WlifiWTOTffillfCT 1 I ; . - 1 Ytt. ft K II I 11 ruivrni ami i'i ih inn ti, i.vmt Tn.Mixr, I!v Jll.M.IIASl U W ill I K. The suWrijitioti to tin' ' k rr.nN Caiiomvuv U Three. IMlnri per ammip, p.i;il)Ii' Iialf-ycttrly in advance. (Jj No paper will be lilsrontinm-il until all arrearage:! are paid, unle ss at the disrn tiim ol he Kdi'oMi nnil any subscriber filling to yvi; nctici; of bin wirii to discontinue at the cue', of a ; tar, will be considered as wii.liin;; to i untiiiuc the ):ipcr, wbio.h will be sent acconliti;ly. Whoever will heroine, rrsponsihle. for the rciyment of iiine papers, k!i:iM rtcrivn a tenth "tttit. AnTKnTisr.MK!T will or Inserted on the ctis tonury tenn:i. .I'ciston Remling in Adver tisements, must specify the number of time they wish them inserted, or they will be continued til ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been jiaitl for, or its payment assumed by ome person in this to n, or its vicinity. C7A1I letters to the editors must be puil-fuu'd, or they will not be attended to. CLOCK & 11. ITCH lll'.l'AIMNC. f jHK s'i'iw ri!)rr respectfully infnrm uV pub. B lir, '.!i.a be has ajra'ui taken hi:i shop in Sa t.slmrv. in'Miiia street, opjuisitc the State Hank, a here in is prepared to tAeen'e all order in the line of his business. Clocks, Witte'ies, .lew . i-iry, fi'. repa'.rtd en the shortest no'iee. II' sol .;''! the iK'ni'tajrc "f his fi ',eicl. Ins !! ens. t'M-.i- ii ; p'.',' i i ai.d ss.ir" tl .ii! d tin ir vkotl, and si !l t!i in nl! i. i ii'i .1. his hue, on t r t.-rins than i't any otln ' vi' Ii ill this p;.rt ol' the s'u'e. UK. II ll"UMI. tuU u ,Vm v Valium OUJ ANY. "VtO ! K i; is hereby piven, that th? stock of a!l i i s'.oeklml h rs, w ho may he in ar-ears lor al! , r any p:i:1 of the first, second, tliirtl, fieit fil!h,'.thr scwlitti, eighth, li'mtli, or tet't! .its'.a':i; ti's, on the l.Mi day of August nrvt, that the siiu k of such ile!iii'iien!s will, on that d iv, be kohl at vendue in the town of Satis bun. Kiirnr.uiiK handle, .svtW ., :, rs:.'. ii.-. fit "1 1 l ItKl'. County, is now open lor the recep I tioii of Scholars, under the patronage of a I Hoard of Trustees. The mode ol iiiMnnt. .ii pursue. 1 is t.'.e nsuli ol nuieii atten tion ai.d t vperieiice, and eti.i'n iitlv calculated to fit joi-i-.g i,. iilh-nieti and la ties for the active duties i t l ie, and to prepare students successful ly to pirsiie their rnllt g ate studies. I. Ciii-. s in an -v. familiar stjle, are given t!a , or i'o.ir times a week, on Language, His tore, :'nt .rie, nr MurJ, Intellectual, Natural, or P V V l itii v:t'i iu ; s r ili:-, Pliilosophv. it.on is pai l to rea l'ug, speakii'g, ni !((.'! ll).- Knglish la'ig iu' i at pf.ei. rt; . It aptu ar.nt- ti ine satisia.-iion ot ii' i J. ;..ne.-, :.iv to the mail- j the iW.,'lhat Chrisiiuii Keinhardt, the d. feli 1 ,..)r.. ,t't,- p. ;.'..; anlcury th'.og ; ant, is not an inhabitant f this state It is there r -. , .!,. i'., I. ,. ..s 'mil iii'.'u-ove- I lore 'us!- red b cour.th.it he appear at the next P.; !,'. 1'ir'. ii) S !ie ni'---' fv :-s m:i!iI a:i au-i ' a' . Vr, m-I; .... i'lt.' ea'.i , it' r- . e. si d. .if .t i !Si.?.- i per annum, an I noarn on telllis. 'I he viil igt is pica- 'ii will he ta";;'at gi-.-mmati--..mtU'l FjilK 'r.s'o.s o,' the Acadeim, ha.mg had ! tii' i ,K-ru lire ol the Kev. E' l .!. II uinis n-. ti -u'l -r ;''" cue year, have n a le a more per-li.a:-.