that the Minister of the United States in Spain was, by letters from this Depart ment, of 13th and 16th June last, instruc ted, upon his return to Madrid, to repre sent the same to your government, and to request new and peremptory orders to that officer, for the delivery of the ar chives in his possession, conformable to the stipulation of the treaty. The renewal of the order was declined, upon the ground of entire confidence on the part of your government, that the Captain General would before it could be received, have completed the deli very of the ar chives and documents, as lie hud been com manded by the King. " I regret to be obliged to ctate, that this just expectation of his Catholic Ma jesty has not yet been fulfilled. " Captain James IJiddle, Commander of the United States' frigate Macedonian, has therefore been commissioned to re pair to the Havana, there to receive the documents and archives, which Col. Forbes was obliged to leave, and which it is hoped the Captain General and Governor of Cu ba will cause to be delivered without fur ther delay.' ib. S.JT. ISM UIl Y : 'I'l'L'CH 4 V "IXI vr V T 10"V The present session of Congress will termi nate to-morrow, by adjournment. What impor tant benefits will result to the nation from its measures, is not yet determined; but its deeds, we think, will hardly be emblazoned in golden letters on the roll of fame. Neither much harm, nor much good, can be attached to its proceed ings; but there is one circumstance to bo pled in extenuation, that most of the members were new, and had to become acquainted with parlia mentary forms, and the routine of business, and with a great many other things which candidates never dream cf, but of which members of Con .jrfyj must not he Before they have become initiated, therefore, in the mysteries of legislation, they cannot reasonably be required to do much ; or, in other words, before they have learnt their trade, they cannot be supposed to be expert at it. There is abundant political guess work about the radicalism, as it is termed, of the present Congress, and some shrewd predic tions have been uttered, which may, and which may not, be verified : but for ourselves, we sus pect things will go on pretty much as they have done. Economy is popular; and it is not to be wondered at if the popular branch of our Na tional Legislature should at least talk a great deal about it, and in some instances mistake par. simony for economy. We have nothing worse, nor nothing more, we think, to apprehend from radicalism. FREJ'CII LEG ISL.2 TV RE. The mode of conducting business in the Trench Chamber of Deputies, often not only renders its proceedings ludicrous, but gives to it more the character of a dis orderly rabble, than of an orderly, digni lied, and grave body of legislators. Ma ny of the transactions of the French As sembly, which, in France, appear to pass off as nothing uncommon or deserving of particular notice, and are apparently for gotten the next moment after their occur , rencc, would in this country, or in Eng land, be productive of pretty serious con sequences. What, for instance, would be the result, if a member of the House of Representatives should rise in his seat, and give the Speaker the lie ? Yet is this done in the French Chamber of Deputies and seems there to excite no surprize. Take the following as an exnmple : M. Chauvelin throws off quickly his- robe as deputy, and rushing from his seat, encounters the Commissary of the King, at the foot of the tribune. A dispute takes place, and M. Chauve lin returns to his sc at. The President "The amendment is rejec ted." Mr. n. Constant, striking his desk with vio lence, as did a crowd of -other members, " not so it is false J" "If you could count,' said the President, vou would see that it is so." SPIRIT OF FH.LYCE. The law of 1319, authorized the truth to be Riven in evidence in cases of libel of public functionaries. In the late de bate on the Censorship, it was proposed to destroy this privilege; and the Keeper of the Seals, on the part of the Kin, to whom the proposition had been previously submitted, stated that he was authorized, by his Majesty, to assent to the amend ment which follows : 44 In no case shall Witnesses be admit 44 ted to prove the truth of defamatory 44 publications." On which said M. Manuel " Docs it become the dignity of the crown to appear here, not to accept or to refuse an amendment, but to manage an intrigue ? ... 