VovAvy. FKOtt THE VIlEI'ETUCKKfKH HER ALP. tii: siiiv J'.2 st on jr. As the wintry a!e harder is blowing, In gloom the sun s'l.klr.g a a uv ; As the wild billow darker i glowing, And brighter the flush of i.s spr:".y 'Jee the ship, lier reefed topsails desccr.dirg, The hoarse boatswain piping aloud, "While the seamen to furl them, as. -e;dl:;g, Hang over the surge from the shroud ! List again to that proud boatswain piping ! rI he " word" is from him w ho controls ; And the men the top-rigging are striking, To ease her, aloft, as she rolls. But the waves howl in mountains around her, As if their whole w rath they would rouse ; She Is heavily pitching she'll founder " Cast the runs overboard from the bou-s" Yet the storm still its fury increases ; She rolls gunwale to, as it raves Oh ! her mizzen is shatterM to pieces, She drifts at the will of the waves ! Heavy toils have her crew been harassing ; Yet what are that crew's feelings now? Tor the word fere and aft thev arc nassinar Of " breakers, ho! broad on the box? " Then, at once, from a sight so appalling, The stoutest heart shrinks in dismay ; Some, on one some on others are calling The chaplain comes forward, to pray. And he says, " I would not be down-hearted, Mv lads ! though the wild billows rave ; It is true, from this world we are parted, Yet He who can sink- us can sure " "Set the jib !" cries the chief and then piping', The boatswain blows proud as before ; "While in hope is each bosom delighting The wind's blowing- right from the shore. Now the tempest lies dead on the ocean ; No more roll in mountains the waves ; And the mariner kneels in devotion, To Him who can sink and who fart 3 SEDLEV. SONG. 2 la mode of Chore's Aaacreon. Nature with swiftness armed the horse, She g-ave the royal lion force, Ills destinM prey to seize 071 ; To gu;de the swiftness of the horse, To tame the royal lion's force, She iciftcd man with reason. Poor woman ! what Was then thy lot ? Submission, truth, and duty Our gifts were small, To balance :dl, Some Clod invented IJeauiy. For empire reason made a stand, But long has beauty's conquering hand In due subjection kept her. To ride the world let reason boasf, She only fdls a viceroy's post, ' l is Beauty holds the sceptre ! Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. Dlf. JOHNSON. Evcry little event in the life of a distincciush-j ed individual is interesting", and the recollection cf it should be pres. rved : for ukhouh to a mere l eader they may be valued only on account of their being" associated with the object of his admiration, and not because they help to fill out the character yet to the philosophic mind, to him who dives beyond the surface, and searches into the deep mysteries of that wonderful crea ture, man, they are really important, as the' serve as sruides in the niav paths which lie is pursuing1. Dr. Johnson, from the elevated rank which he held in the literary world, from the vastness of his intellect, and the variety ami the lid.ic of its productions, not oo.ly compels us to admire, but to reverence him ; and everv cir cumstance at all connected with him, at once in cre: st s in interest and swells into importance. And f ;v eminent persons, probably, have had their minutest transactions, the most trhial events and actions of their lives, ood, had, wise or fx .'sh, so fully recorded. Tor this the lite rary world is indebted to lUmvell. The interesting dialogic below, between Dr. Johnson anil Mrs. Knowles, which took place at a literary dinner party, is mentioned by Mr. liosw ell, and passed over very slightly. This is somewhat singular; as, at his own rcj-.icst. Miss "'ward, (who w as one of the party,) afterwards ser.r . at 1 l, - the dialogue, notes of which she took ": That, furnished ! v Miss Seward. differs in some , .