-i.i eli.:aei ine it rt ithhim. We nul l lll-n- t;ou that let not only has our confidence, but i t'.'at of the pivv.d -ot of the college where Iu- j tad -la'.ed, the Kev. Dr. Charles Collin, as he , inv .V I l.v him to be a tea' her there. T!i Ai.idc.ii .s mi the w ty Iimiu oikM.ti: to I an.Lfor I. thirteen miles lis.in Vorkulle, in a high, health; , handsome vt nation. It is in a tb k settled lit ig. i. M.niiexl, III "'('.III o' l.i.ttie t rChereh. where the Hev. M VValk. r ir-aeii- , s. We have a pe-ollice t.petied at the- AraJ- .-n..,!y which mean distant students can I'W scrv e is'iv from tneir parrnii v - i , . 1 ..thing but the Ia.tin ami Mr. II. will ttaclt m t.rei k Laniruritres, and the !" ieni es. F"r the us-of s'l.-lc-its there aru a v t i f globes. Ml ;.-.! is, 1 1.! ii-jt'i Kncych.ped'a. with ( leg.int j 'at. s, and the (ii ntlemati's Magaine. W'e t. prct .nn to have also mi F.leclri'.il Machine. As these advantages are cim.-idcral.le, ve re-Kpei-didly solicit a share of , public p.t're.nage. The ex Wises cf th" Aca lemv are g'.itu: on ; and it ' cjlrtiLl.-d I'u re will h i no vacation in the w ar. except I'.nii' weeks, ahiiut New -Year. t.:o.l h iar.'.i'iL', fur a rins.iderAld- iiumlicr, M'tthin half a m;!e from the Acnlcmy, will be obtained :.t T't vlt anmim. I i'ition iu t,ie l.anguutrvs,S-'t. Tuition in the Sciences, g:'.'.!. P.r.aV.c aimua'.le. Jons (.m.l.nnt, 1 JD1IN II. liK.KKY, I II ND. Wr.ATIIP.IJS; y Tr?!t.Wy Joseph M'cti;i i :; JOHN ANIHV.tSON, J Yrt I);.::rU', S. C Mm l.iafll milK siibsc-.i'iei- ui i.:t received a choice I .iio-.K' uf (,U(K r.:tU'.. which he olVcrs ftirsjalc on the met reasonable terms for c.ivA. Among tl.em are : Sugar, Collec, Molav.es Hum, nice. Figs, Itaisms, Salt ; and aNo. the Usii d sup ple of Co'i"-v.'.''.m;!Vj. l.iUewi:i", pint and half pint lumblcn.. 'I MOMAS HuLMES. J,tv.e 1;V, i!!22. l'ii'i A UouA UuWtr NYanVcA. TirEU L wages will be given to one or two J ywmg mcn.'of good habits, who understand tin ir business. Those seeking employment may get a good job, by applj ii'.y to the subscriber in Mnrgm'on, N. C U' f .itilIN MT.C1UE. ASIIB COUNTY. UH'WT of Pleas and (iuarter Sessions, May J Sessions, jy'J- Kliahcth lluinphiis, Ad- r.iinistnitm, vs. John Huuiphris Original At- tarluiii-iit Ambrose l':;vks minniiniicil u liar- ni',!ire. Whereas it appears to the siitisi'a. iioii of the eyurt that the defendant is ail inhabitant of another state, it is therefore, ordered, that publication be made for three mouths in the Western Carolinian, that the defendant appear at the Court ot I'lcas ami etuarter Sessions, to be Iii-i for the county of Ashe, at the Court House in Jc(I'i.:rsoii, On the ',1 Mutuhiy after tha lth Monday in October next, then and there to answer, plead, or demur, otherwise judinc;it will he taken pro roii.'cuso. I, Tim. Calloway, certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of record, as appears from the minutes. llwl'lje TIMS. CALLOWAY, C V. C. NOltTlI-CAUOMNA, M KC K I. KM) t It O C O f STY. (tOl'HT of I'leas mid Uuurter Sessions, May J Term, l'i2'2 Tliunias (Ireer, r. Samuel W. Lin Uav. ttacluiiciit.... Levied on a tract of laud, sundry articles of merehaiulize, household furniture and ther pro;ierty, and Mr. J. ltobin suii and otliei s nuiiiiiioned as (iarnishecs. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the d fciidunt is not an iultabitaut of this slate, or lias aliscondcd, or so conceals him lelf that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is, therefore, ordered, that pr!. luati.iii be u.a.le for three nmntlis in the W cstern C'aroliniun, tliat unit ss the said defend ant apneur at tin- m-xt court of Pleas and Wuar li r sess'ons, t( lie held for the county of Me k-lLiihur-, at the 'ouri-llou'ic in Charlotte, on the f iMii'i ('ilay of Aupist next, and replevy, j i l;"i:- "t (i -ai by d' I ii It w',11 be taken against I. in., and ll. i i-, : heard ix parte. 