)hi Mij. SumL Ciliru l Holmes, tiiiVcmoi' of the Slate of North Carolina, ; Mr, Janet, (after the Vice.J'resielcnt Lad Withdrawn,) The Vice-President of the day. American Manufacture) Our north ern manufacturers have lately commen ced making a new kind of cloth : it is of a coarse texture, composed of cotton and wool, and designed as a substitute for what Is termed Jcgro Cloth, und heretofore im ported. It has been sent to the South for trial, and has already been highly appro ved. This will be a branch of manufac tures of considerable importance to the country, though not so great as a New York editor imagines. He calculates that there are two millions of slaves in the Southern States, and that it will cost S each to clothe them ; the aggregate of which, will be g 10,000,000. There is nothing wrong in al this ; but the crrot lies in supposing that this sum has been annually sent abroad to purchase 11 En glith ;iW," and that it will now, conse quently, be retained at home ; and thus, in a single item, strike oh" g 10,000,000 from our list of importations. Now we do not believe that ever onr-third of this sum is expended by the southern planters for foreign cloth : the negroes (one half of them, to say the least) are clothed in domestic cloth, or household manufac tures, a great deal of which is spun by themselves ; and vast quantities of it are made for sale. And North-Carolina, if she does not already, could, with a great deal of ease, furnish clothing for all her black population. She has the raw ma terial in abundance, and in the western part of the state particularly, an indus trious and working population. The up per parts of South-Carolina, and Georgia, the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, are as independent on foreign nianufac turcs as North-Carolina. We wish sue cess to all kinds of American matiufuc turcs; but we feel particultrly, anxious that Household Manufacture$t which alone can make us really independent, should receive the fullest encouragement. Mr. Jefferson has addressed a second letter to the editors of the Richmond En quirer, on the charge made against him by " A Native of Virginia." His excul pation is complete. We are authorized to announce John Clement, lisq. as a candidate to repre sent the County of Rowan in the House of Commons of the next General Assem bly. fcteretir,g.Ary improvement which lessens an existing evil must be desira ble. Mr. Shaw, of this city, has invented or rather improved uon the mode of ex ploding fire arms generally, by mean so simple, and at the same time so safe, that it is next to impossible those accidents which so frequently happen, can take place where this improvement is adopted. An involuntary discharge is impossible, as the cock rests upon the priming, and locks it up securely, and no jar, or catch of the trigger can produce any effect. It is equally sure of fire in rainy weather as well as on the dryest day, water having no effect or power over it whatever ; it produces no fire or smoke at the lock, and the object aimed at cannot escape it by any motion, however quick by diving or otherwise. It is not half so complicated as the common lock, and cannot get out of order; it has neither pan, flint, nor hammer, and can be depended on in all weathers, never missing, or hanging fire ; though loaded, it is rendered in one se cond of time perfectly harmless, and a child mav plav with it with perfect safety We have seen one of them, which has been made for Mr. Calhoun, the Secreta ry of War. To riflemen and sportsmen i'pfprallv it muM b? f importance ; und it will apply equally well to field pieces and on board of ships, rendering them independent of rains, or the. salt spray of the i.ea.Phiiadrl.hia fiajier. PIRACY, ANT) HORRID ERUTAMTV. The brig Elizabeth, Springer, arrived