-nt.rlSt (though not materiallv,) fro:., the one in the tntiem:;n's Magazine, which we have copied ; ami theMtcr :, morc lCI1trthy. Mr. Knowles is an American, n-tive of Phila delphia, anil was married to an F.!.pj;si, Thvsi cian. The hislorj' of Jane Harry, for -t Mrs. Knov. les pled mi ably, and so iriir::fhi:vr-. too, is given by Miss Seward in her letter to Mr. Bosweli : it is short, simple, and afl'vcti: She was the daughter of a rich planter :u th.. ,t Indies; he sent her over to Kngland to he edu cated, and placed her in the house c f a frit ml, at which Mrs. Knowles was a isiter. He affect ed wit, (say Miss Se.varc:,) and was peipctual !i:r.g Mrs. Knowles on the subject cf her re vs principles in th? presence of the. younj, gentle, urui iagenicas ?d'.s i: rry : s.xe w.is c.vr.: rjucntly led into a serious (KTcnce of her opin ions l.ut without any des? to make a prose- 1 ;.tc, s!ic pined ;nc. .fenny Hurry became a comcri Torjua!:cr:sm. Lhm uu, miKumui,: wti0rn tnoj art so exceedingly preju SLvrral clcrjrvmcn were employed to reason her' fnt., ir.d thnn Qimnneeer ,,i .ct it of her belief; but In v-un. At hst her fa - ihcr tc.M h.r she m.glit cao,,c between one j p,. y Certainly I do think VOtl lit hundred thousand po:md. and his favor, if she , , , i)e:;ts. 1 1 1 . . 1 f continual a cnun..t woman, or vao tnousana jouim, itiiu 1113 j eijiii.eiuijon, 11 sue cm.irat eu T - II. . .. ' 1 1 the quaker tenets. She cho,e the latter. Dr. Johnson had previouly been fond of her; but on the change of her religious principle", he be came highly displeased, and would not even speak to her. At this sac was much affected and requested Mrs. Knowle.; to plead for her. she did ; and " the tnihtj fiou :1ns ii'-vcr 1.0 chaf ed before " rnoM the (loho) h kxti.em an s magazine. L"n:iu:sTL'c dl ilm: t:j:. Between Dr. Samuel Johnson and Mrs. Mary Knowles. Mrs. A". Thy friend .?ane Harrv de sires her kind respects to thee, Doc tor. Dr. y. To in c 1 tell me not of her 1 hate the odious wench for her apos tacv ; and it is you, madam, who have seduced her from the Christian Reli gion. Mrs, A. This is a heavy charge in deed. I must beg leave to be heard in mv own defence ; and I intreat the ttention of the present learned and candid company, desiring they will judge how h'.r I am able to clear my self ot so cruel an accusation. Dr. y. Qnuci disturbed at tills unex pected challenge sail,) You are a wo man, and I give you quarter. Mrs. K. I will nut take quarter. There is no se:; in ouis 1 and in the resent causft I fear not even Dr. , John son himselt. (" Bravo !" tvas repeated by the vzm- pantfy and silence ensued.) Dr. 7. Well, then, madam, I per- sist in mv charge that you have sedu ced Miss II. from the Christian Reli gion. Mrs. A. If thou really kneu est what were the principles of the Friends, thou w ouldst not say she had departed from Christianity. But, waving that discussion for the present, I will take the liberty to observe that r.he had an . undoubted right to examine and to; chauge her educational tenets whenev- er she supposed she had found them erroneous; as an accountable creature 1 it was her duty so to do. Dr. j. Pshaw ! an accountable crea ture ! Girls accountable creatures! It washer dutv to have remained with the Church wherein she was educated;! sent. she had no business to leave it. j Ar.v. A". Well, then, I take upon me Mrs. K. What, not for that which ; to declare, that the people culled Qua she apprehended to be better? Accor-.keis do verily believe in the Ilolv ding to this rule, Doctor, hadst thru Scriptures, and rejoice, with the most been born in Turkey, it had been thv full iind reverential rcceptar.ci: of the dutv to have remained a Mahorne- divine history ol iacts as recorded in 1 tan, notwithstanding Christian evidence ' might have wrought in thy mind the j clearest c nviction ; and, if so, then let me ask how would thv conscience have msv,crt d for s,lch t")bstinacv at tllc great and last tribunal : Dr. y. My conscience would not have been answerable. ! Mrs. AT. Whose then would. Dr. J. Why, the State to be sure. In adhcrincr to the Relitricui of the State as by law established, our impli - j cit obedience .herein becomes tmrduty. aole title ol christians : Jhs. K. A Nation or State having j Dr. y. Weil! I must own I did a conscience, is a doctrine entirely new jnot at all suppose you had so much to to me, and, indeed, a very curious ; say for yourselves. However, I can piece of intelligence ; for I have always, not forgive the little slut, for prcsum understf.od that a government or state iug to take upon herself as she has is a creature of time only ; bevond done. which it disfdves, and becomes a non-i Mrs. K. I hope, Doctor; thou wilt entity. Now, gentlemen, can your ot remain unforgiving ; and, that you imaginations body forth this monstrous will renew your friendship, and joyful individual, or bti ig, called a iitatcjly rneet at last in those bright regions