(P 7 HI (D) TIL TTJJiryXKfT Si 5rn 1:1 JIf NO. IO&. 1 1 I Ft 1! it i - if . white. T I M : The subscription to the U'r.sTr.nsCHntmi!i is Three DAhir per annum, payable half-yearly n advance CCj" So paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unle ss at tlie discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice of his wish "to discontinue nt the end of a year, will be considered as wishing- to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever v ill become responsible fur the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratia. AnvEHTisEMEtr will be inserted on the rui. tomury terms. .Persons st tiding in Adver tiscments, must specify the number of times they wi-.Ii them inserted, or they w ill bo continued tilj ordered out, and charged accord' ngly. No advertisement inserted utril it has been paid for, or its pa3"ment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. Cj.V.11 letters to the editors must be post-paid .r they wiil not be attended to. fTUfi: subscriber, wuhincr to remove to the i v. .stern country, will oifer far sale, at pub he vendue, on Tuesday, the 16th of July next, that valuable tract of land in Burke county, whereon he now lives, containing1 I Out) acres, sit uated 12 miles from Moranton, on the main road leading- from tlie latter place across the Lnvi!!eand Yellow Mountains to Jonesborough in" E. Tennessee. There is a good dwelling house with an enclosed yard and iardcn, a barn, stabler cribs ne,ro cabins, and other out-houses, ail in tfood repair. Th:i tract 1 ii?r on J.ynville river affords a large proportion tf flat land, a Bufliciencv of which is cleared an I underwood fenr. ; the soil being fertile, w ill easily afford the means of still further improvement ; it is w ell adapted to the culture of wheat, rye, corn, bar ley, oas, he. This farm also aff ords a good dis tiller., is well w atered, and abounds with exccl- i . . . . : . - a n tt.wt ".-m K.tlf1fc ttif shim. icm hk -.. - r . . dant prtKluetsot U l f Vflt lif BINGHAM vantage i in ; nnniiuiiii i.t'-nivm.- 1 - i i . s i . 1 i,,- ,,. mer Zn In shor, its local advantages are Ming been t;n, d w nh. ,t .s "nkixd Stat These, together with the uncommon sa- court that pub.c.tu.n fe male three month, a frf of its situation make it a sirahjc "tt at for a country resulence Jf'J Court, to he hell fo-the county of Rowan, to vrdl be made ay asy aM g ng e cr ; , u . h( reasonable mdulgence to the pun CK parte. l ea t is t,nv en to the petitioner to ex The sub,r.ber, as agent, wul also otter f r I F J ' . - -A ol:ce to thc oi twelve months all the lavishing in the coun.) of I.urke helon -inir to the estate of Col. Jchn M'Gimsev, deceased, iz : One tract of land, including sev eral survevs, Iving on the w aters of I'add Creek, and containing Vf) acres, more or less; m hereon there is a good Grist Mil!, well suppli ed with custom. It consists rf uplands of a pretty g-ool quality, is well timbered, and will udrtilt of sev . ral se'ttlement. It will be sold al together, or in parcels, as may hi st suit the pur chasers. Also, several other tracts situat d in 'difle-ent parts of the mountains, and valuable on liccotmt of the range. Iknd, w ith approved se curity, will he required in a!J cases. Thc terms will he more fully made known on the day of tale, when due attendance will hi given on the 1, remises, bv the subscriber. WM. M'C.IMSEV, .Ifrnt f',r the If in of CA. J. U'(i:mt r, d- e'd. McrranU,nt .IpHl'lo, liJl 12 wlWJ N'. It. Anv person wishing to purchase pri vate! v, can do so by appHingany time before the day of sale. V Y V V V .lt v Yt aYYUt Yt . 