44 At the close of a long, and fatiguing discussion, wc have a proposition from the government without any assigned motive without any reason ; a law is pro posed, according to the custom viMoiit giving a reason for its enforce-j merit. The following is the speech of M. Gi rardin : k I protest against that censorship which affiicts the arts. Shall we prohibit genius from preserving the picture and the me morial of victories dear to the lovers of ?;Iory, and the testimonials of grief, at once sacred and innocent ? " Vou declare war against engravings and lithography. Subjects are proscri bed which are not attached to the Louvre, and belong not to certain periods of time. " If you ask an artisan for those engra-' vings which fill the hearts of the brave with emotions which unite the senti ments of all Frenchmen which console defeat by the contemplation of thirty vic tories, he will reply to you, 4 these glo rious images rye forbidden to the public eye. " When a law is unjust, you compel stratagem to elude it. individual interest is more than a match for the vigilance of the police. That which is forbidden will only circulate the more ; and your severi ty will serve only to give a premium for proscribed pictures. 44 You defeat yourselves; but your course is inevitable you must oppose lib erty. You have made war upon Science and Letters; the Arts belong to their family the Arts must suffer with them." On the question of prohibiting the truth to be given in evidence in cases of libel, 50 of the minority refused to vote. I hey stated that they considered the liberty of the press ;s involved in the existence of the charter, which was a sacred topic, not to be discussed. These, with 93 who vo ted in the ti.inority, made 113: the votes of the majority were 251. In the course of the debate, the Marquis dc La Fayette rose and stated 44 We protest against this measure ; and we appeal to the patriotism and the ener gies of the people of France. We pro test, and will not vote." Ctar'estLii Courier. , E. 1ST-LYDL 1 C(KMLT. I The English East-India Company is posscsy-d of more wealth and power than any incorporated company, which has ever existed. The interest which the British government have in opposing the aggrandisement f Russia in the East is ea sily accounted for, when the immense wealth ami resources drawn from lie; dominions in that quarter of the wo:! I :.rc taken into considera tion. The Company commenced business with a capital of 72,00'J. sterling, which in two hun dred ve:trs has increased to 21,000,000; thev own oS0,000 square miles ; have 80,000,000 of inhabitants ; 130,000 soldiers ; and 17,000,000 an nual income. It was a faoritc object of Bona parte to cripple his great ene my in this quarter, and had the expedition into Russia not eventua ted as it did, he would have had that in his pow er which Kuss.a will now have, should she crush the Ottoman Porte. Alexander proceeds be strides to this object which are not less sure be-' cause they are sIoa ithout the daring and impetuous disposition ot Napoleon lie possesses , all his amuition, and is tnc more dangerous to his present allies, because his motives are conceal-. fov every quadruple letter, quadruple those cd under an impenetrable veil of hypocrisy and rates; and for every letter or package weighing intrigue. Georgian. ; one ounce avoirdupois weight, single postage for every quarter of an ounce, and in that propor Lord John Russcl has addressed two tion for all greater weights : and the postage to , c r be charged on newspapers shall be, tor anv dis- letters to the yeomanry and farmers of tancc excccdin 5l0 lniles , c'nt. folr anv hngland, on the subject of retrenchment, distance over 50 miles, and not exceeding 300 He advises a 4 siurc reghnen for aU irho miles, H cents; and for any distance over 300 live vion the public imneu" "When un miles, 2 cents ; provided the postage to be charg- individual is not able to pay his debts, he C(l on a s5nSlc newspaper from any one place to ought not to say, 4 my cariiage and horses anothc,r n th? samf ts.tate or erntorv, shall not ? i ii exceed 1 cent : and the postage to be charged are nccessaiy to me, I must keep them. on niaffazines or pamphlets shall be, for any dis- In the same way he says the government tancc not exceeding 50 miles, 1 cents per sheet ; ought to renounce every Species of luxu- for any distance over 50 miles, and not execed- rv. "It is unnecessary to say, that to ing 150 miles, 2 cents per sheet ; for any distance encourage men to pay their money in over 150r milcs' f.";1 notcxccedinS 300 miles, 2?. V . 1 J c cents; for anv distance over o00 miles, and not taxes, that t'-cy may afterwards borrow cxcccding. 