composed of millions of people ; can you behold it stalking foith into the next world, loaded with its mighty conscience, there to be rewarded, or punished, for the faith, opinions, and conduct of its constituent machines call ed men ? Surely the teeming brain of Poetry never held up to the fancy so wondrous a personage ! (IVhen the laugh occasioned bif this personification xvas subsided, the Doc tor very angrily replied.') I regard not what you say as to that matter. I hate the arrogance of the wench," in suppos ing herself a more competent judge of religion than those who educated her. She imitated you, no doubr, hut she wight not to have pie:? timed to deter mine for herself in so important an af fair. Mrs. A. True, Doctor, I grant ir, if, astnoti seemestio imply, a wrnch of 20 i vears De not a moral a;ent. Dr. y. I doubt it would be difficult to prove those deserve that character who turn Quakers. Mrs. K. This severe retort, Doctor, induces me charitably to hope, that j tjloll must be totally unacquainted with tne principles of the people gainst : Qf Inf:dels or Deists. , ,il 0 I' -i- ;c wlrl ctr.nrr tis 1 ' passing strange that a man of such uni versal reading and research has not thought it at least expedient to look in . to th: cause of dissent of a society so long established, and so conspicuously sin;ular. Dr. y. Not I, indeed ! I have net rejd your Barclay's Apology ; and for this plain reason I never thought it worth my while. You are upstart sec taries, perhaps the best subdued by a silent contempt. Mrs K. This reminds me of the Rabbies of old, when their Ilierachy v.'as alarmed by the increasing influ ence, force and simplicity, of cia.vn irig Truth in their day of worldly do minion. We meekly trust our princi ples stand on the same solid foundation of simple truth, and we invite the acu tcst investigation. The reason thou givest for not having read Barclays Apology is surely a very improper one for a man whom the world looks up to as a moral Philosopher of the first rank, a Teacher from whom they have a right to expect much information. To this expecting, inquiring world, how can Dr. Johnson acquit himsell "for re maining unacquainted with a book translated into five or six different lan guages, and which has been admitttd into the libraries ol almost every Court and University in Christendom? Here the Doctor grew very angry, still more so ar the space of time the Gentlemen insisted on allowing his an- lagonist wherein to make her defence, and his impatience excited one of the company in a whisper, to say, " I never saiv that miifity lion so chafed before " fne Doctor ;jgain repeated, that he did not think the Quakers deserved the n line of Christians. Mrs. K. Give me leave then to en deavour to convince thee of thv error, which I will do, by making before thee and this respectable company, a confession ot our taith. Creeds, or confessions of faith, are admined by all to he the standard w hereby we . y judge ol every denomination of pro- lessors. I'o this, every one present agreed ; and even the Doctor grumbled his as- the Ne w Testament. That we conse- quently fully believe those historical articles summed up in what is called the Apostles' creed, with these two ex- ceptions onlv, to wit, our Saviour's dc- scent into Hell, and the resurrection of the body. These mysteries we hum- bly leave lust as thev stand in the holv text, there being, irom thit ground, no authority for such assertion as is drawn up in the creed. And now, Doctor, c.nst thou still deny to us the honour where Pride and Prejudice can never enter ! Dr. j. ?Ieet her! I never desire to meet fools any where. This sarcastick turn of wit was so pleasantly received, that the Doctor joined in the lauh ; his spleen was dis sipated ; lie took his cofiec, and became, for the remainder of the evening, very cheerful and entertaining. ankcdoth or Mirrox. IWiiton, when a student at Cam ' i i-lge, was extremely handsome. One C.wy in the summer, overcome with heat. aid fatigued with walking, he laio himself down at the foot of a tree, j md slept. During ms sierp. two la- ores passed by m a carriage. I he beauty of the vonncr student attracted their attention"; thcy.gc carriage, and after havi ot out of their : . i 4.n.ti iui niir cuiueinpia- u l his beauty sometime without his waking ; the young lady, who was ve ry handsome, took a pencil from her