disposed to venture in the market. They suspect, and not without reason, that the war between Russia an J Turkey will raise the price of our stocks; and, therefore, they are resolved to hold on, and not let their property be worried and iruulcd at pleasure The Liverpool Mercury says, that bu siness is so dull at Hamburg, and money ' so plenty, that it can be had for c;:e and a half fitr cent, per annum ! One of our "Wall-street Insurance Companies will send out an atjent oiicring to ivc six per cent, per annum for as much as we re quire to shave with, provided the Jersey Bank folks are not beforehand v. kh its. .at. Adv. BALTIMORE, MAY 16. Captain Atkinson who came passenger in the schooner Cordelia, from Gonaives, reports that President Hover arrived there the day he sailed (cJth of April) from t he Cape, and was received with evident marks of joy and satisfaction. On the principal bridge of the canal which runs through the town, the citizens had erec ted a triumphal arch, decorated in the most beautiful and appropriate style. The whole street from the arch to the President's House, .formerly the King's palarc,) was strewed with green bushes and flowers. $. St. Marks the citizens were also erecting a triumphal arch, and the recep tion of the President at Port au Prince, it was thought, would be equally imposing and satisfactory. Fed. Gaz. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNK 4, 1822. TO COailESrONDENTS. " John I'oorman," we suspect, would not be libelled, should we attach alias to his name. It is true, our acquaintance with J-thn is but slight ; yet we think we ought to know him ; and v e cannot discover in the present character the least resemblance of him. If misfortune has thus destroyed his identity, from our hearts we pity him. But he he John, or he he not, we have given him a birth so snug, that the "pelt ing of the pitiless storm" will never more kit him. A Farmer" shall not be neglected. The present number closes the second volume of the Carolinian. If its pa ges have been instructive and interesting ; if, while they sought to inform the head, they have contained nothing which might corrupt the heart; if in advocating the rights, they have met the approbation, of the people : if they have thus answered, though verv imperfectly, the important ends of a public journal, we have some cause to felicitate ourselves. That we have realized the expectations of all, we have not the vanity to believe ; that we have not come up to our own wishes, humble an they are, we frankly acknowl edge : but that what we have dene falls very little chert of our means, is perhaps no less true. To give respectability and permanence to a newspaper, it must be well f iipported, and ivcU jiaii. Mere f-.atrtnege, unac companied by that which gives value to it, is like the true stamp on base coin, it destroys the hopes, and ruins the pros pects of him who trusts in it. Those, whose only capital is their business, and whose ability to prosecute it, and means cf subsistence, depend upon its regular income,. are of all persons the least able to live upon empty promises, which arc to them like j.n estate in reversion to a per son dying with hunger. Prompt pay ment gives to them, 1s moisture to plants, w he.dlhv and thrifty appearance ; and they wither and droop without it. These few hints, it is hoped, will be sufT.c :icnt. Without regular payments, the editors frankly avow, they cannot con duct the, Carolinian with profit or credit to them selves, or advantage to. their sub scribers. The friends of this establishment, and particularly those who have contributed to the circulation of the paper cr the use fulness of its pages, have our sincere ac knowledgments. A continuance of favor on their part, will excite to. renewed ex ertion on ours. The bill farther to regulate the Post Oflice Department, which passed the House of Representatives, was indefinite ly postponed in the Senate. Wc do not regret this. Though the bill was as un like Mr. Meigs' project, as open undis guised, friendship is to insidious, covert en inity, yet there were some exceptionable J features in it which v.c would like to -cc I removed be feu c it becomes a law. llv. Meigs has no doubt the thanks of all the Pi inters, for hij good will towards them, so emphatically