7' .f. ISAAC AIT'A ANIM'.ll, C..V. V. ."int '1 1". Price-a lv. -t NOKTH-CAIlOLINAi MKKf.VsilfltG COt'NTV- f Ideas aud tjuarti-r Session?, May J Term, 1X22 lames ilson, vt. Samuel W. L'nids.n .Attachment... .Levied in the hands of Ah-1., porter, Kichard Huhinson, and others, anil tin y summoni.il .c (iarnishees. In this case it ap pea'riiij; 1 1 the Katisf.iction of the court, that the iU t n "hnf ii not n't il:abttitnt of ttils MatcTM" has alii' i.tid'.il, or so conceal hiill'ielf that the ordiuarj pi oct.ssol la v cannot be served .m liiin : It is tin' is fiv Oniu-7, by the court, tint publi. r.iti hi lie made fui th'-ee months in the Western Carnliliiau, that unless the said defendant appear at the iu-t fo-irt ol I ii as and viuarter es-.ioiH, to he hi-l 1 for the c unity of Meckleiibiinf, at the C inrldlouse inCliarlotte, on the 4 1 la Momliiy ..I' kii'mttl n.'-vt t.iiil l'elile'V. IIKl.rrllf lit lilllil III' .,- , u ii ...r,,., n,,..ist .;,..' .....i .1... Iicaril ft parte, 7V-.'. ISAAC AI.EX ANDF.U. f'.Jf. C. ! ; i t I Prire ndv. yr ftUi'. uV .'oYU-l!.YitYuu, MN'tOLS COl'NTY. ( tOCNTY Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions I 'lir!H l-'...).iii..tt nrii-'.ii-.l :.ttnel.ll.ent. hv. ied on m m groes and s indry articles of persigi- coiiii'v imirtM Plea iin.l tiuaiti-r csmiis to l:e lii I I t-ir I.incnlii c. unity, at ine i oun-iioiis. , i:i l.if.c. hit on, on t! thud M0ml.1v in Jul) next, j ! reph vv and plead to issue, or judgment ly ilc jlu.lt I111..I wiil be entered up against him. Or I dcR-d, h cmiti, tint piildicatiou hereof be made ' three iiioi.'Li successivelv ill the Western Caro- ui'llJr I e ,t, YAHDUVM IIKI-., f. r. St'RRY (IV MY, JV Eijuitv. i-i'inal It ll 'I hos. Cor, com p'tniiii ', n, Tl.'.i. D.ivi-, Jesse Itrigvts ami Mrili; -:i I'-'v ih I. i.daiits'. It uppeani tthe sa' i-l .i.tnm ol the ciiui l, at Muts h term, that Aiirahatu I.stes is not an inhabitant cf th.s state It is l)r:!-nl hy t'.ic court, that publication he 11. in th-: Wcs'ern Carolinian, put lishcd h -h'l'i. f-if tUts e v.etks M.at unless tne .vl ... , ,,,,., .,,;i.. In',,. I ,lc, , J,,-, ,. rirst MondaV "in Sep- temh. r next, at tlie Coirt-House in U -K-kfnrd. 1 I'l' ad, :cr.,wcr, or demnr, the said bill wdl j )(. lXm cidcsso, as to him, and hear 1 ex arte. 3wf 1 ) JAS. I'AUKS CM. :. lati iV ()vU-V:nvnnn, M LC K t.t SBL' RC COl'KTY. .u. u .sn.oii., iv.:. IITH I.I AM VEINS vt. I hoiiias M t re l Original a'tarliuient levied on J hi s 1 f laud. W here:. it appears to the fati .faction of the court, that the defendant in this ra.se lives hcviml the Emits of this s'u'e It is thcivlW , ,.,., , .w mihlica'u.n vc made for six weiks I ; j. West era Carolinian, that the defeiid.mt ! ai tiear at the court ot Pleas Mi l tluarier Ses sioiis, to be l.el.l for the county of Mcekleiuurg, 011 the 1th Monday in August next, to ann-.ir, plead or d-ir.ur, otherwise judgment pro cun K's.u w.il be cntcr d against him. I. -,t. ISAAC ALKN ANDEU, c. n. i. (ml 12. Price adv. Sjih ftViUc A in-U-V!vYo, BIRKF. COVNTT. Lt I PETtlOI? Court id' I--vw, March Tcrni, :S ?2 iJ Lcrrov r.iirnttt, v. F.hjali Fouch. Jud. att levied on land. It appearing to the court ll.at the tlefcntl nt lives out i.f this state It was then lore Or.l. ml. that publication be made for three tnnntliN in the rs'.ern Carolinian, that the said Kl.iah I'. 