500 miles, Scents; and for any dis thc same money from merchants and ! tance exceeding five hundred miles, 3h cents ; brokers, paying interest for the use of it, is but sorry comfort." "The money which is extracted by the hard giipe of the excisemen from the English faimer and laborert is placed in the hands of the commissioners of the sinking fund, who buy stock with it ; the seller of the stock purchases with his cash a share in Mr. Kotschild's Neapolitan loan, and the En glishman's tax is then sent eff for Naples, to pay the Austrian troops for preserving the Neapolitan nation from the horrors a free government. And this is the man - ner in which Mr. Vansittart and a com- mittce of the House of Commons purpose to relieve the distresses of the farmers ol England.' Paris and London. An intelligent wri ter in the London Traveller, gives a min ute statement of the expenses of living in Paris and London. In precisely the same style, the expenses in the first city ore, for a gentleman, lady, and female servant, 21. 20s. 3d. sterling, per week ; in the lat ter, 51. 7s. 6d. Amusements, Opera, Theatre, Sec. six nights in the week, in Paris, 9s. 6d. in London, 1. 5s. 6d. Ex clusive of dress, three persons may live in comfort and luxury in Paris for IS'.', per annum ; in London, the same l:ing will cost 280. If economy be studied, in a cheap part of France a family may live as well on 80. per annum, as in the cheap est part of England for 120. These facts account for the great number of En I'libh residents in 1'rancu. Bait. Patriot. WASHINGTON, APRIL 23. A vessel arrived at Philadelphia on Sat urday last, which brings Gibraltar papers to the 9ih March, containing the Speech of the Kin? of tain. a: ;he opening' of the session of the new Cortes, and the an swer of Uicgo the President. The King abstains from taking any notice of the South American Provinces .Yat. Intel. Late accounts are received from Vene zuela, by the way of Charleston. A letter from Hogotaof the 13th December, states that President Bolivar had marched to wards Popayan, to open the campaign on the Province of Quito, with a formidable army. The Congress in the new slate of Guatimala, (formerly part of Mexico,) was to have met on the first day of last month. Col. Vasquez died at Caraccas on the 1 1th ult. universally regretted. ib. 44 Havana, aphil 13. You have un doubtedly heard of the fate of an Amer ican schooner, which was boarded off Cape Antonio, taken possession of, rob bed, and burnt by the pirates. She was bound to this Island ; had touched at St. Thomas, where she had a German super cargo put on board, whose throat was cut, as well as that of one of the crew A Hamburgh brig likewise, bound from Cowcs to this port, has been robbed of 836,000 cash, off Cape Confetcs no per son killed. I cannot give you the partic ulars of the American schooner. We have nothing more here than I have sta ted, of which there is no doubt. post-office di:p AR 7MEXT. The bill "further to regulate the post office Department," which was reported in the House of Representatives on Wednesday last, and is now depending there, provides, among other things as follows : That all post roads shall be discontinued, on which the nctt proceeds of post ages do'not amount to one-third of the expense of conveying the same, except those which lead to seats of government, or between seats of gov ernment of the several states or territories, or to or between scats of justice ; that no postmas ter shall frank or receive, free of postage, any j letter or package, except on business relating to his office ; that no postmaster shall be concerned in any contract for carrying the mail ; that any postmaster shall be forthwith removed from of fice who shall fail to render his accounts within forty days, or to pay drafts on him by the Gener al Post Office for moneys due by him to the of fice ; that no allowance for clerk-hire in post of fices shall hereafter he made, unless sanctioned by the Postmaster General ; that the commissions hereafter to be allowed, per quarter, to postmas ters, shall be as follows : On any sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars, twenty-five per cent. ; on any slim not exceeding two thousand three hundred dollars over and above the first hundred dollars, twenty per cent. ; and on any sum above the first two thousand three hundred dollars, eight per centum ; that the following postages be hereafter charged, viz : on every single let ter conveyed by mail for any distance not ex ceeding 20 miles, 6$ cents ; for any distance over 20 miles, and not exceeding 60 miles, 10 cents ; for any distance over 60 miles, and not exceeding 120 miles, 12S cents; for any distance ovcrTSO miles, anil not exceeding 240 miles, 18 cents; for any distance over 240 miles, and not exceed ing 400 miles, 