expressed in Lis famous report ; and lie has probably ere this become fully semiblj A their grati tude. Iiut this cue expression of his kind ness is sufficient : for over much care," on his part, would doubtless have the same effect on the Pi inters, as it did on u Lucky Christie's chickens" it would kill the greater part of them. Yc observe in the last Compiler that there are already three candidates on the carpet, to represent the Mother of the commonwealth the town of Halifax- in the next General Assembly of North Carolina. Leaving out the black citizens, (without meaning any ojftJicelo them, how ever,) about one-third of the votes of this famous town are candidates ! Old Sarum itself can but just beat this. The State Hank of North-Carolina has declared a dividend of fjiir per cent, for the the last 6 months. West India trade. The following is an extract from a letter, dated London, Apiil 6, to a gentleman in New -York. The writer is a member of Parliament : " I conclude, the termination of non in tercourse between the United States and our colonics, will be an acceptable meas ure on your side ; as all West India pro duce is to be permitted to be sent direct to the United States, it may lead to an in tercourse of some importance. Your pro duce is to be subject to a moderate colo nial duty, to a fiord some protection to the produce of our North American Colonies; but it will be the same, in American as in British bottoms. I hope it will lead to a better state of things in the West Indies, and a better understanding with your go vernment. It is abi) provable there will soon be an increase of duty heic, paiticu larly on foreign cotton; which, in that case, will be all drawn bark on goods of vnrn, when cxpr'itrd. The amount is not settled, but it rnay be considerable." A.n: in v. .v .v.irr. The following is a comparative view of our Nmw in 1801 and 1822. It will be perceived that we have now onlv tivo more vessels, and one hundred and fiftv-cight more guns, than wc had at thr.t period. An increase scarcely anv thing like com mensurate with our national growth and prosperity, our extended commerce and naval refutation. Yet is it proposed to reduce the Navv, small as it is ! and, in furtherance of a paltry cconomv, unwor thv of liberal sfatmcn, to dismantle the bulwarks of our rights and liberties. Amrricrn JVavxj. Vr.ssns iv 1801. j Vesset.s is 182 J. 5 of 41 guns 22'. I 7 of 74 guns 518 4 of .lo" iruns- -144 - f4 - 78 -lit - 4-'. 4- of 4 1 guns- of .ifi guns- 1 of .)0 guns of 24 guns- 4 of 18 gun.- 2 of 12 guns- 5 of 12 guns Tof G irmis 1 of 1 gun 17G 2 of ? truns- 1 of Z'.i rr'ins .1 of 26 guns- of 21 guns- 2 of 22 gun. 4 of IS g.r.s '2 of If) guns I of 1.5 guns 1 of 14 jrnrv 3 of 12 ru:v.i- -108 i - so ! - 48 - 72 - 24 - GO - C) - 1 - 6 3? 1.5 1-1 o Gun Boats Vt-szrh 3b Guns 1049 Charleston Courier. Von! ZGuns 91 another breach or promise. At the circuit court held in Dutchess, New-York, last week, before Judge Piatt, the trial of the cause of Sallv Sleight vs. Stephen I'arnes. both of Clinton, for breach of promise of marriage, took place. The defendant had courted the ladv for nine vear?. The jnrv gave a verdict for the plaintiff of 15C0 dollars. John Randolph, Ksq. arrived at Liver-: pool on the Gth of April, in the Amity,' in 20 davs from New-York, and set out ' the next day for London, in fine health and spirits. A Liverpool paper in describing the powers of Madame Catalani's voice, says u Such was the torrent of sound she emit ted at one moment, that the glass globule ! icndant from the central chandelier ivcre fiozverfully agitated end struck against each other." STKA M-IJOAT KNGAG EMKXT. riTTsr.uKG, may 10. It is reported by persons on board of the S. 15. Velocipede, that the captain of the S. 15. Providence has for some time past harbored a hostile disposition toward the S. 15. Gen. Clark, in consequence of her superior running, and to gratify a feeling of jealousy, which wc had supposed could only have been fostered in the breast of the untutored savage, did wilfullv and maliciously tun his boat against the Gen. Clark, whereby he carried away her guards, wheel room and part of the cabin, and killed two per sons on board the same boat. We learn also, that the captain of the Providence is in the hands of justice, and hope if