at Boston, spoke on the 21st of May, in Lt. O 1-2 long. 8i 1-2, brig Aurilla, How land, of New-York from Baltimore, for New-Orleans, the Captain of which com municated the following : "On the 15th May, about II A- M. the Aurilla was fired upon by two piratical schooners, armed with one nine pounder, brass piece, two sixes, one pivot gun each, and manned ith about 40 or 50 men each -olT Key Sal hove too and was hoarded pisscntjers and crew were cruelly treated, beat with swords and pistols, one of the passengers were hung up to the yardarm, and then dropped into the water appar- cully lik-leis. The vessel plundered of every thing valuable, and indeed of al most every article scarcely of any value.' I he passengers ware robbed of all their clothing, watches, breast pins, &c. except what apparel they had on when-raptured. The women on board were brutally rav Uhed, uk! the most allocking excesses committed on their bodies. Afier com mitting the most wasteful and indiseiimi nating plunder, and inflicting on the crew and passengers acts of the most baiba- rous enonniiy and shameful indigencies. thry ordered the captain to cut the cable und be off, about ten o'clock the next morning. Brigs Uiram,of Newpoi t, cap tain Weeks, Fair Trader, of Boston, and llusy, of Rhode Island, were taken the same day, anchored near the Auulla, all robbed, c and all released about the same time. The Aurilla was robbed of all ber papers ; and all the papers belong ing to the Captain and passengers were also taken away. Captain H. stated, that on the 27th he fell in with the United States schooner Shark, and after putting Lieut, on board to proceed in the vessel to New-Otieans Capt. II. apprehending difficulty on his arrival, having no papers, she shaped her course for Key Sal, to look after the pi rates."- The Sf.asox. -Wc are sorry to learn, that the prospects of the Farmers in this part of the state are not at all flattering. The large quantity of rain that has fallen during the last two months, has kept the ground in such a condition that it could not be ploughed us much as necessary. In ronscquenoe,the weeds and grass have obtained the ascendency over the Corn and Cotton, which will very much injure, if not destroy, the crops of those two impor tant articles. We have not understood that the crops of Wheat, Rye, Sec have materially suffered. Indeed, so little ofj these articles are eultivuted, that Elour always commands a better pike here than in New Orleans, and double as much as is paid for it in Kentucky and Ohio. Fruit of every kind is very abundant. Xunfiville H tig. War. at Crops. -We take much pleas ure in stating that the wheat crops are ve ry likely in this part or the country, and promise to abundantly reward the hus bandman for his toil. II uhing ton X. C. liecor. CHEAT II RG AT BALTIMORE ! WASHINGTON, Jl'NE 26. The largest l ire which ever occurred in Baltimore, and the most destructive of property, took place on Sunday afternoon lust. It broke out at 4 o'clock, in the lumber-yard of Kiiby and Clark, in the rear of M'F.Idcrry's wharf, and, before it was at al stopped, consumed between 20 and 30 stores and dwellings, besides lum ber and goods. The lumber alone which was burnt is estimated at a hundred thou sand dollars. The fire is said to have been occasioned by a negro boy firing off a toy cannon in a house used for the dress ing of shingles. The following partial list of the sufferers is given in the Morn ing Chronicle of yesterday : John DiffemlcrflVr, grocer. Samuel Herd's tavern, totally burnt. Hugh Dolt on Si Co. oil store, do. Mordecai Morgan, do. S. (i. Allien, grocery and chandler, do. David Wilson, do. do. do. Joshua Matthews, do. Jocob W illiams' chair store much injured j goods principally saved. Win. U II. liromacll, sieve and fau