20 cents ; for anv distance-lover 400 miles, and not exceeding 740 miles, 25 cents ; ail(; for any distance above 740 miles, 31 cents : un,i for every double letter, double those rates ; for everv triple trinle letter.' trinlc those rates: and that no publisher or printer of a newspaper shall be entitled to receive, free of postage, more than 50 newspapers, nor more than 6 from any one state : that no officer of the government shall frank or receive free of postage any letters other than those relating to the business of his office. National Intelligencer. Mtlancholu Occident. On the 21st in stant, as Mrs. Tabitha Knowlton, in corn- jpany with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sa rah Knowlton, were on their way to the residence of Robert Henry, Esq. of this ' county, and when near the house, the horse ran away with them. The latter j lady jumped out of the chair, and was I considerably injured. A short time altcr- wards the chair was dashed in pieces, and the former lady instantly killed. They had been invited to witness the maniage ceremony of their friends. On the as sembling of the guests, 44 the funeral bier, and not the nuptial couch, presented itself to their astonished sight." Cape Fear Recorder R ebbe ry Ejc t ra T h e ofiic e o f t h e P os ton Statesman was entered by some felo nious marauder on Monday night last, who, with force and arms against the peace, contrary to the statute in that case made and provided, in evil example to all others in like case to offend, Sec. Sec fee. stole, took, and carried away, the Editor's Spectacles ! This notorious, though un profitable plunder, was fleeted by forcing a desk. Considering the provoking na ture of the case, our brother Editor ic tains his philosophy very well, and tclis the story with much humor. By the kindness of a friend, his nose was re mounted, or rather restraddled ; and on examining his desk, he says " We were soon able to discover, thr-.t the res idue c-f the rcas'.:xe contain tel hi the desk, con- sistingof sundry rejected poetical, political, and miscellaneous communications, had escaped cap ture. ' It woudd seem that the light lingered gentry of this city are making such rapid im provements in the art of pilfering, that they will soon equal their brethren on the other side of the water, where spectacles are not safe, even on the nose of the owner. In the present case, however, we hope the thief, after he has seen through his ernor, will return the stolen goods." The Statesman Editor might, with pro propriety, wish a penalty inflicted, similar to the one invoked bv Lord Chatham on the servant, who stole his large velvet gout shoes, though the punishment would not be so severe. 44 The rascal I (said his Lordship,) 44 I hope the shoes will lit him." .Yat. Intel. Geo. Phillips, of Philadelphia, has proposed to erect a line of Telegraphs, on the coast of the United States, by which a line of communication may be formed from city to city, and any ques tion asked and answered between ashmgton I and New-York, in the space of half an hour. The machine is of simple construction it is a small mast, upon which a frame is fixed, which, with six balls of wood., covered with canvas and pain ted black, completes the apparatus. Georgian. A Liverpool paper of Feb. 9, says, "There have been in this neighborhood only 24 days of clear cloudless sky, from Jan. 1821, to Jan. 1, 1S22, a period of 12 months, and the greater part of the 24, were in the three first months of 1321. From the Burlington Ccntlnel.' ?.Tr. Mills: A professional gentleman in this place has made a recent discovery in the calculation of Simple Interest, which I presume will be of use to the busy part of mankind, and which, I be lieve, has never been taken notice of. You are at liberty to publish it. In any sum of money the interest of the same for G days, will be found to be the figures on the left hand side of the decimal point, "calling "the-first mills. Thus the interest of SI 75 00 for 6 days, 'is 17 cents and 5 mills; for 5 days half the sum, and so in proportion. be given for apprehending and deliv ering to the subscribers I'OUK NKGIiO MKN, (who left their owners on last evening lor no other reason than to endeavor to reach some state where they will he free men,) x. : llobin, Jacob, Julius and ltixcn, (who perhaps may be in company with several others.) Itobin is about 25 years of age, dark complexion, heavy Imilt, a likely active waiting man, and'a good wagon er an honest, faithful servant, one who never had his back marked with a whip ; in a word, we had all confidence in him. He has a large scar across one of his hands and fingers from the cut of a cotton machine. Jacob is a black fel low, about 45 years of age, 5 feet S or 10 in ches high, stoop'd shoulders, grey head and large whiskers : he is an old olfender. Julius is about 35 or 4D years of age, yellow complex ion, a little above the middle size, likely, active, smart fellow, can read and perhaps write, lfix on, belonging to James Harris, of York District, S. C. is about 35 years old, stout made, but low er than the common size of negroes; is of a black complexion, speaks slow, and has a down look when spoken to. He was brought from the eastern shore' in Maryland, by Mr. Springs, 15 years ago, and sold to J. Harris.