'i' h i..p- ar before the Judge of (ho Supi riorCom t of lvv fur the nmuij nforesaitl, ut .he m-xt court to be held at il.e Coiut lloiise in Morganton, on the 4th Mtu.da) in September next, and replevy and p'. a I to itiiie, or jmlgmrin will be entered gaiut him lor plamtill a Uctnaiiii. I w w T ea. W. W . F.KWTN, 1; I! v r. i'lifC! Pricf adv. yt. ME('Kt.V.NnUHO COUNTY. M AY Sessio"s, 182?. 'Daniel (lunger, 1'tiw . Kohert J. A. Lowrie Original attach ment levied in the hands of Dr. David It Dun lap and lUnjamai Margrave. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant, Kohert J. A. Lowrie, has removed himself out of this state : It is therefore Unified by court, that lie appear at the next court of Pitas and 'luartcr Sessions, to be held for the county ol Mecklenburg, tit the Court-Mouse in Charlotte, on the 4th .Monday in August ti.t, replevy or plead to issue, or judgment w ill be entered a gainst him. That publication thereof be made three weeks in the Wcs'ern Carolinian, Test. ISAAC ALLXANULIt, V..M.C. 3wt'lL Priee adv. 2.5 MF-CKLKNHURi; COUNTY. 1Ai iVfi'w, 1H22. riIII' Petition of (jiiv Maxwell, in right of Inn 1 wife Elizabeth, John (i'.lmey and Alexan der Ciluicy agaiiixt William (.ihney and Willi on Alexander, m right ot his wile Nancy-, praying partition of the real estate of Nicholas C'.bnry, deceased. It appearing to the satisfaction ol the court, that the defendant s, liliam (iihney and William Alexander, reside hcvond the limits ol this state It is therefore orlereo by court, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for six weeks, that unless the said William (.ill- iii-v aiul William Alexander appear at our next court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, tube held for the county of MerkLmbuig, t t.ic Court Hoiise in Charlotte, on the 4th Moiuby in Au gust next, to plead, answer, or demur to said pe- ition, otherwise the petition will be heard : pai-te, and judgment aw arded accordingly. l est. ISAAC AI-rAAMiLII, C M. I. 6wt'l2. Price adv. 2. P.'lVAN COUNTY. SI Vr.UIOIt Court of Law, April Term, K2.... Mutii Harris t -. John llarris U appearing to the court, by return of two suiipir.tas, that said John llarris in not to be found in the coun ty, and the requisition of the act in other rc-pects having been complied with, it is ordcicd by the court, that publication be made three inonihs in the Western Carolinian and Italeigh Star, for the said John Harris to appear at the next Superior Court, to he held for the county of Itmvati, to answer this petition, otherwise it will he heard ex parte. Leave is given to the petitioner to ex amine testimony without giving notice to the defendant i it appearing to the court that he has absconded and gone without the limits of the state, to part unknown. Witness Alex. Frohock, Clerk of the Howan Superior Court, at oftice. dmtU l ALFA. PKOIMCK, V. S. C. Ia-Hcis remaining in the Vo.l Office ui Vharlvlte, X. Con the UJuhj, If 22. SI SANNAII Alexander, Thomas Acock, P.. W. Alexander, Sarah Autcn, Hev. Abraham Anderson 3, Hev. James Adams, Aiuh tson H. a tv, William llrootn, Jacob Hanker, John Dullock, Wifiam Itiggar, llyrani Hell, Stephen P.. How, HamMetuii Hrevard, Hubert Ihiru.itt, Catsdine Hemliill, Joien Clark, John Ca-ten, l.kaar Cocliruii, William C Cannon, David Chambers Erastus Case k Co. John S. Cheek, Win. and .1. Cook, ('Uric of Mecklenburg Superior Court, Andrew Clark, John Daw, Lcii Dink'.i.s, John I.. Dinkins, Win. W. Davis, Sugar Dulin, Fran cis Dtinn, James Davis, Uantel