factory, do. Do. do. H". lumber office md yard. William M'cs do. do. Kirby St Clark, do. do. (Eastern Shore Hotel,) do. We regret to add, (says the Chronicle,) that some lives were lost, and several per sons severely injured. Among the latter are Mr. Thomas l'umphrey, cabinet ma ker, an active fireman, and a Mr. Davis. The fire was not checked before eight o'clock, owing to the high wind and the combustible nature of the articles in and about the stores -A'uf. Intel. KEW-VOIIK, JUNK 19. .Vn'rl and intrrrtting aigit.'Yvio men were seen walking in the water on Mon day afternoon, for a length of time, near (Jovernor's Island, in life preeriug drt e ; and one of them, a very stout man, walked across from the bland to the bat tery, as upright as on shore, to the aston ishment of hundreds of spectators. We understand that the proprietor of this in vention intends to shew the effect and usefulness of such a dress in cue of ship wreck, in a public exhibition next week. It is hoped so useful an invention' will meet will every encouragement. Merc. JIv. Dov Manvel Tonar.s, Chars? d'Af faircs from the Republic of Cot,'i.MitiA, was, on Wednesday last, presented to the PRF.sitn.NT of the United States, by the Serrctary of State. The estimable character and correct conduct of this gctdleman, who bus long been known in the United States, contrib ute to give an unusual interest to this in cident, added to the circumstance of his being the first person received in a diplo matic character fiom any of the republics of the South, Xal. Intelligencer. ma in wurrns miuuiuv. To the Urn. J (MX ST.IA'L Y. The just tribute which fame pays to your exalted talents, inspires me with profound respect" for you and for them. The review which I intend to attempt of your Speech in the legislature of this state, a; its last session, on the Question of a convention, is not intended to lesien, in myself or others, that respect which your merits demand. In attempting this review, I am by no means ignorant ci ther of the strength of the man whose works I must in some measure reprehend, nor of my own weakness ; but I recollect that David succeeded when he attacked Goliah, having the advantage of night on his side. You may find the subject of my animadversions in the 69th page, Sec. of a pamphlet printed by Mr. Gales. I beg leave to correct the view that vou take, in the very outset of your speech, of the question under debate, You repre sent the immediate question as being a proposition to abolish the Constitution. Now did younot know, in your conscience, that this was a misrepresentation ? Have you not read the proposition ? Have you not heard the friends of those proposi tions disclaiming all intention of interfer ing with the constitution, unless the sov ereign people require it ? Or were you afraid or ashamed to meet the proposi tions f-iily ? to discuss them upon their own merits ? Tin shifting the question permit me to tell you, is the. strongest encomium you could have passed on the Dronositions. I take it for granted, that when a man of your profound abilities was under the necessity of disguising and misrepresenting the matter under debate, it argues most forcibly that the proposi tions themselves could not be safely at tacked. Your whole argument, from be ginning to end, supposes that it was a pronosition such as you had represented, a proposition to abolish the constitution, which was under discussion. Herein you make a concession that, I apprehend, i. i 4 c.