IMjvAyn. TO MUSIC Thou dear enchantress of the soul, hose maic skill laV ilN canst charm ; Whose nod can b'ul the whirlwind roll IV hose whisper can its rat e disarm. " Sweet Mus".c ! 1 invoke thy power, Thou biJ'st the aspir:r. splrd r: ; rk Uou charm 't existence c hecrful hour, Thou point'st each hope to yondei skies. In life's drear maze lSe wildcied long, And sought for peace, but none could find ; 'Till listening to the thrilling' sonif. My bosom own'd its influence kin J. O ! if to finite state be given, -Some emanation from above ; Some foretaste of a brighter Heaver, Tis Music from the lips we love. SMALL THINGS ARE BEST. Addressed tj ; a Uttle, short lad'j. When any thing-abounds, we find, That nobody will have it ; But when there's little cf the kind, Don't all the people crave it If wives are cib, as tis known, And woefully confest, The man who's wise will surely own, A little one is best. The God of Love 's a little wight, But beautiful as thought ; Thou, too, art little, fair as llg-t t. And every thing in sh't .' O happy girl I think thee so, For n.ark the poet's song Man wants but little kr; below, Nor wants that little ,'oh-j-. AAttravy YiXivvicls, &c. Variety's the very -pice of Lie, That gives it all its Haver. lUY OF AMI'LES. Tixtract from the journal of an Air e- aa gen tleman, hile at Naples Feb. 1.1821 . Since cur arrival here ahnut a month ago, we have examined the Bay of Naples in almost ev ery point .,r k , . ,i t ii,r? Ul VICW j IMHUa5Sl.U lilHUjjlJ II unit I times. Although prepared to antici-i tile spots, on some parts ol the moun pate verv much, and of coyrte on this . tain, that now meet the eye, were one account liable to be greatly disappoin-1 day, incredible as it may seem, nougtit A T ,m cf'dl rnnitrAinpd in -a- th it it but bumir. ' lava. On the other side surpassed mv exnect itions. hirh as i.ri-.- - It f ffulf oil tKlnr'C rr'inc'f. I ever beheld. To sav noth'ng ot" the amphitheatre of hiys which encompasses or int atuu.n aaru. 1 it and gradually descends with enchant- still, are theru ns ol tae cit ,s that was incr declivitv to the water s edire, V e- f-k j auvius alone, with its two sist'.r conical summits, from one of which a pillar cf dense smoke constantly arises now shooting perpendicular .rp to the hea vens and now winding away before the wind, and forming a broad hori zontal track in the air as far as the eye can reach ; this mountain alone, in con junction with the reflections which its history and present appearance almost necessarily suggest, not only impresses the mind with the beautry but over whelms it with the grandeur and ub llmitij of the scene, accompanied with emotions of reverence and awe towards its great Author. The portion of the bay adjacent to the sea is gemmed with islets of varied and fantastic forms, thickly populated, in the highest state of cultivation, co vered with ruins and other reliques of ancient greatoess ; at the head of the bay, in the form of a crescent, lies the city itself with its 400,000 inhabitants the whole overlooked by the fortress of St Elmo, and thence gently sloping in such a manner, as to furnish to the eye of the spectator, from one part of the bay, a view that comprehends nearly all its edifices, both private and public its castles, palaces, churches and con vents its streets, gardens and villas its lofty tower, and its capricious mole, crowded with vessels from " every na tion, kindred,, tongue, and people." The whole is enlivened by the thous and boats of every size, that are con stantly flitting in all directions over this beautiful sheet of water, and also by the multitude of people that are ev er rolling along the streets adjacent to the edge. In front of the city, each side of the bay is bordered with villa ges and villas; with orchards, vine yards and gardens ; the uniform white ness of the buildings being every where Telieved by the rich green cf the most luxuriant vegetation. The whole the coast is also variegated by promon tories and inlets; by bluffs, dells, fis sures and caverns of every size and form. Such is this celebrated bay when seen during the day in plea sant weath er, but the beauty of the scene is great ly enhanced, when viewed in a clear moon-light night, as our little compa ny often did while lying in the bay. The expanse of water is cc averted in- appearance of each object is softened by the mild rays oi the -queen oi nigui mc is greeted by melodious strain oi mu sic from the adj icent parts of the city ; while the t)c brholds far above, the