l)Hig!ierty, Sam m l Dutl v. Hi v. Isaac (Ireer, John (irei r, Win. (.oforth. M m. (iadherty, Jane (.recr, Alexander (ireer, Jane Mood, Jtreniuli Ilootl, 1'i-oti.aiity Hart. Miijrlt H. H u es, Hardgrave ii Will.aii.s, John Hutchison, Isaac Holmes, On. W. Hous ton, Iicv Marvcll, Alfred Hurri, John Hall, John Harris, Simm l Houston, Maj. Jonatl an Harris Kciihrn H.lls t. Win. Irwin, Win. Johnston, C ros Johl.st'ili.Phill.lo'iiiiVoii, Dai id S. Kai r, James (. Kiio,Jam sM.N.Iihi)cn,N'ancv K i.ncth,! hos. KirknatricK, 'I i'us laincv, J. II. laii'lsai, J.hk Lev so, Man l. 1 so, S'.eplu 11 Morse, John Morse, Dauiel M'('o!!i v, Ileiiianun Morrow, llnliert Maxwell, Sarah M Count rorc, x in. M 1 1111,11, I hoinas M Cinu.-s Lli.'al.t t l M I.liov, I.vuc Me- Culloek, David MTtcmald, Y.'t k el Net ly Wm. NesiiihCak ') M.NoroMi, UniianlDwcns Aaron Pern . Win. Parks Charle Polk, W in chrrr Pe'irmati, Hobcrt T. Plonkrtt, Jonas Hudisid, Win. Heedonl, Pinii. iua ltoilg: rs. IColt- crt an I Mark Hay, Peter Hape, John K 1 lios II. Smartt 2, Jesse Shellv, W m. htiU'M KoH erl W. Smith. Manraret Simons Henry Stur con. Hansom and Heithcn Sh'res Mr". S.inh Tlioiiipson, Ameaa 1 anion, .10.111 1 nmuao. j. .-ph 'I hompson, S.u ah arm r, Susannah Ward 2. William W. Walktr, Samuel Wil-on, John Went. Jamrs Wilkcrry, Win. Vaiktr, John Wright, Malm.1.1 Wallace, Henry W. W.llwms, WiHinHi N ib:ui o. .i. fit wm. smii ii, r. .tr. Ist'cn rn.mii'iusr in 1'if Ihst-OJf'rt ut (ontuft. X.C.Ju'ifthelii. Ib2.. M.V f T .' It l.,rt f ..i -. 1 Ani' art, James Allison, Mat. Ailison, Car. t.'.inr- Alexander, Jacob p.ushart, Jacob Dort, David Hnttlshaw. David (i. P.rtn.lon, f.siiinro lllack, Captain Itognr, I hoinas Durnot, William t'.nte, Lucrctia C. Hills Kcv. t.eorge i.ogar, Marv Cenun. John Corothcrs Jacoh I ruse, W m T. t'awlcs W'm. Carrigm, John (iirrcll, (ieorge (Tine, Joseph C'roflonI, Henry Doland, John Purr, sen. John Fncr, Paul Furr, Dati i 1 ink, Philip Fink, John Ford, lsam Finch, Ahraham Fon, Jnlin,(itM'uiian, Francis (..lass, JohnC tr men, Jtiah lirarly, David S. (iray, Aari.ih (iravt s (ieorge l.amion, Dcmpsy itoincu". .10 scpdi Mi.it i'oti, Andrew Harris Dr. S'nhty M tr ns Daniel .s. Hall, lltompson iiuiu, How el. I l.omas Jerome, John Jarret, Stepht Klutts. AlexMidt r Kinmiing, Samuel Killaugh F.f..a II. l ock", Cvorge Lipe, Hubert Lee, Dr Aa M Kmlv, John Morns nomas xtotiy, .ui l.nfl M'Matkin. KichaM MTIce, Hue'i S. M t.'..l.'.s, l liuii U Mason, N"aC. M'Cli ball. John Net-K. David Nice! ar, Isaac Nu-ular, Win. Nieois lane Pr.mkrn, F.liralictli Plder, David Kecsi John 1(.,hiiisuii, hatter, Ihbtcca SacfnH, Sam n. lsliiiiii. Alexaiuh r Snilt.Sen. Jiarean t feic!, I ew is Tucker , Ira West 2, Joseph WiMi r. loL.t,! Walker. MiJia.-l Wnneoll. John Wil li:i- , !:'. r W ill.ams. i) STor.KC, .1.1'. M. AfJKIClJIriJUAL. A .... 1'.. Mail! first of Arts, source of domestic can ; Pride of the Lnd, and pal roll of the sear.. ruun thk mcii mic'r, (.itiTt, ixsncrs tjut des'iimy siif.ep. MfcfSKS. PRINTERS : i'lre debtruo lion of shetp, as published in your last paper, extracted from the North ampton Gazette, arises from an insect about as large as a honey-bee There is u t;enus of insects called by n.ittiralists ttstniH or j;iJ fly. In this and most other countries they are very injurious to neat cattle,, hoi ses, sl eep, deer, and sofne, other animals. I here are accordingly several sprcif.s of uY'S kind of inserts, each of which has its peculiar habits and manners, according to the animals which it at tacks. There is one which pierces the hides