-u .. you cliu Or no means .menu, nui.ii course of argument admits, that if the question were submitted to the people thev would demand a convention. I doubt not but you were correct in this admission And now, sir, what is the consequence of this concession f Do you reully believe that the majority of the people have no rieht to demand an alteration of their constitution ? Are you prepared to say that our fathers could bind then descend ants to the latest posterity to constitution al provisions ? This argument may be come the mouths of despots and tyrants, but it utterly inadmissible in a republic, especially in ours, ono of whose lumla mental maxims is, that all political power resides in the people. Permit me, in conclusion, to express my high sense of your candour and tif your ingenuity, (two qualities iiiineno supposed to be imcompatiblc, tuti which you have the art to reconcile. Your can dour is manifested in this, that you would not attempt the propositions as they were, from a reasonable doubt, perhaps, that your powers, gigantic as they are, were inadequate to their rclutation ; and there fore you fairly abandon them to their fate. Your ingenuity shows itself in this, that you have gone on arguing and speechify ing in such a way ai to make it believed that you were arguing on a subject then under discussion. I hope, in some future numbers, to show that your arguments are of a piece with your introduction. In the mean time believe me to be, very sinccicly, your friend, so far as you use your abili ties for the benefit of the community. A 1 AltMZtt. CIURI.OTTE FEMATX JC.1IU.Mi; The I'xammatu.n in this infant institution look place on Wednesday last. There being hut one day set apart for the purpose, business a too much hurried to do justice either to the tutor ess or her pupil. Spelling, reading, writing, English grammar, geography, and need!; work, together with Bible Question (Sahlxili exerci ses) were all on the carpet. There was too lit tle diflcrenee in ekwses, owing, in a great meas ure, to their prudential arrangement, that no particular distinctions w thought necessary or ri(,ht. We elo not hesitate to say that all acquit- ted themselves will, much honor; and tlu.t those alio were examined on geography ami grammar, perhaps have not been excelled by any. Some who began to memorise grammar since the commencement of the session, parsed blank vere with uneummou case and propriety. Were we even to attempt to do justice to Miai Leavenworth' character as our totoresis by many, no doubt, we would be accused of cxag gcration t tntHice it therefore to observe, that herpictv ia exemplary, ami the aihaneemvnt of 1 her pupils satisfactorily prove her capability of performing thej duties assigned her, and d.s charging the trust reposed in her. 1. K. DC NT A P, J.me 22, 1 S2J. It . ,. Trrtt. I) J F.I), At bis residence in Wilkesboro', on Saturday evrii'r.;:, the t'th hist. Itienvap lt. ( ix, LV,. in the .Tili vcr.t of his age, kaing art a flection ate and Under wife, an amiahla family, ami an extctnivfj and tiumer.Mts circlo of frit r.-k and acquaintances, to lament their uticspcctcl a id untimely loss. As a man, atiJ in a'.l the relative ibu.. s of life, thoe win w ere be A a':q"aintr'. -O'.h V.n cr:t DCs, illic it liW' CortVf tliCn U It. f1 ",1i '' t u" the purity of Ida motives as a neighbor, li: as kind and obliging, a a fiend, he was warm and stetlfait us a master, he was benevolent an, I indulgent a a husband and parent, lie was dr. voted and atl'cetionatc i and jir ill his dealings sternly and uinleviatingly just. His remains were intern d on the following evening, with miwinic h'muuri, in the burying ground near Wilkcsboro', attended by a lurge and respectable concourse of friends and citizens. l OM VI.'RICiTM). VtiAuaiAr, "Laml & Machine I'Olt SALE, "II IB subscriber olfcr hit plantation, with all l the improvements oh it, for sale. The farm contains between four and five hundred acre, of a good Und, taking the wune quantity of acres on an average, as anv in the county ofj Kowaji. It is situated x mile and a halt li om naiiaiiurr, immeuiaieiy on toe niain roau leMiinf i 1 I . t ' . 