- He took with him a drab great-coat, a suit of brown broad-cloth, all new, two spotted vests, two pair white pantaloons, three pair of shoes, three neek-cloths, a white hat, and upwards of g20 in cash. No doubt they (with all in their compa ny) will make the best of their way either- on the route leading to the north or west, perhaps the latter. The above reward, or one quarter for either, will be paid on their being appre hended or secured, so that we get them. We expect their route will be by the way of Wilkes borough. Any communication respecting the above negroes or either of them, can be made to llobcrt Uinkins, Charlotte, N. C. JAMKS DINK1NS, FREDERICK DINK1NS, JAMES HARRIS. JWc'-'klcnbmg Co. V. C. .ipril29, 1822. . 6wtlQ5 I") AX AWAY from the subscriber, near Char lottc, on Sunday night, the 28th inst. FOUR NEGROES, viz : Tom, Tone, Tob, and Washing ton. Tom is about 55 years of age, modest and cute. Tone is about 15 years old, dark colored, and out mouthed. Tob is not quite so dark, but thick made, and appears stubborn. Washington is nhout 10 ears old. and down-cast look. Tom took with liim a pair of buck-skin trowscrs, and a drab great-coat. The boys had one mixed coat, and one of red and blue homespun ; two pair of new shoes, two new wool hats, and two or three pair of other shoes. They also took with them one rifle gun, without a box, and a half stocked shot gun, and screw-driver, with a buckdiorn handle. To any person that will ap prehend the above negroes and lodge them in anv jail so that I get them again, I will pay Forty Dllhirs ; or twenty dollars for Tom alone, and ten dollars for 1 one, and live dollars for each of the boys. ZEN AS ALEXANDER. Meck lenburg Co. J C. . ipril 2 3822. 3vtl02p To hdetakeYS, TTOR the purpose of building a Male and Fe 1 male Academy in Charlotte, N. C. Propo sals will be received by either of the undersign ed, until the last Wednesday in May, for making and delivering at the place of building, as soon as practicable, two ImiutreQ tnousana w en maue and burnt brick, of the usual size. Persons making proposals will say how soon they will undertake to deliver the brick. JOHN IUW1X, ROUT. I. DINKINS, .Ivtl0.1 WM. DAVIDSON. (XT The Trustees of the Charlotte Male and Female Academy are notified to meet at Char lotte on the last Wednesday in May. Tfc Subscribe TTTfAVING purchased the interest of Major ii Greenlee and Mr. E. Foor, in the firm ot Greenlee, Avery &f Co. will continue the Mer cantile business in the same house ; where lie hopes, bv his attention to business, to merit a -l are cf public favor. JAMES AVERY. . Vv.-.-Yii.'sn, Jtril , 1S22. 3 tlQU JUST opening and for sale, at the Stor? of th subscriber, viz : Blue and black Broadcloth, very cheap ; do. common, various colors ; Ca.ssi ihe'res," of different colors ; black and colored: Canton Crapes ; Bombazettes and black Ye! vets ; Silks, and Silk Shawls, of every description ; Cambric and Bcbcs, for ladies' dresses ; Domes tic Cloth, of the best quality ; Hats, Hornets, and Shoes, a'complote assortment ; besides numer ous other articles. i'sa, Powder, shot, ait 1 lead ; best gunpowder tea, and chocolate ; Writing Paper and School Hooks, Sec. Scc.'occ. In addition to the above, a-good supply cf GROCERIES, OJc. such as brown and loaf Su gar, Coffee, and Pepper; Copperas: Dutch and English Scythes ; patent Ikks; Hard-H arc, f various kinds; itf and China ll'wve. Sic. : All cf which will be sold vt-rv low fur c;ish.. GEORGE MILLER. , Salisbury, .ifr:??u 1S22 P6tf " WVuu VftUou,. Jo. 6 Craft's Sunth IVjairf Charier.: S. C. rgENDERS his services to the. .planters "and JL merchants in the western part of North-Carolina, as Factor and Commission Merchant.'" The facilities uom" afforded by Steam-Boats, in trans porting produce and. merchandize to and from Cheraw and Charleston, will most likely render caieful agents mAre ' necessary than formerly. W. P. will buv and forward Goods -to order, and sell all kinds of produce for a commission of 2t per