3 f 11HH subscriber respectfully informs t;r l I the citizens of Sahiburv and the '.. :.!' accr.t country, that he has removed from his late residence on the north s:de of the Yadkin river, on the main road leading from ; for divorce. It appearing- o the satisfaction of Sal. m to Danville, 1.5 miles from Salisbury, and ' the court, that the dcfcndai t in tfiis case resides l as t.tketi the house formetlv occ lpied by Capt. without the lirr.its of the sta'e, it is therefore or Ja. Krider, in town, on M.un street, a few doors tiered, that publication n .de in the Western north of the Court-! louse ; where he is prepared j Carolinian for three months, that the defendant to keep a II,us of Private EnterUunment for , appear at the next Superior Court of Ijv to be Travellers and citizens. He w id at all times j held for the county of Sum , ;,t the Court-House furnish Stabling, Pod.der and Grin for Horses. in Pockfrd. on the first Moi day in September THOMAS HOLMES. .Vii;-''-. ". S't't. 25. 121 73 r . X. P.. Liglit or ten KOAKDHRS will be taken, ut the customary prices in town. T 'IF. su"cr.her having male thc necessary : rra-i r.t, for carrjin tn the llaking llwsiness, w ill keep on hand a corutart supply of. Bread, Crackers, and Caket cf every description, as well ;,s the variotis ; armies oMi.u.y wept in a i.oiuec nonary store ; : all ef winch he w-.il d;.-p se of on vcrv reasonable ; f rn.-. THOMAS HOLMLS. u'i.fnrff. D r. 13, 1S21. J .1 Gnott llnttev Wtttei. flUF. PAL wages will he jf'u en to one or two J young men, of good habits, who understand thur business. Those seeking employ merit may get a good job, by applying to thc subscriber in Mor.car.ton, N. C. Ib.'tf JOHN MT.ITRK. Vtt; jUftY8 AVcrwvYi. RAN a'vay from the snbs-riber, at Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, N. Carolina, a Negro Ptov by the name of SIMON ; dark complexion, stout ma 1?, and five feet seven tr eight inches high. lie speaks low when spoken to. It is !-"i:-r--.sid that he will make towanU the county f I 'r. r-.ee William, Virginia, as he ws purchased in tire r,t:r.ty. I will rive the above reward if the said negro is delivered t I-intr Wiiie, Con con'., Cabarrus - 'nty, or 25 dollars if secured in anv iail, ui. " nation given, so that I tret him a.ain. EVAN WILIE. .l-f-cA 2 1, 1 821. 5) vuks, o F the vr.rirm kinds commonly in use, for sale at the Ofhce ef t!:e V:.mu.- CitsoiiMix. ROWAN COUNTY. It Ejui.': Ij nl 'l rri, 182 2. Jesse A. Pcarvjn, Joseph Pearson and others, agair it William II. Thomas, Alexander 1 1. Tho mas, William Langharne: ahu against Pleas ant II. May and Benjamin Chairs, executors of tie last wiH of William Thomas, deceased. TT appearing to the court that William I .anc hor 'i: res'uh in Virginia, and William H. Thomas Alexander II. Thomas, and Pleasant II. May, reside in South-Carolina : It is (h,!crr!, that pul licstion be nude for fix weeks in the Westen. Caroih.ian, that the said defendants Wili'amlnghonv.', William II. Thomas Alex ander II Thomas and Pleasant II. May, do make their pet tonal aprn arance at the next Court of T-H'iit v, t be held fr the county of Rowan afore said, on t ie second Monday after the fourth Mon day of S ptembt r nevt, and answer, plead, or demur t the complainants hill of complaint, otherui.s. the same will be taken pro confesso acrainst tlem, and heard ex. parte. . "titlO-S Test. i;r. . LOCKE, C. J. 11. ROWAN- COUNTY. Ji ;.;.; Ifril Term, 1322. The Exec iters of the last Will of Richmond Pearson, deceased, vs. llenjamin Chairs and Pleasant II. M ty. Executors of the Let Will of Wilii.ni Thou as, deceased. TT uppe ring to tlie court that Pleasant II. Mav,' oi of t?ie lefeiuL.:its, resides in South. Carolina it is (-.i r-!, that puldicatiou he made for six v ee a in thr Western Carolinian, for him to appear a the next term of the Court of Equi ty, to be he d for Rowan county, on the second Ma.id.-y ufur the fourth Monday of September next, then & d there to answ er, plead, or demur to the i-oii.j) .unai.ts' b'.il, otlitrvv ise the same will he taken pr toi:iV s o against him, and heard ( t'.i !'. c;f:o. LOCKE, cm. v.. nV AN COUNTY. s I'PERiOR f oust of !. . , April Term, 1S22 ... Ruth Ifar i-. t . .h'hn Hams. It eann. to the cot rf, v r-tiirn of two snhptrnas that ,' -:.t it-,;. ?w ....t I,. I..