found guilty, will receive the punishment due to iuch zn inhuman enrage. DIED, On the night of the 24th ult imo, Col. James OrinsTBEEr, of Barnwell District, S. C. after a short but painful illness. He was returning from Washington City with hia lady, (whom he had recently married,) to his seat in South-Carolina, after having discharged his duty ai one of the representatives of the people of that state dur ing the first session of the seventeenth Congress, enjoying in anticipation the pleasures of home, and the society of intimate friends and relatives. On the Saturday morning previous, he readied Sal:dury; after eating breakfast, he resumed !i!s -urney ; but ere he had travelled ten miles, he :;- came seriously ill. Having reached Mr. Parley's, ten miles from Salisbury, on the read leading to Charlotte, he was unable to proceed farther ; and then death, that inexorable mon ster, terminated his mortal career. His re mains v erc decently interred, in a neat country church-yard, not more than one quarter of a mile from Mr. Partcc's residence. The afflic tion of a disconsolate widow may be imagined, but not expressed, licmote from her friends ; widowed in a land of strangers ; destined to a community where she is herself a perfect stran ger ; all those flowering prospect. of future happiness, which seemed already to have bloom ed around her, at once destroyed by one wide withering blast : those only who hae shared like ills, can manifest a correspondent sympathy. An acknowledgment is due to Mr. Partee and his family, for their very kind and prompt atten tion to the deceased, during his illness. cOMMCMCATED. The Editors of the Gazette and Telescope, Columbia, S. C. arc requested to insert the above death in their respective papers. 400 DoWovs IWvvavA. Samuel Jl Li?ic!saij, SA IT u .Merchant of Mecklenburg" county, A X. C. left his family the latter part of Feb ruary last, and is supposed to have gone to some of the south-western states. Lindsay i-; iihont 20 years of n, ri;;;jpiexion, sandy colored hair, has had one of his leg's broken near the ancle, and writes an excellent hand. The last accounts from him, left him in Charleston, S. C. on the 30th of March : he left there on that day, in a new gig-, and has not since been heard from, lie has forfeited all claims to confidence anion l;' his friends ; has made a default in the payment of his debts, of several thousand dollars;, and has probably taken a large sum of money with him. lie may probably change his name to'that of WiLon, or Carson. The above reward will be given to any person w ho will give me information of his place of res idence, so that I get him in four months; and half the above sum if found in six months. It is confidently hoped that all friends to honesty and humanity, will use some exertions to discover the resilience of said Lindsay, and communicate the same to me, or any other knowledge they mav have of him. ANDREW LINDSAY. Guilford County, A. C. .May 25, 1322. 1 3vtV N. I. The Editors of the Georgian, Savannah the Tress, Cahaivba, and Republican, Hunt t iL'c, Alaba. Floridian, I'ensacola, and Adver tiser, Aeiv-Orleans, will please to insert the a aboe in their several papers, four times. IN SALISBURY, NORTH-CAROLINA, 11Y 11'illiam . Slaughter, 4 T his large and commodious Buildings, two 1 V doors east of the State Bank. He has lately employed an experienced and attentive Bar Keeper, who, with the aid of clean, well furnish ed Chambers, a well stored Cellar, Ice-IIousc, Granary, good Ostlers, Sec. is able, he flatters him self, to support Iiis claims, in an increased degree, to the very liberal patronage his House has for so many cars received. Travellers and Private Hoarders will continue to meet w ith those comforts and attentions w ith v. hich they have, hitherto, been pleased to ex press themselves so well pleased. CZj The Northern, Southern, and Eastern Stages, put up at this House, .lay 1, 1S22. The Editors of the Georgia Journal, the National Intelligencer, and the Raleigh Register, arc requested to insert the above advertisement in their respective papers three times, and send their accounts to this office for payment. '4 And Exhibition, Pleasant Retreat Acadenw, in Lincolnton, A. C. FffIIE Examination of the sUidents in the Lin X eolnton Male Academy, will commence on the 2nd Julv, and end on the 3d. The succeed ing day the students will have an exhibition, which, it is hoped, will be highly entertaining, us it will consist of a number of select speeches and interesting dramatic performances. Parents and Guardians, and friends to litera ture, are requested to attend. 