lurid head cf Vesuvius sending forth its thick smoke and burning lava, and now, constantly rolling this fused sub Stance down its side like melted fire. In short, you have then before you ev ery object that can interest : it would se'em as if the hand of enchantment had here wrought its fairest work ; and the imagination can suggest nothing that could add to the interest of the scene. It has been observed that the size of the bay (its diameter being every where more than fifteen miles) and the con sequent indistinctness of the most re mote object, when viewed from a cen tral point, is a defect in the scene ; but to me this very fact seems to be fa vourable to its beauty ; the indistinct ness of distance tends greatly to soften the scene and increase the mellowness, -,n,l ; thus nlwavs hiehlv advanta- geous to landscape views, until the dis tance becomes so great that the out lines of the objects are lost, or to any considerable degree impaired, which is not the case with the view of the Bay of Naples, on account of the lucid transparency of the atmosphere. When traversing this bay, a thous and recollections crowd upon the mind. On vender island! was the abode of the accomplished Augustus; there too the famous Tiberius acted out his de baucherv. On one side of me, is that ever-burning tremendous mount, that has at different times buried thousands of mv fellow-crt -atures a::d overwhelm ed whole towns, with their theatres, temples and palaces. aNOv , ov er intra , smile flourishing villages, and their in- habitants never nnce dream of danger, though one of tivm; has been aimct entirclv destroyed nine times bv ilifTer- ent eruntions. 1 Ir: ana xer- of me, the edre t the bay, and IUSt tnt water s, arc sum- I tnits oi buildings sunk bv convulsions oi the earta. ear this, rest the ash- once tne nnuci v.w.i uic utui-; terranean, where the great Apostle ol the Gentiles landed near nineteen cen- j taries ago on hi way to Home, there! . . t, t f had been imprisoned ; and not far dis- tant, is the remains cf one of the vil-j las of the immortal Tullv. r , ' . , ... Such are some of tne p.rttculars which go far to justily the proverbs often re - lO ailSVVt.1 liic l;i i' . , vn4i t. peate eated ov Neapolitans, wnen uticani- ing upon the unrivaled beauty of their- city I Vadi JNapoli, e pt raori 'See Naples and then die. There being an nption at the. time. Capri. t Torre del Greco. Puruoli, ir.)i THt tiol fiizt rrt. TKSTIMt)NV. We have received within a few days past, a new volume of British travels, w ith this title patre, Sketches - x of Upper Canada, Domestic, Local, and Characteristic, to which arc added i'racticai details tor tne miormation oi cverv class, and some Recollections oi the United States of America, by John Howison, Esq. Edinburgh." The vol- i, i,. ume is an elegant octavo. It has been: hiehlv praised in the Edinburgh and; I-ondon Journals, for the stvle. de uc" rrintifms of scenerv and manners, and .u-' ,u r -mtiv, The author had spent tw o years and a IliC ll J.IW ...v. ........... half in Upper Canada, and has cer tainly contrived to render his account of that province a pleasant one, by lively anecdotes and wonderful adven tures. In several instances, he has, we think, put even the credulity of the British public to a hard trial. The newspapers of this country have al ready copied from the London Lite rary Gazette, seme passages of the work respecting the perfume of snakes, and human farination, that evince the hardihood with which Mr. Ilowison ofihas dealt in the marvellous. Of the Indians of Canada, he has also made the most, to astonUh and amuse the natives at home. But cur attention has been more particularly engaged with his Recollections of the United States ; of which we shall proceed to submit some spe cimens to our readers, begging them to bear in mind, that Mr. Howison's book was applauded and recommended in the warmest lan guage, in the same number cf the New to burnished silver; the Monthly Magazine, in which Mr. Campbell, its editor, made what has been called his most kind and satisfac tory apology' to the American people, for the wilful circulation of a libellous article upon them. .Mr. Howhon, after statin? that there exists a desperate hatred between the Americans and Canadians, acknowled ges that he entered the United States "with prepossessions somewhat unfa vourable." As soon as he gets upon the Republican soil, he mentions that in the northern parts of the United States all trade is carried on by barter i and he quickly