- fimn l m the co un- ! i v, 'and the rc.,:..tion of th-. act in other reject ' " . - . r , " i i ' Ph.t the limits of the - state, to parts unknown Witness Alex. I robot k, Ch i k of the llow an Superior Court, at "ftice. Jn.'llt Al EX. rUOIIQCK, V. S. C. State of YtAAYo!a, Bl'RKI COUNT V. 10PUT of PI ai ; n 1 Quarter Sessions March ... ...... .. ... . . i li.m' i h " !..r t I Iwilr.fWflll. t st llill Kv.uh O. Att. It : TK-.innir to the satisfaction of the court, that th ! ftndant, IJavid Eans, resides h' r.d t! i n.ti of tlit state ; it was thtrefjre ordered, tl.t publication be ma le in the Western Carolinian fr three months, that unless he, the aid Dati.l Ev at:. make his ap pearance at our I et C 'irtof I'h asan 1 Quarter Session, to he htl 1 f- r said county, at Morgan ton, on tlie f -urtft M ot.d y in July next, t'.ien and there to rt plevy or pk o issue, judgment will be taken for the pl;iria', "s lemartl ;nainst him. Attest, .1. I KM IN, ( !rk: .nitl09-rricc : '.v. M. Stnti" rsuY-tjnYoiv, SLKRY CCt N IT. QUPFJ UPFJIIOR Court of h i-, M,n;h V rm, 1H22 ij William Ihirch, r. Na icv I lurch next, an I plead, answer or it. mur to said peti- ition, otherwise the petition v ill be heard ex- i :...i,, . .. ....-.i, .i Pl- i'1..., . , v intl09 Price adv. S 50 Stvxtc ut XoYt-V!aYtAvu, LINCOLN' COUNT.'. COIN Apr! OCNTY Court of PS-as and ih trtcr Senior.-, I T nn, A. 1. 1S22.... Peer 1 rnev if'.ni'iin l.v irib.ir-.it Original a'Lcb-ti :tit. Icv- .(.tI f)f nt.gnK.s aJij ,,;mIry artie'e of person- ftJ pro.)crtv. It anpearii - to the v.ti-!artion of , . (;hri,ti in Ih inhardt, the defend- ant, is not an inha'.itant ot tins, slate : It ij there fore onh reI by caurt, that he appea at t!i- next countv court of Pleas and iuart r Sessions to be held for Lincoln countv, at the C urt House in Lincolnton, on the thi. il Mom lay ir. July next, replevy and plead to issue, or judgn.-r.t by de fault fmal will be cntereil np against Mm. Or dered, bv court, that publication hereof be made three months successively in the West -m Caro linian. 3mtll2r Tel. VARDliV M I5E! C. C. NORTH-CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. ("10OIT of Pleas and Quarter Ses .'.cr. May J Term, 1S22 Christopher Swaim, i. Job Mills Ata. levied in the hands of Mesesswairn anl others. It appearing to the court ti t th defendant in this case is not an inhabitant if this state It i (hd-retU that publication he made for six w eek? in the Western Carolinian, prnted in Salisbury, for the wid dtrl ruUt.t toappe.rat the c4irt c.f rleas and t i .rter Scs- ior.s, to be held for the county of Randolph, on the l.rst Monday lit August next, and plead, answ er or demur, rtthtrwue judgment will be tnterfd acrainst hint. JESSE I! ATI IT P. C. e-.rt'9 Vr.zr ? lOY SVC. riUF. subscribers have in their possession for A sale, a new pannel tiig, made in Ne -Vork, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. RANDOLPH Si YOUNG. V.i.V.,.., jr,ch 13, 1822. 93 IVan Away JJMiOM the subscriber, on the 27th of May, a neirro man named SAMHO, "about 1'6 or 27 earmold, tall, and rather Inclin-ing- to ellow. He has a dim scar on his left cheek, an inch or bet ter long1, is of a good countenance, and well spoken. Anv person that will take him and confine him so that I gxt hint, or bring him home, shall be handsomely re warded. LI'MlTEL 1. JOHNSTON. 37, 1S22. U'7p State XoYt-l!aYuna, ASHE COUNTY. rlOrRT of Pleas ami Quarter Sessions, May J Sessions, 1822 Elizabeth Humphris, Ad ministratrix, ts. John Ilumphtis Original At- tacliment...Ainbrose I'arks summoned as Gar nishee. Whereas it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is an inhabitant of another state, it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to he held for the county of Ashe, at the Court House in Jefferson, on" the 2d Monday after the 4th M omlay in October next, then and there to answer, plead, or .lemur, otherwise judgment will be taken pro confesxo. I, Thus. Callow ay, certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of record, as appear from the minutes. I3vt'15p TIIOS, CALLOWAY, C. C. C. N O RTII-C A HO L IN A, UANDOLPIl