1). REIMIARDT, Scc'n. 1 822.- -twtV YubYic Sole. rglHERE will be sold, for cash, at the Court IL House in Salisbury, on JHoiulav, the 10th of June next, four likely NEGROES, the property c f Robert T. Cheek, to satisfy sundry executions, John S. Long, and others, vs. said Cheek. SAML. JONES, Sh'JT. By Andrew Hunt, Uepntv iihJf. JTuv 30, 1S22. lw fv QTRAYED from my stable in f'",''rj!T Salisbury, about ten days ago, (rr$v a roan Horse his age not exactly jX'Tji. know n, about 14 hands high. He has been nicked, has short cars, and is a natural pacer. A reasonable reward will be given to any person who shall secure him and give me notice, cr return him to me. CHARLES FISHER. Jht31, 1322. 101 Ioy Sale. fTJIlIE subscribers have in their possession for M sale, a new panned Gig, made in New-York, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. RANDOLPH & YOUNG. "Ran tlwsv, 7 ROM the subscriber, on the l 27th of Mav, a negro man named SAMBO, about 26 or 27 years old, tall, and rather inclin- f,; mg to yellow. lie has a dim scar h) on his left cheek, an inch or bet- f ter long, is of a good countenance, , 1 II .1. 4 -7-faiu v.eu spoken. a ay peisun that will take ban and confine him so that I get him, or bring him home, shall be handsomely re warded. LEMUEL D. JOHNSTON. j .o. is:?:. k7i N O RTIi- C AliO L IN A. It A N D O L r II COUNTY. In Equitv Spring Term, IS22. LEXANDER 11RAY and Jesse llarper, Ad- a., ministrator?, with the will annexed, of Sol omon Parke, deceased, against John Morgan and others It appearing to the court that Augus tus B. Longstreet and Frances Elizabeth his wife, Jacob Flowers, and Folly his w ife, reside with out this state : It is Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for them to appear at the next term of this court, and plead, answer or demur, otherwise the bill will be taken pro confesso against th em, and beard ex parte. B. ELLIOTT, C. .1. 12. 6ut'9 Price adv. NORTH-CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. CIOURT of Fleas anil Quarter Sessions, May ) Term, 1322 Christopher Swaim, vs. Job Mills Atta. levied in the hands of Moses Swaim and others. It appearing to the court that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this state It is Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for the said defendant to appear at the court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Randolph, on the tirst Monday in August next, and plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment will be entered against him. JESSE HARPER, C. C. C. Gwt'9 Price adv. $2. ' NORTH-CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. C10URT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, My J Term, 1822 Marmaduke Swaim, Job Mills. Atta. levied in the hands of. P.. luT.r.it and others. It appearing- to the court that tiie defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this state It is Ordered, that publication be ln.uie for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for the said defendant to appear at the court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions, to be held for the county vi Randolph, on the first Monday of Aug'. it next, and plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment will be entered against him. JESSE HARPER, C. C. C. fnVtM FnCe adv. $2. NORTH CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. J Term, 1822.. . Michael Swaim, r.Pomrov Ilig- ley. Atta. levied in the hands of Joseph Ilodg en and others. ...It appearing to the court that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this" state It is Ordered, that publication be made lor six w eeks in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for the said defendant to appear at the court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Randolph, on the first Monday of August next, and plead, answer or demur, otherw ise judgment will be entered against him, JESSE HARPER, C. C. C. fvt9 iSice adv. S2- NORTH-CAROLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. COURT of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, Mav Term, 1822 Thomas Greer, vs. Samuel W. Lindsav. Attachment.. ..Levied on a tract of land, sundry articles of merchandize, household furniture and other property, and Mr. J. Robin son ami others summoned as Garnishees. