ill J Li SAIAbBuIli, ?C. C. TWESU.IX, MAX Si, 1822. rniXTF.n axii i-uhuphed, event tutsdat, JJr JIINCJIAM c WHITE. Ti.rms : The subscription to the U'jstf.rv CAnnnxiAN is Three Dollars per annum, payable half-yearly in advance. CHj' No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. "Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth jn.'j. Advertisements will inserted on the cus tomary' terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or us vicinitv. CjAll letters to the editors must be post-paid or they will not be attended to. g?J5 UUKE County, is now open for the rccep .k P tion of Scholars, under the patronage of a respectable Hoard of Trustees. The mode of instruction pursued is the result of much atten tion and experience, and eminently calculated to fit young gentlemen and ladies for the active duties of life, and to prepare students successful ly to pursue their collegiate studies. Lectures in an easy, familiar style, are given three or four times a week, on Language, His tory, Rhetoric, or Moral, Intellectual, rauonal, or Political Philosophy. C.rcat attention is paid to reading, speaking, ( writing, and pronouncing the English language with correctness and elegance, and to the man- ners and morals of the pupils ; and every thing done to promote their happiness and improve- ment. . Tuition 20 per annum, and hoard on . the most reasonable terms. The village is pleas ant and healthy. French snd Italian will be taught grr.mmati callv, if requested. April 13, 1822. 3mtll0 4 SEMINARY for the instruction of youth J was ooened at this place on the 15th instant. Classes for instruction in Spell Writing", S ' 50 cents per qu Geography and lieometrv IMietoric, Eogic, and Ethics Natural Philosophy, Astronomy Lanrruacre, Sj per quarter. J.n'hslt t;rat i lfrutinn and composition, will be tauirht ' i - - ' student who can read and write, and no extra charge made. Should health permit, this insti tution will be permanent. Patronage from this and adjoining-counties, and at a distance, iscon- r..?MiK' KnVu'UrA fnrl fvnorti.l. Mild tlioutrh : prompt government will be used, and each pu- pil's taste, disposition and talent, diligently stud- ied. I-ax government has proved mischievous, proposed. l Iks piace ana me ueiguouriMMi, are indeed healthy ; and brard can be had on moderate terms. "Three or four little boys will be received as boarders, by IS EN J. I). IJOUNSAVILEE, Principal of the Seminary. Lexington, .V. C. .Ipril, 1C22. 99tl0 1- feUUii oi Km'Vu-tu'ollna, BURKC COUNTY. 1 ! ... " T.I. 1 I 9 j , l !l n IT o m n son -? T) avi ' Kvans O. Att. It appeanng to the satisfaction of the court, that th'j defendant, David Kvans, resides beyond the limits of this state ; it was therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for three months, that unless lie, the said David Kvans, makes his ap pearance at our next Court cf Picas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said county, at Morgan ton, on the fourth Mohuay in July next, then ami there to replevy or plead to issue, judgment will L-e taken for the plaintiff's demand against him. Attest, .1. Kit WINY Clerk: SmllC9 Price adv. 3 50. 5L'RIt COUNTY. rUPKr.IOR Court of Law, March term, 1822. 15 I mos Kadd, sen. vs. James It. Miller Itec. l a. Koffjelam. It appearing to the satis faction of the court, that Die defendant m this case resides without the limits of the state ; it is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for six weeks, that the defendant ..ppcar at the next Superior Court of J.av to be held for the county cf Surry, at the Court-IIouscin ltockford, on the first Monday in Sentt rnber next, then and -there to plead, an. -vcr or demur to the said suit, otherwise it will be heard expane, and judgment entered accor ding v. Test, J. W 1LLIA MS, Jr. C S. C. Gwtl02 Price adv. S1 5- SUHRY COL'XiY. PUPF.P.IOII Cn-r.t of Law, March term, 1S22. ij William liurch, v Nancy lhirch......Pctition for divorce. It appearing to" the satisfaction of f!lf. court, that the defendant in this case resides without the limits of the state, it is therefore or-dt-rd that ptd lication be made in the Western . M . .1 ....... k . .