COUNTY. In Equity Sprinj Ttnn, 1S22. A LEXANDLR GRAY and .le-sse Harper, Ad ministrator",, with the will annexed, of Sul- onuui Parke, deceased, against John Morgan and others It appearing to the court that Augus tus 15. Longstrcet and Frances Elizabeth his wife. Jacob flowers, and Polly his w ife, reside with- out tins state : It is ( : . , tliat publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carchnian, matle for six weeks m the Vestern I 'arc l.n,a:i, for them to appear at the next term of this court. and plead, answ er or demur, otherw ise tie hid will be taken proconfesso against them, and heard ex pare. II. ELLIOT I , L. U. JL. 6wt'9 -Price adv. R2. NO RTI I-C A IIOLIN A , HASDOLPII COUNTY. 10h"IU" t f Ph as and Quarter Sessions, May V ; Tt rm, 1M22 Marmatluke Sw aan, t . Job M ils. Atta. Ieied in the hands of P. P.'.hott and others. li appearing to the court that thc defendant in thisca.se is not an inhabitant of this state It is OrJfrff, that publication be ma for six v eeks in tlie Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, for the sanl uefenuant to appear at the court ot IMeas and Quarters Sesnns, to fie held f.r the county .f Uaiulolph, on the tirst MoiitUy of August iu t, and plead, answer .V1'"-'"'3- j6-'- u"uu' against him. JLSSF. 1IAHPF.R. C. C. C. fwfj- Price adv. $2. NORTH CAROLINA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. (10PHT of Ph as and Quarter Sessions May J Tt rm, 1 ft2...MichaclS w ains, r . Pcmrov Hig- ley.': Atta. levied in the hands of Joseph llodg-- cu antl fjtht-rs It apiearin5- to the court that the dth ndant in this case is not an inhabitant of this statt It U (ti!rre,t, that publication be rr.aJe lor six w eeks in the Western Carolinian, printetl in Salisburj', for the said defendant to appear at tlie court ot I'leas and Quarter Sessions, to he held for the county of Randolph, on the first Monday of August next, and plead, answer or demur, otherwise judgment will he entered against him. JF.SSP HARPER, C. C. C. CivfPrice adv. NORTH-CAROLINA, MF.CKLENUUKG COUNTY. i lOPRF of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May j Term, 1822 Thomas Greer, vs. Samuel W. Lindsay. Attachmcr.t....Le ied on a tract of land, Mindry articles of merchandize, household furniture and other property, and Mr. J. Robin son and others summoned as Garnishees. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, tliat the. defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, or has absconded, or so conceals him st If that the ordinary process of law cannot he .-r d on him: It is, therefore, ordered, tha Ttii'ihrition be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that unl-.-ss the said defend ant appear at the next court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to he held for the county of Meck lenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the fourth Montlav of Aug-ist next, and replevy, judgment final by default will be taken against h'm, and the case heard ex parte. Trit. ISAAC ALEXANDER, CM. C. Smt'16 Price adv. St NORTH-CAROLINA MECKLENBURG COUNTY- CIOI'RT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May J Term, 1822. ...James Wilson,. Samuel W. Lindsay. Attachment. ...Levied in tlie hands of Alex. Porter, Richard Robinson, and others, and ! "y summoned as Garnishees. In this case it ap ;.. "rirrg to the Fiti&faction of the court, that thc dcllruiant is not an inhabitant of this state, or has absconded, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process cf law cannot be served on him : It is therefore 0. ', by the court, that publi cation be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that ui.le.-s the said defendant appear r.t the next inert of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, o he hell for the county cf Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday cf Angust next, and replevy, jndg.nent final by default will be taken against him, and U.e case htr.rd ex part. 