of otir neat cattle, m deposit its eggs, which luithin0 into larvi or maggots, feed upon the living aninul and produce ulcers, sickness and death, rt... . ..., : .t ik. il.wlj 1 'f, iiiiwtiiti rpiiit.t deposits its em's cn the hair o the torse, which are licked 01T by the an imal and swallowed with its food. The eggs hatch in the stomach, and are sonu times so numerous in the form of l.irva or worni3, that they destroy the coats of the stomach ami intestines, iroduce inflammation, and kill the an- im ti. 1 ncse are tne insects wnicn roduce the botti in hones. A third ppecics astrus cvii the grid V which annoys sheep, deposits its eggs in the nostrils of that animal, pro duces disease there, ami frequently de stroys them. I he blind staggers in bheep is occasioned by this insect. The eggs are hatched intfi Lirva (grubs, or worms, or niaggdtv) which by their irritation excite inflammation and a running from the nose. When they ire numerous the inflammation ex tends up the membranes of the nose mt'j the frontal smus of the brain, pro ducing that vertigo or giddiness which causes the staggers, and occasions the death of the animal. The worms, when hatched from the eggs of the fly, craw l up the nose ; and in those sheep which have horns, there is a natural communication from the nostrils of the sheep into the cavity of the horns, and hence the rrubs or maggots are found there, as the writer hereof has demonstrated bv dissection. In the season of the year when the hecp are attacked by this sprri?s of ;.td-!lv, their instinct naturally leads them to avoid their enemies. Accor dinplv Avhen these insects are heard )tizing about them, sheep frequently start and run, from no apparent cause, ut actually to shun them. At such times a ily (.1 t..is kind will drive them from one place to another, and they are observed to hold their noses to the grouud to shut up the avenues of approach to their enemy. With these facts before us, we have only to watch the enemy, at the season of his arrival, give him no entrance, but keep him at bay for a lew weeks, till this short race is run. We know of no better remedy than that of cov ering the nostrils of the sheep with a list ot gauzy substance, through which the animal can breathe, and keeping it ia its place by some adhesive sub stance. This is the only method that has suggested itself upon considering the nature 01 tne case, ana us atten dant circumstances ; and if it can pos sibly be done, it is recommended 'to practical men, as the only plausible rcmcdv. A NIGHT IN NFW YORK. moMjrtis mw-ioHK advi:ti(.k. Mghtty promennJes. In London it is well known that a considerable por- tion of the inhabitants, particularly th c most depraved, sleep all day, and walk all night ; hence in no period of the twenty-four hours are the streets deserted. We, in New-York, arc a sober set, par ticularly in the winter. The streets, of a frosty right, are actually desolate ; ,nd even the watchmen, those vigilant sriitinels of the ! k, house themselves comlortably, and take their nap beneath some porch or p. nihoiiiie, well shelter ed from the H.'.rtn. In the S'.i.nnur, however, things wear a dilT.