-.tir. f" i rA I -itv-ti C iieid forthe countv of Sun y, at the Court-Housc iiliockford, on the first Monday in S:ptcmbcr next and plead, answer cr ticme.r to saiu pt i tion ' otiicrwise the petition will be heard c: iarte and judgment awarded accordingly. P ' Vest J. WILLIAMS, Jr. U.S. C. i i from ignorance in tins matter ; and energy be- cf CVcry description, as well as the various come tyranny by attempting to force nature, articles usually kept in a Confectionary store ; Moral and relisrious instruct! n on the Sabbath, nil ,,f uhtch-he will dispose of on verv reasonable and during: the week, will form part of the plan i icn:is. THOMAS IIOLMl'.S. i mtl 09 Price adv. S 5!J "VVVum Tail on, .Vo. G Craft's South It'fatf, Charleston. S. C. rifli:NI)EUS hi services to the planters and J3L merchants in the western part of North-Carolina, as Factor ami Commission Merchant. The facilities now allbnlcd by Steam-ISoats, in trans porting produce and merchandize to : -ml from Cheraw and Charleston, will most like' render careful agents more necessary than formerly. W. l will buy and forward (ioods to order, and sell all kinds of produce for a commission of 2 per cent. Through the assistance of a friend, he will, when it is required, advance reasonably on pro duce which the owner n ay wish to hold for a better market. He will alio attend very partic ularly to the forwarding of goods from Philadel phia, New-York, &.c. Persons unacquainted with him, will please refer to Mr. George Miller, Sa lisbury, N. C. David lleinhardl, Esq. Eincohiton, N. C. or James Patton, senior, Ashvillc, N. C. Cwtloi finUE subscribers have in their possession for f. J1'? ev panrcl Gig, made in New-York, uhich will be disposed ot on reasonable terms. II ANDOLl'Il YOUNG. Sn;is!i:n9 March 18, 1822. 93 Ij tu i In vV 1 usiiwss . rglllE subscriber respectfully informs the citi JL zens of the Wcs'ern section of N. Carolina and the adjoining districts of S. Carolina, that he has established the Hook-Hindi a:? Husii'Si?,n all of its arious brandies in tnc town of Salisbury, N. C. lie has taken the store formerly occupied by Wood Sc Krider, on Main-street, three doors E.N. E. from the Court-l louse. Having devoted considerable time to acquire a competent knowledge of his business, in the city of llultin.ore, the subscriber flatters himself that he will be able to execute every kind of work in his line, in a style and on terms that will give general satif;u:tio:i. Merchants and otiiers, can have Wank Hooks rit.,i an,i bourui to r.nv pattern, on short notice, as cjie:,p ami as ucn f lushed as any that can be brought from the North. oiil Hooks rebound on the most reasonable terms, :.i:d at shoi t notice. Orders from a distance, for Einding of everv ! description, will be faithfully attended to. .ViLLIAM II. YOUNG. .S:.v June V, lo21. o3 ! R nnd fh- t,.i!,! Ihot I,r ht f tM Jiorl Mm- 1 self in the Saddlin' Ilusiness. at the nlantaticn'i n . .....'...,.1 i... 4i. ! Harness, ccc. made at a proportionable price. lloan Co. .ipril 29, 1022. Su tlOlr ail IK subscriber having made the necessary at rangemeiits for carrying on the liakmg Ihisiness, will keep on hand a constant supply of Breads Crackers, and Cakes Sa!Uhnrtjt Dec. 13, 1821. SO JT AN away from the subscriber, at Charlotte, iL Meckleuburir countv. N. Carolina, a Nesrro rov by the iaune'of SIMON; dark complexion, ? stout made, and live feet seven or eight inches i the said negro is delivered to haac U Uic, Con- any jail, and information given, so that I get hhn Tiiii.i.:i;t.iiii:afi!Tii i n i i mi i.ii n rtii.iiiiii ai. acram. EVAN WIEIE. .March 24, 1821. 50 .Xcw Stage, In Waeg- ?