1 . I II t T from Salisbury to Concord, by the Kev, Mr,; Morke'H, and lies on tly! waters of Crane t rck. ' The buildings are conveniently located for ke,,. ing a home of entertainment. TUete is a good ! 11... .1.;... 4... . - across the creek, with a sufficient fall of ater to carry a mill, or any kind of machinery. The terms will be made accommodating. A credit of one or two years will be given, thepurcha. er giving bond and security, .J'or further par- ticular, apply to the subscriber on the promote. NATHANIEL JOHNSTON. Jut,, , 1 K1. . 109 ljcttert rcmiuniny in the Purt-Ojfic? at Coneo' tt, X. C. J,tl,j ty Ut, 1822. : , JOHN H. Alexander, JMm Allison, James Aniliart, James Allison, Mai. Allison, Car oline Alexander, Jacob Ilosbart. Jacob Dor. David Brads-haw, Da id U. Brandon, Ksuire Black, Captain Bogar, Thomas Imrnet, William Brice, Luc ret ia C. Bills Be v. I'.i-orge Bogar, Mary Corum, John Corother, Jacob Cruse, m. T. Cawles, Wni. Carritan, John Carre II, George ( line, Joseph Crofl'ord, Henry Dolaml, John Furr, sen. John Inzer, Paul t'urr, David I'mk, Philip l ink, John Ford, Isam Finch, Abraham ron, John (KHlm:in, Francis (.lass, Jolin l.ier- rnon, JoHiali l.rady, David S. t.rav, Aariali (Inees (leorgc (iarinon, iJeinphV I lonycut, Jo seph Houston, Andrew Harris Dr.. Sidney Har. r'ni, Daniel N. Hall, 'I'hompson Hoot, Joseph lloe 1, llionias Je-romi', John .lancet, Steplien KUitts, Alcautxier Kimumip, hamoel Killaugli, Filia H. Locke, (ienrfje l.ipe, llotiert I, Dr.' Asa M'Kinly, John Morris Thomas Motlv, Mi chae l M'Maekin, Biebard M'Bee, Hugh M. Mc Culebs Thomas Mason, Isaac M'Clellan, Julio Neely, David Nieelar, Icaac N'u ular, W m. Nicols Jane Pranken, F.lizabcth Plilrr, Duvid Kcese, John Kobinson, hatter, ItcbeKCa StcfVut, Sam uel Sbinii, Alexamlrr 8eott, sen. Margaret S;s-fi-ict, Lewis Tucker 2, Ira West , .loseph Wilch, Are hiluld Walker, Michael Wimco.T, John Wil liams Hubert Williams. i). stouke, .i r. .u. Letteri remaining in tt,t I'utt OJiee at Cluirlotte, X. C. tbe U July, 182. SUSANNAH Alexander, Thomas Acock, E. W. Alexander, Sarah Auteu, Her. Abraham Anderson 3, Kev. James Adams, Anderson Mea ty, Willisfti It room, Jacob Hanker, John Dullock, William Iligirar, Hyram liell, Stephen Dillow, Ilambleton ttrevant, Hobcrt Danutt, Caroline llcrryhitl, Jona Clark, John Costco, Llcazar Cochran, William h. Cannon, Davit! Chambers, llrutui Case it Co. John S. Cheek. M m. and J. Cook, Clerk of Mecklenburg Superior Court, Andrew Clark, John Daw, Lewis Dinkm, John I- Dinkins, Hid, W. Uavis, Suv'ar Ilulin, Fran cis Ilunn, James Davis, Daniel Doutrhcrty, Hum utl Dufl'y, Kev. Isaac dreer, Jeihn (ireer, Wni, Cioforth, Win. (laclbcrry, Jane l.rwr, Alexander (ircer, Jane Hoeul, Jeremiah ilood, I'mmanty Hart, llujrh II. Haves, HaMgrave & Williams, Juhn Hutchison, Iaac Holmes, Geo. W. Hous ton, Dicy Harvcll, Alfred Harris, John Hall, John Harris, Samuel Houston, Ma. Jonstl'an llamj, Reuben Hills 4, Wm. Irwin, Wm. Johnston, Cjnis Johnston, Thill Johnston, David S. Karr, James G. Knox, James M.N. kibben, Nancy Kennedy, Tho. Kirkpatnck, 1 itut Laney, J. II. Limlsav, Jane Iese, Mary Lecsc, Stephen kkirse, John Morse, Daniel M'Collcy, Hetijamin Morrow, Robert Maxwell, Sarah' M'Coniierore, Mm. M'Comb, Thomas M'tiinnia, Lbtuheth M'F.lmv, Isaac Mc Cullork, David M'Dtinald, F'jukiel Neely 2, m. ISV&bit, Caleb M. Norw ikhI, Richard Uw ens, Aaron Terry, Wm. Tarks, Charles Toll, M in cbcstrr Peginan, Robert T. Tlunkctt, Jons Rutlisill, Wm. Retlfetnl, Termcm R.xlgera, Rob ert and Mark Rav, Tetcr Rape, John Rra, llios. II. Smartt 2, Jee Shelly, M m. Shields 2, Rob ert M Smith, Marearet fimons Henry btur- fxon, Kansoin and Reuben Shores, Mrs. Sarah 1 hompMin, Amelia Tarlnm, John Thnnias, Jo seph Thompsem, sarati arner, Susannah M art! '2. M illiam YV . w slaer, .Samuel M ilson, John W'entz, James Wilkrrry, Win. M'alker, John Wright, MaUmU Wallace, Henry W..Williams, Wilham Wilson 3. 