proceeds to give the following specimen of American lan guage landlady to a driver oi a stage " Well now. Squire, han't you heard nothing cf no methodit.if never being drown at the ferry a?eri l,ewuton" " There now. I guess as how I sees how it is, that that there man, who's never no gentleman, has been tr ing to w ork me; by telling me on things that han't never had no existence. j Every one who has attended to the peculiarities of American phraseology throughout these States, must at once perceive that the pretended diction ol the landlady, is sheer English manu facture, On arriving at Waterloo, our traveller found ''fifteen or sixteen chairs in the room, but could not procure one for his accommodation, although five or six persons only were seated. Each of the individuals occupied three or four chairs. He sat upon one, bid his legs on another, whirled round a third, and perhaps chewed the paint from the back of a fourth. None of them offer ed me a chair.' The perhaps is a remarkable quali fication in such a recital. A little fur ther on he is more positive in giving this general opinion. "Jnv Ar triciii will viilir.gly gratify a sfran- ats j e count of himself; and it the tr, ;h is ;jj,fjnouraUe to him. he viil invent f.ih. ,,u rather than not play the egotist." To illustrate his own veracity, ve may presume, the traveller makes the follow in k attempt. ' 'I he'ke f.f g(irf to b? I r;fi b;o an !? t o ui: omn.on thing in America. Ihe New V, s si la n 1 e rs .-m et i nr. e not even take off thetr .' hef .re r' t'.rir.i- to rt -st ; and a fcv.tlcman hurnuroush ir.t jrtned w.", that lie once saw one of ; ".; ' c rn.e dov n to hrt Afa-t, uncon sriouslv dr:.R"ing a pair of sheet at his heels, the p"srof v hi' ti had g't entangled m the cot ton, while he was a-.l. t p." The view which Mr. Ilowison pre sents of American intoxication is par- ticuiariv nattering, 1!:An,cr;cans :,re niore t'ctet:tl!e than a, ... s,iieP re.,, , e untkrt!te nrtMet-re .t anient inth i ijnrits. IJ.juor serve to draw forth thtir natural onrv-ncss," indolence and rankness of ft'c;'':ff . . I he traveller pronounces that 'there i- i ' scarcely any pmpit eloquence ... ; America, the character of the people JcinS unfavorable to its existence ; f but in another place, when noticing the !churches he in cvcrv vil. ; , observe, that th-v would scarcely have been built merelv from custom or for show. He decidedlv thinks that we are a very race. apathetic At New York, tbotrgh the play was pathetic and I couM not discover the lea.-:t symptom of feeling in any of the faces around nie ; and this observation harmonized with the idea I had previously formed cf the t' tal ;c Iti'itv of thr . lmrictm people to till the Jlncr sources f fnx'.ti'jit." He was constrained, however, in con sequence of what he saw on board of one of the New-York steam boats, to make the following confession. "The Americans, notwithstanding their men- taJ nr,ativ, to not hesitate to acknowledge the conjoined Lutiutuee of music . pnttu m-mm, hen he trdat,i teen ia the tUUaess of moon- fa'l , . '. ... r . He relates that the ladies of New- . r f , . , , . t. i that in the New-York taverns, 11 when ' r .r..i, t, ' i,c ;u" w.a"" lM,l.ul a. u.'5"' ' " isenus the waiter lor the whole ot it, as no one troubles himself with carving for another" and that "the Ameri cans are not at all addicted to the pleas ures of the table, being no judges cf cookery." The following arc given as traits of the American merchant's life. ' Should men of business feel inclined to drink a little in the course of the evening, they engage a few acquaintances ami carry them to their homes or hoarding" houses ; where having railed for some wine, the whole party drink it off as fast as possihle, -without tithrr sitting- tl'rzvn or ta king oj" their hats. This is called a Jhin glass." An American merchant will come home from his country house at nine in the evening, and take tip the last novel or poem, and after read ings a few pajres he. will bcginto yawn, then tofupLin of a head ache, smoke a tegar, drink son.e brandy and water, and go to bed."