- iU' uDscnner, wno is iVnr3- the IT. States Mail betw een iZQtLZ Italeicrh and Sallsburv, by way cf Kandolph, Chatham, ik.c. respectfully m forms the public, that he has fitted up an enUre j NKW STACiK: which, added to other improve- - ments that have been made, will enable him to carry PASSKN(iKRS with as much comfort and expedition as they can be carried by any line of stages in this part of the country. The scarcity of money, the reduction in the price of produce, &c. demand a correspondent reduction in every (li-n-ivtiiu nt rf lif.' TIirMvfnre. the suliscriher has determined to reduce the rate of passage ! from riehi to six cents per mile. Centlcmen Irnivlli,,,. frnm th- V it to Prdi-r!,. f,r bv W.1V of Il?!ci?h to the'Xorth. are invTted to try the subscriber's Stage, as he teels assured it only --j ' needs a trial to gain a preference. The Stage arrives in Salisbury even- Tuesday, S or 9 o'clock, and departs for Ualeig.h the same day at 2 o'clock; it arrives in Italeigh Friday evening, and leaves there for Salisbury on Saturday at 2 o'clock. .1ww 221821. 50 JOHN KANE. Y v Vv vtc V ulttY t win sweiit . , f "111 IE subscriber respectful:;- informs t-;-, rf .a. the citizens ot SalisDur - ami tne -R -u aciiaeent countn . tiai ic r...; renrncu adiaeent country, tiiat l.e i:...u!;r . i f t fronfhis late residence on the north sale of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from 1 Salem to Danville, 15 miles from Salisbury, and I has taken the lio'ise formerly occupied by Capt. j .la. Kri !, in town, on Main street, a few doors . north of the Cot ;ourt-!Iouse ; w acie lie is prepared j jtisc of J'livate ten'er.'a.'.-rnent for j to keep a Jjttsi Travellers and utiz ms. He will !1 times furnish Stabling, Fodder and Grain Horses. THOMAS HOLMES. Salixhiirv, Sept. 25, 1S21. 78 N.P.. Light or ten HOAIlDETiS will b taken, at the customary prices in town. i i f w 1 1 1 i l 1 1 v r ci i aiai. u nil ii r ui:a u v iiil: na.iiiv, i -.!. ii' .1. ii - . r.f. -Ki. t t and out mouthed. Tob is not quite so dark, but ing, Reading and . . . , , . nrr,n..rfl t ' rvrrnto riii t thick made, and appears stubborn. Washington artc-r ; Arithmetic, J k . . ,. f u:th ncatncss aIld ! is about 10 years old, ami aown-cast look. Tom , per quarter; ,t., ... tT, wirt nni-ntt T n. took with him a pair ot buck-skm trowsers, an-.L , S Per quarter ; s.1(5,lot; Uvrr.n ,s ,tci.Mri,.fln(i a.lrub great-coat. Ihe boys had one mixed :md the Latin j ;nllcxIlcIl. . ut cr All kinds of liridles. co:1- nd onc.t,f rcl and hlG ; two high. He speaks low when spoken to. It is j oc wen snppnea wiui gram ana louacr. I supposed that he will make towards the county j As the subscriber has taken pains to provide of Prince William, Virginia, as he was purchased j every thing necessary for the comfort and ac- in inai countv. i win rnve xnc aoove ii , v.u.i.nuauuii t, .i.t .., ij.i-.i w iil Yvuabto Iaoavas "ftiv Ste. THE subscriber, wishing to remove to the western country, will oifer for sale, at pub- nc endue, on i uestlay, the loin ct Jul-next, that valuable tract of land in Burke county, whereon he now lives containing 1000 acres, sit uated 12 miles from Morganton, on the main road leading from the latter place across the l.ynville and Yellow Mountains to Jonesborough in E. Tennessee. There is a good dwelling house w ith an enclosed yard and garden, a barn, stables, cribs, negro cabins, and other out-hcunes, all in good repair. This tract lying on Lynville river affords a large proportion of flat land, a sufficiency of which is cleared and under good fence ; the soil being fertile, will easily afford the means of still further improvement ; it is well adapted to the culture of wheat, rye, corn, bar ley, oats, Sec. This farm also affords a good dis tillery, is well watered, and abounds with excel lent timber. As a stock farm, besides the abun dant products of food and forage, it has the ad vantage of lying convenient to an excellent sum mer range. In short, its local mUantagvs are great. These, together with the uncommon sa lubrity of its situation, make it a most desirable seit f-p a countrv -n i rr,0,i residence. The terms of sale will be made as easy as possible, by giving everv reasonable