counties at pleasure." It wa to vent the larger counties, like Aan; rod, from swallowing all the sir. i ones, that induced them to insist ur this principle of representation ; -41; he thought the argument of the gen?! -man but illy calculated to induce h -. smaller counties to give up a princir 1 j so important to their safety. Mr. H. admitted that there "was some inequality in the representation of the people of this State ; but he de nied that this inequality was either un just or anti-republican. The justice of the principle depended on the ?ia ture of the compact. In a government of compromise, there could surely be no injustice in each county having the weight which it had been agreed it should exercise in the legislative coun cils. As it regarded the term republi can, it was a kind of relative expres sion. It did not follow of course, that because these was not an exact equali ty of representation that therefore the Constitution was anti-republican. Will any man say, asked Mr. II. that the Constitution of the United States is unjust or anti-republican ? He pre sumed not; and yet the inequality un der our Constitution is not greater than it is under the Constitution of the United States. The weight which is given to the smaller counties is not greater in proportion than the weight which is given to the smaller states. The gentleman from Rockingham has laid before the committee a calcu lation of the white population cf the Western and Eastern counties, and al so of the federal numbers ; according to which, he gave a majority to the W est. Gentlemen had also made cal culations to shew that the West naid more taxes than the Hast. iiKir statements were calculated to mislead. It would be found, upon examination, that gentlemen had taken Granville and Bladen into their calculation for the West, and had left cut Wake Heretofore. Granville, Wake and Bla -a.