- As to our literature, the heaviest sentence is of course passed upon itby Mr. Ilowison. lie furnishes some in formation, which, we must confess, is new to us to wit that "the Ameri can press sends forth many novels," and most of these novels seem to him remarkable for poverty of incident, feebleness of conception and a want of I knowledge of the world." Willi res- pect to Amf : poetry, he decides that it has no e resemblance to real poetry uthan toast and water has to Madeira wine." The traveller could not leave the United States, without vis iting Philadelphia, and we must not leave him without making some quo tations from the short history of his visit, particularly as he treats this good citv with uncommon kindness. He was only a few days among us, and ! visited the hospital, which he hugely admired, in company with one of the directorsof that institution. We should not forget to tell that when he reaches Amboy on his way hither, he takes oc casion to say u We were now in Penn sylvania, and I could almost fancy I saw the virtuous Penn, Sec." " As I passed through the part of Philadel phia adjoining Chesnut street, I every where ; saw the (luakers. surrounded by their tamiues, s MttinKoutofdooiaiidenjovinffthccoolbrcew.l SP "wu 6ww The old men wiUi their broad brimmed hats and work. How benevolent the emplO -their large skirts, and their wives dressed in plain ment of imparting knowledge to those Miu.cia, inuK..v.uiv.J, ....v. - o had such an aspect of conjugal affechon and do- mestic comfort that I suneyed them with tlie deepest pleasure, and could not help reflecting upon the consistency of character v. iikh tins hMrSfpr.Ue, more genteel than those of New-York. The Young men are altogether inferior to the New- York dandic, bodi in their person and style of The higher class of Philadelphia are better informed and more refined in their manners than those of New-York, and entertain fewer nation- al prejudices. The lower ranks appear to have a remarkable respect for religion and propriety of conduct; and I believe that crimes and viola - tions of the law are more rare in Philadelphia, than cf anv other city, ol equal population 1:1 the world" - The worthy inhabitants of New- York must defend themselves from the weight of these comparisons. They can iudre without dillicultv of the de- Bre e of authoritv which xMr. Ilowi- tAn'c nntninnc hrnvr with nnr mind?.- But it must be avowed seriously that he is not of the class of the Fearons .. . and Jansons- he is oi a much higher order of writers'; and it is to be ex- j witness their enects. pected from the entertaining cast and i Our state is rising in its moral char typographical beauty of his book, and j acter. . We have our Bible Societies, the high encomiums which have been j to supply the destitute with the word passed upon it by the British Review- j of God ; our Education Societies, to ers, that it will have great circulation ! aid young men of talents, and piety, and some influence in the British world. : and indigence, in obtaining a suitable We have been induced to notice it ! education for the gospel ministry, from this consideration. We ought f These are noble societies. Every lov not to conceal, however, that there are I er of his country must most cordially some favorable views taken in it, of the condition and character of the 2a?i kecs. On the w hole this is exactly the sort of work to remind us of this pas sage near the end of the voyage to Ilrobdingnag. "The Captain,1' says Gulliver, 44 was well satisfied with my relation. lie hoped when we return ed to England, I would oblige the world by putting it on paper. IMy an swer was that I thought we were over stocked with books of travels, that no thing could now pass which was not extraordinary ; wherein I doubted some authors less consulted truth than their own vanity, or interest, or the diver sion of ignorant readers : that my sto ry would contain little beside common events, without these ornamental de scriptions of strange plants, trees, birds, 3nd other animals ; or the barbarous customs and idolatry of savage people, with which most writers abound.' Monkeys. On a shooting party, one of his friends killed a female monkey and carried it to his tent, which was soon surround;-:: by 4D or 50 of the tribe, who made a great noise, and seemed disposed to attack the aggressor. They retreated when he presented his fowling piece, the dreadful effect of which they had wit nessed, and seemed perfectly to under stand. The head of the troop, however, stood his ground, chattering furiously ; the sportsman did not like to fire at the creature, and nothing short of firing would suffice to drive him off. At length he came to the door of the tent, and finding threats of no avail, began a lamentable moaning, and by the most expressive ges tures to beg for the dead body. It was given him he took it sorrowfully in his arms, art! bore it away to his expecting companions. They