indulgence to the purchaser. The subrjibcr, as age:;t, will also oher for sale, at the fame- time, at a credit of twelve mopths, all the lands lying in the county of Durke belonging to the estate of Col. John M'Gimsey, deceased, viz : One; tract of land, including sev eral surveys, lying on the waters of Paddy's Creek, and containing 1000 r.cres, more or less; w hereon there is a good Gr:st MiM, well suppli ed with custom. It consists of inlands of a A pretty good quality, is well timbered, and wilt admit of several settlements. It will be sold al together, or in parcels, as may best suit the pur- sale, when duo attendance will bo siv'-n n the prciniics, by the subscriber. M. ptr the 7eirs of ('!. J. .1' (,',.:. dci '.. Jhrgantoti, . Ipril 1 ., 1 .22. I Ju tlLD X. IJ. Any person wishing to uivhae p:i vately, can do st by aj)plyinr any tin.e heroic the day of sale. 40 v0AVAVi. AN AWAY from the subscriber, near Chnr- i MM ltte, on Sunday night, the 23th inst. I'Ot.'il EtjLlJEh, VIZ Tom, Tone, TJ, an 1 U'cthi.ij- ' lom is about 55 years of age, modest ai.d Cute. Tone is about 15 years old, durk colored, or three pair of other shoes. Thev also took with them one rifle gun, without a box, and a half stocked shot gun, and sere v -driver, with a buck-horn handle. To any person tliat will q. prehend the above negroes and lodge them i i any jail so that I get them again, I will pay rrt; Dollars; or twenty dollars for Tora alone, and ten dollars for Tone, and live dollars for each of the boys. ZEN AS A LEX AN I J Elf. JMecklenfjurtf Co. JV. C. . ipril 29, 3 22. 7 wt 1 Oor nrSHE subscriber lias taken the House latelv ! JL occupied bv Mr. Thomas llolton, siirn of the Eagle, oast ot the Court-House, Salisbury, N. C. where he has opened a House of llntev tainmcnt, i br the accommodation of travellers and citizens. The house is large and commodious ; the stables are convenient, and will at all times bis house, he hopes he will be able to give gen- - - ----------- - - - A few boarders, bvthe week, month, or year, will he taken on the usual terms. KwtlOo .ipril 4, 1322. JOHN IIGLMK6. rfIIIS thorough bred and 'RXteVlST first rate horse will stand vTT f Mock's Old Picld, in How an rA&5J,t county, the present season, no c icneed; and w ill he let to mares at sixteen dollars Uie season, payable wiui twelve ilollars any time beiore me isi oi Aligns, when the season will end ; and thirty uoilars to insure a mare to be in foal, the insurance to be paid if the property L; changed. Financier is a fine bay, upwards of sixteen hands high, and is one of the highest formed race horses in the United States. His blood, as will be seen by reference to tne Hand-Pills, is from the most choice race horses both of land and America; and his performance on the tUll lA tllC l'.rst OHlCr. IlC WHS tllC llOl'SO SClCCt cd to run against Sir Archey in the famous stake which was to have been run at Camden, between tiie horses of North and South-Carolina. Mr. Allen J. Davie was not willing to risk the rep uta'aon of Sir Archey, and refused to run the A. NKSBITT. I .. ." 7 O 1 COO -6vtl02 &UVc ,NoYWi-V3wYiYiYia, LINCOLN COUNTY. ff OUNTY Court of L'leas and Quarter Sessions, J April Term, A. I). 1822....Peter Forjicy Christian Peinhardt Original attachment, lev ied on six r.cgroes and sundry articles of person al property. It appearing to the sat ist act ion ot the courtthat Christian Iteinhardt, the defend- :m is an inhabitant cf this state tt is there- fore ordered by court, that he appear ct the next countv court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to ue held tor Lincoln county, at the Court-Iiousc in I.incolnton, on the third Monday in July next replevy and plead to issue, or judgment by de fault final will be entered up against him. Or dered, by court, that publication hereof be made three month, successively in the Western Caro- 5 linian. 3aitU2r A 'jv-. vakiwy H'ur.F.. e. c. chasers. Also, several other tracts, MtuaU.