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this sate, or has absconded, or so conceals him self that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is, therefore, ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that unless the said defend ant appear at the next court of Fleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held for the county of Meck lenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the fourth Monday of August next, and replevy, judgment final by default will be taken against him, and the case heard ex parte. Test. ISAAC ALEXANDER, C.JL C. Smt'16 Price adv. " NORTH-CAROLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. COURT of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1822.. ..James Wilson, vs. Samuel XV. Lindsay. Attachment.. ..Levied in the hands of Alex. Porter, Richard Robinson, and others, and thev summoned as Garnishees. In this case it ap pearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this stale, or has absconded, or so conceals himself that the ordinarv process of law cannot be served on him : It is therefore Ordered, by the court, that publi cation he made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that unless the said defendant appear at the next court of Ideas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday of August next, and replevy, judgment final by default will be taken against him, and the case heard ex parte. Test. ISAAC ALEXANDER, C.JL C. 3mtT6 Price adv. Sale cyf NcYoes. V virtue of an order of Court, obtained at Mav term, 1822, w ill be sold at the Court- House i:i Salisbury, on Saturday, the 29th of June, of the estate of Robert Baird, deceased, the follow ing NEGROES, viz : Rachel and her two voungest children, Niccy and Mary, to satisfy the debts against the estate. The term of credit one vcti W ' WILLIAM BARBET?, Adnr. Mav 25, 1822. 3wt'op 4 T Rowan Countv Court, May term, 1822, the 1. subscriber obtained Letters of Administra tion on the estate of James Hilton, deceased. All persons indebted to the said estate, are re quired to make pavment ; and those who have claims, to exhibit them within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice w ill be pled in bar of recoverv. ZEBULON HUNT, Adm'r. .May 23, 1822, 3t'5 CLOCK & JKlTCx REPAIRING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the y lie, that he has again taken his shop in V lisbary, on Main street, opposite the State Bank w here he is prepared to execute all orders in the line of his business. Clockr, Watches. Jew- elry, &c. repaired .on t?".3 shortest notice. He solicits the patronage of his friends, his eld cus tomers, and the public in general, and assures them that he will do their work, ar.d sell them all articles in his line, en lower terms than at any other shop in this part of the state. HUGH HOEAiL Salisbury .1.,7 23, lS. 103 TSTST opening and for sale, at the Store of the ?9 subscriber, viz : Blue and bck Broadcloth, very cheap ; do. common, various cok . s ; Casti mercj, of different colors ; Idac .c md colored Canton Crapes ; Ikmibazettes and hk.t k Velvets ; Silks, and Silk Shawls, of every description ; Cambric and Robes, for ladie s' dress.es ; Domes tie Cloth, of the best quality ; Hats, Bonnets, and Shoes, a complete assortment ; besides numer ous other articles. A ho, Powder, shot, an-1 lead ; best gunpowder tea, .and chocolate ; Writing Paper and School Books, :c. Sec. c. In ad.I'.tioTi to the above, a good supply of f"OCi:ni(-:S, &c. tMh us brown and loaf 3a gar, Coffee, ar.d Pepp-.r; Copperas : Dutch and English ScUhes; patent hoes; Hard-Hare, i various kinds; lief and C Lii.a IV are, tic All of which will be sold verv kv for cash. i.EORGE MILLEIL Salt'!. r.n, April S, IS22 yGlf Stop Ug TVicA'V STOLEN" from the stable of the subscriber, residing at Caswell Court-house, on the night of the 8th V.st. a dark chesnut sorrel IIOIiSE, marked with a star in his forehead, his back somewhat rubbed by the saddle ; is about 5 