'iest. 1 S "v C A LEX ANDER. C. . If. C (BO.n THE BALE10H HEGISTU. DEBATE ON THE COjXVEJVTIOiV (IUEST1QX. HOUSE OF COMMONS. DEC 1821. .Mr. Smith's Speech conchi-lei. But gentlemen say our Constitution has had an an existence of 45 years, therefore ought not to be touched. If an argument of this kind ought to have any weight, it might have been used with much greater force against amending the Constitution or Charter of Connecticut, which had existed since the days, of King Charles. But such arguments had no weight there, and they are entitled to none here. Time cannot sanctify error. If your Consti tution have nothing to recommend it but the rust of antiquity, that ought not to protect it. If you are not able to shew that it is perfect in all its parts, or superior to any Constitution which the present age can form, the people ought to have an opportunity of amend ing it when they express a wish to do so. IIr. Jefferson had been referred to as authority for the system of Repre sentation adopted in Virginia. You are told that a portion of the people in that State are disfranchised; that no man who is not possessed of a freehold can vote for a Delegate to their House of .Representatives. IMr. S. said he objected to this system. lie cared not who was in favour of it. He respec ted Mr. Jefferson as much as any man ; but he souldnot call such a system ci government a Democratic Republic ; but, in the language of Vattel an Aris tocratic Republic. Mr. S. read a pas- Ii om Yuttel in support oi his opinion, j What, aked Mr. S. constitutes the strength oi" tlie State r There are two kinds of strength ; the one moral, the other ph sical. The moral, is the good opinion which the people entertain of thc goodness of its form ; thc physical, is the force and ability which it posses ses to meet an enemy. Suppose your Republic is invaded, all your citizens would be called upon to defend it, whether they have land or not, and if a man be obliged to fight for his country, he surely ought to enjoy the rights of a citi.en. The next gentleman that addressed the committee on this subject was from lieaufort, (Mr. Blackledge.) That gentleman acknowledged that the Wes tern people were not correctly repre sented. This w as a generous acknowl edgment, and nothing more than he ex pected from the candour of that gen tleman. But he nevertheless demand ed of us a catalouge of our grievances. He admits wchave not justice done us, but demands of us to show where we have it not. The gentleman goes on to remark, that though the East does not equal the West in population, the towns of Xewbern, Wilmington, &c. pay all thc taxes paid by this State to the General Government. It is true that tho3e places are the ports of entry, and that the Revenue Officers reside there, and that our merchants first pay the duties on shipping and on goods imported. But if the gentleman had read a little mere on the subject of Po litical Economy, he would have found, that though the merchant pays these duties in the first instance, they are ul timately paid by the consumers of the goods imported, who live in the inte rior of the country. The gentleman from Wilmington, (Mr. Jones) next addressed the com mittee, very eloquently and very feel ingly, lie regretted that so much feel ing and zeal had been shewn by the ad vocates of these resolutions. Mr. S. said it was natural that gentlemen should express themselves feelingly when they had to claim the rights of freemen, of which they were unjustly deprived. But the alarm which was taken in relation to our forcibly ob taining our rights, had no foundation. We will bear the evil of which we complain, until our Eastern friends can be prevailed upon to do us justice ; but we shall never cease to claim our rights. Gentlemen speak of threats w hich have appeared in some newspapers. This was no doubt the production of some intemperate person ; but a publi cation of this kind ought not to be charged upon the friends of these res-cdntrcr.