-'l in tliat we possess rigrit, thev are not clillcrent parts of the mountains an-1 valuable on for afibrdinp: us anyremedv. Thev account ot the range. liono:, with approved so- , , . . i , - curity, u ill be required in all cases. The terms ask what business the Legislature has will be more fullv made known on the dav of to meddle with it? And thev denv ijair ui nevt simes, iwo ;iew wool uai-, aiui ihd 1IIOM THE ItAT.EMH IIFG ISTEH. DEBATE ON THE COjXVEjXTIOJS' QUEST OM HOUSE OF COMMON'S, DEC . 1S21. Mr. J. Smith observed, that the pro position before the committee was im portant, as it proposed to submit to the citizens of this State the propriety of calling a Convention to amend their Constitution. From remarks which had fallen from gentlemen in the course of this debate, it seemed to be doubted whether we had a right to interfere vith the Con stitution. He presumed no member of the committee me rait seriously to assert such a doctriue. All power, said Mr. S. belongs to the people, and l.u' nil' 1 rm ht t r it-.f- Crtncn f for the public gooc'i, and to amend their .charter f government as they please. This is a right secured by the Law ot Nations. io prove which, Mr. S. read an extract from Vattvi. It is, said Mr. S a well established principle, that the -people have a right to niter their constitution at pleasure. But although gen tlemen acknowledge that the people have any right to act upon ir. So thrj.t uc have a right, but no remedy. This, said Air. S. cannot be so. And tJaotigh the Legislature cannot compel the people to ho4d a Convention, th.ey may point out the mode in which it c:n be done. But wavinp- that noint of the sub- J ct, it is said to he inexpedient to call a Convention, provided we have the power ; and he would endeavour to follow the cou.rse of remark which had been made ou that subject. The gemhnnan from Halifax gave the following reasons why it would be inexpedient to call ;s Convention. He said it would convulse the people to throw into their hands that power which is their own. It would convulse the State, and jeopardize the best interests of the country. Where does the gen tleman find grounds for this appreht n sion ? Is th crc any thing so factious in the people of North-Carolina more than in other States of the Union? It has always been allowed that this State is th .c Southern State of steadv hit! Out of twenty-four States, twenty, he believed, had lately adopted new Constitution's, Connecticut (the land of steady b.abits) amongst the rest. Even the factious State of Georgia (as it has some times been called) has sub mitted the question to the people, who had shewn that they were not anxious to grasp at power; on the contrary, they an; willing to let things remain as they are. Was the State of New York convulsed by faction when the people of that State held a Conven tion? J No such thing. The delegates met at . Albany, and proceeded to bu siness in a manner becoming the Rep resent; ativesof a wise. Republican State. Nor any thing like faction appear ed in any of the other States on like occasions. If, said JMr. S. you agree to sul smit the question to the people, as is proposed, and a majority be in lavor of the measure, the question will be; -what is to be done? The people will "be told that the Convention, when assci .nbled, will have power to abolish such . of our Constitutional provisions as tl ley think proper and to make new one , and they will appoint for this pun pose, the best qualified Citizens in the State. I xi the election of Members to the Go neral Assembly, the citizens are car eiess, believing that any man of good intentions, and common stnse, wi ll answer the purpose; but when a ne w Constitution is to be formed, yu wiill see every nvm repair to the poll, arid the best and fittest men in the communitv will be chosen. No man in the State will be exempt from serv ii ng in a Convention ; even your Gov- e -rnor, or your Judges, or Ministers oi t.he Gospel, micht be elected to that 'oody. You may therefore brimr pother the rrreatest talentsjr i be-SUDD0SfV