pocket, and wrote seme lines on a piece ! j of paper, and tremblingly put them into his hand. The two ladies returned to their carriage tmd passed on. Milton s lellow students, who were seeking for him, observed this scene at j to accommodate the parable to this in a distance, without knowing it to be j terpretation, they have constantly pain him who was sleeping : on approach- ' ted the character of Dives in the ing, knowing their associate, they wa- j blackest, and that of Lazarus in the ked him r.nd told him what had pass- I brightest colours ; for which there b eel ; he opened the paper which was in his hand, and read, to hisgreatas- put tonishment, these lines from Guarini : j Occhi, stelic mortal;,' Ministri de mici mali, Se chiusi m' uccedite, Appcrti che firctcs i Which may be translated thus 1 Beautiful eyes, mortal stars, authorc , . J , , , .'11 1 -r being closed, what ivould ye do, it open . 1 nis sirange auveniure awa- , r 11 r 1 r- 1 - unknown lair, lie some years auer wards travelled through Italy. His ideas 01 her worked incessantly m the r ,. , r . - , imarrination 01 tnis wondertul poet, and , , .. 1 ' nidi, ill i, a iiiLiai ui iu indebted for the Poem of Paradise Lost. ' MUSICAL MICK. Though die great naturalist, Linnre- us, in speaking of the common mouse, ! oughtest to remember, that thou, in a said, " delectatur musica," yet so little j former state, enjoyedst all the pleas was it credited, that Gmelin omitted ures of wealth and prosperity, and that mentioning this feature in his edition ; then Lazarus suffered all the miseries of 14 Linnaeus' Sy sterna Nature." ; of poverty and disease, but that now Subsequently, however, the assertion he is comforted, and thou art torment has been satisfactorily confirmed. Dr. ed, in conformity to that impartial and Archer of Norfolk, in the United . eternal law of Providence, which in states, says, 44 On a rainy evening in stitutcd the pei petual rotation cf good the winter of 181 T, as I was alone in and evil." my chamber, I tool: up my flute and From this parr.hle we may learn, commenced playing. In a few min- . that the Supreme disposer of all things utes my attention was directed to a : distributes good and evil amongst his mouse that I saw creeping from a hole, . creatures, not only with justice, but: and advancing to the chair in which I with a greater degree of equality than VQ;?tt'l"o r.icffl n!ni-inr hk' ir ..... ! " . lV . .1' I . - " 1 ran precipitately hack to its hole ; i bled to perform by having so wonder began again shortly afterwards, and fully contrived the disposition of thin-s. was much surprised to see it re-appear, . and the constitution of man, that rich- and take its old position The appear- ' cs, power, wealth and prosperity, in ance of the little animal was truiv de- this life, actually lead him into manv hghttul ; it couched ltseli on the iloor, vices, which will incur punishment iu shut its eyes, and appeared in ecstacy ; another; and sickness, "poverty, and I ceased playing, and it instantly dis- distress, are as naturally productive cf appeared again. This experiment I many virtues, which will there merit a repeated frequently with the same sue- , reward ; by which means happiness cess, observing that it was always dif- ' and misery are more equally distribu ferently affected as the music varied ted, at the same time that strict jus from the slow and plaintive, to the i tice is done to every individual' ac brisk and lively. It finally went oiF, cording to his deserts', and no one cart and all my art could not entice it to j have any cause to complain. 1 C 111 L 11. A more remarkable instance of this lact appeared in the 44 Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal," in the year 1S1T. It was communicated by Dr. Cramer of Jefferson county, on the credit of a gentleman of undoubt ed veracity, who states that 4tone eve ning in the month of December, as a few officers on board a British man of war, in the harbour of Portsmouth, were seated round the fire, one of them began to play a plaintive air on the violin. He had scarcely performed ten minutes, when a mouse apparently frantic, made its appearance in the cen tre of the floor. The strange gestures of the little animal strongly excited the attention of the officers, who, with one consent, resolved to suffer it to continue its singular actions unmolest ed. Its