who were witnesses of the extraordinary scene, resolved nev er again to fire on one of the monkey race. Forbes' Oriental Memoirs luH TBI -WESTERS CHOUMiS. Messrs. Editors! Will you permit me to address, through the medium of your paper, a few thoughts to the pub lic on the subject of Sabbath Schools ? I have been waiting a long time, in hopes that some able pen would take up the subject, so important to the moral and political interests of our be loved country, the happiness of indi viduals, and the prosperity of the na tion. But it will not do to wait any longer ; for the season for Sabbath School operations has again arrived. ,t But I have neither the time nor the talents to do this subject justice ; it is worthy the talents of our greatest statesmen, our ablest philosopher s, and. our noblest philanthropists. It has, in other parts of our country and in Eu rope, engaged in its support talents of the hitrhest order, and minds of the largest views and most expansive be- nevolence. What, then, can a feeble pen achieve ? It may, by its puny ex ertions, call forth irom his long slum bers some mighty genius, to exhibit this subject, in all its importance, to the eye of the public and to the notice of private individuals. All that is wanting, I conceive, in order for every village and every neigh borhood to have a flourishing Sabbath School, is some benevolent spirited in- , - , - , whQ mu5t otherwise pass tneir uays m , . 'iri : ignorance ? yes, it is. truly benevolent t we only contemplate the sources or ' enj0ymCnt it Opens to them in this life, ! It gives them access to the intellectual treasures that have been accumulating siuCS tJie invention of letters ; but if q u subject, , and consider all the ignorant around us connected with the retributions of , h emplovmcnt of imparting ; v' v.u j t Tti to them a knowledge Ot the HOiV ; Scriptures, that are able to make h j ' eternal life, will appear j ... i.r1 j truly godlike. It will be approved d applauded when all on earth, that ! is merely great or splendid, shall have been forgotten ! Let every man coutu ! the cost; let him consider well the ; luiiscijucuLCb, JCIUIC .. .v ' obstacles in the wav to the estaoiisii- ! merit of Sabbath Schools. If he doubts ! their utility, let him examine, but not .ill I l , l,.l a -.-. i r h r. oppose, tiu m; na uau "b" wrsh them prosperity ; but even these institutions yield in importance to Sab bath Schools. What can the Bible do without being read ; and what can a learned, a pious and eloquent minister do without being understood ? I hope, therefore, every benevolent citizen and every enlightened Chris- ... . a t S tian, will lend his purse and n:s nana to aid the march of Sabbath Schools over North-Carolina. minimus. IreiLU Counts, .Ipril 15, 1822. LY EXTRACT. In the codes of modern infidelity and licentiousness, as well as among uncivilized nations, woman is exhibi ted as the mere servile instrument of I convenience or pleasure. In the vol ume of Revelation she is represented as the equal, the companion, and the helpmate of man. In the language of worldly taste, a fine woman is one who is distinguished for her personal charms, and polite accomplishments. In the language of Scripture, she is the enlightened and virtuous mistress of a family, and the useful member of society. The woman who is formed, on the principle of the world,- finds no enjoyment but in the circles of afflu ence, gaiety, and fashion. The wo man who is formed on the principles of the Bible, goeth about doing good ; she visiteth the fatherless and the wid ows in their affliction she stretcheth forth her hands to the poor, yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. The one dresses with elegance, and shines in the dance : the other " opens her mouth with wisdom ; in her tongue is the law of kindness," and her most valued adorning is not " gold, or pearls, or costly array ; but good works, and the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit." The hours of the one are di vided between routs and assemblies, and visiting, and theatres, and cards ; the other "looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." - The business of the one is pleasure ; the pleasure of the other is business. The one is admir ed abroad ; the other is beloved and honored at home. 44 Favour is deceit ful, and beauty is vain ; but a woman that feareth ihe Lord, she shall be praised." In all things mistakesare excusable ; but aa error that proceeds from any good principle Icaycs no room for resentment.