r ' ?nU Cai? 11 ?e S.UPP??Fd be. factious CT v.that such a botlv'- adopt any measure which would Hot be for the welfare and happiness of the otate r But gentlemen have said, that ud der the present s.aie of things, noth ing like oppression t;;kes place. Mr. S. admitted that we at pi esent enjoy iibert5r and a cod degree ot napm- ness : and that the Constitution un- der which we live is a good one, considering the time when it was made. But since its formation, times and cir cumstances have changed. Gentlemen call loudly on the friends of the Resolutions, to shew any in stance in which the people are depriv ed of their rights, and what necessity there is for calling a Convention; Mr. S. said he would examine this subject. We alledge that our Repre sentation is unequal, and we name two Counties to prove it, Rowan and Co- x luraous. i lie citizens ot Loiumnus have six times the portion of Repre sentation in the General Assembly that the citizens of Rowan have. What are the rights of a citizen ? His first rightc are his natural rights, to life, liberty, and the possession of hap piness. But when he enters into the social compact, he surrenders some of his natural rights f r the sake of enjoying his political rights. All men are born equal, and every man similar ly situated is entitled to equal rights and equal privilege's. This being a fact, we have a right to complain that the citizens of the large counties do not possess equal political rights with the citizens of small counties. And if he must speak of Eastern and Wes tern (though he disliked the distinc- tion") our people believe that they do not possess their full share of Repre sentation in the Legislature. That the Eastern ?Jembers make laws for us, and tax us without our consent; and they make our Governors, Judges, and other officers. The East h is the majority, and consequently the power, and though they may not use it impro perly, they may do so if it pleases them. This we call a grievance. To deny to freemen an equal voice in making laws, laying taxes, Stc. is Anti-republican and Aristocratic. It may be called Republicanism ; but it is Aris tocratic Republicanism, just such as he would call the Republicanism of Virginia, or that of any other State wherr it is necessary to have a free hold to entitle a man to. vote. Here, then, said Mr. S. we present a grievance. Here we show you some thing like oppression. What, asked Mr. S. is more degrading to a man than to feel that he has less political rights than his neighbor? To discover that the citizen of a small county has five or six times the power that he has ? For what, asked Mr. S did our forefathers fight? It was for a free j Republican Government and equal rifrnts. 1 Th ntleman from Halifax had told the committee something about the struggle whkh had taken plaee in Connecticut between the pow ers of Church and State. It was a happy struggle. He differed entirely in opinion from the gentleman from New hern on this subject. It was, said Mr. S. a struggle between the State and the Church, and he thanked God that the State had prevailed That they had thrown off the yoke of the Clergy, and establibhed a free Govern ment. The gentleman from Halifax next makes a comparison between the situ ation of our small counties and the small States a comparison that is al together inapplicable. A State is a. sovereign, indissoluble body politic. A County, on the contrary, has no power but what is derived from the sovereign authority of the State. As a State, Delaware is equally sove reign with New-York. When che thir teen States met to form,- National Government, it becam; necssary to make a compromise ith the small States of Rhode nd Delaware, and thev were ,-cordingly allowed the same Reprentatlon in the Senate with thc5ther States. But has the little yunty f Columbus any sove- Why, then, J: u entltie.d lo more Representatives m proportion to its size, than other counties. The gentleman next alleges, that there would be great difficulty in a Con- V