3tTt WM. SMITH, '. M. Stwle of Notl-l!uTtAna, nV 11 X K COVNTT. StTF.MOR Court of Law, March Term, 12. Leemv Iturnett, it. K.lijuh F'ouch. Jud. alt. levied on laml.lt appearing to the court tlut the defendant live out of this tate It was therefore Orilrmt, that publication be made for j three month in the Western t arounun, that tho said Eliiall Touch apieeai' before lb a Jud,re of the Superior Court of I-aw for the county aforesaid, at the next court to be held at the Conrt-Houso in Morganton, on the 4th Moiulay in September next, and replevy ami plead to issue, or judgment will be entered against him for pksiiiiiH" demand. Test. V. MT. BSMTN, c. s. x. c. 3mt'2l Trice adv. gt. State of Vott-CaTom, MtCXLKNRURO COUNTY. MAY Sessions, 18C2. Daniel (uger, fru lloht rt J. A. Ixwrie....Onrin'd attach nn nt levied in the hand of Ilr. Ds' id U. Duu lap and Itenjaimn Hargrave. It appearing? to the satisfaction of tbe court, that the defendant, Hobcrt J. A. Uwrie ha removed himself out of this tt,te : It is therefore Itnkmt by court, that he appear at the net court of I'lea and liunrtcr Sessions, to he held for the nmnty of Mecklenburg, at the Court-Houe in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in Auyist next, replevy or plead to issue, or judgment will be entered a niint him. Itiat publication thereof be made three week in the Wefltem Carolinian. TeU. ISA AC ALEXANDEIt, C..M.C. ST.'ll.-rilceaJy. SI 25 !!'.l((l'S wif.h'n to Tii ore copies of tfcfi I'Ub. 'l r.ixle of l1.': l.itr of Mi.rVCmii,!. Ha, llayttoixl'ig M.oiiia', or I'uttci-'j Join , cn supplied on applnatmn Ui V. III. il. ioiii.!;, J i,l ft 2, 1K.T,- -Lit'lt linW'vUmuutt IN SAI IbUl'liV, NOIH ll-CAKOUNA, I!V William If. SiAt r.nrnH, T bis lio-ge and commodious Muildinfrs, two '1'ii.rsei.st of the Sliite n..i.k. lie bus lately employed an evperienci d and attrutive Har Keeper, who, itii the aid of lean, v ell furniah ed (.'numbers a ell more l OUar, ler-llonac, (irarary, good I ii lei's, Ki:. is abb-, he fla'U rs him self, .to support b'u lu i,ij, in an ineri ad decree, to ihe very li a-rn pyron,.;'e bis House h for to many years rei i . , it. Tmirfli-fK and Jl;nr,hii m ill continue to meet witil tliow en'i'foi-t.i ami atten'ions with which they have, liliheiin, been ph ased to en press them Ives j well pit !. (f The Xorthem, Southern, aid Raster. )..,,.,. ,., ,,, ,!,;u iirillll... r ... , u' ) . . . ... ... ,. . ', , ' .. f ,.. , . ' '""i1 M'H-T, uwl the Hide.gli Welter, or.tt:d to Mrt t.I above !vert,K me., 1,1 l'"'1'"" , ',, m " their ai'coidiU to this utile c tor payment. '4 of Lois. IfTliniKAS, at the last term of the Court of n Kiuit, bebl for the county fKou an, on the Jd Monday after the 4tli Monday in Mai-cIi hurt, il was ordered ami agreed, upon a petition tili'j in said court, anions other things, thai a town should be laid oH upon the land of Ix'titia Wilnon, a minor, Ivimr at Mock' Old Field and in iu vicinity, in the I'orkaof the Yadkin Itiver . We, the imdcrsijrniid, commissioners appoint; J by tid court to carry into effect Un objects specified m said decree, having laid ott a imni- ber ol lots in said town, shall, by virtue of tiif power vested in i "bv said decree, expose to tide, t Public Auction, bc hole or part of swd lots, at Mm k's Old Field, on the first Mon day and Tuesday in Aujpst neat. As this place has long been the scat of much pritate busuies;., as well as of large separate election, regimen Ud militia parade, he, the coinmiisioners d'.