feet high, nine years old, and a good pacer, although a little stiff in his movements. '1 he thief is sup posed to be a man calling himself li'illiur.i about five feet nine or ten inches high, dark complexion and dark hair, features prominent, particularly .the nose, countenance expressive and open ; the first and third finger o the left hand marked with a black ring indented in the. skin with gun-powder, and one arm marked with nanr.er ; nad with mm a new suit of clolh: -oat of lis blue jombn- zctte, nar.heen pantaloons, and o:ac. strm Marseilles cst : also, a drab surt out, with cape:.. It is supposed he is making his way to seme cf the Western or Southern states. A liberal re ward will be given for the apprehension of the. thief, and lodging him in anv jail within the limits of North-Carolina, and securing the horse so that he may be recovered by the owner, I) act. John Garland, cf Milton. Information communicated to him, or to the subscriber, will be thankfully received, and promotlv attended to. THOMAS GRAVES. Cawell C. U. Jut if 12, 1822. 3wt'4 1 T AN AWAY from the subsci- Q.I her, living, in Chester Dis trict, South Carolina, on the 6th of tiiis inst. a negro man named Jacob, a rough blacksmith, aged twenty-one years, of dark com plexion, stout built, about five feet ei ght or ten inches high, his apparel not recollected. He has been lately brought from the state of Virginia, and it is be lieved that he will try to make his vay buck through this State; it is also believed that, if ap prehended, he will deny his master's name : therefore the Jailers are requested, if the above described negro should fall into their hands, to drop rrc a few lines to Chester Court House, and oblige, JOHN S. RICE. JUay 16th, 1822. 3wtl04p Stale ol" rsf 0'V-CL1!01U, ASHE COUNTY. C10URT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May J Sessions, 1822 Elizabeth Humpl ris, Ad ministratrix, vs. John Ilumphris Original At tachment Ambrose Parks summoned as Gar nishee. Whereas it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is an inhabitant of another state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Ashe, at the Court House in Jefferson, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in October next,- then and there to answer, plead, or demur, otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesso. I, Thos. Calloway, certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of record, as appears from the minutes. 13wtT5r THOS. CALLOWAY, CYC. C. Aatfc o iVoYtti-CaroYina. IlOW AN COUNTY. In Equitv. ...A'ml Term, 1S22. Jesse A. Pearson, Joseph Pearson and others, acrainst William li. Thomas, Alexander H. Tho-mas,-William Langhorne : also against Pleas ant II. May and Benjamin Chairs, executors of the last will Q.f William Thomas, deceased. TTT appearing to the court that William Lang JL borne resides in Virginia, and William U. Thomas, Alexander II. Thomas, and Pleasant II. May, reside in South-Carolinr--: It is Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in ti c Western Carolinian, that the said defendants, William Langhorne, William D. Thomas, Alex ander II. Thomas and Pleasant II. May, do make their personal appearance at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the county of Rowan afore said, on the second MonJav after the fourth Mon day of September next, and answer, plead, cr demur to the complainants bill of complaint, otherwise the same will be taken pro confesso against them, and heard ex parte. 6tl08 Test. GEO. LOCKE, C.JW.E. Slate oik oYtVi-CavoVma t-A. ROWAN COUNTY- I,i Equity Jpril Term, 1822. The Executors of the last Will of Richmond Pearson, deceased, vs. Benjamin Chairs and Pleasant II. May, Executors of the last Will of William Thomas, deceased. ""T appearing to the court that Pleasant II. fi May, one of the defendants, resides in South Carolina It is Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for him to appear at the next term of the Court of Equi ty, to be held for Rowan county, on the second Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, then and there to answer, plead, or demur- to the complainants' bill, otherwise trie same wsit be taken uro confesso against him, and heard ex parte. Aa TV- r.r.o. LOCKE. C. 31.

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