crnt. Through the assistance" of se friend,7 lie will, when it is required,- advance rcasnably-;cn pro duce which tle owner may v. ish to ho!d for. a better market. He will also attend very partic ularly to the forwarding of goods from Philadel phia, New-York, Sec. Pei sons unacquainted with him, will please refer to Mr. George Miller, Sa lisbury, N. C. David Reinhardt, Esq. l.incolntcn, N. C. or James Patton, senior, Ashville, N. C. GwtlQ-3 - SMITH & WRIGHT S"1 EG leave to inform their friends and the pub fc J - lie, that they have made an establisment in the above, business at Newark, New -Jersey, eight miles from New-York, where they havi: constant ly on hand, of their own manufacture, an exten sive assortment of . , f S.IDDLKS & UK IDLES, Of ail kinds, Harness, Trunks, Whips, and Spurs Also, Skirting Leather; Bridle and Harness do. ; Hop; Skins ; Sheep, Calf, and Morocco do. ; Saddle Trecsj and Saddlery Ware, of every de scription. Merchants that are on to the North, and deal in the articles, will find it to-their inter est to call and examine. Orders will be care fully executed, and goods sent to any part of the United States. They respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Alivark, .March 23, 1822. 6vtl 02 . . XHssgyAio. F FpIIE copartnership existingetween John M. IL Greenlee, James Avery, and Edwin Poor, under the firm of Greenlee, Avery J Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent.' Those having accounts on the books, will please settle the same with James -Avery, who is authorized to settle the business of said firm. JOHN M. GREENLEE, JAMES AVERY, EDWIN POOR. JWorganton, .April 1, 1822. ' - - SvvtlOQ TltVucition. A SEMINATIY for the instruction of youth J. was opened at this place on the 15th instant. Classes for instruction in Spelfing, Reading and Writing, 2 50 cents per quarter; Arithmetic, , Geography and Geometry, g3 per quarter ; Rhetoric, Logic, and-Ethics, g4. per quarter ; ' Natural Philosophy, Astronomy and the Latin ; Language, 5 per quarter. ' English grammar, i elocution and composition, will be taught each student who can read and write, and no extra charge made. Should health permit, this insti tution will be permanent. Patronage from this ; and adjoining counties, and at a distance, is con fidently solicited and expected. Mild though prompt government will be used, and each pu pil's taste, disposition and talent, diligently stud ied. Lax government lias proved misciiievous, from ignorance in this matter ; and, energy be come tyranny by attempting to force nature. Moral and religious instruction on the Sabbath, and during the week, will form part of tv plan proposed. This place and the neighh' i vuod, are indeed healthy; and board can be,?iadon moderate terms. Three or four little bo; s will be received as boarders, bv DENJ. D. R OUNS A VILLE, Principal of the Seminarv. .Lexington, -V. C. .lpril, 1822. 99tl04 ITIAKES this vehicle to return his grateful JL thanks to the citizens ot Mecicieniuig, ana the. public-in general, for the liberal patronage he has received ; and hopes, by his promptness and' unremitted application,. to merit. a continu ance of their favor. - . Charlotte, .lpril 8, 1822. , 4wtl00 Saddling lousiness. THE subscriber wishes" to inform his friends, and the public, that he has established him self in the Saddling Business, at the plantation owned by Dr. Ferrand, which goes by the. name of the Houk Place, 3 mil 33 from Thyatira Meet ing House ; where he is prepared to execute all work in his line of business, with neatness and despatch. He will make, on short notice, La dies' Saddles, with large skirts, at $14 each, and Gentlemen's do. at $12. - All kinds of Bridles, Harness, &c. made at a proportionable price.' JAMES WILSON. Ilo-ran Co. pril 29, 1822. 3vvtlQlp Staiii o oYW-ljaYoYua, LINCOLN COUNTY. C1 OUXTV Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions J April Term, A. D. 1822.:ter Forney vs. Christian Reinhardt OriginafaUachment, lev ied on six negroes and sundry articles of person al propertv. It appearing to the satisfaction cf the courtthat Christian Reinhardt, the defend ant, is not an inhabitant of this state ; It is there fore ordered by court, that he appear at the next county court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for Lincoln county, at the Court-IIousft in Lincolnton, on the third Monday in July next, replevy and plead to issue, or judgment by de fault final will be entered up against him. Or dered, by court, that publication hereof be made three montlis successively in the Western Caro linian 3mtll2p Tes't, VARPRY M'BHE; C. C. Oons tables l&CAims Fur sale at this Office.