exertions now appeared to be greater every moment it shook its head, leaped about the table, and ex hibited signs of the most ecstatic de light. It was observed, that in pro portion to the gradation of the tones to the soft point, the feelings of the animal appeared to be increased, and vice versa. After performing actions. which an animal so diminutive would at first sight seem incapable of, the lit tle creature, to the astonishment of the delighted spectators, suddenly ceased to move, leu down, and expired with out evincing any symptoms of pain. Percy Anecdotes. HeWgums. Hut Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime rcccivedst thv good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things : but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. All the commentators on this para ble seem to have mistaken the inten tion and moral of it ; they have all un derstood it, as designed only to inform tis, that no judgment can be formed of men's condition in a future life, by the appearances in the present, of either their prosperity or distress : that the rich and great will, if criminal, cer tainly meet with the punishment due to their offences, in another state, which, by the influence of their power, they may have evaded in this ; and the i poor and diseased, if virtuous, will there receive retnoution lor ail the miseries and ill-treatment which thev have undeservedly suffered. In order i not the least foundation in the parable j itself, as there is not one word said of the criminality of the one, or the mer its of the other ; Abraham, in his an swer to the rich man, does not bid hint to remember, that he acquired hi wealth by fraud or ranine, or that hc ; expended it in profligacy or oppres sion ; and that, therefore, lie ought net to complain ot punishment wnich hf ; haJ &f ' v Hc savsnoth. nplain justly ; had been pious, sooer, honest, and pa- tient ; i hc only answers the comidainan" in a friendly manner : 44 Son, remembei 1 , - , - , i u ETOod thmo-s, arid likewise i,a."arus ! lt 0 4t x r 1 1 t evil things ; but now he is comforted, 1 l.i 1 1 '"IT apprehend, he means to address him: " Son, although thy present situation is very wretched, and that of Lazarus no less happy, thou hast no reason to arraign the partiality of God ; but vc iuiujrn.e : ana inai mis nc is e:.a- I i ! an( I his idea of the rotation of troocl evil, of enjoyments and sufferings, j is confirmed by the clearest allusions ; in several parts of the New Testament ; ! for instance, we there read, that 44 it i . 44 is easier for a camel to go through 44 the eye of a needle, than for a rich 44 man to enter into the kingdom of 44 God ;" not because it is criminal to be rich, but because, whilst riches be stow on their possessors many present gratifications, thev usually make them, proud, insolent and profligate, which incapacitates them from becoming members of that holy and happy com munity. Again, it is said, 44 Blessed 44 are those that mourn, for thev shall be 44 comforted ;" not because there is any merit in mourning, but because afflict tions naturally tend to make men hum ble, sober, patient, and virtuous, in this life, for which they will deserve and receive a recompence of comfort in another. This wise disposition of Providence, in the general course ot things, although it marks his impar tiality, is no impediment to his justice, because it lays no one under compul sion, and may be interrupted by the conduct of every individual. The rich are not obliged to be wicked, nor the poor to be virtuous ; a rich man may employ his wealth in such a man ner in this life, as to acquire happiness by it in another; and a poor man may be so incorrigible as to make himself very miserable in both. All that wc are to learn from it is, to take extraor dinary care to avoid those crimes to which our situation renders us pecu liarly liable. APHORISMS. Habitual indolence, by a silent and se cret progress, undermines every virtue in the soul. Nothing is so great an enemy to the lively and spirited enjoyment of life, as a relaxed and indolent habit of mind. He is the true possessor of a thing, who enjoys it, and not he that owns it, without the enjoyment of it. I look on all tho beaux and ladies as so many paroquets in an aviary, or tulips in a garden, designed purely for my diversion. In this way do I not really possess their apparel?