-?. So far as knew the Wes tern people, he could pledge himself they meant to use no other but those of fair argument. weapons A Convention is objected to, because it is committing ill the political pow ers of the community into the hands of the people ; and it is feared that when the delegates to a Convention are met, they might break down some of the old barriers of the Government. It is ap prehended that certain powers would be taken from the Judiciary and pla ced in the .Legislature. He did not fear any thing of the kind. Though some two or three gentlemen might have given such an opinion, he believ ed the people of the West are as much attached to the Judiciary, as any other citizens in the State. No danger, he believed, need be apprehended from that quarter. Are you afraid, asked Mr. S. to trust the people with the power that belongs to them ? The doctrine, that the peo ple are unable to govern themselves, cannot be tolerated in this free country. It might su'uthe subjects of George IV. or of the Emperor of all the Ru-'bias, but he hoped it would find but fevy ad vocates with us. He should always be the supporter of self-government. It is contained in the first clause of our Declaration of Rights ; and the people have never passed the sovereignty out of their hands, and he trusted never would. The next gentleman xvho addressed the committee was from Granville, (Mr. Hillman) and he adopted the s a m e s t r a in o f a r g u m e n t v i t h h i s f r i e n d s on that side of the question. He asks if the Governor be not now, in effect, elected by the people, through their representatives. Mr. S- observed, that he had already stated that the present majority oi the Legislature elect the officers of Government and make laws without cur consent, which is a suffi cient answer to the gentleman's remark. But, asks the gentleman, if you form a Constitution, may not that also have its defects ? Mr. S. presumed it would. It would be the work of man, and as man is imperfect, his works will neces sarily be so. But what, said he, does this prove ? Not that our present Con stitution cannot be amended i Cannot be made more conformable to republi can principles ? It certainly proves no such thing. The gentleman asks if the Constitu tion of the U. States be not republi can ? It certainly is, said Mr. Sand he would be content to make ours as like it as possible ; for he considered it a good republican Constitution. But the gentleman inquires if political jus tice can be weighed m a balance? Though this cannot be done, we might come nearer to it than to allow one man to have six times as much as an other. We can approach equal justice something nearer than our present Constitution does. But the question is asked, why a man with half a million of dollars has not more political power than a man with out a dollar ? A rich man has no more power in the election of a member of this House than the poorest man of the community; but our Constitution pro vides for the security of the rich in the Senate, whose members are elected by landholders, and without whose con sent no law can pass to injure the man of wealth. The riches of a wealthy man give him also an indirect influ ence in elections, as he can generally draw after him a number of votes from, men who, in some way or other, are dependent on him, though this is con trary to our principles of political jus tice. Men are equal, and ought to have equal political rights. The gentleman intimated that if thc Western people had the power they would abuse it. But he assigned no reason why the people of the West would be more likely to abuse power than those of the East. Mr. S. did not know that the Eastern people had abused the power which they have. But the better way is to distribute the power, and thus give neither section of the State an opportunity of abus ing it. But the gentleman asks, if any coun ty has presented a grievance to this Legislature which has not been prop erly attended to ? Mr. S. said the e gislature had not the power of wAy- f ing a remedy to the grievarice .vhich I 'i