-cni it miiecery to dwell upon tiie advantage aLieh would result to individunU enciged in nit rcanlile or mechanical pursuits, by locating themselves in the heart ef the mo' fertile uivl populous section of the large and opulent comi ty of Hou an. ' The teno of side v ill be liber al i a credit of one or tsvo years ;ll be given, tbe purchasers plvinp; bond and serurilj. SAMt F-L JONF-S 1 III CllL. ItHAl.Y, I 4 fl . L . . . rti.r. v. r- i'in i , r ' JOMV CI KMKNT, I JOHN P. ( AUIF.ItJ Junr 18, 182.'. 6ut'I.J IIWlll, IH1F.KAL wagei will he given to one or two J young nien, of e,id habits who understand their business. Those seeking cinploMiicnt my pet a good job, by applying to the subscriber ia Morgnton, K. C. iOJtf JOHN MT.t-H!F.. flUIE Trustees of Uie Academy, having had I the experience of the Kev. Fitisisii litmus ts teacher tor one year, have made a n.eire per manent engagement with him. We sioul.l men tion that he not only has our confidence, but. that of Uie president of the cewee where he graduated, the Kev. Dr. Charles Cotl.n, a ba was invited by him to be a teacher there. 1 his Academy is on the way from Yorkvilla to l-amUinrd, thirteen miles from Yo;kille, hi a liijli, healthy, haiulaome aitnation. It is in a thick se'ttlid neihborVioeid, in light of Cbi ne xer Chnreh, where tbe Rev. Mr. Walker ji reach es. Me have a post-oflice opened at tbe At ad. emv, by as Licit means elistant students can In j.' verv easily from their parents. Mr. II. will teach nothing but the I-atin ud Creek Iaiiruages, and Uie sciences. Tor t It - use of sluilrnti, there ar a set of globr s, an atlas, the FMinburgh F.neyclopedia, ith eb-pnt plates, and the Gentleman' Mapitne. Wen pect toon to have also an F'.let tricil Slachine. A these advantage arc eonsidrrable, we re spectfully solicit a share of public patnmae. The cxeViscs of the Academy are psi'mg on, and it is caloilaird tbrrr w ill be no v.wstion in tbe year, except four weeks, Viut N.,car, (.ood boanlintr, for ft esonsidersblo munbrr, ittsin half a mile from tbe Academy, dl be obtained at &7i) pe r annum. TuiUon in di ljinpuage, 24. Tuition in the Sciences S Payable annua 11 v. JOHV GAIJ.AVT, JOHN H. BF.HKV, R..ND. W EATW'.RS, Tmr. JOM.TII M'CORC LL, JOHV ANDHRSdN, Ttib Dittrirt, X. C. Mux I. 5i'I0 iataiia iVai;ttion COMPANY. VTOTICE i hereby given to the stockholder 1 x of the Company, that all shares having anv instalment due, and unpaAl thereon, will hcki at Tublie Auction, at the CtHert-Hoitsc in lan eohiton, on ThurteUy, tbe first day of August rest. The President artel Directora will feel themselves bound tornfeirvc the pros isions of the charter ajrainst all tWhiKiuent. Pursiunl to an order of the Hoard, the sh.ixrs eld on tbe Cr of May hit, and purcht.se:d in bebaif of tint cumpanv, may be redctnted bv t!.t oriarimd hull, cn, at snv time before the first of Auisi, by their pacing to the Trtrvsucr ti the company sll gma"agea, nid im.ideiitl exptust-s. All pcrs'itis having iiiiliquitlated aecuunt against the company, re retpiestcd lo present them, al tb.tt time, lor aettlemcnt. Kv orelcr of the President hd Direcom. ISAAC T. A F.RV, J'rtt'J:. Linrlnt Mia 27, 1S'V. 41'II t3usvir' ViUAvi Society, .1 iniVary Sttht American ll.Vt AViV.'e. FllilE O.Ticer, Director and members of Se al society, bo n.y i.ol have receiveel a ropy of tbe Coosikutiua, are reepie sled to call on 1 homa I- Cowan, Fq. Iliey aro ulso rrif. ed to use all their iiifhu nee to obtain m-n ier ami fund forthU tu-urvo'ut and import .n: ob ject, o as he sle' to lllak returns of the r procreliiig at the first annual meeting f the aoeiety, to be held in Salwburj, w lh fuvt Moutlsy in Augtist next. A ennou, will lu preached en tbe occasion, at the Cor.ri Hons -, at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, ami a eontr'iiution taken up for the bene fit of the .Hoeitiv. ' JON A. t). THE EM AN, Fl Sit &aii!ry,JMneli,13:.-

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