-rcjit n-,!:.iri.te, and theic are many who sleep through the heat of the d-iy, p.nd walk through the tool of the nigh'. The weary traveller, or the industiious ( iti;;"n, Meals "but a hasty dose in these noi v times, and ets jnys bis balmy sleep by snatches. About 2 o'clock on Saturday morn ing, the neighbours in the vicinity of Washington Hall, were aroused fror.i their slumbers by a clamour in the street, of no inconsiderable violence. A lady had detected the infidelity of her husband, which, like a kind consid erate wife, she was endeavoring f conceal, ly having him taken to the watch houses. The noise made by these conntibijl ri'Hers awoke all the bachelors in the neighborhood, who shaking the jfcp pies from their brows, opl their white night caps and head Irom their w indows to take a lesson in the line of conjugal aiTection. " 0 you ihaef you varlc! you infidel," said the lady, with the utmost mildness, and having a smack of the brogue," have I cotchYi ye.' how dare you go after another man s wife, you Villain '. ' fjw nu clear, said the husband, "consider where we are." " Don talk tomr,yu wretch ; you consider every thing but your poor wife ; but I 6upe cu d yr, faith and sure, I dogged je, and I cotch'd ye, you villain as you are, wit'i another woman." u Now cu ar ; wrong, my love," said the poor devil- "you are wrong ; I was bitting t.p wit'i oead man. "A dead mon: oc.i what a lie," said the lady "'twas a living woman, I say here watch, watch oif w ith him ; I llappraragainst him to-morrow." Our watchmen arrl in general, very civil creatures, having at best, a little energy, but a great deal of curiosity. They are fond of hear ing particulars, and trying cases iu the streets. In this instance, after hearing pa tiently the volubility of the lady, and her vehement if not affectionate solici tations to carry her husband to the watch house, the trusty guardians of the public peace, not feeling at liberty to discharge the man, nor fully compe tent to decide whethtr the public pe:co had been disturbed, concluded that it was best to carry them both off. Order being restored, and folks re turned to their comfortable mattresses, a dull half hour craw I'd on interrupted! only by some early carriages comir.g' in or going out ot town, or tiic cl.ittir of feet tripping it over the pavement. Presently, an amateur of music, thinly clad, came sauntering along, and fixing; himself under the window of a house occupied by a very handsome Ldy, took the disjointed pircts of a clarinet from his pocket, which he bcrewed to gether, and, as Hamlet sys, "he gave it breath with his mouth," and it dis coursed, not the most eloquent music ; on the contrary, it produced a s re..m as harsh, discordant and violent as a peacock, or the nightly brayir.g cf a Spanish jackass. II this vras not dis turbing the peace, and offending good taste, as such, deserving municipal cor rection, I know not what is ad offence at common law. Those who are ac customed to have their slumbers gent lv 'disturbed bv music stealing o'er the senses wafted with skill and harmony o'er the nightly breeze, can well im agine he effect produced by a squeak ing, squalling, scrramincj instrument, piercing the night s dull ear. Oe- casionallv, we have some mad poet swinging himself along by the light of the moon, and bellowing lrtli passa ges from Shaksjuare or Hymn. Somr limes a song or ballad is mir.crd ionh in a dolorous style; and, as mcrn blushes from the eat, the heavy butch er's cart, the light wagon of the milks man, the musical nute of the sweep, and the hum of business, which at ear ly dav commences, finishes the languid night, and leaves us unrt freshed, tin vigorateel. Such arc the charms of a t it y life ; such is a night, a summer night, in New-York. Let not ur southern friends complain j there is vci deception in it. V Jib. f t II 1 1 h V 1 1 H p rt M - i t : t r 1 t W

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